[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 28

She silenced him by raising her finger close to his mouth, she couldn`t make contact through the helmet, but, Charlie went silent nonetheless.
"{Shuush}... this is how it has to be beloved... we need time to power up the skiff AND to disrupt their ship's systems. I can't do both at the same time! You have my heart.. my sweet.. how could I NOT trust you with my life? For that is exactly what you will be securing.. for without our skiff we are dead!"
His voice was quiet, he was trying to argue, but he knew he wouldn`t win out.
"I understand that, but... the ship, I can`t fly..."

"This was a dubious mission to begin with I knew that. But we can not let the Umiak keep a Loroi telepath their prisoner.. to use as a farseer to plot our course. They would follow us to your worlds and would bring destruction or enslavement on your species. THAT, I will NOT ALLOW! I'll kill the prisoner myself before I'll allow them to keep a Loroi telepath under their control and they will not take me alive!"
Charlie kept trying, but his words were lost before we could speak them.
"...If we can rescue the prisoner we will, but I don`t want you to..."

"Direct confrontation of their vessel by the Cydonia would mean quick death for her crew and failure of our Loroi mission... I DO NOT fail! So.. this must be.. 'the needs of the many... outway the needs of one Loroi Teidar'. You are a solider ... is not your life forfeit in the defense of your nation?"
Even to his own ears his argument was baseless.
"...Yes it is, but... I would do what I had to, but, I..."

"But rest easier beloved.. I have NO intention of dying! I do not need to storm their ship's bridge or engineering to cripple their vessel... remember I can sense the electrical conduits in the very walls of their ship.. as long as their ship is not much bigger than the Cydonia... I can scan for the concentrations of electrical power flow then surge fry strategic power junctions into slag making them reroute or repair lines of power and communication aboard ship."
She was silencing his argument before he could even voice it.
"...I know you can, but still..."

"An Umiak vessel is a warren of tunnels and maintenance shafts large enough for me to evade and take cover in many places.. the Umiak are large.. so their maintenance and service access shafts and panels are also large ...easy for me to enter and hide in if needed. It will not be easy.. but I must do this or our flight will be no escape. They will blast us or be upon us so fast no escape will be possible. You would only slow me down ... and distract me worrying over you..."
Charlie was agreeing with her now, he knew it was impossible to change her mind. She would always do what she set her mind to, she was unbreakable like that, it was something that he liked about her.
"...Maybe, I don`t want to get in your way...

She leaned in closer, touching her helmet to his. It reminded Charlie what he could lose now.
"I know your heart trembles the same in worry for me... it is sweet of you to hold my safety so close to thy heart beloved... but it is that same affection that drives me to do this for thee.. I will not fail...!"
Charlie`s voice was still quiet, still gloomy.
"...I ... I know you won`t fail. I'll do as you ask, and, the ship WILL be ready. But, I don`t want to see you hurt. I've always had friends, you know? But I've never had anyone like you, I've never loved anyone like this before, I can`t lose you now."

"I know your plan is the best one that is available to just the two of us, I know why we can`t have back up. I know that our ship won`t match up well in a fight, I know that we have to remove their prisoner. I know everything about why we have to do this and how we have to, but it doesn`t mean I like it. I don`t like that you are the one who has to go in like this, I don`t like that you have to find and damage critical system, but I know I will have to prep the shuttle and keep it clear. And I will do these things, the shuttle will be ready, and I will be waiting."
Charlie raised his hands to her helmet and held it, not roughly, just that she had look at him, she couldn`t look away. He spoke louder than he had before, he had to be heard. He wasn`t shouting, he was trying to be as commanding as possible.
"Just promise me one thing, just promise me you will be careful. I won`t leave until you are on board... I will wait as long as it takes, I won`t go anywhere. So you have to make it back then."
Charlie let go of her helmet.
"I'll do my part, I'll do whatever you need done, but..."
Charlie sighed, considering how to phrase his next words.
"You showed me that I don`t have to be alone anymore, I wasn`t even aware that I was alone before I met you, I was happy in a kind of way, I guess. I was content with what I had in life, but now, I just want you be safe and happy. So, lets do what we have to stay alive. Lets do what we have to make sure that we will all be a little safer. Just remember one thing, I won`t leave you behind, not now, not ever."
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: Sorry, took me longer to write this. Hope you enjoy it anyway. After the sensor scans are done, there will be a new scene. Hope thats okay. Music:Link]

Meanwhile in the medbay:

Corporal Whitehead watched carefully what was going on as the two Loroi apparently connected to their unconscious Commander. He didn´t know what was going on, but he felt that something strange and dangerous was in the air. Maybe it was just an odd feeling in his stomach, but something was going on there that exceeded everything he was trained for. This was like some kind of magic he had heard of from old legends and the bed stories of his mother. Stories of Elves, dragons, monsters, gods and heroes.
They even looked like beings from such a legend: beautiful, powerful and very dangerous.
{At least they don´t look like dwarfs...}
He thought about what he knew of these creatures, how he had read the Norse myths as a young boy.
{Might they be those Ljósálfar, the old stories tell us about?}
He was thinking to himself, as suddenly Nelopaio came closer to him and handed over her sidearm. He hadn´t even noticed her turning away from her Commander. Then she said:

"I would like to return to the command center. I wish to present what we just experienced to both your captain, and my diplomatic officer."

He thought about what she said for a brief moment, as this took him by surprise.

[Ma'am... I will ask for an escort for you to the bridge. I am ordered to not leave my...]

Only then he realized that the other Loroi had fallen to the ground and didn´t move. Following his instincts he immediately moved to her, but hold his hands as he wanted to feel her pulse. He looked back to the other Loroi and yelled:

[Whats wrong with your friend here? Costello?!]

To Charlie:
Charlies Com-Unit beeped as the bridge replied to his last transmission:
[This is Captain Blake, you have clearance for takeoff. Inform us at once what you find out. Is the situation with the Loroi under control?]
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[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Still in the aftermath of her own confusion, Nelopaio seemed to hardly notice Malidarsaria before now. Swearing lightly under her breath, she moves back over to her, reaching down and pressing two fingers to where she would be able to check for a pulse, concern and frustration playing across her features as the buzzing in her head finally subsides... Glancing at the Corporal, she nods, "Do as you need to. I will wait for this escort." she replies, still searching for a pulse...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hālian »


Nelopaio, try as she might, would find only the faintest of pulses within Malidasaria, and one that is moreover fading quickly.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Hadrid Looked back at following Loroi and sniffed loudly [Yea...sure...] and chuckled to himself

[Is something wrong with what I said?]

[Nothing wrong I guess.... nah you would not understand]

[You could at least try to explain that. It could avoid further misunderstandings.]

[I don't want to offend you but it seems that your right hand don't know what left does...]

She looked at him, more serious now and replied:
[What do you mean?]

Moving via vent shaft Hadrid and Twilightsaber reached finally what would seems end of they journey.

[I will explain you later, hold on.] Hadrid braced himself against the wall and made a strong kick towards blocking way cap of the shaft.

The cap dropped out and Twilightsaber could hear metal ringing in the shaft.

[We are here.] Hadrid said, throwing his backpack with tools first. He changed from crouch position to laying on stomach and facing Loroi with his head. [It is a little high down here, when I'm gone, lay down just like me and slide slowly down.]

Hadrid slided down and second later there was hear-able clap in the air. Moving as instructed Twilightsaber laid and slowly started sliding. Going down she couldn't feel or see ground until she lost grip and free fall. While falling she made a surprised telepathic {Aaaaaaa...} broadcast around her.

Her telepathy state was broken by Loud [I got you!]. She look down to see arms warped around her waist holding her in air.

Hadrid put Loroi down and chuckled [I had a dog who weighed more than you.]

She starred at him for a brief moment and then replied:

[You can let me down now. There is no need for holding me like this. But, a dog? What do you mean?]

[The dog, domesticated predator animal, some can be really big and heavy.]

[Why would humans domesticate a predator animal for?]

[Many reasons... like guardian, watcher, seeker, warrior or even simple pet...]

[I have to admit that this sounds more clever than I first thought. Do keep such "dogs" aboard? I am sure some of my crewsisters would like to learn more about them.]

[No.. they are a bit difficult to control, need a lot of space and maintenance. Also there is no space suits for dogs so we transport them in kennels which are big and heavy. Plus losing them... is in most cases the same painful as losing human crewmen...]

Twilightsaber looked around strange room. It was no bigger than 15 feet wide cylindrical in shape. There were grid platforms connecting parallel both entrances with avoidance of round circle in thew middle of the room. Circle looked like some kind vault with big knob mounted on it. Looking at walls of the structure she saw 6 distinctive rectangular hatches with symbols: I , II , III , IV , V and VI.

Moving closer to one of them Twilightsaber could smell sharp odor of burnt circuits.

[Interesting place. But it smells burned here. Is this the place were we could repair the sensors? How should we start?]

[Yes, indeed that's the place. Here.] Hadrid approached one of the hatches with symbol I painted on it. Turning a lock there was ...hisssss.... sound and the hatch opened like a lever with 90 degrees angle. With smoke gone he reached out and pulled out what looked like Integrated circuit, large motherboard fixed to the rails and cables for Twilightsaber.

On a first glance she could see that this element was beyond repairs...

[As it seams, this part is broken. Do you have a replacement at hand? ]

[Hmm, yea we can replace this one...] Hadrid turned away from broken panel and moved towards middle circle with valve.

Seeing a Loroi following [Stand back, this one is beyond your league..]

He started unscrewing the valve ever twist making horrible sound of metal friction. Finishing there was hissss sound and white weak smoke appeared from loosen connection.

Seeing Twilightsaber jumping back afraid, he turned his head and spoken [Remnants of liquid nitrogen, nothing hazard. Just give it time to evaporate.]


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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Cursing to herself, Nelopaio cranes her head around to the nearest Marine, uncaring as to who, the unmistakable crack of command in her tone, "Get our medic down here, NOW!" Her attention back to Malidasaria, she cups her hand along the side of her sister-in-arm's face, closing her eyes and focusing... If it's a medical issue, there is little she can do, lacking both training and experience in treating physical injury. If it's the aftermath of that... Presence, perhaps she could find the issue quickly enough... Or so she hopes as she starts to lose herself in the connection, delving deeply in search of the sudden complication...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hālian »

Senanthes wrote:Cursing to herself, Nelopaio cranes her head around to the nearest Marine, uncaring as to who, the unmistakable crack of command in her tone, "Get our medic down here, NOW!" Her attention back to Malidasaria, she cups her hand along the side of her sister-in-arm's face, closing her eyes and focusing... If it's a medical issue, there is little she can do, lacking both training and experience in treating physical injury. If it's the aftermath of that... Presence, perhaps she could find the issue quickly enough... Or so she hopes as she starts to lose herself in the connection, delving deeply in search of the sudden complication...
As Nelopaio dives into Malidasaria's mind, she would find nothing — not the regular sort of nothing, but an inky, pervasive Nothing that deadens her emotions as it seeps into her psyche.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Charlie wrote: "I know your plan is the best one that is available to just the two of us, I know why we can`t have back up. I know that our ship won`t match up well in a fight, I know that we have to remove their prisoner. I know everything about why we have to do this and how we have to, but it doesn`t mean I like it. I don`t like that you are the one who has to go in like this, I don`t like that you have to find and damage critical system, but I know I will have to prep the shuttle and keep it clear. And I will do these things, the shuttle will be ready, and I will be waiting."
Charlie raised his hands to her helmet and held it, not roughly, just that she had look at him, she couldn`t look away. He spoke louder than he had before, he had to be heard. He wasn`t shouting, he was trying to be as commanding as possible.
"Just promise me one thing, just promise me you will be careful. I won`t leave until you are on board... I will wait as long as it takes, I won`t go anywhere. So you have to make it back then."
Charlie let go of her helmet.
"I'll do my part, I'll do whatever you need done, but..."
Charlie sighed, considering how to phrase his next words.
"You showed me that I don`t have to be alone anymore, I wasn`t even aware that I was alone before I met you, I was happy in a kind of way, I guess. I was content with what I had in life, but now, I just want you be safe and happy. So, lets do what we have to stay alive. Lets do what we have to make sure that we will all be a little safer. Just remember one thing, I won`t leave you behind, not now, not ever."
Sonni smiles, "Nothing is certain.. beloved.. not fate, or death.. but love is eternal. Even if I should meet my end .. I have touched your heart as you have touched mine. Nothing can take that from you.. or me. Not death or time or distance. In your darkest moments... I'll be with you... as you will be with me."

She hugs him in one gentle embrace, and whispers softly, "I promise."

Releasing him she straps back into her seat and puts on thrust.. the skiff exiting the hanger and pivoting on its maneuvering verniers around the bulk of the Cydonia. Actuating the cameras and transmitting on the frequency given to her by Charlie from the Cydonia she transmits the video footage as she surveys the Cydonia's exterior.

Transmitting, < [ "This is Teidar Stormrage to Cydonia command.. our skiff is outside and I'm transmitting a external image of your hull serveying for any damage and to test our image link and transmission stability. Please acknowledge." ] >

[ P37 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

In the Medbay:

After hearing Nelopaio yelling for a medic, nurse Costello rushed into the room. She was still wearing her green surgery outfit and stains of dried human blood could be seen on it. She looked around, puzzled for a brief moment and then saw Malidasaria lying on the ground in front of the other Loroi, as well as Corporal Whitehead.

[Whats going on?]

She said that and quickly pointed her medical scanner at her, as she didn´t want to touch her. Her eyes widened and everyone could see that something was wrong with the scanners readings.

[She has a pulse... but very weak... I am not sure about the rest... Was she attacked?]

On the shuttle:

The skiffs com console beeped as a response came in:

[This is Cydonia, receiving your audio and visual transmission, "Tei-dar" Stormrage. Interference is not strong enough to disrupt the transmission while you are close by. Please keep this distance. We can so far not identify any damage to the hull. Please continue.]
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 29

Stormrage smiled, it was a comforting smile, meant to allay is fears and doubts.
"Nothing is certain.. beloved.. not fate, or death.. but love is eternal. Even if I should meet my end .. I have touched your heart as you have touched mine. Nothing can take that from you.. or me. Not death or time or distance. In your darkest moments... I'll be with you... as you will be with me."

She unbuckled herself and she came over. She slowly, gently gave him a hug. Charlie couldn`t have stopped her from doing so, nor did he want to. She whispered so softly, transmitted by external suit mics the sound was soft inside his helmet. But he heard it so clearly.
"I promise."
She wasn`t promising not to die, she was promising to do her best to live. No one could do any better, really. She must have known that, she did need to hear anything from Charlie, nor did he have anything to say. She released the hug as quickly as she had given it and moved back to her seat. She engaged the engines and moved the craft fully out of the hanger. She skillfully piloted the small craft around the much larger Cydonia giving a good view of the ship, still scanning for damage she activated the coms unit.

< [ "This is Teidar Stormrage to Cydonia command.. our skiff is outside and I'm transmitting a external image of your hull serveying for any damage and to test our image link and transmission stability. Please acknowledge." ] >

The reponse didn`t take long.
[This is Cydonia, receiving your audio and visual transmission, "Tei-dar" Stormrage. Interference is not strong enough to disrupt the transmission while you are close by. Please keep this distance. We can so far not identify any damage to the hull. Please continue.]

Just looking at the ship, Charlie spoke to no one in particular.
"You know I've been through almost all of that ship and I know it like the back of my hand. It seems so much bigger from out here, and yet it seems so small in the grand scheme of things."

Turning to Sonni.
"Do you want to scan the rest of the ship? Do you have a plan of how to get further out without attracting too much attention?. I think if we come up with the reason to go further out and scan, maybe. I don`t really have much of an idea honestly."
Last edited by Charlie on Thu May 23, 2013 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Suederwind wrote: On the shuttle:

The skiffs com console beeped as a response came in:

[This is Cydonia, receiving your audio and visual transmission, "Tei-dar" Stormrage. Interference is not strong enough to disrupt the transmission while you are close by. Please keep this distance. We can so far not identify any damage to the hull. Please continue.]
Sonni smiles slightly but raises a hand - index finger extending upright to indicate she has already thought of a reply and not to worry.

Transmitting, < [ "We are receiving you loud and clear Cydonia command. However, our skiff is only meant for relatively short-ranged ship to ship transfers. It is not equipped with a full array of military grade sensors - specifically I have no passive EMS or detector Arrays. I have only active sensors. With the Cydonia STILL without maneuver or weapons control... it would be Highly inadvisable for me to begin actively scanning right next to the Cydonia. If there are hostiles in system as we now know... it would lead them right to us when we are most vulnerable! I'm going to navigate a short distance away roughly 1,000 of your kilometers... just out of visual sight of the Cydonia and make a scan there from within the asteroid debris field for some cover. The Cydonia still reads as cold.. so without some active emission your vessel should be almost impossible to detect with all the space debris in this system. I'm Switching to tight beam laser communications, bearing right to left X: 15^degrees, Y: 45^degrees, Z: 45^degrees. Testing frequency now... " ] >

There is a dulled squeal from the comm array as the skiff pans its laser comm over the Cydonia trying to match frequencies like a directional microwave radio. Advantages being much greater extended communications range {at least in space}, no broad-band radio transmissions to be detected... and no disruption by radiation or electromagnetic interference. Downside being that space debris will make communication unstable as objects move between the ships... but no safer more secure transmissions were available.

Sonni waits for Cydonia Command to respond on laser comm as they search for the Skiff's laser communication modulation.

[ P38 ]

{OOC: Sorry for the delay.. in replying.}
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number 30:

Charlie didn`t really have any idea of how to get away from the Cydonia without suspicion, not that it mattered, as he was silenced by an extended finger. Sonni must have already had a plan in motion.

He might have seen the gears turning in her head, the plan was well though out as far as he was concerned. her reasoning was clear, concise and it had merit. Even if the captain still had lingering doubts about the Loroi, the fact that a human was on aboard the small shuttle gave some measure of assurance. Charlie cast his eyes all about the shuttles bridge or command center as it were.

Some philosopher hundred-eds of years in the past had said that;
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Yet, Charlie understood in principle at least most of the Lori tech he had seen so far. Were a real pilot here, Charlie was sure he'd be able to make a lot more sense about everything in here. Still, there was no doubts that the Loroi were more advanced, but not by much. Charlie felt the gap could be overcome within 150 years, less if the technology was gifted along with a little technical expertise. He had seen nothing magical so far, save for Tei-dar Stormrage. She had some kind of powerful telepathic powers, all Loroi did allegedly, still her level or type seemed rarer. Charlie still felt somewhat unsettled by it all, he was less and less freaked out by it as time went on. He didn`t fear Sonni, she was special. The Loroi had seemed very alien at first, maybe they still were, but to Charlie they seemed more human-like the more he learned about them, maybe it was his feeling clouding his judgment. Charlie had to wonder, did he empathize with Loroi because they looked human?

Charlie wondered what the Umiak technology level would be like, what would the Umiak be like? He had heard enough about them in training to know that he didn`t want to find out.

He looked at the rifle he had been given, it seemed like a decent weapon, and all things considered; at least it was something.

Charlie leaned back into the chair contentedly, simply waiting for the response, then undoubtedly the true mission would begin.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Nelopaio scowls in thought, shaking her head, "I'm... Uncertain. It's as though she literally isn't there now. As though her mind had left the body." she says, her tone less than sure on any of it's points... Focusing once more, she leans down, trying one final time to make any sort of meaningful contact with what should be present there... Closing her eyes, she sets her jaw in concentration, then lets her mind falls free as her hand makes contact with Malidararia's skin, practically letting herself 'fall' into the other Loroi's mind... If, indeed, there is anything left.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hālian »


The Nothing's advance quickens as Nelopaio's mind falls into Malidasaria's, and were she to look down, Nelopaio would find that she is falling down a seemingly bottomless pit.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Falling over backwards, Nelopaio comes to with a shout, disoriented and staring at the ceiling, panting for breath... Squeezing her eyes shut, she lies there for a time, just working on regaining her senses, rather less than cognizant of anything around her for several minutes, seeing only whats inside her head... An endless nothingness where one of her sisters-in-arms had been. Slowly, she starts to roll over, first to her knees, then to her feet, unsteadily, shaking her head slowly as a buzzing worse than her own sanzai settles in...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

[Why are we waiting for some nitrogen to get away? Any pressure building up in there?]

[If you want to freeze your blue hands by touching it, be my quest.] Hadrid pointed using his head opened, steaming storage.

[Give it some time, meanwhile I have a question if you don't mind. Fair one.]

[I have no problem with that, if you don´t mind that I ask you a question, too.]

Hadrid rose and went to the wall, turning towards the blue skinned alien, he relied his back on the wall and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

[Why are you here?] he said with unusually cold voice. - Hadrid is known to speak with soundly dialect.

[I am here to assist you in repairing and recalibrating your sensors...] Twilightsaber answered while raising an eyebrow and looking back at the Human Commander.

[No it's not what I meant. WHY ARE YOU HERE, in this system, in this part of galaxy, why bothering coming here?]

[Well, you were sending an Ambassador to us and wanted to establish diplomatic contact. Do you have a problem with that? Are you unhappy that we are here?]

[Happiness is not my objective, yet your arrival closes the episode of human history and opens the new one, which I think will be short one. Another error of judgment in the situation made by our foolish leaders.]

[Indeed, the arrival of us is a new part of your history, but of ours, too. I assume from what you said, that you were against this mission?]

[You meant our diplomatic mission or yours? Anyway answer in both cases is the same: When Orgus came to our borders we learned that there is another life in the stars and whats more shit hit the fan on your side of galaxy.]

[Yes, I meant your diplomatic mission. Why were you against it? Shit hit the fan?]

[It means total chaos, Why against it? Because I can count...]

Hadrid turned and opened another hatch with IV symbol on it. ...hissss... Looking at burnt circuits he spoken [What is your question?]

[I do not mean to offend you, but are you afraid of us somehow or is your... territorial behavior... something every human male does? Do you see a thread in us, in me to be more precise?]
She said with a voice that continuously got colder with every word she spoke and stared at him without even blinking once.

[Afraid of you? Maybe.... but... perhaps more afraid of your kind. From what I know, your kind expand to the stars with brutal violence, butchering everything on your way. Tell me, what race would give you a better fight, one in industrial age or one in the information age? Such disregard for life...]

[I do not know what you are referring to, but we did not start the wars we had to fight. I can assure you that we are not brutal butchers, but we do defend ourselves. I am wondering, is that not the case with "humans"? Would you not defend yourself and what is precious to you?]

Hadrid lowered his head trying to get his thoughts [Butchers? We had some dark demigods in our history I guess every civilization has them but...] He raised his head and looked at Twilightsaber [Of course I would fight.]

She answered him, with one of her eyebrows raised: [So you would defend yourself, good... But whats your problem with us doing the same?]

[I have no problem with defending yourself, I don not accept useless savagery.]

[Useless savagery? What do you mean?]

Approaching her again on hands length, Hadrid looked at his companion. [Tell me what you see.] Meanwhile he made sound-able sniff catching a Loroi scent.
Her scent was exotic mix up of weed and "dark" scents like vanilla, cinnamon, incense.... somehow pleasant to Hadrid's senses

[What I see? A "human" male and without being offensive, its still strange how similar physically you look to us.]

Hadrid raised his left eye eyebrow and laughed under his breath. [I guess woman in the galaxy are all the same.]

[Its the same with the males, I guess...]

Moving back to open valve in the middle and kneeling he said under his nose [Even without this mambo-jombo psyche thing I know exactly what you are thinking.]

[Something wrong with that object?]

[Ah.. sorry.. this is awkward. Correct me if I'm wrong but Loroi use mostly telepathy in 'normal' life. You can 'sense' each other, even not seeing them, you can talk to each other even without speaking a word and even do that at long distances. So.. I guess your rest of natural senses are a bit... dumbed compared to humans.]

[I am not sure what you are talking about...]

[Do you smell something? Something unusual?]

[No. Just ordinary human scent... Are you a bit sweaty?]

[What? No I'm fine. Do I stink?]

[I am not used to human... body scent... That was all that I meant. ] blushing shortly after, she added quickly: [I didn't mean this as an offense... ]

[None taken. Come on let's get to the work.]

Putting slowly his hand inside he pulled out pressure-foliated entire motherboard from it. On the packaging there were many spread all over small symbols ' I ' [You see? Someone thought of that already.]

[That is positive. If you allow me...?] she said that and got the small hand held scanner from her side holster, pointed it at the broken piece of technology and continued: [I might be able to find out more about how the enemy attacked us, if that is okay with you.]

[Go ahead.]

Last edited by Beliskner on Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

Twilightsaber started her scanning process and after a short while she said: [Interesting... your sensors are more sophisticated than I have thought. But with those readings we might be able to adapt our and your sensors to the ECM of the enemy.]

[Those? This junk is older than me... it's place is in the museum not on frontier warship. If you could see Mark III 'Spacetech'* sensor array that's a real deal. And even those will become obsolete in year or two.]

[If its not the best you have, why did you put it on that ship or replaced it with something better?] she then paused for a moment and added [How old is this ship?]

[It would require disassembling half of the ship to do that...] Thinking for the moment [I don't remember...]

[That is strange. I would have thought you would send only your best ships out here.]

She then looked around to another hatch and asked:
[Are those the... frequency modulators for the sensors?]

[Hmm I see you know a bit. Yes but watch for blue coated wires. They are conducting 500 volts... human voltage units. Let's say you don't want be zapped by it.]

[I would prefer if we could do this together?]

[Oookkkeeey] Hadrid said with cheery voice and slowly put down replacement part back to the hatch.

[Of course, after you are finished. If I could assist you in the meantime?]

then another though came to her mind

[I have nearly forgotten to call our shuttle and give them this informations.]

As she was unsure if the shuttle was to far away for sanzai, she activated her com unit:

[Parat Twilightsaber to the shuttle, I can send you information to configure your sensors and adapt to the enemies ECM. Please respond.]

Approaching opened hatch Hadrid leaned on the wall and looked at Twilightsaber [Ok, what you need to do with that tool?]

[This?] she showed him her hand held scanner [That is just a portable scanner. We need it to calibrate your sensors. Is something wrong with it?]

[In that case we need to replace whole 6 panels first. Only after that we will have access to hard drives and it's memory. Look.]

Hadrid put his hand inside to the panel [Each motherboard sits in such socket*] He pointed a long setting for Twilightsaber.
[Plus it's connected by several power cables across it.] He pointed several cables plugged in to the board. [Press it, like this and unplugged it.] Hadrid grabbed one of connector plugs by it's head and removed it. [Just... don't get zapped. I will prepare new one board for the setting. Ok?]

[I will try my best.] the Mizol said and got to work, eagerly awaiting an answer from Stormrage.


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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Waiting for a reply with laser comm from Cydonia command Sonni is at work using what limited passive navigational proximity sensors the skiff was equipped with when the Comm signaled an incoming Loroi frequency communication transmission.
Beliskner wrote: [Parat Twilightsaber to the shuttle, I can send you information to configure your sensors and adapt to the enemies ECM. Please respond.]
Opening a reply communications link, Transmitting, < [ "I receive your transmission and understand Parat Mizol. I am currently trying to establish an alternate laser communications link to Cydonia Command for increased security. The Skiff sensors are limited I will have to do an active scan to get any useful telemetry... such may attract the enemy's attention. I intend to move the skiff some 1,300,000 mannal {approx~ 1,000,880meters - 1,000km} so as not to draw the enemy to the crippled Cydonia should our scans be detected. Awaiting your transmission for sensor array synchronization..." ] >

[ P39 ]
Last edited by sunphoenix on Fri May 31, 2013 3:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Suederwind »

[OOC: Sorry again for the delay.]

On the Loroi shuttle:

While Stormrage tried to make some sense out of the disturbed passive sensor readings, an answer from Cydonia came in:

[This is Cydonia command. The Laser com-link is working, receiving and sending data, as well as audio, without any problems. We understood you plan and Captain Blake approves it. We need to know what is going on in this system, but do not take any unnecessary risks. Please confirm.]

Shortly afterwards a message from Twilightsaber came in:

[Understood, please continue. Please try to stay out of danger. Sending you the needed data now...]

A container file with the needed data was received, uploading it to the shuttle, the sensors were now adapted to the enemy ECM.

[Please roll for your computer skill for the scan. ;) ]

In the sickbay:

Corporal Whitehead and Nurse Costello watched as Loroi Commander collapsed.

[What is wrong? Can you hear me?] Nurse Costello asked her, with a very worried face. [Is your... "sister" alright? Whats going on?]

The door opened and Corporal Nordstroem entered the room. Just the look on her face was telling everyone that she didn't like what she saw there.
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[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Sonnidezi is watches as the telemetry links establish... grimacing slightly.

{This is a task for a fully trained Tenoin... not a untrained... even if 'gifted' slightly cross-trained Teidar!}

Triggering the Laser comm Sonni replies, < [ "Receiving you clearly and confirming Sensor telemetry synchronization Cydonia Command. Proceeding with scanning mission." ] >

Sonni did not reply to Mizol Tilightsaber... she did not wish to lie to her... being..careful was the furthest thing from her mind!

Sonni looked at Charlie and smiled sadly but her eyes were full of burning determination.

Sonni without further word set to her task, maneuvering the Loroi skiff only on its reaction maneuvering verniers {not engaging the main drives} she set the craft on a 'relatively' slow course setting away from the Cydonia... a mere 2,000 mannal per digel {roughly 200kph}. She turning the aft video display watching as the bulk of the Cydonia receded behind them until it could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

Turning to charlies she commented, "Make sure you have secured your harness... I'm engaging the main drives now. It will be a little rough as I'm trying to get attention."

With that simple warning Sonni powers up the drives accelerating the Loroi "Lillit" shuttle rapidly to 8 G and then pouring on the speed to its functional limits of 10 G's tearing across space toward the debris field. Charlies is pressed into the securing harness in no uncertain terms as the craft rockets to its destination some 13 million mannal distant {roughly 1,000km} of the still mostly cold Cydonia. The trail of the loroi crafts drives evident for any watching to see. Though she left the laser comm link open so the Lillit skiffs telemetry would be shared with the Cydonia without being traced she deactivated the audio sensors as she was pretty sure the Cydonia Captain and her own Mizol would be quite vocally furious with what she was about to do.... and there would be no hiding it from them. Even underpowered as the Cydonia was at current their passive radio arrays would pick up her 'fake' distress signal meant to lure the enemy close.

Not waiting Sonni turned the Active sensor array on to full scanning the surrounding space as the skiff powered to it destination... Sonni just hoped she activated the correct sensors properly.

[OOC: Ok, the skill to use the computer to link telemetry on the skiff with the Cydonia and to operate the sensors... you obviously know Sonni does not have. But I do have a lot of experience unspent. So I'd like to purchase Computers [Electronic Warfare] 2pts - Lv1 and Electronics [Sensors] 2pts - Lv1... but I'll make an unskilled use of those skills for now and not use those levels until with your approval I can apply them as this is new to her... but she has been doing a lot of thing recently that are not strictly Teidar duties. As a rule of thumb... perhaps having her use the skills untrained a number of times equal to the character point cost {2} times before she can apply the levels to skill tasks might be acceptable? But up to you Suederwind.]

Skill: Computers {Electronic Warfare} "Untrained" = 2d6 + 5 → [6,6,5] = (17)
- [A difficult success... against a static Target number, See BESM 3rd ED Core rules p. 136]
* +5 {mind}, +/- any mod from GM for difficulty or ease of task

Skill: Electronics {Sensors} "Untrained" = 2d6 + 5 → [2,6,5] = (13)
- [A Average success... against a static Target number, See BESM 3rd ED Core rules p. 136]
* +5 {mind}, +/- any mod from GM for difficulty or ease of task

Sonni watching the flashing console as telemetry flows in and the asteroid debris field approaches rapidly. Disengaging the drives she spins the skiff 180^degrees applying thrust to slow their approach well distant from the field so a cautious entry into the astroidal field can be made.

Spinning the skiff around again Sonni picks a large asteroid one big enough for the skiff to reasonably dock to. Maneuvering the Skiff close she extends its landing struts as if to land ... but only maneuvers close to the rock putting verniers to station-keeping relative to the rock... at last initially. Reading the shuttle fuel stores and power supply she nods in acceptance.

Skill: Piloting [Spacecraft] = 2d6 + 6 + 1 + 1 → [3,2,6,1,1] = (13)
- [A Average success... against a static Target number, See BESM 3rd ED Core rules p. 136]
* +6 {body}, +1 {Skill Levl}, +1 {Specilization}, +/- any mod from GM for difficulty or ease of task

Stormrage then turns on the radio to record and repeat her distress message on a broad band transmission...

< [ "This is Teidar Sezon Sonnidezi... last survivor of the Argent Fire. I am running out of atmosphere my fuel and power are almost expended. I have vital intel on the Umiak's operations in this sector of space confirming our other scout ship's discoveries but have met a new hostile race and am shipwreaked. I will likely be dead of asphyxia when this distress beacon is found but Torrai Command must get this intel on the Umiak. The intel is encrypted and secreted upon the skiff in the usual security locker set to destroy the intel as usual in case of compromise." ] >

Sonni sets the beacon to continue repeating the transmission, and powers down the anti-matter power plant on the skiff.. running only on battery power.
She watches the telemetry from the sensors looking at whatever might have been detected.. but the die is cast the plan in motion... now it is the waiting game... to see if the enemy takes the 'bait'.

Turning to Charlie she shows him the power up procedures for the main reactor and a simulated crash course in piloting Loroi small craft...

[OOC: You Charlie you can now justify spending some experience in a piloting skill! :) ]

Her attentions are on teaching quickly the needed information ...but it is obvious to Charlie she is flirting with him as well, her closeness her gentle touch, her soft and somewhat musical voice. Its a good thing she has him record her instructions on his suits log record.

All the while a flashing light on the consoles of the Cydonia likely trying to contact them to find out exactly what she is doing with that distress call is ignored.

Sonni makes sure that the laser transmissions are still being sent to the Cydonia with the sensor telemetry and sets the laser com to deactivate when any vessel approaches to within 130,000 mannal {roughly 100km} of the skiff - so as not to give away the Cydonia's position to the enemy.

Her tasks done, she asks Charlie, "Are we ready to take our little space walk? We can hide in the Landing strut bays for the enemy to arrive... hopefully. I have a tight transmission link to the skiff shuttle's electronics in my space armor.. I can view its telemetry from my suit H.U.D. so we will know if our ploy works... before the enemy get here... hopefully. Are you ready Chaar-lee?"

[ P40; +1xp ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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