[Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

Thats the second part. I used some German ranks and terms in this one. I tried to translate them and hope its ok.
Again: I am sorry for any kind of misstake and will correct them as soon as I can.

Edit: Changed a few things, so that the text is easier to read.

Part 2: Hermelin

Kapitänsleutnant Gerhard Heinemann stood on the open bridge of his vessel, the S73 Hermelin, watching the serene sea. He had been the commanding officer of this old boat for over half a year now and he was wondering how it all went so wrong. It was clear to him, that dating Admiral von Schneiders daughter could get him into trouble, but this had gone far worse than he had expected even in his worst nightmares. Nevertheless, at first all was well. They were a perfect couple: he, the young officer, looking forward to his first command and she, the beautiful daughter of his boss, the Admiral.

Somehow he had to think about all the things, his potential father in law had promised him: command of a brand new ship, important missions in far away countries... All that was gone now, since the two of them had seperated. Everything the Admiral seemed to do now was to turn his life into a living hell.
Promotion to Fregattenkapitän? Canceled! Important missions? Canceled! Command of a new ship? Canceled!

However, even the Admiral was not been able to prevent him from taking command of a vessel, but no one had said what kind of vessel he had to give him. So instead of a brand new Braunschweig class corvette, he was given command of a Gepard class fast attack craft. Those boats were older than he was and their days were counted. A year, maybe two and they would be sold or scrapped. The crew would be put on other ships or, as he would imagine what would happen in his case, would be laid off.

So there he was, standing on his tiny, open bridge, listening to the songs of the seagulls and was waiting for somthing to happen. They were sailing the North Sea for two weeks now, controlling fishing boats. A job usually done by the coastguard and not by the navy, but it was an opportunity to train his inexperienced crew, as the Admiral has told him. However, now it was time for them to get back home. He wondered what kind of new mission was waiting there for him? Maybe the Admiral had found some dirty toiletts for him to clean?

The typical sounds of someone seasick finally got him out of his thoughts. He looked back and could see Leutnant Becker leaning over the railing, freeing himself from whatever he had eaten before. Becker was the boats radarofficer and was still less than seaworthy, especially if the Smutje (the boats cook) made Lapskaus (a traditional north German dish). Something everyone aboard was trying to avoid like the plaque, but some people never got the message, or so it seemed to Heinemann.

"Herr Kaleun?" (Kaleun, short for Kapitänsleutnant)

A gentle voice asked him. It was that of Fähnrich (ensign) Ludovski, the only female aboard. She was fresh from the academy, like half of his crew and one of the few pleasant things aboard. He turned around, saw her still sitting at her station and answered her.

"Whats the matter, Fähnrich?"
"There was a strange report coming in, sir."
"What do you mean?"
"Well... At first it seemed to describe an object, just apearing in midair. It came from an AWACS plane, that almost flew into that thing. But, suddenly, someone else took over and claimed it was only a weather balloon."
"Don't worry, you know those airforce guys..."
"But Herr Kaleun... A weather balloon is usually not 230m long, on fire and travells faster than mach 2..."
"Well... Not just some trouble with their radar?"
"I don't know. Before they were cut off, they said that it was comming our way, Herr Kaleun. So we will know it for sure in a few minutes."

He looked back to Leutnant Becker, who was still holding on to the rails and his face looked as white as a fresh painted wall.

"Leutnant, back to your station. Or would you like to have another portion of Labskaus for dinner?"

Without a reply, he moved back to his station and started scanning with the vessels radar. Just a few minutes later he had found something.

"Herr Kaleun, there is an object closing in on us from the North. Decelerating... 1248kmph, 1242, 1239... My god, that thing must be huge...! Should be in visual range in a few moments."

Kaleun Heinemann took his binocullars and started to search the sky for a sign of that object. The Kaleun did't have to wait long, as something came into sight, leaving behind a trail of fire and thick black smoke.

"That doesn't look like a balloon to me..."

Fähnrich Ludovski said as ist came closer.
He and the others on the bridge observed it as it flew past them. It looked roughly daggershaped, parts of it were falling of and it was enclosed in flames. That was certainly no weatherballoon or any aircraft he had ever seen before. It looked more like something out of a science-fiction movie, than something out of this world. Leutnant Becker had in foresight activated the optical sensor, basically a digital camcorder, and was recording everything as it vanished over the horizon. The Kaleun guessed that this thing was indeed over 200m long and therefore bigger than anything manmade in the skies and much bigger than his boat.

"What course does that thing have?"
"Its on its way to Hamburg, as it seems."

Becker answered.

"Fähnrich, send a warning to Admirality. Maybe those airforce boys could..." 

But the Kaleuns order was cut short, as a sudden and bright flash of light could be seen, coming from behind the horizon were that strange object had vanished. For a moment it seemed the world around them had become silent, no one of his bridge crew said a word and the seagulls went silent, too. Then a loud bang could be heard and the sea became rough. Like a scene from a long forgotten, cold war era nightmare.

He pushed the button for the boats intercom a few moments later, but he wasn't sure what to say except: 

"Kaleun to crew, check the dosimeters on deck."
Last edited by Suederwind on Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Tamri »

Not bad. I don't fit in the beta-readers, but one piece of advice: better lines of dialogue to allocate passes above and below and indentions do less, because the monolithic text uncomfortable to read.

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

That looked better in the document I copied it from. Will fix that.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Hālian »

Oh my.
Don't delay, join today!

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Krulle »

A 200m long atomic bomb?
Suederwind wrote: The story is seperated into small chapters and I have currently written out two of them, that I will post here and if you like them, there will be more.
Please continue! Weitermachen, bitte!
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

As you whish. A new part is under way, this time a bit shorter than the last. I am not sure how fast I can write and post them here.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

The third part, a bit shorter and again for the Loroi.


Chapter 3: Razors edge

Slowly was the Loroi shuttle flying out of its hangarbay, as Razor had succeded in activating the engines. She had trouble to keep it under controll, as it didn't behave as it should. Her hands were flying over the steering console, trying to find out what was wrong, while not fly into the parts of their former ship that were dropping off from it. It mad her sad to see Nelonoia in this state, as it had been her home for quite a while now. The few parts of the hull she could see were twisted, turned inside out or looked like they were made out of a different material than they should be. Like the skin of a sick and wounded giant. The rest of it was engulfed in flames or thick, black smoke.

Somehow, she was able to avoid most of the debris on their way out of the hangar and away from the ship, but she had to make some tight turns with the shuttle. The less than happy sanzais from her crewsisters showed her, that she better not do this again, any time soon and Razor had to remember that atmospheric flight had never been her strongpoint. She hated it in the academy and she hated it now. Finally of the hangar and away from the ship, a trail of black smoke, left behind by Nelonoia, was blocking her view of the sourroundings and she had no time to check the shuttles sensors. Flying blind, with only partially working instruments was also something she really had hated on the academy, especially alone.

"Antimony, come over here, I need your assistance."

It didn't took the red haired Listel a long time to get to the copilots seat next to Razor, even if the shuttle was shaking like a sailingboat of old times, in a storm.

"What is going on?"
"Trying to keep us flying, but you need to tell me where we are heading and what might be out there."
"I will do my best, Razor."

At once, Antimonys hands started to work on her console, as she tried to find out more about their sourroundings.

"At the moment it appears we are over some area of water... Some kind of sea..."
"Can not tell you how far this shuttle will take us. Stabilizers are damaged, having trouble keeping us up in the air. Reducing speed, as one of the engines is running hotter than it should. Is there a spot nearby for us to land? An island, maybe?"
"Not nearby. The sensors picked up indications of electromagentic transmissions and maybe a populated area some distance away, in the direction Nelonoia is heading."
"Why can I still not see were we are going?"
"Forward holografic sensors are damaged and the view out of the cockpit windows appears to be obstructed by soot from our former ship."

Razor had trouble to follow what Antimon told her next. She had more than enough to do, keeping them flying and there were no handy windscreen wipers to help her see something. All she understood from the Listels words, was that the wreck of Nelonoia was flying in the direction of that supposed populated area, when suddenly a strong, unexpected blow hit the shuttle.

All kind of emergency signals went off: no more sensors, stabilizers not responding, one of the atmospheric engines went offline and a particullar nasty red indicator showed her, that they were going to stall. It took her quite a while to bring things under controll again.
They rapidly had lost a lot of speed and altitude, to the dismay of her crewsisters and it took all her pilot skills to pull their shuttle up again, before they would have crashed into the sea.
As they were flying over those unknown waters, she managed to looked over her shoulder for a brief moment, as that red haired Listel was unusually quite some time now. Her skin looked paler than normally and her hands clinged to her chair.

"Calm down, Antimony. We made it... At least for now."
"That is... a relieve..."
"Just what by all spirits hit us?"

It took Antimony a few moments to finally get back to her duties. Her hands moved over her console, as she tried to find out what had happend.

"There was a last telemetry transmission from Nelonoia right before the blast: Reactor containment failing..."
Last edited by Suederwind on Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Krulle »

Uh, better out on the sea than even closer to Hamburg and Cuxhaven.

Fishing boat patrol will end for the beginners Marine group, when they'll have to recover a weather balloon...
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

Uh, better out on the sea than even closer to Hamburg and Cuxhaven.
Still not a place for safe spaceship disposal...
Anyway, consider patrol duty over. Time for something new.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

As this part was almost finished, too. I guess its just fair to post it today as well and not keep you waiting. Again, I am sorry for any mistake I might have made.

Edit: corrected some minor errors.
Chapter 4: UFO

It was quiet aboard the Hermelin, quiet but full of activity. Parts of the crew were checking the dosimeters and tried to find out, how lethal the level of radiation from that blast might have been or checking with geiger counters if there was some kind of fallout coming down on them. The Kaleun and others were observing the horizon with their binoculars. Heinemann looking even more grumpy than usuall and Fähnrich Ludovski was concentrated working on her radio. That left him, Leutnant Becker, alone with his station, were he was trying to make sense of what had happened, about ten minutes earlier. His stomach still felt weak from whatever the Smutje decided to make his Labskaus out of. The only thing he had gotten right was the color, a distinct redish grey and it didn't smell too bad. But the taste... It was just wrong and the smile of that Smutje had been diabolic, somehow. The boats movements in the now rougher sea didn't make him feel any better, too.

"Kaleun to crew: so far, the level of radiation apears to be normal. Keep checking the level every 5 minutes and report."

At least, they weren't fried by some kind of radiation. But for him it was time to find out what they had seen. To his luck, he had the idea to activate the optical sensor, back as that thing passed over them. Now Becker was watching the footage, analysing it with every possible method aviable, or to be more precise: his own eyes and brain. There were no fancy computers aboard this boat, that meant back to basics for him.

It was impressive to watch that massive object flying across the sky, leaving behind a thick black trail of smokes and flames, even if it was just a recording. He zoomed in on that flying object to get a better look at it, but flames and smoke made that impossible. However, he was able to magnify various of the parts that were falling off that UFO. Some of them looked heavily burned, deformed or molten, others seemed to be largely intact. The later ones were of green and white color or looked like some kind of machine parts. Cables, tubes or some kind of wires were coming out of them. He could not identify any kind of markings or writing on the objects or the other pieces of debris falling of from it. The resolution of that scanner was not good enough, thanks to some budget cuts from the goverment. That was also the reason why the Hermelin and all its sister boats, would be decommissioned at the end of the year. No need for those little boats anymore, as they told them. What a pitty, he thought for himself.

Leutnant Becker was musing over this for a while, lost in thoughts, as something on the video grasped his attention. Something he had only seen from the corner of his eye very briefly and he wasn't sure what it was. Pausing the video and rewinding it about a minute, he tried to find out what exactly he had seen on the screen. His fingers moved over the controlles and the video started to move forward again, much slower than usuall, this time. For a while, he thought that it was just his imagination and there was nothing unusuall going on.

But then he saw it again: something that looked like a piece of debris at first, falling of that object... But not falling at all. Flying out of it! Manouvering around some of the larger pieces of debris, trying to get away from the much larger, burning UFO. What could that be and more important: were did it fly to?

Maybe it didn't get far away from it or was destroyed in the blast? He couldn't tell from the video, as he couldn't find it again, as it had vanished behind the black smoke trail. But he was sure that this was none of the other parts of debris. It looked almost aerodynamic in shape. Something like small wings extended from it and a purple glowing could indicate some kind of engine.

Crawling his chin, Becker decided to look for it. It couldn't have gotten far, he was sure of it! Only a few button pushes later, the boats air radar was online again, scanning its sourroundings. He had some trouble making sense of the readings at first, but then he found what he was looking for. Direction north-east, speed: less than 200 kph, distance 10km and getting closer... Time to inform the Kaleun!

"Herr Kaleun! There is something incoming... Less than 10 km away, much smaller than the last one."
"How did you find it, Leutnant?"
"I saw something on the video from our optical sensors. It looked aerodynamicly shaped and it came out of the big thing."
"Like some kind of missile?"
"If its a missile, than its a big, slow one..."

Having said that, Becker thought that the Kaleun might be right. Sure it was bigger than any missile he had seen before and slower. But could that be the weapon, that caused the explosion, he was wondering? The image on the video was too blury to say for sure what that object really was. At the moment it was too far away, to get a better look, too. He also had no clue, why it was so slow. Who would build a missile like that? He asked himself. Then the siren aboard was yelling and the Kaleuns voice could be heard from the boats intercom. Draging him away from his thoughts.

"All hands to battle stations. Unknown object incoming, prepare countermessures. It could be a weapon... So be prepared."

The Leutnants hands started shaking, as he created a target solution for that object, while it came closer and closer. It was his first time, out on the sea for longer than a day or two. His stomach still hadn't adapted to the movements of a small boat like the Hermelin and so far he had only tracked a target on a simulator or trained to do that in a quick drill. But this felt different. This was the real deal, he know it, but he wasn't sure if he should be excited about it or full of fear. His head telling him one thing, his hands another and he didn't want to to think about his stomach under this conditions. He just started to announce the distance between the Hermelin and this object.

"9,2km... 8,5km... 8,0km..."

Then the distinct, deep and calm voice of the weapons officer Oberleutnant Müller could be heard:

"Target locked, just give the order, Herr Kaleun."
"Just take it out of the sky! We can't risk this thing to cause another explosion."
"Confirmed, firering when ready... Fire!"

He looked over his shoulder, to peek out of the windows on portside and saw the white trail of a Rolling Airframe Missile (or RAM for short) on its way to the target. That slow missile or whatever else it might be. Observing his radarscreen, he monitored how their RAM closed in on the object, that was now less than 7km away. It didn't take any evasive manouvers, used no countermessures to his Radar. By now the RAM must be in its final phase of flight and no longer needed Hermelins Radar to find its target, so it was too late anyway. The build in heat seeker tooked over and guided the missile on its final seconds.

"Target hit."

Was all the calm voice of Oberleutnant Müller announced. No exictement, as always, just doing his duty. A efficient and somehow creepy person. Looking back at his screen, he could confirmed that hit and it showed him, that the target was going down.
Last edited by Suederwind on Thu Mar 31, 2016 6:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Absalom »

"Quite" means "very". "Quiet" means "without noise".

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

Thanks, fixed that typo. :shock:
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by dapple26 »

Well, I am enjoying this. :)
Hard to fallow the unfamiliar ranking system though.
Can I have a cheat-sheet for rank comparisons.

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Krulle »

a quick google search resulted in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniforms_and_insignia_of_the_Kriegsmarine#Officer_ranks

Have fun.
dapple26 wrote:Can I have a cheat-sheet for rank comparisons.
Nato rank German rang title = US navy equivalent
Flag officer ranks
OF-10 Großadmiral = Admiral of the Navy
OF-9 Generaladmiral = Fleet Admiral
OF-8 Admiral = Admiral Admiral von Schneider (been watching Miss Sophie's 90th birthday lately?)
OF-7 Vizeadmiral = Vice admiral
OF-6 Konteradmiral = Rear admiral
Officer ranks
OF-5a Kommodore = Commodore
OF-5 Kapitän zur See = Captain
OF-4 Fregattenkapitän = Commander
OF-3 Korvettenkapitän = Lieutenant commander
OF-2 Kapitänleutnant = Lieutenant "Kaleun" Gerhard Heinemann
OF-1a Oberleutnant zur See = Lieutenant (junior grade) Oberleutnant Müller
OF-1 Leutnant zur See = Ensign Leutnant Becker
Officer candidate ranks
OD-2 Oberfähnrich zur See = Passed Midshipman
OD-1 Fähnrich zur See = Midshipman Fähnrich Tamara Ludowski

Others, not from the linked list:
Maat = Petty Officer Second Class Maat Geißler
Matrose = Sailor Matrose Haverkamp, Matrose Schirmer

Rank yet unknown, likely simple Matrosen: Zenker, Strehle

Edit: added the names of the characters who have appeared so far.
The title of the story seems to be rather misleading.

edit: 02-08-2016: added more names, and two ranks
Last edited by Krulle on Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by raistlin34 »

While we readers know how much the humans dun goofed, was their response the adecuate one according to the military procedure? :?:

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

Some background infos:

I am not sure how different the WW2 Kriegsmarine ranks are, compared to the modern ones, so I just leave this link:
Thanks for the cheat-sheet, Krulle! :)
However, I have found very little about what officers are on such a boat or what their rank might be. I just hope its not too far off.

Some infos about the Hermelin and its class of fast attack craft, or Schnellboote (including some pictures):
There are some uncertainties about what such a boat can do, its equipment, etc...
For example: I know there are two heavy machineguns aboard, but I had difficulties finding out were they are placed in a combat situation, as they are usually not mounted except in sich a situation.
Also, I know from reports that I have read, that those boats usually have at least one smaller craft aboard for boarding partys, etc... I just have no idea were that is stored, too.
So, I have to apologise in advance, that I might be forced to make things up.
The title of the story seems to be rather misleading.
Maybe... Might take a while to find out. ;)
been watching Miss Sophie's 90th birthday lately?
Well, there might be some relationship between the two... :D
While we readers know how much the humans dun goofed, was their response the adecuate one according to the military procedure?
Actually, I am not sure about that. Heinemann could have send a warning, I guess, but for story reasons I decided to procede that way. I hope you won't mind.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Suederwind »

Time for another Loroi part.


Chapter 5: Arrow

There she was, the proud Mizol Lennai Daza (Lightning), sitting in the middle of her crewsisters, in that crowded Slipper class shuttle. She was holding Opals hand, trying to ease her pain and keep her calm. If there was something they couldn't need at the moment, it was a young crewsister, screaming. A blast from an exploding console had hit her, as the two of them were on their way to the shuttlebay. She knew that the injured Soroi Paset wouldn't survive much longer and that they needed to take care of her wounds, as soon as possible. However, they needed to land first.

Opal had been Mallas Maialoi's personal assistant and therefore had been of interest to her. It was her mission to observe the young commanding officer and keep her following the orders given to her. However, as a Mizol cast member, she was also responsible for establishing diplomatic contact to that potential ally, humaniti, as well as keeping things under control aboard.

Especially that last part hasn't gone well so far. At first the endless struggle with that stubborn Mallas, about why she and her ship were choose by Stillstorm and not send off fighting those cursed shells. Why she and her crew had to go on that meaningless trip. It was pure hatred between the two of them, from the first moment they had met, till the end. 
Constant discussions, her wish to turn the ship around and end this mission, go back to the frontline. It had been tiresome. 
But this situation was far worse. They lost the ship in what must have been a jump accident and were now flying in the atmosphere of an unknown planet. Most of the crew were dead and their mission had most likely failed.

Right from the start she had known that this mission was suiccide and started for political reasons. The age old game of high ranking Torrai versus Mizol cast members, always trying to outsmart another. So her true goals were a bit different than the ones given to Maialoi. She should keep her following her orders, yes. But should also try to find out what Stillstorm was hiding and make this mission as successfull as possible. They couldn't aford to lose a potential ally, because of some internal struggels or an angry Mallas.

Then a sudden sanzai discussion between Antimony, the surviving Listel, and Razor, the shuttles pilot, caught her attention:

"There seemes to be an object on the surface, not far from us."
"On the water? So it must be a ship?"
"I would guess so, too. Its hard to get a clear reading with the damaged sensors."

She couldn't help but intrude and add something to their discussion:

"If this is a ship, they could help us. Opals situation is getting worse."
"I will try to hail them on trade frequencies..."

After long moments, the Listel sanzaied an answer:

"That is odd... Some kind of weak electromagnetic transmission is constantly send to us, but I can not make any sense of it..."
"Why? Whats wrong with it?"
"It is like some form of beam, pointed at us."
"A beam?"

But the Listel didn't answer her question. Lightning could feel that something was wrong with her. It felt like she was in some form of shock for a moment. Then, after a long while she explained:

"It is a weapon!"
"That weak electromagnetic beam? Even if we are just in a skiff, we shouldn't be afraid of it."
"No, but we should try to avoid that missile, following the beam!"
"Following the beam? Whats next? Swords and arrows?"

The Mizol asked in utter disbelive.

The next things happend way to fast for her to remember them all. The Listel was trying to explain how the beam guided missiles of old times were working. Razor stated that they could not get clear of that missile, because the one working engine was on its limits. Suddenly emotions, like panic and fear could be felt coming from the sisters around her. She asked herself if they would survive this, as a blast shoke the shuttle. A barrage of spoken out curses from Razor showed her, that something bad had happened. Most likely did the overworked engine fail, as they were hit by that weapon. Her stomach started to feel sick, as artificial gravity was failing and it became clear to her, that they were now going to crash into that unknown sea.
Last edited by Suederwind on Thu Jul 28, 2016 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by raistlin34 »

A I guess is a frecuent mistake superadvanced civilizations make, when they underestimate low-tech weapons. In the correct hands, even a goddamn rock is a lethal weapon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by dapple26 »

Krulle wrote:a quick google search resulted in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniforms_and_insignia_of_the_Kriegsmarine#Officer_ranks

Have fun.
dapple26 wrote:Can I have a cheat-sheet for rank comparisons.
Nato rank German rang title = US navy equivalent
Flag officer ranks
OF-10 Großadmiral = Admiral of the Navy
OF-9 Generaladmiral = Fleet Admiral
OF-8 Admiral = Admiral Admiral von Schneider (been watching Miss Sophie's 90th birthday lately?)
OF-7 Vizeadmiral = Vice admiral
OF-6 Konteradmiral = Rear admiral
Officer ranks
OF-5a Kommodore = Commodore
OF-5 Kapitän zur See = Captain
OF-4 Fregattenkapitän = Commander
OF-3 Korvettenkapitän = Lieutenant commander
OF-2 Kapitänleutnant = Lieutenant "Kaleun" Gerhard Heinemann
OF-1a Oberleutnant zur See = Lieutenant (junior grade) Oberleutnant Müller
OF-1 Leutnant zur See = Ensign Leutnant Becker
Officer candidate ranks
OD-2 Oberfähnrich zur See = Passed Midshipman
OD-1 Fähnrich zur See = Midshipman Fähnrich Ludowski

Edit: added the names of the characters who have appeared so far.
The title of the story seems to be rather misleading.
Thank you.

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Re: [Fan Fiction]Calm Seas

Post by Absalom »

Suederwind wrote:Some infos about the Hermelin and its class of fast attack craft, or Schnellboote (including some pictures):
There are some uncertainties about what such a boat can do, its equipment, etc...
For example: I know there are two heavy machineguns aboard, but I had difficulties finding out were they are placed in a combat situation, as they are usually not mounted except in sich a situation.
I would guess they have mounts spaced out along the entire length of the deck railing, and at least two on top of the cabin structure as well. Such things are presumably placed according to the situation, so deployment while in port, while pirate-hunting, while cruising in on the open sea, and while travelling through the Suez or Panama canals, will likely all be slightly different.
Suederwind wrote:Also, I know from reports that I have read, that those boats usually have at least one smaller craft aboard for boarding partys, etc... I just have no idea were that is stored, too.
So, I have to apologise in advance, that I might be forced to make things up.
Usually depends on the type of boat. If they're rigid-hull craft, probably they're mounted near the outside of the hull: I didn't see any pictures like that, so I suspect that isn't the case. If they're semi-rigids or fully inflatables, they'll probably be placed in a sealed container, somewhat close to their point of deployment: for semi-rigid I would suspect near the aft (though that really depends on expected deployment conditions: aft just seems to be normal for US ships), for inflatables I would assume dispersed around the ship (for evacuation purposes). These could all be partially or entirely hidden below hatches on the very edge of the deck, with deployment equipment to allow a boat to easily be placed on the sea surface while staying out of the way during normal operating conditions.

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