Dark Tower

The Challenge






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DragonMaster card game

Vectrex Dark Tower game

Triumph: Origins of Dark Tower



Arioch's Well of Souls

Milton Bradley Games


The Dragonlords were the accepted rulers of Aedenne. Years ago they had allied themselves with The Sky Lizard, a powerful, sentient dragon who some sages say is immortal. The dragon was the guardian of The Great Staff of Power, a magical, crystal-encrusted rod that imbued its owners with wisdom and strength. Together with the power of the staff and the counsel of The Sky Lizard, the Dragonlords assumed the rule of Aedenne and brought peace and prosperity to every village and hamlet.

Basil, King of DragonLords Camille, Queen of DragonLords Auralia, Princess of DragonLords Xeno, Wizard of DragonLords
Edwin, Duke of DragonLords Roland, Count of DragonLords Ambrose, Baron of DragonLords Piffle, Fool of DragonLords

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