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Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:12 pm
by sunphoenix
Uhm... Actually I thought the ship had two helm positions... Helm and navigation... Kam was at helm when the scene started and called 'Cowboy' up to take a gunner position from the navigation console. I assumed when Kam suggested that Ptak go rest that he left the helm station and sat at the captain's command chair. Cowboy then simply took over helm control from his Navigation/Gunnery station. Kam didn't actually call for a crew man to relieve his station. So when the captain returned I just figured he'd return to his station.

Hey Icekatse... a bridge layout pic would be nice as well as a little info on what stations can control what and how 'portable' controls are to different stations.

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:46 pm
by TheUnforsaken
@sunphoenix, the plan was to wait an hour to see what the gunboat does, before going turning the drives back on, unless your post assumes the hour has already which case I need to add a bit to the bottom of my last post.

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:03 pm
by sunphoenix
Oh..ok... I'll modify... my mistake.

Also... I don't know if anyone remembers but Martenzo set up his game threat - Tempest in a unique way.

Where there is a spoiler link to the three parts to his story thread... OOC talk, IC posts and Character Roster... could we do the same for this game? I really miss how useful that was!

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:09 am
by Beliskner
@icekatze how long it takes Desoto to reach Pure wind?

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:51 am
by icekatze
hi hi

Sorry I haven't gotten back to everyone in a more timely manner, I've been stupid busy these past few weeks. :cry:

Unless the Pure Wind can get her one remaining engine working again, it'll take the DeSoto several days to rendezvous. About 5-6 days, depending on whether you start the clock now or after I finish my next post.

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:35 am
by TheUnforsaken
I made Matthew Toby a Warrant Officer since I wasn't sure what rank he is...if that's wrong I'll fix it.

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:26 am
by icekatze
hi hi

For the most part, I've been playing rank by ear. I used the NATO ranking system to figure out what the actual names of ranks are, but I'm no military expert so if you've got a good idea, I'm open to suggestions.

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:22 pm
by sunphoenix
Hello? Is ANYONE still interested in these PbP Games?

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:01 pm
by Beliskner
I am...if it matters...

Re: [RP] Operation: Deep Strike (OOC)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 2:25 am
by icekatze
hi hi

I think I'm going to have to wrap Operation: Deep Strike up here in a bit. I do appreciate all the effort everyone has put into it and I'm very glad that people have been enjoying it, but it hasn't been a very smooth ride either and I'm finding myself under too much stress to keep up. I told myself that I'd see it through, but now that we're at a spot where it can conclude without everyone dying, I'm going to have to take the option.

Thank you, everyone who participated. :)