Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Alexandr Koori »

I mean forcible entry in a dream. And about Fireblade I mean her telekinetic ability. In the best case she destroy night lamp, at worst injures someone. As I understand how it works.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Arioch »

Invading someone's dreams is possible, but this would be the purview of someone like Tempo, rather than Fireblade.

The issue of unconscious use of telekinesis is a potentially serious one, but most users should be able to keep it under control while sleeping. The human brain usually operates in a "safe mode" while asleep; you have dreams about moving your body, and your brain is activating exactly the same sets of neurons that you use when actually moving, but somehow the "live" movement system is disconnected. Usually.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Alexandr Koori »

And what about moments after/in sleep, when difficult to distinguish dream from reality? (As I know all have this unpleasant experience. It would be logical, if Loroi will be faced with this as often as we.)

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Arioch »

Alexandr Koori wrote:And what about moments after/in sleep, when difficult to distinguish dream from reality? (As I know all have this unpleasant experience. It would be logical, if Loroi will be faced with this as often as we.)
Sure. You don't want to be the one with the job of waking Fireblade up in the morning. People give Fireblade a wide berth when she's sleeping (and most other times for good measure).

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Hujedamig »

Arioch wrote: Sure. You don't want to be the one with the job of waking Fireblade up in the morning. People give Fireblade a wide berth when she's sleeping (and most other times for good measure).
Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Mr.Tucker »

Another nagging question I have. What does Subjugated Population, Partially-occupied Independent and Subjugated Population (Quarantined) mean and how does it affect these governments and the day-to-day lives of these species? Basically, what would their condition be?

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Arioch »

Mr.Tucker wrote:Another nagging question I have. What does Subjugated Population, Partially-occupied Independent and Subjugated Population (Quarantined) mean and how does it affect these governments and the day-to-day lives of these species? Basically, what would their condition be?
Subjugated Population: Delrias
The five Delrias star systems are still under Loroi occupation, and so each is ruled by a Loroi military governor appointed by the Loroi Emperor. After the Second Mannadi War, in recognition of the contributions of the Delrias to the war effort, an act of the Union Assembly granted formal Union citizenship to all Delrias individuals and authorized locally-determined native governments, but this was largely a symbolic gesture. Each Delrias system has its own native government and sends a delegate to the Union Assembly, but these delegates have no votes, and the Delrias local governments are legally subordinate to the Loroi military administration. By tradition, the Loroi officials keep a low profile and leave most local decisions to native authorities, but the Loroi reserve the right to take any action that is deemed necessary, and that includes suppressing native movements for nationalism or independence. Loroi intelligence agents routinely "remove" any Delrias leaders who openly challenge Loroi rule or privately plot against it. As you might expect, the telepathic Loroi are very effective at this.

The Delrias are proud, aggressive, and bombastic; to speak to one, you might get the impression that she was not aware that her people had lost a war. Prior to the Loroi war, the Delrias had a clan-based warrior culture in which physical conflict between factions and individuals was common. The quick subjugation of the proud Delrias war machine by the Loroi shook this warrior culture to its core, and a bloody and chaotic civil war followed. However, once the fires were extinguished, the Delrias continued on almost as if the Loroi war had never happened. The clan-based culture of conflict continues, though now through political and business channels instead of overtly military ones. The Delrias still resolve disputes through physical intimidation and sometimes outright violence. The periodic Loroi assassinations of Delrias nationalist leaders might generate more local outrage were it not for the fact that lethal conflicts between individuals and groups are still legal in most Delrias jurisdictions. For the most part, the Delrias seem content to fight amongst themselves.

Partially-occupied Independent: Arekka
The Loroi conquest of Arekka territory was incomplete when the formation of the Loroi Union ended the war. The Arekka refused to join the Union, but they did agree to a cessation of hostilities. What resulted was that the two remaining free Arekka systems formed an independent government, but the majority of the Arekka population (including their homeworld) remained under Loroi occupation. The independent portion of Arekka territory is completely economically dependent on the occupied portion, so the whole is heavily under Loroi influence. There have been attempts to unite the Arekka population and bring them into full Union membership, but nationalist elements of Arekka society have opposed this, resulting in factional conflicts within Arekka society, and periodic revolts against Loroi rule in the occupied territories (which have not been very successful). In between conflicts, life seems chaotic for the Arekka, but there is reason to believe that this was status quo ante bellum.

Subjugated Population (Quarantined): Mannadi
The Third Mannadi War ended with all of the remaining Mannadi worlds under Loroi occupation. After a long insurgency and several high profile acts of terrorism, the Loroi commander in charge of the occupation ordered a military action that resulted in the extermination of the majority of the remaining Mannadi population. Since that time, the Mannadi worlds have been under quarantine; unlike the Delrias or Arekka, Mannadi are not permitted to leave their designated territory. The Mannadi do not have any representation (even symbolic) in the Union. Very little information leaves the quarantined zone, and so most private citizens of the Union do not know much of anything of what remains of the Mannadi or what life is like for them.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by GeoModder »

Didn't realize the Delrias had so many worlds colonized. For some reason I thought they still only occupied a single system. Is it known if in Morat society intimidation is also part of life?
Only 2 'free' Arekka systems left? Looks like wkth a month extra, the Loroi could have conquered them all...

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Arioch »

GeoModder wrote:Didn't realize the Delrias had so many worlds colonized. For some reason I thought they still only occupied a single system. Is it known if in Morat society intimidation is also part of life?
The differences between Morat and Delrias are by degree. The Delrias are larger (some of the females growing particularly large), more aggressive and exclusively carnivorous; the Morat are smaller and more egalitarian (without sexual dimorphism) and more practical in many areas (including their chosen sources of nutrition), but I think humans would still regard the Morat as contentious. Morat personal duels are mostly illegal, but they do happen.
GeoModder wrote:Only 2 'free' Arekka systems left? Looks like with a month extra, the Loroi could have conquered them all...
As with many cases in the Mannadi wars, the issue was range. Arekka territory is at the extreme edge of reachable space, and much of it is in a higher-than-optimal density of interstellar material, making safe jump links shorter and fewer. Also, it was two free inhabited systems; the total area of territory was larger than just two systems.


Note: the circle around the Arekka Free State indicates the topography of the interstellar material, not the size of the Arekka Free State.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Mr.Tucker »

Wow! That's a great deal of nice info. Cheers, Arioch :D !
I can see from the map why Mannadi space is considered the "gateway" into Historian turf. Interesting names for those Historian systems I must say. I take it the charred steppes and Seren border systems are evacuated, bombed to hell and devoid of all life except the occasional Loroi/Umiak raid group passing through? By the way, do the Historians actually refer to themselves as such or is that a name given to them by others?

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Arioch »

Mr.Tucker wrote:By the way, do the Historians actually refer to themselves as such or is that a name given to them by others?
The emissary construct issues a greeting "on behalf of the Historians" in the dialogue on page 57.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by cacambo43 »

I suspect it is the Historians who are the direct descendents of the Soia, rather than the Loroi. They probably find the Loroi thinking they themselves are the heirs to the Soia both humorous and annoying, by turns. ;)


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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by fredgiblet »

I think if anyone it's the Pol that are the Soia remnants and the Historians were made to keep the Loroi away until such a time that it was advantageous for them to reveal that fact.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Mr.Tucker »

Arioch wrote:
Mr.Tucker wrote:By the way, do the Historians actually refer to themselves as such or is that a name given to them by others?
The emissary construct issues a greeting "on behalf of the Historians" in the dialogue on page 57.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Sorry :(
cacambo43 wrote:I suspect it is the Historians who are the direct descendents of the Soia, rather than the Loroi. They probably find the Loroi thinking they themselves are the heirs to the Soia both humorous and annoying, by turns. ;)

We can speculate, but I suspect the descendants of the Soia would be far more powerful, than leaving themselves so helpless against the Umiak. The Historians haven't lost much of their tech from that time (or reaquired it sooner), but I don't see them as empire builders given their apparent lack of beligerance.
fredgiblet wrote:I think if anyone it's the Pol that are the Soia remnants and the Historians were made to keep the Loroi away until such a time that it was advantageous for them to reveal that fact.
I tend to think they have more of a conservationist attitude in this matter. Protect the helpless Pol against the nasty neighbours .

Maybe they like cetaceans. Hell, maybe the Historians keep them as pets in aquariums, lol.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by wasp609 »

im wondering are loroi small arms kinetic based or plasma based.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by Arioch »

wasp609 wrote:im wondering are loroi small arms kinetic based or plasma based.
They have a variety of different types, but those that the Loroi marines are currently carrying in the comic are particle beam weapons.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by wasp609 »

with as much scifi stuff i have read and watched im cant believe i forgot about particle weaponry.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by saint of m »

Would the Loroi still have any more "primitive" weapons to have on hand that are either there for tradition or as a secondary if they run out of batteries?

The thought comes from the use of Tamahawks in the United States' wars. Even though they have not been a standard peice of equipment since the war of 1812, they have been documented to be used in every war since, including the current ones the US got itself into.

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by GeoModder »

saint of m wrote:..., they have been documented to be used in every war since, including the current ones the US got itself into.
You mean there are actually native american descendants serving in Afghanistan with a tomahawk in their duffel? :lol:

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Re: Miscellaneous Loroi question-and-answer thread

Post by discord »

geo: don't dis that hand axe, better melee weapon than the knife any day of the week, usually better thrown too....and a better infantry engineering tool as well, does wonders for cutting down small trees and going through annoying doors.

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