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Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (BANANA FISH)

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:56 am
by ed_montague
javcs wrote:
ed_montague wrote:Sounds wonderful. As soon as the worse of the bleeding stops (good God, I had no idea this amount of blood could fit into a human head!) I'll grab a bite to eat.
Ooh, ouch.

Drinking some icewater (or other cold drink) could help slow the bleeding a bit.
Doing that. The worst of the bloodflow seems to have stopped, and when I can no longer stand the blood pooling in my mouth I go rinse it out, then take a few sips of ginger ale.

Actually, hang on, I've stopped bleeding. Just ate some Greek yoghurt. Things are looking up in the world.
Tomorrow, when I get the time, I'll post a few things here. Stay tuned...

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (BANANA FISH)

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:42 pm
by Michael
Staying tuned :) hope you're mouth feels better soon! I think I might be one oft he lucky one's that doesn't need their wisdom teeth out, but I remember when I tripped and smacked one of my top incisors on a coal bucket, very painful so I know how you feel kind of! :)

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 10:24 pm
by ed_montague
My mouth feels wonderful right now. To celebrate, here's more random writings. Enjoy.

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:36 pm
by Fotiadis_110
YAY writings! *reads them all*

very nice. :D

And unfortunately i almost had something written like a week after my last instalment, but it stalled.
Then a weeks vacation, a new computer game or three, and writers block have conspired against me, leading to over a months distraction time and no epicness :(.

Re-reading my past writings, I'm ashamed to say my latest instalment has been forced into new perspectives and lost some of the style I was writing, as well as whatever elegance I was relying upon.
It also gets the business end done in a single post leaving me with the epilogue and discussions that follow the event to write for my own amusement.

Question is: do I post as is in full? Do i instead just post the last conversation pieces (I have two), and see if they help inspire epicness into the business post, or do i post my thoughts and ideas, and end the suspense already?
May the forum decide!

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:45 pm
by ed_montague
Fotiadis_110 wrote:YAY writings! *reads them all*

very nice. :D

And unfortunately i almost had something written like a week after my last instalment, but it stalled.
Then a weeks vacation, a new computer game or three, and writers block have conspired against me, leading to over a months distraction time and no epicness :(.

Re-reading my past writings, I'm ashamed to say my latest instalment has been forced into new perspectives and lost some of the style I was writing, as well as whatever elegance I was relying upon.
It also gets the business end done in a single post leaving me with the epilogue and discussions that follow the event to write for my own amusement.

Question is: do I post as is in full? Do i instead just post the last conversation pieces (I have two), and see if they help inspire epicness into the business post, or do i post my thoughts and ideas, and end the suspense already?
May the forum decide!
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you're baaaaaaack

I mean, hi. Nice to see you again. Um. (Note the use of the informal modifier, a typical human verbal tic.)

Go ahead and post. We desperately need more writers. And writings. It doesn't matter if your newest writing has all the elegance of a smashed keyboard, I want to read them. Especially if it contains human/Loroi slashfic that sentence never existed I swear

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:07 pm
by Fotiadis_110
I have not mashed a keyboard for writing purposes in...


well at least two months :p
(assuming you ignore last tuesday)

As for my writing, it feels off, but I can move forwards and enjoy more ship to ship communications as opposed to focusing on activities among individuals.

anyway: maybe this will explain what happens properly, if anything needs clarifying, plz point it out so I can resolve confusion (as I said i'm somewhat in a weird place with my writing, so I anticipate i've left gaping plotholes that could consume battleships)
The sensor chief █████ aboard the starbase ████████, looked on anxiously, frustrated by the idiocy of the Humaniti pilots, and fearing for the consequences of the upcoming battle, while monitoring the combat on long range sensors, the cluster of 20 Unimak vessels, supported by a squad of a dozen gunships continued on their path, weaving through the random barrage of long ranged Loroi plasma shots, seeking to get closer aiming to enter their own effective range, the probing attacks of the Loroi vessels failing to discourage or deter them, after all when facing a total of 15 patrol craft with a measly 6 fighters, the numbers alone significantly favoured them.
None the less, barrelling in from behind, outpacing the ‘protective’ warships, but due to arrive in the midst of the battle as the Umiak entered effective range against the Loroi patrol forces, came almost 30 empty cargo ships, all apparently showing signs of acceleration described as impossible according to their designs, actively random walking to make simple sniping at range with unchanging course more difficult.
Although she kept reminding her staff to check on the position and status of other warships in the system so their logs would accurately reflect the occurances in the battle, the eyes of none in the room were focusing on their allocated task, instead watching the feeds from the battle that would already be over before they had seen it begin, occurring almost half a light hour away.
The feelings in the room, projected subconsciously by each and every loroi were mixed, and confused, anger at the stupidity, sadness at the losses that would inevitably occur, pride in the courage of the idiots running to their deaths, resentment that the poor fools would ignore any sense of reason and go and end themselves.
The Loroi warships were trying to maintain a decent distance between them and the Umiak opposing forces, to help capitalise on their slightly superior accuracy, and effective range of their weapons, while keeping the difference in speed between the two manageable, so that they could pursue the Umiak if they dived upon the transports, or perhaps the planet and it’s starbase instead, what this cost them, was the ability to easily and safely dis-engage, on the other hand, the incoming transports were carrying into the battle a large amount of speed, and would, if they survived, be difficult to pursue if the Umiak elected to chase them, but should according to theory, be unable to pursue the Umiak, on the other hand, they were showing signs of acceleration at speeds that the transport engines were not supposed to be capable of achieving.

The chief only had one thought in her mind that kept returning while she tried to comprehend what was going on, continue to perform her job, and still monitor the rapidly changing events occurring on the main screen before her. Whats with those crazy monkeys?

“Sir, all systems are operational, but we have too much speed, we risk frying the dampeners if we want to slow down quickly, but the gunners are happy to report their guns are recharging as fast as they can shoot them”

“Good, so the reactor is behaving itself?”

“For the most part, we are seeing occasional spikes, but we can manage them so far”

“Right boys, we ride in hot, and don’t be afraid to take a few pot shots!”


*** Printing: '███████ of war, Military history text: Umiak Wars, Excerpt: pages 5 to End

The Human captains lead their transport flotilla on a course that would cut betweent he Umiak and Loroi forces, far closer to the Umiak side than to the Loroi, hoping to achieve either distraction, or simply provide deterrents to the Umiak force, with the goal of forcing them to dis-engage, which would secure the safety of friendly transports and warships in the system, unfortunately the Umiak elected to ignore the transports completely, foiling both objectives, however on the eve of battle, the Humans persisted on their path, seeking to close the distance between them an the Umiak, which caught both the Umiak and Loroi somewhat by surprise.
Neither side paid more than curious notice to it, given at the time both sides were directly within energy weapon range, hoping to evade and avoid taking hits from their opponents weapons.
At least they ignored them till a destroyer near the leading edge of the Umiak force exploded, followed shortly after by three gunships also near the transports, without seeing any of the telltale flashes or signals of plasma weaponry, or record of lucky lazer hits either. The Umiak commander initially assumed unlucky odds regarding overloading reactor cores, but when a further 6 warships started to peel away from the battle, citing loss of atmosphere on multiple decks, and seeing for himself a plasma cannon explode before him on a nearby ship as a transport passed within extreme close range, he made the call to withdraw, at least until they understood what devious weapon the loroi were deploying upon the transports, or had laced the space they were flying through with.
In their terror, the Umiak turned their guns upon the transports, initially finding nothing but empty space as the transports pulled manoeuvres requiring between 25 and 40 Gs of acceleration, before finding some of their marks on the nearest transports, ultimately destroying six before finding their rear guns were incapable of penetrating their defensive screens.
Given basic training, even the commander of this raid was aware that no transport should be able to accelerate as fast, or faster than a warship, no transport he had ever heard of in this size class should be able to deflect a point defence plasma blaster at close range, and definitely no transport had ever crippled warships in combat without some kind of weapon.
Thus, forced to assume the transports were a new category of secret warship, and without any certainty of exactly how many or what sort of ships were heading to the jump zone, he radioed he was withdrawing from his objective and reforming with the main force.
The humans however, began bringing their overloading and overworn ships back down to original spec, cooling overheaded systems, and grandually stepping down their overdriven drives, inertiatics, weapons and reactors, while still performing burns to slow their ships and restore desirable velocities and vectors of transportation to exit the system.
In this battle, the Loroi took damage on three warships, the human transport flotilla lost 7, one due to an overloading reactor during the stepping down process, and another five were damaged sufficiently they were considered unsafe to perform the jump to the ███████ system and were forced to return to the ███████ starbase for repairs or decommissioning.
Examining the results of the battle, it was noted that the sheer velocity and firepower of human kinetic kill weapons make effective close range brawling weapons, due to the fragility of modern warship composites used for laser and plasma defence, however the effective range of such weapons render them almost worthless in conventional warfare, not to mention the weight penalties of carrying around ammunition for such weapons.
It was however suggested by one Humaniti observer that they would make excellent defences against boarding actions, however it is noted that no major boarding actions have occurred in de*SI:HY
*** - Unknown Error: File Corrupted; Attempt recovery? Accept, Decline, use alternative Software?

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:31 pm
by ed_montague
Sweet. Nice to see Humaniti getting their fifteen minutes of fame. Also, very nice touch with the corrupted information at the end. You think of everything. :D

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:50 pm
by Fotiadis_110
well honestly? the corruption came because it started as an excerpt from a history book, but it felt like it could continue on for a very long time and contribute or spoil the results from the events that I wanted to continue.

So reading it before I finalised by draft and copied it to the forum i had the thought of corrupted data issues.
Had to re-do the description a little of what you were really reading, but it is little brainwaves like that that give me a warm feeling inside, particually when I see how well it worked out.

Pages of text, and momentary sparks of brilliance, that is pretty much how I describe my writing :p

I just hope it isn't boring <_<

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:06 am
by fredgiblet
I have a 9-day weekend coming up, I'm going to do a little writing

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 12:03 pm
by Razor One
Hypothetical Happy Fun Ball Idea Time!

The Loroi have searched the wreckage of the Bellarmine and recovered a sole survivor.

However, Alien Space Bats with Sufficiently Advanced Technology have decided to play a prank upon all involved and replaced Alexander Jardin with one of the following stand-ins:





Hardmode: All of them at the same time.

Double Hardmode: All of them including Jardin survive. Jardin is the only one to realise he's been lumped with fictional characters.

Impossible Mode: All of them at the same time. With all the respective canon between the franchises and Outsider being maintained. Somehow.

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:07 pm
by Hālian
Razor One wrote:Impossible Mode: All of them at the same time. With all the respective canon between the franchises and Outsider being maintained. Somehow.
That would imply that the Tempest could survive a fight with the Planet Express Ship.

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:23 am
by ed_montague
Holy hell.

I wouldn't mind dropping Mal in for a visit, but all of them...

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:44 am
by fredgiblet
Well here's my first attempt. I have plans for another one but I think it'll be even longer so I'm probably going to work on it a bit at a time.
Alex packed up his gear. There wasn’t much, considering how long he’d been out here. It had been nearly 2 years since he had left human controlled space. There were a few things he’d picked up, but there wasn’t much chance to get souvenirs with a war on.

As he put his old jumpsuit into his duffel (it having been long since retired in favor of new clothes from the Loroi) he scanned his quarters one last time, there weren’t many nooks for things to get lost in, but he very much doubted he would get anything back that he left behind. As he sealed the duffel he caught sight of the TCA patch and thought for a moment about how long it had been since he had seen, much less spoken to, another human. “Going back is going to be almost as much of a culture shock as being here” he thought.

He gave the room one last look then shut off the lights as he stepped into the corridor. Beryl waited for him, her white hair was frazzled today as she’d spent the last 36 hours giving reports, it was a mark of how close of friends they had become that she was willing to postpone sleeping to say goodbye to him now, even though he had said goodbye 2 days ago.

“Are you ready to go?” She asked.
Alex sighed, then said “At long last, yes.”
“Have you spoken with everyone?”
“Yes...except Fireblade.”
“Have you tried looking for her?”
“Trying to track down someone who doesn’t want to be found on a ship full of telepaths?” Alex smiled. “I’m not going to waste my time.”
“Aren’t you” Beryl paused for a moment, seeming to struggle to find the right word. “Disappointed?”
Alex looked away for a long moment before responding. “Yes. But I understand what’s going on. Saying goodbye is never easy, and with our...situation, it’s even more difficult.”
“That is true, and Fireblade isn’t that good with inter-personal relationships to begin with”
“Would you do me a favor?” He asked.
“Of course!” Beryl’s face lit up
“Would you tell her that? Tell her that I understand why?”
Beryl nodded and said “I will make sure she understands.”

After a pause Alex said “Well I have a shuttle to catch, and you need to get some sleep. If you ever make your way to Earth look me up, I’ll show you around the place.” Beryl smiled and said “Goodbye Captain Jardin, I hope to see you again once the war is won.” She paused for a beat and stuck her hand out, it took him a second to realize what she was doing, then he shook her hand and pulled her over for a quick hug. Beryl stiffened momentarily but when he let her go she was smiling still. She then yawned, gave a last half-hearted wave and turned to her quarters.

Alex made for the hangar where the human shuttle was loading the Loroi team that was going back on the same freighter. As he made his way down the corridor he nodded to a few crewmates but said nothing, Loroi weren’t usually up for long goodbyes and he had spoken with everyone in the last few days since it had become known that he was going to be leaving. He had a long way to go, and a lot to think about on the way. The last 2 years had been a mix of hectic action and long periods of boredom. He ran through the changes in the war just while he had been here, especially the Battle of Bishires Rainzir which he had been an integral part of. The things that had been discovered about the Historians, Humans and Loroi. Alex felt that his part, while largely unnoticed by the people around him, had probably been the largest out of everyone involved. He would have a hard time proving that he was instrumental in changing the world, but he knew he was, and that was enough.

Going back was going to be interesting. He hadn’t had human food in a LONG time, his English skills were still good since Beryl had insisted on speaking in English frequently so that she could master it, but he had picked up several Loroi mannerisms in his speech and was now more comfortable with Trade than English. Alex also noticed that his comfort level in crowded settings had gone down, his time with the Loroi had made him less comfortable with the idea of touching. Just getting into the habit of avoiding contact to keep his crewmates comfortable had started changing his own attitudes. The thought of going back to the large, crowded cities of Earth was, quite frankly, a little disturbing at this point.

He had made several friends here, as well as...whatever he and Fireblade were. He was going to miss several of them dearly. Beryl was probably the only reason he was sane, and that was saying something given how much a 20-hour “chat” with her could drain a person as she flitted from topic to topic, always remembering exactly where they left off and never wanting to leave to leave a loose end. Ironeye had informed him that being 200 light-years away didn’t excuse him from playing Crossfire with her Rune-Laurel had stated on no uncertain terms that they WOULD have a re-match in basketball, but that she would have to get some practice in first. Alex was sad to go since it would probably be several years before regular communication lines were set up, and even then it would expensive and slow to keep in touch. But duty called, and as much as he’d like stay with his friends here he had friends back on Earth to think of as well.

As he neared the hangar he took the last turn and spotted a bright red-orange plume ahead. Fireblade was leaning against the jamb of the last corridor before the hangar. Alex almost stumbled as his legs seemed to stop working right, half wanting to continue walking, the other half wanting to stand still. The indecision lasted only a split-second and Alex continued walking towards the hangar. Fireblade looked up at him and watched passively as he approached. Alex came up to her and stopped, he turned his head to face her and regarded her silently for a moment. Their eyes locked.

“You’ve been avoiding me” He stated, careful to keep his voice flat
She looked away, paused for a second and nodded slightly
“Have you come to say goodbye?”
She looked back at him, smiled a little and shook her head
Alex was confused. “Then what are you here for?”
She smiled a little more, reached back into the corridor and pulled two bags out, one she slung over her shoulder, the other she held in her hand. She gestured towards the hangar door with her head.
Alex paused, then said “What?”
Fireblade raised an eyebrow and gestured more vigorously towards the hangar
“But...?” Alex blinked, furrowed his brow and then blinked again.

Fireblade sighed, with her free hand she pushed her amp up off her head enough that it wasn’t functional and telekinetically shoved Alex towards the hangar, Alex caught himself, but got the hint and stepped through. Fireblade came through the door after him, caught up to him with a couple quick strides and fell in step beside him as they made their way towards the shuttle.

Alex was still trying to catch up, but he sensed that his return had just gotten orders of magnitude more complicated. Just explaining...whatever was going on between them to his superiors was going to be a challenge. Integrating himself AND her into life back Earth was going to be a huge challenge. There wasn’t much time for rumination as they loaded themselves into the shuttle. The loadmaster initially balked at having an unexpected passenger, but glanced back and forth between Alex and Fireblade a couple times and then shrugged his shoulders and pointed them to a pair of seats that were still available. After they strapped in and the shuttle lifted off Alex looked over at Fireblade for a long moment, her eyes were closed and she almost looked like she was sleeping. Alex smiled as he thought “I’ve risen to every challenge so far, what’s one more?”

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:58 am
by Michael
as always, superb :)

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:12 pm
by ed_montague
oh my

That beats the hell out of everything I've written.

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:18 pm
by Hālian
You have won at fanfiction.

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:26 am
by ed_montague
I'm sorry. I cannot let you bask on your laurels. As a result, I am posting a short, semi-NSFW fanfic that I found on /tg/. I did not write this, but would gladly take the credit if no author steps forward--I mean, I would like to someday meet the author and shake his/her/zem hand. I am not responsible for any mental scarring that may occur as a result of reading bearded space-elf fanfiction. BWAHAHAHAHA ... /#15987461
No matter how hard she tried, Fireblade couldn't hide it. She could conceal her precise intent, but every excuse she made was tainted by an undeniable tension. Not that it mattered. By the time the other Loroi on the ship realized was she was up to, it would be too late.

One Alex Jardin wouldn't even acknowledge the fiery Loroi's entrance into his room. He was too accustomed to them buzzing in and out. All eager, all terrified, of this new being. Fireblade was not one to let her fear rule her existence. If she could not rid herself of it.. she would have to conquer it. The distinct sound of the door sliding open went unheeded. Alex continued to categorize the quality of the food he'd been given by his caretakers.

"Is there something wrong with the food you have been provided?"

Alex didn't need telepathy to figure out she was annoyed. Fireblade's deep voice was more gruff than usual, and a certain edge tainted it. Alex turned slightly to speak to the intruder, "No. I'm just not used to this.. fruit. This one sort of looks like a-" He wasn't allowed to finish his sentence thanks to the boot that collided with his back, but he immediately started to scramble to his feet, "What the hell!"

Yet he never made it off the floor. Fireblade dove on top of him, holding one hand to Alex's throat and pinning him down on his back. A knee, similarly, forced between his legs in an obvious threat to his manhood. Not that he could resist. He could feel her her superior, highly trained, strength in her grip and her arm. Any Loroi warrior took her training seriously. Fireblade much more so.

"Quiet! I would prefer to use as few words as possible in dealing with you. We cannot speak mind to mind, but perhaps action will speak loudly enough."

Fireblade then lightened her grip to allow Alex to breath. Which he only treated as an opportunity.

"Nng. Sorry, I'm not into bearded ladies. I saw one once at a carnival when I was six.. but it didn't do anything for me."

Fireblade gripped Alex's jaw tightly, causing a wince of pain from him, "Cute," She didn't know what a carnival was, but she knew an insult when she heard one "I'm already aware of the status of your native women. I find it hard to believe your people could be satisfied." She used her free hand to guide one of Alex's up to her face. Fireblade alone decided to let her beard grow in fully. Other Loroi were content to leave a token attempt, but she was a proud warrior. She forced his fingers to run through the hair covering her jaw. It wasn't as stiff or scratchy as he expected. Somewhat soft and luxurious.. as well taken care of as any other part of Fireblade's body.

"I'll show you what a real woman is."

"G.. get off me!" Alex barely managed to say through his teeth.

Alex feebly tried to throw off his assailant. Fireblade would grant his request, but gripped the front of his shirt and took the entire front of it up with her as she stood. The ripping sound resounded clearly through the room, and the chunk of cloth was tossed carelessly to the side. Alex's hairless pecks and firm stomach sent a thrill through Fireblade she had not felt since first seeing him as a prisoner. Once she had never felt before then.

Alex didn't question her dazed expression. He took the moment to sweep the red headed Loroi's legs out from under her and leap on top to restrain her. Yet he didn't even lay a hand on her before he was thrust off by a force he could only feel as it crashed against his body. In the next moment, Fireblade was on top of him again. Her long trail of read hair spilled over her shoulder and pooled beside Alex's head on the floor.

She didn't look happy.

"You'll learn to respect me. You're already mine, Alex Jardin. It would be easier if you just accepted this." Before he could question her, she gripped the back of his head and pulled him up into a kiss. The iron grip of the Loroi ensured he would feel her fiery beard caressing him ever so gently as their lips touched. It tickled strangely. When she released him, he dropped to the floor breathlessly. Too confused to say anything even if he could. In truth she didn't want him to accept it. She wanted him to struggle. Without that strength, it was meaningless. Loroi males were so delicate.. so easy to break. Worthless.

"Crazy bitch!"

A desperate fist very nearly found her head. Once again she had gotten too lost in thought. If Alex hadn't shouted, he might have hit her.

"Good!" A low tone purred into Alex's ear. The hair of her chin barely tickled his lobe as Fireblade whispered. "Struggle," she flipped him over and drew one arm around his neck and pulled him back to sit on her lap, "So me your strength. -Then- submit it to me. I'll make you give in! I'll make you be mine."

A fire was in her veins unlike any she had ever felt before. Her senses forced into a keenness not brought on by any battle she had been in before.

Fireblade forced herself to focus and took advantage of Alex's confusion to remove the tattered remains of his shirt. Her hand next roamed down and slipped into the waistline of his jumpsuit, and a pleased, if not sadistic, grin formed at what she found, "I thought you didn't like your women with beards, Alex Jardin."

Alex plied his full strength against her in an instant, nearly wrenching himself from her grasp. There was a moment of struggle where Fireblade desperately tried to keep her hold on him. She regained control by wrapping both legs around his waist and clamping down. Alex could hardly believe such slender legs were so strong! He could hardly breath again.

"F.. fuck you."

"Not yet. You have to earn the right to see my other beard."

Her tone didn't waver, but Alex's attention was drawn to the feeling of heat pressed on his lower back. The heat radiating from between her legs betrayed her as anything but calm. The more he thought about it, the more he swore he could feel the quiver of anticipation in the Loroi's toned body.

"Ah, there it is again." She taunted.

"Dammit! Go down! You're not supposed to like this!"

"Is it customary for human males to talk to their genitalia?"

There was a curious tug at his ear, and the now familiar tickle of red beard on the back of his neck, before he could think of a proper reply. Fireblade's teeth gently nibbled on the edge of Alex's curiously rounded ears. It was a minor difference between them, but it endlessly fascinated her. She continued this activity till she felt Alex relax, and his reward was the withdraw of her legs to allow him to breath. In his weakened state, he wasn't able to make the escape he would like.

Hands slowly roamed through Alex's hair before Fireblade slipped out from under him. Before long, she stood towering above him, and all his addled mind allowed him to do was stare back up at her in wait for her next move. This came when a foot lifted and pressed her boot against his crotch. A momentary wince followed, but Alex found himself able to relax as the boot slowly rubbed against his hardened manhood. The reddening of his face must have betrayed him because she smirked and started to remove her uniform.

The miscellaneous bits of armor went first. Just enough removed so she could pull open the front of her suit. Her slender fingers took pleasure in slowly peeling it open to first reveal once smooth blue shoulder. Again Alex marveled at how she could be so strong yet show so little sign of it, but his eyes were soon torn away to her chest. The suit slowly revealing perfectly perky tits, but she stopped just as the edge of her nipple came into view.

"Are you enjoying yourself, Alex Jardin?"

He only continued to stare up at her slack jawed and dumbstruck as she peeled herself the rest of the way out of her uniform. Smooth blue skin greeted his eager eyes till the sudden appearance of the fire covering of her crotch. Once freed she got to her knees in front of him and forced her way between his legs. She pulled open his own uniform until granted access to his hardened manhood. Fireblade then pushed herself forward.. letting the heat of her arousal press firm against Alex's cock. He tensed at the sensation of her touch, and his cock jumped dangerously against her.

Fireblade merely smirked again and pulled away. Soon back to her feet and slipping back into her uniform.

"B.. but.. I.. wha," He couldn't seem to do much besides babble despite every effort.. so he only stared at her cruelly concealed body.

"You," She grabbed his hand and once again forced the fingers through her thick beard, "I will be waiting in my quarters. You will beg me."

Alex brought on a slow nod

"Good," Fireblade moved to the door of his room, which responded with a distinct swish of it opening, "It is there I will teach you what I expect of my males."
Also, I am currently wearing this facial expression:

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 7:08 pm
by Michael
A problem has been detected and the system had to shut down in order to prevent damage to the system, if this is the first time you are seeing this error screen then reboot.
In short montague, I think you just made my imagination throw the Blue Screen of Death at me....I think I need to lie down now

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:33 am
by ed_montague

Re: Reflections on the Hypothetical [fanfic] (DISCO INFERNO)

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 8:54 am
by Suederwind
Good lord, I think I need something stronger than my ordinary whisky to delete these pictures in my mind. :shock: