Writing Prompts

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

Sorry for the wait. Got caught up in Starship Troopers.
Well, the staff on Duskcrowns ship will definitely ask for and get any and all data on the alien that allows counteracting the Shells new trick. No way around it in my opinion. They will know at the very least what SG51 knows.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

novius wrote:
dragoongfa wrote:Nice description, I will go with that when I get the chance

She is certainly trusted enough to lead one of the two frontline sectors but I doubt that she knew of the Deinar files before hand, need to know and all that. The issue with trust here is that not all frontline commanders are truly trusted by the political leadership back home, in fact it rarely is the case that a successful frontline commander is trusted back home. Case in point MacArthur in the Korean war and Patton at the end of WW2; not even bothering to mention how both Stalin and Hitler distrusted every competent general in their army.
In true Mizol fashion information like that is compartmentalized. Only those directly involved in a specific operation know about the details - and more often than not only the details pertaining to their mission. So Duskcrown likely does not know about things which happened on Deinar 400 years ago - unless she is closely involved, like being part of the conspiracy - and would only get involved when someone transmits the genetic data to her ship as well. Or the unencrypted files, together with the order.

My original idea was a cabal of Mizol having some sort of longterm black-ops, without knowledge and authorization by the Emperor, but since she is a Mizol herself and the orders came from her desk, so to speak, it is less so. But still, the existence of the files and of the lone human on Deinar was and is definitely not common knowledge amongst even the Mizol alone. Both Brightshield and Tempo were clearly unawares.

Since the Emperor's orders came without explanation and the files are far from being exhaustive, and often inconclusive, it stands to reason that the attempt to dig further would paint a big bullseye on SG51 and Tempo and Beryl in particular. Especially the latter one - she must have become one of the most important and most sought-after Loroi with all the information about humans she carries - but trying to dig for it already spelled a disaster once.
I wouldn't put it down as a long term black ops, although at the early days it would certainly be darker than black stuff if they used Nathan to bump off some competition but more down to the desire to secure humanity as a critically important asset for the Union.

The political and cultural climate for the Loroi is that they don't have a template species and are the 'inheritors' of the Soia through their telepathy, running into a human with their natural Lotai would immediately paint humanity in a negative light because of Loroi over reliance on telepathy. Later discovering that humans are also telepaths but of different variant would be a cultural and political shock so discovering the humans and keeping them 'hush hush' until they could prepare the general populace about them would be ideal.

Enter the war and Greywind, she is by far the most influential Mizol and she knows of the Deinar human (whether by authorization or through actually being part of the lost diral is up to the air), she knows the telepathic potential of humanity and she knows how dangerous they are, both because of the Lotai and because of the cultural shock they could cause amidst they war. Heaven forbid if one of the more warlike admirals discovers their homeworld somewhere and decides to get proactive to prevent the Lotai from endangering the Union, only for the Union to shatter because of the Barsam learning of this and throwing a very understandable fit. That's what I would use to cover her direct order to bring evidence and any human found directly to her; as there is a need for handling the matter at the highest possible level.

Alex has already given Beryl and Talon the general location of human space in the shuttle a little before 'Beacons' begun and the Loroi know how outclassed humanity is if not from Alex then from the recovered artifacts of Bellarmine. What the Loroi want to know to plan an operation to human space is strategic stuff like jump points, charts, worlds, outposts, navy strength and numbers and if the Umiak are close to human space. Alex would probably tell them what he knows provided that he trusts the Loroi enough to protect humanity.
@novius, I think it's your time to shine.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

entity2636 wrote:Since we're now talking long-term Mizol cospiracy reaching up to the Emperor's cabinet and (possibly but not necessarily) herself, need-to-know basis even for high ranking agents, those agents refusing even a commodore to report on their findings (Ashrain's mizol cooperated probably at gunpoint), etc., wouldn't it be quite safe to assume those Deinar files might also contain safeguards/traps/loggers/etc. for when somebody clearly unauthorized (*wink* Beryl *wink*) opens them? Who knows, on who's screen a warning might pop up and what the consequences for said nosy person might be.... 8-)
Depends, if that someone got the authorization from someone else then that someone will face some consequences if they did so in error; generally speaking in classification matters above your pay-grade you sign an NDA and never speak of it again, the hammer dropping if you spill the beans.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Dibs! 8-) Granted, I'm still a bit uncertain about whose mood I'll send plummeting.

Just think, if all the world is but a stage, and we're just the stageplayers, wouldn't you like to get your hands on the author once in a while? Someone will most probably just think that way soon enough.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Just remember that the fearsome foursome needs to be made whole, it will be a force to be reckoned in the canon so give it a chance to bloom :P

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

It's weird for a small, clandestine conspiracy to set up a failsafe in every ship that activates under certain, non controllable requirements. If it's official Mizol business, then I can see it working. But a splinter group?

Not to mention what happens if the Umiak capture one ship and decode the systems.
Don't worry about that. Make it good.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

If Greywind had silver hair, that would make for one hell of a tie-in but unfortunately, it's blue with what looks like gray streaks (from age, most likely).

That said, Coldfire's hair is blue...
Also, regarding character designs, Admiral Spoor had many Loroi-like personality quirks, and would fit right in with the captains of SG-51.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

One problem with giving Greywind an active role in the story is that she is a Mizol. Loroi with the aptitude are send to the Mizol cast. Mizol and Teidar are so valuable and in demand, that even civies get to be warriors. Her in a Soroin diral would be a huge contortion.

Not to mention that Greywinds life is likely public. With the way Loroi society is set up, some historian Listel likely have been given the autobiography in person by Greywind.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Werra wrote:One problem with giving Greywind an active role in the story is that she is a Mizol. Loroi with the aptitude are send to the Mizol cast. Mizol and Teidar are so valuable and in demand, that even civies get to be warriors. Her in a Soroin diral would be a huge contortion.

Not to mention that Greywinds life is likely public. With the way Loroi society is set up, some historian Listel likely have been given the autobiography in person by Greywind.
The window for that are the 'positive side effects' angle that I have given in regards to 'bonding' with a human. If the entire diral became Nathan's bonded 'family' (no need for him to have slept with all of them, just him thinking of all of them like his new family for the duration of the wild diral phase) then in turn they would have all gotten stronger telepathically. Mizol pride telepathic strength above all, with some weak telekinesis being considered ideal. If the entire 'lost diral' attained Mizol level strength then it would be natural for the Mizol to poach them all with the promise of keeping Nathan safe and secure.

Add in Nathan and members of the Diral being used in some internal political black ops and you have a Mizol wet dream.

And records can be falsified and Mizol are THE mental manipulators.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

Werra wrote:
One problem with giving Greywind an active role in the story is that she is a Mizol. Loroi with the aptitude are send to the Mizol cast. Mizol and Teidar are so valuable and in demand, that even civies get to be warriors. Her in a Soroin diral would be a huge contortion.

Not to mention that Greywinds life is likely public. With the way Loroi society is set up, some historian Listel likely have been given the autobiography in person by Greywind.
I concur. It was just a line of thought I was entertaining.

That said, the plotline introduced in Beacons where the Mizol caste received a huge boost in strength and relevance after the events of the lost diral *could* be attributed to gains in telepathic strength thanks to Nathan's influence. I never intended/foresaw the plot point of 'human exposure boosts Loroi telepathy,' but if that is what we're going with, it could be argued that at least some elements of the lost diral made their way back into Loroi society under the auspices of the Mizol. What would you do if you were a spy caste and had access to and exclusive knowledge about a group of (former) Soroin initiates who gained powers no other Loroi had? Of course, these initiates couldn't return from the memory hole with their original identities, so it stands to reason they'd be given fake Mizol ones. Who's to say that a particularly talented and powerful former initiate wouldn't make a name for herself, becoming more with her fake identity than she ever could have with her original one? A "Mizol" with the ability to shield her thoughts in a way that no other Loroi could would make for a formidable personage... one who could conceivably claw her way to Emperor, and would certainly have reason to leave those standing orders regarding humanity.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

I was afraid you would get that idea.

Please don't go that way.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

I wasn't thinking of 'special powers' just increased telepathic strength coupled with Nathan's bonding Lotai being used in internal power struggles, the lost diral thus becoming highly influential amidst the Mizol. If the Diral became a Mizol black ops tool then it would explain both the secrecy and the need for the Mizol to control information about human contact.

I also find the angle of Greywind being part of the diral far fetched, I would prefer if she became close friends with members of the Diral during her long career, members who in time confided in her about what happened. Respect and duty to her comrades and friends being her driving reasons rather than attraction to a human.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Krulle »

Hey, nice additions.
Thank you everyone!

Regarding Nathan's story:
His extended Lotai works differently apparently.
He can send to all Loroi when touching someone else, in contrast to Beacons, where the extended Lotai also causes the extended Loroi to not receive...
If Nathan's sending through someone else, then it means he's using their abilities. Could he also use their telekinesis?

Oops, now I wrote it, I'm sure somebody will address it in-story soon...
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

dragoongfa wrote:
I wasn't thinking of 'special powers' just increased telepathic strength coupled with Nathan's bonding Lotai being used in internal power struggles, the lost diral thus becoming highly influential amidst the Mizol. If the Diral became a Mizol black ops tool then it would explain both the secrecy and the need for the Mizol to control information about human contact.

I also find the angle of Greywind being part of the diral far fetched, I would prefer if she became close friends with members of the Diral during her long career, members who in time confided in her about what happened. Respect and duty to her comrades and friends being her driving reasons rather than attraction to a human.
Yeah, I agree. Greywind as one of the diral is far-fetched, not to mention that such a lifespan would be at the far edge of what is possible for a Loroi. Involvement though would be a cool tie-in... maybe if a very old diral member could see Alex once before passing on.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

Could be a combination of factors, extreme loneliness for an extended period of time coupled with the absurdity of his situation. It could be that he has already come to 'trust' most if not all of the Diral because of his loneliness or it could be that his mental balance is off.

Humans are social creatures and need company which is why extended isolation in prison is considered a torture rather than a form of punishment. Remember that Nathan always liked to talk to himself to at least hear someone's voice.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Zarya »

Have been struggling a bit, trying to keep it in line with Beacons.

Was hiking along on the concept proposed by Dragoon that humans can amplify Loroi abilities, but actually ended up with Nathan broadcasting to all when in direct touch. In a way the same effect that occurred when Alex casted his adventures in technicolor but to specific Loroi only. Am staying away from telekinesis, it’s cool but doesn’t really feature in New Frontiers.

The weak excuse for the different kinds of sanzai mishaps might be that both Alex and Nathan are untrained and this causes all kinds of strange effects. In both fan stories their abilities are evolving and we are probably going far beyond canon speculating about it :oops:

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by Werra »

Yeah, keeping two different stories aligned properly seems like more work than it's worth, honestly.

Especially if we leave canon so far behind.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by dragoongfa »

That's what makes it fun :P

Although setting down some ground rules in terms of certain stuff/powers is prudent, like 'no OP please nerf' stuff.
From an outside perceptive the connection between the two stories offers plenty of opportunities for drama and intrigue, the conspiracy theory and drama behind the 'Deinar Human' is an example. It ties in nicely with Alex getting on good terms with the Loroi government provided that he manages to either help against the Umiak Lotai or to prove that it ain't the human variant of a Lotai.
Although we have to keep things fun for everyone.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by novius »

Zarya wrote:Have been struggling a bit, trying to keep it in line with Beacons.

Was hiking along on the concept proposed by Dragoon that humans can amplify Loroi abilities, but actually ended up with Nathan broadcasting to all when in direct touch. In a way the same effect that occurred when Alex casted his adventures in technicolor but to specific Loroi only. Am staying away from telekinesis, it’s cool but doesn’t really feature in New Frontiers.

The weak excuse for the different kinds of sanzai mishaps might be that both Alex and Nathan are untrained and this causes all kinds of strange effects. In both fan stories their abilities are evolving and we are probably going far beyond canon speculating about it :oops:
The simplest explanation is that the situations are quite different. With Natan it could have been the extreme loneliness, and him getting a severe concussion/trauma which cracked open his Lotai to every Loroi in question could have had some aftereffects. In contrast, Alex was exposed to Loroi sanzai only one by one. Him consciously 'seeing' Fireblade on the shuttle (the first time he actually tried for an effect) gradually introduced him to the thought that he might have psychic abilities, where Natan pretty much got it forced on to him. And, as with many things, sometimes the biggest roadblock in developing the own skills is ... one's idea of the own limitations.

Though I think Beryl and Fireblade would strongly object to Alex getting conked over the head on the off chance they could replicate the effect, which may even be a remote chance at best. :)

Furthermore, while telepathics are regarded as a remotely possible thing in human lore - just think of the stories of old couples who understand each other without words, for example - telekinetics and other abilities reside even more strongly in the realm of myth and fiction. So I'd say that these abilities would be ultra-rare in humans - and Alex assuredly not having them - to most possibly being extinct.
Last edited by novius on Sun Jul 29, 2018 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Writing Prompts

Post by orion1836 »

*Tempo stealthily approaches with a bat.*

Beryl and Fireblade stare with murderous intent.

Tempo: "I swear I'm just trying to help!"

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