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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:28 pm
by Yiuel
To Stormrage
"I feel... I need to be getting on with my duties. I really, in this situation..., don't have time for this you know..."

{And so will you be getting on with your duties. The fact I wanted to see you and speak more deeply about things that just happened and others that happened a long while ago does not mean that I will not let you do your work. Take it as a medicine, if you want. It may take some time to ingest a single dose, but you can still work before and after.}

Reluctantly and resigned she walked into the room letting the door shut behind her.

Stormrage looked around the room and her mind shield's flared to solid defense. She seemed unwilling to show weakness... her spoken reply soft...

"I ... don't like to talk about it. The Deathwind is ... was the past... I can't change it. But ... I have nightmares, there is nothing that can be done. I ...endure them."

{The past is the past. But your nightmares are not in the past. They are with you, in the present. As I said and I repeat, they don't make you unfit; just a little sick. A mental scar that hasn't healed properly. And what I want to do is to heal it properly. And those nightmares are exactly what I want to avoid with this new situation. Traumas are most easily treated on the spot; same thing for mental traumas. I will take some of your time to do it, but not much more than if our doctors had to treat you for an injury. And trust me, when we will have taken care of all that, you will be so fit for duty that you will excel. That, I know.}

Softsapphire sanzais the last sentence with so much conviction that it might surprise Stormrage. It's not merely something to reassure Stormrage, kind words to a damned soul. No, you have the word of a leader who actually is honestly congratulating the best soldier, or the scholar handing a perfect score to her pest student. She has total faith in Stormrage.

This ...again catches Stormrage off guard coming from a totally different point of inquiry.. she had not really examined her feelings on the moment having pushed the experience to the back of her mind. But mentioning so openly the experience and directly her emotions in that moment brought the emotions the experience back to the forefront of her consciousness.

Stormrage, deadly Teidar Sezon, skilled warrior, tough as duralloy disaster multiple-shipwreak survivor... blushes hotly.

Immediately defensive, her mind shields hardening even further,
" was not like that! Charles Aldridge was willing and it was one of my mission directives! I.. was not ... I mean I did not feel ... that kind of attraction... I was finding out if all humans have the same lotai as Captain Jardin... no-nothing more! Human males are just very similar to loroi males its was just... a natural reaction... nothing more!"

...her words may say one thing but her emotions ...perhaps something else...but its hard to tell as she is actively trying to block and such detection.

Softsapphire shows only understanding in her face. And then, a wide smile appears on her face, and even a small laughter.

{I look at you, and I see myself, not so long ago. "The Barsam was willing and it was one of my mission directives." I never said the words; I am too much aware of my own emotions and way too direct to actually deceive myself in such a way. But the thought to actually say that must have crossed my mind. More than once. Imply what you wish, you will never imply enough.

Okay, true, I do not have the excuse of Barsam being similar to Loroi males. They are quite dissimilar actually, I can attest. But I can trust this experience I have with what happened with you. Your emotions, what you felt, is important. It doesn't matter what kind of attraction it was. If it was me, I would keep on and discover more. And it certainly helps that human males do look stronger than Loroi males; even stronger than Loroi females perhaps. Perfect for a strong warrior as you.

I also find it interesting that I am not the only Loroi who got at least a little interested in other species. I believe that, for our own survival, we will have to get interested in them and actually actively somehow mix with them. I've work with Loroi, Barsam, Neridi and Pipolsid and, trust me, I have done way more with the later three than the Loroi, even though I still spent most of my life around my kind. Humans are probably the same, and I fully expect to enjoy relating with the human crew.

And the fact your natural reactions kicked in means that you are mentally fit for duty. The nightmares are not overwhelming you, which is good. As I said, I will support you, whatever you may decide regarding Charles. And yes, even if I have to go in opposition to a certain Mizol.

Now, as for the whole Lotai thing... Well, that is exactly what I wanted to see. I thought of making the test myself, but like our Mizol, I was afraid of hurting the humans with any attempt. Forgetting all the emotional, what did it feel like. For me, when you did it, it felt as void. We have a connexion to everything living, but that... emptiness... was unsettling. I would like you to describe your sensations (except your emotional bond) about it. I might want to attempt it later. I am supposed to meet one of their Listel, or scientists as they say here, after we are done.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:14 pm
by sunphoenix
To Softsapphire
{And so will you be getting on with your duties. The fact I wanted to see you and speak more deeply about things that just happened and others that happened a long while ago does not mean that I will not let you do your work. Take it as a medicine, if you want. It may take some time to ingest a single dose, but you can still work before and after.}
Stormrage takes this admonishment in stride making no comment in reply... but her expression is somewhat... petulant and pouty {which is actually a very cute expression on her}.
{The past is the past. But your nightmares are not in the past. They are with you, in the present. As I said and I repeat, they don't make you unfit; just a little sick. A mental scar that hasn't healed properly. And what I want to do is to heal it properly. And those nightmares are exactly what I want to avoid with this new situation. Traumas are most easily treated on the spot; same thing for mental traumas. I will take some of your time to do it, but not much more than if our doctors had to treat you for an injury. And trust me, when we will have taken care of all that, you will be so fit for duty that you will excel. That, I know.}
Stormrage looks away closing her pretty green eyes in and expression than can only be sorrow and shame...

Speaking... unwilling to betray or reveal her inner pain by sanzaing she speaks softly, "... a Tiedar must always be ready for duty.. to defend her sisters. Their is no time for grief in battle. Even when it hurts the most... you must carry on. I'm... needed and in the war weakness can mean the loss of more sisters... or our allies. I've requested constant combat duty and my powers are highly valued in many situations. I throw myself into battle to keep from thinking about all the death.. I'm too busy staying alive. I... don't have time to think about he~ ... my record may if I'm good enough and decorated enough gain my mother's recognition .. and approval... I have loss many fre~... but they would want me to keep fighting... to make their sacrifice have meaning! I'll... not be weak... for their sake... .... at least.... .."

Her words trial off her fists clenched tightly her eyes burning emerald coals of tightly held emotion. Her block of emotional sense is wavering... occasional glimpses of pain, loss and self-recrimination slip past her steely mental grip.

Straitening her shoulders somewhat, gathering her pained dignity she speaks, "I ...thank you for your belief in me Softsapphire. I wish my mother... felt such.. trust.. in her wayward disappointing daughter..."
{I look at you, and I see myself, not so long ago. "The Barsam was willing and it was one of my mission directives." I never said the words; I am too much aware of my own emotions and way too direct to actually deceive myself in such a way. But the thought to actually say that must have crossed my mind. More than once. Imply what you wish, you will never imply enough.

Okay, true, I do not have the excuse of Barsam being similar to Loroi males. They are quite dissimilar actually, I can attest. But I can trust this experience I have with what happened with you. Your emotions, what you felt, is important.}
Stormrage looks at Softsapphire in startled surprize and her block vanishes and a swirl of emotions emits from her. Her pretty green eyes haunted at her mention of Barsam... and the emotion that fills her is regret her eyes almost watering.

She turns away completely to hide memories filling her and bringing sorrow to the surface of her mind.

She interrupts Sofsapphire and calmly and relates...

"I was positioned with the ground forces on Tanima-3 to establish a supply line depot to the raider fleets during the Maiad Campaigns of 2158. The Umiak had slipped by the picket fleet having found another system to jump through. Fleet command had realized this was a possibility so our defenses were ready... but the ground assault force was ...far larger than ... had been anticipated that and several lighting raids in several systems meant not reinforcements or fleet support would be arriving soon. We were a join force of ground forces... Barsam, Golim workers, and Loroi. I... knew a Barsam troubadour-cleric 'battle-field chaplain' named Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram. He was ministering to the Barsam troopers that were fighting alongside us. We spent several day cycles fighting against the Umiak ground troops... I... liked his singing. He had a deep but tender basso of a voice... he was very inspiring."

"Their was a feint and the loroi positions were stormed en-masse by Umiak hard troopers... they were trying to take out our farseers. I was battling striking them down with my power guantlets and electrokinetic death... but the shells kept coming... it was mass suicide... but they had numbers - as always on their side. We heard the 'shells' broadcast to our allies that if they withdrew and allowed them to wipe out the loroi contingent.. they would suspend hostilities and allow them to withdraw to the edge of the system. There were so few of us left... we had no idea if relive would arrive soon. We expected our allies to take the offer... to stay was certain death. The hard troopers came on again and we fought.. fought hard trying to slay as many as we could before the end came for us. Then suddenly Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram and the Entire Barsam contingent counter-struck the Umiak. I was so surprised to see Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram at my side singing in his bellowing voice a war-chant to lead the faithful, his purple duralloy plate armor gleaming in the reddish sun, his War-Clivegrh {a Very large Halbard like pole-axe with a wicked hooked and plasma-honed serrated edge that is a hand and a half weapon to the large Barsam}, laying into the Umiak hard troopers and his Splinter Gun {a hyper-velocity explosive fully automatic railshotgun} barking death and shattering 'shells'! He fought at my side... We won ... but ...Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram was wounded pierced by many Umiak sliver poison rounds and burned by plasma pulse fire... he was protecting me. He told me, 'It had been a good fight and that he had no regrets... protecting his little sister warrior...' He ...died holding my hand... in his strong fist. I.. could not help ... I.. wept at his loss... I know it was unseemly... but it hurt... feeling his mind slip away... he was so very brave, and strong and so... inspiring... ...."

Storm raises a hand to her face to wipe her eyes and face.

"I learned later that a picket fleet had arrived a day before but it was a small fleet and wanted to ambush the fleeing Umiak forces if they were pushed back or catch them weakened if they tried to dig in. We were deemed an unavoidable casualty if we could not drive them back. Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram... might not have had to die. We ...were not attracted to each other... not like that but.. I liked him he was... valorous... he didn't deserve to die like that."
{It doesn't matter what kind of attraction it was. If it was me, I would keep on and discover more. And it certainly helps that human males do look stronger than Loroi males; even stronger than Loroi females perhaps. Perfect for a strong warrior as you.}
Stormrage interrupts her again, "I'm not strong...! I'm just unlucky enough to survive when real heroes die...! I cant help feeling ...I should have died with all my crewsisters and friends on the Deathwind... with her... with Malirtin 'Shining-Silver'... I loved her dearly... but not knowing.. is painful... "

She softly admits, "...yes. I'm still there on the Deathwind... everyday I'm alive and they are dead. But a Teidar must ALWAYS be ready for duty. So I push on and ...endure... as I must..."

"...why can we not be free to love whom our hearts demand of us? I honestly don't know how I 'feel' about Charles Aldridge. I just don't want to be hurt anymore... its easier not to feel anything."

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:49 pm
by Suederwind
[In the messdeck:]

Anderson turned to Hadrid as he stood up and wanted to leave. She looked a bit worried and said:
[Sir... you´re leaving already? I´m sorry... It was just some gossip about him and I wanted to check if he was okay...]

[In Nelopaios quarter:]

Cho felt very unsure about what to do now. That was not what she had expected and the Captains orders sounded so easy to her. "Just go there and take those volunteers to the messdeck. There is nothing to worry about..." She could still hear those words from him in her mind. But he wasn´t here, now.
There was just her scared self and no Captain, First Officer, etc... to aid her. Just those scary woman warriors about which she had heared so many fearsome things, back at the academy. Their language was the most fascinating one she had ever heared or learned and normally she would be happy to speak it. But right now, she wanted to turn around and run away. However, she couldn´t, she was an Officer now and no longer a little girl. Cydonia was not the school of her youth and the Captain was not her father who would protect her from almost anything. Now she had to get through such situations herself.
She couldn´t help but think about back then: the hazing of the other kids because of her good marks in school, those linguistic talents, her weak body, her shyness,... Their laughter about her... All these bad memories hit her like an ice cold fist in her stomach.

{Why now? Please... go away... Not while they are looking!}

Her eyes starting to feel wet, panic started to rise in her, a shiver ran down her back and as she heared the low hissing sound of the closing door, she was about to burst out in tears.
But then, with an even lower "click" the door stopped and opened again. She looked back and saw directly in the eyes of Corporal Nordstroem. The woman everyone simply called the "Ice Queen". She stood in the door and her right feet had stopped the door from closing and her cold blue eyes meet with hers for a brief moment. Normally that would be enough to make her run for her life. But now, she felt relived, as she hat totally forgotten her and for the blink of an eye she thought that she had smiled at her.

{Orders... think...! Oh, yes...! A question...}

She raised her head and looked at that Loroi who was the person she should talk to.

{Nelopaio... Sunbloom...? A strange name...}

She was taller than herself, nothing new to her. But that blue skin... those eyes... She was somehow fascinated. That was not what she had expected.
Words formed in her mind. Time to answer those questions...

[Uhm... My full name is Seo-yeon Cho. Ensign is my rank. You can call me Ensign Cho, or Cho, if you like. Is calling you Mallas Nelopaio correct?]

After hearing an answer she continued, driving those bad memories out of her mind...

[Crew issues...? Uhm... Can we assist you in some way? If someone of your crew needs some form of... recreation... I could ask Lt Cmdr Ferox to... arrange... something, as Captain Blake is not available right now. There is an... recreation area... in the messdeck, too. I am sure I can take you there, if you like.]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:36 am
by Senanthes
Sitting there on her bunk, Nelopaio looks less like a superior officer and more like a councillor... Or diplomat, smiling softly as she watches the difficulty come, then pass, curious as to what brought it on... Do we make this one that uneasy?... Curious... she thought to herself, "Yes, Mallas Nelopaio, or simply Nelopaio is perfectly acceptable Ensign Cho. Soroin is my caste, those who act as both crew and soldiers. Mallas is my rank, sufficient to be second in command on a warship. Nelopaio is my spoken name... Sunbloom." she answers in that velvet voice... Between her finely featured face, clearly proportioned form, and that voice, she's almost surreal in a way.

Tilting her head a moment, she considers Cho's offer, "Mmm. Perhaps that would be a good idea, yes. I'm sure many of our crew could use some sort of release. It's been... Tense. As for the 'issues', merely concern over the state of mind of one who has pushed herself harder than the rest. As befits my rank, with our captain incapacitated, the responsibilities fall to me." Nelopaio explains, calmly and without a trace of impatience, "Your idea has merit, and would be appreciated."

Taking a moment to regard her, and knowing she will be unable to continue with her day until the issues are resolved, Nelopaio's smile changes to a mildly curious one, "If I might ask, Ensign Cho, what duties do you perform aboard this vessel? Are you to be our liaison with our counterparts on it's command crew?"

Something about the somewhat unusual woman struck a chord with her instincts, something she quickly attributes to her role as Soroin Mallas... She looked like a newly minted sister, in need of some guidance.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 6:38 am
by Hālian
Malidasaria steps out of her room, long voluminous hair down and clad loosely in one of the Terran jumpsuits, then begins walking to the mess hall. A close observer would find that the telepath's hands are shaking slightly and that there are bags under her eyes. As she walks, she speaks telepathically to her sisters, her ‘voice’ multifaceted and out of sorts.

«I shall soon make an attempt at consuming Human food in order to counteract [incomprehensible]. If any of you wish to join me, I am ‹here›‹there›‹everywhere›‹nowhere› in what said Humans call a ‘mess-hall’. UnlessyouhaveconvokedaquorumelsewhereinwhichcaseIrequestofyoutodivineformeitslocation.»

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:25 am
by Yiuel
To Stormrage
"... a Tiedar must always be ready for duty.. to defend her sisters. Their is no time for grief in battle. Even when it hurts the most... you must carry on. I'm... needed and in the war weakness can mean the loss of more sisters... or our allies. I've requested constant combat duty and my powers are highly valued in many situations. I throw myself into battle to keep from thinking about all the death.. I'm too busy staying alive. I... don't have time to think about he~ ... my record may if I'm good enough and decorated enough gain my mother's recognition .. and approval... I have loss many fre~... but they would want me to keep fighting... to make their sacrifice have meaning! I'll... not be weak... for their sake... .... at least.... .."

Her words trial off her fists clenched tightly her eyes burning emerald coals of tightly held emotion. Her block of emotional sense is wavering... occasional glimpses of pain, loss and self-recrimination slip past her steely mental grip.

Straitening her shoulders somewhat, gathering her pained dignity she speaks, "I ...thank you for your belief in me Softsapphire. I wish my mother... felt such.. trust.. in her wayward disappointing daughter..."

Stormrage looks at Softsapphire in startled surprize and her block vanishes and a swirl of emotions emits from her. Her pretty green eyes haunted at her mention of Barsam... and the emotion that fills her is regret her eyes almost watering.

She turns away completely to hide memories filling her and bringing sorrow to the surface of her mind.

She interrupts Sofsapphire and calmly and relates...

"I was positioned with the ground forces on Tanima-3 to establish a supply line depot to the raider fleets during the Maiad Campaigns of 2158. The Umiak had slipped by the picket fleet having found another system to jump through. Fleet command had realized this was a possibility so our defenses were ready... but the ground assault force was ...far larger than ... had been anticipated that and several lighting raids in several systems meant not reinforcements or fleet support would be arriving soon. We were a join force of ground forces... Barsam, Golim workers, and Loroi. I... knew a Barsam troubadour-cleric 'battle-field chaplain' named Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram. He was ministering to the Barsam troopers that were fighting alongside us. We spent several day cycles fighting against the Umiak ground troops... I... liked his singing. He had a deep but tender basso of a voice... he was very inspiring."

"Their was a feint and the loroi positions were stormed en-masse by Umiak hard troopers... they were trying to take out our farseers. I was battling striking them down with my power guantlets and electrokinetic death... but the shells kept coming... it was mass suicide... but they had numbers - as always on their side. We heard the 'shells' broadcast to our allies that if they withdrew and allowed them to wipe out the loroi contingent.. they would suspend hostilities and allow them to withdraw to the edge of the system. There were so few of us left... we had no idea if relive would arrive soon. We expected our allies to take the offer... to stay was certain death. The hard troopers came on again and we fought.. fought hard trying to slay as many as we could before the end came for us. Then suddenly Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram and the Entire Barsam contingent counter-struck the Umiak. I was so surprised to see Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram at my side singing in his bellowing voice a war-chant to lead the faithful, his purple duralloy plate armor gleaming in the reddish sun, his War-Clivegrh {a Very large Halbard like pole-axe with a wicked hooked and plasma-honed serrated edge that is a hand and a half weapon to the large Barsam}, laying into the Umiak hard troopers and his Splinter Gun {a hyper-velocity explosive fully automatic railshotgun} barking death and shattering 'shells'! He fought at my side... We won ... but ...Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram was wounded pierced by many Umiak sliver poison rounds and burned by plasma pulse fire... he was protecting me. He told me, 'It had been a good fight and that he had no regrets... protecting his little sister warrior...' He ...died holding my hand... in his strong fist. I.. could not help ... I.. wept at his loss... I know it was unseemly... but it hurt... feeling his mind slip away... he was so very brave, and strong and so... inspiring... ...."

Storm raises a hand to her face to wipe her eyes and face.

"I learned later that a picket fleet had arrived a day before but it was a small fleet and wanted to ambush the fleeing Umiak forces if they were pushed back or catch them weakened if they tried to dig in. We were deemed an unavoidable casualty if we could not drive them back. Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram... might not have had to die. We ...were not attracted to each other... not like that but.. I liked him he was... valorous... he didn't deserve to die like that."

"I'm not strong...! I'm just unlucky enough to survive when real heroes die...! I cant help feeling ...I should have died with all my crewsisters and friends on the Deathwind... with her... with Malirtin 'Shining-Silver'... I loved her dearly... but not knowing.. is painful... "

She softly admits, "...yes. I'm still there on the Deathwind... everyday I'm alive and they are dead. But a Teidar must ALWAYS be ready for duty. So I push on and ...endure... as I must..."
{Do you know what is a sister in a Barsam's mind? It is not the same as us. We live in packs, groups who share a living, but we are put with what were ultimately full strangers. We share our clan, but that is pretty much it. We forge our links through fire, and then we get seperated and put into other groups. We are forever switched from place to place, until we actually get to choose our place, while getting higher in the hierarchy.

In a Barsam's mind, sister, and brother, are words to denote kinship. But it is foremost a term of respect. We share more than blood, we share a mental link. It is hard to explain in Loroi terms what it means. The humans, however, do have a word for that: the gang, friends. You share no blood, or almost none, but your relation is more than professionnal. They are the people that you care about, your inner circle, those people with whom you have a link. But it is not sexual, it is merely emotional. If Loroi build relationships through fire, disasters, Barsam do it through water, life and enjoyment. And I believe you had the same feeling for your Barsam friend.

What you feel, Stormrage, is a guilt survivors feel towards those who died in the same situation. Face your feelings; you are angry. But now, you are angry to live. You are angry because you live while others, dear to your heart, died in the same situation. Shiningsilver, I know not her. But it is clear from how you say that she was precious to your mind. You did not loose crewsisters there, you lost people you cared about in the deepest parts of your intimity, your friends. But remember, you were close to them. Look at how you think; I am sure you would have died for them to live. You almost wish to die so they could live again. That is exactly what they did with you.

True heroes, you say, die. Really? Look around you, I haven't seen yet someone who lived without dying, except those who are currently living. We all die. And being a hero? It is not about dying. Being a hero is about helping. You did your best on the Deathwind. And with us? Look, you did great. You were able to save all who survived the Umiak attack. You garanteed both our safety and Loroi security with your tactics. And you did all that while with a head injury that would have put me down right away. You helped us. That's being a hero, and you ARE one. And you'll keep on helping. I am sure both Shiningsilver and Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram would be proud of what you have done just now. Proud of what you did with the life you have.

Your mother might not think you are worth it, but we shall not care about this now; my mother was no better in judging people. Do you think my spoken name was a gift? It was an insult, given to me by my former instructors, which my mother never really went against. Sapphire for a blue rock, the lowest tier of the Listel. And soft because it would crack at any moment. I wear it with pride today, as an take-that to all my former instructors, now in the high ranks of the Listel. To remind them of how bad they judged me. My mother eventually respected me with this cleverness of mine, but I don't rely on her evaluations anymore.

Think about it, you were worth it for those two friends of yours. Who are more important in your heart? The feeling of a mother who is in it only for her own status, like most of our mothers, or those two friends of yours? If it is they, take their action. Cry their death; it is important when you forge such links. Crying is no sign of weakness, it is a sign of emotional loss. We Loroi are especially not good about that. But the blame you hold on yourself, is a blame because you believe you are not worth it, and I don't believe one second your friends would wish that upon you.

You were worth it, to Shiningsilver; to Ahmin-Ka Rey'hram as well. To both of them, you were worth their help. You are worth it. If it wasn't for you, I myself wouldn't be here. You cannot blame yourself for stupid tactics that merely rely on numbers. Or for stupid Umiaks, for that matter. They are blind to our emotions. But you are not, you have them. And your hurt is understandable. Such things happen; and you are fully right at being angry and sad. But not at yourself. They, your friends, made their choices as well. To engage in this war. To do what they can, even if it includes dying while saving people, which may or not include you. And, ultimately, they gave you something. People thought that you were worth it, and some still do, including this whole crew who are grateful. You are strong.

So don't be mad at your survival, be mad that a stupid general somewhere waited too long and because of that, they died. Be angry, especially, at the Umiak who try to eradicate anything that stops them from destroying worlds. It's not your fault. You say your Barsam friend should not have died. He didn't deserve it. Nobody deserves a death at the Umiak's hand. But we either fight, or are destroyed anyways. And in stead, use the life he wanted to protect to protect others. And look at the chance you have; you might help protect a whole species all on your own. Knowing the Barsam, your friend would be more than proud.

Also, being ready for your duty, Stormrage, includes being ready in mind. While your work is not compromised, as you actually have demonstrated, I still think we can heal that a lot better. It is my way to thank you for all the help you gave me, Hero. So this is why I asked you to come. We will heal that part of you. And will have the best Teidar in the Galaxy.}

"...why can we not be free to love whom our hearts demand of us? I honestly don't know how I 'feel' about Charles Aldridge. I just don't want to be hurt anymore... its easier not to feel anything."

{As for Loroi Society, we have been bred for war. Love is barely a distraction. So much that we frown upon it. And when you have the number of boys we have, it's not as if it encouraged bonding. That, at least, I have come to understand. Seeing the Barsam, I personally think we would gain by being friendlier with each other. But we are billions, and only a few with such experience.

As for being with humans, let me remind you that we don't know much of them. Care IS needed, no matter what. But I will not be the one to forbade you any sort of relation with the human. I know well how fullfiling it can be, so I will do what I can, as I said. And your hurt, Stormrage... is the proof you are alive.}

Softsapphire starts to sing a beautiful Barsam song she learned a while back.
Performing Arts, Specialization Singing 2d6+9 = 17

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:52 pm
by sunphoenix
To Softsapphire
Stormrage does not interrupt Softsapphire again. But lets her pain out in tears and soft sobs, hands on her face. Slowly her mind shields fade as she takes in the Sanzaied' words of support and encouragement. There is no deception in them she knows Softsapphire speaks true, heart-felt sentiments... a support and encouragement... Stormrage has rarely ever received... since the floundering of the Deathwind and the loss of dear friends.

Stormrage turns to Softsapphire and smiles appreciative, her pretty green eyes soft and tender. She steps toward her raising her bare hand for offered contact, finally sanzaing freely with her.

{You are very kind to speak so with me sweet sister. You are a true friend. I'll not forget your words of support. Thank you.}

Softsapphire can feel her fully now.. the color of her aura... her mind vibrant green and yellow with swirls of reddish orange glowing pulsing, encompasing the totality of her emotions and thoughts. There was fading the knot of hidden pain and loss from her mind and the strength of her self-image was stronger...brighter than before. Softsapphire was sure her words had indeed helped had comforted the pain and loss that she had deeply buried with her heart. A rot of soul that was fading. Her desire was for her friendship for her respect and intimate trust. Storm's will was strong and her power undiminished.

To Softsapphire's shock Stormrage brushed her mental contact across the pleasure centers of her mind just the most tenuous of touches but one deliberate and VERY intimate! Not something one would casually do with just anyone... even in passing! But the intimate mental contact is brief... as if seeking to find out if such contact would be accepted or rejected...

* {Picture a man walking down a street past a unknown pretty woman suddenly lightly brushing very briefly his hand across the curve of her breast! That kind contact but mental.}
{Now, as for the whole Lotai thing... Well, that is exactly what I wanted to see. I thought of making the test myself, but like our Mizol, I was afraid of hurting the humans with any attempt. Forgetting all the emotional, what did it feel like. For me, when you did it, it felt as void. We have a connexion to everything living, but that... emptiness... was unsettling. I would like you to describe your sensations (except your emotional bond) about it. I might want to attempt it later. I am supposed to meet one of their Listel, or scientists as they say here, after we are done.}
Storm continues sanzaing, {As for the human lotai... and the contact I made with Charles Aldridge... I can share it with you. He.. was so... very warm to the touch, but his skin was soft firm from the muscles beneath but like any other male loroi. His brown eyes were large and fully of wonder... He smelled... like a thick dark wooded tree {equivalent to the smell of a walnut shell. Loroi bio-chemistry being different they register human scent as different from what we would}... it was like being in an old forest of hardwooded trees. It was not an unpleasant scent to his flesh... but odd.

I... must admit... I wondered what it would feel like to feel his obviously strong arms wrapped around me... filling me with his warmth... and the smell of trees around me. I ...fear he might smother me with the heat of his body ... with any intimate contact...}

Visibly her cheeks colored that familiar hot blush of hers.

* {Though personally I think loroi would blush a violet color not red}

{... mentally he was strongly there... a strong will not soft. I could not read him in passing. But his aura was not erratic in shape... like those often given to violence, not shifting like those given to deception. He was clearly defined in shape and form. I think he is honest and if not kind at least very calm and perhaps cerebral of demeanor... or contemplative. But it was very hard to tell unable to see any true color to his aura.

But his physical reactions were not hard to read, his breathing came in light gasps his heart-beat increased his eyes widened. His senses seemed to reel ... and not just because of the likely first mental contact he had even been subject to. I made no attempt to probe or send any thoughts.. I merely showed him my mind and let him 'feel' my presence. There was no doubt he found it pleasurable... intimate.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:55 pm
by Yiuel
To Stormrage
{You are very kind to speak so with me sweet sister. You are a true friend. I'll not forget your words of support. Thank you.}

To Softsapphire's shock Stormrage brushed her mental contact across the pleasure centers of her mind just the most tenuous of touches but one deliberate and VERY intimate! Not something one would casually do with just anyone... even in passing! But the intimate mental contact is brief... as if seeking to find out if such contact would be accepted or rejected...[/i]
{You have my friendship. You are not alone. Whenever you will need help, come to me. But we will need more time to heal all of this completely. A scar that hasn't healed for years cannot heal in a mere treatment. But I believe you are already feeling a lot better. This is good. And now perhaps you can even understand why I frustrated the whole Listel board, because I tend to bring the good in all people I team up with.}

Softsapphire gets a little shocked by the intimity Stormrage's offers.

{Be careful with your intimacy. For now, I must first say that I am still taking care of you, and we better not involve ourselves too deeply. But also, I have someone back home, waiting. Well, I have my team; but I have that special person as well waiting me back there, a quite deep relation.}

Softsapphire lets a little of the deep relation she has with the Barsam filter through. It is an incomprehensible mix of lust, care and friendship that Stormrage must find, at best, puzzling.

{I believe we could be great friends; Barsam-sister if you get my meaning. But on my side, I have "him". And on your side, I believe you have found someone...}
Storm continues sanzaing, {As for the human lotai... and the contact I made with Charles Aldridge... I can share it with you. He.. was so... very warm to the touch, but his skin was soft firm from the muscles beneath but like any other male loroi. His brown eyes were large and fully of wonder... He smelled... like a thick dark wooded tree {equivalent to the smell of a walnut shell. Loroi bio-chemistry being different they register human scent as different from what we would}... it was like being in an old forest of hardwooded trees. It was not an unpleasant scent to his flesh... but odd.

I... must admit... I wondered what it would feel like to feel his obviously strong arms wrapped around me... filling me with his warmth... and the smell of trees around me. I ...fear he might smother me with the heat of his body ... with any intimate contact...}

Visibly her cheeks colored that familiar hot blush of hers.

* {Though personally I think loroi would blush a violet color not red}

{... mentally he was strongly there... a strong will not soft. I could not read him in passing. But his aura was not erratic in shape... like those often given to violence, not shifting like those given to deception. He was clearly defined in shape and form. I think he is honest and if not kind at least very calm and perhaps cerebral of demeanor... or contemplative. But it was very hard to tell unable to see any true color to his aura.

But his physical reactions were not hard to read, his breathing came in light gasps his heart-beat increased his eyes widened. His senses seemed to reel ... and not just because of the likely first mental contact he had even been subject to. I made no attempt to probe or send any thoughts.. I merely showed him my mind and let him 'feel' my presence. There was no doubt he found it pleasurable... intimate.}
{Well, I guessed right. Keep your most intimate thoughts for him. Trust me, what you have described there makes it clear to me what you feel, even though you yourself are just starting to understand it.

For the moment... let's just take our time about all this. You have found yourself someone special. I won't hide that your relation would also help me understand their whole lotai thing. But all in all, it will be a win-win scenario for us all. Interesting about his definition. He was there, but as a colorless shape.

And... from what you describe, it is fairly clear that what you felt, he also feels. He might not have sanzai and a strong lotai, so he will show it differently I suppose. But he clearly loved it.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:51 pm
by sunphoenix
To Sorftsapphire
{You have my friendship. You are not alone. Whenever you will need help, come to me. But we will need more time to heal all of this completely. A scar that hasn't healed for years cannot heal in a mere treatment. But I believe you are already feeling a lot better. This is good. And now perhaps you can even understand why I frustrated the whole Listel board, because I tend to bring the good in all people I team up with.}

Softsapphire gets a little shocked by the intimity Stormrage's offers.

{Be careful with your intimacy. For now, I must first say that I am still taking care of you, and we better not involve ourselves too deeply. But also, I have someone back home, waiting. Well, I have my team; but I have that special person as well waiting me back there, a quite deep relation.}
Stormrage smiles warmly, drawing back her mental contact to mere communication out of respect sanzaing, {Of course sweet sister. I ...understand. My Malirtin 'Shining-Silver'.. may yet live. she was gravely injured.. but I got her off the Deathwind.. with several others... none of them known closely but crew-sisters I manged to save for the dying warship. I... sometimes wonder if I could have... or would have saved more if I had not focused so on saving my dearest 'Shining-Silver'. It has been almost a year now.. and I have not heard if she survived as she was taken to a medical frigate... and I was put back into battle immediately. No knowing can be... terrible... especially when one is... so use to such intimate contact with someone... so very dear.}

The unhidden undercurrent of her emotions is rather... shocking! Stormrage enjoyed Softsapphire's reaction to her brief intimate contact... a fiery lust and deep appetites stirred within her. There is no doubt to Softsapphire that Stormrage is a most passionate and fiery of lovers... almost shamefully lecherous in her attractions...

If there is a Loroi that might understand Softsapphire's intimate relationship with her Barsam... Stormrage would be the one... her emotions show no shock at the brief revelation of softsapphire's emotions for her Barsam... in fact if anything a slight touch of envy. But it is mostly joy that she has such a strong emotional gift.
{I believe we could be great friends; Barsam-sister if you get my meaning. But on my side, I have "him". And on your side, I believe you have found someone...}
Storm's emotions swirl uncertain and ... pensive, { I.. I'm uncertain... he is so .. hard to read. I...don't know how close we can ever be... if I can't really touch... feel... or even 'see' his mind... He may not feel anything for me... merely embarrassment at so strange a sensation as feeling my mind.. }
{Well, I guessed right. Keep your most intimate thoughts for him. Trust me, what you have described there makes it clear to me what you feel, even though you yourself are just starting to understand it.

For the moment... let's just take our time about all this. You have found yourself someone special. I won't hide that your relation would also help me understand their whole lotai thing. But all in all, it will be a win-win scenario for us all. Interesting about his definition. He was there, but as a colorless shape.

And... from what you describe, it is fairly clear that what you felt, he also feels. He might not have sanzai and a strong lotai, so he will show it differently I suppose. But he clearly loved it.}
Her emotional reaction is one of roiling desires sparked to flames spreading but unfocused... she is still not sure...


Then propriety reasserts itself and she gathers her mental resources. Her mind shields are raised but politely and she stands taller, sanzaing {Thank you again crew-sister - I will never forget your kind attention. I will see you on a regular basis to work out my emotional injuries, but I must be going I have duties to see to and Sunbloom wishes to confer with me.. best I get to my responsibilities.}

She turns and smiles one last time before leaving the room.
Stormrage exists Softsapphire's quarters her pretty emerald gaze is intense but her stride is more certain... and lighter somehow.

Then she catches Thoughtvenoms garbled broad sanzai sending...

«I shall soon make an attempt at consuming Human food in order to counteract [incomprehensible]. If any of you wish to join me, I am ‹here›‹there›‹everywhere›‹nowhere› in what said Humans call a ‘mess-hall’. UnlessyouhaveconvokedaquorumelsewhereinwhichcaseIrequestofyoutodivineformeitslocation.»
And turns to look her direction as she heads for the airlock concern clear in her expression...

Stormrage strides urgently over to Thoughtvenom and speaks, "...are you unwell dear crew-sister?"

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:05 pm
by Hālian
sunphoenix wrote:She walks over to Thoughtvenom and speaks, "...are you unwell dear crew-sister?"
Malidasaria yawns.

“False. I am well but for the level of my stomach.”

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:24 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage watches her closely... but can see no reason to doubt her declaration of health.

Eying her long luxuriant dark hair and the loose fit of her human crewsuit Stormrage smiles.. somewhat lasciviously, and speaks in a low voice, "...I would be careful crew-sister.. you may gain the more than admiring attention of the human males in their dining room... "

Then louder, "Well if you are well. Ah. I forget about your.. mental scaring... I understand now... get some food if you can, but I think Twilightsaber and Sun Bloom may be discussing that right now... if you'll excuse me."

Storm turns and continues on to Sun Blooms quarters... apparently her signature sense telling her Twlilightsaber is with her.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:29 pm
by Hālian
The Mizol smiles back just as lasciviously.

“Very well. Deinar prevails.”

And with that she resumes her walk to the mess hall..

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:35 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage stifles a chuckle with her hand but her eyes speak of certainly naughty thoughts, {I think I may not be the only one interested in trying out these 'hot-blooded' males of humaniti...}

...she watches Thoughtvenom leave smiling mischievously.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:24 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: Hm... a bit too many layers of events here...]

Ensign Cho felt a bit relieved as the Loroi officer which she had to speak to was not some kind of blue skinned Valkyrie, ready to kill her at any moment. Or maybe it was the soft voice of that woman that made her relax? She couldn´t tell. However, thinking about those questions drove those old memories out of her mind, which was a good thing.

"Yes, Mallas Nelopaio, or simply Nelopaio is perfectly acceptable Ensign Cho. Soroin is my caste, those who act as both crew and soldiers. Mallas is my rank, sufficient to be second in command on a warship. Nelopaio is my spoken name... Sunbloom."

[I... I think I understand. Seo-yeon is my ... personal name, I think it means "deep luck" *. "Cho" is the name of my family.]
[*= This was the only translation I could find on the Internet. Maybe someone with more insight of the korean language could correct me if I am wrong.][/color]

"Mmm. Perhaps that would be a good idea, yes. I'm sure many of our crew could use some sort of release. It's been... Tense. As for the 'issues', merely concern over the state of mind of one who has pushed herself harder than the rest. As befits my rank, with our captain incapacitated, the responsibilities fall to me." "Your idea has merit, and would be appreciated."

[I think I can show you that area after the meal. Maybe we meet our Officer who is second in command there. Would you like to speak with him, if that is the case?]

after a short pause she added:

[Speaking of the meal... are there any "cultural things" that me might know of? Some kind of dietary laws for example?]

"If I might ask, Ensign Cho, what duties do you perform aboard this vessel? Are you to be our liaison with our counterparts on it's command crew?"

This question surprised her. She wasn´t sure what to answer her... Did she look that weak to her?
[Uhm... I... am Cydonias Communications Officer... Translation, Cryptology and Communication with... other vessels... falls in my area of responsibility. The... captain chose me with this... task, because he knows of my... linguistic talents... and he wants no misunderstandings or problems. I... hope this is not a problem?]


Twilightsaber observed those two human females. The one in the door looked indeed almost like a loroi Teidar. Her facial expressions and those ice cold eyes remembered her of someone back on the station... But she didn´t remember who it was. However, she could stare at her, as much as she wanted.
That other female was a whole different story. The Mizol carefully observed the conversation between her and Nelopaio. She felt a bit sorry for that young Officer... But could that be only trick to fool them? She had to think about that...
Doing so, she realized that Stormrage was awake, but she was still not here... What was she doing?
She started to reach out into her mind, carefully and hidden. In a way only a true Mizol cast member could do. However, her shielding was very strong, except one moment of weakness and she realized that Softsapphire was with her.

{Those two? How... interesting...} using her voice she said:
[Nelopaio, I dont want to interrupt you, but our... "special" crewsister will be here in a few moments...]
and added in sanzai to Nelopaio:
{Stormrage and Softsapphire had... "discussed" something. I leave it to you to decide how we should solve that problem with Stormrage. Some other sisters are already awake and some of them are hungry, so we should not delay that "meal" for too long.}
[Edit: Some changes.]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:00 pm
by Suederwind
[Just a minor OOC post. Here is the map of Cydonia Link The messdeck is on the middle deck, marked with "E" while the guest quarters are on the same deck, but marked with "H". I hope this makes things clearer now. ;) ]

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:15 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage enters Sun Blooms room not requesting entry as she is expected...

And is surprised to find the human female crewmen there...

Storm walks up not having had any close contact with human females she eyed them curiously.

They were about the same stature and build as Loroi females... faintly she smelled... flowers of some sort. The scent of human female flesh she pondered... or are they wearing some form of perfume? Judging them closely... Storm could understand why human males might find Loroi so appealing.. human females were very similar in build and makeup. Fascinating... briefly she wondered if human females would have a different lotai 'feel' to them...

Stormrage only nodded in greeting remaining silent for the time being for Sunbloom to direct her to where she would want to speak. She did not cherish the thought of 'experimenting' with human food... especially when she was finally feeling her own hunger growing...

She waited to be addressed... sanzaing, {Sun Bloom. You wished to speak with me?}

Was she supposed to met these human women for some reason she wondered?

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:24 pm
by Yiuel
Softsapphire was getting ready. She knew that the next step will be the meal. Nobody knew what food should they eat; she thus decided to bring her personal analyser to check out the food. How many times did it save her from a very bad stomachache with the Neridi. All dressed up in her Lister attire, she got out, and then addressed Twilightsaber through Sanzai.

{Twilightsaber, I wish to speak with you. I also made sure to bring my analyser; I don't want any of you to get a stomachache by eating food that doesn't suit Loroi metabolism. At least, I know that the basics of our internal chemisty match; we share the same chirality.}

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 10:32 pm
by Suederwind
To Softsapphire:
{I am listening, sister. What do you want to talk about? Its a wise choice to bring that analyser along...}
She sanzaied this to her, together with a strong, but friendly feeling of curiosity.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:02 pm
by Charlie
Charlie did not notice as Roland sat, strange considering Charlie liked the man.

{I'm still distracted...}

[Good morning sir.]

Roland nodded in the direction of Commander Ferox.

[Charlie, hope the eggs are better than they look today.]

[Not by much, and I haven`t even have any.]

Charlie answered.

The three men ate breakfast and drank coffee in relative silence, no one saying much. Then what can only be described as a throng of giggling school girls hovered at the edge of Charlie`s perception. But at the moment Charlie still felt distracted, and gave them no notice.

[Good morning!] spoke Ensign Anderson in a obviously mischievous voice, as usual, Charlie however could not see her big smile as he did not look up.

The small women glided into her seat with hardly a sound, and sipped at her coffee.

Charlie felt something weird... he found out what a moment later he he hazarded a glance at Ensign Anderson. She was staring at him as far as he could guess, but she had a huge grin - as if she knew something secret.

{I hope she doesn`t know anything... She can`t I don`t remember anyone else...}

[Oh, poor Charlie...]

{What? What does she know?}

[What's it all about?] Hadrid said, finishing his coffee.

[Ah never mind probably I don't want to know.]

Charlie relief was palpable.

Commander Ferox stood and looked at Roland and spoke.

[Sergeant, please sent those training drills which you were working on to my computer. I will look at them in free time.. ]

Ensign Anderson turned to Ferox as he was about to leave, a look of worry clear on her face.

[Sir... you´re leaving already? I´m sorry... It was just some gossip about him and I wanted to check if he was okay...]

Then he left, heading towards "kitchen return window", and promptly dropped off his tray.

{I have to find out what she knows...}

Charlie looked at Ensign Anderson, he looked more distressed than before.

[Uhm... Ensign? I'm... fine. Would you mind telling me what they are saying?

Charlie remained looking hopefully in Anderson`s direction.

Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:24 am
by Yiuel
To Twilightsaber:
{I am listening, sister. What do you want to talk about? Its a wise choice to bring that analyser along...}

{Well, first, I wanted to let you know about Stormrage. She is feeling well, but I will go through a few sessions with her to heal a wound she got long in the past that wasn't well healed. This should not impede on her duties, and it will make her even better. I also checked on her relation with the human and will keep monitoring about it.

Otherwise, I still have that meeting with their own Listel, or "scientist" as they say. I believe I heard he had some issues, but I will also question him on a few things. Also, I will try to get a hold on the human Stormrage touched. I want to make sure he is alright as well. And if he isn't, well they have a good psychologist and a professional about sanzai on hand to help him.}