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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:51 am
by bunnyboy
Paiad watched what others were taking and gave some warnings.
The public sanzai: {To miniming the risk of poisoning or harmfull reactions try take either only one or two substances or little bit of everything. And remember what you took, I'm asking it later. Vegetables may contain narcotics or natural poison which human are immune. Meat may have heavy metals, preserves, bacteria or drugs. Don't eat anything which smells or taste fermented. Keep eyes of your sisters and tell me immediately, if they look troubled. And for the end. Eat slowly and bite every piece before you swallow. Enjoy your food.}
She collected small piece of everything on her tray and took a place from empty table her face on wall, before she removed her mask. She had small memo with her and after every piece, she write up some notes.

Poisons (4) + Mind (6) (1d10+10=19)
I almost added my Alien specialty +1 on it, but I can't identify unknown poisons by taste.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 1:29 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: Just a short post from me today, as I am off soon for my usual RPG group. Also, I think "credit" is the most likely term for a human currency. Spacemark, Hyper Dollar, Colonial pound etc... would just sound dull, I think.]

The Ensign saw Nordstroem bringing Stormrage to their table. She blushed as she saw her ice cold eyes staring at her... There was no chance that she wouldn´t find that particular marine scary ever again...

{The first important task, I am assigned to by the Captain and something like this happens... He will not like this... I surly disappointed him...}

[Uhm... Corporal... according to the Captains orders, its okay... They can walk around in this room freely.] she then looked to the other Loroi, blushed and added in Trade [I am... sorry... uhm... I must have forgotten to tell you... you can use this room and its "facilities" as long as you want... But please don´t cause any... trouble or try to leave without informing me or one of the marines. I... uhm... hope this is acceptable to you...]

Cho then listened to what Nelopaio said to her. Somehow she wasn´t sure about what to answer her. Had she said something wrong?

"Linguistic skills, you say? It's always wise to know the tongue of a potential foe..." "...Even if they come to you bearing offers of peace, yes?"

She talked English... not perfect, but from what she could tell, that Loroi was able to understand everything said in this room without a problem. This came to her as a shock and she could only stare at her for a while. Where they all able to understand english or was it just her? She felt useless now...

[You can speak English? Uhm... thats... a surprise...] she stared for a brief moment in her cup and added with an even lower and shyer voice [...uhm... you are no foes. You are our guests. The... Capatin... just wanted to avoid any misunderstandings. Apparently... this won´t be a problem anymore... as you can understand our language... I... uhm... hope my presence... is not a burden to you, then.]

She wasn´t sure about what to say, these words just formed in her mouth, she didn´t think about them.

{They can understand us... So I am useless here... again... Maybe I just ask someone to take over from here...}

There was this cold feeling again, inside of her... spreading through her innards. Why her? She tried to remember what to do in such a situation, but the only thing she could do was shyly gaze at that young marine on the other table and fought against the tears, again. She didn´t want to disappoint the Captain who choose her for this mission... She listened how the shortly missing Loroi spoke to this marine...

{Even that Loroi was able to speak to him, even know his name... Why couldn´t I be so brave to talk to him, only once...?}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:37 pm
by Dragoon
sunphoenix wrote:Storm turned to look at the officer addressing her a little surprised to be addressed with respect and acceptance as a officer and equal.

Sanzai {general sending...}
{Ok... I may have been hasty.. at least some humans are willing to be polite and respectful. Perhaps... they are as varied as we are in our various outlooks...}

The last is sent with again that twinkle undercurrent of mirth and irony...
Her pretty emerald eyes sparkled in delight.

Taking his polite offer Storm sat down in the offered chair her tone engaging and interested, "Why thank you! I would appreciate that as well... it seems reasonable and will be useful should some 'unfarseen' emergency present itself. I know humaniti is unfamiliar with the Umiak... but they have very good ECM - far in advanced of your own. I was going to request regular visits to our shuttle that has certain sensors that might detect Umiak presence to provide some warning as long as we are required to travel in non-human controlled or non-Loroi Union space. Such visits to check the sensors need not be unescorted or observed... but we can't bee too careful! No offense to your Species technical achievements... but this... vessel, would not survive a hostile contact with an Umiak warship... best to do everything to avoid any contact with them! Currently I have only 6 Soroin, 7 Tenion... the equivalent of security/soldiers and pilot/navigator military ship's crew, the rest are Listel, Mizol or Doranzer... equivalent to Scientist, Diplomats, and Technical Experts. But we will make due... there were no Loroi who do not fight on board the Argent Fire!"

She regards his hot drink with an odd expression...
"...if the coffee is too bitter for you try some tea. It's actually not bad."
She smiles, "I think for now I'll just stick to... Di-Hydrogen Oxide... I mean water as you call it..."

She looks him over taking in the details of his appearance and then comments, "...forgive me. What is your caste, rank, name and its meaning?"
[ I'll forward your suggestion about the sensor checks to the first officer and captain. Until they sign off on anything all I can do is put together a list of suggestions, and recommendations. Hopefully in the future I will have time to lean more of your practices and organization..and I am looking forward to learning more about your people in general." Roland paused to make notes on his palm top, listing her requests and responses so he could forward them to the First officer and captain.

"I am William Roland Steen, currently second in command of the Marine Detachment aboard this ship. Marines are the infantry force that is a part of our fleet. we provide a rapid response force, base security, and shipboard combat personnel. " Roland introduced himself formally. and explained his role and the role of the marines as best he could.
" My names meaning is The Will to defend, or Defender of, The great land of stone...My friends call Me Roland,

"My proper rank Is Staff Sergeant, which is a middle ranked Non commissioned officer, Non commissioned officers report to and take orders from Commissioned officers and handle much of the day to day operation and administration in the military. In combat we lead squads, ten or twelve men, and platoons...twenty to forty men depending on the unit and it's duties. Officer command Larger units up to companies, which are between one and two hundred men, once again depending on assignment, function and duties.

I can get you a printo out of our unit types and general orginization if you would like. That might be easier than listening to me ramble on.

My specific function in this unit, is to see to the day to day affairs of my team, and command a squad in combat. I do have some combat experience and I can vouch for the skill, and performance of My team."
He smiled slightly as he spoke, obviously proud of his role, rank and his team. "we don't practice a caste system, not that is recognized or enforced. But My family has always served in the military all the way back to our first two Global wars.Not the brightest point in our history but you might as well know right up front we haven't always acted civilized towards one another."

"My mothers family traces back to a samurai, um noble ranked warriors, family in one of our ancient kingdoms. My fathers family is traced back to a Flight officer with the Royal Flying Corp. Back when our best aircraft were made of canvas and wood...So you might say I am as close as it comes, to the warrior caste of humanity."

He paused actually looking a bit embarrassed about his rambling recitation then taking a drink of coffee he motioned to the ship." To be totally honest We weren't even aware of what the Loroi looked like until I met your crew sister out in the wreckage. I was expecting tentacles and slime, or worse. Not....well I wasn't expecting anything like You and your crew mates.

I have some questions but those can wait. It'd be rude for me to start asking a lot of questions before I answered a few of your's."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:58 am
by Senanthes
Looking over at Cho, meeting her gaze, Nelopaio tilts her head very slightly, furrowing her brow, and continuing to speak the human language, "Why would you think you would be, in any way, a burden? You've been both welcoming and informative, Ensign Cho. Nor would I insinuate that our's is any but peaceful intent... It's closer to a saying I'd once heard. Call it humor." she says softly, "...Tell me, if you will, what is it that burdens you? You seem to carry a weight for one so young." she continues, leaving her expression open, inviting, and querilous... Of all the answers she might have expected, she seemed to have caught this young officer off guard, again... And terribly so. Was there some stigma to this one? Or was she really so fragile?

Taking Paiad's suggestion, she starts to nibble at various pieces of food, just a taste each, as the watches this human 'Cho' curiously...

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:55 pm
by Yiuel
Suederwind wrote:[You can speak English? Uhm... thats... a surprise...] she stared for a brief moment in her cup and added with an even lower and shyer voice [...uhm... you are no foes. You are our guests. The... Capatin... just wanted to avoid any misunderstandings. Apparently... this won´t be a problem anymore... as you can understand our language... I... uhm... hope my presence... is not a burden to you, then.]
"Some of us have been given crash courses; others were able to take more time for it.

But understanding a language is a far cry from understanding a culture. We might know the words, we are totally clueless at times with how other species do things. And all this is especially new to us. As for misunderstandings, you might be one our best guides available. I don't know about the others, but for me, you are far away from being a burden.

You say that you worked on languages. And yet, as far as I was able to gather about Humans, contact with aliens has been fairly recent. If the implication is that there are many languages on Earth, that would make it very interesting; something I would definitely like to know more about.

And burden? Actually, it is a lot easier for us to be with you than to be with any of the males. You are a blessing; a fellow girl with whom all of us will feel more confortable."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:14 pm
by Charlie
{OOC: Sorry about the back and forth type post, but my net has been down. I need to at least respond to all the events. I'll be up to speed hence forth.}

Charlie had been right, Anderson dropped her line of questions the moment the guests stepped in for a bite. If anything Charlie was feeling a lot more up beat, a lot less interrogated.

Staff Sergeant Roland quietly sipped his coffee and eating breakfast without so much as a word, he sent his reports. Charlie never felt like he was Roland`s junior more like a good friend, that`s what made him suspect that he heard a lot more than what was said. Nevertheless he rose with little to say and dropped off his plate and got more coffee or maybe tea. Tea in hand, he walked fearlessly to the occupied Loroi table and began to speak to them there.

Charlie forgot about Roland and Loroi for the moment, the only thing that remained was a feeling of been watched. He wasn`t sure from where but he knew somewhere someone was looking at him, he could feel it. Charlie looked back towards the near table seated primarily by Loroi, Roland and a shy looking Ensign Cho.

Ensign Cho looked a little worried, Charlie thought it strange that he was looking over here, maybe she was looking at Anderson. Charlie, however, put it out of his mind and scanned the mess hall for Commander Ferox.

Charlie looked towards the gaming area, he saw Commander Ferox almost right away near toward the cards table with some of the engineering crew.

{Typical, they don`t even know they've lost. Dumb-asses}

Commander Ferox had a well deserved and fearsome reputation as a cards master.

Charlie thought for a moment about what to do next, but he already had his answer before he started thinking - he just needed a reason. Charlie stood and made to leave.

[See you later Anderson.]

And with that he did not wait for Anderson and her gossip mongering, as he was already the butt of the apparent joke - he made a line straight for the Loroi table.

{Hark, I Daniel enter the lions den.}

Since Charlie honestly knew the name of only one of the Loroi and the only person at the table he really knew was Roland, he tried to be discrete when he came to the table while sliding in. Hardly unnoticed but at least no one asked anything of him, he sat next to Roland. Oddly, or perhaps coincidentally Charlie was just across the table from the Ensign Cho whom he was sure was watching him, or maybe it was Anderson, Charlie wasn`t that sure.

Sitting this close to her he got a much better view of her, he hadn`t seen the Koren Communications Specialist that many times. But she looked young, no more than 22 or so, she had jet black hair. Charlie was by no means the biggest man but Ensign Cho was comparatively tiny. Charlie thought it fitting that she be the one to be humankinds representative, small enough not to be threatening and a master of many languages.

Charlie smiled in her direction, content in the knowledge that if things don`t work out between the Human Race and Loroi it will be because we can`t agree not because some fool marine messed something up.

Charlie listened patently to Cho and another Loroi converse about food. Mostly about when and if the Loroi will get a tummy ach, also something about forks.

Charlie hadn`t been paying much attention to anything, if he had he may have seen a familar face coming.

[Greetings Charles Aldridge! Are you feeling well this duty cycle? The Guest quarters were ... nice. I slept well last sleep cycle and my head injury is far less of a bother this duty shift. Thank you for your instructions ... they were very helpful!]

Charlie may have cleared the chair with surprise, but he found him self paralyzed with indecision.

{What do I say? She hasn`t said anything abou that other thing... I'm not even sure what that was... Maybe she doesn`t want me to say anything about that.}

[Well I... I'm glad that you slept well... I'm happy that...]

Before Charlie could undoubtedly make a fool of himself another voice quieted his own, one that belonged to Staff Sergeant Roland. Weather it was coincidence or planned, Charlie was happy that he would have a chance to think about what to say. But want he really wanted was a chance to speak to Stormrage in private and ask what really happened. He could not say he did not like what happened but he had a drive to know, to know more, to know why...

[Stormrage is it..I was asked to organize some drills with you and your crew. I'd like to discuss them with you. I would like to start with orientation around the ship and evacuation drills if you don't mind. I'd like for you and your team to be familiar with the ship in case we have an emergency...if the coffee is too bitter for you try some tea. It's actually not bad.]

{So tea was my savior, uh?}

Roland and Stormrage spoke for a while on the matter of the advanced Electronic Counter Measures possessed by the Umiak. Charlie didn`t catch much of it as he was trying to listen to everybody at once. He did get that the in the Loroi crew there were 6 Soroin 7 Tenion left, she said these made of some general crew and some soldiers. Charlie remembered the strength of just her he wondered if they were all that strong, if so he didn`t fancy his chances in a fist fights.

{At least we have all, well most, of their guns. and we have more guns anyway.

Charlie did not feel threatened by that statement, he very much doubted they plan to fight us. The Loroi if anything since yesterday seemed, if anything, more human, more like new friends.

Charlie was still thinking about the new friends thing when he over heard the Loroi who seemed to speak to Ensign Cho the most.

She was speaking in trade
[Linguistic skills, you say? It's always wise to know the tongue of a potential foe...]

And then in fairly decent English
[...Even if they come to you bearing offers of peace, yes?]

Charlie could not believe what he'd heard, if a human had said that he would have beaten the man who did senseless - it was nothing more than a veiled threat. But Charlie thought a little bit harder about it.

{It`s not a threat, I don`t think, maybe a buff?}

While Charlie was thinking about what the Loroi had said poor Ensign Cho tried to stammer out an apology, Charlie felt very sorry for Cho - so young and saddled with such a great responsibility. He made up is mind to somehow help her if possible.

Ensign Cho managed to get over her fear, or at least hide it well enough, to have Corporal Nordstroem, the so called "Ice Queen" with good reason, let the Loroi guests go where they please, at least in the mess hall.

There wasn`t much beyond that; Roland trying to explain his rank which even Charlie could say was long winded and Charlie had been born into a martial family. Roland`s family could trace them selves pretty far back, it wasn`t something Charlie knew before today. Roland also gave a fairly apt description of what most of us expected to find, weird aliens. At least the Loroi were weird good not weird bad, the kind of weird one could like.

At least some of the Loroi manged to allay Cho`s fears and doubts, which in Charlies eyes they were responsible for.

Charlie absorbed as much of the Loroi knowledge as he could, he listed to everything or tried to. For some reason he felt as that he had to know.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:10 pm
by Suederwind
Ensign Cho didn´t know what to answer. She always tried to avoid such situations. She started to blush again and a shiver ran down her spine. Thinking about what to say and how to get out of this unpleasant situation, she suddenly saw the 2iC and remembered that the Loroi commanding officer wanted to speak with him. She looked to Corporal Nordstroem and said:

[Uhm... Corporal? Could you please ask Lt. Cmdr. Ferox to come over here? One of our... "guests" want to speak with him...]

{What am I doing? He will go mad... I know it!}

Thinking this she stared back in her cup of coffee and didn´t even noticed that Nordstroem just nodded and went of to inform the 2iC about this.

Nordstroem approached the men sitting not far from the guest's table. She arrived behind the men sitting there and Kvasir made a head sign for the First officer that there was someone behind him.
Turning from his table Hadrid saw again Corporal Nordstroem who saluted him and said:

[Commander, there is a Loroi who want to speak with you. Would you mind come with me?]

[Woo YOU are being summoned Hadrid..] Kvasir said trying not to laugh

[Shut up Kvasir and go to engineering I want to have my new integrated circuits in 2 hours.] he said, looking back at his friend

[Heh fine fine have fun here]

Kvasir rose and leaving a table he whispered something to Nordstroem who smiled.
After that Hadrid turned again toward Nordstroem and said:

[Corporal please return to our guests and inform commanding Loroi that I can speak with her now and bring her to me. I will be waiting here.]

Nordstroem nodded and went back to the guests, Cho was still looking in her cup, but she realized there was someone else at that table. Charlie, a marine. What was he doing there? As she reached it, she said in trade:

[Ma´am, the 2iC is waiting. Would the Loroi commanding officer please follow me?]

Her voice sounded sharp and somewhat unfriendly...

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:58 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage smiles warmly at Charles...
"Well I... I'm glad that you slept well... I'm happy that..."

Before Charlie could undoubtedly make a fool of himself another voice quieted his own, one that belonged to Staff Sergeant Roland. Weather it was coincidence or planned, Charlie was happy that he would have a chance to think about what to say. But want he really wanted was a chance to speak to Stormrage in private and ask what really happened. He could not say he did not like what happened but he had a drive to know, to know more, to know why...
"Thank you again... it was... sweet of you to look after my needs..."

Turning back to Roland...
"I am William Roland Steen, currently second in command of the Marine Detachment aboard this ship. Marines are the infantry force that is a part of our fleet. we provide a rapid response force, base security, and shipboard combat personnel. " Roland introduced himself formally. and explained his role and the role of the marines as best he could."

" My names meaning is The Will to defend, or Defender of, The great land of stone...My friends call Me Roland,.."

"My proper rank Is Staff Sergeant, which is a middle ranked Non commissioned officer, Non commissioned officers report to and take orders from Commissioned officers and handle much of the day to day operation and administration in the military. In combat we lead squads, ten or twelve men, and platoons...twenty to forty men depending on the unit and it's duties. Officer command Larger units up to companies, which are between one and two hundred men, once again depending on assignment, function and duties."

"I can get you a printo out of our unit types and general orginization if you would like. That might be easier than listening to me ramble on."
Storm chuckles lightly, "hehe.. Roll-land, 'Defender of the Great land..' You humans have such grand colorful meanings to your names!"
"My specific function in this unit, is to see to the day to day affairs of my team, and command a squad in combat. I do have some combat experience and I can vouch for the skill, and performance of My team."

"...we don't practice a caste system, not that is recognized or enforced. But My family has always served in the military all the way back to our first two Global wars.Not the brightest point in our history but you might as well know right up front we haven't always acted civilized towards one another."

"My mothers family traces back to a samurai, um noble ranked warriors, family in one of our ancient kingdoms. My fathers family is traced back to a Flight officer with the Royal Flying Corp. Back when our best aircraft were made of canvas and wood...So you might say I am as close as it comes, to the warrior caste of humanity."
She smiles, "You seem to have a long warrior tradition in your species... its... fascinating! And... encouraging to find Humaniti and the Loroi have such similarities in our heritage as a fighting species. It will be wonderful to hear of some of your ancient historical battles and the politics involved! You must tell me more of your mother's warrior ancestors... these Sammm...urai~? That sounds very interesting!"

Casting her gaze back to Charles she smiles...with something more in her gaze... perhaps some tightly held affection, "...and Charles... 'Army of the Old Ruler', I'm sure you must also have some intriguing stories to tell of your family as well! My mother is Torrai Soshret Lomisonni. She is Torrai caste... effectively Military Command Noble Elite. What you might consider the same as an Admiral Fleet Commander... in your tongue. Her name means ‘Bright-Storm’... I too, have a long line of ancestors who are warriors and Battle Commanders."

Skill: Seduction [Male] = Lvl1 {+3 Appearance} {flirting with Charles}: 2d6 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 3 → [1,6,7,1,1,3] = (19)
* Mods: 7{Soul 'she's being subtle.. not obviously vamping him.. her eyes & smile are the key}, +1 Skill, +1 {specialty: males}, +3 {Appearance}
- Generally, Seduction, Persuasion, Intimidation rolls would be resisted with a 2d6 + Mind + Resistance or even Mind Shield levels. Failure indicating that the attempt was successful... success would indicate he is not swayed, as yet emotionally {All Stormrage is trying to convey is that she is genuinely attracted to and has affectionate feelings for Charles... but she is being very subtle about it.. no touching just expression and demaenor, her hungry gaze meant only for him speaking volumes! :) LOL!

Almost reluctantly she turns her attention back to Rolland but her smile remains... if slightly different...
"To be totally honest We weren't even aware of what the Loroi looked like until I met your crew sister out in the wreckage. I was expecting tentacles and slime, or worse. Not....well I wasn't expecting anything like You and your crew mates."

"I have some questions but those can wait. It'd be rude for me to start asking a lot of questions before I answered a few of your's."
Storm giggles slightly casting her eyes briefly at Charles, "...{giggle} Yes, finding humaniti... was a unexpected but... Very pleasant... surprise for the Loroi as well..."

Turning her attention fully to Roland, "I see.. you are like our Soroin who are the main force of the Loroi military.. the solid foundation upon all Loroi martial strength. I would indeed find a detailed description of your order of battle and your military structure of great interest. I will, of course, reciprocate the same information of the Loroi Union military and ranking structure for you as well!"

She smiles, "Yes you do speak with a urgency and interest of a Listel..but I can understand your genuine curiosity about the Loroi."

She turns to grin at Charles to keep him in the conversation as well, "We are equally curious of humaniti as well..."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:53 pm
by Charlie
Charlie had been quiet just listing in to the goings on around him learning what he could about his guests, mostly he was thinking about yesterday and of that only last part of it. Something happened as he left Stormrage`s room, Charlie wasn`t sure yet what it was but it felt special somehow, different but special. When Stormrage touched he felt a closeness a bond of some kind, and when she was gone he felt alone - nothing had changed but he was acutely aware of just how alone a person is in this universe.

And so it went on like this, Charlie was listening and learning but he wasn`t thinking about what was been said - not really thinking about anything really.

Charlie was just looking around listing and pondering the mysteries of Humanity`s new friends. He he happened to look at Stormrage and received perhaps the brightest, whitest and most warm smile he'd ever see - and it was directed at him.

[Thank you again... it was... sweet of you to look after my needs...]

Charlie couldn`t help but smile back, he'd have never matched her smile but his was genuine, sincere and as warm as he could manage.

{Does she mean the shower? Or that other thing? It felt special to me, was it to her? Does she care? Does she even know? I wish I knew.}

She laughed lightly at Roland and Defender of the Great land, it felt right to find out that Loroi had at least some humor in them - just something that made them seem friendlier, more like us, more like me.

Charlie listened to her speak to Roland, tuning out the rest of the of the table. Charlie was finding it hard to consecrate on anything else besides Stormrage`s voice.

{What would she think of covert Ninja? Or deadly Spartans? Or maybe a chivalrous Knight...}

Charlie was surprised to see Stormrage look at him again, and even more so when she was looking straight into his eyes. But it wasn`t the same as before, there was something more in her eyes - something secret, something special.

2d6+7 → [5,4,7] = (16) - FAILED - Who saw that coming? It`s not as if I engineered it so.
( )
{In this case I thought that mind shield would apply if she used telepathy, which she did not.}

If anything Charlie could say he felt better somehow. He felt the deepest desire of all humans the most fundamental thing that made being human mean something. The pursuit of happiness.

{The way she smiles... I feel... cared about. Something special did happen, didn`t it? And I feel fine... I think}

Charlie could feel the hot blood rush to his face at the revelation, he couldn`t very well stop it - it just happened. It wasn`t very subtle having apple red cheeks, Charlie hoped that it wouldn`t be noticed over much - or at least for no one to make a clear connection.

[...and Charles... 'Army of the Old Ruler', I'm sure you must also have some intriguing stories to tell of your family as well! My mother is Torrai Soshret Lomisonni. She is Torrai caste... effectively Military Command Noble Elite. What you might consider the same as an Admiral Fleet Commander... in your tongue. Her name means ‘Bright-Storm’... I too, have a long line of ancestors who are warriors and Battle Commanders.]

[You can call me Charlie... If you like I mean. I can tell you about them later... If you want.]

Charlie was kind of disappointed that she looked away to Staff Sargent Roland, but at least his cheeks wouldn`t be getting any redder now - they were as red as they would go.

Stormrage giggled why speaking to Roland, and yet Charlie felt like it was for him alone.

[...Yes, finding humaniti... was a unexpected but... Very pleasant... surprise for the Loroi as well...]

She looked back ever so quickly, Charlie felt like he had just been given a secret, his stomach was paying the price to bare this knowledge. The knot that had developed was unpleasant, but when she looked back it was replaced by something far worse - butterflies. Charlie wasn`t hungry before felt even less so now.

Stormrages attention was focused on Roland, and for Charlie this was a good thing. His stomach felt like it was doing back flips, it felt like zero gee. His mind was turning trying to figured out... everything.

And yet when she looked back again to Charlie he couldn`t not help but smiling the biggest smile yet.

[We are equally curious of humaniti as well...]

Charlie spoke before thinking things out, more just to respond then stay silent like a fool.
[And we are curious about you... I mean the Loroi union.]

{Oh god, how could I say something so stupid! Dammit! Why! Why am I so stupid?}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:50 am
by Dragoon
"hehe.. Roll-land, 'Defender of the Great land..' You humans have such grand colorful meanings to your names!"
"well A lot of our common names are drawn from old languages. Or from famous persons in they can be a bit...Dramatic." Roland laughed a bit too, not looking self conscious but more amused at what some of their names must sound like to alien ears. " Some of your names sound more like warning labels than offense. Stormrage,..Not exactly a person i want to see demonstrate how she picked that name up, well unless I am just an observer and have lots of popcorn.."

"You seem to have a long warrior tradition in your species... its... fascinating! And... encouraging to find Humaniti and the Loroi have such similarities in our heritage as a fighting species. It will be wonderful to hear of some of your ancient historical battles and the politics involved! You must tell me more of your mother's warrior ancestors... these Sammm...urai~? That sounds very interesting!"
"They were fierce warriors, with a code of honor that would take a while to explain. Expert archers and swordsmen...they would die before they surrendered, or shamed themselves. I have a copy of some literature written by one..The book of the five rings. It's a great read, although you might remember it was written almost a thousand years ago. Now most of those families have become businessmen, scientists, or soldiers like Charlie and I."

For very long time, Politics, Religion, and sex, were the leading cause of death on earth. We had hoped we wouldn't need ou warriors anymore. At least not on a regular basis. But it looks like i'm not going to have to look for another career any time soon.

Roland's smile changed slightly, a bit lopsided as he considered the irony of Humanity surviving several near misses due to their warring nature, Only to discover that their petty wars might have been basic training for the bog wars waiting on them in space.

Roland glanced to Charlie at some of the exchange between the two. He wondered for a minute then reminded himself the customs of the Loroi might be vastly different and dismissed a slight bit of curiosity.
He studied charlies face picking up something in his friends expression and manner. Wondering if there was something he needed to ask him later in private. "Charlie is the other Squad leader for our unit. He's the Brainy one. I mostly just have a strong voice, and hit things really hard when they need it...although he does have a good right jab. Maybe you'd like to sit in on one of our sparring sessions. Introduce you to the "gentlemanly sport" of Pugilism....Charlie is almost as good with his fists as I am" He added the last with an obvious chuckle and smile ribbing his sparring partner slightly as he talked.
{giggle} Yes, finding humaniti... was a unexpected but... Very pleasant... surprise for the Loroi as well..."
The laugh brought a smile to Roland's face, one that was a bit confused and a little distracted by the woman's gentle, musical laugh. (hate to see her use that on some poor sap, they wouldn't stand a chance.)
"Yes you do speak with a urgency and interest of a Listel..but I can understand your genuine curiosity about the Loroi."

She turns to grin at Charles to keep him in the conversation as well, "We are equally curious of humaniti as well..."
"I think we both realize that's probably what our leaders are wanting from us...To see what makes the other race tick. I know back home there is a lot of... concern about what the Loroi are really like....Personally I hope we do get along well. It seems that our warrior tradition may be needed. "
" It was a bit of a shock when we discovered that out here in the big black people still had good old fashioned wars. I always had a suspicion we might find out that Alien races weren't all smiles, peace an light. I just hate that I was right.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 9:13 am
by Senanthes
For a moment, she utterly ignores the sharply delivered 'request' from the Marine... Partly just to show disdain for the tone, but mostly in her focus on the oddly fragile Ensign near her. Putting a hand on Cho's shoulder for a moment, she smiles very softly, "Ensign Cho... Look at me."

Waiting for the young woman to make eye contact, she continues a moment later, "It's hardly my intention to put you at a disadvantage, embarrass you, or otherwise purposefully make you uneasy. We're two different peoples, of different cultures. There will be misunderstandings. But so one thing is absolutely clear, I respect your efforts, and will be pleased if you would continue them." she says earnestly, letting her hand move away, "For now, it seems I've been called away. Perhaps we will find time to speak again later." she says, leaving the offer open.

Rising from her seat, she simply stares into Nordstroms eyes for a moment, letting her own go distinctly cold... As someone who has killed the enemy face to face, using small arms, her mind, and her own two hands, she hardly looks fazed by the sharp tongue of a single marine... After a moment she nods slightly, her tone politely businesslike, "Very well, please proceed."

Thereafter, she follows the marine corporal to wherever she is required to.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:55 am
by Charlie
Charlie agreed completely with Roland sentiment over Stormrage`s name, raging storms were nothing to laugh at.

Charlie considered for a moment where his family had come from, as far as he knew they had been French and Dutch settlers and the furthest records of his family date back to the hundred years war between France and England. The family records indicated that they had been minor nobles, yet most of the history had been lost with only pieces of it remaining. The Aldridge family wound up in South Africa during the early 19th century as diamond miners. Someone from Aldridge family had fought it every war South Africa has been in since then. All of this however, Charlie thought, is hardly worth bothering over.

Charlie though about a more simple explanation for human wars, when the first people dragged them selves out of the primordial muck a picked up a stick - he struck down his fellows. War is in our nature, always has been, always will be.

[...But it looks like i'm not going to have to look for another career any time soon.]

[I hear you man, once you're in, you're in.] Charlie echoed the dedicated soldier.

[Yes, Staff Sergeant! Your voice is strong, and your Cross is mean.] Charlie gave a mocking salute while trying not to laugh before moving his jaw side to side in imagined pain.

[But come now Staff Sergeant, we both know that you win because you are bigger and a little stronger. Don`t lie, we both know I am the more technical boxer.]
Charlie added jokingly to at least try to salvage some of his now wounded pride in front of the Loroi.

Charlie noticed that Roland seemed a bit befuddled, although happy with, Stormrage`s lovely laugh. Or maybe it was the nature of the comment the followed.

[It was a bit of a shock when we discovered that out here in the big black people still had good old fashioned wars. I always had a suspicion we might find out that Alien races weren't all smiles, peace an light. I just hate that I was right.]

Charlie`s tone took on a bit more serious aspect.
Yeah, not many of us expected there to be peace all round. It seems a few good friends are a good thing these days.]

Charlie, out the corner of his eye, saw the exchange between a Loroi he didn`t know and Ensign Cho.

{Well, at least she`s made a friend.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:35 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: Just a quick update for Cho, I'll try to finish more tonight, as I am out of town for the weekend.]

Cho looked up as Nelopaio put her hand on her shoulder and she gazed in her amethyst colored eyes as she spoke to her.

"It's hardly my intention to put you at a disadvantage, embarrass you, or otherwise purposefully make you uneasy. We're two different peoples, of different cultures. There will be misunderstandings. But so one thing is absolutely clear, I respect your efforts, and will be pleased if you would continue them."

This was not what she had expected and those words were a total surprise for her. Somehow she and all her weaknesses were not a burden for the Loroi officer.

{Is she making fun of me? No one ever thought something like this of me...}

[Uhm... I... I will if you like...]

"For now, it seems I've been called away. Perhaps we will find time to speak again later."

She wasn't shure what to answer her. Someone didn't mind having her around as it seemed. This was new to her... and she could feel how her head turned red again and she had to turn her head down to her cup. Maybe this time, no one noticed, she hoped. Words formed in her mouth:

[Sure... Uhm... please... feel free to... ask for me...]

As Nelopaio stood up and went with the "Ice Queen", Chos eyes followed her as she moved through the room. Ensign Cho couldn't tell why, but for some reason this loroi was friendlier to her, than most humans she had ever meet. But why? She had no idea...

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:31 am
by Yiuel
Softsapphire had been silent for a good time now. While eating, she kept on checking the food with her device.

2d6 + 8 (Mind) + 6 (Biochemisty and Physiology knowledge, bonus +1 for combining both) + 2 (Heightened Awareness) = 27
(Dice roll for analysis of food : I believe I should be able to get a good understanding of what fits or not our poor loroi stomaches.)

Along the meal, she kept on observing the human crew and her sisters. Nelopaio and Cho seemed to be going well together, and Softsapphire would have a friendly smile for the linguist and com specialist once in a while. But her attention turned to Stormrage. Her little foray in the other part was blocked by the female soldier, but she blended quite well with the human males at the table. Definitely out of the norms, but interesting. And then, when Stormrage pointed out Charles, she could not resist a big grin. Stormrage was acting curiously towards him, even if discreetly enough so that none of the crewsister could catch it, but the eyes of of psychologist can notice it much more easily.

When Stormrage turned to Rolland to discuss military stuff, Softsapphire turned her attention to Charles. As with Alexander, it was clear that most facial expressions were shared between humans and loroi, so it wasn't hard to see that Charles was very much comfortable with Stormrage's teasings; Stormrage had not been lying at all. She initiated conversation with the guy.

"Your name is Charles Aldridge? I'm Softsapphire, scientist of this loroi group. How has been your experience with us loroi until now?"

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:43 pm
by Charlie
Charlie had been minding his own business for the most part, only every now and then offering a comment in the conversation between Stormrage and Roland. So it came a surprise that someone spoke to him, but it was getting less and less surprising that most if not all Loroi aboard could speak English.

[Your name is Charles Aldridge? I'm Softsapphire, scientist of this loroi group. How has been your experience with us loroi until now?]

Charlie did not know her name but he had heard her offer a kind word to Ensign Cho, so right off the bat he was fairly well disposed to her. The last part of the question was worrying at first, it seemed to specific and yet at the same time oddly vague. But she had said she was a scientist of some kind, so it must have been Charlie`s mind playing tricks on him and the question meant exactly what she said.

{Do I like them? How has it been?}
Charlie unconsciously glanced towards Stormrage, it would have been unnoticed by the untrained eye. It would have seemed Charlie was just looking around before answering.

[That is correct, it is Charles Aldridge.]

[Well, I suppose it has been good. I'll admit that at first I was suspicious, you looked like us and knew our language. I can`t speak for the rest, but I've grown to like the Loroi.]

Charlie couldn`t help but look to Stormrage, he then looked to Ensign Cho to make it seem like he was just listening to the whole tables conversations. Charlie looked back to Softsapphire.

[Tell me, how have you found us? Were you surprised as we that we are similar?]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:03 pm
by sunphoenix
Charlie wrote: [You can call me Charlie... If you like I mean. I can tell you about them later... If you want.]
Stormrage looks thoughtful a... subtle smile touching her lips... her expression perhaps.. a little shy...

She gestured placing her spread hand upon her chest ... her breath catching, "Charr...lee? My given name is... Sonnidezi... You may call me Sonni... Charr..lee..."

She lowered her eyes not in sadness but perhaps in ... some expression of self-consciousness.

When she looked at him again.. there was a twinkle of ... mischievousness'?' in her deep green eyes...

Those butterflies in his stomach stirred... even more.
Charlie wrote: Charlie spoke before thinking things out, more just to respond then stay silent like a fool.
[And we are curious about you... I mean the Loroi union.]
She smiled almost laciviously, "..I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for you to learn all about m~.. the Loroi Union Charr..lee.."

... the butterflies were practically rioting now...

At Softsaphires opening a conversation with Charles, Stormrage only smiled brightly whenever she caught his eyes upn her. Those emerald pools of her deep and ... hungry.

But she said nothing ...content with sipping her glass of water.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:36 am
by Beliskner
Thereafter, she follows the marine corporal to wherever she is required to. Nordstroem lead her to another male who stood at one of the few windows(large window) in the room (Hadrid moved there to have better self-presentation options rather than sitting it the table).

Taking a moment to look her counterpart over appraisingly, Nelopaio's assessment is at once clinical, yet not failing to notice the particularly, to her, exotic appearance of the man. Both taller and larger than the males she's used to, she can't help but notice the build, clearly a product of regular training, perhaps a martial artist like herself? She's unsure as to weather she finds the stark difference appealing or not... But at the least, he's not an unwanted sight. Certainly far from an Umiak...

(Mostly, she's focused on the differences right now. She has yet to decide what she thinks of human males yet.)

Hearing steeps behind him Hadrid turned, (from star watching) around, to see Loroi accompanied by corporal. His blue eyes making quick glance at her. {A bit short but... her eyes like jewels shining, her hair appears glossy white at first glance... but any reflection of the light reveals a very, very subtle hint of sky blue... I must admit Loroi look very exotic.}

Focusing his eyes at newcomer Hadrid spoke in trade:
"Greetings. I am Lt Cmdr Hadrid Ferox, first officer aboard this vessel and chief adviser to engineering staff as well, although that is not my official position. I was informed that you wish to speak with me." - his trade is very fluent, every word soaked dose of exotic dialect.

Nodding her head deeply in greeting, she answers in surprisingly crisp, nearly accent-less English... Yet her silken purr of a voice adds an accent all its own, [Greetings, Lieutenant Commander Hadrid Ferox. I am Soroin Mallas Nelopaio, acting commander of the Argent Fire and it's crew, and yes, I do wish to speak to you, on several matters. First and foremost, there may well exist a severe threat to your ship, which also constitutes a threat to our diplomatic mission. I wish to discuss the circumstances of the destruction of the Argent Fire, and its implications for the safety of your crew, and mine, which are immediate and quite real.] she says in a crisp, but polite tone, seeking to present a balance between a personable demeanor, but an officers bearing,standing tall, with her hands clasped behind her back, yet with a reasonably open expression.

[Also, it was suggested that your crew and mine engage in a series of training drills to familiarize them with both the ship, and each other. I would like to discuss that, as well. In return, I will answer any questions which are not the purview of the Mizol Parat, who is our chief diplomatic officer. Are these topics acceptable to you, Lieutenant Commander Hadrid Ferox?] she concludes, her amethyst gaze patiently fixed on his.

"Of course and it's Comander Ferox, shortly and simple as I prefer" He looked at security officer [That will be all corporal.]. Nordstroem nodded and left them both alone. She knows that Ferox is very capable defending himself even without his firearm which he have now.

Seeing third pair of eyes gone Hadrid turned back to his guest.

"I must apologize because I'm not entirely sure how should I address you Soroin Mallas Nelopaio. Do you wish to be addressed as a 'Captain' or it's proper to address you by your full name? "

Offering a faint smile, she replies, [Either Mallas Nelopaio or simply by name is sufficient, Commander Ferox.] she says simply, [And I will remember to shorten my references once I am familiar with the Humaniti ranking structure. That said, I assume you wish to discuss the more pressing matter first, Commander Ferox?]

[That depends on you, Mallas Nelopaio, but perhaps I will introduce you to our current situation.], Hadrid said switching from trade to English.

[Right now we are preparing to make FTL jump to next system where we will rendezvous with one of our heavy destroyers on it's way here. From there both vessels will depart to refuel and resupply station. So we will be more less save there.]

Frowning slightly, Nelopaio considers that before answering, [That's the issue... I'm only passingly familiar with the few details learned of the scout vessel we were able to observe before it was destroyed. On our way in system, we detected an Umiak scout vessel... Which our captain engaged, against all better judgement. Umiak scouts never travel alone, but always in a quincux squadron, consisting of five vessels... Comparatively, I'm of the impression that this vessel is far less advanced than our own frigate, so I could not say for sure if two warships would be a match for twice their number of Umiak craft, even if three are merely light classifications. With the loss of one of their own, they will be looking for what destroyed it. My concern in that is, if they find us, both your crew, and our mission are in jeopardy.]

[I'm not authorized to discus our technological advancement with you, however I must ask why are you assuming that Umiaks are at war with us or they want to be with us at war? From what I now your race is in prolonged conflict with umiak. Why would they consider fighting on another front with race they know nothing about...]

Nelopaio quirks a brow at him, as though the answer should be obvious, [For the same reason a Union captain would assume that you might be an enemy, were the situation reversed. You're carrying our survivors, therefore, you're cooperating with the enemy of the Umiak... You need to understand something, Commander Ferox, there are NO neutral entities in this war... None. Neither side will allow it. That said, I feel it is best that I make this information available. It increases our chances of survival on both accounts. You could, of course, turn us over to them to buy favor, which would declare you an enemy of the Union. By aiding us, you become an enemy of the Umiak. There wont be a middle ground available to you, which, I assume you already understand, given the nature of your ambassador.] she says, almost somberly, but with enough force in her tone to communicate the gravity of the situation... Humanity was looking for contact... Well, they got it, and all the issues that go with it.

[Sell you off to umiak?] Hadrid looked her like he was insulted with such "assumption" [Second you placed your foot on my ship you became "survivors" and you gain basic laws even if you don't know them and selling you to your enemy's with result of long painful death would be great insult to me.]

[And yes, they likely would attack you, either for resources or to remove you as a factor, unless you capitulated to them immediately. We're the only opponents that hold them in stalemate. No other entity has done so.] she adds, answering his final question, omitting the details of the Union being comprised of more than just the Loroi... No need to complicate a simple picture in her mind.

Hadrid turned away looking a stars, speaking quietly but still heard-able to his companion.

[Is it fate or chance? I can never decide.]

Turning back to Nordstroem

[Very well, Mallas Nelopaio, what you need to know?]

She smiles very, very faintly, [I doubt you would mingle well with them anyways... The Umiak. You have a sense of honor, they're... Brutally practical. As to what I need to know... I'm a fleet officer, a tactician and commander, the same as I suspect you are. I'll leave diplomacy and macinations for the diplomats and spies... I need to know just how capable these vessels are, even if only in broad terms. I'll tell you everything I can about the Umiak's comparative capabilities. Likely, you'll learn a good deal of our own in the process... Both of which will help to form a picture of the state of affairs that is afoot.]

[From what I saw with my own eyes, both your and umiak warships are far more formidable that any of ours.] - he said a bit worried

Nodding slightly, Nelopaio answers in a candid tone, [Yes, they are considerably more advanced. But in absolutes, even arrows and knives can still kill in an age of blasters and plasma cannons. Truthfully, there is a strong chance they wont know where to look, and it will not be an issue... But in my mind, even a limited possibility of interception warrants consideration and planning, yes?...] she says, then furrows her brow lightly, [I have to ask... What do you mean you 'saw' me? That's... Improbable in the void.]

[I'm sorry I meant your ship ...during combat. Returning to your question our ships mostly use heavy mass drivers as main weapon although we are introducing new particle beamers lately to our arsenal. It's lack of exotic raw materials and 'peace time' which are slowing our progress down...]

She quirks an eyebrow, [I see, that makes sense... You said, 'mass drivers'?... As in, magnetic accelerators?...] she asks, looking mildly incredulous... Such weapons had fallen into disuse long, long ago, for the Loroi, but it was better than nothing... [I see. Perhaps we should establish a schedule for these drills, then go over all of this in more detail? There are always options...] she muses, looking out at the starfield.

[Yes, basic kinetic weapon, effective but very limited in range although I made few improvements lately.]

Hadrid made a nod [Of course, I need to examine those drills first, meanwhile I will let you return to your meal. If I may ask.. do you have any engineers with you or mechanical, physics guides? I would like to compare our races knowledge about universe physics and mechanics laws.]

[We'll collaborate on some possibilities. I don't mean to worry you unnecessarily, merely present a possibility that requires some forethought. As my counterpart, I'm sure you hold your crew's safety as a high priority, yes? As it is, we should probably begin our planning, both for the drills, and to concieve some contingencies if the Umiak scout's do locate this ship, or whatever facility we are bound for.]

[Yes, the ship is as good as crew manning it. But concerning umiaks, when we will leave this system we will have some time. I 'm sure umiaks don't have star-maps of this sector and pointing new jump nod requires much time. Meanwhile if you are not hungry anymore, we can discuss it more right now. I'm sure there is much questions you want to ask.]

"" - trade
[] - english

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:39 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: I am back home and this scene is slowly closing, as well as the first chapter. Thanks for the posts in my absence, they have been a very good read!]

Meanwhile in engeneering:

Chief Engineer Abramovic sat on his chair in his office, while the engeneering section was full of activity. He could hear his subordinates talking while they were working on the engines to make them jump ready. Not an easy task, no one knew that better than himself. He felt bad for sitting here and drinking coffee, but someone had to check the engine diagnostics, power levels, fuel consumption and maybe 5 dozen other things before he could even think of letting Cydonia jump to the next System. Three months of doing basically nothing more than a few drills and lying in the shadow of a gas giant on low power, waiting for whatever might come there way, hadn´t been that good for the engines. He was happy that he had managed to get a pair of additional energy couplings from that dock officer back on Esperanza. Without them, they wouldn´t make that jump for the next 48 hours or even had to wait for a pair from Alberta.
He then gently pet over the panels on the wall of his office, took a sip from his coffee and thought to himself:

{Good that I know you, old sweety...}

He wasn´t sure, but for a moment he felt like someone stood directly behind him and stared at his back. So close that he thought he had felt someone breathing against his neck. His body couldn´t move for a brief moment, a sudden fear forced him to hold his movements and his breath. Suddenly it felt very cold in there and he couldn´t hear the voices of the crew. Instead he heared someone close by whistling a song, that flooded his heart with fear and sorrow.
For your pleasure: Link

His hand started shaking as he realized that he was hearing that song not with his ear, but inside his head and it grew louder over time.

[Chief? Whats so interesting on that wall?]

He turned around to the door at once and looked in the face of Ensign Metzger, who continued:

[Have you seen a ghost? Are you ok?]

The chief was so confused and his hands so shaky, that he had to sit down, before he could answer:

[Did... Didn´t you hear THAT?]

[Yes, I did, sir.] the Ensign answered and pointed to the floor [You dropped your coffee cup...]

He starred to the floor and yes, there layed the remains of his cup and he had no idea how that had happened.

[Oh... yes... Sorry.] was all he could answer.

[The captain wants to know how the preparations for the jumps are going and I came down to bring you a few suggestions to improve weapons performance a bit. I just leave them here for you to read, ok?] he made a small pause and added [You should get some rest, as soon as you can. Don´t you think?]

[Rest? Now? No way. I will go sleep after the jump. Is that all?]

[Yes sir.] he saluted [Till next time!] and left the office.

{What the hell was that? This song... this emotions...?}

Fore some reason he hadn´t liked that system called "Lacrimosa" the first time they passed through it. It felt to him as if something dark and evil was lurking there for him, Cydonia and the crew. Maybe he was just a bit more superstitious than usual, because of the stress lately? Or maybe there was more? Even thinking about it gave him the shivers.

{Who in his sane mind names a star system like that?}

He was interrupted in his thoughts as a young crewmember entered his room:

[Sir, ready to jump in 10 minutes.]

[Understood.] was all he could answer him.

Time to inform the crew...

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:19 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: Ok, there it goes, my last post before the jump and this scene, as well as the first "chapter" are over. Please feel free to post your answers and replys, etc... If needed I will add another post in between.]

In the messdeck:

The people in the messdeck went silent as the sound of the intercom could be heard through the entire ship.

[This is engineering, Chief Abramovic speaking. Prepare for jump in 10 minutes.]

Many people in the messdeck stood up and left the room to get to their stations.
Ensign Cho looked up to the Loroi on her table and asked with her uncertain and low voice:

[Uhm... I am sorry for the interruption. Is the food... edible... for you? Are... you having trouble with hyperspace jumps? Uhm... I could as in the sickbay if they have something against jump sickness, if... you want? Feel... free to tell me...]

In the meantime, Ferox personal com unit beeped and he could hear the voice of Chief Abramovic, again. However, this time it sounded weaker and somehow worried.

[Hadrid... maybe you want to come down here and see what those salvagers found, after the jump? Well... only if the Captain lets you...]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:12 am
by Charlie
[You can call me Charlie... If you like I mean. I can tell you about them later... If you want.]

Stormrage smiled that soft, gentle smile she has. Charlie`s attention focused entirely on her. She moved her hand to her chest on palmed. Yet weather by design or by Charlies own view of things, it seemed to make her seem a lot softer and hi-light certain areas... her breath caught a little but Charlie didn`t notice.

[Charr...lee? My given name is... Sonnidezi... You may call me Sonni... Charr..lee...]

Hearing his own name said out loud brought a tentative smile to his face. But hearing her name... Sonni... brought a beaming smile to his face.

Charlie may have looked away out of embarrassment, as he could feel the hot blood in his cheeks - again, yet oddly enough Stormr... Sonni... blinked first and looked down. Maybe it was embarrassment on her part? Charlie was sure that he might have seen something on her features before she looked down.

Whatever it was, it was gone before she looked up - replaced by what seemly was playfulness?
Charlie spent a good while just thinking about her name again, it was a soft name, a pretty name. It suited her quite well, her soft side at least. Charlie though about saying something along with her name just to see if he got it right but he kept his mouth shut a little while longer.

While trying to be quiet and contain the butterflies plaguing his stomach. Charlie once again did not think things through and spoke.

[And we are curious about you... I mean the Loroi union.]

Sonni smiled again this time it was a lot more predatory, a predator that knew the pray could not or would not leave... Charlie wasn`t sure if he was pray, but the smile made him feel the butterflies more strongly than ever before. It came with a feeling that he should just leap out of his chair more no particular reason and shake the feeling away, and yet with some strength he manged to restrain himself from doing so.

[..I'm sure we'll have plenty of time for you to learn all about m~.. the Loroi Union Charr..lee..]

A Loroi by the name of Softsapphire, weather she knew it or not she saved Charlie from disaster due to ineptitude caused by lingering feelings of butterflies.

Somewhat stupidly, all considering, Charlie looked back to Sonni. She was drinking water from a glass. Now Charlie could honestly say he had never wanted to be a glass, but today he may have given his legs to be that glass.

{I just need to talk to her, I just need to ask her what that was yesterday. I need to know, I need to know what it meant if anything.} Bur Charlie put this out of his mind, and focused on speaking to Softsapphire.

[Tell me, how have you found us? Were you surprised as we that we are similar?]

[This is engineering, Chief Abramovic speaking. Prepare for jump in 10 minutes.]

[I guess we will have to speak about it later.] Charlie spoke again looking to Softsapphire.

People started streaming out of the mess deck, most to get to there stations, some to talk before shifts start, some just to be elsewhere. Charlie wasn`t one of them as his techincaly did not start

Ensign Cho was the first to speak. She spoke as Charlie expected, soft gentle and maybe a little timid.

[Uhm... I am sorry for the interruption. Is the food... edible... for you? Are... you having trouble with hyperspace jumps? Uhm... I could as in the sickbay if they have something against jump sickness, if... you want? Feel... free to tell me...]

Charlie had heard that some people got really sick after jumps, not everyone and lucky not Charlie. Some people got nightmares, some puked and some just had headaches. It was different for everyone most times.

Displaying what was undoubtedly going to him in trouble one day, Charlie stood and spoke in trade as he was not sure if every Loroi knew English to the levels of Softsapphire and Sonni. Why Charlie did it he wasn`t entirely sure, that or he did not wish to truly admit why he did.

Charlie looked to Staff Sergeant Roland, and spoke loud enough that everyone at the table could here.

[Sir, if there are no objections - I'll take anyone not feeling well to the med bay.]

He switched to English while still looking at Roland.

[My shift doesn`t start for a another hour and a half. I can do this if you need.]