Page 170: What I fear...

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by SaintofM »

This is probably the most emotionally vulnerable (and the gentlest in depiction) to the cast she has been. She remembers a time of peace and prosperity. Before the Dark Times. Before the Empire.

I couldn't resist.

But she remembers the relative ease of life before either side were willing to use weapons of mass destruction on eachother. All the others were either too young to remember that time of peace very well or were not alive when it happened.

Berylle and the Piots I am seeing City kid vs Country Kid dynamic or well educated vs salt of the Earth. Classic dynamic for a reason.

I also like how Beryle is trying to either change the subject or do more studying the strange alien with its dietary needs.

Alex: This is called "Meals Ready to Eat" pack or MRE.

Spyral: What's the brown stuff?"

"Mashed potatoes and Gravy."

Spyral: Whats's the green stuff?"

Alex: Green beans.

"What's the grey stuff."

Alex: Its delicious. Don't beleive me, ask the dishes. They can sing, they can dance, after all this is France...

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by Werra »

Liars always get caught up in their stories. That and Alex could easily check the stuff Tempo is telling him with other sources.
I'd be surprised if we ever hear an outright lie from Tempo. She will definitely deflect, like when Alex pressed her on Loroi reluctance to meet humanity.

It's also a nice detail that Tempo is sitting alone. The others have comrades to take their attention away from the situation. Tempo does not for her age, her high rank and or her caste. No wonder she is looking so glum.
I wonder what Fireblades expression is like.

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by volrath77 »

And so the inner fears of the ladies are revealed one by one. Luckily Jardin is there and will be available for group individual hugs. Yeah, no group hugs. Accidental skin contact and such.

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by boldilocks »

icekatze wrote:Beryl is just going straight for all the Loroi cultural taboos. Eating in groups now? What a deviant! :lol:
Surely eating in groups is a loroi cultural norm, not taboo?

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by novius »

icekatze wrote:hi hi

Beryl is just going straight for all the Loroi cultural taboos. Eating in groups now? What a deviant! :lol:

(Also, to paraphrase a quote: 'I'm not interested in finding truth, that is the purview of religion. As a scientist, I'm concerned with quantifying doubt.')

I didn't take Tempo for being so pessimistic, although I suppose given their current circumstances, a bit of melancholy is warranted. Still, she seemed pretty firey when she was facing off against Stillstorm on the Tempest's command deck. I can never really tell how truthy she's being.
Wouldn't surprise me that much if she sees meeting Alex - and humanity, by extension - as the one good thing that made this ordeal worthwile. And having that taken away by an even more jaded officer because she'd be too dense to see the bigger picture? Sure that might rile up someone...

And, in light of the Construct's warning... Either Tempo is an actress worth an Academy Award, or she's not that kind of Loroi the Construct warned Alex about. Or... we've seen Tempo being apologetic. Maybe not just for things she did do (or not do), but also for things she will do.

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by Murph »

Tempo’s answer reminds me of the naive enthusiasm shown by the chums battalions in WWI, and all those in the US who rushed to enlist after Pearl Harbor. My great uncle had stories about his entry into WWII, he said for him, the naive enthusiasm it lasted until Ploesti. He said when he returned across the mediterranean with only two engines running, and everyone except him and the ball turret gunner dead, and both of them wounded, it took the joy out of it for him. He ended the war in a B-29 squadron on Tinian. But he said after Ploesti he had no more illusions having "seen the elephant".

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by icekatze »

hi hi
boldilocks wrote:Surely eating in groups is a loroi cultural norm, not taboo?
It's been said on the forums before that Loroi do not have a communal eating instinct like humans do. They see it like a bodily function, and there are certain taboos about eating in front of others. (Eating in front of males especially, I think was a thing. But I forget the specifics.)

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by SaintofM »

right now space is at a premium, especially if they want to keep a low profile. Some normalities would need to go out the window

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by boldilocks »

I checked the insider; according to it loroi who've been through the diral band experience find it difficult/unusual to eat alone, but also difficult to eat in front of a male. (And also presumably in front of a nursing female.)

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by Snoofman »

Something I nerver noticed until now; what is that green/tel colored pad Spiral is holding. Data pad?

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Re: Page 170: What I fear...

Post by Arioch »

Snoofman wrote:
Tue Sep 20, 2022 11:11 am
Something I nerver noticed until now; what is that green/tel colored pad Spiral is holding. Data pad?
It's a packet of food.

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