Effed up law enforcement

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Effed up law enforcement

Post by discord »

now guys, I have been royally screwed over by swedish law.
during a ongoing investigation someone(whom i probably know) had been selling stuff outside my apartment building, using my first name....so the coppers take a look inside my home(search warrant, different laws here, will elaborate), so far no problem and quite understandable.
they found some odds and ends of dubious legality(for instance the bicycle I have used the last ten years or so was stolen 13 years ago.)
I was taken in for questioning, still quite understandable if confusing.
during which some copper decided to check my computer, and dive into my porn, apparently our views on the matter of legal age of consent differed and a huge scream of 'child pornography' arose.
cue me being tossed into effing Guantanamo jr.

too high temperature to be comfortable, constant sweating.(they could turn it down, but kept me sweating for a good 24 hours before mentioning that.)
rubber mattress and a single blanket(keep your clothes on and have a blanket, or not and have something to sleep on that you do not stick to like glue, pick one.)
there was no lights out, always a fucking light on.
isolation, I was there 50 hours, not allowed outside once, no view, no music, no nothing.
and to top it off they were nice enough to make sure to say 'hi' every hour to make sure you are okey and just incidentally keeping it from technically being solitary confinement, how friendly of them.
EVERY hour, 24 hours a day, and if you happened to be asleep they wake you up to make sure you are alright, NO SLEEP!?

if it were not for some nice person disregarding the rules just a tad bit(getting me a couple of books to read and letting me sleep a few hours) i would probably have committed suicide by police officer(and probably taken a few of them with me as a honor guard into valhalla) and not been here to mention it.
on the positive side, dropped 2.5kg(6 lbs) during those 50 hours.

they also ransacked my home and pretty much EVERYTHING was confiscated, specifically everything with data storage capacity, cellphone, main gaming computer(doh), the laptop, MP3 player, nintendo Wii, USB sticks, CD's, a few dozen HDD's...or in other words about half of my monetary possessions(the other half being kitchen ware and clothing)

now I was released a month ago, got my cellphone back a week ago, got the 'stolen' bike back today, the charges of fencing and illegal arms possession have been dropped.....but the child pornography is a slight problem....you see, it will take a little while for them to look through a few terabytes of stuff, a "few" million porn pictures and make a judgment call on whether or not to press charges, so in one to two years they will get back to me and decide if i can get my stuff back or not.

1-2 YEARS!? even if i am innocent? do note, there are stories on that data storage which I have written, there are no backups anywhere except among the stuff they 'confiscated', and if they decide to fuck me over, they get to destroy it all.

on search warrants, basically the swedish police does not need one, there is no such thing as 'incorrect handling of evidence' either.

comments? your own horror stories?

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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by RedDwarfIV »

Age of consent is 15 in Sweden.

Its 16 in the UK. Personally, if I knew someone in a porn video were under 16, I wouldn't watch it.
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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by discord »

red dwarf: yes, I can understand that, two slight issues.

first, how would you know? funny little quiz on that subject.
http://www.humorsharing.com/guess-their ... 6491/pic-1

second, that law(in sweden) was written in 1864, the average age of puberty(menarche) has since dropped over 4 years(might be closer to five now actually, mostly in the last fifty or so years), adrenarche(secondary sexual attributes, breasts and body hair basically) has dropped even more, and since the human brain is quite highly effected by those hormones, general interest of sexual nature has also dropped in age by about....oh I don't know, 4 years?

and third, the law in sweden says that I can pick up a 15 year old girl, bring her home, undress and fuck her silly(assuming consent), however, if we take a photo to commemorate it I go to jail for two years.

when old people say the kids today grow up so fast, science agrees.

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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by RedDwarfIV »

Oh. So child porn in Sweden has a higher legal age than actual sex?

I'll agree with you on that, it makes no sense to me.
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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by Hālian »

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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by Charlie »

discord wrote:now guys, I have been royally screwed over by swedish law.
during a ongoing investigation someone(whom i probably know) had been selling stuff outside my apartment building, using my first name....so the coppers take a look inside my home(search warrant, different laws here, will elaborate), so far no problem and quite understandable.
they found some odds and ends of dubious legality(for instance the bicycle I have used the last ten years or so was stolen 13 years ago.)
I was taken in for questioning, still quite understandable if confusing.
during which some copper decided to check my computer, and dive into my porn, apparently our views on the matter of legal age of consent differed and a huge scream of 'child pornography' arose.
cue me being tossed into effing Guantanamo jr.

too high temperature to be comfortable, constant sweating.(they could turn it down, but kept me sweating for a good 24 hours before mentioning that.)
rubber mattress and a single blanket(keep your clothes on and have a blanket, or not and have something to sleep on that you do not stick to like glue, pick one.)
there was no lights out, always a fucking light on.
isolation, I was there 50 hours, not allowed outside once, no view, no music, no nothing.
and to top it off they were nice enough to make sure to say 'hi' every hour to make sure you are okey and just incidentally keeping it from technically being solitary confinement, how friendly of them.
EVERY hour, 24 hours a day, and if you happened to be asleep they wake you up to make sure you are alright, NO SLEEP!?

if it were not for some nice person disregarding the rules just a tad bit(getting me a couple of books to read and letting me sleep a few hours) i would probably have committed suicide by police officer(and probably taken a few of them with me as a honor guard into valhalla) and not been here to mention it.
on the positive side, dropped 2.5kg(6 lbs) during those 50 hours.

they also ransacked my home and pretty much EVERYTHING was confiscated, specifically everything with data storage capacity, cellphone, main gaming computer(doh), the laptop, MP3 player, nintendo Wii, USB sticks, CD's, a few dozen HDD's...or in other words about half of my monetary possessions(the other half being kitchen ware and clothing)

now I was released a month ago, got my cellphone back a week ago, got the 'stolen' bike back today, the charges of fencing and illegal arms possession have been dropped.....but the child pornography is a slight problem....you see, it will take a little while for them to look through a few terabytes of stuff, a "few" million porn pictures and make a judgment call on whether or not to press charges, so in one to two years they will get back to me and decide if i can get my stuff back or not.

1-2 YEARS!? even if i am innocent? do note, there are stories on that data storage which I have written, there are no backups anywhere except among the stuff they 'confiscated', and if they decide to fuck me over, they get to destroy it all.

on search warrants, basically the swedish police does not need one, there is no such thing as 'incorrect handling of evidence' either.

comments? your own horror stories?
discord wrote:...apparently our views on the matter of legal age of consent differed...
"Why don't you take a seat right over there?"
tl;dr >Summerise like this.

Please specify what they suspect that other guy of selling near your house.

A thirteen year old bicycle theft case, I don`t even, we don`t even track murder cases that long here.

I have been in police holding cells for rather lesser charges (Speeding), at least yours didn`t smell like piss. They are made to keep you shaken up as possible. When were you taken in? Here they may not hold people so long without charge (Unless it`s a situation where a policeman is abusing power witch happens alot.). Here you must be show to a judge within 48 hours if one is available. The exception is those taken on Sundays may not get bail until Monday and late Saturday nights are also locked up till Monday.
I don`t know the local foods there, but that nice person should receive at least one take out meal. Here it`s a 21 piece bucket of KFC. Kindness should repay kindness.

2.5kg(6 lbs)? Scrub Tier.
>Be me
>Be fat and Weigh 123 Kilos(271 Pounds)
>Get new job involving lots of manual labor.
>In one month lose 26 Kilos(57 Pounds)
>Now weigh 97 Kilos(213)
>Arms and legs ripped, cut and as hard as stone.
>No longer fat and attracting all the bitches.

TBs? Millions? Thats alot of naked women pictures.

Also, if your "Questionable content" was debatable. Looks 20 something but is 15 you might get a slap on the wrist. But straight CP is jail for you son.
Best thing to do would be call it a write off and start fresh I guess. In my country is 16, but a girl may have an abortion without parental consent for 12 and up.

I have many stories involving crime but few involving police. Truthfully, I am loathe to share as they may sound flights of internet fancy to civilized folk.
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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by icekatze »

hi hi

I hope you get a second chance.

(The historical shift in puberty onset does not alter the moral implications of adults exploiting minors, which is a product of types of mental maturity that goes beyond just sexual maturity. From another perspective, young boys become capable of, and interested in, fighting long before it is moral to employ them as soldiers.)

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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by discord »

ice: although a unlikely scenario, how are you exploiting someone trying to rape you?
defend yourself and it's child abuse or assault or something, do not and it's statuatory rape....difficult position to be in.

the historical shift of puberty is not so 'historical' and rather recent, and rather large.

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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by Charlie »

It`s not as unlikely as you might think. School girls here have manipulated older male teacher more than a few times with a threat of reporting rape for low grades. Yet, true rape cases out number them far many more times and I care to think.

As for what can be considered right it`s all a matter of circumstance and happenstance with a good dose of current public thinking.
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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by icekatze »

hi hi

I am not going to take the bait and be deflected down wildly hypothetical, and ultimately irrelevant avenues, in spite of the clear cut allowances in chapter 24 of the Swedish criminal code. Puberty does not automatically make a human being an adult in the ways that matter, it does not provide the mental faculties necessary for legal consent, criminal responsibility, or sufficient self determination required for enfranchisement.

Anyways, I hope you get treated fairly.
Last edited by icekatze on Sun May 25, 2014 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by Suederwind »

Well, souns like you are stuck in some kind of ugly mess. :? Lets hope you will get out of it, soon.

Anyway, here in Germany the Age of consent is 14 years as far as I know, but there are additional laws that protect young people up to 18 years. So if someone who is older that 18 years exploits a minor who is over 14 years, he or she will receive a serious punishment. Thats because someone who is physically adult might not be adult in an intellectual or mental kind of way, too. In other words: an adult body is not equal to an adult mind.

The Laws about Porn are much more strict here, as it seems. Pornografic material of persons below 18 years is not allowed in any way. But, thanks to a recent scandal about a politician who had bought nudist pictures of young boys online, it became clear that there is a huge "grey area" and its hard to define if an image is porn/erotic/art or (for example) just a family picture. So those laws will be changed soon and get more strict, as far as I know.
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Re: Effed up law enforcement

Post by Senanthes »

Ouch, ouch, OUCH! Man... I hope this blows over for you without any more backlash. :( I write, draw, and keep it all on my drive and backup, and I can't imagine losing ALL of them. Best of luck and my heartfelt sympathies.

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