[Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by kiwi »

It's Full of Stars, part 4A: alternate ending

OK, so Novus pitched in, and I think it offers more dramatic opportunity because gets to make choices rather than live the dream. However, that would make it the middle of the story rather than the end.

In order to clear out some brain space, I'm going to write out the now alternate ending (safely contained within a Spoiler tag), before attempting to grapple with the version of Tempo who's worked out what's going on.

Author's notes:
  • please note that orbital dynamics do not work well in this dream. Because it's a dream. Future androids may well dream of elliptical sheep
  • techincally, they should take a pod each for redundancy, but I didn't want to get hung up on piloting
  • autocorrect keeps changing "lidar" to "liar." This does not bode well
  • in the absence of different font choices, I'm using (bad) German to represent Alex speaking a language the Loroi can't understand.

EDIT: typos

"Well, " Alex said, "Mission Control really isn't going to like this.

"We've got about ninety minutes until they get back to us with instructions, so we should work up the passive observations while we wait."

There followed about 4096 solons of disgustingly primitive measurement and geometry calculations. With Tempo operating the telescope while Alex took down notes with a primitive pencil and paper. He then proceeded to manually do the calculations with reference to a booklet of mathematical tables. If humaniti was still doing important calculations on paper, they were likely useless militarily.

"All right, it's 2.0 kilometres long by 0.9 kilometres wide by 0.2 kilometres thick. Near as damn, thats a 1 to 4 to 9 ratio again. Just like the one on the moon."

One on the moon? There's more than one of these in humaniti space?


Mission Control first issued instructions to do nothing, then instructions to observe the object, then instructions not to approach the object, then instructions not to retreat from the object. Following the latter two would prove difficult, because they were on a slightly different orbit.

"Right," Alex said. "I'm calling it. We'll coast ballistically for now, and wait for Mission Control to make up their minds. In the mean time, how about lunch?"

I just ate a few hours ago, how could we have an... "Yeah, lunch would be good." Tempo was surprised at the words coming, unbidden, out of her mouth.

Lunch turned out to be something called 'stroganoff.' It was bland, and Tempo confirmed once again the apparently universal law that military food was terrible. Alex commented, "Aren't you glad we saved one of the nice breakfasts for this morning?"


At long last, instructions came to approach the Monolith in an EVA pod. Tempo and Alex rushed to the pod bay - an the largest space she'd seen on the vessel so far - and put on ugly flight suits with clunky life support packs. The crude construction and - ugh - sanitary undergarment left a lot to be desired, but there was no way Tempo would miss out on a closer look at a Soia artefact.

The EVA pods were, surprisingly, a good idea. Alex and Tempo squeezed into one via a simple bulkhead hatch, closed up the hatches, closed up the EVA pod hatch, and launched. That's a good design. Maybe these humans aren't as useless as they look.

"Alex Jardin and Tempo Poole out for EVA in pod 1." Alex said. "We are proceeding to the monolith."

As they approached, the Monolith got larger and larger. The text disappeared from the side, leaving a rectangle of absolute black. Tempo stared, overcome by the sheer size of it. This featureless expanse was the least comprehensible Soia artefact she'd ever seen, but it was active and she was visiting it and - human body or no - she would damn well learn whatever she could.

Alex piloted the EVA pod closer to the Monolith, eventually making a careful circuit. "It's totally opaque. I don't see any reflections." He glanced at the crude instruments. "No radar returns."

"Any lidar return?" Asked Tempo.

Alex stared. "The lidar wasn't ready, and you know it. What's up with you today, Tempo? You've been acting weird."

Oh damn... Tempo thought. He mustn't find out. "I..." she briefly considered killing him and taking the pod, but she didn't know how to fly it, and who would believe an accident killed just him, and there might be surveillance in the pod, and...

"... didn't sleep well?" Alex asked. It was remarkable how he kept offering conversation...

"Yes!" Thank goodness he can't sanzai.

"A lidar would be nice, but we have to make do with a strobe light." Equipment shortages were clearly not just a Loroi specialty. He reached out and flicked some toggle switches. A faint whineeeeeeeeee-click-whineeeeeeeee-click filled the cabin. "Well, either the strobe's broken or the Monolith doesn't reflect. Going in closer."

As they got closer to the Monolith, the surface remained absolutely black. It almost hurt Tempo's eyes to know that there was something very large there that could only be seen by occultation.

"Alex..." she began, trying to gauge the object's size. It didn't help that she was very hazy on exactly how long a meter was. "... are we too close?"

"The inertial navigation unit says we should be a couple of kilometers away. Unless it's moved."

She stared at black edge of stars going out. "It's moved! Back away!"

Alex slammed on the controls, causing the pod to lurch backwards. "Gonna be tight! Emergency!"

They stared out the viewport as the black line seemed to extend across the whole universe. As it got closer and closer they could finally see something in the darkness. Alex kept talking "I don't think we're clear. Seeing depth inside the target, like a black tube. Something at the far end. Light emitting. My god, it's full of stars!"

And the blackness enveloped them.


Tempo woke suddenly, horribly. Her ear hurt, and there was a lot of sanzai happening.

Fireblade: We might have to kill it :evil: .
Berly: No! I am in charge of him, and we're not killing him :x !
Fireblade: Yet
Talon: This is my shuttle, and I don't want anyone getting killed :shock: .
Cloud: Why is this such a big deal. You talk in your sleep all the time, Fireblade
Fireblade: This is a totally different situation. You have no idea what shell trick this might be. And I wake up before someone nearly rips my ear off.

Tempo shouted "What is going on?"

Fireblade: You're awake! Good :!: What did that thing do to you :evil: ?

Now that Tempo opened her eyes, she saw Fireblade glaring at the sleeping outsider. He was pushed over towards a bulkhead, Cloud was aiming her pistol at him, and everyone else had cleared off to the opposite bulkhead. This was a mess.

He groaned. "Uhhhhhhhhhh. Was passiert?" He opened his eyes, saw Cloud's pistol, and hurriedly asked, "What is happening?"

Beryl, excitable as she is, jumped in: "Tempo was calling out and we couldn't wake her up! We thought you had done something!"

Alex looked around the room. "What? I was asleep. How could I do something while I was asleep?"

Tempo stood. "Stop." I was trying to see under his Lotai. I fell asleep and woke up on a human ship and saw a massive Soia artifact - it was thousands of mannals long and active :D ! She paused. "What was that artefact, captain Jardin?"

"What artefact?"

"The Monolith*"

Alex stared. "What monolith?" His eyes flicked from Tempo to Berly to Fireblade and then back, solidly, to Cloud. Tempo wished she could see his mind.

"The one we just visited."

"We didn't visit anything." He was definitely hiding something.

Tempo glared. "We were just there moments ago. We were on a space station and went to see the monolith in some kind of maintenance pod."

"Tempo, we didn't go anywhere. I lay down on this shuttle, I went to sleep on this shuttle, I just woke up - after far too little sleep - on this shuttle." He rubbed his face and took a deep breath. "I had a traum**..." He looked up and stared hard at Tempo. Fireblade shifted a little closer to the imaginary line between them, brows furrowed.

"Tempo, what did you see?"

"I saw a great black prism, it was 2 tilometers long." Thousands of mannals. I'm not sure I said that right.. Alex's looked anxious. Tempo found it strange that he was clearly thinking, but she couldn't sense any of it. Time to press. "Humaniti clearly has a number Soia artefacts in your native star system. At least one of which is active. You somehow took me there to see it."

Now Alex looked sad.

Beryl - damn her - helpfully sent You didn't go anywhere, Tempo.

Shut up. "It was an active artefact, it had writing on it. The artefacts never operate on their own, so somewhere the Soia are alive and monitoring it. This information is of upmost priority, and I need to know everything about it." This would be the assignment that made her. Not just a new species, but new Soia artefacts, maybe the Asoka themselves!

"I understand now," he said. He prepared to stand up, but stopped at a small noise from Cloud. He sat up instead. "You broke into my dream." There was a pause. "You broke into my dream! That is a major invasion of my confidentiality - nein.... - privacy!"

Tempo scowled down at him. "You have not been honest with us. You told me humaniti had no contact with the Soia, but I saw the proof myself."

Fireblade stalked closer, and Alex twitched back. He spoke fast; "No. I haven't hidden anything, Tempo. You broke into my head - which most humans would consider criminal assault - and got back disinform... fiction***. An old story, made up."

Fireblade: Lying scum. Say the word and I'll break his legs.

Beryl: Don't! I'm responsible for his well-being.

Tempo: I can get the information out of him. If nothing else, he'll have to sleep eventually. "Captain Jardin, keeping secrets from us is not the way to succeed in your diplomatic mission. Loroi do not lie," Shut up, Fireblade, "and we demand the truth from others."

"I haven't lied, Mizol Parat Tempo. I have a question for you: what happens when you sleep?"

"That's not relevant."

"Yes, it is relevant. It is very relevant. Do you see things in the night?"

Beryl spoke: "Yes. We see memories in the night. We sort them for later recall."

"It's similar in humans. Sometimes we see whole memories, sometime disorganised fragments. Other times, we see things which aren't true and don't make sense." His face suddenly softened, and his voice became calmer. "They can feel very real, but when we wake up and examine them, they don't make sense."

"It must have been a memory. It was so perfect. The artefact is an amazing opportunity. You. Should. Have. Told. Us."

Now Alex looked a little sad. "Ohh, this one has really stuck to you." He looked at Beryl, then continued: "Are the images you see in the night just memories? Not fresh information?"

"Of course. Where would fresh information come from?"

Tempo waited. Let the humaniti try more lies.

"It was memories of an old fiction story, mixed up a bit. You broke in and got a role to play. The thing about dreams is that you don't have your full mind working on a problem. You ignore ... Unstimmigkeiten ... uhh, facts which do not all agree with each other, you don't think about other options.

"Didn't you think it was strange you could speak English?

"Didn't you think it was strange we could eat the same food?

"Didn't you notice how we moved from one time to the next with nothing in between?"

He stared at her again. She suddenly realised that, like other aliens, he would be adept at reading faces and bodies. And that, unlike other aliens, he was effective very familiar with Loroi faces and bodies.

"Yes, you know it. But you don't want to admit it to yourself. So, Tempo Poole, who is Jack?"

"My Ehemann****." Oh no, that's not right.

"Where did you heiraten*****?"

Tempo had nothing. Even Beryl, who normally was as subtle as a hand grenade, had picked up that something was badly wrong. Tempo's Jack, with the tight pants and the motorbike and the read smile, had not broken his leg. He didn't exist.

None of it existed. The station, the artefact, the idea of Jack, nothing. She had been taken in and tricked by this human, who claimed to have no telepathic skill. She was a senior Mizol operative, and she had taken the bait.

Beryl: Are you all right, Tempo?

No. Stillstorm would never let her forget this. And Beryl, naive, excitable Beryl, would remember everything. Stillstorm was sure to ask for a viewing...

* It turns out to be the same in English and German. I love it when that happens. English is such a mish-mash that there are all kinds of 'friendly' words, but you've got to keep an eye on 'bekommen' or you'll get what's coming to you.
** Dream. I'm betting Alex doesn't know this vocab.
*** My head cannon: the words are 'disinformation' and 'fiction' are close in Trade.
**** Husband (explicit form, generally just shortened to Mann)
***** Marry (I have no idea what to do in terms of conjugating this example, because English and German conjugations don't really line up and English doesn't support du / Sie)

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by kiwi »

All right, it's been a month since Novius contributed.

After days of procrastinating, tidying the house, doing lots of laundry* and accidentally losing the first time I tried to write this a few days ago (O back button, I repent! Please set aside your wrath!), here are some plot thoughts for those who care to see how the mess is made.
What does Tempo know:
  • worked out it's a dream
  • worked out she's getting extraneous 'knowledge' / behaviours from somewhere
  • has decided to play along
  • is aware that things may be symbolic/metaphorical
What does Tempo want to know:
  • is Alex a Hierarchy trap?
  • have humans seen Soia artefacts?
  • is humaniti useful to the loroi?
  • gain impression of human technology / operations
Where could story go from here?
  • Having worked out what's going on, I feel that Tempo's wants should influence what happens
  • Could bring in HAL9000 as a metaphor for the Pocket Historian. (Not too keen on that, because I don't want to tangle too much with the real mainline story)
  • Could have a sudden change of venue, as dreams sometimes do. (Would have to be careful to avoid railroading... I'll think about it)
  • Alex could transition to lucid dreaming and become properly aware of Tempo
  • Tempo could attempt to mine as much information from the dream-ship as possible. (And be thoroughly mislead by the age of the source material :D )
  • Tempo could learn many 'useful' things about humaniti. (In accordance with the traditions of Commonwealth countries, this feels entirely unrealistic, so instead she will get the wrong end of the stick and proceed to learn the wrong things about humaniti)
  • Tempo could learn about Alex's background
  • Alex could learn about Tempo's background. Maybe he's a good listener when the fate of the human race isn't resting on his shoulders
* We hate clothes shopping, and wait for ages, then end up with a huge pile of clothes to launder before we can wear them. Also, for some reason, a crapload of women's clothes these days are 'hand wash, line dry flat in shade.' I think the chain just puts that on all their clothes (i.e. are lying pains in the arse), but the cost of finding out I'm wrong is really high...

On the other hand, we've got a house and clothes and all, so life could be a lot worse.

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by kiwi »

Good news! I'm still alive. I've let this sit for - ahem - ages because I was distracted by our new baby! She's 6 months old, adorable, and full of trouble.

Now, on with the motley. I'm trying to pick up where Novius left off...
Sorry for lack of proofing; I claim new baby!

It's Full of Stars
This was an opportunity to learn something, Tempo knew. It wasn't clear what, but simply seeing Alex's ship was informative; a spin ring was very low technology. The debris from the Bellarmine showed some use of artificial gravity; maybe it was their latest generation vessel?

She looked around the observation cubby. It was cramped - she was in fact pressed up against Alex, but fortunately there was no mental leakage to worry about - and very ... analog. She hadn't had time to properly study the details before, but now that she looked everything was rectangular and precise and fussy. The proportions were odd and everything was straight lines and right angles, but it was clearly well made.

"Now what?" She asked.

Alex smiled. "It's obvious! Picnic lunch on Europa."

She stared. He was just told not to do that. Are all humans this contrary?

"I'm kidding. Wow. You woke up on the serious side of the bed this morning. Let's go report to Mission Control then get lunch."

Lunch consisted of the 'stroganoff' ration. It was grey and unappealing and confirmed the apparently universal law that military food was terrible. Tempo had paid attention on the way back from the observation cupboard. The whole vessel was white and well lit and angular and nothing like a Loroi - too cramped and spare - or Hierarchy design - too cohesive and considered. So, more evidence against him being a Hierarchy plant. That was a relief; finding a new species would be much better than another Hierarchy ploy.

"... Earth to Tempo, come in Tempo." Alex said. She realised he had been speaking for some time. "I said, what do you make of it?"

"I don't know. Have you ever seen anything like it before?"

"Well, there are those rumours about a smaller one on the moon." He began.

And then she made a mistake. "What rumours?"

"You told me about those rumours, Tempo." Suddenly his gaze sharpened. "Tempo..." Now he looked angry. "Mizol Parat Tempo, what are you doing here?." He stood abruptly, and stalked away down the ring. "Of course. Of course you did. Couldn't let it be, you had to poke around."

The ring wasn't very large, and he was now past half way. "The rest of the universe just has to accept that we can never be sure what someone is thinking. But you can't accept that, can you?" And now he was right in front of her. "Can you?"

Clearly he had realised what was happening. "I had to be sure it's not a trick. Your lotai is... troubling."

"Hah. So you choose to attack me in my sleep."

"Hardly an attack!"

"It is to me! Don't you have a concept of privacy?"

It seemed that the male did have a warrior's temperament after all. "It is my duty!"

"Your duty? Fine. Fine! Come do your duty."

Tempo fell into darkness.
Well, someone's in for a ride! I'm not sure what kind of ride, but definitely something!

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by VladimirSlavik »

Oh, congratulations! Is your daughter the first child?

Anyway! Somehow you ended on a trigger word for me. I just had to. You do not have to endorse this, in fact I would be happy to have it split off into another thread if asked.

Before you click that spolier, I'm not a native speaker, didn't write any fiction for the past quarter of the century (and before neither), grammar might be so-so, vocabulary limited, yada yada, read at your own peril. And there might be more to come, so please don't spoil it yet for those who legitimately couldn't tell where this is going...
"It is my duty!"

"Your duty? Fine. Fine! Come do your duty."

Tempo fell into darkness.
For a brief moment, there was nothing but a disorienting sense of rotation. An instant later, her senses returned. She was back in her Loroi body and armor, indeed falling and turning, through a... spherical formation... of mist... churning madly while rotating clockwise, streaked with white luminous bands at the ultraviolet end of the spectrum. At least she was still in a breathable atmosphere.

Where is this? Am I now inside the artifact? Tempo frantically tried to recall its dimensions, but the moment of clarity was already fading, as she was overtaken by the narrative forced by Alex. Several mannals was the best she could do. At this apparent speed, it should not take long before I reach the surface, but then- What was that? Out of the corner of her eye, she glimpsed some other objects falling through the tunnel. The largest was mostly rectangular, but before she could take a better look, a blinding light rushed up to meet her. Here comes the aperture!

All she managed to register was a brightly lit uneven surface rushing up to meet her in a wave of warmness. Then she hit it and lost consciousness for a moment.

As her senses came back yet again, her first thought was that she could not be alive. But there she was, still able to think. The Soia artifact was not only active, but must have been - or contained - a transportation device! The hints at some kind of movement and dislocation she experienced could not mean anything else. After all, it was widely accepted that the Soians must have had some transportation method yet faster than jumpships to bind their empire.

Cursed liars! All the options this presented were strongly unfavorable to humaniti. This meant they were actually aware of Soians' existence. It also meant humaniti must have succeeded in having a probe or even a live specimen go through a functional Soian transportation device and return useful information. There was no way the Jardin liar could have made all this up. Did the Soians still exist there and cooperate? Or, did humaniti explore the artifact and commandeer an abandoned device?

Realizing that she was now the first Loroi with potential to exfiltrate information about all this, Tempo broke off the hypothesis trail and turned her attention to the surrounding area. The ground she lay on consisted of dirt with high percentage of gravel. Sparse alien but recognizable vegetation grew everywhere around. There was breathable air, of course. Powerful radiation from the planet's star threatened to burn her.

The rocky landscape was shaped into terraces by some artificial process, probably some kind of mining operation. In fact she was inside the mine, and had little horizon to survey. The visible area appeared to be mostly dry, but able to support complex life. The atmosphere's oxygen ratio and higher order plants presented clear evidence: There either was, or at least used to be more to life on this planet than she could immediately observe.

A few “meters” away from her lay a wreck. The bits shattered and severed by its impact lay strewn around it. It was metallic, angular, elongated, thicker in the middle, with four symmetrically placed wheels and a band of windows running all the way around the top of the thicker part. Tempo recognized some of its design aesthetics and considerations as consistent with the ship she observed earlier. There was no doubt it was a humaniti product, too, even if it was far less utilitarian. Inside were seats, controls placed in front of them, streamlined shape... Summarily, all the signs pointed to a ground vehicle utilizing some power source.

It must be the object I spotted in the transfer, Tempo thought. Was it meant to be used for traversing the Soia transportation device? But then, Alex did present her with the situation where she was clearly separated from the vehicle. Was that supposed to be his retribution, to place her in a catastrophic situation? Why did he make her survive then?

“Alex! Do not hide from me! I know you are shaping this dreamscape now. Come out and talk with me like an adult!” Where did that last bit come from? she wondered. That is not what I would say!

In response, clacking and cries could be heard behind. Turning around, Tempo was bewildered to see dozens of armor-clad, hairy, male warriors sitting on huge animals emerge from nearly any area out of her sight. A few moments ago, there was nothing! Reprimanding herself, she returned to observing and memorizing the presented information best as she could. Why didn't I take the listel here with me! Concentrating on the warriors, she could discern their hand weapons and armors were made of low quality metal, worked with similarly low precision.

This is... tech level three or so! What IS this? Her mind inevitably presented a hypothesis, despite trying not to. Of course! The Soians transported some humaniti specimens to this other place, and their technological progression stalled. Back to business.

A single warrior in a well-polished armor advanced on his animal towards her and raised the visor of his helmet. It was him! Alex coldly surveyed her with a sardonic smile on his lips. “What now?“ asked Tempo and crossed her arms to pretend distress and let him slip in the false sense of security. She was met with silence, apart from the sounds of the warrior band around her. “You lied to me”, she continued while trying to put on an accusing but yet fearful face, “What I saw so far was ample evidence that you have access to functional Soia artifacts. Return out of this dream and we can discuss the strategic value of this.“ Surely a civilization that builds such primitive ships would be eager to trade? It must be practically magic for them, we could easily give them something more practical at their level, and still come ahead in such a deal!

In response, Alex chuckled. “You are a warrior, just doing your duty, are you not? Let's have some of that.” Raising his voice, he addressed the warriors: “Methinks the witch is with Henry! Take her too!”
I hate copyright, so treat it as public domain, CC-0, steal it, whatever, I don't care.

Also yay, finally registered and made the first post after years of mere lurking and consumption :)

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by Krulle »

welcome, and thanks!
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by kiwi »

Oh wow, it's nearly Christmas. This has been a hell of a year. My daughter (yes, out first child) is even bigger and nearly walking. Uh oh...

I'm gonna be super-honest here; Vladimir's effort is reminding me of something, but I'm not sure what. I'm not exactly sure what to do with it, so let's try a remix.

It's a quickie, hope people enjoy it.

It's Full of Stars
Tempo saw a faint, faint white dot.

"I really want to kick you out of here, Parat Tempo." Alex's voice came from beside her. "You had no right to break into my head."

"Captain Jardin, you lied to us." Tempo began. "Clearly you have knowledge of the Soia."

"Humans dream, Parat Tempo. This is just a story. It's made up."

"... Captain Jardin, I am a Mizol. We understand the necessities of diplomacy and deception. The others - especially Fireblade! - will not tolerate lies."

The dot was getting bigger as Alex continued. "It's not a lie. But I can see you're stuck to that idea; I'll have to convince you."

Tempo bristled. "There's no way you can..."

Suddenly a set of white teeth - teeth? - gleamed next to her. "Remember, it's all in my head. All made up.
"So you won't die," he said, "but this might sting a bit."

Her brain finally reinterpreted the scene; the white dot was in fact ground and it was coming up very fast.


It took a while, but Tempo eventually levered herself out of the hole. She was ... in a bigger hole. It was huge, all stark white in the light and suckingly black in the shadows.

She caught sight of a disembodied set of teeth - teeth again? - in the air next to her. Over a few solons an outline, a shilouette, and eventually the whole figure of Captain Jardin faded into view.

"Oh, nice," he said, looking down at her feet, "the classic Wile E Coyote. I didn't think you had it in you." She looked down; the hole she had climbed out of was ... Tempo-shaped. In fact, it was improbably sharp-edged and even included the outline of her ears. "We're here." Captain Jardin continued, then gestured off to the side. "Behold, the monolith"

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by Krulle »

You're 19 years too late. ;)
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fanfiction] Writing Prompt: For what dreams may come

Post by Snoofman »

Since we humans tend to lose ourselves in our dreams in a smear of neural information that ranges anywhere on a scale of symbolic to nonsensical, I wonder if Tempo at one point loses her sense of self and gets caught up in the dream's nonsense.

I wonder how she'd react if music out of nowhere starts playing. I would love to see her get caught up in a musical. Lord knows how Jardin would love to entertain the unwelcome guest in his head.

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