Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Siber »

Vordarian wrote:...because no Loroi here since the semi-legendary past has made any hyperjump. ... The Loroi as well as the newborns shouldn't display any symptoms anyway.
Unless there's a definitive statement from Razor I'm forgetting, I think this is an incorrect assumption. The inference I've gotten so far is that we're in the/a realm that you pass through during a regular hyperjump, and we're stuck there. We don't have constant jump sickness because we had a bad jump and it's lingering, we have jump sickness because we're still jumping, after a fashion. The kids may provide us more data on if that assumption is incorrect, but I don't remember getting any so far.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Absalom »

Siber wrote:The inference I've gotten so far is that we're in the/a realm that you pass through during a regular hyperjump, and we're stuck there.
Sort of. The area in question is related to jumping, but it is NOT normally traveled through during a jump: jumps go "up", and this is "down", which is presumably why there's been no rumors of a race getting out.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Krulle »

Well, getting back "up" should be simpler than going further "down", as our engines are made for the "up" jump.
The questions is how high do we need to jump to get back? The jumping height would need to be nearly exact the necessary "level difference", as otherwise we'd "punch through" again on our way down.

Can we build small jump-capable missiles and have them do test jumps?
But how would we get information of successful or unsuccessful jumps back?
Some unsuccessful jumps we might "see" (in form of scattered elements on our "plane"), but most we will never know about.
So forget I asked this.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Vordarian »

Sort of. The area in question is related to jumping, but it is NOT normally traveled through during a jump: jumps go "up", and this is "down", which is presumably why there's been no rumors of a race getting out.
The engineer had a theory that you 'broke through' normal spacetime on reentry into some sort of negative hyperspace. Due to the mechanical failure, you probably either reentered with too steep a gradient or in the wrong place, too far from a gravity well, and instead of punching through the hyper barrier into normal space, you punched through that, too, into, well, wherever you are now. However, this is just a theory, there hasn't been any research into it yet.
Well, getting back "up" should be simpler than going further "down", as our engines are made for the "up" jump.
The questions is how high do we need to jump to get back? The jumping height would need to be nearly exact the necessary "level difference", as otherwise we'd "punch through" again on our way down.
The problem is that your normal hyperspace tech is utterly useless here. You can only jump from one gravity well to another. A blind jump is deadly (or, at least, you will be stranded in some other plane). This plane however seems to preclude the formation of deep enough gravity wells. Apart from the problem that it's still uncertain what really happened during the jump, the hyperspace generators would have to be at least heavily modified, if not practically reinvented. Furthermore, the field generators, engines, power suppy and inertial dampeners can't be miniaturized enough for small missiles or probes, the smallest hyper-capable vessels are around 100m long, which would be a considerable investment.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Absalom »

Krulle wrote:Well, getting back "up" should be simpler than going further "down", as our engines are made for the "up" jump.
The questions is how high do we need to jump to get back? The jumping height would need to be nearly exact the necessary "level difference", as otherwise we'd "punch through" again on our way down.
Outsider jump engines don't actually "jump up", instead they "jump unstuck". Instead of changing your trajectory, they change future changes to your trajectory: to jump successfully, you need to be on a jump-ballistic course, "jump" to unstick yourself so that space-time doesn't force you to stick to normal space, and intersect another jump-well sufficiently close that the "sticky space-time" effect is strong enough to grab you once again.

I'm not saying your plan is completely impossible, but first the crew would need to find a "ski ramp", AND the "ski ramp" would need to support a trajectory that would throw them back into a safe-ish gravity-well at a tangential-enough angle to actually stick: if there are such "ski ramps", then goodness only knows where they are.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Razor One »

Survey Results:

[X] Whalers of the Sky 2
[X] Working Relations
[X] Science Annex
[X] Docks
[X] Keeping An Ear Out 2
[X] Loroi Biochemistry
[X] Spending Time with Spear

Rolls and results soon.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 12/9/16 - Survey Up]

Post by Razor One »

Turn 13 Results


[X] Whalers of the Sky 2: The whaling expedition last month was a smashing success, and your scientists could always use a few more samples.

Cost: 0 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: New research options, +10 to the roll.


Required: 30
Rolled: 28 + 10 + 12 + 15 = 65, Success!
(1d100 + Bonus + Martial (O’Malley) + Bonus)

The whales seem to be a lot more skittish around your shuttles, trying to keep away whenever possible. Still, they can’t keep away forever, and your team manages to acquire some samples, albeit somewhat damaged due to a bit of thrashing.

Whale Research Tactical Turn 2 Unlocked.


[X] Working Relations: Until recently you've kept the Loroi under guard and interacting with your military personnel only. With your recent successes in introducing them to your civilian population and their general itch to do something, it may be time to offer them some work on a purely voluntary basis.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???


Rolled: 27, Failed!
Izumi Re-Roll: 98 + 19 = 117! Critical Success!

Spear and the other Loroi almost took the idea of putting them to work the wrong way. Fortunately Lieutenant Izumi managed to convey the full and proper meaning of the proposal and tensions soothed remarkably quickly. Doctor Campos has cleared them medically for work and the children are eager to begin contributing to your colony instead of being a drain on your resources.

Loroi Duty Roster Tactical Turn Unlocked.


[X] Science Annex: A place for general scientific inquiry.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Additional Learning Action Unlocked, All Learning based actions gain an additional 1d100, reduced difficulty for various projects.


Required: 30
Rolled: 43, Success!

Work has begun in earnest on the science annex. It’s a fairly significant addition to your colony and requires a lot of room, time, resources and planning to complete. For safety reasons, it’s being located away from the main habitation area.

[X] Docks: Basic mooring and umbilicals for the L'Amour, allowing for ease of transport and for cargo and personnel and basic repairs.

Cost: 3000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Allows for easy disembarkation of people and goods, Unlocks new Options.


Required: 30
Rolled: 40, Success!

No station, base or colony with a triple digit population lasts long without the necessary facilities to dock and service the ships that supply and protect them, and Niflheim is no exception. With the docks built you’re now able to ease the burdens on your shuttle crews, freeing them up for other actions.

Reward: Shuttle scouting actions unlocked.


[X] Keeping An Ear Out 2: Puzzling out the sonar signatures of the Briar Patch is tough work, but the Blue Rose is dedicated to nailing the necessary specifics. They don’t like the idea of anyone sneaking up on the colony anymore than you do.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Briar Patch Sonar resolved.


Rolled: 48 + 15 = 63, Success!

The equipment is working, and a number of civilians with good hearing have stepped up to begin familiarising themselves with the ambient noise and attempt to pick out anything suspicious.

Reward: Discernment intrigue action unlocked.


[X] Loroi Biochemistry: Doctor Campos would like to do a more detailed study into Loroi biochemistry to determine with certainty what foods the Loroi can handle as well as derive what nutrients they require to fully recover from their ordeal in addition to what medicines they're able to consume.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 454 / 650, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: Knowledge of what is and is not toxic to Loroi biochemistry.


Rolled: 40 + 6 + 15 + 13 + 47 = 121 + 454 = 575 / 650
(2d100 + Bonus + Learning(Campos) + Computing)

This research project is reaching completion. Dr. Campos wants to do a few rounds of final testing though to watch out for individual reactions, and there are still a few questions regarding some proteins, mostly tying up the various Loroi and Terran equivalents.

The Blue Rose also appears to be interested in the good Doctor’s work. You find an email in signed by them with a small list of poisons that would affect them ‘should the worst come to pass’, including ricin.


[X] Spending Time with Spear: Spear is the leader of the Loroi and is the only one of them that speaks, making her an important point of contact. Get to know her better.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???, Increased Closeness with Spear.

Rolled: 82, Success!

You actually spend quite bit of time with Spear discussing potential duty assignments for her diral. She’s grown since you first laid eyes on her as well as filled out, looking more like a proper woman now rather than the emaciated sack of bones you found her as. She also seems a bit more relaxed, to the point that you almost forget that she’s a blue-skinned pointy-eared alien at times. You do get a reminder that she isn’t human whenever a man is present though. She quite visibly tenses up and is significantly more guarded, and her refusal to eat in their presence would appear rude if you didn’t know in advance that it was a cultural thing.

It’s not all work and no play though. You’ve taught Spear the basics of chess, and you can see why she managed to become leader of her diral towards the end of the month when she begins beating you, though she doesn’t seem to fully understand the nuances of trash talk.

There were two final developments towards the end of the month. The first is that Spear’s tattoo work is now done, and you’re a fairly prominent feature. The only space left was the one reserved for their homecoming.

The second development was Spear requesting in no uncertain terms to become your adjutant until her return home. It’s an intriguing offer that you’ve waived off on for now until you’ve finalised the Loroi Duty Roster.


Spear’s English: 32 + 12 + 1450 = 1494 / 3000


Vox Populi

Cheese Please:

Some enterprising individual managed to cook up a batch of ersatz cheese. It reminds you of a slightly worse version of cheez whiz you had once during your academy days when visiting the United States. Still it does the job in sating the colonial cravings for all things cheese, at least for now, everything seems alright. At least until someone mentioned bacon.

A Festivus for the Restofus:

Now that survival is no longer a questionable thing, there’s talk of organising a series of festivals to liven up the colony throughout the year. Christmas is all well and good but a few festivities to break up the year does seem like a good idea. For now though, it’s just talk.


Tactical turns soon.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 25/9/16 - Turn Thirteen Results]

Post by dragoongfa »

Damn, bad roll at biochem there. In fact some lower than average rolls all around this time.

Anyway everything went good enough. Its time we start researching for the cure and if Biochem finishes on its own and helps it will be good enough.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 25/9/16 - Turn Thirteen Results]

Post by Razor One »

Did you know that quests like these can lie dormant for years before rising from their graves to stalk the forums once more?

Indeed, Outcast Quest is back! I've been spending the last few days tying my scattered notes back together and appending some navigational markers to the bottom of the various story posts.

To refresh your memory:

When last we left off, exactly two posts and almost exactly two years ago, your fledgling colony had built itself a fairly solid foundation and was gearing up to building the necessary infrastructure to kit out the L'Amour for a long distance journey to Loroi space. In the midst of this, you were about to conduct a whale hunt, pass out duty rosters to Spear's diral, and decide whether or not to take on Spear as your adjutant or not.

To further refresh your memory, see Whale Hunting Tactical Turn results.

As in the past, I'll be posting up a preview of the vote to be had and waiting day or two for discussion before I post the survey link. The survey itself is already written, but once your vote is cast there's no backsies, so I'll hold off for now.

While you guys are doing that, I'll be looking over your main voting list (Martial, Stewardship, Intrigue etc.) and updating things for the next turn. I'll also be looking into simplifying combat and prepping a few lists and other such errata. I believe I still have two more GM tweests to turn on you at some point, so look forward to them at some point.

Anyhow, without further ado, the long delayed and highly overdue turn!

Whaling Tactical Research Turn 2

Your armed forces have traded in their guns and lasers for harpoons and ancient songs about whaling. Most recently, they managed bring in a good specimen for study and dissection. Unfortunately, you only have so much time before the whale decomposes into uselessness. What parts would you like your research team to focus on?

Choose Three.

[] Strange Gizzard
[] Stomach Contents (May contain further beneficial microbes)
[] The Brain (Potentially additional knowledge on Whale intelligence and thought patterns)
[] Odd Diaphram
[] Propulsion Corkscrews (Further knowledge on Propulsion Corkscrews)
[] Skeletal System
[] Heart and Circulatory System
[] Viscous Substance
[] Vile Cysts
[] Bloated Organs
[] Musculature and Fat
[] Pulsating Membrane

Loroi Duty Roster Tactical Turn

The Loroi under your care and Spear’s command have been getting restless lately, to the point that they’ve been sneaking around the ducts when they think they’re not being watched. You’ve opted to remedy this by offering them a duty roster to keep them occupied, and despite an initial fumble, they’ve taken to the idea.

While the list of potential duties is long, Colonel Pierce reminds you that you shouldn’t let them disperse too widely into the colony without supervision, for their own and your people’s safety.

Choose Three tasks for Spears group to volunteer in.

[] Guard Duty
[] Ration Prep
[] Medical Bay
[] Engineering Assistance
[] Maintenance / General Upkeep
[] Inventory and Supply
[] Agri Complex
[] Stevedoring
[] Ordnance Handling
[] Janitorial Duties

Spear herself has specifically requested to be your adjutant until they can be returned home. After much deliberation, you decide to:

[] Grant her request and take her under your wing.
[] Deny her request and allow her to forge wider connections with your crew.
[] Write in your response.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 06/10/18 - Whale Hunt 2]

Post by Siber »

First off: Yay! I've missed this!

To the options!

I suggest
[X] Viscous Substance
[X] Vile Cysts
[X] Pulsating Membrane
On the ground that we've got a weird problem to solve(jump sickness) which we don't understand, so if we study the bits of the natives that we don't understand maybe we'll stumble on something. Those seem like the three weirdest bits. I could also see cases for the brain and the corkscrews.

Duty roster: Do we have to pick three? Picking two to keep them more contained seems like it might be good?

Still, the best options seem to be
[X] Medical Bay
[X] Engineering Assistance
[X] Maintenance / General Upkeep

These seem to me to be good for having a relatively supervised environment without being overly menial. "Yeah sure honored guests blah blah blah we'll help you when we get to it grab a mop" is maybe not the best message, for instance.

Finally I'm inclined to either grant Spear's request or modify it to specify that while she works with us, her main task is to work with the people in charge of wherever we put the rest of the Loroi to work to keep things going smoothly there.
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 06/10/18 - Whale Hunt 2]

Post by dragoongfa »

Yeah, good to have the Quest back.

Now for the rest...

I agree with the whaling stuff, trying out the new parts is best.

As for the duty roster, I was thinking the following:

[]Agri Complex, mainly due to how Spear reacted when she run across plants for the first time; it would be good to see how the others react. We may see it as menial but depending on how the Loroi procure their food stuff the chance with working on live plants may be something that the Loroi of the underspace many not be able to do.

As for the other stuff I was thinking:

[]Engineering Assistance
[]Maintenance/General Upkeep

For three reasons: 1) These are critical aspects of survival in the underspace where there is no natural living space, good for anyone and everyone to be able to keep their living space livable. 2) Important enough to keep the guest content and not seeing their efforts as menial labor / low effort. 3) Nothing too dangerous for either the humans or the Loroi.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 06/10/18 - Whale Hunt 2]

Post by Razor One »

Survey is up.

Please cast your votes there to make it nice and easy for me to count. I'll leave it open for a couple of days so people who don't pop in on weekends can be pleasantly surprised.

Vote list review is delayed because daylight savings ate the hour I set aside for it. :evil:
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 06/10/18 - Whale Hunt 2]

Post by entity2636 »

This is so interesting that over the weekend I read all of the turn posts and most of the accompanying discussion, awesome! If I may join in, I'd choose the following:

Whaling Tactical Research Turn 2
[X] The Brain (Potentially additional knowledge on Whale intelligence and thought patterns)
[X] Propulsion Corkscrews (Further knowledge on Propulsion Corkscrews)
[X] Heart and Circulatory System

Although I think our efforts could be spent on more pressing matters, since the whales are already in our face and we have obtained a specimen, we might as well take a closer look at it's basics, how that thing works, so to say.

As for the Loroi, I'd go for something I'd consider the middle ground, somewhere where they can't cause too much damage or be a security risk, and also not total shitwork, therefore, at least for starters,

Loroi Duty Roster Tactical Turn
[X] Ration Prep
[X] Maintenance / General Upkeep
[X] Agri Complex

Spear - we pretty much have her in out pocket already and need to keep her there if we want to be friendly with her house, which we do, therefore,

[X] Grant her request and take her under your wing.

I do see a slight security risk in this, but I'm certain that if she were to double cross us, we could handle a bunch of loroi kids.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 06/10/18 - Whale Hunt 2]

Post by Razor One »

Voting is closed. Thank you everyone for your votes, I only had to break up one tie in the end, rather than that seven way tie that was initially there. :P

Tactical Turn 2 Results:


[X] Heart and Circulatory System

The whales don’t have a single large heart as they would with their terrestrial analogues. Rather, they have a decentralised pulmonary system, with a multitude of hearts of varying sizes and importance. Your science team has thus pinpointed several hearts and major arteries which, if struck, will allow for your teams to more quickly and easily kill the whale in question.

Results: Knowledge on Whale weakpoints, +10 to Whale Hunts

[X] The Brain

Further study of the whale’s grey matter (although it’s actually green in their case) reveals certain interesting structures that have your brains trust talking excitedly amongst themselves, but most of it seems to be more of a pure science kind of deal rather than anything truly life altering.

Much like their cardiovascular system, the whale brain is significantly decentralised. While they do possess a large central brain structure, it appears to be mostly concerned with coordination and neural pathway handling between the more active smaller brains and nerve clusters dedicated to sensory information and motor control.

All said, you’ve got a better picture on how the whales will behave.

Results: Knowledge on Whale Intellect, +5 to Whale Hunts

[X] Pulsating Membrane

This strange organ has baffled your scientists. On the one hand, it appears to have no purpose whatsoever, and on the other, the ties to the whale circulatory, nervous and skeletal system suggest it is of prime importance.

Closer inspection of the cell structure shows a complex and deliberate pattern of organisation that precisely matches the Fibonacci sequence. While this would not be out of the ordinary in any natural organism, your science team has shown conclusively that not only does the membrane adhere to the Fibonacci sequence in its dimensions on a macroscopic scale, it also adheres to it down to the cellular, intercellular, intracellular, and even the atomic scale.

With even the intervals between its pulsations perfectly matching the Fibonacci sequence, it has your science team utterly unanimous; whatever this thing is, it is in no way natural. It is almost certainly the artifact of some kind of advanced civilisation, but how it found its way into being integrated into a living organism and why are a complete mystery.

They do note that the level of biological and technological mastery required to produce such a thing are far beyond you, so if you happen to meet the aliens responsible, to please, try not to anger them. They further recommend that if you want to make progress on just what the hell is going on with this, that they’d need a more complete understanding of all aspects of whale physiology.

Results: You have a new mystery on your hands. Your science team is both curious and terrified. Further investigation of the Pulsating Membrane requires all Whale physiology related tasks to be completed.

Loroi Duty Roster:

[X] Maintenance / General Upkeep

Several in Spear’s group leap at the chance to join your crew on general systems maintenance. While this work is routine and often boring, Spear explains to you that even Loroi vessels must undergo similar work to keep them in working condition, and as they had been training to join the navy they felt the need to keep sharp at this vital skill.

In spite of certain technological differences, they’ve already pointed out a few shortcuts that your engineers can take advantage of.

Results: Spears diral respects you for letting them be useful, -100 RU to upkeep.

[X] Agri Complex

The entire group volunteers to help work in the agri complex. It’s as close to a unanimous decision as possible and the girls practically fall over themselves helping tend to the growing plants under your artificial lighting. Their entire disposition changes for the better almost immediately, they’re smiling more, laughing, and even playing amongst the green. Your colonists don’t even have the heart to chastise them; it’s the happiest anyone has ever seen them.

It’s during a lunch break that Spear explains to some of your farmers in her somewhat awkward english that whilst Arilad didn’t possess them, the larger houses in the Loroi Confederation utilised Skyfarms, large self-contained agricultural stations that can produce enormous amounts of food more cheaply and efficiently than any other method they know of.

From their description, it sounds vaguely like the biodomes around Ganymede, only more ambitious in scope. Some of your engineers are discussing possibly building your own Skyfarms in the future, though they admit that it’s a very long-term project to consider.

Results: Cultural Insight: Skyfarms
[] Skyfarm: A massive sprawling complex too large to be built on Niflheim. Produces an enormous amount of food, but is monstrously expensive.

Cost: 1,500,000 RU, 50,000 RU Upkeep, Time: 48 Turns, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: +3,000,000 Food

[1] Engineering Assistance
[2] Ration Prep (Cultural Insight: Food)

Rolled 1d2: 1

[X] Engineering Assistance

Volkova managed to convince you to let the Loroi volunteer as engineering assistants, mostly citing that the girls were running their own ship until they ran into the Urkuk and that they might offer some unique insights.

And insights they indeed offer. Most of it concerns ship modification and alternative methodologies of engineering, some of which is actually more efficient, the rest of which is either different or just plain wrong-headed in Volkova’s view.

She’s earmarked her notes for the Drydock project. She also refuses to elaborate on how сука блять managed to find its way into Spear's vocabulary.

Results: Drydock tier modifications to the L’Amour now enjoy a cost and time reduction.

Spear’s Question:

[X] Grant her request and take her under your wing.

Spear beamed with pride when you informed her of your decision. She’s already running messages and errands on your behalf, freeing up some vital time for you. When she’s not doing those things, you spend time teaching her the same lessons you yourself learned back in your academy days and during your climb to command. She absorbs your words completely, asking smart questions and otherwise acquitting herself as a good student. You have a feeling that, if she can get over her trauma, that she’ll make a damn fine captain someday.

Results: Spear now views you as a mentor and teacher, increased closeness with Spear. You also receive an additional personal action so long as Spear remains your adjutant.

Overall Results:

Additional +15 To Whale Hunts
Pulsating Membrane Mystery
-100 RU to Upkeep (Applies on Turn 14, Upkeep reduced to 1550 from 1650)
Skyfarm Megaproject Unlocked
Drydock modifications cheaper and quicker to apply to the L'Amour.
+1 Personal Actions as long as Spear is your Adjutant

Now to get to updating the main vote list for Turn 14. Might be a day or two before that's ready. Possibly sooner if I'm feeling very motivated and avoid distrac-OOH A BUTTERFLY!

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 09/10/18 - Tactical Turn 2 Result

Post by Shrewfoot »

YAAAAAY! I didn't get the chance to look at this during the vote but I am happy with our direction. And again, joyous celebrations at the return of this wonderful Quest!
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 09/10/18 - Tactical Turn 2 Result

Post by dragoongfa »

Great, two personal choices to play with. This should make things simpler.

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 09/10/18 - Tactical Turn 2 Result

Post by Razor One »

June 2nd 2156

Turn 14

The last month has shaped up to be quite productive, and this month looks to be much the same. Your loroi guests are settled in and looking healthier and happier then they’ve been the entire time you had them confined for safety, and although Colonel Pierce continues to remain vigilant, you can see that even he has a slight soft spot for them that he hides quiet well.

Having Spear as your adjutant has had a positive impact on your free time and there are honestly times you forget that she’s not human. If both you and she weren’t set on returning her to her home and family, you’d happily allow her to enlist into your crew.


Martial: Both Commander O'Malley and Colonel Pierce have begun work to secure your colony's future with their military knowledge and might. (Choose One) (Bonus: +15 To Military Knowledge)

[] Combat Exercises: Commander O'Malley wants to run a series of combat simulations aimed at determining how best to defend the colony in case of an incursion by Urkuk or something worse.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 40%, Reward: A better idea of how you'll fare in a worst case scenario.

[] Whalers of the Sky: The last whaling expedition was a smashing success, and your scientists could always use a few more samples.

Cost: 0 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: New research options, +25 to the roll.

[] Manta’s Gonna Die: Whales aren’t the only thing flitting about in your skies. The Manta’s have also been prowling about, ambushing, hunting and otherwise killing whales to feed themselves. They’re faster, more agile, and almost certainly more intelligent than their relatively bovine cousins.

Cost: 0 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: New Research Options, ???

[] Chemical Missile Plant: Basic chemical missile production facilities. Not the best in the universe, but better than nothing.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Missile production, Niflheim Missile Batteries Unlocked, Missile based Offensive Systems for the L’Amour

[] Niflheim CIWS: A series of defensive CIWS batteries for your colony that will attempt to shoot down anything that threatens you that is within range.

Cost: 5000 RU, 500 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Colony better defended.
[] Niflheim Missile Batteries (Requires Chemical Missile Plant): Missile Batteries for your colony, allowing you to fire on enemy ships at greater range and accuracy than your CIWS system.

Cost: 5000 RU, 500 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 40%, Reward: Colony better defended, can support actions at greater range.

[] Shipyard (Requires Drydock): A place for building ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Allows the production of frigate and scout vessels.

[] Shipyard II (Requires Shipyard): A place for building larger ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Allows the production of destroyers.

[] Shipyard III (Requires Shipyard II): A place for building even larger ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Allows the production of cruisers.

[] Shipyard IV (Requires Shipyard III): A place for building ships loaded for bear.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Allows the production of carriers and battlecruisers.

[] L’Amour Refit: The L’Amour was the first of a new class of TCA long ranged transports. One of its primary strengths was its highly versatile ship frame that allowed for relatively cheap and easy modifications to new mission profiles. Some of those profiles include a hospital ship configuration, troop transport, deep space construction vessel, and even a heavy combat variant. How you modify your ship is up to you.

Time: 1 Month, Cost: Variable, Chance of Success: N/A, Reward: L’Amour refitted to your specifications.

[] The Finder of Lost Children: Long ago you made a promise to Spear and her compatriots that you would return them home when you were able. Now, you make good on that promise. Triggers a new storyline arc.

Time: ???, Cost: 10,000 RU (Minimum), 500 Food, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Returns Spear and her diral to her family, ???, ???, ???, ???
Diplomacy: Lieutenant Izumi is your most effective diplomat when it comes to aliens, though you're no slouch yourself in that department. (Choose One.)

[] Governance: Jonathan Spencer is busy heading the newly re-organised civilian branch of your government. While his party’s stated goals were furthering man’s knowledge and the potential for discovery, it couldn’t hurt to have a chat regarding future policy.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???

[] Colonial Authority: Sometimes the best way to see a project to success isn’t careful planning or meticulous organisation. Sometimes you just need to throw resources at the problem until it solves itself. Sadly your authority isn’t nearly absolute enough to just do it. You simply need to convince a few bureaucrats in the new government about the merits of the idea to help things along.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Colonial Authority allows you to double down on one action, giving +20 to the roll at the cost of doubling the resources it requires.

[] Teaching English: Lieutenant Izumi is feeling a mite guilty about making blazing progress when it comes to trade while Spear lags behind. Although she is learning more every day she interacts with Izumi and your other colonists, Izumi believes that helping her along couldn’t hurt.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 1450 / 3000, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + 2d20 + Learning), Reward: Lieutenant Izumi continues teaching English to Spear, reduced chances of misunderstanding.

[] Urkuk: Considering how prolific the Urkuk are to the region, it may be prudent to have the Lieutenant learn what she can of Urkuk. Perhaps they'll go away if you ask them nicely?

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 230 / 750, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + 4d20 + Learning), Reward: Lieutenant Izumi increases her knowledge of Urkuk, can teach others upon completion.

Stewardship: Alex Cole and an economist, Samantha Nguyen, have worked out not only a way to easily tabulate your resources, but also what you can do to build your colony up. (Choose One)

[] Recycling Tanks: Recycling is a time honoured tradition of any successful colonisation. Why throw away anything that can be broken down and reused?

Cost: 500 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +4 RU per Population

[] Hab-Complex Expansion (Small): Expand your hab complex and give your population some room to grow.

Cost: 500 RU, 125 RU Upkeep, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Hab Complex Expanded, Room for +250 People

[] Hab-Complex Expansion (Large): Expand your hab complex even more and give your population room to grow.

Cost: 1000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Hab Complex Expanded, Room for +500 People

[] Agricultural Complex Expansion: An expansion to your existing Agri-Complex, this expansion will increase your food production capacity.

Cost: 2250 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Agricultural Complex Expanded, Increased Food Production, +500 Food, requires 250 RU upkeep, requires two turns to begin production after completion.

[] Crop Diversification: You brought more than just potatoes with you. Introduce these crops to your agri-complex and diversify your foods. [IN PROGRESS UNTIL TURN 15]

Cost: Agricultural Yield Halved, Time: 8 Months, Reward: Diversified Crops, chance of crop failure falls to zero, colonists happy about not having a diet of 100% potatoes, once executed, does not occupy Stewardship slot.

[] Expanded Yeast Production: More yeast. More food.

Cost: 750 RU, 125 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Yeast Production Plant Expanded, +500 Food.

[] Skyfarm: A massive sprawling complex too large to be built on Niflheim. Produces an enormous amount of food, but is monstrously expensive.

Cost: 1,500,000 RU, 50,000 RU Upkeep, Time: 48 Turns, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: +3,000,000 Food

[] Stabilisation Thrusters: Pimp your ride and roll on around the Briar Patch with these sweet 'air' breathing rockets. Allows you to move your home slowly with constant thrust, so long as it stays in the Briar Patch.

Cost: 2000 RU, 375 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 30%, Reward: Able to move asteroid home (slowly) out of harms way.

[LOCKED IN - TWO TURNS REMAIN] Science Annex: A place for general scientific inquiry.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Additional Learning Action Unlocked, All Learning based actions gain an additional 1d100, reduced difficulty for various projects.
[] Biolab (Requires Science Annex): The biolab will handle all science biological, from alien physiology, botany and disease control, to genetic manipulation and vaccination production.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: More research options, Biology based science gains additional 2d100.

[] Physics Lab (Requires Science Annex): The physics lab will handle all science physical, allowing you to understand the new realm you find yourself in more fully.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: More research options, physics related research gains an additional 2d100.

[] Engineering Bay (Requires Science Annex): The engineering bay will handle all science engineering, from prototyping new designs to solving practical problems.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: More research options, engineering related research gains an additional 2d100, lowered difficulty for engineering related options.
[] Mining Operations: Start mining operations on a nearby mineral rich moon with whatever you can scrape together.

Cost: 10,000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Mining operations commenced, +500 RU per turn, unlocks new options.

[] Mining Operations Expansion: Expand your existing mine on Niflheim for more glorious ore. Due to the depth of your current mine, further expansion will be a bit more expensive to undertake.

Cost: +500 Per Expansion (2000) Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +500 RU per turn

[] Heavy Ore Refinery: “Heavy Ore” is the spacer term for difficult to refine ores, often requiring specialised conditions or equipment to get at the good stuff.

Cost: 4000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: +50% Base Income from Mining
[] Centrifuges (Requires Heavy Ore Refinery): A requirement for the processing of nuclear material for power generation and nuclear ordnance.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Fissile Materials available for use.

[] Fission Plant (Requires Centrifuges): Modern nuclear power is safe, energetic, clean, and only slightly radioactive.

Cost: 15,000 RU, Time: 4 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: +100% Base Income from Mining, limitless power for your colony, fission warheads
[] Drydock (Requires Docks): More significant facilities for ship repair and modification, including an annex for smallcraft.

Cost: 3000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Allows for major repairs and refitting of the L'Amour. Allows the production of smallcraft (Fighters, Corvettes) when researched.

[] Warehousing: Space to store spare parts, raw materials, and sensitive goods. Allows you to empty the L'Amour's cargo hold.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: A place to store goods and cargo other than the ship.

[] Machine Shop II: Allows for the reproduction and repair of more advanced tools to micron precision.

Cost: 2000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Advanced Tool Production, Shipbuilding
[] Machine Shop III (Requires Machine Shop II): Allows the reproduction of precision scientific equipment and specialist equipment. Includes 3D printers for custom jobs.

Cost: 4000 RU, Time: 4 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Scientific Tool Production, Shipbuilding

[] Skunkworks (Requires Machine Shop III): When confronted with impossible to understand supertechnology, the Skunkworks will be there to rip it apart and put it back together until they learn all its secrets.

Cost: 15,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Better able to analyse advanced alien technology, reverse engineering
[] Scrapping the Jumpdrive: Your Jumpdrive is useless here and consists of a lot of highly valuable materials that could be used elsewhere in the founding of your colony, though Volkova argues that it's made of precision parts that can't be easily reproduced.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +15,000 RU.

[] Deep Pressure Proofing: When a few heads turned towards toughening up your colony versus meteors, one person had a rather bright idea. The Briar Patch is unique in that it actually has atmospheric pressure coupled with relatively free movement. With a lot of work and dedication, it's believed that your colony can be proofed against high pressure environments, allowing you to live where your enemies would find it difficult at best to get at you.

Cost: 20,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Colony able to withstand up to 20 Atmospheres of Pressure.
[] Deep Pressure Proofing II (Requires Deep Pressure Proofing): Toughen up your colony even further, allowing you to hide even deeper in the Briar Patch.

Cost: 50,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Colony able to withstand up to 50 Atmospheres of Pressure.

[] Deep Pressure Proofing III (Requires Deep Pressure Proofing II): Toughen up your colony yet again, allowing your colony to penetrate into the deepest regions of the Briar Patch.

Cost: 100,000 RU, Time: 12 Months, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Colony able to withstand up to 100 Atmospheres of Pressure.
Intrigue: SOD SOP is to lay low, watch, and wait for anything that might require our attention. The Blue Rose Cell is vigilant and on standby. If something comes up, we'll contact you. (Choose One) (Bonus: +15 To Intrigue Knowledge)

[] Every Move You Make: Part of the translated diaries the Blue Rose managed to acquire appeared to have been using a cipher or some kind of encryption. It could be nothing, it could be terribly important. Either way, the Blue Rose is eager to crack the code, with your permission of course.

Cost: 0, Time: ???, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Information on Loroi children.

[] Discernment: The Briar Patch is filled with a cacophony of unidentified sounds that your newly minted sonar experts are eager to resolve, all they require is the time to do so.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Report on Briar Patch sonar readings.

[] Long Range Exploration: Until recently, your shuttles were tied up ferrying resources and errata to and from your ship. With your docks built and your newly minted Sonar operators, you can now afford to send a shuttle to range further out than you have before. It’s risky, but there could be just about anything out there, just beyond your ability to see it.

Cost: 500 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: Long Range Scouting Report.

Learning: You have many skilled people at your beck and call just waiting to tear into the unknown and reveal its juicy, succulent knowledge. (Choose One) (Bonus: +15 To Roll)

[] Psionics 101: Spear and a few of the other Loroi children have offered to demonstrate telepathy to your brains trust. The skeptics are adamant that their telepathy is the result of something perfectly reasonable, whilst the more open minded are eager to formulate a viable hypothesis.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 500, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + Learning), Reward: Basic scientific knowledge about Telepathy
[] Psionics 102 (Requires Psionics 101): Having learned that telepathy is actually a thing that happens with the Loroi, your scientists are eager for a deeper understanding about Sanzai.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 500, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + Learning), Reward: Better understanding of Loroi Telepathy

[] Psionics 201 (Requires Psionics 102): Your scientists were intrigued to learn about the possibilities of telekinesis. While the children are adamant that they don’t possess this ability, your scientists want to at least try to assess this objectively.

Cost: 0, Chance of Success: ???, Difficulty: ???, Reward: ???

[] Psionics 202 (Requires Psionics 102): Humanities telepathic deadness is a deeply intriguing question. Just how strong is this ‘lotai’? Does it extend to your entire species or only a select number of individuals?

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 500, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + Learning), Reward: Knowledge on the extent of human Lotai
[] Jump Transit Analysis: Chief Engineer Volkova wants to look over the data for your last jump transit to see if your sensors picked anything up anything unusual, perhaps what brought you here in the first place? Perhaps a clue to getting home? She's not sure.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 500, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: ???

[] Loroi Biochemistry: Doctor Campos would like to do a more detailed study into Loroi biochemistry to determine with certainty what foods the Loroi can handle as well as derive what nutrients they require to fully recover from their ordeal in addition to what medicines they're able to consume.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 575 / 650, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: Knowledge of what is and is not toxic to Loroi biochemistry. Gains 1d50 per turn from Med computers.

[] Slave Collar: Chief Volkova and a number of scientists want to look into how the slave collars removed from the Loroi work.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 25 / 50,000 (DC 90), Difficulty: Almost Impossible (1d100 + Learning, requires roll of over 90 to succeed), Reward: Knowledge of the inner workings of the collar, ???

[] Drone Design: Some of your civilian engineers want some time to continue designing those sensor drones they proposed to you.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 264 / 500, Difficulty: Hard (1d100 + Learning), Reward: Disposable sensor drone capable of extending your sensor range.

[] Jump Sickness Research: Dr. Campos research into jump sickness has the potential to eliminate it in your population. All he needs is time.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 819 / 1500, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + Learning), Reward: Jump sickness penalty removed.

Personal: Months of trials and tribulations have finally come to an end and you now have a small modicum of spare time. Spend it wisely. (Choose Two)

[] Spending Time with Commander O'Malley: Commander O'Malley has been your XO for some time and you trust her implicitly. Talk shop with her on how best to proceed from here on out.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80/50/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Martial, Increased Closeness with O'Malley.

[] Spending Time with Lt. Cole: Lt. Cole has done a phenomenal job of managing supply chains and shuttle schedules. Just how the hell does he manage that?

Cost: 0 Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Stewardship, Increased Closeness with Lt. Cole.

[] Spending Time with Chief Engineer Volkova: The chief is a miracle worker with all things technological. Not so much with people. That doesn't mean you can't learn anything from her, and thanks to your time on the Centaur, you're as handy with a wrench as she is.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Learning, Increased Closeness with Chief Engineer Volkova.

[] Spending Time with Colonel Pierce: Colonel Pierce was rather impressed, and somewhat intimidated, by your ability to resist harsh interrogation, and he’s offered you a round of beers to celebrate.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Intrigue, Increased closeness with Colonel Pierce.

[] Spending Time with Lieutenant Izumi: Your friendship with Lieutenant Izumi is strong, but you noticed a few discrepancies in her personal history. You’re somewhat intrigued, but also wary. You could dig a little further… or you can sit back and simply enjoy her marvellous tea.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 60/30/10%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Diplomacy, Increased Closeness with Lieutenant Izumi.

[] Spending Time with Doctor Campos: Dr. Campos would like to perform a routine physical exam whenever you have the time to spare.

Cost: 0, Time, 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80/40/10%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 (Random Stat) Increased Closeness with Dr. Campos.

[] Spending Time with Spear: Spear recently became your adjutant, in addition to being an important point of contact with the rest of her diral who have a hard time speaking up. Get to know her better.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???, Increased Closeness with Spear.

[] The Lost Souls: Are there other humans out there? Since the jumpdrive was invented, quite a few ships have disappeared, never to be seen again. Could they have wound up here? Could there be a successful human enclave out there? Do some research and try to figure out what the odds are.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: List of ships likely to have misjumped before you.

[] A Difficult Subject: The Loroi children are living in your colony and have floated the idea of allowing your people to study telepathy. One of the major questions on your mind though is the nature of the slave collars you found them with and how it affected their telepathy. Though it might be difficult, having their cooperation might go a long way towards helping you study this mysterious technology.

Cost: 0. Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Difficulty on Slave Collar study drops, ???, ???

[] Duct Crawling: The loroi children have been spotted playing in the air ducts on occasion. You view it as harmless fun since you did much the same yourself at that age, but a certain marine colonel insists that the ducts be checked just in case. He never did say who had to check the ducts.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Knowledge on what the loroi kids are doing in the ducts, ???


Vox Populi:

The Loroi have been the talk of the town since they’ve more or less joined your community. There are already plans to produce goods for trade, but without having any kind of official contact or an idea of their needs and wants, it’s mostly idle talk.

Your sonar operators have already begun telling ghost stories about what they’re hearing in the depths of the briar patch. It’s mostly just a good yarn being spun. Mostly.

Four colonists have given birth this month.

Your bees, though sickly, are alive and have produced 5 units of Poor Quality honey.

Talk of the Skyfarm mega project has your colonists excited for the long-term prospects for your colony, even if it does make them feel a bit homesick.


And that's the new turn! Please let me know if there's anything out of place or mistaken and I'll endeavour to cover my ass correct the error.

As of the end of Turn 13, you have the following resources:

RU: 10500
Food: 1078

Turn 14 Income:

RU Income: 6000
RU Upkeep: 1550
Food Income: 750
Food Upkeep: 653

Agricultural diversification is set to finish at the end of Turn 15, meaning your yields will 'double' from then on.

As a GM note, I'm thinking of restructuring certain learning actions to make them more streamlined and less of a hassle. I'll leave the redesign for when you've finished your Science Annex though and hand wave it as your scientists getting proper digs to do their research, rather than begging you for limited lab space.

As usual, I'll probably throw a survey up in a day or two so you guys can discuss amongst yourselves what you feel is best to go for. Maybe later if I feel that I need more time to design the L'Amour modification voting block the discussion is truly riveting. :lol:


Made some corrections >_>

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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 09/10/18 - Tactical Turn 2 Result

Post by Siber »

Martial: Whalers. Third verse, same as before. We've got good bonuses on it now, and I'd be surprised if there weren't more goodies in it for us to get.

Diplomacy: Urkuk. I think us being able to communicate with the people we might encounter at any time is probably the most important preventative action we can take.

Stewardship: If I understand correctly this is locked in on building the science annex.

Intrigue: Discernment. Sounds in the briar patch could be things we need to be immediately concerned with, and sending out shuttles should wait until we do that.

Learning: Jump sickness. Jump sickness. Jump sickness!

Personal: Spear and Campos. I like rolling the dice and getting the unknown outcomes.
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Razor One
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Re: Outcast Quest [Updated 09/10/18 - Tactical Turn 2 Result

Post by Razor One »

Siber wrote: Stewardship: If I understand correctly this is locked in on building the science annex.
You have two Stewardship actions by default. One of them is locked on your Science Annex, leaving one option free. When your Science Annex completes, you'll get your second option back.

Hence, choose one. If all your stewardship actions were locked, I'd have written "Choose none" and it wouldn't be an option on the survey when it rolls around. :P
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