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DragonMaster card game

Vectrex Dark Tower game

Triumph: Origins of Dark Tower



Arioch's Well of Souls

Milton Bradley Games

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A fantasy game of mythical cards and magical crystals

Dragonmaster is a card game produced by Milton Bradley in 1981. It featured excellent fantasy artwork by Bob Pepper, the same artist who did the artwork for Dark Tower. Essentially, is it a game of Hearts, with four suits of eight cards each, and a Dragon card that plays the same role as the Queen of Spades in Hearts. The artwork for the cards is displayed here as an addendum to the Dark Tower page.

By popular demand, I have posted the Rules to Dragonmaster.

Note: Restoration Games has released an updated version of this game, titled Indulgence. It has a Italian Renaissance theme rather than a fantasy theme, but features artwork in a similar style.

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