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Re: Page 91

Post by Razor One »

I don't see the deal with the touching. It's not skin on skin contact, they're grabbing him by his arms which are covered by thick layers of fabric.

Skin on Skin I can see being a big deal, but skin on fabric... not really.
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Re: Page 91

Post by Karst45 »

fredgiblet wrote:Also am I the only one who thinks Fireblade's hair is much less impressive from the side?
No, i also tough: didn't she had more hair in those previous panel?
Razor One wrote:Skin on Skin I can see being a big deal, but skin on fabric... not really.
The telepathic contact, iirc, still work even though clothing. It just less "intense"

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Re: Page 91

Post by Ktrain »

I've always wondered how sanzai would effect the Three Stooges slap routine...

From my understanding of cannon, physical contact between Loroi only occurs between close/intimate friends. Silly Query: How common is interpersonal slapping/forceful physical communication among close and younger/less mature Loroi? i.e.: "I'm gonna punch you for being stupid."

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Re: Page 91

Post by Razor One »

Some forms of intimate contact can be considered offensive.

Case in point: Kicking someone in the nuts.

I could name some other forms of intimate contact that people do to piss each other off but that would cross certain lines. Use your imagination and I think you'll get there :P

For the Loroi, I'd imagine that a slap to the face would have a lot more sting to it. Imagine the classic gauntlet slap, a punch to the face, a kick to the teeth, kneeing of the nuts AND a very cutting "Your mum" joke that everyone goes "ooooh" to with a pained expression. You'd be getting the physical blow alongside the mental slap that accompanies it, topped with a sudden connection / disconnection of the more intimate touch telepathy.

They'd probably wonder why the stooges don't try to kill each other after succumbing to absolute homicidal rage after the first slap. The fact that they then keep slapping each other though might be unbelievably hilarious to them.

@ Karst

I thought clothing blocked the connection. Guess I'll have to go back and scour Insider since it's obvious my memory is atrophying.
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Re: Page 91

Post by JeroOfBaconGrease »

Hmm, the impression I got from Fireblade's expression was that of concern. The Loroi may not be much for vocal communication, but they seem to be masters of physical expression. As far as I can tell from the blocking of the final panel, I'm guessing that Fireblade was looking directly at Alex in her close up. So, best guess, she's imploring him to get moving, for his own good, and perhaps saddened by the apparent loss he's feeling.

I'm really glad to see we're now moving to the next chapter. I was starting to get this sense of a watched pot never boiling. I'm glad Arioch's got his own forum now.
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Re: Page 91

Post by fredgiblet »

Razor One wrote:@ Karst

I thought clothing blocked the connection. Guess I'll have to go back and scour Insider since it's obvious my memory is atrophying.
Arioch wrote:Touching is not strictly necessary for telepathic connection -- the physical contact enhances the connection. It's not a binary on/off thing... standing close to someone may improve the connection to a degree, touching the person's shoulder through clothing improves it more so... touching the bare skin of the hand even more so, increasing with the amount and intimacy of contact.
From the previous forum.

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Re: Page 91

Post by NOMAD »

to modify a quote from Arioch journal

The first chapter is over: LONG LIVE CHAPTER 2 :D

man, not the way I expected the first chapter to end, very abrupt, but I like the mini cliffhanger ( N! Arioch)

as for Frieblade., I get the message, "please listen to her ( beryl), you don't understand everything/the situation your in"

I think, in some strange way, Alex little oed to mickey might have made a connection to Fireblade: and I know fireblade doesn't speak (as per Teidar tradition) but I think she understand the sorrowful tone of Alex song ( note she did lower her eye when the bell was torpedoed) and made a connection (just because she doesn't verbally speak, doesn't mean she can understand it ).
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Re: Page 91

Post by Count Casimir »

Regarding Fireblade:

As I recall, in her backstory it was noted that she had pretty much uncontrollable psychic "sharing" with anyone she touched or came really close to. Something about how she used to wake up half the crew by transmitting her nightmares to them.

This is probably one of the first beings she's touched who hasn't freaked out. Well, not because of psychic trauma anyway.

Either that or she's looking forward to spacing him.
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Re: Page 91

Post by Fotiadis_110 »

well based on the bits i've read out of the quotation pages, Fireblade is well known among the crew as being a survivor in starship-starship combat, that is she has done it TWICE (firegiblet quotations 2), so it seems more than likely that she understands Alex is probably feeling the pain of losing all of his companions.

On the other hand it seems obvious that now that the captain has given the diplomat the 'privilege' of watching that ship destroyed, something she felt upset about in the first place, i strongly suspect beryl and Fireblade have been watching what Alex has been observing, and given his interest in the tactical display, the fact he knows what to look for and how to watch what is going on, his apt summary of the engagement that just occurred noting the disproportionate losses... He's already seen more than the historian has been allowed to watch, he obviously KNOWS more than some random civilian about military actions and combat, and he's now seen how the Loroi act in combat, and also negotiations with their opponents.

The fact he SPOKE during a sound/video transmission has potentially gifted their opponents information about the discovery they have made, and the fact he chose to speak something of his native tongue is guaranteed to warrant investigation by the Umiak, although this is assuming there was noise leakage through the coms, but we don't know anything about them to say otherwise.

If he had simply spoken trade, it would have gone more or less unnoticed... and lets not forget the Loroi captain considers words 'tools of deceit', and worse he spoke in a language none understand.

Between all of these points, is it understandable the captain is more than just miffed, she's likely to consider him a major threat, who knows enough about combat to analyse, observe and learn, and he's the first alien i believe she has ever been required to remain on the bridge during combat.

Fireblade appreciates Alex may have needs to mourn, as does Beryl, but they have been given the order 'GET HIM OFF MY BRIDGE' with perhaps a little threat to support her demand - perhaps spacing the pair of them - and thus they must get him off the bridge in one piece, and given he is a diplomat, it's not like Fireblade can use something that might be perceived as an attack on his person (throw him out the door with her mind), so grabbing his arm makes it clear he has to move, or else she'll drag him out with her own hands, even though in her mind she is potentially remembering the ships lost in her past, giving that twinge of sadness in her look, as opposed to the look she has had of the past of 'you better do what needs to be done or i'll squash you' (smug superiority).

Also note how she glances over her shoulder as she leaves, either she is thinking to the captain 'you should know enough to let him grieve for a few moments' or she might be receiving orders of 'And keep him off the bridge, I don't want him anywhere NEAR any key facilities again GOT IT?'

And her look at that moment fits either scenario.
I suspect with a couple more strips we will know, by simply studying her face we will know if her look is captain related or the fact she is mellowing out a little bit due to shared experience regarding dead spaceship... watch Fireblades face, if it goes back to 'old grouch' or 'smug' it was the captains fault she looked more concerned than normal (probably) if it 'opens up' some, we can expect she now feels a slight bond to Alex through lost comrades, either would be good characterisation.

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Re: Page 91

Post by Nemo »

Fotiadis_110 wrote:well based on the bits i've read out of the quotation pages, Fireblade is well known among the crew as being a survivor in starship-starship combat, that is she has done it TWICE (firegiblet quotations 2), so it seems more than likely that she understands Alex is probably feeling the pain of losing all of his companions.
As I recall, it was Stillstorm who had a pair shot out from under her and everyone else on the ship died or some such, and Fireblade was trapped behind enemy lines forced into guerilla war and too damned good at it for her own good.

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Re: Page 91

Post by JeroOfBaconGrease »

I'm personally hoping for a friendlier Fireblade. Is it just me or is anyone else reminded of Washu from the Tenchi anime & manga series with FB's hairstyle?

Heh, looking at the panels and reading peoples comments, I'd think that the Captain would have been making a fangy scary face. Judging by her expression in page 91, I think she's satisfied with Beryl & Fireblade rushing Alex out. I'm guessing blue hair is the chief of security.

I'm betting 5:1 odds that Alex's quarters WON'T have a window/live viewscreen. Though I'm betting he will have a view or maybe just a video mural.
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Re: Page 91

Post by DyingMan_13 »

Odds are Alex's quarters might just be back in the brig.

When I first saw the frame of Beryl and Fireblade taking Alex off the bridge by the arms, I figured he'd made a major screw up, misunderstood Beryl and spoken too soon.

Umaik: What was that?!

The Umaik probably have the same sort of set up for recording sensor data in combat. So they know what humans sound like.

Hope somebody cut the audio feed.

And even if Jarden makes it out of this alive, if he ever gets back to earth he's gonna be the Eternal Ensign as soon as the brass find out about his favorite song. Full Metal Jacket reference or not.

If there's a after life in the Outsider Universe you know Capt. Hamilton is comping at the pit to haunt the hell out of Alex.

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Re: Page 91

Post by fredgiblet »

Nemo wrote:
Fotiadis_110 wrote:well based on the bits i've read out of the quotation pages, Fireblade is well known among the crew as being a survivor in starship-starship combat, that is she has done it TWICE (firegiblet quotations 2), so it seems more than likely that she understands Alex is probably feeling the pain of losing all of his companions.
As I recall, it was Stillstorm who had a pair shot out from under her and everyone else on the ship died or some such, and Fireblade was trapped behind enemy lines forced into guerilla war and too damned good at it for her own good.
Both are FB though the DETAILS of her time on Seren are not available.

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Re: Page 91

Post by NOMAD »

all this talk of Firebaldes history is getting me excited ( to learn what its is)

but its interesting how the experience of Alex and firebalde are ( granted,FB is the combat vet between the two).

are for their relationship ( or friendship) very interesting possibilities talked so far. Never saw the Alex being FFB only friend and now they have common history to build a relationship with.

as for spacing Alex, anyone would have to get through FB first.
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Re: Page 91

Post by man_of_foul_tofu »

The whole notion of gaining one's trust from a warlike distrustful ship of powerful capable and mysterious women has yet to really enter Alex's mind, but he has reacted well, speaking his native language, but speaking a childish song, with emotion. It's a bit bizzare, but its safety seems sound to me. Mind you, I am sure that there will be a bit of language work to match up his curse of vengeance with his song of Mickey Mouse.

What interests me is that Loroi's culture is of speaking truth mind to mind, voice to ears is a way of deception, so Alex is a bunch of contradictions. This confuses me a bit - if the Loroi were used to mind to mind truth, then discovered voice to ears deception, then all communication that is other than mind to mind must be viewed with distrust. Such a manner would have lost the need for bodylanguage and reading one's face - so those communication means might be very remote, or absent from the Loroi.

I would guess that whatever shields Alex from having his mind read allows something to be experienced, it's not an impermiable resolute shield of the mind, that something of the emotions are there, and might also be coloured by the other ways emotions are communicated - through pheremones, through body language, from voice tone, from voice content and from facial expressions. That way Firebird is not perpetually distrustful of Alex, but can have something other than perpetual distrust in place.

ah - another page. Glorious.

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Re: Page 91

Post by Arioch »

(Kikitik-27 didn't hear anything Alex said on page 90.)

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Re: Page 91

Post by JeroOfBaconGrease »

man_of_foul_tofu wrote:What interests me is that Loroi's culture is of speaking truth mind to mind, voice to ears is a way of deception, so Alex is a bunch of contradictions. This confuses me a bit - if the Loroi were used to mind to mind truth, then discovered voice to ears deception, then all communication that is other than mind to mind must be viewed with distrust. Such a manner would have lost the need for bodylanguage and reading one's face - so those communication means might be very remote, or absent from the Loroi.
Perhaps the telepathy lacks an emotional element and facial expression & body language is used in much the same way we use inflection, emphasis on particular words and other small verbal cues to indicate our emotions & deeper meaning behind what we wish to convey beyond what we've simply stated.

Not to say that what the messages themselves might be wouldn't have emotional descriptive, for lack of a better term, words in them.
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Re: Page 91

Post by fredgiblet »

NOMAD wrote:all this talk of Firebaldes history is getting me excited ( to learn what its is)
It hasn't been explicitly stated but the evidence points strongly to her being on Seren during the occupation. Also she's lost two ships and is childless.


Could we get an explicit statement regarding Fireblade being on Seren or not?

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Re: Page 91

Post by dfacto »

Could we get an explicit statement regarding Fireblade being totally tsundere for Alex or not?

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Re: Page 91

Post by Razor One »

dfacto wrote:Could we get an explicit statement regarding Fireblade being totally tsundere for Alex or not?
I think we can safely state that Fireblade is 100% Tsun and 0% Dere for Alex currently :P
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