[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 31

{What the hell is a Man-nual? Still I guess it`s alright that we can grab thier ECM Channels.}

[This is Cydonia command. The Laser com-link is working, receiving and sending data, as well as audio, without any problems. We understood you plan and Captain Blake approves it. We need to know what is going on in this system, but do not take any unnecessary risks. Please confirm.]
< [ "Receiving you clearly and confirming Sensor telemetry synchronization Cydonia Command. Proceeding with scanning mission." ] >
{At least the Lascom work well enough.}
[Understood, please continue. Please try to stay out of danger. Sending you the needed data now...]
Charlie turned to Sonni, curious as to what she was going to say to her boss/captain.
He looked away not really caring either way, it was a good plan, hopefully one that worked. Sonni started moving the small shuttle further away from the crippled protective bulk of the Cydonia. She turned on the display, showing the much larger ship getting smaller, then it was gone. Charlie felt a little homesick on seeing it go, he really did what to see that ship again.

"Make sure you have secured your harness... I'm engaging the main drives now. It will be a little rough as I'm trying to get attention."

"Aye, aye."
Charlie complied, fumbling with the buckle, but eventually getting it on.
The push Charlie felt was more than he was expecting, even with the internal padding of the suit armor and the chair`s padding, he could fell the force on his chest. It increased, and the increased again. The small shuttle was definitely faster than the aging Cydonia.

Sonni pressed some more buttons on the Sensor Station, he didn`t want to say anything, but, not all of his previous lessons sank completely in, Still if he had to wager a guess, it was most likely the Active Sensors.

More sensors are activated, Charlie didn`t know what most of the writing meant, he could speak Trade well enough, but reading was another matter.

Whatever sensors were used, Sonni turned the small craft around for a reverse burn to bleed off excess speed.

She tapped the radio section and spoke her pre-planed lines.

< [ "This is Teidar Sezon Sonnidezi... last survivor of the Argent Fire. I am running out of atmosphere my fuel and power are almost expended. I have vital intel on the Umiak's operations in this sector of space confirming our other scout ship's discoveries but have met a new hostile race and am shipwreaked. I will likely be dead of asphyxia when this distress beacon is found but Torrai Command must get this intel on the Umiak. The intel is encrypted and secreted upon the skiff in the usual security locker set to destroy the intel as usual in case of compromise." ] >

Charlie already knew the general composition of the message, still, it sounded extremely foreboding.

Would they just destroy the whole craft and have proof of the destruction of the non-existant Intel? Or would they, as they both hoped, try to recover the Intel and a possible POW? Would they be able to break through whatever boarding security the alien scum , Umiak scum, Charlie corrected himself mid thought, as it seemed beyond doubt that not all aliens were bad. Still Charlie had to wonder, would they be successful? Or would they have to employee the Anti-Matter plant as Plan: B?

Sonni was still intently watching the sensors for sighs of trouble, leaving him stuck on that dark line of thinking. As if by magic, or maybe Charlie wondered, Telepathy, Sonni distracted him from that dark train of thought by attempting to show him the Main Sequence Start Up Procedure. Unfortunately, her distracting abilities were too successful, nothing much useful made it in. Luckily, the suit recorders couldn`t be distracted, certainly not in the manner Charlie was.

One of the communications consoles flashed, probably the Cydonia wanting a status report on the odd happenings. Sonni wasn`t responding, as quickly, to their frantic hails and she had accelerated away rather quickly. At least if he did survive, Charlie could later claim it was technical difficulties. Radio broken and the suit radio didn`t have the range. Sp their was little we could hold a man from.

"Are we ready to take our little space walk? We can hide in the Landing strut bays for the enemy to arrive... hopefully. I have a tight transmission link to the skiff shuttle's electronics in my space armor.. I can view its telemetry from my suit H.U.D. so we will know if our ploy works... before the enemy get here... hopefully. Are you ready Chaar-lee?"
"Yes, I'm ready."{As I'll ever be.}
Charlie looked directly at her helmet, he might have see fire there in her eyes, she would have done this with or with out help. So Charlie at least knew he was doing the right thing by being here. He washed away most of his lingering fear. If he did die, he wouln`t be alone nor would he be afraid. "I'm not sure if I can receive data from her systems, they are different to one and other."

Charlie made sure to keep almost eye contact as it hard to see through her helmet all the time., trying to figure out what was going on insider her head. He cared and that was enough.

"I was born ready. But anyway, I just want to say thanks. Thanks for having me along, thanks for this gun, and thanks for trying to teach me how to fly. I'll remember what I can of it."
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Sonni nods solemnly accepting Charlie's readiness... when the skiff's console returns with a alert chime indicating scan complete.

Sonni turns her attention to the laser comm to make sure this telemetry was being routed clearly to the Cydonia Command before actually looking at the data returns.

What the Active scan returned gave her pauses and piqued her interest immediately!

Sonni returned to her pilot's seat and began displaying the sensor return data querying the controls for data and an explanation of the findings...

The Sensors had returned a clear picture of the situation...
They found some kind of Space station of unknown design. It looked not as refined as a loroi station, but Sonni assumed that this could only be the human outpost in that system, as it was close to that greenish gas giant, which was at least 3 days away. The Station was made of a large cuboid body, surrounded by smaller ones that were attached to it. Or had been attached to it. Some of them showed signs of significant damage and debris surrounded the station. Some of those outer structures seemed to have contained attached weapons arrays. On top and at the lower end of the main structure were what appeared to be docking ports for larger ships with openings for smaller craft. The one on top was empty, however, Sonni recognized at once what kind of ship was docked at the other end: an enemy scout vessel with roughly the same size as the one Argent Fire had destroyed!

Calming down from her initial shock, she realize that this vessel was also very damaged: there is a hole in one of the main thrusters were the Loroi Lillit "skiff" shuttle could easily fly through! Sonni could easily determine that this ship of the Enemy would be going nowhere in a long time and she highly doubt that their skiff had been detected.

Immediately Sonni cancelled the repeating distress signal commenting, "...well now! This is novel..."

Turning her attention fully to the limited sensor returns from the skiff's sensor arrays. The readings indicated two power sources that were active: a typical umiak matter/antimatter reactor on board of the vessel, which was currently operating at very low power and another, but unknown type of energy source aboard that station. The Station's energy source was very powerful, but the shuttle's computer suggested that it was, however, highly unstable as well!

Sonni smiled wickedly... it all had become clear now... {The Umiak with their captive Loroi Farseer discovered the Humanti Station and was told it was uninhabited by any lifeforms because of Humaniti's natural universal 'lotai'... so, of course, the Enemy went in to analyze this alien structure of a type they had never seen before {likely in hopes of finding a new race to subjugate to add to the industrial war-machine manufacturing base}... only to be surprised that the station was indeed inhabited and defended! As per typical Umiak doctrine they rushed in to close range so their plasma focus weaponry would be at it optimum range to inflict damage... not realizing that humaniti had no advanced particle beam weaponry but primitive powerful short-ranged & deadly linear accelerator guess weapons! Not expecting such a primitive weapon they rushed right into range destroying the human's laser defensive turrets thinking victory complete... and then they were holed with a slug of metal too small to detect and not powered by any energy drives!}

Sonni chuckled with glee, "HA! It looks like humaniti is not so defenseless after all! The Umiak scout ship must have rushed in to short range where its plasma focus weaponry would be most effective only to be crippled by humaniti shooting a lump of metal at them! HA... 'You threw a rock at them!' HA~!... so much for their 'superior technical advantage and tactics!' I think the Loroi Union and the Terran Colonial Authority will be good combat comrades... such spirit and will to fight!"

Turning to Charlie, "But this changes everything Chaar-lee. We hold the upper hand somewhat. The Cydonia is incapacitated but only for a short while... I'm sure. We could ourselves, right now, slip onboard the enemy ship - likely without them being aware of us until it was too late to stop us from rescuing the Loroi captive or killing the captive... but we could do little for the human captives they undoubtedly have in custody!"

"By the way... what power source do humanity ships use? I can detect the anti-matter/matter reaction chamber of the Umiak vessel... and a large powerful unidentified source of energy from the human station... just curious..."

"In any case, there are likely human prisoners at risk on-board the station as they would not have docked if it was not able to maintain atmosphere! The longer we wait the more humans will be killed on the station. I do not think you would like to know what the Umiak consider 'acceptable upgrading for efficiency' done to their captives and enslaved client states! But if we wait and get a full assault force from the Cydonia we stand a better chance of success! I ask this cause before it was only the lives of a myself and a single loroi prisoner at stake... but now potentially there are your fellow humans at risk. What is it you would have me do Chaar-lee?"

[ P41 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 32

The console chimed in, alerting them both. Sonni adjusted some of the controls bringing up a picture.

It space a human space station, it was severely damaged, several of the hub modules were free floating in a cloud of debris. There was a lot of holes in the station and it looked decompressed. Charlie felt sorry for whomever was on that station, but his sorrow turn to anger on seeing something attached to the station. It wasn`t a human ship, and probably wasn`t Loroi, that left the Umiak. Sonni said something but Charlie missed it, he was still looking at the ship.

Charlie turned to see what Sonni might think of it all, she smiled briefly and laughed. It was a oddly happy laugh, Charlie couldn`t see anything funny in losing the station. Still he found himself unable to be angry, she always had her reasons.

"HA! It looks like humaniti is not so defenseless after all! The Umiak scout ship must have rushed in to short range where its plasma focus weaponry would be most effective only to be crippled by humaniti shooting a lump of metal at them! HA... 'You threw a rock at them!' HA~!... so much for their 'superior technical advantage and tactics!' I think the Loroi Union and the Terran Colonial Authority will be good combat comrades... such spirit and will to fight!"

"Lump of metal? Rocks? Do you mean the Railers? We killed it, with the Railers? Then they got what they deserved, but judging from the fact that they are docked with the station I don`t think they manged to stop 'em. Still, the Cydonia isn`t a new front line fighting ship, but I am fairly sure it has heavier Railers. But I for one think you're right, I think we can find common ground, even if it is just to kill those bugs. Still though, I suppose at least at closer ranges the Gauss Guns will cut them to literal pieces, it good to know."
She turned to Charlie.
"But this changes everything Chaar-lee. We hold the upper hand somewhat. The Cydonia is incapacitated but only or a short while... I'm sure. We could ourselves, right now, slip onboard the enemy ship - likely without them being aware of us until it was too late to stop us from rescuing the Loroi captive or killing the captive... but we could do little for the human captives they undoubtedly have in custody!"
"Yeah, I thought as much. The station is pretty beat up but there would have been people suited up. The security forces alone even, they would have been up armored to try and repel the borders. But even if we get in on the quiet they will most likly kill the human prisoners as soon as they see they've lost the Loroi. They might think they arn`t worth the trouble. Still there might be very few left, the Marines on board would have fought with there bare hands if need be, but, if there has to be a choice... all of the TCA personal knew the risks."
Charlie hated thinking that way, but a few lives might be lost, it would mean that those insect bastards would no longer have that Loroi scouting person, Humanty might be able to hide them selves a lot better with that specter out of the way. Still, he wouldn`t leave anyone behind if he could. There had to be a plan.
"By the way... what power source do humanity ships use? I can detect the anti-matter/matter reaction chamber of the Umiak vessel... and a large powerful unidentified source of energy from the human station... just curious..."
Charlie was stired out of thought to answer that question, perhaps by design. He wasn`t sure, but, at least he was thinking of something else.
"What? Oh, the Cydonia uses a LH Fission drive. Liquid Hydrogen and Oxygen are the main components. The station might have the same, along with, maybe solar and electrical reactors, I'm not quite sure, I wasn`t that type of Mechanic. I piloted ground vehicles, you see."
"In any case, there are likely human prisoners at risk on-board the station as they would not have docked if it was not able to maintain atmosphere! The longer we wait the more humans will be killed on the station. I do not think you would like to know what the Umiak consider 'acceptable upgrading for efficiency' done to their captives and enslaved client states! But if we wait and get a full assault force from the Cydonia we stand a better chance of success! I ask this cause before it was only the lives of a myself and a single loroi prisoner at stake... but now potentially there are your fellow humans at risk. What is it you would have me do Chaar-lee?"
"Have you been transmitting to the Cydonia? Are they seeing this?"
Charlie mulled over the tactical situation for a moment before giving his appraisal.
"Ok, this is how I see it.
First: We can go in now, pull out the Loroi, but not the rest of the people in there. This method relies on the fact they havn`t see us yet. Surprise and stealth are our weapons here. But if we use this option theres a possibility that the humans will get executed. But a small team of just us two might pass virtually undetected-during the mission. I think theres a good chance of us being able to get the Loroi out, or deal with the problem without any fatalities."

Second: We wait for the Cydonia to boost over here, I'm not sure how stealthy it would be however. But as they are still docked, we would still have the metaphorical high ground. We would undoubtedly have support from the Marines. I don`t even know if the captain would green light this op, but, he is a good man and I don`t think he would want to leave them there any more than I would. More over, it could be a two pronged attack. Human Marines in the front while you could take a small team in this shuttle and head straight for the Loroi prisoner. Also if the worst came to pass, the Cydonia could smash that damn thing right out of the sky with her Railers. If we managed to kill their crew, the earth side techs might won`t a look at that ship. But I have no idea how many that ship holds.

I think the second is far riskier in terms of unknowns, but the potential pay off of is much higher. I think, if you're willing, we should try to board it with the backing of the Cydonia. Regardless, us two can still go in at any time if you think the situation warrants it.

"Have we been broadcasting the beacon the entire time? Can`t they see us? What about the Cydonia? Don`t they see us?"
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: Okay, there will be a new scene starting soon. Just waiting for Cydonias sensors to be repaired.]

In the shuttle:

Charlie had just spoken those words, as a transmission from Cydonia came in:
[This is Cydonia Command for the Loroi shuttle, Captain Blake speaking...] The sound of the Captains voice was more harsh than usual and the brief pause he made in speaking, didn't make it any better. [...We received your telemetry data and are currently analysing it. Please come back now. We need to deceide what to do next and make a plan. By the way: I don't assume we need to tow you back to us? Cydonia out.]
Forum RP: Cydonia Rising
[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Sonni listens to Charlie her admiration growing of his understanding of the situation and his sense of duty.

She smiles and in response to his questions clicks on the Laser Comm's speaker... just in time to hear Captain Blake's reply to the shuttle directly.

"Your Captain seems, to share the same conclusions Chaar-lee. He seems to be somewhat ... annoyed, and may have conjectured what we~... what I... intended. I will take full responsibility for our ruse on our return. I assume self-sacrifice for the greater cause is not a foreign concept to humaniti?"

Sonni turns back to the consoles, re-securing her shapely figure back into the pilot's seat.

She replies simply to across the Laser Comm-link, <[ "Acknowledged Cydonia Command, On return course now" ] >

Powering up the main power-core from cold does indeed take about five minutes, but shortly the Loroi 'Lillit' Skiff is underway at a moderate 7Gs of acceleration rocketing back to the Cydonia...

[ P42 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

if you like it I will post it and skip things to reach bridge.

repair roll
Skill: Electronics [Spaceship] = Lvl 5 {10pts} -> 2d6 +5 rolled: 14 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071948/

Skill: Repairs and maintenance [Spaceship] = Lvl 5 {10pts} -> 2d6 +5 rolled: 11 http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4071950/
Repairing sensor array took longer than Hadrid participated due to some issuers with slots fitting. Finally when last of the panels was back in it's place fully connected, entire room buzzed with sound of activating systems, the fans on the motheboards started to buzz and numberless LEDs started to flash with green light.

[I have finished calibrating the sensors. Do those green lights indicate that everything is alright?]

Hadrid nodded and pressed him coms unit [Bridge, this is Ferox. We got sensors back on line. How does it look on your end?]

[This is Captain Blake. Thats good news, Ferox. Steering and Engines are working again. We received telemetry data from the loroi shuttle as well. I don't think you will like what we found out there... Come back to the bridge and take your Loroi companion with you, as soon as you can. Blake out.]

[Copy that. Returning to the bridge. Ferox out.]

Turning to his companion [Come on, a day is not over yet.] Hadrid quickly gathered his tolls back to the bag and went back to the wall with the shaft exit.

Looking up [Come, I will give you a lift.]. Hadrid bend his knees a bit, clasped his hands. Twilightsaber looked at him with confusion.

[I don't understand, is there no another way out? What I'm supposed to do?]

[What? You never team-climbed before? Look, put your feet on my hands then second one on my shoulder, like stairs. I will lift you up so you can go to the manhole.]

[We.. no, as you probably know by now Loroi avoid physical contact for reason so such things are not common for my people.]

[Well....good I'm not Loroi. Now come, it's really easy.]

Twilightsaber approached human commander gingerly and slowly raised and put her feet on his hands. Supporting herself she raised her body putting second feet on his shoulder. She reached and climbed in to the shaft leaving everything behind.

[I'm in, but how you are going to get in?] She spoken turning her head towards entrance.

Short silence was broken by sound of loud steps like jumping in the room behind her and few breaths later there was loud ...boom... like something heavy hit a wall and two hands appeared in the entrance soon joined by head and rest of Hadrid's body.

Landing in the shaft and checking if everything is ok Hadrid raised his head to see puzzled Loroi.

[I'm getting too old for this. Come we are needed at bridge.]


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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Picking herself up mentally, Nelopaio starts back towards the bridge, nursing a quiet headache as she does so. Marine escort or no, she makes her way through the corridors towards the command center in reasonable confidence of not getting waylaid needlessly, having given up the sidearm some time ago. Having been out of touch with the rapidly changing events, her already bitter mood turned ever more sour as the reality of another of her sisters slipping away sets in fully, a scowl playing across her features. Whatever happened to Malidasaria, it was far beyond her ability to do anything against, leaving her to do little but hope that their own Doranzer could do something when she arrived. In the meantime, the problem of a crippled ship and the mission remain..

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 33

[This is Cydonia Command for the Loroi shuttle, Captain Blake speaking...]
{Oh shit, busted...}
[...We received your telemetry data and are currently analyzing it. Please come back now. We need to decide what to do next and make a plan. By the way: I don't assume we need to tow you back to us? Cydonia out.]
{He already knows? I'm going to be lucky if he doesn`t court-martial me for being AWOL.}

"Your Captain seems, to share the same conclusions Chaar-lee. He seems to be somewhat ... annoyed, and may have conjectured what we~... what I... intended. I will take full responsibility for our ruse on our return. I assume self-sacrifice for the greater cause is not a foreign concept to humaniti?"

Charlie agreed with Sonni.
"Yeah, you're right, I have little doubt that he already knows. I don`t think it would be right to let you take the blame. Moreover. I think he already knows I went along with this. And while you're right, we do know what it means to have heroes, even the dead ones."
Charlie non nonchalantly waved it off.
"Don`t worry about it though. I don`t think he'll be too hard on me, he might dock my pay for a while, might even confine me to ship for a while. And as there`s no where to go in space for shore leave I'm not worried."

<[ "Acknowledged Cydonia Command, On return course now" ] >

Charlie waited for Sonni to respond over the lascom.
"I think I'll just save myself some trouble and accept my part in this."
The small shuttle did take a few minutes to warm up, during that time Charlie thought if what to say next.
Charlie hesitated a moment, just trying to find the right words.
"You know, it was only yesterday that I wanted to open fire on you when you stepped off this shuttle. I was frightened by your appearance, I thought it might be some kind of trick, I didn`t think there was anything in the universe that looked like us. I know there is many whom are distrustful of Loroi because of what they've heard. Maybe it silly, but I was inclined to show a measure of trust because of the way you looked. It like staring down at at water, it feels like I'm seeing my reflection, a human reflection. The water is shifting, so I know it`s not a human staring back, but it`s close enough that I'm reminded of a human. Do you know what I'm saying? I know it might not make sense, it might sound silly, what I'm trying to say, I think, is that is this a fluke? You and me, I mean. Not everyone might feel the same as me, granted, but can both of our races work together? We have what seems to be a common goal in the form of the captives on that station and ship. Can we put away our mutual distrust?"
Charlie sighed gloomily.
"Theres something you should know... The captain didn`t send me because he thought you needed help. He sent me to watch you. I am sure you already knew, but I still feel like a spy. I guess it really doesn`t matter, you and your sisters have been watched continuously since your arrival. We've been building up our intelligence on you, trying to work out your intentions, learning all we can."
If anything Charlie felt contrite about the whole thing.
"The captain will have me debriefed at some point when I get back. Weather he or the commander will, won`t make a difference. They'll want to know whats going on, all of it."
"But, if theres..."Charlie felt like a traitor for even thinking this."If theres something that you don`t want to share right now, I can leave it of my report. I can think of one thing... I feel, how I feel for you, but the others, the other won`t understand. I'll ask you, not to tell anybody about... us. I know what I feel is real, but, they won`t know that. They might think, that been telepathic, the Loroi have done something to me. They take me away, even if not because they think you did something, than becuase we aren`t supposed to have any attachments. So, it`s not because I feel any differently, but, all the same, they can`t know anything."
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: Well, took me longer than I had thought to finish this post, because I was ill and had no internet connection for some days. Anyway: this is the start of a new scene and we can finally leave the last one behind us. Some music for your: Link]

On the bridge:

The good old Captain Blake walked up and down the bridge as he waited for the last missing members of this meeting to arrive, the crew of that shuttle that went out scanning the system. Some time had passed since the sensors were back online and he had seen the readings of the station, Cydonia needed to reach. He hold a cup of tea in his hand and crawled his chin with his other hand, while continued walking. Everyone could see that he was thinking about a solution for this problem. He had called his senior officers, as well as the Loroi ones to this ad hoc meeting on the bridge, because he felt there was little time to loose.

[OOC: In short: all player characters have been called there.]

He looked at the faces of his officers and those of the Loroi. [They still look kind of strange... exotic, if you will... but beautiful, somehow...] he thought to himself, as the door to the bridge opened and Charlie as well as Stromrage entered the bridge.

[Welcome! I think we are complete now. Ensign Metzger, would you be so kind and show us what we got so far?]

[Of course, sir!] the Ensign replied and switched on the large holografic screen. Then he continued: [I have combined the scan results of the Loroi shuttle with those of our sensors and here is what we have got...]

A fuzzy picture appeared on the screen: Link
[OOC: Just a quick sketch to help you understand...]

[This is the station that we need to dock and refuel, it is approximately 3 days away, but as you can see: the outer parts of the station have been damaged. Apparently there have been weapons installed in those extensions, that were not on our blueprints. We expect that the blueprints are not very accurate and have been heavily modified, for reasons unknown to us. Those weapons could be hidden inside those structures, as it seems.] the Ensign paused for a moment and then went on:
[The main structure of the station is undamaged as its seems and the sensors indicate no leaking gases from that part of the station. Anyway: it has two docking areas: one on top and one below, each of them has a small hangar attached to it, so that shuttles could land. On the lower docking port is a ship which energy readings and design appears to be Umiak. Judging from its size, I would say it is comparable to the craft that the "Argent Fire" has destroyed. This ship is damaged as well, apparently by the mass drivers and lasers installed on the station. Apparently they could have been surprised or might have thought that this station was unarmed. The readings of the Loroi shuttle indicate that its energy source is running on very low power and it is unlikely that it can move on its own. However, it still might have enough energy for at least some of its weapons.]
The Ensign made another pause and looked around as Parat Twilightsaber added:

[I think this could explain the strange behavior of the enemy in this system to some extend: They can't move and apparently need something from that station. Maybe their lifesupport systems are damaged? I can't think what else they could need from that... "station"...]

[I am not so sure about that Mizol Parat Twilightsaber... The energy readings from your shuttle suggests that on board the station is an unknown and very powerful energy source. We have no idea what that might be. I can only tell you that it is very unstable and a quick analyze of the emitted radiation suggests that there is somethings else going on: we only know that type of radiation from antimatter experiments back on earth were...]

[Fine, Ensign Metzger. I think we got the picture. What we need to do is to find a way to secure the station and get Cydonia fueled.]
The Captain made a brief break and looked around:
Suggestions or anything that is unclear?]
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Stormrage speaks up, "I would suggest that however we plan this strike we should NOT use our Loroi shuttle. The Enermy would recognize it as Loroi design and realize they are not just fighting humans... with their 'on-the-surface' inferior tech. No insult meant... but what I'm getting at is if they realize humans and Loroi are working together... they may decide to self-destruct their vessel and the station to avoid having their telemetry and mission files being captured. Loroi do not take prisoners... of 'Umiak'. But you humans may decide to do so... and I will respect that... but we Loroi will not take prisoners of 'The Enemy'."

[ P43 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 34

Charlie and Sonni entered the bridge last, having docked back with the mother ship.

{At least he hasn`t started grilling me.}
Charlie raised his hand to speak.
"Captain, I assume we won`t simply knock it out of the sky with the Cydonia`s railers? Judging by the as of yet unknown power plant, along with the chance of survivors. I suggest a Boarding Party Operation. We might not have enough men to out secure the station and assault that ship, what is the overall objective? Rescue ops? Sneak and Peak?"
Charlie hesitated a moment not sure if this was the right line of approach.
"I don`t know what levels of training the Loroi received, but they might be able to supplement our forces. Of course thats if they're willing."
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Hadrid looked at images in front of him and silently listened the debrief.

[Suggestions or anything that is unclear?]

[Sir, are those fuel tanks hovering around the station?] he pointed out a group of large containers and tanks orbiting the station approximately 500m away from the station.

Metzger looked at him and then on his Datapad [Uhm... yes... those are fuel tanks.]

[Let's just fire our mass-drivers and blow up the station and umiaks along with it. Rounds will take a day to reach it, but when they hit, we will have problems solved. Then we go for the remaining fuel tanks.]

[Uhm... Sir... if we destroy the station with that unknown energy source... god knows what might happen... The remaining fuel tanks might blow up as well or worse...]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Stormrage nods in acceptance, "So you propose to sacrifice any human prisoners or holdouts still on-board the station? Ruthless... but efficient. We also believe that there is a Loroi captive on-board the Enemy vessel... being forced to serve the Enemy as a telepathic weapon and tracker... it may be a Loroi child judging by its mental immaturity. Letting the Enemy keep one of our race captive to be used as such is offensive. I had intended a rescue mission... but seeing to it the Enemy and their Loroi prisoner are confirmed dead also satisfies our needs."

She pauses, studying the telemetry.

"Unfortunately destroying the station, the enemy Vessel and captives of the Enemy will not tell us how much of these surrounding systems the Enemy has explored... or if they are potentially scouting towards populated worlds of humaniti - data we might get from the Enemy ship's data-systems and records... a pity, but such looses are to be expected in war. We know how to destabilize Umiak anti-matter power plants... a small joint Loroi/Humaniti strike team or some precision battery-fire from your ...'raillers', after we show you exactly where to aim them, should be able to accomplish that with little trouble. Your human prisoners or holdouts on the station will not suffer and their sacrifice will be... glorious. Is this an acceptable risk Captain Blaa'k?"

Sonni's cold assessment of the situation is not ironic for a Loroi... used to sacrificing whole worlds if need be in the war effort...

[ P44 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Gazing quietly at the tactical display, Nelopaio turns the problem over in her head a few times before reaching out and magnifying a few details, returning it to it's original size each time. Eventually, she regards the Umiak scout ship for a moment, then speaks, "Sacrificing the station should be a last resort, for numerous reasons. Your weapons have already seriously damaged the vessel, and this close to a large structure, they wont have room to maneuver. You'll be able to get close enough to pin them in place, with minimal risk to yourselves... And the crew deserves a chance to fight another time. It IS just a scout ship, not a quincux, so jumping to sacrificing the station and the crew is wasteful at this juncture... It's simply the easy solution."

Pointing out a route on the far side of the station, she traces it back along a parabolic course to the Cydonia, "If you approach from this angle, you can use the station itself to create a blind spot for approach, at least as far as the scout ship goes. If they've seized the station, they'll see you coming regardless, so thats not a perfect idea in and of itself... However, I do have a suggestion... Which would require some significant risk on the part of those involved." she says candidly, meeting first the Captains, then Commander Ferox's gaze before continuing, "An EVA team, deployed at a distance, might be able to land on the hull and disable sensor or weapon emplacements that the Umiak control. Or, at the least, gain entry and determine IF they control the station, without putting this ship in direct danger immediately."

Folding her arms over her chest, she motions towards the Umiak vessel, "I'm willing to commit what Soroin and Teidar we still have, including myself, to a boarding action... Especially if it means the destruction of the enemy ship... You might wish to bear in mind, however, that both sides resort to self destruction as a standard procedure when boarding looks imminent. That said... It's a small ship, comparatively, and they likely don't have many hardtroopers, which will limit their effective combat strength. Umiak don't do well in our level of gravity."

She pauses there, her silence inviting comment or criticism in equal measure, back straight, chin up, the look of long experience in those amethyst eyes...

Silently, her Sanzai reaches out to Sonni as well in the pause...
I haven't forgotten about that talk we were supposed to have, either... These 'directives' of yours. Until we find the time, until I know what they are, they simply don't exist right now. These aren't circumstances that Torrai Command would have thought us to wind up in, anyways... We can't complicate it more with unspoken orders. And yes... I'll take the beheading for it, literally if needs be. We'll talk about your stunt with the shuttle then, as well. she sends, her sense more fatigued than either concerned or especially upset... The weight of yet another potentially dead sister is faintly there...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 34

Charlie looked at the Commander not believing what he heard, trying not to shout.
"Commander! You can`t be serious! You'd kill whom ever is left! I know there has to someone left there. We can get in there, we could still save them."

Charlie looked at Sonni, not understanding why she would have suggested the long range bombardment first. It seemed cold and uncompassionate. It didn`t seem like her at all, not of what he'd seen of her. It somewhat hurt Charlie, that she would not consider try to save that captive first. Still it might come to that, destroying the station and the ship. But Charlie wanted to at least try and get them out.

He turned back to the Commander, trying not to look hurt and angry.
"It doesn`t have to be glorious, there`s always another way!"
That last comment was a bit more acidic than he wanted, but he was confused, the whole thing with the shuttle was to try and get that prisoner out. {Wasn`t it?}

One of the Loroi spoke up. Her name was Nelopaio, Charlie didn`t really know her rank, he had already forgotten most of them. He'd have to work on remembering more of their military vernacular. Still Soroin and Teidar were soldiers, that much he knew. Sonni was a Teidar, so by that bit of conjecture, Teidar might all be telekinetics of some kind. It would mean they might have considerable boarding skills, still it might not mean much if they got blown up. Yet, her tactical appraisal was good. A Sneak and Peek with EVA packs, with room for a full assault. It was a risky plan for sure, but it was a decent one. It would give flexibility to a degree anyway, it would still be possible to shoot that ship down with the Cydonia. But that would kill anyone that was left.

Charlie turned to the captain, he might've spoken out of turn, by assuming that was even considering the mission.
"Captain, sir. If you're looking for volunteers for the EVA mission, count me in."
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: I wanted to post this yesterday, but had no working internet connection, except my phone. Sorry for the delay.]

Captain Blake listened carefully to the ideas of the Loroi and his officers. He looked deep into the eyes of everyone who was speaking and so did Parat Twilightsaber. She was the one who spoke next, with her arms crossed in front of her.
[As Stormrage stated, we know that they have a Loroi prisoner and we know that they use it to possible track and attack us. Apparently this prisoner could be just a child and is suffering great pain. Therefore I suggest we rescue that prisoner as soon as possible and secure the station in the meantime.]

Sanzai to the Loroi officers that are present:
{We know that they react very sensitive when their children are in danger from that human ambassador. We should use this to our advantage and try to rescue that prisoner, it could provide us with important informations about what the enemy is planing.}
[A child could do that? And the Umiak are able to hold it as a prisoner? How can they do that?] Ensign Metzger asked

[I am not sure about that. There might be traps and other obstacles on the way to that prisoner. Therefore I suggest that a Loroi team tries to rescue it.]
{I am not sure that the humans should have access to such a prison or whatever it is the enemy is holding the prisoner.}
After a brief moment of silence the Captain spoke in a somehow soft voice, with his eyes closed and his right hand rubbing his chin.:
[Well... First things first: We can't afford to destroy the station. We need the fuel for Cydonia.] he sighed about the image of the messed station and continued: [We know now that our weapons are effective against them. That is good news. However, the Umiak have sized control of it and we don't know what they might have done to it. We have no experience in fighting the Umiak and so we can not go for it alone without risking a lot of casualties and possible destruction of the station, or worse. We need to do this together...]

Then he looked up to the Mizol, opened his eyes and continued in a hard tune of his voice:

[I can understand your... need to rescue that prisoner, but there won't be any solo efforts on that mission, Mizol. As far as I am informed that "prisoner" can attack you from afar, but can't do so with one of us. It needs some kind of "host", am I right? If so, sending in a Loroi only squad could be dangerous and thats a risk we should not take.]

The Mizol and the Captain stared at each other or a moment and it suddenly felt like the heating on the bridge was broken, till Ensign Cho said something. She had a large patch over her cheek and ear, but she looked better than the last time she was seen by most.

[Uhm... sir... there is something else... Shouldn't there be large auroras over the poles of that gas giant?] she said in her typical shy voice.

[The reports from the scout corps said something like that...] Metzger added.

[But... there is nothing. Uhm... those readings from that energy source however... they have a similar signature...]

[What do you mean?] Blake asked her and directly looked at her.

Everyone around noticed that her face turned red as she blushed and she looked down, but continued speaking: [Uh... there were... recordings of the disturbance emitted by those... auroras included in the reports, sir... Uhm... they were for communications officers, so they could be filtered out... But those and the readings from the energy source... uhm... "sound" similar... Thats all I can say.]

[Well...] Ensign Metzger replied [Thats another mystery to solve.]
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Sonni turned to look at Charlie her eyes calm and pretty but her expression neutral. Her gaze was intense as she saw the look of confusion and hurt in his eyes and she listened in silence to the passion of his plea to his Captain to reject the direct cowardly, but safer, destruction of the station and crew in favor of approving a more risky, but courageous, rescue attempt.

Stormrage replies to Nelopaio's sanzai...
"I have not forgotten Sezon, and I understand your concerns. However, they are still my directives given by Torrai command.. THEY will demand an accounting of my actions and will NOT allow me to ignore them... regardless of our current situation! But... do not be concerned... at present none of those directives are per se directly involved in my spoken suggestions to the human officers. I am playing a subtle ploy of misdirection. I want certainly to rescue the Loroi prisoner child, but I do not wish to make it seem as so. Even without reading the Human's mind... I can read this Hadrid's motivations. He does not trust us and would rather we all be imprisoned unarmed and at humaniti's mercy. So I agree with his plan pointing out and exaggerating the obvious flaws of his plan and motivations for all to hear to set him up revealing the inadequacy of his plans for his commander to reject such a plan... without actually arguing with him to prevent his crew members from rallying to their officer in solidarity. All to get the operation to do the rescue approved without raising suspicions of our motivations in insisting on such a dangerous rescue attempt. I did not lie... as we both know what Torrai Command would have ordered done... but I'm manipulating the direction of the conversation... my sweet Charlie responded in the way I would hope Humaniti would look upon the situation. And if you must know that is part of my directives... to find out how Humaniti reacts to certain combat situations... are they naturally aggressive and courageous or cowardly and cunning. For the record Charlie is VERY brave... I needed to know if he was unique or is that a quality they all have some measure of."

There is a pause...
and she continues with more force in her thoughts her emotions lending power to her telepathic voice... stormrage being a most appropriate name for this passionate Loroi Teidar!

"As for my 'stunt' with the shuttle... I was fulfilling my duties as the only Teidar of this Argent Fire left alive... I was protecting my crewsisters from being exposed to discovery and harm or worse capture by The Enemy as currently they were all on-board, at that time, a helpless vehicle. If that Enemy Scout ship would have been operable and we would have attracted its attention in that state... we would not now be having this conversation - you well know! I was risking only one Loroi life... mine, to attempt to rescue if possible... kill if necessary a Loroi prisoner in the hands of the Enemy being used to track and attack us... for the benefit of the entire diplomatic mission. My duties were quite clear to me.. this mission must not fail.. the potential loss of one Teidar life was a small price to pay to see that done if it was needed. Charlie... would not let me go alone as I had wanted to. I felt his assistance would improve my odds of success... seeing as I could not, with the situation as it developed, get any of my crewsisters to assist without raising suspicions of the humaniti about what I was doing and why. MY efforts have been to conceal the fact that our sanzai abilities do not work on humaniti... proving to be a very difficult task... YES, that is one of my directives!"
Sonni was standing with her arms folded behind her in a contemplative posture as she regarded the holographic sensor display.

She steps forward in front of the big human Marine Charlie Aldridge brushing him with her shoulder as if pushing past him as if trying to push her point home in the conversation with the human commander, "There is a great deal of risk in what you are proposing Captain Blaa'k, and you are wrong we have every reason to believe the prisoner CAN attack humans if they so desire.. your chief medical officer being attacked and sent into a coma shows that to be true. But I expect we loroi are considered the bigger threat... for now, so likely that is why we have been the focus of the attacks. Remember, our incapacitated previous Captain was attacked first, likely to probe her mind for command directives and intel upon our current mission and purpose here."

Her words say one thing but her back to Charlie hides the gentle gesture she makes her hand finding his concealed behind her back to gently touch him softly and give his hand a gentle loving squeeze communicating trust, respect, admiration, affection and a silent 'trust me'. The brief gesture given she quickly releases her grip. Stepping slightly forward she continues.

"But if you are willing to attempt this... highly dubious mission I will would suggest you send this, Maar-ine, Chaar-lee... with us for he has some small idea of what our natural powers are capable of... many more humans on the rescue mission would be defenseless from the potential psionic attacks the prisoner may direct against us. We could protect one human - potentially, from some of the psionic assault as only a minor distraction but multiple humans would divide our attention dangerously - when we would be forced to deal with any Umiak hardtroopers and telepathic attacks we will likely face defending the prisoner. I am Teidar 'Unsheathed" not all Loroi are as trained as my caste is with our powers. We have no idea what the Loroi prisoner could potentially do."

To punctuate her point she gestures and one of the armed soldiers on the bridge has his sidearm removed from his holster and the clip ejected in one smooth motion - the weapon and magazine floating in the air before him by some unseen force as if spinning in zero-G. At the same time, small electrical sparks flicker in Sonni's pretty blonde hair as it stands upon end slightly - the static electricity in the room increasing suddenly and Sonni's voice comes from EVERY speaker upon the bridge! Her voice an eerie artificial electrical buzz to it...


To those paying attention closely to Sonni notice she rises to her tip toes and floats very briefly unsupported above the floor by about an inch off the deck plates. All the while Sonni utters not a word letting the minor display of psychokinetic power speak in volumes.

She waits a few seconds to let the effects run before gently setting the floating weapon and magazine onto a nearby control console and the speakers of the bridge return to their normal droning telemetry buzz.

Sonni settles back to the floor her voice soft and ominous, "You would do well to let us Loroi deal with the prisoner... you have already, undoubtedly, suffered casualties upon your station. Let's not increase that number unnecessarily by adding your ship's crew members to those numbers."

[ P45 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Charlie looked at the Commander not believing what he heard, trying not to shout.
"Commander! You can`t be serious! You'd kill whom ever is left! I know there has to someone left there. We can get in there, we could still save them."

[I am serious. I won't risk lives of 280 people aboard to find out if someone survived umiak attack on that station. 'You know'.... perhaps you will share with us intel you got and how did you acquired this information.]


"It doesn`t have to be glorious, there`s always another way!"

[There is nothing glorious in the war.]


Sonni settles back to the floor her voice soft and ominous, "You would do well to let us Loroi deal with the prisoner... you have already, undoubtedly, suffered casualties upon your station. Let's not increase that number unnecessarily by adding your ship's crew members to those numbers."

[While it's at our space station. We will deal with it ourselves.]


Hadrid turned toward the captain.

[Sir, I still recommend bombardment.. at least at umiak's vessel. There is choke point.]. Hadrid summoned a life image from the station. One of docking cranes which connected umiak ship to the station. [We can shot this place cutting off umiak vessel from the station. Of course hitting a moving target later maybe more difficult. Perhaps 2-3 shots at the same time would do the trick.]

[I do not recommend any boarding actions until umiak ship is destroyed.]

Last edited by Beliskner on Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »


Most human officers and the bridge crew just stared at her. It was the Captain who found his voice back first:

[Enough! I am not sure what other little tricks you can do. But if dealing with the Umiak would't be a problem, I bet this war would have been over long ago.]
He then paused a brief moment and calmed down a bit:
[Its... very "touching"... that you think of our well being. But we are trained for this and you will need assistance from us, because if you blow up the wrong parts of the station, we are stuck here. Without fuel, Cydonia will go nowhere. We have no clue what exactly is or was going on over there, so we need infos and data that are maybe still stored in the stations computers and there might be human survivors. Finally: the Commander has a point: It is _our_ station and I don't intend of leaving it in the enemies hands with whatever might be still aboard.]

[We can shot this place cutting off umiak vessel from the station. Of course hitting a moving target later maybe more difficult. Perhaps 2-3 shots at the same time would do the trick.]

[Hm... Parat Twilightsaber, can you tell us were your "prisoner" is? Is it still aboard that ship or is it aboard the station?] the Captain asked

[To be honest: I am not sure. I had no contact with it, since then. But I hardly doubt that this ship will get away from the station anytime soon. Its engines look seriously damaged.]

[Then I would like to keep that bombardment option as a last straw, just in case something goes horrible wrong... Are you fine with that Commander Ferox?]
He then looked at Charlie and added:

[Sergent Aldridge, I wan't you to select a Team of Marines to aid the Loroi, if our friends are ok with that.]


Anderson looked at Cho and said:

[How on earth did you noticed that?] Anderson looked at her, puzzled.

[Uhm... sorry... while on sickbay I studied those reports and when I first say those readings from the station... But... I think its unimportant... isn't it?]
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

[Then I would like to keep that bombardment option as a last straw, just in case something goes horrible wrong... Are you fine with that Commander Ferox?]

[It's your call sir. Who will lead a away team? Perhaps it would be good to take combat engineer along. Someone with both combat skills and electronic warfare knowledge. We may be needed to hack station's systems. It's high possible that general 'lock down' procedure have been issued.]

Last edited by Beliskner on Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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