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Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:18 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

I suspect that Beryl just got told to take a hike. I can't quite tell from the surroundings, but is Beryl getting up and leaving?

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:21 pm
by Razor One
That or she's trying to find a seat next to Alex and Tempo completely usurped the one she was going for, forcing Beryl to take a less than optimal seat.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:41 pm
by dragoongfa

If it is the seating arrangement and judging from where Beryl put her bag down at page 104 then Tempo sat down on the seat to his right which still leaves the seat that Beryl claimed open.

The only way for that particular seat to be taken away from Beryl is for Fireblade to have insisted of sitting next to Alex from the get go.

Poor Beryl, caught between a Spy and a telekinetic Marine...

The cute Librarian takes a back seat...

EDIT: Also thanks to the corridor the seat Tempo took allows her to fully turn and face Alex the whole trip if she wanted to. Still the seat Beryl claimed with the bag is better, unless Fireblade throws a monkey wrench in the equation.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 2:55 pm
by kclcmdr
Ms. Beryl not happy to share her catch with her superior officer... :D

Possibly she wants to shine bright with whatever data she could have pump out of him but looks quite dim as rank is gently nudged forward....

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:58 pm
by GeoModder
I suppose, next to rank, caste hath its privileges. I can imagine an analyst/ambassador having more say over time spent with the representative of a new alien species then a 'mere' observer/analyst.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:01 pm
by Count Casimir
Myeh myeh myeh. I'm sooo pretty and smart and clever with my mouth speaking and the humaniti would rather talk to me than aaaanyone else.
I can hear you.

Oh, pouting Beryl.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:33 pm
by bunnyboy
"Hey Beryl! Wasn't you present when the alien awakened. Is that true what they tell about his genitals?" Makes hand signals.

"Don't sanzai to me you pervert."

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:42 am
by Krulle
Now we get a tad more context:
I would love to listen into the telepathic conversation between Tempo and our favourite Listel...

Can the NSA tap that yet?
I found this image, and found it disturbingly fitting for this moment too.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:02 am
by dragoongfa

Shoe girl is coming along for the ride?

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:13 am
by Razor One
And lo', Tempo went unto the shuttle,
And was greeted by Beryl with Scorn.
Thus did she stretch out her hand in friendship,
And sayeth unto all:
"Be not scornful, for I have brought the gift of shoes!"
And yea, Shoegirl did delivereth the shoes as promised,
And there was much rejoicing.
So ended the trials of the trinity.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:16 am
by dragoongfa
And that's how Razor One became the first priest of the Holy Trinity.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:35 am
by Razor One
Yea for I have seen them,
The Fire that Burns,
The Music that Turns,
And the Light that Learns,
This is thy holy trinity.
Honour them,
And thou shall surely feel their blessings,
To the very end of days.


More seriously, this is an old habit I had from my MMORPG days. I had a long running joke where I would, as an Orc Warrior, roleplay as a priest for a fictional religion and scream at people for blasphemy while vilifying the opposite faction. I'd often descend into a parable like story time that was done completely on the fly and in real time from the vaguest of prompts. It was all in jest, so if I start going off like that, just remember it's all in good humour.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:49 am
by sunphoenix
Oh I find it all amusing and entertaining Razor One.. no offense taken here! :) {snicker}

...I think I'm a convert! Tempo is a drop-dead hottie! She reminds me of Sylvia Stingray from Bubblegum Crisis... so regal, reserved, and sharp as a whip always in control and cool as hell!

Sylvia Stingray

She always makes you wonder what is going on behind those sultry enticing eyes... sharp intelligence no doubt, but keeps you wondering what she would do to you~ in-private, lol! Probably rock your brains out! heh!

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:25 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

I think you're right, that does look like shoe girl! The undisputed master of footwear and item procurement and transportation. :D

Even though some Loroi could literally kill someone with their mind, I wonder if they would understand the idiom, "if looks could kill." Cause it sure looks like Beryl is shooting mind bullets.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:49 pm
by Krulle
To me she does not look like Shoe Girl.
Very similar, yes, but her head posture is different. (page 42)

But when rereading though the comic it inded looks like Shoe Girl accompanied them through the lift ride and all passages to the bridge. And she seems to be stationed at the bridge as adjutant to one of the higher ranking officers there (background last image, page 65). Which is weird, on which ship is a bridge soldier also the one managing supplies, or even making the necessary supplies?
This is likely an indication that Shoe Girl was the ears and eyes of Tempo on their way to the bridge, and that she might be an intelligence officer too...

I also confused her with this image of p.100 I saw. I remembered someone carrying a bag similar to Beryls... Well, on page 100 Beryl got her pack.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:33 pm
by Sweforce
The "Shoegirl" are Probably Tempo's personal adjutant/servant. Her lack of armor hint at her being a civilian or perhaps pretending to be in order to appear more harmless.

Another thing, on a certain level I suspect that Fireblade are actually in on what is going on. Isn't it suspicious that Alex got shoes not only the same size of Fireblade's but also identical and those involved in getting them for her have no cause to pick up teidar shoes for Alex. Shoegirl and Beryl got white shoes and Tempo got some dark olive green ones and those should be the ones them may have access to, actually white seem to be the most common color used by several casts and as such most likely most abundant in stock. Thus I suspect that "Shoegirl" didn't get them from a local quartermaster but simply nicked them from Fireblade's personal quarters, with her permission. She may not have liked it but allowed it.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:41 pm
by Razor One
Shoe Girl is the real power in the Loroi Empire. Higher even than the Emperor. She rules from the shadows, appearing to be the servant so that nobody ever suspects the truth.

Her involvement in this matter is simply a lark, something she feels like doing just because it amuses her. The moment matters here begin to bore her she will take off into Loroi space, perhaps to deliver a bagel or similar baked good, for she sees all, she knows all, a pebble dropped into the pond changes all the world. Such is her power. Such is her might. Such is the deliciousness of a well timed bagel delivery.

Respect the Shoe Girl. Fear the Shoe Girl. Love the Shoe Girl.

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:51 pm
by Karst45
dragoongfa wrote:So...

Shoe girl is coming along for the ride?
Yep! seem like she been promoted to "backpack" girl now :)

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:15 pm
by icekatze
hi hi

Great, now I've got a craving for bagels, and the chances of a blue space elf delivering one to me are astronomically small.

Seriously though, shoe girl is military. You can tell by her green outfit, the color of which marks her as a member of the Soroin caste.

((I don't know exactly what color schemes civilians would use, but I seem to recall Arioch saying that blue might be common amongst civilians, and that's why I always draw my civilian Loroi ships with a blue paint scheme. Which suits me fine, since I like that color anyways, but if I'm mistaken, I may need to revise some things.))

Re: WIP Discussion (Part 1!)

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:08 pm
by Onaiom
I think they give Teirdar armored shoes to Alex because it looks similar to the ones Bellarmine crew wear.