What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

sunphoenix wrote:
Mr Bojangles wrote:
ShadowDragon8685 wrote: Have to disagree with you there. Ayala Secura gets my top pick.
The accent just gives her that little extra something...
Ayala Secura... she was done badly. No way for such a lovely and heroic woman to die.

I guess that's why my most favorite historical figure is Joan of Arc. Selflessly she did what faith moved her to do.. and yet she was martyred for it. No way for such a righteous, heroic woman to die!
Hey, we didn't see the body. She fell down a cliff! Falling down a cliff is perfectly survivable in the pictures. :P
(That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.)

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by harlequin2262 »

Back in the races yet? You can't just write like a machine for weeks and then cut us off. It could be years before Page 113, I need my psychic space blueberry murder elf stories!

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

harlequin2262 wrote:Back in the races yet? You can't just write like a machine for weeks and then cut us off. It could be years before Page 113, I need my psychic space blueberry murder elf stories!
Well, if you want to read something, anything, and don't mind something confusing and totally out of left field, clicky da linky. Don't say I haven't warned you.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by dapple26 »

ShadowDragon8685 wrote:
harlequin2262 wrote:Back in the races yet? You can't just write like a machine for weeks and then cut us off. It could be years before Page 113, I need my psychic space blueberry murder elf stories!
Well, if you want to read something, anything, and don't mind something confusing and totally out of left field, clicky da linky. Don't say I haven't warned you.
Just what I needed. Thanks.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by harlequin2262 »

Outstanding. Cheers, Shadow. Looking forward to anything else you might right in the future.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by Imperator Sylvor »

I came for a story, and learned that dolphins are pedophiles.

Was not disappointed, but that's my cue that I've had enough Internet for today.
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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by raistlin34 »

Has this story been abandoned :cry:

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

raistlin34 wrote:Has this story been abandoned :cry:
When the muse strikes, she strikes.
She has not struck. She'll probably strike again when and if Arioch posts anything new.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by harlequin2262 »

Oh come on!

Yeah, this is why we have necroposting rules. I saw the thread had been updated by the writer, and ...nope, someone asking the obvious.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

harlequin2262 wrote:Oh come on!

Yeah, this is why we have necroposting rules. I saw the thread had been updated by the writer, and ...nope, someone asking the obvious.
You're probably gonna hate this, but...

Since I know that some people (for reasons entirely unknown to me) like the things I write, I thought it fair to let everyone know what's up with me so far.

Good news: The muse struck again!
Bad(?) news: In the form of superpowered Japanese teenagers.

Someone made me watch Kill la Kill recently, and I went from "Ohhhh god, this is so stupid" by the end of Episode 2 to "It's over? No! It can't be over - IT CAN'T BE OVER!" by the end of Ep 25. Then it boiled over in my head for awhile, and when it reached a critical mass, words started falling out.

I'm currently on page 55, two chapters in, if anyone wants to have a read.

Warning: Being set after the finale, this story spoilers basically everything. Read at your own peril if you have any interest in Kill la Kill, even purely hypothetical, and haven't seen it!

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by Krulle »

Good that the muse is kissing you again...

Not interested in Kill la Kill myself, so, I'll just wait a bit longer...

I've never been much of a writer myself, though I do produce a lot of printed paper daily... But it's more technical nature, not creative.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by Tamri »

I'm happy for you. Somehow doesn't pull me to read now (and with the original, I don't actually know), but I'll try to read later, as the mood will be.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by sunphoenix »

I've been hearing a lot about Kil la Lill.. and have been trying to find a source to watch. :) So I'll hold off reading until I have...! :)
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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by sunphoenix »

Ok... lols. Watched all 25 episodes of "Kill La Kill".. {snicker}... that is a anime' company that refreshingly does not take itself 'too seriously'...


And here I thought ~ "Teggen Toppa Gurren Laggan" was zany.. :)

Now reading your fanfic Shadowdragon...
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

sunphoenix wrote:Ok... lols. Watched all 25 episodes of "Kill La Kill".. {snicker}... that is a anime' company that refreshingly does not take itself 'too seriously'...


And here I thought ~ "Teggen Toppa Gurren Laggan" was zany.. :)

Now reading your fanfic Shadowdragon...
That should come as no surprise - TRIGGER was, apparently, primarily formed by the people behind Gurren Lagann.

I even kind of threw that a bone in my story - Ryuko's a TTGL fan, and has the first TTGL theme song as her phone's 'wake me the hell up' alarm music.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

I have an update for you. Sort of!

There's no new content... Instead, I've started rewriting the old stuff, reformatting it for Google docs, which are much more comfortable for me to write in. I started by rewriting saint of m's vignettes, to hopefully match the tone of my later entries, without changing the details.

You can see what I've done so far here.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by deafscout »

good story

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by ShadowDragon8685 »

deafscout wrote:good story
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by Blu3wolf »

In the previous story post, there was conversation about conservation... and specifically, conservation was misspelled, as conversation. Also - not quite sure what human polities are, either. Spelling error?

Glorious read thus far. Though - I have a wise for your muse to return. Perhaps in style! (warning - link NSFW): http://oglaf.com/blank-page/

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Re: What to Do with Jardin (Fan Fic)

Post by orion1836 »

I have to admit - I avoided this thread for a very long time because of the crack-fic nature of the original posts. Outsider is a serious attempt to translate very soft sci-fi tropes into a much harder sci-fi setting while keeping the space opera themes intact. The last thing I wanted to see was a Marty Stu crack-fic.

ShadowDragon8685... wow, to write a fic like you did is hard enough, but to take the original material and turn it into... this takes real talent. This is incredible and you are to be commended.

Something from much earlier I wanted to comment on:
ShadowDragon8685 wrote:As requested, a bit of Opalstorm simmering in the tiny brig aboard Swiftwind.


She twisted her lips up in a smirk; indeed, if human menfolk were so irresistible to Loroi warriors, once the race was properly vassalized, perhaps Loroi vessels could keep one or two aboard for morale purposes. It would greatly simplify her task of keeping discipline if she had some sort of apparently-irresistible alien reward to dangle for good behavior. Then the need to constantly discipline her subordinates would be alleviated, as they would, surely, to some degree reign in their own unruly and wild impulses in the hope of pleasing her and by so doing, gain access...

Opalstorm reached up, stroking her ear thoughtfully. This possibility bore some... Consideration.
All *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* fan-service jokes aside, this is what hit me when I first saw the thread on what Humanity could offer the Loroi. Judging by the map of the Local Bubble, Terran space is out of the way at best, and unreasonably far at worst. Even if Humanity could offer Loroi fleets a "back door" into Umiak space, the Loroi would still need to expend ships and resources to take advantage of it. As I see it based on what I've read in the 'Insider,' even with technical assistance or outright uplifting, Humanity isn't going to be of much military or industrial help for the Loroi anytime soon; the initial push to fortify our (and by extension the Loroi's) position would involve mostly Loroi assets. Any ships and war materiel sent to a new Human "front" would NOT be sent to the Steppes and bordering Loroi systems - a risky proposition with the Umiak continuing to press on it.

Of course, the Loroi could justify any and all resources sent to secure us because of the threat we would pose if we, as a whole, fell into Umiak hands. Farsight-invisible Human slaves forced into warships on the front line would be devastating to the Loroi. That said, we have just as much interest in staying alive (and free) as the Loroi do in keeping us out of Umiak control, nullifying our negotiating position somewhat. And who knows if the human diplomat at the other end of the table will even understand the full nature of the Loroi's position, and the leverage our telepathic immunity grants us?

Without anything more substantial to gain than access to (and knowledge of) new jump routes, refueling points, and a potential (future) industrial base, and especially considering that the Loroi could simply take all the above, I could see them asking Humanity for a cadre of "observers" as I'm sure they'd be officially called. Ten thousand men, one or two for each Loroi ship, would hardly be a drop in the global population bucket, and I'm sure there would be little difficulty in finding volunteers. What's more, the TCA could actually use them as observers, both to garner intelligence and a simple understanding of how a broad interstellar war is actually fought.

It costs Humanity practically nothing, gains us security (unless, of course, the Umiak win), and gives us a leg up in understanding the races and technology that surround us in the local bubble. From the Loroi side, assuming their culture would even allow for such a thing (something not yet addressed in canon), they gain a huge morale boost for their troops (without putting any of their extremely valuable male population at risk), secure a possibly existential threat from the control of their enemy, and gain a potential back door to Umiak space, opening up a future second front.

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