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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:05 pm
by Victor_D
Arioch wrote:I think the horrible tacked-on anti-climactic final season of B5 and the craptastic Crusade follow-on series pretty much killed the B5 franchise.
Exactly. As far I know, at first they thought the series would be cancelled after season 4, so they jem-packed all that they had planned story-wise for the rest of the series into it. I think the conclusion of the Shadow War should originally have been at the end of season 4, and season 5 was supposed to deal mainly with the events in Earth Alliance. So they basically put all of this into just one season instead of two. Then it was renewed for one more and they had to write some sort of story for it very fast - terrible idea and poor execution. Crusade - no comment.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 1:25 pm
by Jericho
Victor_D wrote:
Arioch wrote:I think the horrible tacked-on anti-climactic final season of B5 and the craptastic Crusade follow-on series pretty much killed the B5 franchise.
Exactly. As far I know, at first they thought the series would be cancelled after season 4, so they jem-packed all that they had planned story-wise for the rest of the series into it. I think the conclusion of the Shadow War should originally have been at the end of season 4, and season 5 was supposed to deal mainly with the events in Earth Alliance. So they basically put all of this into just one season instead of two. Then it was renewed for one more and they had to write some sort of story for it very fast - terrible idea and poor execution. Crusade - no comment.
I still dream of the day when babylon 5 will be made in to a remake movie series like they did star trek. I think the the babylon 5 universe is far more fitting setting for the fast action shoot em up testosterone pump than star trek ever will be.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:07 pm
by Victor_D
Jericho wrote:I still dream of the day when babylon 5 will be made in to a remake movie series like they did star trek. I think the the babylon 5 universe is far more fitting setting for the fast action shoot em up testosterone pump that star trek ever will be.
Brand recognition is far lower for B5, so don't hold your breath.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 2:39 pm
by Jericho
Victor_D wrote:
Jericho wrote:I still dream of the day when babylon 5 will be made in to a remake movie series like they did star trek. I think the the babylon 5 universe is far more fitting setting for the fast action shoot em up testosterone pump that star trek ever will be.
Brand recognition is far lower for B5, so don't hold your breath.

Yeah i gave up when i started turning blue.

Either way anyone who is interested in warhammer 40k spoofs should check out alfabusa's channel on youtube pretty good stuff there. He's one of my countrymen so i feel the need to support him.


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:19 am
by Yiuel
Well, lozener tó perribi*.

I've found this webcomic a couple of months ago. Love the whole built story behind. And I decided I'd join its forum.

So, hello everyone. I'm Yiuel and I hail from Japan. I believe there could be tons to be said, but let's just say that I am a fan of many things. I'm a conlanger and conworlder, and I loved the world behind Outsider which I believe is more than well-thought. I am a fan of science-fiction and fantasy and pretty much anything where imagination is the limit. :) So now that this has been said, more fun.

Babylon 5
Jericho wrote:I still dream of the day when babylon 5 will be made in to a remake movie series like they did star trek. I think the the babylon 5 universe is far more fitting setting for the fast action shoot em up testosterone pump than star trek ever will be.
Babylon 5, the best memories of my 13th summer on Earth. I'll always remember the episode when Delenn is going all cranked up with her "Only one human has survived a battle with the Minbari fleet.", but my favorite character has always been Vir.

I agree it would be awesome. It could well be worth a whole 5 movie series. As others have said, it's less of a brand than Star Trek, so it would be hard to have it pushed for now. But we can still hope. Faith manages?

* My attempt at creating a valid greeting in Trade. There isn't much to work upon, but there was at least that wonderful word perribi that just begged to be used as a greeting.


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:53 am
by Arioch
Welcome, Yiuel!


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 8:03 am
by Hālian
Yiuel wrote:Well, lozener tó perribi.
And lozener tó perribi to you as well :3
Yiuel wrote:So, hello everyone. I'm Yiuel and I hail from Japan.
And 今日は as well ;3
Yiuel wrote:I'm a conlanger and conworlder... [and] a fan of science-fiction and fantasy and pretty much anything where imagination is the limit.
So am I! :D Perhaps we shall have to discuss each other's conlangs and conworlds sometime ;)


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:26 am
by Jericho
Yiuel wrote:
Babylon 5

Babylon 5, the best memories of my 13th summer on Earth. I'll always remember the episode when Delenn is going all cranked up with her "Only one human has survived a battle with the Minbari fleet.", but my favorite character has always been Vir.

I agree it would be awesome. It could well be worth a whole 5 movie series. As others have said, it's less of a brand than Star Trek, so it would be hard to have it pushed for now. But we can still hope. Faith manages?
Greetings my friend. Yes a man can dream can't he?

If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through. General C.H Melchett commander of some unknown british regiment in the western front.


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:24 am
by JaL
Hi, I'm JaL (or Archelaian on deviantart) , an old french fan (since the start of the comics I guess) and friend of arioch and his loroi :)
I just discoverd there was a forum link on the comic page I watch time to time ! shame on me.

Your work is always so good Jim :p



Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:19 pm
by Dragoon
Howdy, nice to see ya.

I'll go check out you page over at DA


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:43 pm
by Arioch
Welcome to the forums, JAL! :D


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:46 pm
by Yiuel
JaL wrote:Hi, I'm JaL (or Archelaian on deviantart) , an old french fan (since the start of the comics I guess) and friend of arioch and his loroi :)
I just discoverd there was a forum link on the comic page I watch time to time ! shame on me.

Your work is always so good Jim :p

Bienvenue sur les forums. :)

What would J-a-L be?


Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 7:52 am
by JaL
Jal is the signature and "artist" name i use sometimes, how I sign my drawings ^^ a contraction of my real name in fact (how clever isn't it ?).
Probably how I signed my loroi fan art character; Erisha ... it is quite old now :/

I use it here for arioch remembers me (as I know he had and have sooo many fans since the start ) ^^ even he knows my deviantart id too hehe.



Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:51 pm
by LightningZ71
Greetings all,

I'm a recent newcomer to the comic (by way of some of the ship art being displayed at the "Concept Ships" site/blog) that likes what he sees so far and hopes for more to come in the near future. I'm a middle aged male, father of 5, that hails from New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.



Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:10 pm
by sunphoenix
Welcome Lightning! :)

My first post

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:36 am
by Username
Hello, I first found Outsider in 2011 after I followed a link on Homeworld Shipyards.

I would have posted in the new arrivals thread but it seems that it has been deleted.

I have always enjoyed the topics on this forum, especially the in-depth discussions on World War II.

It should be noted that this is my first time using a forum so I apologize if I make any mistakes.



Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:24 am
by Arioch
Welcome to the forum. :D


Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:35 pm
by RedDwarfIV
Hey. I've already posted, but might as well give some kind of introduction.

I'm RedDwarfIV, I'm from Britain, I'm interested in sci-fi [especially hard sci-fi], and I do drawing. I refer to my drawings as 'advanced doodles' rather than 'art' because it reminds me that I need to improve. I play on Starmade and Kerbal Space Program, mostly.

I was told about Outsider by an Internet friend a while back, but not so long ago that there has been an update since. I haven't been lurking on the forums, since I only just the other day that I clicked the link to the forum, found the Terran Ship Concepts Fanart thread and decided "Hey, I wanna do something for this!"

I'm working on my own webcomic which is currently pre-launch as I'm still planning the story and, as I said, improving my drawing. Also, I'm building the spacecraft from it in Starmade to use as 3D models since I'm iffy at perspective.


Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:20 pm
by Onaiom
Hey. I'm new in this forum and didn't knew about the Introduction topic.

When I first read Outsider, the chapter 102 was already out, so this make me one of the new guys...

Glad to meet you guys.

P.S.: Sorry for my bad english ( I don't know if i make an mistake)...


Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 2:27 pm
by Michael
Nope, you done gooooooddd, except for 'an mistake' should be 'a' :D Sorry, that's my knee-jerk slef-correction for my dyspraxia kicking in there. Welcome to the forums! Have you heard of the Telepanties yet? (Never, ever gonna let that die.)