Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

dragoongfa wrote:Those 5 points were for us only, our subordinates will be improved the hard way.
I assumed. I was actually asking about whether they would eventually be able to get their own stat increases (for example, would Izumi have gotten a bonus had we promoted her instead of taking the time for ourselves?), or are their stats locked and only able to change if we unlock their hidden traits?
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Special actions will be able to boost their stats. Ensign Izumi, for instance, got a fairly large boost to diplomacy for effectively acing her rolls when you asked her what do and she more or less completely stole the show.

Colonel Pierce has a storyline in the wings if you play your cards right that can boost his stats too.

Otherwise, most of your crew have personal issues, quirks, or things to learn that when you spend time on them may cause them to grow. You yourself can also grow, and once you hit a certain point you'll be able to choose a career path such as Colonial Governor or Fleet Admiral... from an old set of notes, the career paths were:

Admiral (Martial bonus)
Governor (Stewardship Bonus)
Ambassador (Diplomacy Bonus)
Doctor (Learning Bonus)
Director (Trade Bonus)

Anyway, on with the interlude.

Ice and Fury

Your next meeting with the Loroi covers things both great and small.

You begin by telling them the history of mankind. The broadest of strokes come first, where humans first arose from ape-like ancestors, the waves of human migration across the world, the struggle against hominid rivals from Homo Erectus to Neanderthal until only a single hominid species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, remained.

You tell them of the rise and fall of city states and empires, paying somewhat more specific attention to the Roman and British Empires, followed by the post-imperial era and the struggle for dominance between the USSR and the USA as world super powers. You detail the first steps towards spaceflight and the early colonisation of the solar system and beyond to the six worlds of humanity.

More recently, you tell them of the Aldean crisis and the birth of the TCA. You tell them about growing up on a nameless colony world and growing up eating nutrient paste and hiding in air ducts, before you joined up, and then tell them about your military career. They laugh out loud at several of your academy stories, which you think of as odd but humanising, and finish off by detailing your rise through the ranks and assignment to your ship. They seemed a bit disappointed that you hadn't seen much action though.

Regardless, the Loroi drink up all your words like a dry sponge exposed to water and opt to share their own knowledge of history.

Spear details in her halting English the history of the Loroi as she understands it.

History, for her, begins roughly a thousand years ago in the time of exile. A few thousand colonists on their way to the heaven of Minzan were struck down for their arrogance and outcast to this desolate space to suffer for all eternity.

And suffer they did. She says that her ancestors struggled, first against starvation and death, and then against predatory raiders called the Meshiir. Spear states that one of the reasons they are being patient with you is because they recognised that you were at this point, struggling to survival all alone as their ancestors did. For them, this struggle lasted for four centuries, until finally the last of the Meshiir was dead and at last the Loroi had resolved their resource and food shortages.

Yet what should have been a time of plenty and rejoicing became one of recrimination and mistrust. Pride and prejudice coloured the great people of the time, each wanting to take their people in a different direction from the rest. These people convinced others that theirs was the correct way, and without a powerful external enemy to unite them, they splintered into the Great Houses of Shereil, Tanir, Mizeis, Solzan, Paloz, Logein and Inzos.

For two centuries the houses fought one against another, with alliances forged in the heat of the moment and betrayals executed at the drop of a hat. It was only with the death of the last of the founders of the Great Houses, Tanir herself, that the most intractable opponent to unification was swept aside.

Even so, unity for the houses was difficult. Identities had been forged in battle, oaths of vengeance had been sworn. The seeds of discord were ready to bloom when a grand compromise was struck. The great houses forged a mutual defence pact called the Loroi Confederation. House identity and structure would not be affected, but no war would be tolerated between the houses, great or small, and all the houses would defend against external threat.

This grand compromise was solidified by exchanging highly valuable males between the groups in something like a seven way marriage alliance. At first, no Loroi would risk the males of their house over so petty a thing as hatred. Later, war became more and more unthinkable, as the houses became increasingly related by blood.

You think it's quite fascinating, but you're not sure why males are so highly prized by the Loroi. When you ask they look at you strangely, as though the answer to that should be obvious. You shrug and leave it as a question for another time.

You soon find yourself listening as they tell you the founding of House Arilad. Spear's face becomes both solemn and rapturous as she speaks, as though she is reliving the events as she recounts them.

The story begins two centuries ago, as a young warrior, Rilnizar, came of age and petitioned for her rightful access to a male to the leaders of house Tanir.

She was denied, told that she had yet to prove herself in battle. This was not an unprecedented thing for the Loroi. Spear explains that population controls were put into place, and only those that could prove themselves were allowed access, lest there be a population crisis.

So the young Rilnizar set forth. As a powerful telekinetic warrior there were few opponents she could not best in the ritualised combat where young warriors fought for the right to have children. She rose inevitably to the top and again petitioned the leaders of house Tanir for her right.

And again she was denied. This time no reason was given, and no avenue offered for what she sought. It soon became apparent to Rilnizar that the leaders of her house both feared and hated her. Spear explains that had she been born in House Shereil she would have been deeply honoured, worshipped even, but she was of House Tanir. Rilnizar was effectively trapped by a web of politics. The house leaders refused to allow her to leave, and refused to give her what she wanted.

She could have left on her own, but this would have caused her great shame and shunning in society. She could have easily stolen the access she desired, but she would not survive the punishment that this would ordinarily accord. And so she waited for an opportunity to escape her fate.

That opportunity came in the form of a Nafen scout. The lone vessel had penetrated into Loroi territory and destroyed a mining outpost. Outraged, it was to be met with no less than three of the mightiest fleets that House Tanir could bring to bear. Rilnizar was assigned to a frigate within the third fleet in a supporting role. It was assumed that a show of force would be enough to cow the Nafen into leaving.

They were wrong. The Nafen were not deterred by the Loroi 1st Fleet. Nor was it by the 2nd Fleet after it was done shredding them. The 3rd Fleet attempted to run, but the Nafen hunted them down one at a time, using their organisation and discipline against them. Rilnizar, half mad with grief at the fallen, half mad with rage at her pathetic circumstances, forcibly took command of her frigate and rammed the Nafen scout with all that her ships engines could muster.

It wasn't enough. The collision lodged the vessel in the side of the Nafen scout, slowing it, but not destroying nor incapacitating it as she had hoped. Desperate and mad, Rilnizar pulled together a strike force and boarded the Nafen scout. Using her telekinetics to their fullest extent, Rilnizar tore apart strange nodules, carved hallways, and oddities of alien architecture that no Loroi had seen before nor since. Where she found the Nafen she ripped them to pieces even as they killed her crewmates who fought with fury and desperation. It was only because of their spattered entrails that anyone has ever determined that the Nafen were silicon based.

When the last of the Nafen died, the scout entered a termination sequence. Bloodied and alone, Rilnizar contemplated welcoming death with open arms. At this point, Spear's voice becomes low, as though she were telling a ghost story. She says that Rilnizar saw death itself come, and instead of taking as it was meant to, it simply pointed down a hallway, before turning its back on her.

Not one to refuse a gift, Rilnizar ran down the hallway, ripping through bulkheads with sheer telekinetic force to find herself back on her own ship. Tearing her way through the ruined vessel, she managed to find a barely functioning shuttle and escape as the Nafen scout seemed to drink itself up and wink out of existence.

She was one of only a hundred to survive the encounter with the Nafen. She endured months of recovery, both mental and physical, from the experience, and had become an overnight legend amongst Houses both great and small. But while Rilnizar's star was on the rise, Tanir's was sinking. The loss of three fleets and untold thousands of warriors was a stain that simply would not wash off. They were criticised for treating the battle as though it were the ritualised combat that took place between houses, called incompetent, and ultimately labelled incompetent.

Amidst this great shaming, Rilnizar, bloodied and proven, once again requested her rightful access to a male. With furious anger the leaders of Tanir blamed her for the loss of the fleets. Blamed her for the death of so many warriors. Accused her of colluding with the enemy and worse. It was hoped that this would incense Rilnizar into striking them down, that way the House would preserve their status and honour and the stain would transfer to the traitorous Rilnizar.

Instead, she stood there, impassively listening until the last bitter recrimination echoed across the room and uttered two words that had become legendary, 'I see'. She then turned and left with nary a hint of the rightful rage.

It had become glaringly apparent to Rilnizar that the leadership of House Tanir were more concerned about their position and power than the good of the house or the Loroi Confederation, that they had become corrupt and effette. There was nothing to be done but rebel.

And rebel she did. She visited the males of hourse Tanir without permission and spoke to many of them, told them of the treachery and deceit with which Tanir's leadership were acting, told them of what had been happening in the outside world. She spoke to three hundred of them, each one promising to use what leverage they had to try and convince the leaders of Tanir to change their ways.

But Rilnizar was growing desperate. The leaders would not listen to the males of their own house about public policy. The actions of the males would, at best, only be symbolic. It would accomplish nothing.

But one male had a different idea. A bold idea. A dangerous idea. He proposed it to Rilnizar, who was so impressed with his audacity that she could not contain herself. On that fateful day, she not only gained access to a male for the first time, she also eloped with him.

In the ordinary course of events this would be a crime punishable by death. But Tanir had become so notorious in those days, and Rilnizar so famous, that she found supporters wherever she went. Houses both great and small turned a blind eye to the affair and when at last Tanir had recovered from its nigh apocalyptic fit of apoplectic rage at the sheer insult, it was too late. Rilnizar had petitioned the six other Great Houses to recognise and accept both herself and her male as the beginning of a new minor house, named for that bold male who had made it all possible; Arilad.

Over the years, house Arilad grew from just the two of them to thousands as young warriors sought out the young house to find their fortunes, even attracting a few males from other houses. House Tanir, unable to ignore their males in the wake of such an event, went through a great purge and reformation into a more effective martial house. Though at first the two houses were fierce rivals, both of them being martial houses in addition to their history, Spear explains that relations between the houses today are that of friendly rivals and had even traded males with one another, a very good sign of warming relations. The only real action the last few decades had been Arilad moving from the central regions as a mercenary martial house to the periphery as a guardian martial house.

As for Rilnizar, Spear explains that she leads house Arilad to this day alongside Arilad himself, and that she has more than earned the name Rilnizar, 'Icefury'.

The way Spear speaks, you're certain that there's more than just pride in her House there. She practically beams with it.

You then ask about her and her friends directly about their life in House Arilad. You watch as that pride becomes an awkward kind of modesty. She explains that there's not much to tell, that they had grown up together, and hadn't had much of a chance to do anything very exciting in their seven years of life.

You double take at that. Seven years! Spear looked to be on the cusp of eighteen. And you gathered from her story that they could live to be two or three centuries old at least. You honestly find yourself envious at that and say as much.

You explain that you yourself are 31 years old and that Ensign Izumi herself, young though she looks, is 27 and that, at the outside, you can look forward to living until you're 100 or 120 years old, depending. Spear seems rather shocked that humans could be so similar to Loroi and yet so different.

You break off from the tangent and try to put things back on track by asking, carefully, about the training mission they were on and their 'time of trials'. You emphasise that if they don't want to talk about it they don't need to, and indeed, Spear does not wish to talk of it.

Instead she turns around and lifts her shirt off. You wonder just what in the world she's doing when you see that her back isn't smooth and unblemished, but is rather a rich tapestry of tatoos.

So, this was their tradition or inking the leader of a group with their history? One of the Loroi, a girl you've internally labelled Ash on the basis of her short tufts of platinum-white hair, approaches Spear and physically touches Spear on an image of a ship.

Spear explains that ship was their training vessel, the Lightning Comet, a lightly armed vessel intended to make the run from Arilad space to the Berai fleet anchorage and back again with a fixed amount of supplies and pre-placed challenges, tricks, and traps, each aspect of which was intended to teach them patience, cunning, frugality, intellect, precision, vigilance, and a host of other virtues seen as good and perfect for warriors.

Ash's hand trails upward to a relief of two faces, one is Spear's, the other... is also Spear's. Spear explains that this was her twin sister. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Spear's sister didn't survive.

The hand moves again and indicates an accurate depiction of the collars you helped the Loroi out of. From the look of the ink, it appears to be a fairly recent round of tatoos, no doubt from the materials you gave them. Spear explains that the collars stopped them from being able to communicate telepathically, even by touch, and that this turned them upon each other.

The next image in the tapestry on Spear's back is once again Spear and her twin sisters faces, but where once they were pleasant and facing away from one another, now they faced each other with angered expressions. Beneath them, smaller stylised Loroi pulling at collared necks stumble about in confusion and despair.

Spear explains that, being truly separated from her sister for the first time, ever, had changed something in her. They couldn't agree on anything. They couldn't rely on each other for anything. Where once there was love and trust and respect, there was now only hatred and bitter resentment that Spear simply could not understand. Her sister began heaping blame and hatred upon Spear... and became the leader of the stronger group of Loroi.

The next tatooed image is of rail thin Loroi, wasting away. Three Loroi stand angelically over their own broken bodies as depraved figures feast on their mortal remains. It's incredibly morbid to your senses, and Spear explains that this image commemorates the three that gave their lives to save them all and the shame they felt at falling so low.

Things begin to get very familiar after that point. First is an image of Spear drinking with Ensign Izumi, the Loroi rejoicing as they throw their collars to the ground, and the beginnings of a new image, one that still isn't finished. There are small welts where the tatooists needle has yet to finish its work.

Ash removes her finger from the latest line of work and Spear pulls her shirt back on, explaining that what happens now is up to you. Her back is already quite full of imagery, but she thinks her tatooist can fit in a few more images. Ensign Izumi mentions that the Loroi practice seems to resemble Irezumi, both in quality and in the fact that not a scrap of skin is wasted in the process.

By the end of your many and numerous discussions with the Loroi about your histories and personal lives, Spear approaches you with a request. She, along with others, would like to be able to leave their enclosure from time to time. She's under no illusions that they'll have free reign on your ship anymore than you would if the positions were reversed.

At length and after some discussion with Colonel Pierce, you grant this request, on the provision that only four can leave at any one time, and that each of them must in turn have two marines as escort.

Spear agrees to this quite happily.


Histories, Ancient, Recent and Personal exchanged.
Knowledge that Loroi males are important for some reason.
Knowledge that Loroi make use of population control.
Knowledge of Rilnizar, 'Icefury', leader of Arilad.
Small insight into Loroi politics.
Knowledge of Spear and her sister.
Loroi gain more of an insight into humanity.
Additional 1d100 for Spear to learn English per diplomatic action / learning action.
Additional 1d100 + 1d20 for Ensign Izumi to learn Trade per diplomatic action / learning action.
Gained personal actions with regards to Spear.
Stuff that I may have forgotten or missed.

Spear's English: 1112 + 12 + 25 = 1149 / 3000
Loroi: 838 + 33 + 3 + 18 = 892 / 3000

<< Seven Hard Questions || Turn 6 >>
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »


I have a distinct impression that technologically the Nafen are to the Loroi what the Loroi are to us, in which case I hope that Izumi's 25 diplo will prove itself useful if we ever run into one.

Let's see what the next turn brings forth.

EDIT: Are the Loroi less agitated btw?

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Yeah, they are, I'll update that later when I've got some sleep under my belt and am less likely to whoopsie daisy something out of existence.

Oh, and for reference, Icefury's stats.


Martial: 37
Diplomacy: 9
Stewardship: 25
Intrigue: 8
Learning: 17
Psi: 60
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Now that's an OP NPC...

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

If you roll her age and development back to Fireblade's she's about equivalent. The high stats represent two centuries of experience, training, character growth, and personal feats.

That being said, she can be defeated. It'd just take a lot to pull it off.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

I see no reason in fighting her and plenty of reasons to be in her good side :mrgreen:

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Apologies for this being a bit late. A new niece of mine arrived about twelve hours ago, so things have been rather exciting on my end.

October 2nd 2155

Turn 6

You finish signing off on the paperwork authorising the diversification of crops. Perhaps you could have waited for a bit to build up a surplus but you're certain you have options and people are getting tad tired of an endless parade of potatoes, no matter how creative the colonies chefs are getting at making them different or appetising.

You email off the signed copies and relax in your chair. Having a month to take it easy after that interview was worth its weight in gold for you. You didn't exactly stop working, what with your meetings with the Loroi children and all your other work, but being able to kick back, relax, and just listen to music, or read a book... you honestly can't remember the last time you did that.

But your mind wasn't idle. You've considered and reflected on your past actions. You believe yourself to be the stronger for them. They've given you a wisdom and insight that will strengthen you in the years to come.

You turn away from such thoughts in preference for something a bit more light hearted and tour your ship, starting with the bridge, working your way down to engineering, before heading towards the shuttle bay via the cargo section. It's a decent walk, all told, and your crew salutes you respectfully as you pass. You note the marine guards outside Ensign Izumi's quarters and know for a fact that she's having a meeting with Spear to puzzle out more of each other's languages. You're fairly certain the two of them are friends at this point in time, and that alone gives you hope for the future.

Still, you reach your destination in the shuttle bay. You quickly don one of the wingsuits your people handily modified and grin. Once you've completed your safety and seals check, you order the bay doors open and the air of your quasi-giant home rushes in. You let the pressures equalise, and then you take the leap.

Air rushes past and you drift lazily in the wind. You deploy your wings and catch the wind, flapping them every now and then to correct your course. You can't help but laugh with joy at the liberation that the wingsuit gives you. A dull rumbling unrelated to the wind reaches your ears and you subconsciously grit your teeth. Those rumbling sounds have been growing louder lately. The analysis of wind currents showed them to be mostly originating a few million kilometers away, a stones throw in spacers terms but in the Briar Patch you knew that was both near and far at the same time. The rest of the noise was a mere infrasonic blip originating from Fenrir. The colony soon comes into view and you know your fun is, all too soon, over.


You kill your speed and gently glide in, touching down with a series of gentle bunny hops in the asteroids low gravity on a specially built runway, right up until the warning signs tell you to prepare for the colony's gravity field. In the span of a single step, you go from very little gravity to practically a full gee. The unawares stumble, but you've put enough practice in to make the transition smooth as butter.

You fold your wings back up and saunter into the airlock, waiting patiently as it sucks the thick hydrogen rich atmosphere out and replaces it with a rather more breathable mix. Eventually though, the cycle finishes and you're able to remove your suit and enter the comfortably cramped confines of your colony for your meeting to determine your next moves.

Martial: Both Commander O'Malley and Colonel Pierce have begun work to secure your colony's future with their military knowledge and might. (Choose One)

[] Childrens Creche: With children on the way to being born, Colonel Pierce suggests a contained and well defended area be built to shelter them in case of an emergency. A team of marines will be posted as a permanent defence force to defend them to the death.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Children guaranteed protection during boarding actions. Parents rest easy. Colonel rests easy.

[] Combat Exercises: Commander O'Malley wants to run a series of combat simulations aimed at determining how best to defend the colony in case of an incursion by Urkuk or something worse.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: A better idea of how you'll fare in a worst case scenario.

[] Militia Training: Train your civilians in how to use sidearms and defend themselves should the worst happen.

Cost: 500 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Colonists able to contribute to defence against boarding actions.
[] Ordnance Plant (Requires Machine Shop): An ordnance plant would allow the manufacturing of ammunition for the marines existing gear as well as the production of your first round of mass drivers.

Cost: 2000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Guns and Ammo ranging from sidearms to CIWS batteries.

[] Chemical Missile Plant (Requires Ordnance Plant): Basic chemical missile production facilities. Not the best in the universe, but better than nothing.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Missile production.

[] Niflheim CIWS (Requires Ordnance Plant): A series of defensive CIWS batteries for your colony that will attempt to shoot down anything that threatens you that is within range.

Cost: 5000 RU, 500 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Colony better defended.

[] Niflheim Missile Batteries (Requires Chemical Missile Plant): Missile Batteries for your colony, allowing you to fire on enemy ships at greater range and accuracy than your CIWS system.

Cost: 5000 RU, 500 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 60%, Reward: Colony better defended, can support actions at greater range.

[] Shipyard (Requires Drydock): A place for building ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of frigate and scout vessels.

[] Shipyard II (Requires Shipyard): A place for building larger ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of destroyers.

[] Shipyard III (Requires Shipyard II): A place for building even larger ships.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of cruisers.

[] Shipyard IV (Requires Shipyard III): A place for building ships loaded for bear.

Time: 3 Months, Cost: 3000 RU, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows the production of carriers and battlecruisers.
Diplomacy: Ensign Izumi is your most effective diplomat when it comes to aliens, though you're no slouch yourself in that department. (Choose One.)

[] Opening Relations: Until now you've kept the Loroi under guard and interacting with your military personnel only. Introduce them to your civilian population as the first step towards establishing a greater trust.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 25%, Reward: Your civilian populace begins to form a working relationship with the Loroi, ???

[] Debate Moderator: Although elections are still months out, it seems that the two parties want to have a series of debates over the coming months and they've asked you to moderate them. They both consider you to be impartial.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Debates moderated, political process goes forward, Opinion of you improves.

[] The Common Folk: Between the upper echelons of your society and the military, you haven't had much of a chance to talk to the average people of your colony in a cordial and unofficial manner, and while everyone is working hard there's always a chance to converse with regular folk in the mess.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Boost in opinion

Stewardship: Alex Cole and an economist, Samantha Nguyen, have worked out not only a way to easily tabulate your resources, but also what you can do to build your colony up. (Choose Two)

[] Recycling Tanks: Recycling is a time honoured tradition of any successful colonisation. Why throw away anything that can be broken down and reused?

Cost: 500 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +1 RU per Population

[] Hab-Complex Expansion (Small): Expand your hab complex and give your population some room to grow.

Cost: 500 RU, 125 RU Upkeep, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Hab Complex Expanded, Room for +250 People

[] Hab-Complex Expansion (Large): Expand your hab complex even more and give your population room to grow.

Cost: 1000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Hab Complex Expanded, Room for +500 People

[] Agricultural Complex Expansion: An expansion to your existing Agri-Complex, this expansion will increase your food production capacity.

Cost: 2250 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Agricultural Complex Expanded, Increased Food Production, +500 Food, requires 250 RU upkeep, requires two turns to begin production after completion.

[] Crop Diversification: You brought more than just potatoes with you. Introduce these crops to your agri-complex and diversify your foods. [IN PROGRESS UNTIL TURN 15]

Cost: Agricultural Yield Halved, Time: 8 Months, Reward: Diversified Crops, chance of crop failure falls to zero, colonists happy about not having a diet of 100% potatoes, once executed, does not occupy Stewardship slot.

[] Yeast Production Plant: Yeast has numerous uses, from basic food production to alcohol and bread making.

Cost: 750 RU, 125 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Yeast Production Plant Built, New Food Options, Able to Grow Yeast, +250 Food.

[] Stabilisation Thrusters: Pimp your ride and roll on around the Briar Patch with these sweet 'air' breathing rockets. Allows you to move your home slowly with constant thrust, so long as it stays in the Briar Patch.

Cost: 2000 RU, 375 RU Upkeep, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 50%, Reward: Able to move asteroid home (slowly) out of harms way.

[] Science Annex: A place for general scientific inquiry.

Cost: 5000 RU, 250 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: All Learning based actions gain an additional 1d100.
[] Biolab (Requires Science Annex): The biolab will handle all science biological, from alien physiology, botany and disease control, to genetic manipulation and vaccination production.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: More research options, Biology based science gains additional 1d100.

[] Physics Lab (Requires Science Annex): The physics lab will handle all science physical, allowing you to understand the new realm you find yourself in more fully.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: More research options, physics related research gainsa additional 1d100.

[] Mining Operations: Start mining operations on a nearby mineral rich moon with whatever you can scrape together.

Cost: 10,000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Mining operations commenced, +500 RU per turn, unlocks new options.
[] Mining Operations Expansion: Expand your existing mine on Niflheim for more glorious ore.

Cost: +250 Per Expansion (750) Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +500 RU per turn

[] Industrial Autoplant: Unpack your industrial equipment and start churning out finished goods.

Cost: 500 RU, 150 RU Upkeep, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +50% Base Income from Mining
[] Heavy Ore Refinery (Machine Shop): “Heavy Ore” is the spacer term for difficult to refine ores, often requiring specialised conditions or equipment to get at the good stuff.

Cost: 4000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: +50% Base Income from Mining

[] Centrifuges (Requires Heavy Ore Refinery): A requirement for the processing of nuclear material for power generation and nuclear ordnance.

Cost: 5000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Fissile Materials available for use.

[] Fission Plant (Requires Centrifuges): Modern nuclear power is safe, energetic, clean, and only slightly radioactive.

Cost: 15,000 RU, Time: 4 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: +100% Base Income from Mining, limitless power for your colony, fission warheads
[] Fuel Refinery: Harvests the surrounding hydrogen rich atmosphere and converts it into delicious fuel for your ships to burn.

Cost: 2000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Ship automatically refuels while at home.

[] Docks: Basic mooring and umbilicals for the L'Amour, allowing for ease of transport and for cargo and personnel and basic repairs.

Cost: 3000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows for easy disembarkation of people and goods, Unlocks new Options.

[] Drydock (Requires Docks): More significant facilities for ship repair and modification, including an annex for smallcraft.

Cost: 3000 RU, Time: 3 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Allows for major repairs and refitting of the L'Amour. Allows the production of smallcraft (Fighters, Corvettes) when researched.

[] Warehousing: Space to store spare parts, raw materials, and sensitive goods. Allows you to empty the L'Amour's cargo hold.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: A place to store goods and cargo other than the ship.

[] Machine Shop: Allows for the reproduction and repair of basic tools and equipment.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Basic tool production, New options.
[] Machine Shop II (Requires Machine Shop): Allows for the reproduction and repair of more advanced tools to micron precision.

Cost: 2000 RU, Time: 2 Months, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Advanced Tool Production, Shipbuilding

[] Machine Shop III (Requires Machine Shop II): Allows the reproduction of precision scientific equipment and specialist equipment. Includes 3D printers for custom jobs.

Cost: 4000 RU, Time: 4 Months, Chance of Success: 80%, Reward: Scientific Tool Production, Shipbuilding

[] Skunkworks (Requires Machine Shop III): When confronted with impossible to understand supertechnology, the Skunkworks will be there to rip it apart and put it back together until they learn all its secrets.

Cost: 15,000 RU, Time: 6 Months, Chance of Success: 70%, Reward: Better able to analyse advanced alien technology, reverse engineering
[] Clinic: Basic medical treatment for all your colonists.

Cost: 500 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Basic medical treatment available for all colonists

[] Medical Center (Requires Clinic): From brain surgery to bone marrow transplants, the medical center's got it covered.

Cost: 1000 RU, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 90%, Reward: Full medical treatment available for all colonists except Loroi.

[] Scrapping the Jumpdrive: Your Jumpdrive is useless here and consists of a lot of highly valuable materials that could be used elsewhere in the founding of your colony, though Volkova argues that it's made of precision parts that can't be easily reproduced.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: +15,000 RU.

Intrigue: {Locked}

SOD SOP is to lay low, watch, and wait for anything that might require our attention. The Blue Rose Cell is vigilant and on standby. If something comes up, we'll contact you.

Learning: You have many skilled people at your beck and call just waiting to tear into the unknown and reveal its juicy, succulent knowledge. (Choose One)

[] Loroi Trade: Ensign Izumi wishes to continue learning Trade as fast as she can with the help of your new Loroi friends.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 892 / 1750, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + 4d20 + Learning) Reward: Ensign Izumi increases her knowledge of trade, can teach others upon completion.

[] Urkuk: Considering how prolific the Urkuk are to the region, it may be prudent to have the Ensign learn what she can of Urkuk. Perhaps they'll go away if you ask them nicely?

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 230 / 750, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + 4d20 + Learning), Reward: Ensign Izumi increases her knowledge of Urkuk, can teach others upon completion.

[] Jump Transit Analysis: Chief Engineer Volkova wants to look over the data for your last jump transit to see if your sensors picked anything up anything unusual, perhaps what brought you here in the first place? Perhaps a clue to getting home? She's not sure.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 500, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: ???

[] Loroi Biochemistry: Doctor Campos would like to do a more detailed study into Loroi biochemistry to determine with certainty what foods the Loroi can handle as well as derive what nutrients they require to fully recover from their ordeal in addition to what medicines they're able to consume.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 160 / 650, Difficulty: Medium (2d100 + Learning), Reward: Knowledge of what is and is not toxic to Loroi biochemistry.

[] Slave Collar: Chief Volkova and a number of scientists want to look into how the slave collars removed from the Loroi work.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 25 / 50,000 (DC 90), Difficulty: Almost Impossible (1d100 + Learning, requires roll of over 90 to succeed), Reward: Knowledge of the inner workings of the collar, ???

[] Drone Design: Some of your civilian engineers want some time to continue designing those sensor drones they proposed to you.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 64 / 500, Difficulty: Hard (1d100 + Learning), Reward: Disposable sensor drone capable of extending your sensor range.

[] Jump Sickness Research: Dr. Campos research into jump sickness has the potential to eliminate it in your population. All he needs is time.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 819 / 5000, Difficulty: Easy (4d100 + Learning), Reward: Jump sickness penalty removed.

[] Over Yonder: Find out what the hell that racket is, and pray it's just loud but benign neighbours and not a war.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 75, Difficulty: Very Easy (1d100), Reward: Knowledge of what that noise is.

[] Over There: Investigate the infrasonic blips from Fenrir.

Cost: 0, Value Needed: 0 / 100, Difficulty: Easy (1d100), Reward: ???

Personal: Months of trials and tribulations have finally come to an end and you now have a small modicum of spare time. Spend it wisely. (Choose One)

[] Setting Ensign Kelly to Rest: The death of Ensign Kelly actually hit you and the crew quite hard. If not for all the troubles you'd been facing keeping everyone alive, you'd have laid him to rest long ago. Rectify it. Privately.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Ensign Kelly laid to rest. Weight from your shoulders lifted.

[] Motion for Promotion: You promised Ensign Izumi a promotion all those months ago when she talked the Loroi down. Make good on that promise.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Ensign Izumi promoted to Lieutenant Izumi

[] Spending Time with Commander O'Malley: Commander O'Malley has been your XO for some time and you trust her implicitly. Talk shop with her on how best to proceed from here on out.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80/50/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Martial, Increased Closeness with O'Malley.

[] Spending Time with Lt. Cole: Lt. Cole has done a phenomenal job of managing supply chains and shuttle schedules. Just how the hell does he manage that?

Cost: 0 Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Stewardship, Increased Closeness with Lt. Cole.

[] Spending Time with Chief Engineer Volkova: The chief is a miracle worker with all things technological. Not so much with people. That doesn't mean you can't learn anything from her, and thanks to your time on the Centaur, you're as handy with a wrench as she is.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Learning, Increased Closeness with Chief Engineer Volkova.

[] Spending Time with Colonel Pierce: Colonel Pierce has suggested that you undergo the same anti-interrogation training that his marines go through. He does not promise to be gentle.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 70/40/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Intrigue, Increased "Closeness" with Colonel Pierce.

[] Spending Time with Ensign Izumi: Rumour has it that Ensign Izumi has the best tea set in the colony. Put that rumour to the test, and get to know your Ensign a bit better to boot.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100/60/20%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 Diplomacy, Increased Closeness with Ensign Izumi.

[] Spending Time with Doctor Campos: Dr. Campos would like to perform a routine physical exam whenever you have the time to spare.

Cost: 0, Time, 1 Month, Chance of Success: 80/40/10%, Reward: +1/+2/+3 ???, Increased Closeness with Dr. Campos.

[] Spending Time with Spear: Spear is the leader of the Loroi and is the only one of them that speaks, making her an important point of contact. Get to know her better.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???, Increased Closeness with Spear.

[] The Lost Souls: Are there other humans out there? Since the jumpdrive was invented, quite a few ships have disappeared, never to be seen again. Could they have wound up here? Could there be a successful human enclave out there? Do some research and try to figure out what the odds are.

Cost: 0, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: List of ships likely to have misjumped before you.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Did I miss something? I thought we built the Barracks last turn, when did we get a Children's Creche? Not that I mind, of course, we were going to build one soon anyway, but...

I'm thinking that at least for our Personal time we should promote Izumi. We said we would, so we need to follow through. Besides, she deserves it.

For Diplomacy, maybe Debate Moderator? We can get more of an idea where things are politically, and it gives us a bonus to opinion just like Common Folk. I'd like to introduce the Loroi to everyone else, but the low odds of success make that an unattractive option.

Over Yonder seems the obvious Learning choice. We do need to know what's going on, especially if it could be dangerous.

Stewardship and Martial planning I leave to dragoongfa, keeper of the Spreadsheets.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Crap, I think I confused a few things in my distracted state. Lemme fix it.


There fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out.

{Edit 2}

Oh, and a note. You can improve the diplomacy chance with the Loroi by actually bothering to learn their language for a change. :P
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

What happened with the points?

Anyway as to the choices and my suggestions.


[X] Militia Training. The Children's creche can wait until after some children have been born.


[X] Debate Moderator

Important with the elections slowly approaching.


[X] Mine Expansion
[X] Yeast

Going for RU and Yeast for the Protein. Next turn I plan to suggest Stabilisation Thrusters according the Head Plan to which no one has given any input yet :P

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing


[X] Over Yonder

Fenrir is within the house but if it was something nasty it would have happened already. The sounds though, I don't like them at all.


[X] Setting Ensign Kelly to Rest

Important for crew morale, to be followed by the promotion.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Razor One wrote:Crap, I think I confused a few things in my distracted state. Lemme fix it.


There fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out.

{Edit 2}

Oh, and a note. You can improve the diplomacy chance with the Loroi by actually bothering to learn their language for a change. :P
Curse me and my inquisitive mind! We could have gotten some free construction!
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

I would have retconned it later if not now, and if I caught it way later I would've probably thrown more difficult things at you out of petty spite. :P

Regarding points, this is what won:

[2] Martial
[2] Diplomacy
[0] Stewardship
[1] Intrigue
[0] Learning

I'll add them once I've gotten some sleep under my belt since it's apparent that I've got my head in the clouds at the moment.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by anamiac »

I agree with everything dragoongfa posted except the stewardship. I would do:
6. mine Exp + agricultural complex expansion
7. Mine Exp + yeast
8. Clinic + yeast

Now that we've started crop diversification, we've got a major negative food income that we have to rectify fast. Since Agricultural complexes take more resources than yeast, we're going to need to build another mine. I think that stability thrusters can wait, we already have Altitude thrusters. The spreadsheet dragoon posted doesn't have us getting off rationing ever, Since we have over 500 colonists (and more on the way), and with two agri centers and Yeast we only produce 500 food. I think we're going to find that our people are more productive and smarter when they're eating 3 meals a day instead of two.

[X] Militia Training.
[X] Debate Moderator
[X] Mine Expansion
[X] Agricultural Complex Expansion
[X] Over Yonder
[X] Setting Ensign Kelly to Rest

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

I disagree on the creche. If I'm not mistaken we'll be having the first births on turn 9, and it's turn 6, and the militia takes 3 turns. So we'd have a month with children around and no creche. It's not massive exposure, but I'd rather delay the militia a month than take the chance, on principle more than practicality.

Research is a frustrating thing. with average rolls both over there and over yonder are two month affairs, and I'd love to finish up trade but average rolls on that is something like five months out. :[
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

The children will be born in round 9 and the creche will be finished in turn 10. If SHTF happens in turn 9 then having militia finished at that turn is the safest approach.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

anamiac wrote:I agree with everything dragoongfa posted except the stewardship. I would do:
6. mine Exp + agricultural complex expansion
7. Mine Exp + yeast
8. Clinic + yeast

Now that we've started crop diversification, we've got a major negative food income that we have to rectify fast. Since Agricultural complexes take more resources than yeast, we're going to need to build another mine. I think that stability thrusters can wait, we already have Altitude thrusters. The spreadsheet dragoon posted doesn't have us getting off rationing ever, Since we have over 500 colonists (and more on the way), and with two agri centers and Yeast we only produce 500 food. I think we're going to find that our people are more productive and smarter when they're eating 3 meals a day instead of two.
The moment Yeast is produced we will jump from 250 meals to 500 and thus we will be able to remove food restrictions. With three meals a day taking 539 out of the equation that will mean a deficit of 39 happening in turn 9. Which means that 314/39 = 8 turns with a deficit if we go full three meals at turn 9 when Yeast will begin producing. Full food production will begin in turn 16 which allows us to eat through the reserves until then if we start from turn 9. If we build agri complex its production will still be halved for diversification and thus the average of food input will be around 400 meals a month.

Even after birth the babies should be breast fed for at least 6 months to an year which shouldn't bring us an increase in food consumption until then.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

dragoongfa wrote:The children will be born in round 9 and the creche will be finished in turn 10. If SHTF happens in turn 9 then having militia finished at that turn is the safest approach.
Hmm. Could go both ways on that. On the one hand if things go wrong having a militia around would minimize the total damage to the colony, which is probably more important than protecting our very first batch of infants at this point. Still, recall the reward text for the Creche:

"Children guaranteed protection during boarding actions. Parents rest easy. Colonel rests easy."

The Colonel (and colonists) will probably insist that we divert militia or marine forces to protect the infants if they aren't already safe. With the Creche we'll be able to leverage our full forces wherever they're needed, rather than have a fragile and relatively static group that will need constant protection. A militia would probably still provide more defensive benefits, but not by much.

Personally, since I doubt the colony will be at risk for boarding in the next few turns, I say go for the Creche first. The good will that will generate seems like it would make up for the temporarily reduced security.
dragoongfa wrote:
anamiac wrote:I agree with everything dragoongfa posted except the stewardship. I would do:
6. mine Exp + agricultural complex expansion
7. Mine Exp + yeast
8. Clinic + yeast

Now that we've started crop diversification, we've got a major negative food income that we have to rectify fast. Since Agricultural complexes take more resources than yeast, we're going to need to build another mine. I think that stability thrusters can wait, we already have Altitude thrusters. The spreadsheet dragoon posted doesn't have us getting off rationing ever, Since we have over 500 colonists (and more on the way), and with two agri centers and Yeast we only produce 500 food. I think we're going to find that our people are more productive and smarter when they're eating 3 meals a day instead of two.
The moment Yeast is produced we will jump from 250 meals to 500 and thus we will be able to remove food restrictions. With three meals a day taking 539 out of the equation that will mean a deficit of 39 happening in turn 9. Which means that 314/39 = 8 turns with a deficit if we go full three meals at turn 9 when Yeast will begin producing. Full food production will begin in turn 16 which allows us to eat through the reserves until then if we start from turn 9. If we build agri complex its production will still be halved for diversification and thus the average of food input will be around 400 meals a month.

Even after birth the babies should be breast fed for at least 6 months to an year which shouldn't bring us an increase in food consumption until then.
It could also be argued that the mothers will need increased food to support their health and their children's health, resulting in increased ration consumption right away. Obviously that would still be less than another grown adult would be eating, but there's a point where realism must be abstracted just to keep us from having to track exactly how many children are what age. Razor, verdict on this one?
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »


Please don't make me redo the numbers :P

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Expecting mothers are pretty much on full rations for the good of their children and their health, since pregnancy is incredibly demanding. This doesn't affect the equation, since husbands (or those responsible at least :P) and supportive friends are pitching in their meals to make up the difference.

Children will be considered to use up a full food unit regardless of age. This is for both simplicity and sanity. They won't be considered a part of your work force until they hit the age of majority though, which is way, way, way off. Unless you decide to lower the age of majority. Have fun justifying that to their parents outside of a dire situation though.

Right now, I'm tracking pregnancies by rolling a 1d20 each turn. Those numbers will be pregnant women and thus what gets added to your pop every 12 turns. The women that fell pregnant will be removed from the potential pool for two years following delivery, then they'll get re-added. As I understand it, this is the natural rate of pregnancy for breastfeeding women; one child every two years, as opposed to when babies are put on formula, where it's one per year.

There is a bit of abstraction there, but I either abstract it or wind up going insane from yet more bookkeeping on population simulations. :P

If you take actions that increase your population to a certain point, I'll abstract it further by slapping on a simple growth rate as a percentage of population per year.

As far as the luck on your rolls go, you've actually done really well. You tend to roll higher than would seem statistically plausible and you've only critfailed a very small handful of times at best. It's honestly beginning to irritate me a little. :P
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