Taiidan "Tiirshak" Salvage Corvette

Homeworld Statistics

Class: Corvette
Build Cost
: 220 RUs
Build Time: 30 s
Maneuverability: Medium
: 150 m/s^2
Max Velocity: 425 m/s
Hit Points: 1,500
Fuel Capacity: 20,000
Firepower: -
Coverage: -
Mass: 900 tons

Salvage No.: 1
Nav Lights: 0
Special Abilities

Required Tech:

Weapons: Damage: Range: Fire Time:
None - - -

The Tiirshak-class Salvage Corvette is filled with advanced computers embodying AI-driven decryption and virus routines that give these vessels the ability to subvert and override another ship's command systems. While these subversion routines will probably only work on badly damaged ships, they give a Tiirshak the ability to tow in enemy ships to be studied and retrofitted for Taiidani use.

The ship is named for Tiirshak Sjet, the famous Kushan scholar who turned his back not only on his Kith but on his entire race, in order to wander the deserts in search of insight. The Salvage corvette is meant to operate in much the same way, alone and undefended in places where the situation is not fully known. In most cases, a heavy fighter escort would draw too much attention to the salvage corvette's mission, and so they usually operate alone, or with one or two Fiirkan scout fighters. Salvage crews face an dangerous and unglamorous job and in many Taiidani fleets, a tour of duty aboard a Tiirshak is considered disciplinary action.
