Page 111 discussion

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Arioch »

I think there's some middle ground between "getting a little fresh" and "death by snu-snu."

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by sunphoenix »

I also think there is some ground for 'lee-way' here on the subject of physical attraction.

I think our own human reactions are just as telling~ Most of us are not put off by the Loroi blue skin and pointed ears.. there is NO reason to assume they would be disinterested in a attractive member of our species just because we have a different tone of skin and rounded ears.

That being said it would be more likely for a 'physical attraction' if our respective bio-chemistries were more similar. As we are NOT genetically compatible.. 'no-half human/loroi' offspring possible, there are some fundamental bio-chemical differences between our two species, which might manifest in that we smell odd to them or our skin tastes different to then and vice-versa. Clearly from the Outsider human body temperature runs quite a bit higher than standard Loroi so we would find them surprisingly cool to the touch while they would find us to be strangely warm in physical contact. We would find their food was strangely flavored and less palatable to us ...same as they would find ours also equally hard to get use to.

But~ all those basic bio-chemical differences withstanding.. Loroi are oxygen breathers, who give birth to live young and nurse them, and live at air pressure and temperature comparable to human norm~ if a little on the cool side, just as they would find 'comfortable' human temperatures almost tropical; with the Loroi fitting so closely into those basic parameters.. there is only so much difference that can be accounted for!

Loroi are Human-like and thus likely if we find them attractive.. they also likely find humans attractive as well. We are just too similar for them not to!!
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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by cacambo43 »

Arioch wrote:I think there's some middle ground between "getting a little fresh" and "death by snu-snu."
Heh heh. Fair enough! Hmm... that comment has me wondering, then, what you might be up to in that regard (checks Patreon levels again)... sigh.


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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by dragoongfa »

All I want to know is how Fireblade or even Stillstorm would react if someone tells them that when a human female acts aggressively towards a human male that is a sign of repressed sexual interest.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Tamri »

dragoongfa wrote:All I want to know is how Fireblade or even Stillstorm would react if someone tells them that when a human female acts aggressively towards a human male that is a sign of repressed sexual interest.
I don't know, probably, have to safety sent some android :D

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by icekatze »

hi hi

Or it could be a sign that they just don't like that person. Just putting that out there.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by dragoongfa »

icekatze wrote:hi hi

Or it could be a sign that they just don't like that person. Just putting that out there.
Torn between pointing out the tsundere trope or just adding a simple "duh".

Then again humor doesn't pass well in the forum medium so I should have expected this.

Should go back in getting the manuscript transferred to word, I am a week late as it is.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by CrimsonFALKE »

What does Nazar translate into in lori?

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Arioch »

CrimsonFALKE wrote:What does Nazar translate into in lori?
Like I said, it's not in the lexicon. I suspect what I was thinking at the time that it means "starboard", but I didn't bother to write it down and that definition doesn't necessarily make sense in the current lexicon. I made a note of it, and I'll eventually figure something out, but I'm not worried about it at the moment.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Keybounce »

cacambo43 wrote:
rypperdoc wrote:Am I the only one that would like to see the pilot, or the navigator, get a little fresh with Alex? There is the whole issue of mails being rare among the Lori, and the lonely soldier/sailor that's been away from home...
If you read the Insider information on Loroi society and parse what Beryl tells Alex, you'd see that Loroi females wouldn't see Alex in exactly that way. They aren't blue, pointy-eared humans (no matter how much some of the posters here drool ;) ).

By parsing Beryl's comments, I mean, she is very forward and clinical about it. There isn't any indication of "Death by Snu-snu!" a la Futurama, here.
Ok, I am new here, and I don't know where to find the Insider Information. (Link please?)

With that said: The physical similarities between human and loroi is just too high. The likelyhood of that close physical match without a really similar DNA sequence is just too improbable.

We've seen aliens here that are very much alien.

Enough difference to not be compatible? Sure. But "Not even genetically related"? I don't buy it -- "it seems that the biology is similar".

Oh yea -- the use of "seems" for both "definitely is" and "probably is" is seems a confusing linguistic construct.
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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Hālian »

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Keybounce »

... there's a lot of stuff there ...
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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by raistlin34 »

rypperdoc wrote:Am I the only one that would like to see the pilot, or the navigator, get a little fresh with Alex? There is the whole issue of mails being rare among the Lori, and the lonely soldier/sailor that's been away from home...
Or maybe Alex's non Loroi features (specially lack of telepathy) actually induce an Uncanny Valley effect on the Loroi.
I think the author wants to avoid the "Space Amazon wants Earth men" clique.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Roeben »

I definately think that Loroi are more attractive to humans then humans are to Loroi.

It'd only make sense, we "miss" something extremely important for social development purposes, from their perspective. From our perspective, they are just aloof, telepathic space amazon elves.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by sunphoenix »

Roeben wrote:I definately think that Loroi are more attractive to humans then humans are to Loroi.

It'd only make sense, we "miss" something extremely important for social development purposes, from their perspective. From our perspective, they are just aloof, telepathic space amazon elves.
At least until they find out Why an alien species that looks so similar to them is totally Anti-Telepathic.
That CANNOT be coincidental.. not in the grand-scheme of cosmic probability!
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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Absalom »

Keybounce wrote:With that said: The physical similarities between human and loroi is just too high. The likelyhood of that close physical match without a really similar DNA sequence is just too improbable.

We've seen aliens here that are very much alien.

Enough difference to not be compatible? Sure. But "Not even genetically related"? I don't buy it -- "it seems that the biology is similar".
The general suspicion is that the Loroi were genetically engineered: several other organisms that share their biochemistry are openly accepted to have been engineered.

Humans and Loroi do not, incidentally, share the same biochemical setup: Loroi are blue because their blood uses haemocyanin (or something similar) instead of haemoglobin. Cellular structures are presumably physically similar, but at the very least the "extended genome" would be different, and they might use a DNA equivalent instead of actual DNA.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by JQBogus »

Roeben wrote:I definately think that Loroi are more attractive to humans then humans are to Loroi.

It'd only make sense, we "miss" something extremely important for social development purposes, from their perspective. From our perspective, they are just aloof, telepathic space amazon elves.

Even on the purely physical side, Loroi and Human women are pretty much exactly the same size/shape, so no problems there for Human or Loroi men.

Human and Loroi men, on the other hand, are considerably different from each other in height, muscle mass, and possibly hairiness. This greater degree of difference from what they are used to would probably throw off women of both species. To Human women, Loroi men are built like tween boys, and to Loroi women, human men are brutish hulks.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Mackus »

There is always Supernormal stimulus. If applicable of course.

What exactly makes Loroi females attracted to their males?
In human females being attracted to men its very broadly confidence/physique/popularity (Yes, I summarised entire human sexuality in three words. Bear with me).
And in Loroi? Even if their males are generally shorter, it would still make sense for them to be attracted to tall males (just like human males are generally attracted to tall females), since tallness is sign of health. Same with muscles. Well toened body will make woman more rather than less attractive (depending on guy), as its symptom of health.
Okay, so Alex being tall would not probably put most Loroi off (in itself), neither having more muscles than prepubescent boy, since he's generic healthy rather than professional body-builder.

Colour of skin. Green skinned space babes, pink skinned space men... whatever. I think audience of this comic would not find the idea of being attracted despite/because of weird pigmentation preposterous, so I'll leave it at that.

Lack of telepathy. That might be a downer. Like dating blind/deaf/mute person. Perfectly normal for satisfying relationship, but a sign of "possibly something wrong with their genes", so it could be an immediate put-off.

Gender rarity. Loroi males are relatively rare, and opportunity for access to one is something to not waste. Emergency tends to lower ones standards.

So, yeah. If there was no pressing need in whomever created Loroi from basic hominids to fundamentally change what they find sexually attractive, it would make sense for some human males to be attractive to some Loroi females at some times.

edit: I occurred to me now that I should post it in question-thread. I swear, in my mind, I visualised this post as one sentence commentary.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Arioch »

An important factor to consider is that human females tend to be choosy, because of the high cost of pregnancy and the fact that there are usually a lot of males trying to get in their pants. Human males have their own standards, but tend to be less fastidious about casual partners, as sex has little or no cost for them. Human female orgasms (which aid in fertilization odds) tend to be harder to achieve than human male orgasms, so that the female is more likely to be impregnated by the male she really likes (instead of whoever happens to stick his apparatus in there).

For Loroi females, the cost of pregnancy is still high, but opportunities are few and far between. Loroi females are usually not allowed to choose their partners, and so will more or less have to mate with the make in front of her whether she likes him or not. So while Loroi do value beauty, and tastes will vary (and fortunately most Loroi are reasonably attractive), it's not advantageous for Loroi females to be overly picky as to the looks of her mates.

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Re: Page 111 discussion

Post by Karst45 »

JQBogus wrote:To Human women, Loroi men are built like tween boys.
you would be surprised how much Human women wouldnt care about that point. Just think about twilight. something that supposed to be strong but is actually sucking more D*** than blood... and yet.... how the hell did that even get popular....

Am not saying it would fit the ideal of every women on earth, but if we are to say around 30-40% Human women would find Loroi male appearance pleasing, i dont thing that would be an exaggerated estimate

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