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Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:03 am
by RedDwarfIV
Ithekro wrote:And given how far away his homeworld is expected to be, its not like he can report in on anything he learns for quite some time.
Its also likely something the Umiak already know about, so even if Alex were a Shell construct, he wouldn't be learning anything the Umiak could use.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:32 am
by SaintofM
All of this attitude and lethality to their mind powers might explain the mutual hositilty between the two. After all, this is the first time he gets to see her.


THe look on her face looks surprised, if not challenge accepted. It also dosn't take much to figure out that he's speaking a threat of somesort despite his extreme vulnerability.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 1:56 pm
by DCR
SaintofM wrote: THe look on her face looks surprised, if not challenge accepted. It also dosn't take much to figure out that he's speaking a threat of somesort despite his extreme vulnerability.
From a human viewpoint of the Loroi situation I think it's more like 'the funky-colored, mostly human-looking coma patient just yelled at the night-shift nurse in a demonic language' . Surprise, and then caution is exactly what this situation calls for.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2020 2:06 pm
by boldilocks
Yes, I suppose a ptsd-nightmare addled soldier would have little understanding for someone coming out of a traumatic event by waking up from bad dream.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 4:51 pm
by Zarya
it would be a surprise if Fireblade would engage in a casual conversation with Alex (no pun intended)

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 4:46 am
by SaintofM
Can we expect a shut up and kiss me moment then?

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:03 am
by Ithekro
In mental form maybe. Or maybe as a challenge.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:51 am
by Warringrose
Can we expect a shut up and kiss me moment then?
...$50 says Fireblade turns out to have murdered Ellen, who survived the Bellarmine's explosion with Alex and got picked up alongside him.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:07 pm
by orion1836
Seriously doubt it unless Ellen attacked in a way that couldn't be non-violently contained. The Loroi have shown all indication of wanting to learn as much as possible about this new race. Wantonly killing one of two survivors would be foolish and worthy of reprimand. She certainly wouldn't be allowed near the other human if this was the case.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:22 pm
by dragoongfa
Consider that the emergency beacon of Ellen's suit would ping Alex's back when it would come in range. There was no such ping when Alex blacked out so in order for this to be the case they would have to have picked Ellen up and killed her between the blackout and his resuscitation which doesn't leave a lot of time to work with even with Loroi medical tech. Of course they could have put Ellen's suit in a faraday cage to stop it receiving or sending signals but there is no reason to do that; the Loroi would want to learn as much about the suit and the wearer as they could.
Then there is also the simple fact that 'the dead tell no lies'. Killing a prisoner for whom you know nothing and may have information of strategic importance is beyond stupid. The only way that a human would end up getting killed by the Loroi (and even the Umiak if only due to the appearances) would be if said human was an actual threat to either the ship or a commanding officer; anything less than that would be covered by the simple reasoning of "We need that fucker alive and unharmed in order to learn as much as possible."

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 7:11 am
by novius
dragoongfa wrote:Of course they could have put Ellen's suit in a faraday cage to stop it receiving or sending signals but there is no reason to do that; the Loroi would want to learn as much about the suit and the wearer as they could.
In fact, that would be a sensible thing to do. After all, they (Stillstorm) believed Alex to be a plant, so at that stage there was no telling what kind of surveillance or transmission equipment he might have in that "ugly", alien spacesuit of his. For the sake of intsec, it would be a wise thing to try cutting him from any possible means of outside communication.

The Loroi only resorted to talking just because they didn't get anywhere with mind probing. I'm sure if they had any indication that they'd make any headway into cracking open his brain, they'd simply have left him put under and continued hammering at his brain until it either gave up all its secrets or had turned to mush. And such a thing is best done in a controlled and isolated environment, to not to let any emergency signal being transmitted.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:37 am
by dragoongfa
novius wrote:
dragoongfa wrote:Of course they could have put Ellen's suit in a faraday cage to stop it receiving or sending signals but there is no reason to do that; the Loroi would want to learn as much about the suit and the wearer as they could.
In fact, that would be a sensible thing to do. After all, they (Stillstorm) believed Alex to be a plant, so at that stage there was no telling what kind of surveillance or transmission equipment he might have in that "ugly", alien spacesuit of his. For the sake of intsec, it would be a wise thing to try cutting him from any possible means of outside communication.
You went a little too deep into paranoid protection and missed the far more important aspect of intelligence gathering.

Intsec is well and good if only there is something that you need to hide and protect from the enemy; a rudimentary examination/scan would show that a human spacesuit is just that. A basic spacesuit without anything dangerous that will go boom or make someone's life miserable. With this out of the way one would actually want for the spacesuit to start interacting with other human technology in order to closely observe said interaction and then find a way to interfere with human tech based on their observations.

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:37 am
by SaintofM
She's keeping to herself in this page. We might get an answer in the next one, but do you think she could be a namesake outsider amongst the blue ladies as much as pinky is?

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 12:57 am
by Werra
Isn't the whole foursome an Outsider one way or another? Alex is the alien, Fireblade is scared by war, Tempo is a loner by her uncommon age and profession. I'm sure Beryl has something weird about her too. She probably likes feet or something

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 5:49 pm
by SaintofM
Werra wrote:Isn't the whole foursome an Outsider one way or another? Alex is the alien, Fireblade is scared by war, Tempo is a loner by her uncommon age and profession. I'm sure Beryl has something weird about her too. She probably likes feet or something
The chipper xenophile

Re: 173: A Form of Warning or Challenge

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 7:08 am
by novius
SaintofM wrote:
Werra wrote:Isn't the whole foursome an Outsider one way or another? Alex is the alien, Fireblade is scared by war, Tempo is a loner by her uncommon age and profession. I'm sure Beryl has something weird about her too. She probably likes feet or something
The chipper xenophile
Come to think of it, that might be exactly the point. Talon and Spiral are a bit jaded about their outlooks in life, too, expecting it not to last long, given their profession and that one of them is the seii-bearer and by their belief already marked for death. Or Clearbrook's captain who chose to bail out and save her own hide.

While not being part of the 'fearsome foursome' they underline the point that Beryl's mindset might be rather uncommon amongst Loroi.