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Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:54 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage flexed her Telekinetic skills only slightly... in zero-G it was much easier to utilize her Telekinetic talents without major stress.. though her head still throbbed with the effort it was more an annoyance than actual pain at present.

Shortly they Flew up to the asteroid that had obviously been modified with a strange... oddly simple technology... fragile looking actually.. but cunningly hidden.

Storm maneuvered them both close to the largest collection of devices installed in the rock.

Storm thought, {This is certainly no species technology I have ever seen...!}

Casting her eyes at Thoughtvenom, she sanzaied {Here Mizol, try to gain access to the components of these devices... can you identify their species origin...~?}

...when suddenly one of the devices appendages moved and pointed at the two Loroi!

Stormrage reacted without thinking she Telekinetically positioned herself in front of the Mizol and quickdrew her Heavy Blaster in one fluid motion. Also, calling on her Teidar Combat training her will flashed and suddenly she was surrounded by a shimmering distortion of electromagnetic energies as her Electro-Static Field Crackled into existence! Stormrage bathed in arcing lightning and a visual distortion of twisted magnetic and electrical plasma floated ready to block any self-defense system the probe had activated obviously on their close proximity...

She almost fired her heavy blaster... but years of constant training and combat under live-fire had given her a cool hand and a sharp eye for details the ... appendage did not look like an energy weapon. The wide lens being far too dust covered from its time in asteroid field to be a effective focal aperture for energy discharge. Something.. perhaps a gut feeling, made her hold her fire for a moment...

She sanzaied after the moment passed, {If that were a self-defense energy weapon.. surely it would have fired by now? Perhaps it is drained of charge? Thoughtvenom I'll approach it and ascertain its threat, you continue your examination of the devices... be careful of any other moving appendages. There may be autonomous defense drones.}

Storm lowered her blaster and moved closer looking at the odd appendage... {How primitive? It looks like a simple optical sensor of some sort.}

A sudden thought came to her... Storm stopped concentrating on her Electro-Static Shield and it vanished with a releasing of will. She urgently sanzaied to her companion, {Spirits preserve me for a fool! Whoever owns this device.. their watching us now! Thoughtvenom hurry we must leave this area as quickly as possible ...the aliens may be on their way here even now!}

Storm look away from the probe devices looking around the asteroid trying to see any telle-tell visual displays of any active drives streaking in the velvet sea of stars around her....

Meanwhile, onboard the Cydonia Bridge...
{OOC: Remember Humanity has no idea what the Loroi look like! And no clue as to the Loroi technical superiority :)}

Two figures suddenly come into view. It is a shock to see them clearly... they are Human! The proportion of their heads, torso, arms and legs.. there can be no doubt! The way their limbs bend and move.. even their posture floating in the weightless environment. One shorter than the other about 5'10 'perhaps' is in a completely slate grey heavily armored vacc-suit with no markings of any sort... however the hourglass shape of the figure's body & hips, the slight enticing bulge of the chest, the slender waist and proportional width of the shoulders even though clad in the bulky armored vacc-suit lead no doubt - this is a female! Her companion much taller perhaps 6'5"{?} is obviously female as well... and similarly wearing the same slate gray unadorned armored vacc-suit. On her larger frame; her shapely feminine curves were more clearly pronounced! Both are wearing some kind of EVA maneuver pack but thermal sensors do not read any heat from their exhausts.. so how are they maneuvering so precisely? Their gear does not look like any human style of standard space gear. Were the two, obviously, human women somehow captured? Did they steal the gear from captors? But why would it fit them so well? They were both armed, the tall one with some kind of rifle weapon and a long curved sheathed blade and the smaller with only a holstered sidearm.

The shorter armored one noticed the movement of the camera almost immediately and those with military training on the bridge recognize a trained soldier's reaction to a perceived threat as suddenly she moves to interpose for the other and in a flash that sidearm is in her hand pointed at the camera. Again... its baffling - how is she doing that? Moving so effortlessly without a obvious means of propulsion or maneuvering vernier firing - and seemingly with no inertia!

But the next thing shocks everyone on the bridge into stunned disbelief; as suddenly an arcing field of lightning and magnetic plasma forms suddenly around the shorter one... the probe's sensors go literally crazy trying to identify what its observing and failing utterly! They have personal defensive screens? How is that possible... what power source could be miniaturized enough to carry one on ones person?

But the marines on the bridge must give credit to whoever trained the reflexes of the shorter woman as the expected end of the transmission from the weapon being fired does not come. The shorter woman did not fire but watched the camera mount for a moment and lowers her weapon somewhat.

To the military experts on the bridge they at first laughed thinking if she had fired it would have put her into a uncontrollable spin from the recoil... but her lowering of the weapon shows no kind of slugthrower they have ever seen. There are no exhaust ports or gas-vent stabilizers... perhaps it is a guass weapon? But there is no receiver, and it is seemingly made of one solid piece of polymer or metal no moving parts. The probe returns a powerful energy signature in the EM band coming from the weapon... personal hand-held energy weapons? How?

She turns to her companion and her face can be seen in the angle of the light on her helmet visor... definitely a woman! She oddly enough does not speak her lips not moving but her companion moves out of the line of the camera angle.

The smaller woman approaches the camera looking at it closely.. there is no mistaking she is quite lovely, her eyes calm and almost elfin in shape. Though the tint of her visor makes getting any color of hair and eyes impossible. The crackling field emitting from her suit/ body causing odd distortions in the camera pick up.

Then she scowls slightly {a very human-like expression of recognition flashing across her lovely features} and the crackling field of energy just vanished! It was there one moment gone the next and no mechanical activation/deactivation noticeable on her part. Looking up and around woman soldier was obviously alarmed though she does not speak a word. She backed away from the camera {again moving without any sign of artificial propulsion} and begins searching the space around her ignoring the camera completely. Obviously, she has realized that she is on camera - being watched and is alerted, looking for some approaching vessel...!

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 9:32 pm
by Suederwind
[OOC: Took me way longer than expected to start working on this post. Just some small additions for the Loroi shuttle and something more for the humans. Please bear in mind, that the humans do not know how the Loroi or Umiak look like, unless we hear something different or a proper in game first contact is made. Most likeley they won´t know what a defense screen look like, or how it works. Anyway: some more music for you: Link. I hope you like that. As always, this is WIP!
Edit: Good lord, I have forgotten a part... :oops: ]

Meanwhile, back on the Loroi shuttle:
{305,304,303,302,301,... I knew that this Teidar was not easy to handle, but she did not even give the slightest report. Are they still alive? ...297,296,295,294,... Time is running out! They need to hurry! ...288,287,286,...}

Mizol Parat Thwilightsaber thought this, while tapping with her fingers on one of the consoles. Waiting in this situation was not what she liked. She looked back to the other crewsisters, saw their sorrow and pain filled faces. Most of them were very young, had never experienced such a situation before and she could feel, that some of them were near the edge of breakdown. This was too much for such young warriors, she felt that they had not much time left.

{Was I this weak and soft back then?} she wondered about her calm mood herself.

{However, there is no time for such emotions. There is a war going on and we need to do our job! 256,255,254,253,...}

After a brief moment, she sanzaied directly to Softsapphire:

{Still no message from Stormrage? Did the Data-stream change somehow?}

and after that to Doranzer Mazil Paiad:

{How are the sisters doing? How many are badly injured? Can you help them somehow? How much time do they have left?}

Back on Cydonias bridge:
Captain Blake was quite as he saw this pictures and started to clean his glasses, something only rarely ever seen when he was on the bridge. This was not a good sign...

{That can´t be...} he thought while he tried to regain his composure.

Ensign Metzger was the first who regained his voice and said smiling:

[Frauen im Weltall? What a nice surprise...]

Hadrid turned towards captain, turning away from screen.
[Well... that was delighting... Sir, I'm not sure, but this... this may be Loroi or Umiak, the races which the Orgus told us about. The intel provided by the Orgus mentioned that they are fighting a war against each other... then what we have seen before could be skirmish between those two races.]

[That... would at least make some sense...]
Captain Blake answered in a dim voice.

[Sir, perhaps we should send a forward warning to a sensor probe near the jumpzone back home?]

The Captain but his glasses back on, laid his hands on his temples and gently massaged them. Everyone knew that he was fully focusing on that new information and the problems around it.
[Thats a good idea. We can´t be sure if they are hostile to us or not and if anything happens, the next of our ships that enters this system is warned. Anderson, what was this... bubble... surrounding the smaller one?]

Anderson cleared her throat and reported:
[I´m sorry sir... the sensor readings made not much sense. It appears to be some form of thin... plasma field... But we did not detect an energiesource powerful enough to create something like this. That makes no sense to me. What are they doing there?]

[Shall we still carry out the shuttle mission, sir? Perhaps we should lay low until Alberta arrives?]
Ferrox asked the Captain.

The Captain had his eyes closed, still massaging his head:
[Yes, Ferrox. That is even more urgent than before. You and Wolffe, get going as fast as you can... And forget that salvage part, we still can do that afterwards. What- or whoever they might be, a spacewalk in such an irradiated area is very risky and they might need our help. Besides, I don´t think that the Alberta would make much difference in a full blown attack from those aliens, after all I have seen.]

[Aye Captain! With respect... IF we make contact with them what should we tell them? Or should we just simply transmit the connection to Cydonia?]

Thinking a while over this question, he answered:
[IF you make contact with them, find out who they are, what they want and if they need help. After that you report to Cydonia what you found out at once and await further orders. Is that clear? And please... don´t play the hero... both of you. They appear to be heavily armed and they have that... plasma bubble... thing... so be cautious! And now: Get going!]

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:48 pm
by bunnyboy
Paiad answers to Twilightsaber in edge of panic. { I don't know. I'm expert of viruses! I'm doing best what I can, but I don't have space or equipments. I believe that Copperspear has internal bleeding and she wouldn't live a hour. We could give her more time if we could reduce her temperature, but I have already used everything on this ship. }
She touch her own stomach, because of growing pain and which worries her, because she couldn't say, if it is because of the alien germs, some internal damage from the impact of explosions, empatical flooding from the unconscious loroi or just a stress.

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:12 pm
by Suederwind
That was really no what she wanted to hear from Paiad. Thanks to her Mizol training she recognised that there was something more, that Paiad didn´t want to tell her. Something that deeply worried her. She wasn´t sure if she should ask her now, too close was her mind to this edge of chaos, that had corrupted so many minds after the fall of Seren.

{Fear not, sister Paiad. I´m sure Stormrage and Thoughtvenom will be back soon. There will be someone in this system, that drone proves it and they will help us. If you need my help, just ask...}

She tried to calm Paiad and hoped she wouldn´t feel her own fears, trying to shield them as good as she could..

{What if that thing is just some old piece of junk or worse a umiak sentry drone that has already killed Stormrage and Thoughtvenom? Will we all die in this shuttle? Whats taking them so long?}

She looked at the lifeless body of her Soroin opponent. Her blazing rage and will to fight was gone now. Merely an hour left? Even she deserved better. No one should die like this... She could only hope, that those two found out that this was a human made thing and not a Umiak weapons platform of some sort. 217,216,215,...

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:29 am
by Hālian
Yiuel wrote:{Losat, can you give me a description of any mark you can see on the probe as soon as you get near the thing?}
sunphoenix wrote:Casting her eyes at Thoughtvenom, she sanzaied {Here Mizol, try to gain access to the components of these devices... can you identify their species origin...~?}
Malidasaria examines the probe carefully, looking for anything that might even vaguely qualify as an identifying mark. (Mind 8 + Heightened Awareness 3 + Military Sciences (Hardware Recognition) 3)

She then flips on her suit radio and reports back to Sonnidezi and Softsapphire.

If she sees no or unidentifiable markings:
"Whatever this may seem to be, I cannot identify it."

If she sees human markings:
"I believe that this is an artifact of humaniti."

If she sees umiak markings:
"Spirits save me, this is the Enemy's work."

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:21 am
by Suederwind
Rolled a dice for you. 1= you know who made that probe and how it works, 2-10 = you know who made it, 11-19 = you have no clue who made it, 20 = :shock:
I rolled this: 1d20 → [6] = (6),

Malidasaria gently wiped away some of the dust from that primitive drone and discovered a small silvery plate. The plate was a little bit smaller than her hand and on it where some strange markings: two discs with strange lines in it that looked like some basic depiction of an unknown planet and three letters above that pictures, that she allready knew from the cloths of the alien ambassador: TCA
She instantly knew where that drone came from.

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 11:15 am
by Yiuel
{Success! Girls! Now we do have a chance to survive. Parat Twilightsaber. Our only chance is to make ourselves get into the human ship that is necessarly nearby. It is your call to do so, I leave it to you. But make it swift.}

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:00 pm
by bunnyboy
The news brings new hope and Paiad sends them to Copperspear.
{ Stay alive. We are getting help and this mission will be succesful. }
Copperspear is far away in unconsciousness, but Paiad could swear that Copperspear relax little and she feels her own pain lessening.
Then she gathers small group of loroi, who could donor blood or help and explains to them, how Copperspear should be transferred on to another ship and what she needs from them.

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:09 pm
by sunphoenix
Stormrage is warily trying to watch the surrounding space when Thoughtvenom makes her discovery and announces so with sanzai.

{Truly Thoughtvenom? A Humaniti ship is somewhere nearby... fine we return to the skiff now!}

Stormrage maneuvers near to Thoughtvenom making sure she has collected all her tools and equipment... then takes hold of her with telekinesis and even more rapidly than before... they dart through space directly back to the Loroi "Slipper".

Storm holsters her blaster in transit and is perhaps a little rushed as she maneuvers them around the asteroid to the waiting skiff. She gets Thoughtvenom into the airlock first and she follows in her wake...

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 10:26 am
by Suederwind
[OOC: just a short post for the loroi side, as we wait for our human friends.]
Parat Twilightsaber could hear Stormrage and Thoughtvenom as they entered the airlock of the shuttle. The crewsisters and even herself were relieved to see them back in one piece, as the door of the airlock opened. Although Twilightsaber tried to hide it, she couldn´t help it and had to smile a little for a brief moment. There was a little hope after all.

{You found out that there should be humans in this system. Very good news! But did you found any information where one of their outposts or ships might be?}

She sanzaid this to the returned Taidar and Mizol, somehow sending a warm feeling of happiness with those thoughts.

{Maybe that was a little to much? However, its good to have them back. Time to find these humans. An hour left for Copperspear, lets hope that humanitis presence in that system is not too far away... Why are they hiding here, anyway?}

{Softsapphire, can you give us a status? How much time do we have left, till we run out of air? Are you able send a message to the humans on the same frequency of the data stream? If you can, prepare one of those emergency messages the human ambassador used as he was found and send it to them.}

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 2:31 pm
by Yiuel
Softsapphire was exited, looking forward to meet the humans. But Twilightsaber's questions were more pressing matter.

{No matter how much time we have left, this doesn't matter. More pressing is sending a message to the humaniti ship. I will calculate the frequency of the stream, Malidasaria shall use her knowledge to make a message possible. Now, for the message.

First of all, we will not use the human's language. In this new meeting, we know one thing they do not now. That is, that we know a human and about humanity. So not only will we not speak their language, I'll will make sure that this message does not show any of our knowledge about humanity. So, instead, I will send a message in all the spoken languages that I know except the human's one. Since humanity appears to understand trade, we will use trade as the first language, and use Historian. We will however use their frequency only, to tell them that we are aware that they are there.

Second, we will not say that we are Loroi. We will specify our number and our required environment. We got a lost human; useful to learn about humanity, yet useless to learn about their counsel. We do not know what happened to humanity during this time. But as soon as it is clear no Umiak influence is in their counsel, which we will quickly see I suppose, we should present ourselves as Loroi and gain their trust. So I propose this :

"Mayday to anyone in this system. We are (number) in a small transport who just escaped the destruction of their main ship. We request assistance. We require dioxygen at a partial pressure of (21 kPa), with the rest filled with either diazote or helium, and as free of carbon dioxide as possible, and traces of water, for survival. We will not last much longer. I repeat. Mayday to anyone in this system. We are (number) in a small transport who just escaped the destruction of their main ship. We request assistance. We require dioxygen at a partial pressure of (21 kPa), with the rest filled with either diazote or helium, and as free of carbon dioxide as possible, and traces of water, for survival. We will not last long. (Repeat in the Historian language, then again in Trade etc.)"

Oh, and finally,...}

[We should try to speak with voices from now on. My sister told me how the human understood we were loroi: through seeing us sanzaing. And we should use the few minutes that we have to get used to speech in our communication even on a personal level. We may revert to sanzai as soon as we say we are Loroi.

Oh, and now I shall devot myself to check how much time we have left.]

1. Check to get the frequency of the stream : 20 (Mind 8 + Physical Sciences 4)

2. Check to express the message skillfully : 16 (Mind 8 + Performing Arts (Spec. Public Speech) 4)

3. Check to get the time we have left : 17 (Mind 8 + Physical Sciences/Biological Sciences (Spec. Biochemistry/Physiology) 5 + Heightened Awareness 2). Because I am equal ranks in both, I will only do a simple check for both. They are at the same level.

[OOC: You've got to be kidding me. I utterly failed with a double 1 on that last one. I gotta be getting tired.]

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:53 pm
by VonWolffe
Meanwhile aboard the Cydonia -
Amid the incoming reports and the Bridge staff eagerly watching their instruments Wolffe listened to the Captain's revised instructions. Taking along the Lt. Commander was unusual, but it was understandable given the gravity of the situation they were now in. From what he could understand a pair of alien vessels had just fought it out with one another and killed each other. Lt. Cmdr. Ferox had noted the presence of an object moving intelligently among the debris, that meant survivors were out there. The Captain was cautious, inclined not to take risks that might endanger his ship but the appearance of the Aliens on the probe's monitor meant that hiding was no longer an option. Whoever was out there knew the Cydonia was watching, and the human vessel was likely their only chance of survival.

"Sir, I recognize that you are in command of this vessel and as a Marine officer I have no authority to determine your ship's course of action, but those people out there just had the stuffing kicked out of them and they need help. I don't know who they are or what they are doing here but we are close enough to make a real difference. Chances are it's either the Umiak or the Loroi out there, and since the Scouts failed to make contact with either side it might be up to us to make first contact. It'd be damn good form Sir to make our first contact be Humanity coming to their rescue. First impressions mean a lot Sir, at least they do to me."

"My men are already good to go Sir, Lt. Commander we'll be waiting for you on the shuttle so get kitted up as quickly as you can please. I'll have the QM issue you a weapon as well." Wolffe made a few clipped instructions over his wireless before turning to leave.

Wolffe stormed purposefully off the Bridge with his fire-team partner Corporal Arty 'Bomber' Harris trailing just behind him. Bomber carried the Marine's long distance wireless and receiver device, designed to amplify incoming and outgoing signals in order to keep the Marines in contact with the Cydonia even when they boarded enemy vessels. It worked in practice, but that was all they had so far leading up to this; Practice. Most of his men had seen real combat before, but Wolffe was very aware that what happened today would be a first for them. The pair reached the elevator and thumbed the indicator for the mid-deck. Bomber spoke up after a moment of tense silence.

"You handled that pretty well Sir."

Wolffe took the free moment to vent. "That's the problem with working with the Navy, too many pointy-heads* that think they know best. If the Navy wants to start kicking in doors themselves then why the hell are we even here? What the hell was all that training for?"

"You do know that you are a pointy-head too Sir?"

"Don't remind me Bomber." Wolffe replied with a slight smile.

The Marines hopped off of the descending platform before it hit the ground, their hard soled boots clattering loudly on the deck. Wolffe cued his short-range wireless to communicate with the channel that the other Marines were using, the same one that he had been using on the Bridge to keep his men informed. He had been giving them updates under his breath as the situation developed.

"Roland, grab Irish and meet me in the shuttle at the double. Irish, bring all the medical supplies and amenities you can get your hands on. We're going with a half team as I expect we will be taking on company... survivors from whatever just happened out there. We don't know who they are but they are armed, have no place to go, and they know we are coming. Big Two will be coming with us as well so Popski I want you to keep an eye on him. We leave in two so move it boys, pilot's waiting."

Bomber and Wolffe headed straight for the shuttle. The Marines had already been ready as soon as the first alert was called. All they needed to do now was wait for Ferox to step aboard and the shuttle would be on it's way.


* 'Pointy-head' - Derogatory term for officers commonly used by non-commissioned members when they are not around.

'Irish' - A 6'4" musclebound African-American Marine and also the team's medic. Irish is a medical specialist and experienced in the ER and on the battlefield.

'Popski' - 6' Russian with an unpronounceable name, everyone just calls him Popski. Sniper qualified and holding a degree in physics, easily the best shot in the unit.

'Big Two' - Lt. Commander Ferox as he is referred to by the Marines

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:17 am
by sunphoenix
Stormrage made no reply once back onboard the "Slipper"... her head was literally killing her. She, in silence, stowed her maneuver pack but turned off her amplifier and that helped a little. But her recent use of her psionic powers and her still mostly untreated head trauma was taking a heavy toll on her. However, duty came first... regardless of the consequences.

Silently she made her way to the pilot's seat and strapped herself back in pausing briefly to gather her thoughts and focus through the haze of painful dizziness that threatened to overwhelm her.

Powering up the "Slipper's" helm and drives, she spoke softly back the Twilightsaber, "..I will concede, without any further solid evidence to the contrary, that for now all hostiles in the immediate vicinity have been neutralized Mizol Twilightsaber. If there is a humanity vessel in this system.. it is now a diplomatic mission and I defer to your authority in these matters. What course should I pilot the shuttle on and what are your directions Mizol?"

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 2:05 am
by Suederwind
[OOC: This is the last post in the prelude. Thanks Beliskner for his lines, I modified them a bit, I hope thats ok. I will try to start the real IC thread tomorrow. Thanks to all of you for this funny prelude! :) Music was a bit of a problem, but I think this one fits to the mood nicely (although the movie was rubbish): Link ]

For the Loroi side:
Parat Twilightsaber thought about Softsapphires proposal, going through possible scenarios that might follow and any information about humaniti. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to block out any kind of disturbance for a while. She took a deep breath, aware that her decision was crucial for this mission and their survival. After all this had raced trough her mind, she opened her eyes again and answered Softsapphire, using her voice:

[Softsapphire, this is a wise proposal. Send that message and take care that you do not give them more information than necessary. Try to hide our identity, for now.]

After a short pause, she spoke to Stormrage:

[Very well. Can you still pilot our shuttle? For the moment, rest for a moment, as we should wait what kind of answer we receive from the humans. We should not draw any more attention to ourself than necessary, as we do not know what they know about us and we do not know what kind of presence they have in that system. So its better to be careful and not make any mistakes.]

Then she turned around and spoke to the rest of Argent Fires crew:

[Sisters! We will try to contact those humans. We will use spoken words from now on, to keep the humans unsure about who we are. Try to make yourself familiar with the use of spoken words instead of sanzai and use sanzai again only after we told them who we are. Understood?]

The sisters had understood, and a message for the humans was on its way...

And now for the humans:
After a few last words from the Captain, Ferox left the bridge after Wolffe and went firstly to his room where he took his revolver and quickly carried on to the armory where he suit up in to medium EVA armor and took a standard issued rifle.
In 10 minutes he was ready for action outside armory when the Captain's voice spoken via coms:

[This is the Captain, Cmdr Ferox report to bridge ASAP! Away team, start the shuttle immediately without Cmdr Ferox, get to the position of the probe as fast as you can. Await further orders on your way. --- I repeat: Cmdr Ferox report to bridge...]

{what a..} Hadrid turned toward elevator and quickly move back to bridge.

Entering the bridge he saw a big commotion going on.

[Sir? Something wrong?]

[Hadrid.. good, we picked up a transmission, not far from our sensor probe...]

Hadrid sat at his console placing his rifle next to it.

[Do we know what's in it?]

[Not yet, lets hope that they do not want to call in their friends.]

Blake now turned towards the com officer:

[Cho, have you finally deciphered the message?]

The young female officer answered in a low voice that sounded somehow absent, while constantly typing and gazing at her console. Her long, almost pitch black hair preventing a clear look on her face:

[Its... not that easy sir... The message is corrupted... perhaps due to radiation but there... seems to be audio on a... TCA emergency frequency?]

Finally the young officer looked up and showed her troubled, but pretty asian face, covered partially by streaks from her long hair.

[Emergency frequency? Are you sure?]

Ferox answered in disbelieve.

[Play what you can, Ensign Cho. Let's hear it...]

The sound of static noise filled the bridge for a moment, as everyone else was quite at an instance and waited for whatever was player afterwards...

"Mayday to -//*/*/ this system. We are (number) in a sm*/-/ transport who just escaped the dest/-/-tion of their main *-+ip. We request assistance. /-+require dioxygen at a partial pres//--/-***, with the rest filled with either diazote or helium, and as free of carbon /*/*/-/-/-/*-*--/*water, for survival. We will not last much longer. I repeat. /*/-/-o anyone in this system. /-/*/-/-/- in a small transport who just escaped the destruct*/*-/-*/-*/-/*/-. We request assistance."

Meanwhile, the shuttle with Wolffe and his marines took of from Cydonias shuttle bay and set a course at full speed to the position of that probe. Finally, no more drills. This was the real deal...

Re: [RP]Prelude-Cydonia Rising [IC: 'Dying Embers']

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:09 am
by Dragoon
Sgt Roland Steen
As the order came in Roland grabbed his tactical pack and shrugged into it. "Irish, full kit we may be needing some band-aids." Everyone, not going on the mission, stay where you are, and await orders."
Slinging his rifle, after checking the magazine and safety He waited just long enough for the medic to grab his medical kit and broke into a jog, heading for the shuttle bay doing a quick mental check on the procedures they had been drilled on for hours on end.

" Thirty seconds out sir, Irish in tow." Roland radioed ahead as he made his way down tot he launch bay. The adrenaline of action making short work of the pre-mission tension. Even if they were heading into a bad situation it was always better to be doing something.