CONTENTS PAGE I INTRODUCTION ... .................... 3 11 THE LEGEND OF THE DRAGONMASTER 4-6 III THE OBJECT AND CONTENTS OF THE GAME EXPLAINED 7-10 IV THE BASIC GAME Introduction 11 How to Set Up Game 12 How to Play Game 13-16 V THE ADVANCED GAME Introduction 17 How to Set Up Game 18 ......... How to Play Game 18-21 VI THE EXPERT GAME Introduction 22 How to Set Up Game 22 How to Play Go me 22-24 VII THE 5 HANDS EXPLAINED Basic,.Advanced and Expert Games 25-28 Vill GAME EXAMPLES 29-34 1 INTRODUCTION Congratulations! You're about to experience Dragonmaster, an exceptional card game designed to both delight you with its charming Old World legends and beautiful playing cards and to challenge you with its unique 3-level game play format. . . Basic, Advanced and Expert Games. Unique in its theme, in its looks and in its play, Dragonmaster promises to be an unforgettable experience. Enjoy it! Please read the rules for each level of play carefully before you attempt to play the Basic Game, the Advanced Game or the Expert Game. PLEASE NOTE: there are two important chapters in the Rule Book ... Chapter VI 1, The 5 Hands Explained and Chapter VI II, Game Examples. These two chapters do not have to be read in order to play any of the three levels but they are valuable in summarizing game play and in presenting graphic examples of game hands (how to play them and how to compute penalties). You'll better appreciate Dragonmaster's subtle twists and turns if you understand the game fully before playing it. 11 THE LEGEND OF THE DRAGONMASTER You have been specially chosen to hear The Legend of the Dragonmaster and to relive the drama of those ancient times when you play the fascinating card game based on the tale ... so read on and experience the never-before-told story of the forgotten land of Aedenne and its unforgettable people. In another place, in another time, the island continent of Aedenne flourished. It was a mysterious land peopled by the Dragonlords, Warriors, Nomads and Druids. . four very diverse tribes who lived in harmony with each other. The Dragonlords were the accepted rulers of Aedenne. Years ago they had allied themselves with The Sky Lizard, a powerful, sentient dragon who some sages say is immortal. The dragon was the guardian of The Great Staff of Power, a magical, crystal-encrusted rod that imbued its owners with wisdom and strength. Together with the power of the staff and the counsel of The Sky Lizard, the Dragonlords assumed the rule of Aedenne and brought peace and prosperity to every village and hamlet. Unfortunately, the noble rule of the Dragonlords was short-lived. A coalition of wily wizards from the four tribes met in conclave to combine their knowledge of sorcery and wrest control of Aedenne from the Dragonlords and The Sky Lizard. The wizards were successful. The Sky Lizard was banished, The Great Staff of Power disappeared with the dragon and the power of the Dragonlords was destroyed. Thus began the chaotic rule of The Four Wizards. The four tribes battled amongst themselves, their kings deposed. Death and deceit prevailed. Malice and greed triumphed. Aedenne was on the eve of destruction. During this time of darkness, there emerged a man of unquestionable integrity and unmistakable courage. A sage, scholar and wizard called D'Arcey who longed to restore Aedenne to its former glory. Skilled both in the laws of natural science and the mysteries of magic, D'Arcey searched through ancient tomes for an answer to Aedenne's miseries. One cold, rainy night with a flickering candle as his only light, D'Arcey pored over a sacred manuscript and discovered the following riddle... 4 Find the heir whose heart is pure The chosen one for Aedenne's cure Wield Dragonbane in mountain's fire And claim the staff that you desire. After much study, D'Arcey deciphered the first couplet of the cryptic rhyme. From it, he discovered the man who was destined to save Aedenne and its people. The savior was Theo, Prince of the Warrior tribe . . . a man known throughout the kingdom for his grace and goodness. Prince Theo surely was "the heir whose heart is pure" in the riddle. The second couplet of the rhyme was shrouded in mystery. D'Arcey thought that Dragonbane might be a weapon of sorts. Unsure of his speculation, D'Arcey decided to confront Prince Theo with the epic mission that lay before them before attempting to decipher the second couplet. Prince Theo and D'Arcey met on the morrow. A Warrior by tribe and by trade, Theo knew of Dragonbane ... a legendary sword worshipped by the Lizard People in a land for to the south. If Theo could procure this weapon, as the riddle suggests, then Aedenne might be saved. Anxious to rid the kingdom from the evil rule of the wizards and to restore his father, King Godwin, to his rightful place on the Warrior throne, Prince Theo accepted the challenge to retrieve Dragonbane and to claim it as his own. Thus began the siege of the Lizard People. Weakened by fever and paralyzed by the scorching heat, Prince Theo and his Warrior horde slowly made their way south through the vermin-infested swamps to meet the green, lightning-fast Lizard People in combat. The enemies met. The battle began. Gauntlet struck razor-sharp claw, steel struck scale-like armor. Theo and his men vanquished the Lizard People and sent them scurrying into the swamplands. Dragonbane, left unguarded on an obsidian altar, was theirs for the taking! Theo triumphantly returned to D'Arcey and presented Dragon-bone to the good, wise wizard. D'Arcey studied the strange, runic characters forged into the blade and deduced from them the meaning of the second couplet of the rhyme ... that he and Prince Theo must journey to the lair of the banished Sky Lizard and use Dragonbane to recapture the crystal-encrusted Great Staff of Power that the 5 dragon guards. The Sky Lizard lives in an extinct volcano (the "moun-tain's fire" of the riddle) in a land for to the north. D'Arcey then raised the magical Dragonbane aloft, rechristened it "Runesword" and gave the shining blade to its new master, Prince Theo. The siege of the Sky Lizard had begun! D'Arcey and Prince Theo travelled north to the Land of the Volcanoes. Reaching the largest mountain of fire, they slowly descended into the mouth of the crater. Down and down they went ... ever deeper into the heart of the volcano ... to reach the floor of the crate., where the sleeping dragon lay. Armed with Runesword, Theo approached the sleeping dragon. The blade began to shine and vibrate. The Sky lizard awakened to the gleaming, humming sword. With back arched and tongue aflame, the Sky Lizard lunged at Theo. Suddenly, the sword began to sing an eerie, ancient tune. The dragon backed away and bowed its head in submission. Theo had tamed the beast and the Great Staff of Power was theirs. With the Runesword and The Great Staff of Power in their grip, Prince Theo and D'Arcey returned home triumphantly. Aedenne would soon be saved. With Theo and the Staff at his side, D'Arcey usurped the wicked wizards and restored the four kings of the tribes to their former glory. The low of the land was re-established and peace came to Aedenne. D'Arcey become guardian of the staff and was known ever after as The Dragonmaster! Years passed. A power struggle erupted over ownership of the staff. Fearing that The Great Staff of Power would fall into evil hands, D'Arcey removed the crystals from the rod and scattered them over the land ... for and wide. Thus the power of the staff was lost again! Aedenne now awaits a new Dragonmaster to regain the magical crystals and to recapture the lost power. Will it be you? Experience "Dragonmaster", a fantasy card game that lets you relive The Legend. Each hand you play recaptures that time of great flux and high adventure . . . a time when kingdoms were lost and regained, tribes dispersed and reunited, trusts broken and rekindled. 6 III THE ODJECT AND CONTENTS OF THE GAME EXPLAINED OBJECT: To obtain the greatest value of magic crystals after a certain number of hands are played. CONTENTS: · 1 deck of 39 cards · plastic crystals · 1 drawstring pouch to store the crystals · 4 score charts · 1 instruction booklet GAME LENGTH: For 3 players. - .1 5 hands must be played (that's three 5-hand rounds) For 4 players ... 20 hands must be played (that's four 5-hand rounds) HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL FIND IN THE GAME: 32 PLAYING CARDS . . . there are 32 beautiful, oversized playing cards. 4 suits of 8 cards each: the purple Dragonlords suit of King, Queen, Princess, Wizard, Duke, Count, Baron and Fool; the red War-riors suit of King, Queen, Prince, Wizard, Duke, Count, Baron and Fool; the blue Druids suit of King, Queen, Princess, Wizard, Duke, Count, Baron and Fool; and the dark green Nomads suit of King, Queen, Prince, Wizard, Duke, Count, Baron and Fool. The King is the highest value in a suit, the Fool is the lowest (see Information Card, page 8, for Card Rank details). In Dragonmaster, as in other card games, tricks are played and won a card is led, players follow suit if they can and the highest value card in the suit led wins the trick. If players cannot follow suit, they throw off any other card in any other suit. 7 Upper left corner letter designates card rank... K for King Q for Queen P for Prince or Princess W for Wizard D for Duke C for Count B for Baron F for Fool The border designates suit. There are 4 different borders for 4 different suits. The colors of the cards also designate suit. Purple for Dragonlords, red for Warriors, blue for Druids and dark green for Nomads. The names of the characters on the cards (example, Sybill, Theo, Zoe) have nothing to do with game play but help to instill a flavor of the legend in the game. R.nk f Crd@ INFORMATION CARD . . . this card displays the rank of cards. The King is the highest value, followed by the Queen, the Prince (or Princess), the Wizard, the Duke, the Count, the Baron and the Fool is the lowest. The Information Card should be placed in a highly visible area during play, so all the players can refer to it. 5 HAND CARDS ... there are 5 dif-ferent kinds of hands, each with a different objective, that you must play in Dragonmaster. They are Runesword, Wizards, Dragonlords, First or Last and Staff of Power. These 5 hands are played in the Basic Game of Dragonmaster and are represented by 5 Hand Cards. 8 If you flip the Hand Cards over you will see the Power Play label and an objective for each card. Both the Power Play side and the Dragonmaster side are used in the Advanced and Expert Games. The 5 Hand Cards should be placed near the playing area. When a particular hand is called to play, its matching Hand Card is placed in a highly visible area so the players know which hand they are play-ing. After a hand is played, its matching Hand Card is put aside ... so the remaining hands can be chosen and played (the some hand cannot be played twice in the some round of play, see Basic Game, page 16, Rule IO for more information. THE DRAGON CARD . . . this is a special card that is used only in the Advanced and Expert Games. Whoever is dealt the Dragon Card may attempt a Power Play and if successful will become the Dragon-master for the next hand in most instances. i CRYSTALS 4 .SCORE CHARTS ... each player is given one chart at the beginning of 20 " the game. Notice the chart is two- loo@. R G@O.LO@M 5 " sided. The "Dragonmaster" side is RI IMT.@R @T- I" used in the Basic Game . . . it IAY displays all 5 hands and their objec- tives plus how many crystals you will lose to the Dragonmaster if you POWER PLAY don't make your objective. Also listed is the distribution of the crystals and their value. The other side is called the "Power Play" chart. The Power Play side and the Dragonmaster side are both used in the Advanced and Expert Games. The Power Play chart dis- plays the 5 hands and their objec- tives and the amount of crystals the Power Player can win or lose. 9 PLASTIC CRYSTALS ... the object of the game is to obtain the greatest value of these crystals after a certain number of hands are played. Here are the crystals and their values- Diamond Crystal (clear) ... 20,000 each Emerald Crystal (green) ... IO, 000 each Ruby Crystal (red) ... 5,000 each Sapphire Crystal (blue) ... 1,000 each HERE'S WHAT EACH PLAYER IS GIVEN TO BEGIN THE GAME: 2 Diamonds 3 Emeralds 5 Rubies 5 Sapphires 10 IV BASIC GAME FOR 3 OR 4 PLAYERS Introduction Dragonmaster is a truly unique card game. During the Basic Game, each player is the Dragonmaster for five different "hands" which you will see is a decided advantage. In each "hand" there is a different objective. The Dragonmaster chooses which "hand" to play-after he looks at his cards! In each "hand" there are certain penalty cards or tricks. When a player takes a certain penalty card or trick, he must pay the Dragon-master a specified amount of his magic crystals at the end of each hand. Thus, it is a great advantage to be the Dragon-master-because he is the one who always gets more crystals. Each player gets the chance to be Dragonmaster for five consecutive hands. Then, whoever has the most value of magic crystals, regains the crystal-encrusted Staff of Power, becomes Dragonmaster just like in the legend and wins the game. Cards Used: 32 Suit Cards (8 each of Dragonlords, Druids, Nomads, Warriors) 5 Hand Cards (Wizards, Dragonlords, Staff of Power, First or Last, Runesword) Score Charts: 4 Score charts, each player gets one. Make sure the "Dragonmaster" side of the card is turned face-up Information Card: I card that gives the card rank. It is used as a reference card by all players HOW TO SET UP THE BASIC GAME FOR 4 PLAYERS: 1. Divide the deck into 4 types of cards: a. The Dragon card b. The Information Card, with Rank of Cards data. c. The 5 Hand Card (two sided): Dragonlords, Runesword, Wizards, First and Last, and Staff of Power. d. The 32 suit cards (4 suits, 8 cards per suit): Dragonlords, Nomads, Druids, Warriors. 2. Put the Dragon card out of play. Put the Information Card face-up where everyone can see it. Shuffle the 32 suit cards. 3. Give each player a score chart with "Dragonmaster" side face-up. 4. Give each player: 2 diamonds (clear); 3 emeralds (green); 5 rubies (red); 5 sapphires (blue) Any extra crystals are set aside, out of play. 5. HOW TO DETERMINE THE DRAGONMASTER: Any player should deal the cards face-up one at a time to each player, dealing clockwise. Whoever gets the first KING, is the Dragonmaster. 6. The Dragonmaster takes the 5 two-sided Hand Cards and lays them out near him with their "Power Play" sides face-down. 7. The Dragonmaster recollects the 32 cards, shuffles the deck again and deals the cards one at a time face-down until each player has eight cards. FOR 3-PLAYER GAME: For a 3-player game, take out all 4 of the Barons and all 4 of the Fools so there are 24 cards in the deck. Then set up as above. 12 HOW TO PLAY THE BASIC GAME 1. In the game of Dragonmaster, there are five hands: Dragonlords, Wizards, Runesword, First or Last, and Staff of Power. Each of these hands is played once to complete a round. Thus, each round consists of playing the five hands. There are three rounds in a three-player game, four rounds in a four-player game. The first Dragonmaster will deal the first five hands and is the Dragonmaster for all 5 hands! 2. The rules for a 3-player game and a 4-player game are essen-tially the some. The only difference is that there are only six cards in each suit in a 3-player game-because the Barons and Fools are removed from the deck. 3. After the cards are dealt out, players should look at their hands and sort their cards into the four suits: Dragonlords (purple), Nomads (green), Druids (blue), and Warriors (red). It is important to learn the rank of the cards as soon as possible. This data is printed on the Infor-mation Card. Card rank is: KING (high), QUEEN, PRINCE (SS), WIZARD, DUKE, COUNT, BARON, FOOL. After playing a few hands, this sequence will be easier to remember. 4. Now the Dragonmaster looks at his cards and must choose which "hand" he wants to play. By looking at the Dragonmaster side of the score chart, he can see that each hand has a different objec-tive. For example, in WIZARDS, the object is to take as few Wizard cards as possible, preferably none. 5. Whatever hand the Dragonmaster chooses will have certain penalty cards or tricks that all players should avoid taking (see score chart). When any player takes one or more of these penalty cards or tricks, he must pay the Dragonmaster the specified amount of magic crystals after the hand has been played. IMPORTANT: if the Dragonmaster takes some (or all) of these penal-ty cards or tricks, then the Dragonmaster doesn't lose or gain any crystals for those cards and tricks he took. 6. When the Dragonmaster has chosen the hand, he takes the Hand Card which matches that hand, and places it in front of him. This shows everyone which hand will now be played. 7. The Dragonmaster leads the first card. Going clockwise (to the left), each player plays one card on the trick. Players must follow suit, 13 if they can. For example, if a Nomad is led, and you have at least one Nomad in your hand, then you must play a Nomad yourself. If you cannot follow suit, then you can throw out any card. After each player has played a card, whoever played the highest ranking card in the suit led, wins the trick and collects the cards. These cards are placed face-down in front of the player who won the trick. 8. Whoever wins the trick, leads the first card of the next trick and so forth until all the tricks have been taken. 9. After all the cards have been played, each player must pay the Dragonmaster for all penalty cards or tricks taken. How much is paid depends on which hand was played and how many penalties were taken (see Score Chart). Read the section directly below entitled "The 5 Hands of the Basic Game Explained" for more details. THE 5 HANDS OF THE BASIC GAME EXPLAINED Dragonmaster is played in hands and rounds. There ore 5 hands in a round. The number of rounds played is equal to the number of players. For example, in a 3-player game 3 rounds of 15 hands are played; in a 4-player game, 4 rounds of 20 hands are played. The order in which the 5 hands are played is always different for the Dragonmaster always announces which hand is to be played and that's determined by the particular cards in his hand at the time. Here ore the 5 hands: Dragonlords. When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is to take as few of the Dragonlord suit cards as possible. For each one you take, you must pay the Dragonmaster 1,000 (a blue crystal). The Dragonmaster gets no penalty if he collects any Dragonlords. Wizards. When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is to take as few of the four Wizard cards as possible. For each one you take, you must pay the Dragonmaster 2,000 in crystals. The Dragon-master gets no penalty for any Wizard cards he may take. Runesword. When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is NOT to be the player to take the Prince of Warriors (the Prince of Warriors is pictured holding the Runesword). If you take the Prince of Warriors, you must pay the Dragonmaster 8,000 in crystals. The Dragonmaster gets no penalty if he takes the Prince of Warriors. 14 First or Last. When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is NOT to take the first and/or the last trick. Each of these tricks will cost you 4,000 in crystals, payable to the Dragonmaster. Again, if the Dragonmaster takes either trick or both of them, he suffers no penalty. Staff of Power. When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, everyone usually groans for it is the most difficult hand to play and lots of crystals are at stake. Staff of Power is a combination of all 4 of the other hands, so the object is NOT to take any Dragonlords, Wizards, the Prince of Warriors and the First and/or Last tricks. The some penalties for the individual games are in force when you play the Staff of Power. This means, if you are the Dragonmaster for such a hand, the players must pay you any of the penalties they have incurred for the 4 hands of the Staff of Power... this can be quite considerable if all the penalties are awarded, as much as 32,000 in crystals in 4-player game; and as much as 30,000 in crystals in a -player game. See the chart below for details. If you took ony of the following, pay the 4-player 3-player Hand Drogonmoster... gome gome Dragonlords 1,000 per Drogonlord maximum 8 maximum 6 Dragonlords Dragonlords Wizords 2, 000 per Wizard maximum 4 maximum 4 Wizards Wizords 8,000 8,000 Prince of 8,000 8,000 8,000 Warriors First or Last 4,000 for first tricii; 8,000 8,000 4,000 for last trick TOTAL As much as as much as 32,000 is a 30,000 is a possibility possibility See sample game on page 30 for penalty payment and a STAFF OF POWER GAME. 15 10. After the first hand has been played, put the Hand Card that represents that hand out of the playing area to signify that the 11 played hand" cannot be played again in this round. It is important to know which hands are still eligible to be played in each round! REMEMBER, each hand can be played only once in each round!!! 1 1. After the round of 5 hands has been played, the player to the left of the Dragonmaster becomes the next Dragonmaster for the next 5-hand round. This is how the Dragonmastership is passed on, so every player has a chance to become the Dragonmaster during a game. HOW TO WIN THE GAME: After each player has been Dragonmaster for one complete round, the Basic Game is over. Add up the values of your crystals. Every player does the some. Whoever has the highest value of crystals is the winner of the game and can be proclaimed the legendary Dragonmaster! PLEASE NOTE: you may borrow crystals or make change for crystals with other players. Any debts must be paid back or credited to the lenders at the end of the game. IN ADDITION TO THE BASIC GAME, THERE ARE TWO OTHER LEVELS OF PLAY BOTH MORE DIFFICULT AND MORE CHALLENGING. MASTER THE BASIC GAME BEFORE YOU TURN THE PAGE AND READ THE AD-VANCED AND EXPERT GAMES. 1 6 V THE ADVANCED GAME For 3 or 4 Players INTRODUCTION The Advanced Game differs from the Basic Game with the addition of the Power Play rules. These new rules allow another player to overthrow the Dragonmaster during any hand and become the new Dragonmaster and win lots of magic crystals. In the Advanced Game, each player is not guaranteed to become Dragonmaster for 5 complete hands as in the Basic Game. To usurp the power of a Dragonmaster, d player must own the special Dragon card. Whoever is dealt this card may attempt a Power Play to overthrow the present Dragonmaster. Here's how you play the Advanced Game: add the Dragon Card to the deck. Whoever is dealt the Dragon Card announces to the other players that he has it. The Dragon Card player then looks at his hand and decides whether to try a Power Play in one of the 5 hands. The 5 hands of the Advanced Game are the some as the Basic Game... Dragonlords, Wizards, Runesword, First or Last and Staff of Power... the Power Play objectives -of these 5 hands, however, are different. For example, if the Dragon Card owner decides to make a Power Play in the Runesword Hand, he must TRY TO TAKE the Prince of Warriors. As you can see, the Power Play objectives are the exact reverse of the Basic Dragonmaster Game objectives! If the person attempting the Power Play is successful, then all the players must pay homage to him by paying him any penalty crystals they might owe him. The "Power Player" also is rewarded by becoming the new Dragonmaster for the next hand played in most instances. * PLEASE NOTE, after all 5 hands in a round have been played (no matter who is currently Dragonmaster) the new Dragonmaster is always the player to the left of the person who began the round as Dragonmaster. If you follow this succession in The Advanced Game, each player gets a chance to be Dragonmaster for one hand at the start of one round. *If there is only one hand left to play in a round, then a successful Power Player becomes Dragonmaster for that remaining one hand. 1 7 If a successful Power Play occurred in the last (5th) hand of a round, then the Power Player will not become the new Dragonmaster unless he is the person to the left of the person who began the round as Dragonmaster. Cards Used: 32 Suit Cards plus the Dragon Card. Also 5 Hand Cards (both Basic Dragonmaster side and Power Play sides ore used) Score Charts: Each player gets one score chart. Both the "Dragonmaster" side and the "Power Play" side are used. Information Card: This card that displays the card rank should be in a highly visible area so all players con refer to it. HOW TO SET UP THE ADVANCED GAME FOR 4 PLAYERS: The Advanced Game is set up the some as the Basic Game exempt the Dragon Card is added to the 32 cards. The 33 cards are shuffled and 8 cards are dealt to each player. Put the one extra card in the center of the table face-down. The crystal distribution is exactly the some as the Basic Game. HOW TO SET UP THE ADVANCED GAME FOR 3 PLAYERS: The 3-player game is set up as above except all 4 Barons and all 4 Fools are removed from play. The Dragon Card is added to the deck. 6 cards are dealt to each player from the 25 card deck. The extra card is placed in the center of the table face-down. The crystal distribution is exactly the some as the Basic Game. HOW TO PLAY THE ADVANCED GAME: 1. Choose a player to be Dragonmaster. See Rule 5., page 12 under Basic Game for details. 2. After the cards have been dealt and sorted, the Dragonmaster asks who has the Dragon Card. One of the following happens: 18 A. If no one has the Dragon Card, then the Dragon Card i ' s the extra card laying face-down on the table. If this happens, the hand is thrown in and redealt. D. If the Dragonmaster, himself, has the card, he must announce it to the other players. No Power Plays are then allowed because the Dragonmaster can never make a Power Play himself. A regular Basic game of Dragonmaster is then played. C. If any player (except the Dragonmaster) has the Dragon Card, he must announce that he is the owner of the card and then make the following decision: EITHER exchange the Dragon Card for the extra face-down card (he puts the extra card in his hand and puts the Dragon Card out of play). By doing this, the player is saying that he will not attempt a Power Play. The present Dragonmaster will then continue as Dragonmaster for the present hand and announce which hand is to be played. IMPORTANT, this hand is then played just like in the Basic Game. OR hold onto the Dragon Card and attempt a Power Play. See Rule 3., for details. In this case, the extra face-down card is not in play but will be given to the Power Player after the Hand is played. 3. POWER PLAY: when a player is dealt the Dragon Card, he has the opportunity to toile over as Dragonmaster. He does this by attempt-ing a Power Play in the following manner, following points A, B and C. A. First, he turns over the Score Chart to the Power Play side. Notice that the objectives of the Power Play hands are TO TAKE certain cards or tricks (just the opposite of the Basic Dragonmaster Game). The player attempting a Power Play usually needs a strong hand to make a Power Play. B. If the Dragon Card player decides to try for the Power Play, he becomes a Power Player. He chooses the Hand Card that matches the hand that he wants to play and places it Power Play side up in a visible area so everyone knows what hand they are playing. Of course, a Power Player con only choose from those hands left in the round that have never been played. 19 C. The Power Player then leads the first trick. Play is the some as in the Basic Game, players must follow suit if they can. Tricks are won and lost! 4. THE USE OF THE DRAGON CARD: during a Power Play, the Dragon Card is a wild card, equal to a king. . . thus it captures any other cards. EXCEPTION ... the Dragon Card cannot be used to represent a certain King if the King it is representing I,, played in the some trick first; but if the Dragon Card is led or is played before the King it is representing in the same trick then it will win the trick. When you lead the Dragon you must declare which King of which suit it represents. Another advantage of the Dragon Card is that it can be played at any time . . . even if you could follow suit with another card . . . you may play the Dragon card instead. Here are two examples of the use of the Dragon Card: EXAMPLE #1 The Duke of Warriors is led... The n the Fool of Warriors is played Then the King of Warriors is played Then the Dragon Card is played. RESULT: The King wins because it was played first. EXAMPLE #2 The Queen of Nomads is led... The Dragon Card (representing the King of Nomads) is played... The King of Nomads is played The.Baron of Nomads is played RESULT: The Dragon Card wins because it was played first. 5. SUCCESSFUL POWER PLAY ... after all the cards in the hand have been played, if the Power Player has successfully captured certain cards and tricks and met the objective of the hand, then he has made a successful Power Play and usurped the power of the Dragonmaster. Players look at the Score Chart ("Power Play" side and the particular hand that was played) and then pay the Power Player the amount of crystals listed on the chart. The Power Player is then declared the Dragonmaster for the rest of the round unless he loses his Dragonmaster status in the next hand. 20 As you can see, being a Power Player has its advantages during game play. When attempting the Power Play, the Power Player may... A. choose the hand to play from those left in the round B. lead C. and hold the WILD Dragon Card and use it to its greatest capabilities 6. UNSUCCESSFUL POWER PLAY. . if the Power Player does not take the cards or tricks to meet the objective of the hand, then he has made on unsuccessful Power Play and must pay the Dragonmaster 8,000 worth of crystals. PLEASE NOTE, it is not always easy to make a Power Play because the other players will try to prevent it. These other players are not subject to any penalties as you can see from the score chart. 7. THE EXTRA CARD. . After a Power Play has been attempted and played, the extra face-down card is given to the Power Player regardless if the Power Play was successful or unsuccessful. PLEASE NOTE: the EXTRA CARD could be helpful or harmful. In either case, it belongs to the Power Player and could result in a penalty being paid to him or by him. 8. After the hand is played, its matching Hand Card is put out of the playing area until the next round. This happens whether the Power Play was successful or unsuccessful. HOW TO WIN THE GAME: After 4 rounds of 5 hands in a 4-player game and 3 rounds of 5 hands in a 3-player game have been played, the game is over! Add up the values of your crystals. Whoever has the highest value of crystals wins the game. Lending crystals and making change with crystals is acceptable as in the Basic Game, but any debts must be paid back or credited to the lenders at the end of the game. NOW THAT YOU KNOW HOW TO PLAY THE ADVANCED GAME, TURN THE PAGE TO DISCOVER HOW THE EXPERT GAME IS PLAYED. 21 VI EXPERT GAME Introduction and Set-Up The Expert Game differs from the Advanced Game with the addition of two very important rules: Lead Restrictions and the Secret Power Plays. The lead restrictions make it harder to make a Power Play when playing Runesword, Dragonlords, or Staff of Power. The Secret Power Play Rules allow players to attempt a Power Play without using the Dragon Card. The Expert Game is the best way to play Dragonmaster. Yes, it is quite complex, but you'll find it a wonderfully rewarding experience. In order to prevent a Secret Power Play, the Dragonmaster must be sure that one player does not get oil of the penalty cards. This usually means he has to take one of them himself! DRAGONMASTER Expert Game Set-Up For 4 Players is the some as the Advanced Game, see page 18. The Expert 3-player game is set up the some as the Advanced Game, see page 1 8. The crystal distribution for the 3-player and 4-player Expert Games are exactly the some as the Basic Game. HOW TO PLAY THE EXPERT GAME: The Expert Game is played with the Dragon Card and is like the Advanced Game with the following additional rules: LEAD RESTRICTIONS 1. When playing the Dragonlords hand, the Dragonmaster or Power Player cannot lead a Dragonlord on the first trick. 2. When playing the Runesword hand, The Dragonmaster or Power Player cannot lead a Warrior card on the first trick. 3. When playing the Staff of Power hand, the Dragonmaster or Power Player cannot lead a Dragonlord or Warrior card on the first trick. 22 THE SECRET POWER PLAY The Secret Power Play is on exciting feature to the Expert Game. Here is when and how you do it: 1. WHEN ... when someone gets the Dragon Card and because of a poor set of cards decides to exchange the Dragon Card for the extra face-down card, the present Dragonmaster stays Dragonmaster for the hand and calls which hand is to be played (this is the some Power Play Refusal in Rule 2., Section C., page 19, under Advanced Game). When the Power Play is refused as just explained and the Dragonmaster calls the Dragonlords, the Warriors or the Staff of Power hand to be played, you or any other player may attempt a Secret Power Play. 2. HOW ... let's say the Dragonmaster calls the Dragonlords hand to be played in a 4-player game. The normal objective for the players is NOT to take any Dragonlords. However, if you have a strong hand, try to silently take all 8 Dragonlords during play. VERY IMPORTANT, the other players should not be aware that you are trying to mal-,e a Secret Power Play or they would try to sabotage your attempt. If you do, in this case, take all 8 Dragonlords, then you have succeeded in molting a Secret Power Play. Each player must now pay you 1 0,000 in crystals (see Score Chart) and you become the Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). However, if you made an unsuccessful Secret Power Play. . . let's say you captured 6 Dragonlords instead of all 8, then you would be penalized as in a regular Basic Dragonmaster Game by paying 6,000 in crystals to the Dragonmaster (1,000 per Dragonlord) . . . whoever captured the two other Dragonlord cards would also be penalized and have to pay the Dragonmaster 1,000 per Dragonlord. See Example 5, page 33, for a detailed explanation of how to play a Secret Power Play. As you con see, a Secret Power Play consists of meeting the objec-tive of a Power Play hand without the help of the Dragon Card and with all your opponents thinking that they and everyone else are playing a regular Basic Dragonmaster Game! 23 IMPORTANT THINGS TO REMEMBER ABOUT A SECRET POWER PLAY: 1. A Secret Power Play is only permitted in 3 hands... the Dragon-lords, the Wizards and the Staff of Power. You cannot make a Secret Power Play in a First or Last Hand or a Runesword Hand. 2. The Dragonmaster cannot ever attempt a Secret Power Play, just as he cannot ever attempt a Power Play. 3. A Secret Power Play can never be attempted if another player is attempting a regular Power Play. 4. The Secret Power Play must always be carried out covertly. . . the other players should not be aware of your attempt or they would sabotage your play. 5. And finally, the Secret Power Play is a dangerous move but the rewards are great ... many crystals ore at stake! 24 Vil THE 5 HANDS EXPLAINED BASIC, ADVANCED AND EXPERT GAMES DRAGONLORDS LEGEND: As the Dragonlords were the first tribe to ally themselves with the Dragon and rule the land, this game is dedicated to the Age of Dragonlords. DRAGONMASTER (BASIC, ADVANCED AND EXPERT GAMES): When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is to take as few Dragonlords as possible. For each one you take, you must pay the Dragonmaster 1,000. The Dragonmaster gets nothing for any Dragonlords he takes. POWER PLAY (ADVANCED GAME/EXPERT GAME): When the player with the Dragon Card coils this hand, he as the Power Player must take all eight Dragonlords (all six in a three player hand). If he takes all of them, all the other players pay him 10,000 each and he becomes the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If he does not get all of them, he pays the Dragonmaster 8,000. The other players suffer no penalties. SECRET POWER PLAY (EXPERT GAME ONLY): When the Dragon card is rejected and the Dragonmaster calls this hand, if you take all eight Dragonlords (six in a three player game) then you have made a Secret Power Play! The winner of a Secret Power Play in DRAGONLORD5 gets 10,000 from each player and becomes the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If he doesn't get all eight Dragonlords, then everyone pays the Dragonmaster 1,000 for each as usual. The Dragonmaster can never make a Secret Power Play. In the Expert Game, the Dragonmaster can stop a Secret Power Play by molting sure that at least two players (even himself!) take Dragonlords or he will lose the right to be Dragonmaster on the next hand. WIZARDS: LEGEND: The four court wizards usurped power from the Dragonlords and began a terrible chaotic reign. This game is dedicated to those dark times. 25 DRAGONMASTER (BASIC, ADVANCED AND EXPERT GAMES): When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is to take as few Wizard cards as possible. For each one you take, You must pay the Dragon-master 2,000. The Dragonmaster gets nothing for any Wizard cards he takes. POWER PLAY (ADVANCED GAME/EXPERT GAME): When the Player with the Dragon Card calls this hand, he must take all four Wizards. If he takes all of them, everyone pays him I 0,000. He then becomes the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If he does not get all four Wizards, then he pays the Dragonmaster 8,000. The other players suffer no penalties for any Wizards they take. SECRET POWER PLAY (EXPERT GAME ONLY): when the Dragon card is rejected, and the Dragonmaster calls this hand, if you take all four Wizards then you hove mode a Secret Power Play! The winner of a Secret Power Play in Wizards Hand gets 1 0, 000 from each player and becomes the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If you don't get all four Wizards then you pay the Dragonmaster 2,000 for each Wizard you own as usual. The Dragonmaster can never make a Secret Power Play. In the Expert Game, the Dragonmaster can stop a Secret Power Play by malting sure that at least two players (even himself!) take Wizards because if one player takes all the Wizards, the present Dragon-master is usurped and loses his right to be Dragonmaster on the next hand. RUNESWORD: LEGEND: The legendary Runesword was won from The Lizard People by Prince Theo of the Warrior tribe. By this heroic act, D'Arcey was able to gain the Staff of Power and restore low and order to Aedenne. DRAGONMASTER (BASIC, ADVANCED AND EXPERT GAMES): when the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is NOT to take the Prince of Warriors. The player who captures him must pay the Dragonmaster 8,000. The Dragonmaster gets nothing if he (or she) takes the Prince of Warriors. POWER PLAY (ADVANCED GAME/EXPERT GAME): When the player with the Dragon Card calls this hand, he must capture the Prince of 26 Warriors. If he does so, then everyone pays him 6,000 and he becomes the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If he does not take the Prince of Warriors, he pays the Dragonmaster 8,000. The player who took the Prince of Warriors does not pay anything. SECRET POWER PLAY: NOT ALLOWED ON THIS HAND FIRST OR LAST: LEGEND: D'Arcey was the First and Last of the Great Rulers. This game is played in his honor. DRAGONMASTER (BASIC, ADVANCED AND EXPERT GAMES): When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object is NOT to take the first or the last tricks. For each one you take, pay the Dragonmaster 4,000. The Dragonmaster gets nothing for any of these tricks that he takes. POWER PLAY (ADVANCED GAME/EXPERT GAME): When the player with the Dragon Card calls this hand, he must take the first and last tricks. This is usually very easy if he has a KING to lead, because the Dragon card (which is WILD) has an excellent chance of taking the last trick. If he succeeds in taking the first and last tricks, then each player must pay him 6,000 and he becomes the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If he does not take the first and last trick, then he must pay the Dragonmaster 8,000. SECRET POWER PLAY: NOT ALLOWED ON THIS HAND STAFF OF POWER: LEGEND: The Staff of Power gave D'Arcey ultimate control in Aedenne. In this game, the Staff of Power hand consists of the four preceding hands. It is like playing Dragonlords, Wizards, Runesword, and First or Last all at the some time. DRAGONMASTER (BASIC, ADVANCED AND EXPERT GAMES): When the Dragonmaster calls this hand, the object, essentially, is to take as little as possible. As it is like playing all four of the other hands at once, the object is not to toile any Dragonlords, or any Wizards, or the Prince of Warriors, or the First Trick or the Last Trick. 27 Payment is as usual: Dragonlords = 1,000 each EXAMPLE #1 Wizards = 2,000 each Prince of Warriors = 8,000 BASIC GAME ... First or Last Hand First and Last Trick = 4,000 each P05SIBLE TOTAL = 32,000 PLAYER A Of course, the Dragonmaster gets nothing for any of these cards Or CODE DRA: (NONE) WAR: K B tricks he or she takes. DM Dragonmaster DRU: 0 D B DRA Dragonlords NOM: Q P W POWER PLAY (ADVANCED GAME/EXPERT GAME): When the player WAR = Warriors DRU Druids DFKAGONMASTER (DM) PLAYER B with the Dragon Card calls this hand, he must take all of the follow- NOM Nomads DRA: K Q D DRA: C F ing: all eight (six in three-player game) Dragonlords, all four K King WA R: \V F WAR: P D Wizards, the Prince of Warriors and the First and Last tricks. If he does Q Queen DRU: F DRU: W P P Prince or Princess NOM: C B NOM: K D so, each player must pay him 15,000 and he becomes the new W Wizard PLAYER C Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). However, if any other D Duke DRA: P W B player takes any of the above cards or tricks, the Power Player must C Count WAR: Q C pay the Dragonmaster 8,000 and the other players nothing. B Baron DRU: K C I F Fool NOM: F SECRET POWER PLAY (EXPERT GAME ONLY): When the Dragon Card is rejected, and the Dragonmaster calls this hand, if a player with a HANDS ALREADY PLAYED: Runesword, Wizards HANDS LEFT TO PLAY: Dragonlords, First or Last, Staff of Power very strong hand can take all of the required cards and tricks, then he DPAGONMASTER CALLS: First or Last has made a Secret Power Play. This is very hard to do. If successful, OBJECT: Don't take the first and/or the last trick. each player pays the Secret Power Player 15,000 and he becomes TRICK #1 the new Dragonmaster (unless the round is over). If unsuccessful, DM LEADS F-WAR everyone pays the usual amounts to the Dragonmaster. A PLAYS B-WAR B PLAYS D-WAR The Dragonmaster can never make a Secret Power Play. In the C PLAYS C-WAR Expert game, the Dragonmaster must try to make sure that at least PLAYER B WINS TRICK two players (even himself) take some of the penalty cards or tricks to TRICK #4 prevent a Secret Power Play. For whoever succeeds in taking them C LEADS Q-WAR all, will be the new Dragonmaster and everyone must pay him DM PLAYS W-WAR 15,000. A PLAYS K-WAR B PLAYS P-WAR PLAYER A WINS TRICK TRICK #7 B LEADS C-DRA C PLAYS W-DRA DM PLAYS Q-DRA A THROWS P-NOM DM WINS TRICK RESULTS: Add up penalty tricks taken Player B pays 4,000 to Dragonmaster for first trick. TRICK #2 B LEADS K-NOM C PLAYS F-NOM DM PLAYS C-NOM A PLAYS Q-NOM PLAYER B WINS TRICK TRICK #5 A LEADS W-NOM B PLAYS D-NOM C THROWS P-DRA DM PLAYS B-NOM PLAYER A WINS TRICK TRICK #8 DM LEADS D-DRA A THROWS B-DRU B PLAYS F-DRA C PLAYS B-DRA DM WINS TRICK TRICK #3 B LEADS P-DRU C PLAYS K-DRU DM PLAYS F-DRU A PLAYS Q-DRU PLAYER C WINS TRICK TRICK #6 A LEADS D-DRU B PLAYS W-DRU C PLAYS C-DRU DM PLAYS K-DRA PLAYER B WINS TRICK Dragonmaster gets nothing for last trick, which he took 28 29 @PLE #2 @PLE #3 BASIC GAME ... Staff of Power Hand ADVANCED GAME ... Dragonlords Power Play (Successful) PLAYER A PLAYER A DRA: C WAR: K DRU: Q P B F DRAGONMASTER (DM) NOM: W F PLAYER D DRAGONMASTER (DM) DRA: Q D F DRA: K P B DRA: P F WAR: W D WAR: P B WAR: D C B DRU: D PLAYER C DRU: K DRU: D NOM: Q P NOM: C B NOM: P B DRA: W WAR: Q C F DRU: W C NOM@ K D HANDS ALREADY PLAYED: First or Last, Runesword, Wizards HANDS LEFT TO PLAY: Dragonlords, Staff of Power HANDS ALREADY PLAYED: Staff of Power., First of Last DP,AGONMASTER CALLS: Staff of Power HANDS LEFT TO PLAY: Wizards, Dragonlords, Runesword OBJECT: Don't take the Prince of Warriors. Don't take any Dragonlords. Don't take EXTRA CARD = D-NOM (HIDDEN) any Wizards. Don't take the First or Last tricks. POWER PLAYER A CALLS: Dragonlords TRICK #3 OBJECT: Player A is attempting a Power Play and must take ALL the Dragonlords. TRICK #2 TRICK #3 A LEADS Q-DRA A LEADS K-DRA (DRAGON) B THROWS F-DRU B THROWS B-DRU C PLAYS C-DRA C PLAYS W-DRA DM PLAYS P_ DRA D THROWS D-DRU PLAYER A WINS TRICK PLAYER A WINS TRICK DM PLAYS Q-NOM te( all 8 Dragonlords have been captured, the hand is thrown in A PLAYS F-NOM RESULTS: Af B PLAYS B-NOM Player A has made a successful Power Play in Dragonlords PLAYER C WINS TRICK Player B pays 1 0,000 to Player A. Player C pays IO, 000 to Player A. Dragonmaster pays 1 0, 000 to Player A. Player A is now the new Dragonmaster for the next hand. RESULTS: Add up penalty cards and tricks taker). Player A pays DM 8,000 (P-\,VAR) Player B pays DM 13,000 (First, Last, 3 Dragonlords, I Wizard) Player C pays DM 9,000 (5 Dragonlords, 2 Wizards) DM gets nothing for i Wizard he took. 30 31 TRICK #1 DM LEADS D-DRU A PLAYS B-DRU B PLAYS K-DRU C PLAYS W-DRU PLAYER B WINS TRICK TRICK #4 C LEADS C-WAR DM PLAYS D-WAR A PLAYS K-WAR B PLAYS P-WAR PLXFER A WINS TRICK TRICK #7 C LEADS F-WAR DM THROWS Q-DRA A THROWS Q-DRU B PLAYS B-WAR PLAYER B WINS TRICK TRICK #2 B LEADS C-NOM C PLAYS D-NOM DM PLAYS P-NOM A PLAYS W-NOM DM WINS TRICK TRICK #5 A LEADS F-DRU B THROWS K-DRA C PLAYS C-DRU DM THROWS W-WAR PLAYER C WINS TRICK TRICK #8 B LEADS P-DRA C THROWS Q-\VAR DM THROWS F-DRA A THROWS P-DRU PLAYER B WINS TRICK DRA: K 0 WARI K DRU: K \V C NOM: C PLAYER B DRAGON DRA@ D WAR: Q DRU: Q P B F PLAYER C NOM: Q F DRA: W C B WAR: P W F DRU: C NOM: K W DM LEADS D-DRA TRICK #1 A PLAYS C-DRA B PLAYS B-DRA A LEADS K-DRA C PLAYS W-DRA B PLAYS D-DRA PLAYER C WINS TRICK C PLAYS B-DRA DM PLAYS F-DRA TRICK #6 PLAYER A WINS TRICK C LEADS K-NOM @PLE #4 @PLE #5 ADVANCED GAME ... Runesword Power Play (Unsuccessful) EXPERT GAME ... Dragonlords Secret Power Play (Successful) PLAYER A PLAYER A DRA: (NONE) DRA: D F WAR: P W F B WAR: W F (B) DRU: Q D DRU: W DRAGONMASTER (DM) NOM: D C PLAYER D NOM: Q F DRAGON (B-WAR) DRA: D C B F DRA: Q W DRAGONMASTER (DM) WAR: (NONE) WAR: K Q DRU: P F DRU: K W DRA: (NONE) NOM: Q P NOM: W WAR: K D C PLAYER C DRAGON DRU: D C F DRA: K P NOM: P C WAR: D C PLAYER C DRU: C B DRA: K P C B NOM: B F WAR: (NONE) DRU: Q P HANDS ALREADY PLAYED: First or Last, Wizards NOM: K B HANDS LEFT TO PLAY: Dragonlords, Runesword, Staff of Power EXTRA CARD = K-NOM HANDS ALREADY PLAYED: Staff of Power, First or Last POWER PLAYER B CALLS: Runesword HANDS LEFT TO PLAY: Runesword, Dragonlords, Wizards OBJECT: Player B is attempting a Power Play and must capture the Prince of PLAYER A TURNS IN DIKAGON FOR B-W,&R Warriors. DRAGONMASTER CALLS: Dragonlords OBJECT: Don't take any Dragonlords. Someone, however, will attempt a Secret Power Play and try to take all the Dragonlords. TRICK #3 A LEADS F-DRA B PLAYS W-DRA C PLAYS P-DRA DM THROWS C-NOM PLAYER C WINS TRICK TRICK #6 C LEADS B-DRA DM THROWS C-WAR A THROWS B-WAR B THROWS D-NOM PLAYER C WINS TRICK RESULTS: After all 8 Dragonlords have been captured, the hand is thrown in. Player C has mode a Secret Power Play in Dragonlords. RESULTS: After the Prince of Warriors was played, and not won by the Power Player Player A pays 1 0, 000 to Player C. Player B pays 1 0, 000 to Player C. (B), the hand is thrown in. Dragonmaster pays 1 0,000 to Player C. Player B pays DM 8,000 penalty for unsuccessful Power Play. Player C is now the new Dragonmaster for the next hand. Player C pays nothing for taking the Prince of Warriors because it was a Power Play hand. In order to stop the Power Player from succeeding, oil players try to take the Prince of Warriors. 32 33 PLAYER B DRA: Q W WAR: Q P DRU: K B NOM: W D TRICK #1 TRICK #2 TRICK #1 B LEADS K-WAR B LEADS Q-WAR DM LEADS D-DRU C PLAYS C-WAR C PLAYS D-WAR A PLAYS W-DRU DM THROWS B-DRA DM THROWS C-DRA B PLAYS K-DRU C PLAYS Q-DRU A PLAYS B-WAR A PLAYS F-WAR PLAYER B WINS TRICK PLAYER B WINS TRICK PLAYER B WINS TRICK TRICK #4 TRICK #3 TRICK #4 C LEADS K-DRA B LEADS K-WAR (DRAGON) B LEADS W-DRA DM THROWS C-DRU C THROWS B-NOM C PLAYS K-DRA A PLAYS D-DRA DM THROWS F-DRA DM PLAYS D-DRA B PLAYS Q-DRA A PLAYS W-WAR A THROWS P-WAR! PLAYER C WINS TRICK PLAYER B WINS TRICK PLAYER C WINS TRICK TRICK #2 B LEADS W-NOM C PLAYS B-NOM DM PLAYS P-NOM A PLAYS Q-NOM PLAYER A WINS TRICK TRICK #5 C LEADS C-DRA DM THROWS F-DRU A THROWS F-NOM B THROWS B-DRU PLAYER C WINS TRICK @PLE #6 EXPERT GAME ... Wizards Secret Power Play (Successful) PLAYER A DRA: K Q P WAR: P W D DRU: K NOM: F DRAGONMASTER (DM) DRA: D WAR: Q C (B) PLAYER C DRU: D NOM: P D B DRA: B F DRAGON (B-WAR) WAR: K DRU: W C B NOM: K Q RESULTS: Player A has made a Secret Power Play in Wizards. Player B pays 1 0, 000 to Player A. Player C pays IO, 000 to Player A. Dragonmaster pays 1 0, 000 to Player A. TRICK #1 DM LEADS D-DRA A PLAYS P-DRA B PLAYS W-DRA C PLAYS B-DRA PLAYER A WINS TRICK TRICK #4 A LEADS F-NOM B PLAYS C-NOM C PLAYS K-NOM DM PLAYS D-NOM PLAYER C WINS TRICK TRICK #7 A LEADS P-WAR B THROWS P-DRU C THROWS B-DRU DM PLAYS B-WAR PLAYER A WINS TRICK PLAYER B DRA: W C WAR: F DRU: Q P F NOM: W C TRICK #2 A LEADS D-WAR B PLAYS F-WAR C PLAYS K-WAR DM PLAYS Q-WAR PLAYER C WINS TRICK TRICK #5 C LEADS C-DRU DM PLAYS D-DRU A PLAYS K-DRU B PLAYS Q-DRU PLAYER A WINS TRICK TRICK #8 A LEADS W-WAR B THROWS W-NOM C THROWS W-DRU DM PLAYS C-WAR PLAYER A WINS TRICK HANDS ALREADY PLAYED: Staff of Power, First or Last, Dragonlord5, Runesword HANDS LEFT TO PLAY: Wizards DRAGONMASTER TURNS IN DRAGON FOR D-WAR DRAGONMASTER CALLS: Wizards OBJECT: Don't take any Wizards. Someone, however, will attempt a Secret Power Play and try to take all the Wizards. TRICK #3 C LEADS F-DRA DM THROWS P-NOM A PLAYS Q-DRA B PLAYS C-DRA PLAYER A WINS TRICK TRICK #6 A LEADS K-DRA B THROWS F-DRU C THROWS Q-NOM DM THROWS B-NOM PLAYER A WINS TRICK Player A is now the new Dragonmaster for the next hand. 35 34 3