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Post by Snoofman »

Disclaimer: Outsider and any and all related content is the intellectual property of Jim Francis a.k.a. Arioch. Please support Arioch on Patreon.com

This story is merely a fan fiction written for the sake of entertainment and creative writing. And to try and find my own muse. Certain characters from the original webcomic may be featured. And while they may not match the characters' actual personalities that Arioch has in mind, I did my best.

Second Disclaimer: this story attempts to tie into the fan fictions Looking forward to the Mirror and Reforged, which are the works of Dragoongfa, whom I hope approves.

Commentary and criticism is welcome. If I may ask one thing: do so gently.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!


Endurance series timeline:
(+) Wind and Fire
(+) Deliverance
(+) Dawn
(+) A Chorus of Stars


Dawn an Outsider fanficiton.


Mizol Lennai Twoface was not having a good day. She was walking through the umbilical cord from her assigned ship, the Roseil, and entering the Laget Relay Space Station. Teidar Icespear was walking alongside her as well as Listel Weaver. Icespear was a tall Loroi with dark blue complexion, a large upper frame, orange eyes and a large plume of spiky, cerulean hair. Weaver, while not well-built like Icespear, was also tall with a slender frame, blues eyes and long purple hair that she wore in a bun. Twoface, on the other hand, more resembled a handsome male with silvery irises. She was even as short as one. A line of white scars ran down the center of her face over her nose and lips down to her chin. Another scar line ran under her silvery, right eye curving up toward the side of her skull. Her dark hair was cut short on the sides with a fade away style and a very short crop on top. Some often mistook her for a dishonored warrior, but she didn’t care. It was her hair and she could fashion it however she damn well pleased.

Twoface had been granted temporary leave by her commander, Torrai Mazeit Sunflower, to take care of a delicate matter. That same delicate matter happened to be residing in a sealed container Weaver was carrying with utmost care. Icespear was escorting Twoface to make sure that the container’s contents reached its appropriate destination. Weaver was monitoring any changes to its condition. The two Loroi accompanying Twoface were the lowest of their castes and the only Loroi that Sunflower was willing to spare, but they were reliable and competent. As long as they delivered the package, it would suffice.

Although Laget system lied within Neridi territory on the borders of the sector, it was also one of the best hubs for commerce and trade among the many races. The Neridi and Loroi particularly maintained the most significant presence. All throughout the Laget Relay Station were an assortment of shops, information desks, customs control gates as well as government departments and embassies hailing from the Union, the Neridi Monarchy and several others. There was also a Terran Embassy which Twoface was eager to reach. While a few of the peoples around her, Loroi or otherwise, gave a curious look at the strange container in their possession, most seemed not to care. The few that seemed more inquisitive were scared off by Icespear’s intimidating glare as well as Twoface’s scarred face and short hair. Some loroi dreaded coming near what appeared to be a dishonored warrior. A superstition that was useful to one like Twoface.

It seems like a good idea that we didn’t bring a larger escort, Weaver sanzaied to her two comrades. Bigger security detail would have drawn more attention.

Obviously, Twoface answered. Remember to keep sanzai to a minimum. Although they were not likely to be detected or found out, Loroi could still be prone to telepathic attacks.

After walking through the Relay Station for some time, they finally found a booth with the TCA insignia. This was the Terran Embassy. Twoface was momentarily relieved as she approached the counter with Weaver and Icespear in tow. There was a lone Soroin Loroi in a simple green jumpsuit sitting behind the counter with a bored expression while playing on her computer monitor. That seemed odd. Usually there was at least one human ambassador or social worker working at all times at the Embassy. Perhaps the humans employed at this Embassy were on leave.

Now you two keep silent and let me do the talking, she instructed her comrades. They both complied.

Twoface stepped forward and addressed the Soroin behind the counter. Greetings, comrade. I am Mizol Lennai Twoface and am here to resolve an urgent matter.

The Loroi behind the counter switched her attention to Twoface. Initially she seemed revolted more by Twoface’s scars and short hair, but assumed a respectful posture.

What seems to be the problem? asked the receptionist.

This is… a matter that I would prefer to discuss with a human representing the Terran Government, Twoface shielded her thoughts without seeming conspicuous. A typical Mizol skill.

There are no human representatives or employees available for the moment, the Loroi said simply.

Well, when will the humans be resuming duty at the embassy here?

I don’t know.

That was very strange. What do you mean you don’t know?

I mean I don’t know. No one knows. There were a handful of humans working at the Relay Station here. But three days ago, they were forced to leave.

Twoface was shocked. That did not seem good. Leave?! For what reasons?

The Loroi behind the counter arched a curious eyebrow. Had you not heard the latest update from Buoy News? Due to geopolitical instability and numerous incidents within the Great Wastelands, all human travel and touring has been banned except for diplomatic business approved directly by the Emperor or the Elder Council. The humans working at this station were marched onto transports and sent back to Terran territory. A few were detained for questioning, but I don’t know where they have been transported.

This was bad. Without a human representative, what was she supposed to do with the package?

A small commotion distracted her a moment as a Neridi had wandered close to the trio. Its thoughts, as the Loroi could naturally detect, were focused on the container and eyed it curiously. Icespear marched aggressively toward the Neridi and with a mild telekinetic shove, muttered, “Move along!”

The frightened Neridi took the hint and scurried away.

I thought it was understood among us to keep a low profile, Twoface said irritably to Icespear.

You said protect the package, Icespear said.

Excuse me, Mizol Twoface, the Soroin interrupted. But if you just tell me what the problem is, I’m sure I can help.

This isn’t a problem you can fix, Twoface said bluntly. She kept her telepathic defences up. The Soroin was a bit taken aback by the Mizol’s shielding, but decided it was not her business to inquire.

Twoface thought for a moment. There had to be a solution to their predicament. If there were no humanity envoys available, then it seemed like there was only one department left to try. It seemed risky, but what option did they have?

Come on, Twoface sent to her comrades. We’re going to the MIzol Office.

The trio left the booth. They received more curious glances from the stations many occupants and travellers. Years of training taught Twoface to keep her cool in any situation, but their problem was making it a little more challenging.

After passing through several large corridors, they eventually found the Mizol Office. The sliding bulkhead doors leading to the office was guarded by two Soroins and a Mizol Romessat sitting behind a reception desk just to the side. The Romessat took notice of the trio, but Twoface showed her proper legitimation by holding her ID-tag installed within her wristguard over a scanner.

The receptionist confirmed Twoface’s identity and pressed a button, opening the bulkhead doors. Twoface sighed with relief. At least they were getting closer to the chance of solving their problem and delivering the package.

Twoface moved toward the Mizol Office entrance with the Listel and Teidar in tow.

Excuse me, Mizol… The receptionist stopped them and eyed the name registered on her monitor. Lennai Twoface? Is it? A strange name thought the receptionist. But the MIzol Office is an information sensitive area. Only Mizols are permitted beyond this point.

Please, it is important that these two accompany me, Twoface pleaded.

I’m sorry, but no warriors from alternate castes or other visitors without approval from a Mizol of sufficient rank are permitted. Also, I will have to inspect that container the Listel seems to be carrying.

Twoface tried to hide her nervousness. The contents are confidential, she sent.

The Mizol receptionist eyed Twoface suspiciously. Twoface could not blame a fellow Loroi for doing her job. For all she knew, they could be carrying an explosive and the Intelligence Specialist was only right in being suspicious. But Twoface could not show the contents of their package. She had to get it to safety.

Mizol Twoface, your behavior seems suspect, the receptionist warned. I must insist that you put down the container and allow us to inspect its contents. She signaled to the two Soroin guards and they approached the Listel holding the container.

Icespear forced the two guards back with a psychokinetic push. "Back off!" she verbally warned. The two Soroins held their rifles at the ready. Icespear’s eyes glowed a dangerous orange in threatening display.

Everyone, calm down, Twoface tried to pacify them.

What is going on here? a telepathic shout came from a Mizol Sanzet marching out of the office and approached Twoface’s company. Mizol Lennai Twoface?

Yes, ma’am, Twoface answered.

I am Mizol Sanzet Harmony. Mizol Parat Shadowlane has been informed of your arrival. She will permit you and your companions to enter. Under the condition that they do not attempt absorbing information within the MIzol Office. Violating these parameters will be construed as an act of espionage, which is subject to prosecution.

There was no mention of the container’s contents, so that probably meant that this Shadowlane didn’t know what it held.

Understood, Twoface complied.

The Mizol Harmony turned and led the way into the Office with the trio following suit.


Mizol Offices, be they aboard a space station or in the confines of terrestrial buildings, contain a plethora of analysts, envoys, intelligence officers and ambassadors working behind numerous holographic monitors connected to the Command and Control Network. Mizols had access to vast archives and super computers keeping every office of every planet in every system up to date on military, social, populace and political activities all across the Union.

The many dark armored agents of the Office that Twoface and her friends were being led threw paid little interest to the new Mizol and two outsider caste members. After all they were far too preoccupied with their many tasks at hand. Twoface could not help but feel a serious urgency in this work environment. Something big was happening. Perhaps it had to due with the recent human ban put into effect.

The trio were eventually brought to another bulkhead that swung open revealing a lone Mizol Senior Analyst sitting inside behind her own holographic monitor. She was of slim build, but certainly not slender with pronounced curvature to her waist and hips. While she seemed not to be out of shape physically, it was a sign that she spent much of her time behind the desk. Her orange hair was tied in a bun on her head’s right side and extended into a hip-length ponytail. The most striking feature was her golden eyes.

Thank you, Harmony. Leave us alone, the Mizol Senior Analyst instructed her subordinate.

Harmony left out the bulkhead door as it swung shut with an audible swish and click.

Mizol Twoface, please approach, the Mizol Shadowlane instructed. Twoface obeyed and showed due respect. I am Mizol Parat Shadowlane. It has come to my understanding that you have come aboard this Relay Station with a package of unknown contents from the warship Roseil.

That is correct, Twoface confirmed. Forgive me if my actions seem irregular, but I can only say it was necessary.

Shadowlane arched a curious eyebrow. What cargo could you possibly be carrying around that would warrant the need for secrecy?

Twoface sighed. This was it. Now it was time to reveal what the fuss was about. Perhaps it is better I show you. I ask only that we keep this matter as private as possible. Recent incidents seem to have already made matters complicated enough.

That depends very much on what you seem to be carrying, the Senior Analyst said sternly.

Weaver, open the container, Twoface sent.

Weaver set down the container carefully. She opened the first lid, revealing beneath a second lid with a bio-monitor display on top. It seemed odd to Shadowlane that the container had a bio monitor on it. That’s when a realization hit her. The container was a portable incubation pod.

Weaver popped open the second lid as it released a small hiss and opened the container. Shadowlane’s eyes went wide with wonder and shock. She slowly walked around her desk to get a closer look at the pod’s contents. Inside the pod was a small infant. A female infant. With the tiny face and tightly shut eyes, Shadowlane could guess that it must have been barely a few days old. But this was no ordinary infant.

Twoface sent to the Senior Analyst, Mizol Losat Shadowlane, we are here because, ten days ago, this human child was born on our Commander’s ship.
Last edited by Snoofman on Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:43 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Quickdraw101 »

A hybrid child?

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Re: Dawn

Post by dragoongfa »

Hybrids, although interesting and intriguing from a story telling perceptive, are a biological impossibility. With radically different biochemical makeups there is simply no way for a hybrid to be successfully conceived, how much carried to term.

In 'Reforged' there is the mention of Loroi migrants having children and raising them with their human partners but those are the human children of their partners; born either through surrogate mothers or artificial wombs depending on preferences. Adoptive children are also a possibility of course but beyond all reason I hope that there will be a distinct dearth of orphans in a future where space travel and regenerative medicine are facts of every day life, this combined with state backed population expansion policies translates to Loroi migrants generally electing to have and raise the children of their husbands/partners.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Quickdraw101 »

dragoongfa wrote:
Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:12 pm
Hybrids, although interesting and intriguing from a story telling perceptive, are a biological impossibility. With radically different biochemical makeups there is simply no way for a hybrid to be successfully conceived, how much carried to term.

In 'Reforged' there is the mention of Loroi migrants having children and raising them with their human partners but those are the human children of their partners; born either through surrogate mothers or artificial wombs depending on preferences. Adoptive children are also a possibility of course but beyond all reason I hope that there will be a distinct dearth of orphans in a future where space travel and regenerative medicine are facts of every day life, this combined with state backed population expansion policies translates to Loroi migrants generally electing to have and raise the children of their husbands/partners.
Depending on how advanced the Soia where supposed to be, it might be possible via some of their medical and bioengineering technology that's been recovered and worked with. Hybrids can be made today with certain animals, but they tend to be barren. One could explain away a hybrid via Soia technology fuckery, which given these people supposedly had moon sized battle stations that moved across the stars, isn't impossible.

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Re: Dawn

Post by dragoongfa »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:04 pm
Depending on how advanced the Soia where supposed to be, it might be possible via some of their medical and bioengineering technology that's been recovered and worked with. Hybrids can be made today with certain animals, but they tend to be barren. One could explain away a hybrid via Soia technology fuckery, which given these people supposedly had moon sized battle stations that moved across the stars, isn't impossible.
With the magic level tech that the Soian's had sure but a working example of Soia tech has never been found, even a small everyday working artifact would send shockwaves throughout the local bubble and considering the technological disparity the one who found it would have trouble using it or reverse engineering it properly; imagine a fully working smartphone suddenly appearing in the renaissance for example because that's how far ahead the Soian's are to the Loroi.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

dragoongfa wrote:
Fri Mar 26, 2021 4:12 pm
Hybrids, although interesting and intriguing from a story telling perceptive, are a biological impossibility. With radically different biochemical makeups there is simply no way for a hybrid to be successfully conceived, how much carried to term.

In 'Reforged' there is the mention of Loroi migrants having children and raising them with their human partners but those are the human children of their partners; born either through surrogate mothers or artificial wombs depending on preferences. Adoptive children are also a possibility of course but beyond all reason I hope that there will be a distinct dearth of orphans in a future where space travel and regenerative medicine are facts of every day life, this combined with state backed population expansion policies translates to Loroi migrants generally electing to have and raise the children of their husbands/partners.
Biological impossibility indeed! Without spoiling too much, I can say that it is fully human! While some fanfics here have played with the idea of hybrid children, this story tries to stay as true as possible to the webcomic lore.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Onaiom »

Snoofman wrote:
Fri Mar 26, 2021 8:39 am
Second Disclaimer: this story attempts to tie into the fan fictions Looking forward to the Mirror and Reforged, which are the works of Dragoongfa, whom I hope approves.
The fanfic can stand on it own actually. Is way harder to try fitting a hibrid child in the Reforged setting than making a fanfic.

The Story is very good soo far.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Dawn - part 2


The situation felt surreal to Shadowlane as she leaned against her desk, gazing with a mix of wonder and bewilderment at the delicate infant slumbering in the incubation pod. A tiny, human female with brown skin and barely a patch of dark hair. Mizol Twoface sat on a bench alongside an adjacent wall. Listel Weaver sat beside her and monitored the child’s condition while Teidar Icespear stood in a corner of the room with a hand on her hip. They were waiting for Shadowlane to respond.

I don’t understand, said Shadowlane, her arms crossed over her chest. Even for something as small as an infant, this situation was a lot to take in. How was a human child born on your ship?

Twoface sighed and organized her thoughts to give the MIzol Losat their story. As I said, it began ten days ago during a patrol in the Great Wastelands. As you may know, humanity has been eager to claim as many worlds as possible ever since we’ve given expansion rights to the Terran Colonial Authority. Unfortunately, for the last ten years, there have been numerous attacks on Union vessels by human raiders. While the Terran Government denies any ties with these raiders, the Elder Council has grown suspicious of humanity’s intentions and ordered policing of the Wastelands that humanity has not claimed yet.

While our own ship’s commander, Torrai Sunflower, has complied with the rules of engagement, it has not been easy restraining some of her more bellicose impulses. Twoface bowed her head a little shamefully. I hope you will forgive me if that makes me seem insolent.

Not at all, Shadowlane said in understanding. Even during the Great War, it was difficult to keep the Torrais in check. Now with a species possessing impenetrable lotai at our borders, many of the Torrais seem callous. Oh, excuse me for letting my thoughts wander. The assembled loroi giggled at that unintentional joke.

Anyway, to get to the point, Twoface continued. A group of three Terran cruisers were trekking through unclaimed territory that our strike group had just moved into. Initially, the ships ignored our transmissions. When the strike group cut off the Terran ships’ flightpath (upon the commander’s order), they finally responded. They even seemed compliant enough to allow us to board the vessel to inspect as a show of goodwill. Just as we were about to board them, they fired on us. We lost one ship, though fortunately most of the crew were uninjured. Torrai Sunflower opened fire on them, shredding the cruisers to bits.

Naturally she ordered Tenoin Salvage Teams to search the wreckage and find any recoverable weapons or stolen goods. And we found them. But they also found a loner survivor in an EVA suit from one of the cruisers. I can’t imagine how it survived the assault. It was brought back to the Commander’s flagship where it could be inspected. The survivor was a human female with dark curly hair and brown skin. Quite different from the usual humans with more pink skin. Young even. Perhaps no older than twenty tozons. But, like all humans, she had a lotai concealing her presence. Even with her mask, though, it was clear she was terrified. More unusual is that she looked bruised and beaten. As if her own crew had tortured her. She seemed more like a civilian, perhaps a passenger. I doubted she was a raider from her feeble demeanor.

The Commander, on the other hand, was convinced she was a raider and pressured her with questions. I was present during her interrogation and could barely ease the Commander’s temper. But the more Sunflower pressured the human, the more terrified she became. She seemed helplessly defenseless. Torrai Sunflower might have even threatened to expel the human into space had it not been for what shocked us next. The human female had a bloated belly and was experiencing abdominal pain and excreting fluids from between her legs. Which meant one thing: she was pregnant.

The Commander, more repulsed than sympathetic, desisted with her interrogation and allowed the Doranzers and Listels to assist the human as she went into labor. I had to stay by the human’s side the whole time to ensure that no loroi would attempt foul play. All loroi experience pain when giving birth, but our superior physiology makes it bearable. Human females, it seems, experience pain that slowly accumulates while going through labor and then peaks at an agonizing intensity when they finally have to push the infant out.

Twoface conveyed the painful memory through her sanzai of the human female crying, groaning and squirming while she lay on the infirmary’s bed with the Doranzers and Listels trying to restrain her. The most disturbing part was when the human unleashed a high-pitched screech so loud that it nearly broke Twoface’s ears.

The memory caused even Shadowlane to flinch. Poor human, thought Shadowlane sympathetically. And I thought birthing my first child was painful.

Indeed, Weaver commented, being one of the Listels that was present during the human’s birthing. Witnessing a human birth seemed disturbing. Fascinating, but disturbing. Who knew humans could scream like that? My ears wouldn’t stop ringing for hundreds of solons.

A little moan from the incubation pod disrupted the telepathic conversation as the infant started crying. “Neh! Neh! Neh!”

Speaking of which, this adorable, little thing takes after her own mother, Weaver said with a grin. She got up from the bench to aid the baby.

I hope you are prepared to take care of that infant, Shadowlane said with a hint of concern.

Not to worry, Weaver said assuringly as she prepared a bottle of feeding solution packed in the pod. That particular cry she makes, ‘neh’, signifies that she is hungry. Luckily, I’ve had several days to observe this baby’s behaviors. It has been a burden, but one I have been glad to undertake with my friends here. She lifted the crying toddler out of the pod, wrapped her in a blanket and fed her the white milk.

Speak for yourself, Icespear said rolling her eyes.

Twoface smirked as she continued her story. It was… unsettling to see a small loroi-like creature born without a mental presence. Like a fleshy mass with no sign of a spirit inside. And yet I could not help but feel my maternal instincts kick in. I watched as the Doranzers cut the child’s umbilical cord and handed the crying newborn to its mother. The human female, in turn, had stopped screaming and cried for joy. I too was relieved… for the moment.

For the next three few days, we monitored the human’s and her child’s health. Although Torrai Sunflower was still suspicious, even she knew harming a mother and her newborn would be dishonorable.

Sadly, things went for the worst. Three days after the human’s arrival, the infant’s health was stable. Her mother’s health, however, was declining. I used this chance to get some answers. The human understood no Trade and even with the Listels’ data on human languages, it was hard to communicate through an intermediary. Twoface’s demeanor turned sad as the most troubling part of her memory resurfaced. I gently inquired about the human’s background to get some answers. At this point, she seemed more willing to trust me and told me her story.

Her name was Ana Santos. She was originally from Earth. Born a sizeable terrestrial nation called Brazil. She had been a passenger aboard a different cruiser en route to a new mining colony in another system far off in the Wastelands. She and her paired partner, which to my surprise was also a female, were going to work together-

Wait, Shadowlane interrupted. A female paired with another female? As in romantically?

Correct, Twoface said matter-of-factly. I was confused as well as surprised myself. Apparently, there is a culture within human society that celebrates the union of two partners of the same gender that wish to be paired. An alien concept they call ‘same-sex marriage’.

Shadowlane cocked a curious eyebrow as the realization hit her. You mean a female desiring the exclusive, intimate affections of another female?

Unusual, isn’t it? Weaver said with enthusiasm, still feeding the little glutton in her arms. But awfully fascinating.

Fascinating?! Seems bizarre! said Icespear, uncomfortable with the notion that two females would want to engage in intercourse. Though inwardly the thought of two handsome males getting intimate was not so vulgar.

We’re getting off topic, Twoface brought the group’s attention back to the story. Anyway, the ship Miss Santos and her partner were travelling on was attacked by human raiders. They killed the crew and left some of the passengers alive to be used as ransom. But the young females like her were kept by the raiders. For months she lived as their captive. A slave practically. They beat her. Even raped her.

Low tide, Shadowlane cursed with disgust. While gathering information about the humanity species, Shadowlane had learnt many wonderful things about human culture. Sadly, she also learned about the cruel, harsher side of their nature as well. Including criminal stories of theft, murder and rape. A level of violence that no decent warrior would stoop so low to. Rape itself was not a foreign concept, just an unlikely occurrence.

Twoface continued, Eventually the days seemed to become a blur of torture for Ana. She must have been their captive for more than a tozon. Until one day, when she was doing her forced cleaning routines, she felt the raider ship shutter. She suspected that the pirates had been found out and took it as an opportunity to escape. It seemed risky, but she couldn’t bear to live another moment enslaved to those savages. She managed to make it to the EVA-suit storage, fitted herself with a space suit and locked out the pirates that tried to force their way in. An explosion undoubtedly from one of our shots ripped open their ship and sucked them into the void. She was lucky to have survived and managed to claw her way through the wreckage. After that, she was discovered by the Tenoins. The rest you know.

Twoface’s expression turned sad as her lips quivered ever so slightly. As she lay there on the infirmary bed, she broke down into tears. The pain and anguish that she must have experienced on that terrible raider ship was too much to bear. She watched the pirates sadistically play with and eventually butchered her partner, along with many of the other young girls that they captured. I tried to reassure her that she was safe and would have fair representation. But she told us that she wasn’t crying for herself. She cried for the slaves and captives that were still aboard the cruisers when we attacked. It seems we killed them along with the pirates.

Twoface’s head dropped in shame as a tear leaked from her left eye. I… I remember her asking me, ‘Why? Why did those innocent people have to die? Why didn’t you try to save them?’ As a Mizol I am trained to answer professionally. But as I looked into her green, soul-broken eyes… yes, I even remember the color of her eyes… I knew that no diplomatic answer I gave would compensate. We acted purely out of self-defense, and yet a few innocent humans perished because of us. The only feeble answer I could give was, ‘We didn’t know.’

Moment by moment, she still seemed to be growing weaker. Even after the Doranzers mended her injuries, it was as if too much of her soul had been crushed. That’s when she begged me, ‘Please, I don’t care what you do to me. But please protect my innocent baby.’ The same baby that one of those pirate savages forced inside her belly.

Twoface leaked another tear. Her comrades watched with concern at her distress but didn’t know how to console her. Shadowlane merely stood and listened with a neutral but empathic expression.

I told her… Twoface could not help if her sanzai conveyed bits of sadness muddled with her story. I told her that I would. I swore on my honor as a warrior. And then… then she offered her child to me. I took it into my arms and stared down at it. It was odd holding that tiny human without the sign of presence. And yet I could almost see… I mean truly see a spirit inside it. Inside her.

Then something terrible happened. Ana Santos’ bio-monitor indicated that her heart stopped beating. And I could hear no breath escape her mouth. She was dead. The Doranzers desperately tried to revive her, but it was futile. She was gone. All I could do was stand, watch helplessly and hold my new charge in my arms. The infant cried too. Humans seems to have no sanzai, yet I wonder if she somehow felt her mother depart as well. Twoface sighed with sorrow. I cannot help but feel as if we caused her death. If we had been more cautious…

Nonsense, Icespear spoke up in the Commander’s defence. The superior ranking loroi were a bit taken aback by her mild outburst. Icespear, realising her mistake, assumed a more appropriate posture that was expected of her inferior rank. Respectfully, none of us could have known that there were captives on those raider ships. Torrai Sunflower fulfilled her duty and protected her strike group.

I’m more afraid of the day when Torrai Sunflower goes too far and shoots an unarmed Terran ship, Twoface said hopelessly.

Shadowlane nodded her head, taking in all the information and emotion that the Mizol Twoface conveyed. This Mizol had stomached a terrible burden for days and was bound by an oath she made. Truly admirable, but problematic.

I understand completely, Mizol Twoface, said Shadowlane empathically. Though I’m surprised that Torrai Sunflower allowed the baby to stay on her ship.

You know how Torrais treat their least favorites, Twoface answered with a huff. Sunflower regards humans as little more than animals. In fact, she did not particularly care what happened to the infant, but allowed us to care for it so long as it did not compromise ship safety. It’s not like she could just order the baby off her ship. It would still be seven more days until we reached the nearest Relay Station. After Ana Santos passed away, the Doranzers, Listels and myself fought to keep the baby alive. Thanks to some samples of milk that we extracted from the mother’s breasts, we were able to reverse-engineer a feeding solution. Though I must admit, it had quite an appetite even for a baby. We also had to keep the infant near a heating unit to prevent it from freezing. Holding it was challenging since our cooler bodies seemed to suck the warmth out of it. The scariest part was when it even stopped breathing at one point. Luckily, we resuscitated it.

There was a childish moaning coming from the baby as Weaver finished feeding it. She continued to cradle it in her arms. It was hard not to smile at the little face as Weaver gently rocked her.

Our hard work paid off when we finally arrived at Laget Relay, said Twoface, bringing the story to a close. I used this opportunity to reach the humanity embassy with the baby. The Commander allowed Listel Weaver and Teidar Icespear to accompany me for safety reasons. Although they will have to return to the ship when the Roseil has been stocked and refueled. I was hoping to keep this matter as private as possible for the child’s sake. But without the Human Embassy, our only hope lies with our Diplomatic Offices.

And you seem to believe that a Torimor might have the clearance to grant this human child safe escort back to human territory? Shadowlane stated more than asked.

Twoface nodded.

Under normal circumstances, the Ambassadors could help, said Shadowlane. Sadly, our own Mizol Torimor Silvermist was forced to leave the station at about the same time that the humans working here were deported.

What? Twoface said incredulously. But why? Where is your Ambassador now?

Off to a peace conference, Shadowlane answered.

Twoface and her friends gave confused responses.

Shadowlane sighed. Perhaps it is best I explain the situation we all seem to be in. To give everyone a bit of context. Since Union shipping has been suffering significant losses due to increased human raider attacks, the Emperor has officially commanded that no loroi vessel may attack a Terran ship unless provoked or have confirmation that such ships are associated with raiders. However, the raiders often disguise themselves as legitimate cruisers and freighters. So many loroi strike groups have been unable to differentiate between civilian, military and raider ships. As a result, many of the Torrais have been out of order and been harassing practically every humanity vessel with extreme prejudice. Your story and the human Ana Santos’ account confirm it. You, comrades, seem to have sampled a milder taste of that prejudice firsthand. In the worst cases, these strike groups have outright destroyed Terran ships without proof that those ships were associated with piracy. Now both the Union and Terran Colonial Authority are on high alert. Worse yet, numerous members of the Admiralty and Elder Council are calling for war against the humans.

For fear that one more interstellar incident could incite a second war, Ambassadors from numerous Offices, including Silvermist, are being summoned to a peace summit being prepared under the Emperor’s orders. Torimors are the only diplomats with enough experience and mental discipline to deal with this crisis. Before the Torrais take matters into their own hands.

There must be something you can do, Twoface pleaded to Shadowlane.

I’m terribly sorry, Miss Twoface, Shadowlane said sincerely. But if you have not already noticed, the Mizol Office here has its hands full. With the Torimors absent, the rest of the Mizols left in command have domestic problems that must be dealt with.

Like what? asked Icespear. I thought Mizols were supposed to be cunning know-it-alls.

Icespear, Twoface admonished her. Mind your manners!

Shadowlane glared at the insubordinate Teidar but replied cooly, I will overlook your offensive remark, Teidar Icespear, if you heed my advice and follow the bloody news. Not only are we Mizols trying to stop a war. We have been struggling to keep our own warriors, including some of your Teidar sisters, from going berserk on the civilian populace.

What the shred is that supposed to mean? Icespear demanded, clenching her fists from feeling insulted.

Haven’t you heard? Many Guilds within the Empire have been rallying millions of civilians in active protest. With the Ambassadors absent, dealing with the civilians has become the responsibility of many Mizol Analysts like myself. Plus someone has to make sure that some foolish warriors don’t blast apart a mass of protestors and cause a panic.

Twoface was at a loss. Without a human embassy or Ambassador, Twoface could not get the child to human space.

I feel I should mention one more thing, Shadowlane said, focusing more on Twoface. Due to the human ban, that would technically make this human infant a lawbreaker. Any humans that failed to leave Union space will be detained under suspicion of espionage or terrorist activity.

Even an infant! Twoface said incredulously. That’s absurd!

That’s politics, Shadowlane said. The laws are meant to be perfect. But unexpected scenarios are bound to reveal inconsistencies. If this child is discovered by someone of the admirality, for example, there is a risk that they'd send it to be cared for in the prisons.

Now it was Weaver’s turn to be horrified. An infant in a prison?! That’s awful.

I know, said Shadowlane. Twoface could sense nothing but sincerity coming from her. An innocent bystander should not be subject to abuse because of inconsistent policies. I can see that protecting this child is important to you. Since traveling seems risky for the moment, my best advice is that you and the infant remain here. As a Mizol Parat, I do have the right to grant the child political asylum unless overruled by a higher authority. And I assure you that no Mizol in our department will allow harm to come to her. If an opportunity arises, we will seize it. I’ll even arrange a transfer for Listel Weaver and Teidar Icespear so that they may remain to assist in caring for the infant. If they have no objections.

Icespear scoffed, slightly annoyed. She hated a change to routines, but accepted the situation. I’ll stay.

I too accept, said Weaver happily. I am not at all sorry to stay and help.

Twoface sighed from a clashing mix of frustration and relief. There was nothing more to do but wait and hope. So be it, Mizol Parat Shadowlane. I accept and thank you for your time and help.

Very good, said Shadowlane with a gentle smile. In the meantime, you and your comrades should go and rest. Our Office actually has a barracks where you may rest. If you need refreshments or supplies, I will arrange something. The Office will also be informed of your presence, including the child’s, and instructed to keep this matter private. And I trust you all to use discretion as well.

After solons upon solons of conversation, the trio and their charge were escorted to the Mizol barracks. Weaver offered to stay awake for the human child since she was not tired and was eager to study more of its behaviors. As long as you don’t turn it into a test subject, Twoface gave a friendly warning. With that said, Twoface pulled off her armor, crashed into a bed prepared for her and welcomed a much-needed nap. As did Icespear.

Shadowlane, meanwhile, sent out a decrypted message from her computer through the Command and Control Network. Since interstellar messaging depended heavily on messenger ships, a response could take anywhere from a day to several days. All she could do was be patient. But she was confident that this particular contact, an old friend, would be very interested in their case.
Last edited by Snoofman on Mon Jun 07, 2021 1:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Dawn

Post by GeoModder »

A good read.
Somehow, I expected the content of the pod to be a cat, not a baby. ;-)

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

GeoModder wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:15 am
A good read.
Somehow, I expected the content of the pod to be a cat, not a baby. ;-)
:D Haha! Not sure how the Loroi would respond to a cat. When last I checked, domesticated house pets were not really a trend among Loroi warriors. Though I wonder, how would Loroi react to humanity's obsession with kitty photos?

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Re: Dawn

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Snoofman wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:20 pm
GeoModder wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:15 am
A good read.
Somehow, I expected the content of the pod to be a cat, not a baby. ;-)
:D Haha! Not sure how the Loroi would respond to a cat. When last I checked, domesticated house pets were not really a trend among Loroi warriors. Though I wonder, how would Loroi react to humanity's obsession with kitty photos?
Well the Loroi don't really have any animals that can really be domesticated, so they don't have much of a reference point. Cats and dogs would make excellent therapy animals though.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:26 pm
Snoofman wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:20 pm
GeoModder wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 7:15 am
A good read.
Somehow, I expected the content of the pod to be a cat, not a baby. ;-)
:D Haha! Not sure how the Loroi would respond to a cat. When last I checked, domesticated house pets were not really a trend among Loroi warriors. Though I wonder, how would Loroi react to humanity's obsession with kitty photos?
Well the Loroi don't really have any animals that can really be domesticated, so they don't have much of a reference point. Cats and dogs would make excellent therapy animals though.
Huh! I think humanity may have a bargaining chip after all.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Author's note: I notice that it seems a little hard to differentiate italic words from non-italic. In the interest of clarity, verbal speech shall be in "usual quotations" and sanzai in "italic quotations."


Dawn - part 3


Twoface spat into the bathroom sink, rinsing her mouth out of the scrapped plaque and residue leftover by her sonic toothbrush. She had been too tired to think about cleaning her teeth for a while. Now her pearly fangs were clean. Gathering her utensils into her hygienic kit, she dried her face and left the washroom.

It had been three days since they arrived at Laget Relay Station. Shadowlane still seemed to have found no solution, but promised to keep them updated. She still visited them briefly to check on their status as well as the baby’s, providing everything they needed.

The agents within the Mizol Office were informed about the human child’s presence and instructed to retain secrecy. That didn’t stop them, however, from visiting the barracks even when it was not resting hours to catch a glimpse of the little thing.

In fact, there was a little mob right now gathered around Weaver who was holding the baby in display just as Twoface returned to the barracks. Icespear allowed them to fondle the little thing, but was ready to pounce if any of them made a threatening gesture.

"For an alien, she’s dreadfully cute," one Mizol named Highrock said adoringly.

"It’s like she’s not even there and yet she is," another called Curve commented, referring to the human’s lotai.

"This brown skin is also alluring," a third Mizol named Deepwater said, gently caressing its chocolaty cheeks. So adorable. "May I hold it?"

"No!" Icespear interjected, stomping toward them. "You’ve gawked at the little human enough. Don’t you have some work to do?"

"Geez, touchy," Deepwater scoffed. She said a final farewell to the child before she and the small gang dispersed, heading back to the Office to resume their usual duties. “Goodbye, little human,” she actually spoke. “When you are old enough, maybe you can work for us.”

"Work for us?!" Highrock laughed. "You seem to have forgotten the Union’s current policy."

"Let a girl dream, Highrock," Deepwater said in her defense, stealing one last look at the baby as the bulkhead doors slid open. "We could use an alien, undercover agent. Besides, who’d want to deport something as cute as that little face? And those pudgy, brown cheeks. Oh, I could just eat them! "

"Deepwater, I think you might have spent a little too much time with the Nissek," Curve said, causing the small gang to erupt into laughter, making Deepwater grumpy.

The bulkhead doors shut behind them. Twoface approached her two friends. "I hope the little human’s spectators haven’t been a bother. "

"Nothing that need our concern," said Weaver.

“Neh! Neh!” the child cried. It was feeding time.

Weaver placed the baby down in the incubation pod as she prepared a new bottle of feeding solution.

"It’s a bit of a bother that we have to heat up the milk every time," Icespear grumbled. "Even when she’s hungry, she stubbornly refuses to eat if it’s cold."

"Of course, she won’t eat cold food. Would you like cold soup?" Weaver asked.

"Fair enough," Icespear shrugged.

Weaver handed the bottle to Icespear, who concentrated as her psychokinetic powers heated up the liquid and handed it back to Weaver.

"I reek," Icespear said as she took a sniff of herself. "What I’d give for a bath right now."

"You’ve been working hard," said Twoface. "Both of you. Why don’t you two go to the baths for a while? I’ll take care of the milk and the baby."

"Are you sure?" Weaver asked surprised.

Twoface nodded.

"Thanks," said Icespear with relief.

"Let the milk cool down a bit before you feed her," Weaver instructed as she handed the bottle off to Twoface.

Twoface sighed as she took the whiny toddler into her arms and sat on her cot.

Three days. With still no update on the proceedings of the peace summit or if the Union would reverse its decision on the human ban. This wasn’t the first time Twoface had been in a distressing situation, but the wait and uncertainty could eat away at one’s hope and patience.

Another thing that ate away at her patience was the constant ‘neh’ sound the baby made. The milk is cool enough, Twoface decided and held the bottle’s teat to the little nibbler’s mouth, who apparently started clawing at Twoface’s chest plate and looking for a nipple that was not there. Twoface chuckled. Humans were funny creatures. Twoface could not help but feel as if she and this baby had formed a bond. A bond without sanzai seemed impossible, and yet here they were.

"Mind if I join you?" a familiar presence asked.

Twoface looked up into Shadowlane’s eyes. "Of course," she said. "But aren’t you busy?"

"Even busy people need a break," Shadowlane sighed. Twoface could feel stress come off of her like a push from the tides. "Besides I’ve chosen to taken momentary leave today to rest my head. And to give you an update."

"An update?"

"Yes," Shadowlane said with a smile. "Or more of an idea actually. We may not have our Torimors present here to assist us. But one can travel to them."

"Travel?" Twoface was intrigued. "To the Peace Conference?!"

"Yes! The Peace Conference will be taking place at the Imperial Capital, Deinar. Unfortunately, access to the Torimors is highly restricted at this crucial time, including their predetermined place of gathering. However, there is good news. With the aid of the Command and Control Network, I was able to contact a friend who can get you to Deinar. A Torrai."

Twoface was hesitant to accept this help upon hearing that this ‘contact’ was a Torrai.

"Don’t worry. This one is a friend of mine. Trustworthy. She fought in the Great War and is even sympathetic toward humans. Her ship is en route to Deinar and will be passing by Laget Relay Station. She has offered to provide you and your friends transport and protection."

Twoface considered it. "Well, who is she?"

"Torrai Mazeit Ashrain."

"Ashrain?" The name sounded familiar to Twoface, but she could not quite place it.

"Trust me," Shadowlane assured her. "It’s our best option under these circumstances. Oh, and I forgot to mention. The Emperor has granted visitation rights to human envoys that will be arriving at the Peace Conference in the hopes that a peaceful resolution can be found between the Terran Colonial Authority and the Union. So, even it the Torimors cannot aid us, there will be humans present who we can no doubt safely hand over the infant to."

Travelling to the Imperial Capital could be risky, but what choice did they have? The plan seemed sound. And Shadowlane seemed trustworthy. Twoface nodded. "Then we’ll do that."

"Excellent," Shadowlane said content. "Ashrain’s ship will be arriving tomorrow."

Twoface smiled as she looked down at her charge sucking away greedily. "Who knew that humans had such an appetite? If the honor could be mine, I might have named her Bottomless Pit."

Shadowlane laughed. "Good name! Speaking of which, you seem to have still not given the child a name yet. You can’t just keep calling it ‘baby’ or ‘infant.’"

Twoface looked down at her little glutton with a little regret. "True. But that right belongs to her human relatives."

"You are a remarkable warrior, Twoface," said Shadowlane with a friendly grin. "Not many loroi have the capacity be great fighters and retain compassion. Your mother and relatives must be proud. And your daughters must have been lucky."

"I have no daughters," Twoface said matter-of-factly. I was born infertile.

This surprised Shadowlane. "Really? May I ask how old you are?"


Surprise turned to mild shock as the revelation seemed to hit Shadowlane. "Seventy-two?! And you never sought to reverse your infertility? I’ve met initiates who were eager for their first child at age eight. Have you… never desired a child?"

Twoface turned her head away. This was not a comfortable matter she liked to discuss. The baby finished feeding and began moaning content. Twoface stood up to put the empty bottle back near the pod and gently rocked her charge.

"Forgive me," Shadowlane bowed, still seated. "Perhaps it is a sensitive topic. I should not have asked. If you’d like me to go-"

"No," Twoface said turning back toward Shadowlane. "Please stay. I enjoy your company. My past… is a difficult topic. Actually, I don’t mind sharing it."

"Can you trust me with your secrets?" The two Mizols chuckled. That was an ironic joke that usually only Mizols understood between each other. It was also meant to be an indirect retort toward outsiders (including other loroi) who misunderstood the Mizols and ignorantly accused them of being sneaks, spies and spineless smooth-talkers.

"I think I can, sister-in-arms," Twoface answered. While some Mizols had difficulty trusting each other due to conflicting interest groups, there was still a sense of kinship amongst them no matter their background. "As I said, it’s a tough topic, but it’s good to talk about our problems. I am an unusual child in the sense that, aside from being born infertile, I had a twin."

Now this fascinated Shadowlane. "You? A twin?"

"Yes. Her name was Luckystar. She was perfectly healthy at birth. Unlike her, however, I was born… with some defects. While we were still inside our mother’s womb, our mother and her squad were stranded in a war zone on Ezor to put down a another Mannadi insurrection. So, she didn’t have the luxury of having Doranzers oversee her pregnancy. Just the single medic assigned to her squad with barely enough medical equipment. We were born in a battle field. While Luckystar came out fine, I had suffered in our mother’s womb. My ovaries were defective already from birth, along with one of my kidneys. My testosterone and hormone levels were imbalanced. Plus, unlike my beautiful twin, my defects caused a gross, physical disfigurement. If you compared my face then to the one now, you'd barely recognise me. I actually had to undergo surgeries, which didn’t come until I turned eight. After all, why would Doranzers waste their resources on a disfigured girl if there’s no guarantee that she’ll survive the trials? In those days, the empire was having a hard time raking in taxes to fund castes. So certain castes like the Doranzers were on a tight budget."

"I’m sorry to hear that," Shadowlane said sympathetically. Amidst Twoface’s sanzai, Shadowlane received childhood memories of a loroi girl staring hatefully at her own hideous reflection. Her misshaped skull. Her right frontal lobe bulging, physically causing her right eyelid to obscure her vision. Her crooked jaw. Her shrivelled left arm missing two outer fingers. Her left leg bent and malformed, the only part of her body that the doranzers would fix so that she could at least walk properly for her upcoming her trials. Her testosterone and hormone imbalance making her smaller than most loroi.

"It must have been awful," said Shadowlane with pity.

"Growing up was not easy," Twoface continued. "All the children around us avoided me. Most of our caretakers merely tolerated my presence. I expected my sister to join the other children’s social circle and leave me. Strangely, though, she stayed by my side and comforted me. One time I asked her why she even bothered with an ugly monster like me. And she answered, ‘Because no one else loves me like you.’"

"The most difficult part of my upbringing was when we joined our diral for the trials. Our mother was from a clan of tight-knit Soroins and naturally wanted us to follow in her footsteps."

Shadowlane was gifted another vision of Twoface’s upbringing. Of Twoface’s diral members refusing to sit with her during meals, for fear that her disfigurement was somehow contagious. Some already deciding her spoken name and calling her Clayface. Of her bigger twin who would beat anyone that tried to harm her. How the whole diral wanted to expel the ‘ugly freak’, even though she fulfilled her role well as a scout. But the worst thing of all was when a mob of three diral members cornered Twoface while she was scouting alone and forced her to eat clay. Threatening to break her deformed arm if she called for help. Scoop after foul scoop they forced into her mouth, until Twoface could no longer tolerate it and in a burst of tears, cried out for her sister. The three bullies wrestled her to the ground and prepared to make do on their cruel promise. Before Luckystar came charging like a tusked beast and beat the three bullies into bruised pulps.

"Those children were cruel. I'm relieved that your sister saved you... and gave those disgraceful shiteaters what they deserved," Shadowlane said, disgusted that a loroi should be forced to bear such abuse.

Twoface nodded, holding the baby close. "YLuckystar was truly virtuous. When the diral tried to expel me, she defended me and threatened to leave the group. Of course, they didn’t want her to leave. She was the best hunter. And the strongest in the diral. Unlike me, Luckystar was unusually tall and well-muscled for a loroi. Bigger than even Icespear. They didn’t want to lose such fine brawn. So, they begged us to stay and immediately changed their attitude toward me. I’m eternally grateful to have had a good sister, but I knew those hateful snides didn’t change themselves for me. I guess that’s why I never fully felt like a Soroin."

"Eventually we graduated. After that, our elders decided that I deserved my surgeries. They made me… well, not beautiful, but appealing. I had to spend seven days floating in an amniotic-vat while the biochemicals made my skeleton malleable. How else were the doranzers going to reshape my bones? Even after that, they had to cut and realign sections of my skull. Hence my scars. Actually, if you look under the suit of my left arm, there are several scar lines along my bicep, elbow and forearm leading to the end of my hand. Where the surgeons also installed a prosthetic so that I could have a functioning left arm and two outer fingers."

Shadowlane's eyes went wide with amazement. "Poor thing! You didn’t want the scars removed?"

"They serve as a reminder. The past does not define us. It is merely the start of who we can become. Besides, some loroi respect scars. They are proof of battle. Anyway, we were finally permitted to meet some males. Unfortunately I was denied reproductive rights.

That's terribly unfortunate, sent Shadowlane.

It was disheartening, Twoface admitted. But I can't blame the Detairs or Doranzers. Would you really want children knowing they were going to inherit your deformities? But the Detairs still allowed me an encounter with a male for the joy of intimate bonding. On our first night, I was so excited. But nervous. My twin had gorgeous, black hair as dark as night. Mine had grown out too, so I looked presentable at least. The male I visited did not seem to mind my body or my scars. He even admired them. For a moment I felt desirable. But he picked up my worries, as well as the memories of my deformity which I accidentally thought aloud. He became repulsed, frightened even. In those days, I still lacked mental discipline. He back peddled away from me. As sad as it made me, it didn’t feel right to force myself on him. So I left. My sister was indulging herself with her mate, so I didn’t bother her with my troubles.

"That same night, I ran from the males and females pairing in the pagodas. I just wanted to be alone where no one could sense me. In a burst of angry tears, I screamed for solons upon solons. I collapsed at a small pool, bombarded with my own reflection. Even with my improved appearance, I still felt ugly. So I grabbed a sharp rock nearby and shredded my hair. My head looked like a nightmare afterward, but it mattered not. I just couldn’t stand it. Of course, Luckystar found out later and chastised me for not speaking up. She even broke down the door of the male who rejected me. She might have done worse if I didn’t placate her. Even as adults, she kept protecting me. She comforted me. When it was time to receive our spoken names, I requested from the elders to choose my own."

"I admit that ‘Twoface’ struck me as an odd name," sent Shadowlane.

"I was not afraid to break away from tradition. A Loroi's spoken name is meant to reflect her spirit. I wanted to be remembered not merely by the state of my mind, but my face. I was one face once. Then became a second face. Anyway, Luckystar and I became full-fledged Soroins. We were deployed to the Maoren Sector, to patrol the borders of the Nissek..." Twoface suddenly became uncomfortable. "It’s… not a pleasant memory. If you don’t mind, I’d rather leave it alone."

"Of course," Shadowlane respected her wishes.

Twoface sighed, looking at the baby that had fallen asleep. She gently laid the little one down in the pod and brushed an affectionate finger against her brown cheeks. "I know what everyone says about us Mizols. They call us schemers. That we feign friendship in order to undermine others for our profit. I cannot deny there are some among us who match that description. Non-Perreinids like myself are not born with psychic powers of influence. That's why we were chosen to seem less intimidating to the aliens. As a Mizol, I use my profession to resolve conflicts. To protect the innocent. And I genuinely care about this innocent child and want to see her returned home. Because I believe in a union. The Union. A unifying force that makes us stronger." Twoface sat back on the cot with Shadowlane.

"I’m sorry, Mizol Shadowlane," Twoface said bashfully. "I’ve bored you with my sad tale and haven’t had the decency to allow you to indulge in your own."

"Think nothing of it," Shadowlane said kindly. "I enjoyed every detail of your story. Truly fascinating. An essential moral tale our upcoming generations could use. It is my tale which is the boring one. The only thing I can convey about myself is a life of privilege."

Icespear and Weaver returned to the barracks, clearly refreshed from their bath.

"Miss Twoface," said Shadowlane. "Since I have some time off from my usual duties, would you join me for a bath? If you’re interested in hearing my tale."

Twoface looked at her two subordinates. "You don’t need our approval. We’ve got this."

With that said, Shadowlane led the way to the bathes with Twoface behind her.


The bathes of Laget Relay Station were pristine as well as relaxing. Twoface usually liked to bathe alone, so as not to draw a lot of attention to herself. And to conceal her scars which some loroi were not comfortable with. But Shadowlane seemed not to care at all.

There was a natural chemistry between the two in the short time they had become acquainted. Mizols were trained to seem kind and welcoming to outsiders, in order to make the loroi’s conquest of the Local Bubble not seem so bad. Which is why many regarded Mizols as being fake and insincere.

But Shadowlane did not seem so in Twoface’s eyes. The loroi was an unusual woman. Undoubtedly, she had secrets, but what Mizol didn’t? That mattered little to Twoface as the woman gently scrubbed Twoface’s back. They had been in the baths for a while, enjoying each other’s company.

"I’d been meaning to ask," said Shadowlane as she scrubbed up and down Twoface’s back. "Why do you cut your hair so short? A decent loroi like you couldn’t possibly be dishonorable."

"I’ve met too many warriors care more about getting the best hair conditioner than polishing their armor," Twoface admitted. She enjoyed feeling Shadowlane scrub her down. "Besides, I don’t believe the length of your hair measures the scale of your honor."

"Pity. You would have such a lovely mane. But you compensate for this shortcoming with such a lovely body," Shadowlane said charismatically as she rinsed out the brush. The scars littering Twoface's body did not even seem to bother her.

"Please, you’re embarrassing me," Twoface said with a blush. "Most loroi not repulsed by what they see on the surface have often called me handsome. But never beautiful. Some have even mistaken me for a male."

"Well, it’s not easy being handsome. Attracts a lot of unwanted attention," Shadowlane teased as she wrapped her arms around Twoface’s midsection, pretending to encase a male in her protective embrace. "Stay close to me, little boy. I’ll protect you."

"That’s what she said," Twoface joked. The two women laughed. "Before we take this ‘relationship’ too far, perhaps you’d like to tell me about yourself, Shadowlane."

"Well, as I said, my story is nothing exciting. But what would you like to know?"

"How old are you?" Twoface took a fresh brush and started scrubbing Shadowlane’s back.

"Eighty-one. So a little older than you. I was born into a family of influential Mizols and, thanks to my familial connections, I was setup with a good occupation. Mostly bureaucratic work. So I had it pretty easy. But boring. My dedication to intelligence and information gathering as well as my family’s status allowed me to climb the ranks quite quickly. Even high-ranking Torrais and Soroins have outsourced their mundane tasks to me. Like compiling reports. Sorting and approving deployment requests. Providing oversight of operations and ensuring no misconduct. You know, the paperwork that they hate. Fortunately, they compensate our department for all this hard work. These last few tozons, however, have been the most hectic. I barely have time to invest in my children."

"You’re a mother?" Twoface said with a pleasant surprise as she rinsed out the brush. "How many?"

"Two daughters. Four sons."

"Four sons?!" Twoface dropped the brush, smacked with astonishment. Now that was unusual. "Just what kind of genes do you have?"

"One of a kind," Shadowlane said with a grin. "In my spare time, I’ve paid my children visits. But during my duties, I make a call now and then. And not just with my daughters. I also have contact with my sons occasionally. Handsome boys. Fathered thousands already. It’s no wonder we need to put the breaks on population growth. I’ve even been working on a family tree to record the many descendants that will follow after them."

Twoface raised a curious eyebrow at this revelation.

"I know. I know," Shadowlane defended herself. "Pedigree in males seems snobby, but I can’t help it. Their children are my children. My eldest daughter has blessed me with three grandchildren. And my youngest has just finished her trials, but has been feeling down since visitation rights with the males has been limited. I remind her to be hopeful. She’ll get her chance. Lately, though, I just haven’t had the time to socialize with them. Too much work."

"You said that you regard your son’s children as your children," Twoface commented. "Even if you may not have the chance of meeting all these children?"

"I do," Shadowlane admitted with a graceful balance of pride and humility. "Most of them that are born girls will be deployed to every corner of the Local Bubble… and beyond. It’s a fool’s wish, but I wish that every one of them makes it back alive."

"Some of them may not pass the trials," Twoface said realistically but with respect.

"I know," Shadowlane nodded sadly. "In fact, a few have failed. That’s what makes it harder. I suppose that’s why I accepted the task of overseeing how warriors we deploy treat the civilians. I’ve never respected the civilians. But when I started seeing some of my grandchildren fall into guild life. I just couldn’t bear the thought of one of them being trod upon. Abused. Beaten…"

Shadowlane’s mind seemed to wander and Twoface felt a wave of the Mizol’s memories wash over her psyche. How Shadowlane was heartbroken when she discovered just how many of her grandchildren seemed to fail as warriors, some of them wishing for a second chance but denied. How in her spare time she monitored from her workplace the state of those grandchildren that were struggling in civilian life. How her heart ached when one of them was short of talents or being taken advantage of by bad managers.

Twoface was faced with another memory from Shadowlane four tozons ago. Of receiving a deployment request for warriors needed on planet Laget to put down a massive labor strike of immigrant loroi miners. Shadowlane approved the request without hesitation, but would live to regret it. The strike was put down but several of the workers had been shot when refusing to yield. The civilians not harmed were ordered to either resume work or find employment elsewhere. A day after the warriors put down the protest, Shadowlane was reviewing security footage as well as casualty assessment. Amidst the facial scans of the victims, she was horrified when she recognized a young Loroi called Shining who was one of Shadowlane’s granddaughters. A rebellious but righteous dropout who cared passionately about her comrades’ well-being more than honor. Upon further investigation, Shadowlane discovered that Shining and her coworkers were sabotaging mining equipment after being denied medical care by their employers from work-related injuries. All to eliminate company costs.

Shadowlane finally mustered her mental strength and pulled herself together. She looked sadly into Twoface’s eyes.

"Forgive me," Twoface gravely apologized for seeing Shadowlane's past. "I shouldn’t have- How disgraceful of me!"

"No, friend," Shadowlane said in understanding. "I foolishly let my guard down. But you seem harmless. After my foolish mistake, I wanted revenge against the warriors who opened fire on those protestors. I wanted to ruin the company that exploited those civilians. But it would not be enough to make the pain go away. What happened to Shining was my fault."

A tear rolled down Shadowlane’s cheek. "I could have investigated the matter further before approving the deployment. I could have prohibited the use of lethal firearms. We Mizols have to keep our secrets and stay strong for the Empire. Loyalty and service till death. But sometimes… it’s just too much to bear."

There were no sobs. There were no wails. Shadowlane simply let the tears roll silently down her cheeks. Twoface simply could not hold back. With both hands she reached up for Shadowlane’s face and tenderly caressed her cheeks. Much to Shadowlane’s mild shock as the link between them intensified.

"Don’t worry, sister mine," Twoface said with trembling lips. "Your secret is safe with me."

They were fortunate to be alone in the bath at that moment. Though they might not have cared even if someone saw them. Because Shadowlane took the smaller loroi into her arms and touched foreheads with Twoface. Their minds became one. Nothing else mattered. The whole universe faded away as they shined in their own union. Bathing in tender affection.

Growing bolder, Twoface’s right hand glided down over Shadowlane’s chest and past her midsection.

Shadowlane’s eyes went wide as Twoface made contact with her. "Oh, Twoface! How forward of you."

"Do you object to my intrusion?"

The larger loroi smirked. "You really should be more cautious. You’re too handsome for your own good."

They kissed.

Amidst their explorations of each other’s bodies and psyches, Shadowlane complimented, "Keep your short hair. It’s cool."

"Beg your pardon," asked Twoface.

Shadowlane laughed. "A complimentary slang that’s grown trendy since our first contact days with humanity."

"Cool?" Twoface rolled the word around in her head before saying, "Well, technically we are."
Last edited by Snoofman on Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Damn, that's a sad backstory for Twoface. I'm really hoping she can find love somewhere, with someone who doesn't care what she looks like, but who she is. Human or Loroi, she deserves to be happy.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:02 pm
Damn, that's a sad backstory for Twoface. I'm really hoping she can find love somewhere, with someone who doesn't care what she looks like, but who she is. Human or Loroi, she deserves to be happy.
She does. Or rather did. She had her big sister Luckystar who watched over her. And no, not romantically. This isn't that kind of story. What I meant to convey, which seems to be mentioned in the webcomic lore, is that Loroi thrive on telepathic intimacy. If not in the form of sex, they get it via bonding telepathically with someone they trust. Luckystar was Twoface's guardian and protected her physically. But Twoface was Luckystar's rock and emotional support. The source of her intimacy. Luckystar knew how much her little sister loved her. Luckystar needed Twoface more than Twoface could appreciate. Why else would she threaten to leave the diral? Sure she would have thrown away her future as a warrior, but when you're young and passionate, you don't tend to care.

Twoface has been through a lot and endured much pain both as a Soroin and a Mizol. But that does not stop her. She believes in something greater than herself and gains happiness from her closest comrades and truest friends. While she hated herself for her deformity, she got luckier than most and given surgery so that she could have some semblance of a normal life.

"Rejoice! The broken are the more evolved. Rejoice!"

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Dawn - part 4

A day went by.

Twoface, Weaver and Icespear walked at a calm and collected pace, minding their own business, as it were. Weaver was carrying their precious cargo, once again sealed and resting comfortably within the pod. Escorting them to the shuttle terminal was Shadowlane, who walked beside Twoface. The two were enjoying each other’s presence for as long as they could before they would be forced to part ways. The ‘cargo’s’ little gang of spectators from the Office had also said their goodbyes. But not before each begged for a chance to hold the infant. Especially Deepwater who just could not get enough of her.

"Black Razor has arrived in system and will be passing by the Relay within 3000 solons," Shadowlane informed them. "Shuttle Lowplane-02 will be taking you directly from station to the ship. Once aboard Black Razor, the trip to Deinar will take about ten standard days. Keeping your ‘cargo’ confidential on the ship is too tricky, so Mazeit Ashrain shall explain the situation to her crew once you arrive. Ashrain herself is a living legend and a war hero, so her crew are loyal to her. Once she commands them that your safe passage to Deinar is crucial, they’ll fall in line and make your protection among their highest priorities. There is also a science crew aboard that can arrange for your cargo’s special needs."

"What a relief," said Weaver. "I was beginning to worry that we were running out of-"

"Low profile, Listel Weaver!" Twoface firmly reminded her friend.

"Oh, right, sorry," Weaver said embarrassed.

Without incident, the four arrived at Shuttle Terminal 02. They could see the shuttle hangar bay outside through the windows. The hangar was an expansive place within the station’s center structure with a landing runway. While the hangar had massive shield doors that could be shut, the runway itself usually was never sealed off for efficiency’s sake. So the shuttles outside rested on the runway in the vacuum. Technicians and mechanics usually gave shuttles routine inspections in EVA-suits.

Before departing, Twoface and her two comrades stood formerly and gave Shadowlane much deserved salutation. "We thank you, Mizol Parat Shadowlane, for your hospitality and aid. We are in your debt should our paths cross once more."

Shadowlane bowed graciously and answered in kind, "May your journey be straight and true, comrades."

"Weaver. Icespear. You both go on ahead. There is just one final matter that I would like to exchange with Mizol Shadowlane in private."

The two loroi gave Twoface a curious glance. "Are you sure?"

Twoface smiled at them. "You’ve both been an excellent escort. I trust the ‘cargo’ is in good hands. I won’t be long."

"Don’t take your time," Icespear said as she and Weaver moved with the pod through the umbilical cord.

"Teidar are certainly feisty," Shadowlane whispered.

"Heard that!"

Twoface and Shadowlane tried their best to contain their giggles. Twoface recomposed herself and said, "I just wanted to say, less formerly if you will permit, that there are no words to express how happy I am to have met you."

Shadowlane offered a tender smile. "And I am thankful to have met a one-of-a-kind Loroi like you, Twoface. Your dedication to the Mizols and compassion for an infant gives me hope that the peace conference may succeed."

Twoface gazed into the taller woman’s golden eyes. "I genuinely enjoyed our time together, however brief it seemed." Twoface offered her hand much to Shadowlane’s surprise.

"Now? Right here?" Shadowlane blushed bashfully.

"Let’s be daring," Twoface gently urged. "Just a quick one."

Shadowlane smiled down at the smaller female with the utmost adoration as they clasped hands, their psyche’s joining into a passionate meld for a brief but powerful moment. If only duty did not call, the two would have held on longer.

"I don’t want to let go, Twoface. Because I’m afraid I might not see you again."

"We may yet, Shadowlane. One more thing. No matter what other warrior’s say, don’t give up on your children. Don’t give up on your grandchildren. And I mean all of them."

Shadowlane’s mental discipline was the only thing that stopped her from crying for joy right then and there. Here was a Loroi that truly got her.

"Till our next meeting." With that said, the two released their hold of each other. Twoface exited Laget Relay Station for the shuttle. Even as she took her seat in the shuttle and strapped herself in beside her comrades and the infant, even as the umbilical cord disconnected and the shuttle was slowly guided out of the hangar, Twoface could feel Shadowlane’s presence. The older Mizol stood patiently and watched the shuttle ferry them away. Twoface exhaled a sad sigh as Shadowlane’s presence slipped out of her sanzai’s range.

When the shuttle finished accelerating and entered flight mode, Twoface unstrapped herself to check on the baby. She was awake and crying within the pod. Probably scared of being isolated. Twoface lifted the child up and rocked her in her blanket.

"What did you two? Kiss?" Icespear bluntly asked Twoface as the shuttle cleared the vicinity of the station and other ship traffic and accelerated toward its rendezvous with Black Razor.

Twoface merely groaned in response. For a Teidar, Icepear was unusually insubordinate. "Icespear, a friendly warning," Twoface cooly retorted. "If you mouth off to literally any other loroi of superior rank, there is a good chance that you will be demoted to guard duty. And I should warn you that some superior officers, as a means to enact disciplinary measures, are known to assign those guards to the Golim mating chambers."

"Apologies, Mizol Lennai," Icespear said defensively. "I meant nothing ill by it. You two just seemed to share an intense moment."

Twoface simply gave a polite smile. "That's none of your business."

Icespear relented. "Sure thing. Anyway, guarding a Golim mating chamber doesn’t sound so bad."

Twoface smiled wryly. "I meant guarding it from the inside. With the Golim!"

Icespear shrugged. "What’s so scary about that?"

Weaver cocked an eyebrow at Icespear’s ignorance. "You haven’t met Golim in heat, have you?"

"Say what?!"

"It’s an ugly thing!" Coming from a Listel, that said a lot.


A warrior’s duty is never finished.

Military duty seems to be one of the most stressful and high tempo environments imaginable. Overwhelmingly so even for a loroi in wartime. Despite their frail and slender appearance, Loroi are born and bred to be strong and perseverant. The average Loroi’s tolerance for stress is remarkably high. It is barely a wonder then why the Loroi are considered to be built for war. Quite literally in point of fact.

While that truth persists even in times of peace, it does not weigh on a warrior’s shoulders as heavily as in war time. Ever since the Umiak were defeated, the Loroi could enjoy more leisure time without exhaustion, distress or fear. Some even pursued more recreational activities such as games, art and music.

That was especially clear to Twoface during her first two days of staying aboard the Black Razor. Its crew of five-hundred and fifty people had been pleasant company. They were slow to trust newcomers onto their ship, but were slowly warming up to Twoface and her company.

During off-duty time, the Tenoins had invited the trio to games like Crossfire while the Listels liked to tease their comrades of alternate castes to competitive matches that consisted of observing scenery in the Listels’ memories and then putting what each saw onto paper. A test of one’s illustrative skills. Listel Weaver naturally did quite well. Icespear threw her brush down when the Listels amusedly compared her illustration to that of a three-year old’s drawing. The Listels, however, were unexpectedly but pleasantly surprised by Twoface’s smooth hand motion and artistic skill as she drew an impeccable replication of the cognitive scenery conjured up in their minds.

While not gifted artistically, Icespear compensated for this shortcoming by impressing the Tenoins with her own pilot skills in a simulated game of Lancer Blaster. While Teidar were not typically pilots, Icespear did like to expand her knowledge by becoming familiar with operating different weaponry and vehicles.

Not only had the crew become friendlier, Twoface noticed that a few not repulsed by her short hair or scars were regarding her with some lustful eyes. No doubt that Twoface’s handsome features were having that effect on them. Typical.

Twoface could not forget that one incident on the second day of their journey aboard Black Razor when a low-ranking Tenoin, likely a young recruit no older than twelve tozons, cornered Twoface in the washroom.

"Hello, handsome," the Tenoin had said with a sultry voice while looming over the smaller loroi with one hand over Twoface’s shoulder and the other placed firmly on Twoface’s hip. No doubt she mistook Twoface for a male. Fresh Tenoins were typically friendly. And daring. And a little clueless. "Where did a precious specimen like you come from? Oh, no matter." Her hand glided over Twoface’s hip to her crotch. "How would you like to show me that special appendage of yours?" The Tenoin’s hand was met with disappointment when it failed to find what it wanted.

Twoface simply replied with a wry grin, "I would be happy to if I had an appendage to give. Now why don’t you run along before I advise your commodore to transfer you to another ship? With Golim mating chambers?"

That sent the Tenoin scurrying off quite ashamed and revolted. Fortunately there had been no more advances from the other crew members afterward.

While the trio had become a bit like celebrities among their new friends aboard Black Razor, the hottest topic was, of course, the baby. The crew’s learning of a human infant aboard the Black Razor had mixed responses and opinions. Due to the present political and social tensions, some of the Loroi regarded the child with great suspicion. Even loathing. But Mazeit Ashrain had already informed her crew that the baby was to be safeguarded with the same reverence one might give a warrior’s newborn. Plus, Icespear had promised to break fingers of anyone that so much as touched the child the wrong way.

Fortunately there had been no need for disciplinary measures other than reminding the occasional spectator or baby admirer to be delicate with the child. It was comforting to know not all the Loroi had hostile feelings toward the human child. In fact, they seemed enamored by the ‘adorable little alien’ as they often called her. The Listels stationed aboard Black Razor were especially curious since they’d never even seen a live, human infant. Some were anxious to conduct tests, all within safety parameters. But Twoface allowed only brief observations while the Doranzers aboard monitored the baby’s health.

The Tenoins had become quite friendly with the baby as well and even wanted to touch her. They were permitted under Icespear’s icy gaze. Icespear herself had become very protective of the baby. Almost fond even. Weaver never ceased to be attentive, her doting as sweet as a caregiver. For Twoface, the situation was growing more complicated. Caring for the little thing was sometimes a pain, but one that Twoface did not regret.

Was this the content feeling that came with motherhood? Twoface couldn’t be sure. The hardest part of this journey would be when Twoface had to hand over the baby to the human emissaries. The thought of never seeing her again hurt a little. But at least she would be safe. She hoped at least that she could see the baby’s eyes open before then. For a chance to look into the human’s soul and be beholden in return.

Considering their circumstances, the trip had gone well. Twoface was anxious to thank Mazeit Ashrain in person as well as inquire about how they would come into contact with the Torimors or the Humanity Envoys. Unfortunately, the Captain of the ship had been preoccupied both on the bridge and in her office.

Which was odd. Initially, after Lowplane-02 had delivered Twoface’s company to Black Razor and returned to Laget Relay Station, the trio (and their baby) were greeted by the Mazeit’s First Officer, Soroin Mallas Ironfist. She had been given the responsibility by Ashrain to oversee their needs. Whenever Twoface asked for a brief audience with Ashrain, Ironfist would simply reply that the Commodore was occupied with ship duties.

While that seemed perfectly understandable, Twoface could not help but grow frustrated. Issues had to be discussed to avoid obstacles and ensure that the child’s transfer would be smooth and safe. On the eight day of their journey to Deinar, Twoface was losing patience. It seemed as if Ashrain was outright avoiding them. And as well intentioned as Soroin Ironfist was, she could not solve their problem.

Twoface had had enough. Entrusting the baby’s safety to her two reliable friends, and the small baby fan club that started to form among the crew, Twoface marched on her own to the bridge. Once arriving, Twoface was met with some surprised faces working behind their holographic displays and ships stats.

Ironfist was also present and approached Twoface. "Miss Twoface? May I ask why you have intruded on the bridge? Surely you understand that this is a sensitive, working area."

"I am aware and apologize," said Twoface. "But this cannot wait. I must speak with Torrai Mazeit Ashrain."

"I have told you that Torrai Mazeit Ashrain is busy with ship matters and cannot-"

"I know!" Twoface nearly bursted. "But I have waited patiently for a chance to speak with the Commodore. I am responsible for a refugee’s safety. To ensure that refugee’s safe deliverance, I must discuss with the Commodore our next course of action. Now I don’t care if you threaten to drag me to the brig. Because I am not leaving until I have spoken with Torrai Mazeit Ashrain."

"Mind your attitude, Mizol," Ironfist warned with an icy tone. "Now remove yourself from the bridge before-"

They were interrupted as a new presence registered in their range of sanzai and entered the bridge from the aft lifts leading to the upper levels.

The doors to the lift slid open and out came Torrai Mazeit Ashrain. The woman had long silvery hair with platinum colored skin and vibrant, blue eyes. The most striking features were her beautiful face with an angled chin and long ears. A common sign of Loroi ageing. She wore a golden, u-shaped headpiece that sat behind her left ear.

The Torrai approached the two arguing loroi and asked cooly, "Is there a problem?" Upon a closer look, Twoface noticed a crescent-shaped ornament pinned on the Commodore’s left upper chest-plate.

"Apologies, Commodore," Ironfist bowed respectfully. "I was just about to escort Miss Twoface here-"

"That won’t be necessary," Ashrain dismissed her First Officer. "Resume your usual duties, Ironfist."

"As you command." Ironfist returned to her post.

Ashrain switched her attention to the short loroi. "Mizol Lennai Twoface?"

"Greetings, Torrai Mazeit Ashrain," said Twoface with a bow. "I do not mean to cause disruption, but I need to speak with you."

"I imagine it is concerning our ‘special guest'," said Ashrain with a grin. "I know I’ve been a neglectful host, but as my First Officer pointed out, I’ve been preoccupied. Follow me. We will talk in my personal quarters."

Twoface silently sighed with relief as Ashrain led her to the aft lifts that led up to her personal quarters. Finally it seemed that this issue was going to be sorted out.
Last edited by Snoofman on Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Quickdraw101 »

Snoofman wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:14 am
Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:02 pm
Damn, that's a sad backstory for Twoface. I'm really hoping she can find love somewhere, with someone who doesn't care what she looks like, but who she is. Human or Loroi, she deserves to be happy.
She does. Or rather did. She had her big sister Luckystar who watched over her. And no, not romantically. This isn't that kind of story. What I meant to convey, which seems to be mentioned in the webcomic lore, is that Loroi thrive on telepathic intimacy. If not in the form of sex, they get it via bonding telepathically with someone they trust. Luckystar was Twoface's guardian and protected her physically. But Twoface was Luckystar's rock and emotional support. The source of her intimacy. Luckystar knew how much her little sister loved her. Luckystar needed Twoface more than Twoface could appreciate. Why else would she threaten to leave the diral? Sure she would have thrown away her future as a warrior, but when you're young and passionate, you don't tend to care.

Twoface has been through a lot and endured much pain both as a Soroin and a Mizol. But that does not stop her. She believes in something greater than herself and gains happiness from her closest comrades and truest friends. While she hated herself for her deformity, she got luckier than most and given surgery so that she could have some semblance of a normal life.

"Rejoice! The broken are the more evolved. Rejoice!"
I'm not suggesting anything sexual in nature, but someone who understands her pain, and cares for her, despite what she's been through, and what she looks like.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Krulle »

I wonder if the Loroi know/suspect that a Hunam baby's dietary requirements change rather heftily the first few weeks (as does the milk provided by the young mother).
They did not have samples...

Also, thank you for this story!
Looking forward to more of it!
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, click link.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Quickdraw101 wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:11 pm
Snoofman wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:14 am
Quickdraw101 wrote:
Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:02 pm
I'm not suggesting anything sexual in nature, but someone who understands her pain, and cares for her, despite what she's been through, and what she looks like.
Right, of course. Luckystar understood Twoface's pain and turmoil and protected her the best way she knew how. Usually by a good show of force and being near her. Shadowlane is a unique Loroi in the sense that, despite her need to keep Imperial secrets and making military/political decisions that are difficult, she is quite social when she finds a Loroi that she can connect with. When she sees Twoface's memories, she cannot help but feel sympathy for her. And a desire to connect and nurse her. When our ancient ape ancestors saw another in distress, provided they were not fighting each other, their maternal and nursing instincts kicked in.

Loroi don't treat love the way humans do. For example, they don't seem to have exclusive relationships. But they still love. And they need to for the same reasons we do. They just seem to go about it differently.

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Re: Dawn

Post by Snoofman »

Krulle wrote:
Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:41 pm
I wonder if the Loroi know/suspect that a Hunam baby's dietary requirements change rather heftily the first few weeks (as does the milk provided by the young mother).
They did not have samples...

Also, thank you for this story!
Looking forward to more of it!
Hence why they must visit the Doranzers frequently.


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