icekatze wrote:hi hi
jack wrote:Umiak HXLR Torpedo. >snip<
Yes, that is roughly the acceleration profile of an Umiak torpedo. I still fail to see how that is relevant to sensors and communication lag at the speed of light. At the end of a full burn, the HXLR torpedo has about 38.4 seconds of communication lag between the firing ship and the projectile.
As it is written in the article above.
Far away from vehicle and close to the target self-induced torpedo.
At the beginning and the middle portion of acceleration the torpedo guidance commands from the ship.
Delay for 40 seconds and search for targets at a distance of light-minutes is not so difficult task, as the FTL drive and acceleration of 30 g of the ship weight of 400 000 tons.
icekatze wrote:
jack wrote:Interstellar navigation simple and cheap?
Interstellar travel isn't simple. Whether it is cheap or expensive depends on what you are comparing it to. All of the other components on a space warship are also incredibly expensive.
Other components have a light destroyer and two heavy gunboats are identical. Gunboats only two short-range navigation system required. Early warning purposes for them, as for the torpedoes, the carrier can perform.
icekatze wrote:
Umiak small craft are often there for the sole purpose of distracting the Loroi until their larger craft get in range. Every gunboat that a medium or heavy craft carries will reduce that craft's own utility.
Umiak have no other sub-ships, except gunboats. Those functions that Loroi carry passengers, cargo and landing shuttles - at Umiak must fulfill "gunboats".
I do estimations on Frequency ships, it turned out.
Umiak superiority in space naval complex:
1 Type-KK Command Cruiser, 3С + 48 extra long-range torpedoes.
2 Type-K Heavy Cruiser, guidance system extra long-range torpedoes + 24 extra long-range torpedoes.
1 KTKh Strike Cruiser, group protection 48 blister "Rockeye" x 30 AMM "Gimlet" = 1460 AMM.
1 Type-KS Missile Cruiser, short range torpedo fire.
1 Type-HS Missile Destroyer, mid-range torpedo fire.
1 Type-Kh Light Cruiser, long range torpedo fire.
4 Type-H Heavy Destroyer, short range fire and immediate protection.
1 Type-Z Specialty Destroyer, distant early warning.
1 Type-G Gunboat Tender, support sub-ships.
Division gunboats:
4 Light Destroyer.
8 Heavy Gunboat.
8 Gunboat.
Common - 1
Very Common - 2
Ubiquitous - 4
Nightmarish - 8.
icekatze wrote:
jack wrote:This means that Umiak spend on the development of projects of ships and weapons systems greater intellectual resources than Loroi.
This is like saying that a sword is superior to a rifle, because the sword does not expend resources every time it is used.
I do not understand you.