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Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:37 am
by discord
more like 275 thousand years, minimum, since that was when the soia fell, but that is still neanderthal times, and if you saw one of those walking down the street wearing modern clothes you would probably not notice'im.

hollywood has made the difference seem bigger than it is, silly i know, where did the neanderthal go? look in the mirror it's your ancestor.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:20 pm
by Victor_D
The amount of Neanderthal introgression in modern human genome is still a hotly debated issue. There is hardly any consensus on that. One would guess Europeans to be more closely related due to their co-habitation with Neanderthals in Ice Age Europe, but there is little genetic evidence for that.

As for their appearance, they would not stick out of the crowd, but you'd recognize them - lack of pronounced forehead and chin, large supraciliary arches, longish skulls, etc.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:13 pm
by Suederwind
I do not have much time today, but after reading the last few post here, I thought this picture could be of interest:
Yes, the description is in german, but you will clearly notice the differences between the homo sapiens skull on the left and the neandertaler skull on the right.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:22 pm
by Yiuel
Our Neandertal friend could be easily recognized, but considering how human brain works, he could as well hide himself well enough if his behavior is close to human standards. We don't tend to recognize oddballs in a crowd. However, if Neandertal sightings were common enough, we would be able to point them out, look at them, discriminate them and who-knows-what-stupidity we could do.

I don't know if Arioch has some explanation for the Loroi's physical shape, but I would like to see a reasoning behind it. Especially since humans are so crappy. Who placed the theather right next to the sewers, as would say some engineer.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 4:40 pm
by Charlie
Yiuel wrote:I don't know if Arioch has some explanation for the Loroi's physical shape, but I would like to see a reasoning behind it. Especially since humans are so crappy. Who placed the theather right next to the sewers, as would say some engineer.
Or that we can choke to death while eating.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:35 pm
by Victor_D
Charlie wrote:
Yiuel wrote:I don't know if Arioch has some explanation for the Loroi's physical shape, but I would like to see a reasoning behind it. Especially since humans are so crappy. Who placed the theather right next to the sewers, as would say some engineer.
Or that we can choke to death while eating.
It's an acceptable trade off for being able to articulate sounds :) For that, our larynx needs to be down(ish) in the throat - humans are the only animals with that configuration. It gives us a 'resonance chamber' which helps produce a much wider variety of sounds (which we need to create complex languages), but also the risk of choking to death on food.

I guess that is why my mother always told me to keep quiet while eating ;)

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:41 pm
by Charlie
Victor_D wrote:
It's an acceptable trade off for being able to articulate sounds :) For that, our larynx needs to be down(ish) in the throat - humans are the only animals with that configuration. It gives us a 'resonance chamber' which helps produce a much wider variety of sounds (which we need to create complex languages), but also the risk of choking to death on food.

I guess that is why my mother always told me to keep quiet while eating ;)
What if we had a second set of the digestive parts of our mouth closer to our stomach while the in take and out take of air remains at our throat.

Having nearly died by marshmallow, I can attest to the logic of having a close mouth with a reasonable amount of food in it.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:21 pm
by Suederwind
After thinking about it for a while, I have a question for Arioch (somehow my phone must have eaten my first post :cry: ):

Are the skulls of a human and a loroi different in any way or are they identically? If they are different, in which way?

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:38 pm
by Victor_D
Suederwind wrote:Are the skulls of a human and a loroi different in any way or are they identically? If they are different, in which way?
They look pretty much the same as human skulls to me:

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:56 pm
by Suederwind
They look pretty much the same as human skulls to me:
Well, thats what my questions is leading up to: are those Loroi skulls? Or am I just a bit overreacting? ;)

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 9:25 pm
by Jericho
discord wrote:more like 275 thousand years, minimum, since that was when the soia fell, but that is still neanderthal times, and if you saw one of those walking down the street wearing modern clothes you would probably not notice'im.

hollywood has made the difference seem bigger than it is, silly i know, where did the neanderthal go? look in the mirror it's your ancestor.
Actually it is 75 thousand years. The loroi BCE (before common era) is the same as BC in our calender and mankind according to the sources i've learnt from first arose on the planes of africa around 200.000 years BC :geek: .

And yes you would notice them. they were short and very broad by comparison to modern human. Probably because they evolved from European icelands (the climate of the region not the country) and we evolved from africa. Imagine gimli walking down the streets, you'd think there would be children staring.
Suederwind wrote:Well, thats what my questions is leading up to: are those Loroi skulls? Or am I just a bit overreacting? ;)
What else would they be. I don't think the loroi have seen anything with remotely similar features to them at all. And given Arioch habit for varid designs for aliens
(rather than the star trek version of slap some ridges on it and tell it to go play) i sincerely doubt that those are anything but loroi.

In fact it's been stated that it's quite special in outsider for there to be two alien races to look alike.
Yiuel wrote:Our Neandertal friend could be easily recognized, but considering how human brain works, he could as well hide himself well enough if his behavior is close to human standards. We don't tend to recognize oddballs in a crowd. However, if Neandertal sightings were common enough, we would be able to point them out, look at them, discriminate them and who-knows-what-stupidity we could do.
On the contrary Humans are quite good to pick out people who don't belong to the group. All that is needed is a slight abnormality and the individual can be named a freak (and there would be a lot of difference in neanderthals).
Yiuel wrote:I don't know if Arioch has some explanation for the Loroi's physical shape, but I would like to see a reasoning behind it. Especially since humans are so crappy. Who placed the theather right next to the sewers, as would say some engineer.
Sexy space babes what more of an explanation do you people need 8-) .

Actually that would be a hard blow to the loroi's image of themselves as a warrior species if even human civilian engineers could demonstrate just why they arent fit for the job.

Sorry ladies you're just too much like us to be taken seriously as warriors. :lol:

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:20 am
by Victor_D
Jericho wrote:
discord wrote:And yes you would notice them. they were short and very broad by comparison to modern human.

If properly clothed, you'd hardly recognize them by their figure. It's not like hey were dwarves, they were just a bit shorter and stockier, but nothing too outlandish. There are people with similar physique among modern humans and they're hardly being stared at by stupid people all the time.

(They'd probably wipe the floor with most modern human men if it came just to raw physical power, though; I read that their musculature was far superior to that of Homo Sapiens.)
Probably because they evolved from European icelands (the climate of the region not the country) and we evolved from africa. Imagine gimli walking down the streets, you'd think there would be children staring.

All humans are from Africa; Neanderthal ancestors simply arrived to Europe a bit earlier. They separated from the common ancestor (H. Heidelbergensis? I never could spell it properly) around 350-500 thousand years ago. Neanderthals lived also in the Middle East, where they clearly intermingled with the newly arriving Homo Sapiens very early after they left Africa.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:00 am
by Yiuel
Jericho wrote:
Yiuel wrote:I don't know if Arioch has some explanation for the Loroi's physical shape, but I would like to see a reasoning behind it. Especially since humans are so crappy. Who placed the theather right next to the sewers, as would say some engineer.
Sexy space babes what more of an explanation do you people need 8-) .

Actually that would be a hard blow to the loroi's image of themselves as a warrior species if even human civilian engineers could demonstrate just why they arent fit for the job.

Sorry ladies you're just too much like us to be taken seriously as warriors. :lol:
The Soia Empire might have been good fan-service providers, then.

[deadpan]Rule 34 in outer space. How enjoyable[/deadpan]

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:51 pm
by Jericho
Victor_D wrote:
If properly clothed, you'd hardly recognize them by their figure. It's not like hey were dwarves, they were just a bit shorter and stockier, but nothing too outlandish. There are people with similar physique among modern humans and they're hardly being stared at by stupid people all the time.

(They'd probably wipe the floor with most modern human men if it came just to raw physical power, though; I read that their musculature was far superior to that of Homo Sapiens.)
Yes they are you just don't notice it.

It is very hard to determine neanderthals strength as we know that the were short and compactly built but not muscel mass or muscle efficiency.
Victor_D wrote: All humans are from Africa; Neanderthal ancestors simply arrived to Europe a bit earlier. They separated from the common ancestor (H. Heidelbergensis? I never could spell it properly) around 350-500 thousand years ago. Neanderthals lived also in the Middle East, where they clearly intermingled with the newly arriving Homo Sapiens very early after they left Africa.
Yes But the neanderthals adapted to the climate in europe primarily and later emigrated south when the ice age became too severe. by the time we encountered them they were a practically native to Europe. This is supported by the fact that the densest population is located in europe and only few small settlements are found in the middle east or spain were we are supposed to have shared space with them for an extended time.
Yiuel wrote: The Soia Empire might have been good fan-service providers, then.

For which clientele?

This actually brings up a new question. Who finds the loroi beautiful?

If you look at the registry of blue people the loroi are known for their beuty. Ok but only two other alien races could possible find them beautiful. The golim who are their pets and humans who are physically similar enough to appreciate them but only one human has actually seen one so far (as far as we know).

So where are the other who adores them?

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:57 pm
by discord
jericho: 250 thousand years ago is pretty much when homo sapiens starts to pop up... and 275 thousand years ago was the fall of the it could theoretically be soia induced genetics experiment.... <--- at least check wikipedia before stating things.

and for who finds them drop dead gorgeous? the viewers of course! *doh*.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 11:16 pm
by Jericho
discord wrote:jericho: 250 thousand years ago is pretty much when homo sapiens starts to pop up... and 275 thousand years ago was the fall of the it could theoretically be soia induced genetics experiment.... <--- at least check wikipedia before stating things.
Bah ha ha ha ha :lol: . I would suggest you read the same article twice before suggesting it to others. Archaic Homo Sapiens does not refer to modern humans it refers to the missing links between us and the other breeds of humanity not to our species. Our species evolved from these ancestors around 200.000 years ago. Really it's written just one row from the text that you base your argument from. Also "Atleast read alternative sources than wikipedia before lecturing to others" .

In fact if you'd just clicked the blue text that read Archaic Homo Sapiens you would have seen that.
WikiPedia wrote:Archaic Homo sapiens, the forerunner of anatomically modern humans, evolved between 400,000 and 250,000 years ago.[10][11] Recent DNA evidence suggests that several haplotypes of Neanderthal origin are present among all non-African populations, and Neanderthals and other hominids, such as Denisova hominin may have contributed up to 6% of their genome to present-day humans.[12][13][14] Anatomically modern humans evolved from archaic Homo sapiens in the Middle Paleolithic, about 200,000 years ago.[15] The transition to behavioral modernity with the development of symbolic culture, language, and specialized lithic technology happened around 50,000 years ago according to many anthropologists[16] although some suggest a gradual change in behavior over a longer time span.[17]

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 12:21 am
by Suederwind
That whole "Archaic Homo Sapiens" debate is a very wide field, just like the whole human evolution and it can change very fast. Just a few new dates and fossils are enough to change the whole human tree.
I personally think the paleoanthropologists (and archaeologists) tend to overcomplicate things and like to create new names for the same thing. To me, it makes no sense to create a (or more) new terms or names, if those fossils fit well into the range of Homo erectus. Especially if you take the findings of Java and Demanisi in the account. You can add the various lithic technologies to that picture: not much difference till the first neandertalensis and (later) sapiens sapiens arrived.
However, whats more important: we do not have the full picture, just various puzzle pieces that don´t always fit well together and who ever is reading about that topic should be aware about that.
Coming back to our favorite comic, the insider states that the Soia Empire established itself around ~500,000 years ago. If the Soia (whoever they are) stumbled over earth, I think they would most likely encounter an earlier form of Homo than us. That would explain the sexual demorphism for example.

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:57 am
by Mr Bojangles
Suederwind wrote: Coming back to our favorite comic, the insider states that the Soia Empire established itself around ~500,000 years ago. If the Soia (whoever they are) stumbled over earth, I think they would most likely encounter an earlier form of Homo than us. That would explain the sexual demorphism for example.
How? On average, male primates are larger and more aggressive than female primates. Unless that general trend was swapped in the distant past (possible), I don't think the Soia coming across an earlier Homo variant would explain the Loroi's sexual dimorphism.

Or do you mean that the Loroi even have sexual dimorphism, period?

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:20 am
by Victor_D
Suederwind wrote:However, whats more important: we do not have the full picture, just various puzzle pieces that don´t always fit well together and who ever is reading about that topic should be aware about that.
I especially love how the media misinterpret human evolution ;) (Or any other complicated subject that has the inconvenience of being impossible to sum up in one sentence below the headline.)
Coming back to our favorite comic, the insider states that the Soia Empire established itself around ~500,000 years ago. If the Soia (whoever they are) stumbled over earth, I think they would most likely encounter an earlier form of Homo than us. That would explain the sexual demorphism for example.
Depends on how soon they got there. If it was around 300 kya, there's a possibility something physically resembling homo sapiens might have been around.

Then, if the 'made in our image' hypothesis is correct, it depends on what motivation the Soia had, which is kind of hard to guess considering we know almost nothing about them, both in and out universe. They could have been created for fun and giggles, they could have been an addition to a Soia zoo, they could have been a grand experiment with parallel evolution, they could have been cattle for eating, and so on and so forth.

Hm, it just occurred to me that they might have been created to be a sort of intermediaries. Something like the teleoperated bodies in Avatar, used to communicate with the natives, which would explain both their physical similarity to humans and their psionic abilities. Maybe they were meant as a tool to uplift humans? (Let's face it, blue alien babes will always work better than a big black domino-shaped monolith ;) ).

Re: Loroi Sexuality continued (no politics this time)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:43 am
by Jericho
Okey here's the problem with "Shaped in our image hypothesis". It's cronologically not possible and other than that not logical.

Even if they used one of our earlier homo species the loroi look too much like us for that to be possible.

What did the soia pick up a random ancestor and decided to improve upon it's design and in the end created something that superficially looked remarkably caucasian?

I could be wrong here because i'm not good at translating drawn features to real people. But with many loroi we have encountered the pattern is sharp pointy features like their noses and cheekbones. But there are exceptions of course. That gren haried loroi, whats her name in page 86.
Not features you will see very often in our african brethren which the loroi would look more like if they where based on our species.

Please don't take this the wrong way but when i look on the loroi eyes i imagine them being well :oops: more oriental than european, is this only me? I'm not trying to offend anyone that's just how i see them.

And where are the soia remains?

I apologize in advance to anyone offended by this post. I know that discussing racial features of humanity can be a very sensetive topic and i have no intention of causing distress to anyone.