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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:12 pm
by sunphoenix
Sonnidezzi watch as the Intelligence officer and the power armored solider moved down the ramp heading for the Commander Ferox.

Sonnidezzi ponders the lumbering suit... Sanzaing to Nelopaio:
{"Hmmm... interesting. Exoskeletal, mechanical augmentation, integral weaponry, sensor and maneuvering systems... all in a suit of Vacuum Armor. The Union has never thought of augmenting Soroin in such a fashion... it would certainly change the balance of power in close combat with Hard-troopers!"}
Though Sonni could not 'read' Charlie's emotions with her mind his face was quite expressive of his dislike of the Intel Officer... it did not take much female intuition to understand part of it being divisional strife common in most military structures.. but something more personal. The green eye of jealousy.

Turning back to Charlie... and noting for once they are alone in the shuttle, no one paying attention, Sonni met his eyes and smiled openly. Stepping up to him she gently slipped her arms around his waist and touched her helmet to his whispering for only him to hear...

'Chaar-lee... you know it is only you who has my heart, MY warrior and healer...!'

She closes her eyes and tightens her embrace slightly... letting the warmth of her feminine embrace fill his heart briefly, releasing him before anyone notices.

"With me Sergeant Aldridge, we will return to our covered position..."

Across the TCA Comm frequency, << ["Stormrage here, we are proceeding with a more detailed search of the row of crates... will advise if anything else is discovered, out."] >>

With that she strides quickly back to the rows of crate/cannisters - her electro/telekinetic shield changing shape as she draws her heavy blaster in hand and settles the TCA 10mm Gauss Assault Rifle more comfortably across her slender body. She takes up an oversight position - directing her Soroin to thoroughly and systematically search the eastern side of the room for any other survivors or discoveries that might require Command attention. As the Soroin move in their search, in the usual eerie Loroi silence, Sonni shifts her shield to protect them providing mobile cover of their search efforts.

[ P67 ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:16 pm
by Roeben
Michael relaxed a little as the hulking Scandinavian brute turned away from him. No offense, he was probably a pretty nice guy, and he had always liked Scandinavian tourists wherever he went in his youth, but the guy was three meters tall, you know?

He quickly stepped up to Ferox, unfolding his Personal Computer as he goes, making a few small touches on the screen, then "flinging" a connection to the suit with the tips of his fingers, tethering it with intuitive motions, like plugging in a cable.

"You'll want to accept the incoming tether on your Heads Up. What was your name again? Thorfinn? Don't worry, Thorfinn. I promise I won't upload or download anything I can use against you."

Oops. Slip of the tongue. Note to self: When trying to better ones self, do not draw suspicion to you by suspiciously stating you are not suspicious.

Michael just laughed like an idiot right after, giving the terminator in front of him a good old slap on the shoulder.

Priceless. Are the stims fucking with my head or did I suddenly turn into a retard?

As if on cue, he noticed his mouth was dry, and swallowing hurt a little. Not very pressing, but enough to turn his thoughts into contemplating his own health for a second.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:59 pm
by Hujedamig
Roeben wrote: "You'll want to accept the incoming tether on your Heads Up. What was your name again? Thorfinn? Don't worry, Thorfinn. I promise I won't upload or download anything I can use against you."

Michael just laughed like an idiot right after, giving the terminator in front of him a good old slap on the shoulder.
Torleif accepted the incoming request flashing on his HUD.

"You okay, De Ruyter?"
He asked the man. Noticing something about the young man. His body language gave the feeling he wasn't 100%.

He then used his suit to start a playback from his helmet camera onto the officers computer.
What came up would not surprise the Loroi. But the commander and the intel officer...
Sound of an alarm was heard. And the clip showed people running past the man filming as he was walking towards whatever people were running from.
<<"Kworczyk! You follow the civilians. Get them to the shuttle. Shepard should be there setting up a defensive perimeter.
The view panned over to another SHISF contractor, but in a smaller suit.
<<"Where the hell are you going?
<<"I'll try reaching the commander.

What showed was chaos up ahead. The enemy had punctured a hole in the command centre. Just outside, in the spacious corridor, the commander had put up a defensive line behind two corners.

Commander Jonah Grand yelled to the security forces.

The view coming up to to the defenders from behind, the synthezised voice from the suits speakers came on.
-"Sir. Kworczyk is taking the civilians to the shuttlebay for evac. Shepard is there with Lexington and Parker, setting up a perimiter around the shuttle."-
He said while using the prototype laser cannon and took away two legs from one of the attacking aliens.
-"Professor Farnsworth is on his way with the rest. You should leave NOW."-

The commander ignored the mans urging to get him to leave. The enemy getting further and further in the corridor, towards their position.
But then it happened. The commander losing his cool, he stood up and fired all he could on the attacking force. What came next wasn't pretty.

Some sort of energy weapon, firing in a cone. Much like the flamethrowers from old. The energy-"flame" engulfed the commander and the shriek when he succumbed could haunt those who heard if for years.
-"Damnit! All of you fall back! Fire corridor, two by two! Take up defence position at the junction behind the last! FIRST PAIR; GO!
The first two soldiers rised up and legged it as quickly as they could. After them the next pair did the same.
Now they weren't holding fast trying to repell the boarders. Now they fought and ran for survival.

The vid showed some symbols and a text saying: Gyroc: HE 1/3 Burst - Armed - FIRE
And into view came three projectile of sort that soon engulfed the the place the attackers were coming from in a explosion. Through the garbled audio one could make out: -"Just don't let it tear a bulkhead..."-
Then the view turned around and in a lumbering and loud sprint the man ran after the rest, towards the shuttlebay.

There the defensive line was set up, crates as barricades and the rest of the security force. The civilians/labworkers were already onboard, the pilot screaming over the com that the rest would have to board immediately.
Another man screamed over the com:

The shuttle taking off just as the boarders swarmed inside the shuttlebay.
Just as the shuttle had left through the docking port, and the door closed the station was rocked by what was an outside explosion. Wreckage slamming onto the stations hull.

<<"FUCK! They blew up the fucking shuttle!">>

The enemy now rushing towards the defenders. The view showed men and women going down from enemy projectiles, their flamers or secondary explosions.
One could think of going down in a blaze of glory. But there was no glory in this. People getting slaughtered by an overwhelming force. Screams everywhere.
The only one who stood a chance was the man who operated the suit which filmed the battle. But that was all thanks to the superior protection from the experimental powersuit he was wearing.

As the the slaughter continued the view quickly turned to the left and caught a "faceshot" on one of the attackers. It was almost right in the lens. It looked like an overgrown preying mantis. But not green. More tarnished yellow. And cybernetic implants. Like a techno demon spawned in space. One arm had an integrated weapon, right onto the body.

As the attacker raised one arm with a serrated blade-thing on, the camera showed it once more: Gyroc: HE 2/3 Burst - Armed - FIRE
And one could hear the synthezised voice from the operator once again screaming what sounded like a curse. -"DRA. ÅT. HELVETE!!!"-

And the vid only showed static as the lens probably shattered.
He looked at the commander.
"What happened next was that you people woke me up."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 3:49 pm
by Beliskner
Torleif was big, even without his suit. But he was no neanderthal. He knew for the commander to get acces to the stations closed network he had to hack it somehow. Because how else was he able to have acces to the station commanders account.
"Hadrid Ferox. Not Jonah Grand... Ingenious work with the hacking." Vättenman is no peoples person. But he understands skill and knows when to appreciate it.

Hadrid nodded giant in front of him. {....damm chicken eating earthlings....} he thought

"Commander Ferox. I suspect you want to know what went down.
Mr De Ruyter. Get your computer ready for datastreaming."

Hadrid pressed button on his arm and his holographic display appeared*. He was instantly ready to plug in data steam.

<...After watching vid from Torleif ...>

[Alright let's warp this mess.] Hadrid returned to his computer. Hadrid said with cool computer voice. Lack of face(only plate hiding his feelings) also made his reaction emotionless like he wouldn't care that people were slaughtered here like sheeps.

<Remote access denied, GENERAL LOCKDOWN PROCEDURE INITIATED, please contact to chief security officer if you wish to place complain.>

[Of course, no wireless connection to mainframe during lockdown. Let's look for options. We need to move.]

*like mass effect amber Omni-tool appearance.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 4:17 pm
by sunphoenix
Sonnidezzi paid only passing attention to the video replay of the Umiak assault on the humaniti defenders... she's seen it all before. The Enemy was... if anything consistent.

When it was done she triggered her comm, << [ "Stormrage speaking, Commander Ferox, I would suggest we first upload a updated floor plan schematic of this station from this Tor-leef's tactical H.U.D. to our TCA tactical net. Then YOU may determine targets of priority you want secured from 'The Enemy' with a complete layout of the tactical situation." ] >>

[ P68 ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:03 pm
by Beliskner
When it was done she triggered her comm, << [ "Stormrage speaking, Commander Ferox, I would suggest we first upload a updated floor plan schematic of this station from this Tor-leef's tactical H.U.D. to our TCA tactical net. Then YOU may determine targets of priority with a complete layout of the tactical situation." ] >>

[Ms. Stormrage I have station's schematics for 10 minutes now. Thank you for your concern.]

Hadrid rose from his position and approached closer merc in exosuit. He moved to Torleif right arm where large wrist mounted weapon was.

[Combat laser? It didn't have a punch from what I saw.]

Identification human technology roll 2d6 + 5 + 5 = 14 - success [You are using standard Gyro-steady Mount, C model!] Hadrid smiled under his helmet. [What a happy coincidence.] he said barely hearable.

Hadrid without warning pressed few buttons on MERC's hand and laser cannon dropped to the ground. He turned back to his place next to the crates where he left his large duffel bag. [I got something for your size.]

Dragging bag behind him Hadrid placed it next to Torleif. Unzipping it he lifted large black steel receiver of the weapon. It was resembling old fashion receiver for cased ammunition in this model empty shells flying backwards each time gun fires*. Part entered a mount perfectly and there was hearable click when mount fully connected. Returning back to the bag Hadrid brought some cables and targeting system which he mounted easily on the cannon. Plugging cables to Torleif hand there was instant information on his visor's hud that 'new software' is being installed and in moments there was a sight(like in fps shoters) and gun's specification appeared on his screen.

Cannon specification"
30mm M33 Autocannon {Modified 'Man-Portable'} = Item [Concentration -1 {No Move or Defense}, Equipment -1 {bulky and heavy - Bipod Mounted}], Lvl 8{9} Weapon <18pts>; Lvl 4 Range 10km '20km' <4pts>; Autofire "NATO 3-rd Bursts" [+1 hit per 3 Over DCV {3hits max/burst}] <3pts>, Penetrating/1 "Light APEX Ammo" [-4pts Armor Protection] <1pt>; Ammo [12rds, 4-3rd 'NATO' Bursts] <-0pt>, Hands -2hd weapon <-1pt>, Inaccurate/1 [-1ACV or -2ACV '3rd-Burst'] <-2pt>; terrifying/annoying: very loud(~170db) + large fire cone exiting barrel every shot <-2pt> Total Cost: '21' {9pts}
- Note: APEX is included { Penetrating, and Lvl 9 Weapon}. Normal 30mm Shells [No Penetrating, and Lvl 8 Weapon]
[Do you got it? You should have it on your screen.] He said getting back to the bag.
"Indeed." He answered.

Bringing last main part, long shining barrel with cooling grooves ended with impressive muzzle brake he lifted it with both hands and moved it inside the gun's receiver. Again laud CLICK.. was heard. Cannon was ready.

Hadrid lowered himself for last time and brought up large drum. [Here, reload you should have it on manual. I will hang the bag at your shoulder, you should have easy access to rest of clips.] Before doing that he removed deployable tripod from it and thrown it like a junk to free place at the ground.

[Tell me when you are ready. I have a feeling that we will need it soon enough.]

*like in field cannon


Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:33 am
by Senanthes
Watching the video playback, Nelopaio looks unsurprised... This is nothing she's not seen before, and experienced, moreover... Her eyes seem to dim a moment as those thoughts come flooding back... Her own sisters in such a similar situation... Teidar or not, at that intimate distance, the ghastly things were nightmares to deal with...

Giving herself a mental shake, she answers Sonnidezzi's sanzai after an unusually long delay...
{I see it. Nothing a shoulder fired counter-armor weapon wouldn't obliterate, really... I'll rely on you and your's, and the cutting edge of Teidar, before I'll get bedazzled by a suit that only evens the odds so long as it works.} she replies, her tone not dismissive, merely factual, from her point of view. {We know they have Hardtroopers now, so watch yourself... And good hunting, sister. Remind them that their self-mutilation doesn't mean a thing to us, in the end.} Nel finishes, a sort of morbid humor in her undertone.
Regardless of her perception of the armor, Nelopaio does regard the faceplate for a moment, looking up before nodding respectfully, "You fought well. My sympathies for your comrades." she says, her tone candid and direct before she turns her attention outwards once more...

Shouldering her weapon, no more perturbed than before, Nelopaio moves up a short distance, keeping near the 'command group' as it were, but clearing her line of sight to help cover her sisters, rifle and eyes panning slowly across the bay as she keeps an ear open in comms...

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:12 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage smiles at the private Sanzai from Nelopaio returning...
{"True sister. I could shut down the suit with but a thought... as could any similarly talented Teidar. Were it not worn by a race with a natural Lotai.. it would also not protect against any Offensive Sending... but a "Unsheathed" is Always alert to new ways to inflict martial might upon the foes of the Union. Even Humaniti's primitive tech might give the Loroi some new innovative ways to seek dominance on the battlefield... properly applied by our superior Dorazor Caste in practical ways. Just considering the possibilities."}
Replying to Commander Ferox, << ["I see Coomander...then would you please upload those schematics to the officers in the TCA H.U.D. network, so we can also have in on file? We will need it if we are to strike multiple objectives with any precision or timing."] >>

Sonni is silent for a few moments casting her gaze over the piles of bodies, noting the 10cm long Umiaks Needler rounds decorating almost every surface in the Shuttle Bay... 'reading' the remains of the battle.

Then transmits, << ["Intelligence Officer, Du Ruu-Ter. I may have a conjecture about the severed heads. Its not the only possibility but it might explain what happened here. It would seem most likely the Umiak initially thought, when they attacked your TCA station, that they were fighting Loroi. You look very similar to us... which would explain why no communication was likely initiated. Union do not parley with Hegemony and the same is true. I expect they might have figured this 'station' was taken from some other race and used for a secret Loroi installation as some sort of cover out here in these frontier systems. I can only reason that once they boarded the station they learned quickly your human crew were not Loroi... they may have assumed the obvious differences might have been some Loroi genetic experiment for unknown purposes of some hidden cult/warrior cadre of the Loroi operating here for some covert reason. Regardless The Enemy would not risk being incorrect.. and just assume there were still fighting Loroi. Their scout ship was crippled and they could not risk a Loroi calling telepathically for help. The best way to guarantee that is to kill and confirm killed every Loroi-like being encountered on the station. Thus, the removal of heads. Umiak are not subtle or very creative. They may have by now realized their mistake... hopefully before they killed all the crew but I fear you may find no humaniti alive onboard."] >>

Gesturing TorLeif's direction...

<< ["Hardtroopers are not very smart either... they may have assumed Tor-leef's armor was some autonomous mobile drone, and when it stopped moving it was no longer a threat and not an actual living soldier." ] >>

Stormrage shruggs...

<< ["I could be totally incorrect but it is a possibility considering this is the first contact the Umiak have had with Humaniti and as a species you are so physically similar to Loroi." ] >>

[ P69 ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 8:41 pm
by Hujedamig
Senanthes wrote: Regardless of her perception of the armor, Nelopaio does regard the faceplate for a moment, looking up before nodding respectfully, "You fought well. My sympathies for your comrades." she says, her tone candid and direct before she turns her attention outwards once more...
As she turns Torleif speaks up.* ¤"Miss. Please stay here. As I've been able to deduce, your race have fought these Umiak before. What are their weaknesses, strengths, tactics. All necessary combat related information regarding the our current situation."¤ His voice transmitted not over coms, but synthezised on the armors outside speakers. Keeping it more open so all close by needed not to be on the same frequency to hear.

The voice was without emotion or any features as the protective plate had been folded down. What had happened here, no human could've prepared for. But he took distance. Something he perfected over the years. Other things took precedence. Such as surviving and getting rid of the interlopers. That was on his mind. The Umiak made the wrong enemy.
On one day he had encountered two alien species.
One offered death, the other aid. He didn't know the real meaning behind the Loroi's willingness to help. They say they're on a diplomatic mission between humanity and their race. But he was sceptical.
He would keep a close eye on these women. He feared a woman more than any man. Just being a woman gave enough advantage over most men, as they often lowered their guard automatically.

Not this soldier though. Women could be vicious, even more so when cornered. And the ones in the bay extra so. Electrical powers... mind powers.
He chuckled for himself, thinking back on what his squadmate once said; Don't trust anything that bleeds for five days without dying.
Then the com opened up from another Loroi.{The small one. Teidar was it?}

What he heard made him a bit uneasy. Not about the severed heads. He turned to commander once more. ¤"Telepathically, commander?"¤
The commander just about finished fidgeting on Torleifs armor and weapon without any real voiced opinion when he took the liberty to start.

One who stood next to the two men would probably also feel uneasy. Two faceless armor plated helmets, save from the different sensors, lenses etc, talking. One looked futuristic by human standards, the other didn't look much human at all standing taller than everyone in the bay.

"¤" = When he speaks to people in close proximity he uses speakers to synthezise his voice. It's a heavy duty helmet. Otherwise he would have to scream his lungs out. :)

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 12:00 am
by Charlie
Post number: 45

Charlie was most definitely not unhappy to see Vättenman and the Ensign go, mostly the Ensign. Traditionally grunts didn`t not like Officers, mostly because to the average soldier Officers seemed to get more than they deserved and because they tended to throw their mass around. Officers disliked grunts because they looked like lack-wit brutes. It wasn`t true hatred more something to blame coincidental misfortune on, but in a real firefight Charlie would move to assist the Ensign as he would any other Marine. That however did not mean did not Charlie dislike Ensign De Ruyter for other reasons. The Ensign had hit a nerve when the first met, probably unintentionally, but he still managed to hit a nerve with what might have been a joke. But all of it was unimportant, as he was gone now.

His mind turned to the Northern European. How did he survive was that main question, considering that he was the only live human in the hanger and he was unconscious. The might have had something to do with it, but why only him? Charlie didn`t bother with this line of thought for very long, if anybody would find out why, it'd be the Commander.

Charlie watched them both leave, he turned look at Sonni. She was looking back at Charlie, she smiled. Her smile was infectious, it was impossible to resist smiling back, not that he;d want to even try. He was stunned when he slipped close into a hug, she was close enough to touch her helmet to his making a private radio. She spoke, it was barely a whisper, only he would have been able to hear it anyway.
'Chaar-lee... you know it is only you who has my heart, MY warrior and healer...!'
He couldn`t move, his minds was racing with many different thoughts at once.
{Can she read my mind? No, it can`t be. But, she thinks I am jealous of De Ruyter over her. I am jealous. She knows I am jealous. Is she angry? No. She is calming me. Why? Does she think I am not combat effective? Maybe... Maybe she just cares what I think?}
Charlie has nothing to say, he was still a little stunned. Perhaps nothing need be said, because she hugged tighter than before. Charlie couldn`t do anything but hug her back. He could almost smell that sea breeze hair. Loroi were cooler than Humans, and even though he couldn`t feel anything through the suit, he felt warmer on the inside. But it was over too quick. Only then did he notice they were alone on board.

"With me Sergeant Aldridge, we will return to our covered position..."
"Uh, uh... s-sure."

<< "Stormrage here, we are proceeding with a more detailed search of the row of crates... will advise if anything else is discovered, out."] >>
That wasn`t the most confident response in the universe but it'd have to do. Charlie followed Sonni, making sure to cover her as she shielded the other two Loroi and them selves while the all searched. There wasn`t anything to see, it was a very basic military search, Charlie could have been alseep while doing this but fully alert, so many times had he been trained on this and practiced it, so Charlie used the time to ponder what she had said.

Maybe she meant stop thinking bad things about him; like shooting him in the back. I wonder what I'm suppose to do? Go up to him and; Ho, ho Mr. Ensign. I'm sorry I was thinking about spacing you. My girlfriend doesnt` want me to be stupid over stupid things. Hmm, yeah, she basically is my girlfrend isn`t she? I really, REALLY like her, I technically slept at her "house" last night. I am ok with this. But I guess I'll have to stop thinking harm onto that Ensign, I think that is what she wants. Hmm, I'll have to try and not be jealous, and maybe be nice to De Ruyter, somehow.}

There was nothing of note found on patrol, far more interesting was that they had some video of the station assault. Charlie was an NCO, so he had access to the video steam.
{Looks like the SHISF gave it their all, it wasn`t enough. It`s a shame that the shuttle fell back to Earth.}
The video probably yielded a lot more information than could be gleamed on the first viewing, but it would take intelligence annalists to squeeze all of the information out of it. Charlie could only learn what he saw, all he learned was that Umiak were tough.

<< [ "Stormrage speaking, Commander Ferox, I would suggest we first upload a updated floor plan schematic of this station from this Tor-leef's tactical H.U.D. to our TCA tactical net. Then YOU may determine targets of priority you want secured from 'The Enemy' with a complete layout of the tactical situation." >>
{Hmm, it`s a good idea, more intel is better intel.}
<< "Ms. Stormrage I have had station's schematics for 10 minutes now. Thank you for your concern." >>
Charlie sensed that Commander was being sarcastic, he still didn`t trust Loroi at all. Charlie didn`t blame him, his own father felt that same about all aliens. It wasn`t that Charlie trusted any Loroi either, only one, but it would differently be helpful to share out considering it was a joint operation.
<< "I see Coomander...then would you please upload those schematics to the officers in the TCA H.U.D. network, so we can also have it on file? We will need it if we are to strike multiple objectives with any precision or timing." >>
Charlie tabbed is radio online as well.
<< " I concur Commander, it might be more time efficient getting it done now." >>
Charlie noticed Sonni looking about, she paid special attention to the piled corpses.
{Lotsa bodies.}

<< "Intelligence Officer, Du Ruu-Ter. I may have a conjecture about the severed heads. Its not the only possibility but it might explain what happened here. It would seem most likely the Umiak initially thought, when they attacked your TCA station, that they were fighting Loroi. You look very similar to us... which would explain why no communication was likely initiated. Union do not parley with Hegemony and the same is true. I expect they might have figured this 'station' was taken from some other race and used for a secret Loroi installation as some sort of cover out here in these frontier systems. I can only reason that once they boarded the station they learned quickly your human crew were not Loroi... they may have assumed the obvious differences might have been some Loroi genetic experiment for unknown purposes of some hidden cult/warrior cadre of the Loroi operating here for some covert reason. Regardless The Enemy would not risk being incorrect.. and just assume there were still fighting Loroi. Their scout ship was crippled and they could not risk a Loroi calling telepathically for help. The best way to guarantee that is to kill and confirm killed every Loroi-like being encountered on the station. Thus, the removal of heads. Umiak are not subtle or very creative. They may have by now realized their mistake... hopefully before they killed all the crew but I fear you may find no Humaniti alive onboard."] >>
Honestly, to Charlie anyway, all dead bodies were better than some sick experiments that he'd heard about. It was better in a way to die quick, than be worked on by some warped bug scum. Still, there might be holdouts still onboard, they already had one survivor. Charlie could only hope that there were more people hidden safely in the ductwerk.

Charlie saw she meant Vättenman, when she gestured to him.
<< "Hardtroopers are not very smart either... they may have assumed Tor-leef's armor was some autonomous mobile drone, and when it stopped moving it was no longer a threat and not an actual living soldier." >>
He did look a lot like a robot now that she mentioned it. With no visor there`s no quick way to tell there`s a soft Human in there. The Commander also looked suspiciously like a drone too, now that Charlie thought about it. Perhaps they was a way to use that...

<< "I could be totally incorrect but it is a possibility considering this is the first contact the Umiak have had with Humaniti and as a species you are so physically similar to Loroi." >>

<< "Commander, I wouldn`t discount that there may be some people left. We've found one so far, I know it's gonna be a lot more messy further on up, but I have on doubt that there`s places to hide. Some people may have hidden them selves. I'd also like to stress that those bugs have a Loroi POW, I believe that it may be problematic if we don`t deal with it sooner rather than later. It gives them an edge to be able to see us coming, we should take that away from them. >>

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:48 am
by Beliskner
[Telepathically, commander?]

Hadrid finished fixing bag on Torleif's arm and answered:

[It seems so.. also they can sense themselves around like build in radar.]

<< "I see Coomander...then would you please upload those schematics to the officers in the TCA H.U.D. network, so we can also have it on file? We will need it if we are to strike multiple objectives with any precision or timing." >>
Charlie tabbed is radio online as well.
<< " I concur Commander, it might be more time efficient getting it done now." >>
Charlie noticed Sonni looking about, she paid special attention to the piled corpses.
{Lotsa bodies.}

[Stand by.] he said back to his speakers.

Before giving some space for Torleif, Hadrid reached his bag for the last time and recovered something what looked like home-made radio-controlled toy car. [Sir? I don't think it's time to play with toys...] Corporal Antonia Fiore spoken

In response Commander thrown it in to Nelopaio's hands who was looking at him and Torleif.

[I don't think toys have 1kg of PBX inside, Corporal. Soroin Nelopaio please carry it for me for time being.]

[O gods...] Fiore looked at Nelopaio [Carefully with that thing, ma'am.]

[Alright] Hadrid opened his comms all teams. [Attention all teams, you all know what happened so far. I'm sending station map so look at it. We are here in dockbay. Umiak ships is docked 5 levels below. Our priority objective is to secure station's CIC and neutralize loroi POW who can detect our presence.]

Hadrid turned toward Nelopaio [Can you pinpoint her location or at least narrow it down?]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:44 am
by Senanthes
Nelopaio takes one look at the bomb on wheels being tossed her way and steps to one side, frowning, letting it land where she was standing... She simply gives him a look that says 'what do you think I am, stupid?'... "I can narrow the location, yes." she says dryly, her tone, as ever, businesslike, "However, I am not qualified, nor willing, to handle demolition ordnance that I know nothing about, right down to whatever 'Pee Bee Exx' means. Give it to someone who is experienced with such devices for both my safety, and those around us."

Leaving no room for rebuttal in handling a bomb, she lets them sort it as she focuses outwards, sensing for the presence... While her sanzai may be 'fuzzy', her other, more peripheral abilities remain untouched... Under that, she also sends a tight sanzai towards Stormrage...
{So... Apparently, our 'commader' here wishes to eliminate the prisoner... And tried to hand me a bomb, presumably, which I politely declined to carry like a good idiot... Keep an eye on the developing situation, will you?... I'll do the same from here. He's asked for a location on the prisoner... I'll narrow it down if I can.} she sends, irritation plain in her minds tone.
Thereafter, she focuses fully on the situation at hand, pushing the lunacy of tossing an explosive around from her mind as she focuses...

Activate Power -
"Signature Sensing" Sixth Sense [Emotions, Minds; Deplete -3] = Lvl 1, Area {3 Base} [10m r], Range/3 [1km] <+3> {2pts}
- Cost: 1EP

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:58 am
by sunphoenix
Sonni watches and listens to the interaction between the two Commanding officers... making no comment.

When Nelo sidesteps away from the tossed explosive... making no attempt to cath what might be some primitive wheeled drone-like device just before it strikes the floor Sonni reaches out with a tendril of telekinetic force arresting its impact to the floor settling it gently down.

Gesturing to her Soroin she speaks across the Marine Comm-net, << [ "Chaar-lee Squad, moving to secure the elevators and any possibility of ascent." ] >>

The Soroin move quickly covering each other as they go moving out in front of the barricade.
Sonni looks to examine the large pressure door to the SHI labs connecting to the shuttle bay... checking to see if they are still sealed and warmer than the exterior hull of the station {If cold to the touch, that might indicate if the labs beyond are open to vacuum and not being warmed by the station functioning life support}.

Answering Nelopaio's Sanzai -
"I'll try to see to it we get to the child first... not sure if throwing an explosive at you was intent to rattle you or make jest.. but your right..we have no idea what their explosive devices are and we should not be handling them. As you command, I'll make sure we are not being advanced upon by the shells. If you need help we may need to gestalt our powers to clearly cut through... whatever this sanzai interference is."
Gesturing to the Soroin to cover her she moves to one of the elevator doors, << [ "Chaar-lee, I'm going to open one of these elevators.. to see if there is a clear shaft for ascent. I would not suggest we try to operate them as that would likely warn any security system of the station that someone was using them and give our position away." ] >>

Stretching out her will she 'feels' the electrical components of the elevator doors and the controls.. then actuates the door motors to open... so she may peek into the elevator shaft to determine if it is clear for use. She is wary looking for hostiles. Yellow Sun slides up next to her aiming her blaster rifle at the opening elevator door and up the shaft as a clear line of fire presents itself. Sonni with only a slight shift of will extends her electro/telekinetic force field to cover the elevator door opening providing cover for all who might be targets of waiting foes int he shaft... a barrier of shimmering lighting...

Environmental Influence: Electricity [Deplete -3], Area {3 Base} = Lvl 1, 1 Environment - Electricity; +Area/2 '5' [100m r] <+2>, Range/2 [100m] <+2> {3pts}
- Cost: 1EP

Total Cost: 1EP / Current Energy: 54

Perception Check = Mind + 1{Heightened Awareness}; 2d6 + 5 + 1 → [6,5,5,1] = (17)

[ P70; +1xp ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 12:25 pm
by Charlie
Post number: 46

Charlie watched as the Commander produced a remote drone bomb from inside his bag.
{What the... why does the Commander have that? Why, on the Cydonia?}
He casually tossed it to Nelopaio, the rogue bomb had a low arc, considering it`s weight, on it`s way to her. She stepped aside letting the drone fall harmlessly to the deck. Oddly it didn`t impact with the force it should have. Charlie suspected Sonni had a hand in "catching" it, perhaps fearing the PBX is a volatile substance. You could use PBX as a hammer, it'll still never go off. Still, for the Loroi who are unfamiliar with it, it must look dangerous to say the least.

Nelopaio gave a look of what could only be described as pure derision towards the Commander.
"I can narrow the location, yes. However, I am not qualified, nor willing, to handle demolition ordnance that I know nothing about, right down to whatever 'Pee Bee Exx' means. Give it to someone who is experienced with such devices for both my safety, and those around us."
Given that it was in fact a bomb, that she had no training with, it was clear why she didn`t want to handle it.
{I bet the Commander knew it from the start, bet he`s messing with her.}

Charlie couldn`t help but chuckle inwardly over the ownership over a bomb.
<< "Chaar-lee Squad, moving to secure the elevators and any possibility of ascent." >>
Charlie tabbed his radio to reply quickly enough.
<< "Understood, just give me a moment." >>
Charlie saw the Loroi already advancing in covered formation towards the elevator. but he moved in the other direction towards the Commander, Torleif, Nelopaio and the rest. He locked his rifle on to his back, and drew his side arm. He walked towards Nelopaio.
"I'll just take this."
He picked the remote drone bomb with his free left hand.
"Commander, Sir. Let me take it. I had a fairly extensive Infantryman Demolitions Course back when I was still in the South African Army. It mostly dealt with disarming; Traps, IEDs, Landmines and well these. But I'll be able use this without to much trouble."
Charlie turned back towards Charlie Squads destination and started running towards it, by leaving so quickly he was lessening the chance it could be given to someone else. There by ensuring he would carry it safely. Unless, of course, the Commander would order him outright to hand it over to someone else.
<< "Commander, give me the word if you want me to deploy it." >>
By running Charlie manged to catch up to the rest of Charlie Squad. Sonni, Yellow Sun, and Ashe eyes were already at the airlock holding position.
<< "Chaar-lee, I'm going to open one of these elevators.. to see if there is a clear shaft for ascent. I would not suggest we try to operate them as that would likely warn any security system of the station that someone was using them and give our position away." >>
<< "Do it. The station is in lock down anyway, I doubt they work right now." >>
Charlie watch as the doors opened as if by they own will, there was a distortion in the opening as Sonni filled it with that shield of hers. Charlie had his 10mm Auto Pistol ready to ventilate anything hiding in there.

Perception Check:
2d6 + 7 = → [2,3,7] = (12)
Not noticing anything out of the ordinary, Charlie spoke to Sonni.
"I don`t see anything, do you?"

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:44 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: Finally back on track again and here is a new post, as promised. Sorry for the delay. Please don't forget that everyone gets a +5xp for good roleplay in my absence. :) Some (maybe) fitting music: Link]

Stormrage stood at the huge door to the SHI Cargo bay. Dents and black spots showed that some kind of firefight had went on here. However, the large SHI logo on that door could still be seen clearly.
But as she got closer an unknown female voice could be heard:

[The Shenuda Heavy Industries facilities are not open to visitors or TCA personal.]

Touching the metal surface of the door revealed that it was not warmer or colder than every other surface in this room. However, the unknown voice now said, a bit louder and less friendly:

[Trespassing is prohibited!]

As she and Charlie then approached the nearest elevator, the door opened without any resistance and a friendly melody could be heard from the inside of what appeared to be a cabin (this one: Link), but there was more: A human female could be seen inside of it, wearing a short and formfitting light blue dress with a SHI logo on its shoulders and a small, but similar colored hat, with a logo on it as well. She had long pitch black hair and vibrant green eyes, her face looked to Stormrage similar to that of Ensign Cho, although apparently a bit younger, smaller and with a paler skin. The female smiled and started speaking to them, after she had bowed in their direction:

[Irasshaimase! Welcome aboard this combined SHI and TCA installation!] her hands formed an inviting gesture.

[How can I be of service?] she continued while staring at them with her emerald, almost sparkling green eyes. Her lips formed an enigmatic smile on her face after she had ended every sentence.


Nelopaio tried to narrow down the location of the prisoner, she couldn't get a clear spot. Somehow the prisoner was able to mask his position and thanks to the constant sanzai "noise" around her she couldn't find him, or her. She was almost ready to give up, but then she could sense a very weak sansai, something she thought only she could hear:
{...please, please save me from the melor!...}
It was different this time, it was as if he or she would know that she was there on that station, right in that specific spot, an intimate and private message. A wave of emotions followed the sanzai: fear, despair and sorrow. If this would have been a sanzai from on of her closest sisters, she would know that this sister would be crying now...
As it was over, she looked around, a bit confused by the intense emotions and she could see Malidasaria gazing at her and even without a sanzai it was suddenly clear to her, that she must have received the exact same sansai and the exact same time.

on the other side of the shuttlebay:

Sergent Steens com-unit suddenly started beeping:

[This is Ensign Anderson. Everything alright over there? Is... the Commander well? The enemy is not moving so far and the Captain is getting nervous. I let you know if anything changes...]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:08 am
by Beliskner
"Commander, Sir. Let me take it. I had a fairly extensive Infantryman Demolitions Course back when I was still in the South African Army. It mostly dealt with disarming; Traps, IEDs, Landmines and well these. But I'll be able use this without to much trouble."

Hadrid look at Charlie. His close helmet did not show any motion. [Well I used to make this things few years back. Here] Hadrid pressed few buttons and Charlie's personal computer received software. [Just watch controls, it's very fast.]

Seeing Sergeant Aldridge gone Hadrid turned to Nelopaio. Seeing her mentally struggle and confused face. [I guess there is a problem.] Swinging smg to his hands. [Let's do it our way then.]

Turning back to Torleif. [Mr. Torleif, due to current situation I must conscript you for the mission. Of course you can refuse in that case pleas stay here at out shuttle. If you are with us, please join Sergeant Steen right there. ] He pointed team at his left.

Activating his commlink [Alright people, we move out, head t elevators. We are taking CIC first. From there we will coordinate our next moves and perhaps find survivors using station's sensors.]


Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 9:36 pm
by Hujedamig
He looked over to the left where he saw the team leader named Steen.

With no response to the commander, the servos made their low whirring sound and with heavy thumps he walked over to the sergeant and his team.
He wasn't dead. And the Umiak would know the repercussions of not killing the man.

Looking over the shuttle bay showed a peculiar sight. The TCA together with aliens on a joint mission.
The loroi named Nelopaio looked like she just "heard" something and the rest of the women too.
The commander were ready to do "it" the human way, as the loroi's apparent plan failed?

{Looks like we're of to wreak havoc.} He checked the new computer-assisted sighting for the newly installed weapon one more time, checking the shell "packs" the commander slung on his suit. He was as ready his broken body could ever be. The medication working wonders. But it was only a short term fix. He was functioning on borrowed time. Also a reason he fell down the protective plates on the helmet. He wasn't going to show the rest the pain he was in.
He knew there was no heroics in playing tough and keeping things from the others. But he was dead before they found him. If he would die either way, he would at least make the roaches pay a high fee for his life. No reason to go quietly.

But how hard he tried to mask his handicap, his steps over to the sergeant was not a fluid motion. It was a walk with some limping steps, not synchronised steps. And a 1ton suit is not so hard to miss, so he was not exactly hiding the condition he was in. Even if they couldn't see his face.

¤"Sergeant Steen. I will accompany you."¤ He said with the distinct monotone voice. The voice transmitted over speakers gave an eerie feeling but... there was a hint of pain in it.

{Nailed it.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 3:22 am
by Dragoon
Post 5
This is Ensign Anderson. Everything alright over there? Is... the Commander well? The enemy is not moving so far and the Captain is getting nervous. I let you know if anything changes...]

Steen surveyed his immediate area, nothing with more legs than two was visible, and no one had fired at them so far. His tight face, behind his visor was a sign of the tension he was under. Immediate contact was bad, but when the enemy held back and got sneaky it was an order of magnitude worse.

"Situation stable, and secure sir nothing moving or shooting." Roland keyed his tactical display to wide area tracking the thransponders on his squads armor. Motioning to position two of his men more effectively. "Ready to move on your order sir. He glanced toward the commanders location as he keyed in his channel....I'm not sure I like the lack of activity at all, makes me wonder if they are up to something nasty."

He nodded to the straggler motioning for him to fall in to his rear, and right side, " Weapons tight until we make contact, I want you to provide cover fire, and stay near me if the excrement impacts the rotating oscillator."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:40 am
by Roeben
De Ruyter held close to the group, Only wandering off for minutes at a time to use his Personal Computer to photograph some evidence. He was after scorch marks and the like that didn't look like they were made by human blasters. If he could find enemy fire, They would be a veritable treasure trove to the right scientists. After all, if the components of the station walls were known, one could extrapolate weapon type, energy and even possible frequencies from just a simple scan of one such marks.

The armored trooper in the back wasn't the only one with health issues. Michaels mouth felt drier and drier as time inched on, even though he stopped to have a quick drink from his field flask. This was a reaction to the Stimulants he'd taken. Water was draining from his body to his kidneys to flush out the chemicals. He'd have about two to three hours left before his body would force him to take the mother of all pisses, so he still had a little bit of time. Interestingly this would also be a somewhat hilarious marker for when his borrowed hours would run out.

He didn't look forward to potentially collapsing in a puddle of his own piss near the end. That would be just a little bit of a bother. All part of the Captains plan to teach him a lesson, perhaps? What if the entire operation was a prank, just intended to screw with him?

A small voice in the back of his head protested quietly. Claimed he was growing paranoid.

A slightly louder voice piped up shortly after; Including the Loroi was a bit elaborate for a plan only set in place to make him piss his pants. They didn't look like they were pranksters, either. Where was this train of thought going?

He mulled over this for a moment, then turned grim as he focused himself on the matter at hand. They were about to enter the bowels of the station and potentially going to confront whatever horrors lie within. The enemy would soon be out to make him piss his pants too.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:55 pm
by Charlie
Post number: 47

Charlie heard a female warning the Squad over the intercom.
[The Shenuda Heavy Industries facilities are not open to visitors or TCA personal.]
{Like hell it is, TCA is the LAW.}
The same female giving an ineffective warning for touching the door.
[Trespassing is prohibited!]
{Whatever, probably just the auto warning from a system.}

The elevator doors opened allow elevator music to escape. All that was in the elevator was a small Asian probably Japanese women, she had SHI apparel donning her person. Oddly warning bells went off in Charlie`s mind. She didn`t have a scratch on her, and she didn`t look scard or surprised at all.
Charlie didn`t show it, but her voice gave him a fright.
[Irasshaimase! Welcome aboard this combined SHI and TCA installation!]
She didn`t sound scared at all, infact she sounded neutral. More warning bells, they were louder now.
Her hands moved in an inviting gesture.
[How can I be of service?]
She smiled again, it was the last straw for Charlie, nobody after three days of this would be this friendly and be ok. Copses in the hanger indicated that inside would be worse, how did she survive.

Charlie sprang to action, she pushed Sonni away from the door and out of the line of probable fire. He raised his 10mm Pistol to the unknown women head. Charlie stepped towards her to block off any lines of fire she may have. His hand gun was a few inches from the small Japanese women`s head. It was hopefully intimidating enough to stop from executing whatever trap she had. If it was a gun she would be dead for she moved her hands again. A bomb would be more difficult to deal with.

Charlie spoke loudly and forcefully in a commanding tone as he could manage. Charlie had a compete frown while speaking.
"My name is; Duely appointed TCA Marine Sergeant, you may call me Sergeant. First you are GOING to tell me your name and how you came to be in this elevator. Then, you are GOING how you have managed to survive these past three or more days with nothing but you hands in your pockets. If I find you answers satisfactory, there may be more cordiality in our discourse. If you expect you to believe you have remained unscathed through an opposed boarding with no weapons, you have wasted you time. Until such time as I find you are not a threat to the TCA Destroyer ECS-096 Cydonia, it`s personal or allies, you will NOT move! Do you understand?"
Charlie was all but shouting, nobody would greet anybody like this after suffering, nobody Human or sane. Charlie didn`t move his gun, but his expression should that we was ready to shoot her in the face if she tried anything.