What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

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What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Bamax »

Do not get me wrong... scifi often is Earth-centric. I am all for exploring the alien worlds that authors engineer.

Yet given what we know of the Loroi and their values, plus how their caste based society roughly functions, I think it will be both informative and intriguing to discuss the things they would like about Earth.

Here is my list.

1. The variety of animals.... big and small, unlike some Loroi worlds that lack large animals.

Also I am not sure if telepathy works on Earh animals but I would not be surprised if so. If so Loroi would enjoy playing dr doolitle around humans, able to more or less tell humans EXACTLY what the pet is thinking at any given moment.

2. The culture. Earth has a wealth of it, and let's face it, some aspects of cultures are more Loroi culture friendly than others. The tradition of marriage and the family unit is kind of alien to the Loroi, but I could see some preferring that over the usual Loroi lifestyle of warrior or celibate civillian. My proof? Even among the Loroi there are those who choose to live among aliens, some as mercenaries, and others I imagine among the Barsam as converts. I have no clue how religiously tolerant the current Loroi administration is, but I reckon they would not tolerate a swelling large number of Loroi converts to the Church of Barsam spreading the word of the Barsam all over Loroi territory.

My guess is the Loroi government would tell them to desist or be banished to live elsewhere.... into the waiting arms of the Barsam.

3. The food. Since Earth is not a warrior culture by design, I reckon we would have plenty of food the Loroi could appreciate the novelty of.... such as ice cream and cheese.

Your thoughts?

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Snoofman »

I think the loroi would love the cities and country sides.

As for entertainment, the loroi maybe would not appreciate fictional cinema or theater, but I think they would enjoy recreational dances, orchestrations and concerts. Art and architecture definitely. I can imagine loroi enjoying the tranquility of buddhist temples, the geometric patterns that adorn mosques, and the lavish halls of the Vatican. And inwardly despairing over the poor males that are forced to take oaths of celibacy.

Not sure if the loroi would appreciate ice cream or cheese after learning where it comes from. Just look how the loroi reacted when Alex revealed they collect milk from domesticated farm animals. Pizza would probably also be a big turn off for some loroi. I can picture them just eyeing suspiciously the giant pie with white baked goop all over it.

Provided there will be plenty of human consumables that are not compatible with loroi physiology, but I could picture the loroi liking certain fruits and veggies. Possibly even insects. I'm sure diral members could not be too picky when faced with food and survival. I could also picture the loroi enjoying Earth's vineyards and beer yards. Granted that loroi warriors are not permitted to drink on duty, but I could picture Earth being the Loroi's guilty-pleasure getaway resort.

And when it comes to guilty-pleasures, they would love the men. I bet the Tenoins and Soroins would have a blast in Brazil. The Mizols would probably enjoy the USA, Europe and Russia. As well as the Torrais, since they likely will want to stick close to offices with the most political influence on Earth. Though they may less likely feel inclined to visit China as it would remind them of the polluted environments that the Umiak bring. The Listels would waste away in libraries and labs anywhere on Earth with doctors. And I'm sure there are some loroi that wouldn't mind the company of Earth women, though they may not likely be impressed by feminists.

Although some loroi would be affronted by human males' tendency for aggression, especially when it comes down to 'encounters'. Not to mention the unfortunate incidents that would follow. Imagine the jail houses filling up because of 'misunderstandings' between loroi and humans. Quite a few human males would likely be imprisoned for forcing themselves on loroi. And some loroi would likely face lawsuits once they get their hands on the smaller human males.

Speaking of which, if the loroi do ever come to Earth, keep the children inside the house and lock the doors.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Tamri »

Somewhere like that.

I'm not sure if most of our food will suit Loroi better than their rations would suit Alex, especially considering how many fermented foods we eat. Milk and its products are definitely out of the list, because many humans have strained relations with lactose, let alone aliens, who don't consume it at all except in the very early childhood period.

In addition, the culinary tastes of the overwhelming number of Loroi are quite ascetic, so the variety of our cuisine will be appreciated only by people from Perrein, well, maybe from Maia, others hardly want to take it all in their mouths.

With animals, the situation is different, as far as I understand Jim, Loroi mostly find cute the same what the human womens, so all sorts of cats, cute dogs and other kawaii will surely please them, although the concept of pets will certainly cause a lot of confusion. At first. And there the idea of ​​a "ship cat" may be slowly exported to the Union, especially with the attitude of loroi to all sorts of talismans ...

Culture ... I also believe that not everyone will be interested in our art (not counting Listel and Mizol, these will eat everything and ask for more ...), but there will be some admirers, one way or another. I would say that the developed genre of competitive and strategic video games will find many admirers, as well as a number of genres of literature, but I would not count on serious cultural expansion.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Bamax »

Snoofman wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:29 am
I think the loroi would love the cities and country sides.

As for entertainment, the loroi maybe would not appreciate fictional cinema or theater, but I think they would enjoy recreational dances, orchestrations and concerts. Art and architecture definitely. I can imagine loroi enjoying the tranquility of buddhist temples, the geometric patterns that adorn mosques, and the lavish halls of the Vatican. And inwardly despairing over the poor males that are forced to take oaths of celibacy.

Not sure if the loroi would appreciate ice cream or cheese after learning where it comes from. Just look how the loroi reacted when Alex revealed they collect milk from domesticated farm animals. Pizza would probably also be a big turn off for some loroi. I can picture them just eyeing suspiciously the giant pie with white baked goop all over it.

Provided there will be plenty of human consumables that are not compatible with loroi physiology, but I could picture the loroi liking certain fruits and veggies. Possibly even insects. I'm sure diral members could not be too picky when faced with food and survival. I could also picture the loroi enjoying Earth's vineyards and beer yards. Granted that loroi warriors are not permitted to drink on duty, but I could picture Earth being the Loroi's guilty-pleasure getaway resort.

And when it comes to guilty-pleasures, they would love the men. I bet the Tenoins and Soroins would have a blast in Brazil. The Mizols would probably enjoy the USA, Europe and Russia. As well as the Torrais, since they likely will want to stick close to offices with the most political influence on Earth. Though they may less likely feel inclined to visit China as it would remind them of the polluted environments that the Umiak bring. The Listels would waste away in libraries and labs anywhere on Earth with doctors. And I'm sure there are some loroi that wouldn't mind the company of Earth women, though they may not likely be impressed by feminists.

Although some loroi would be affronted by human males' tendency for aggression, especially when it comes down to 'encounters'. Not to mention the unfortunate incidents that would follow. Imagine the jail houses filling up because of 'misunderstandings' between loroi and humans. Quite a few human males would likely be imprisoned for forcing themselves on loroi. And some loroi would likely face lawsuits once they get their hands on the smaller human males.

Speaking of which, if the loroi do ever come to Earth, keep the children inside the house and lock the doors.
I know in your fanfic the Loroi have a black market for human children.

Since I have not kept up tp date with it, why do you suppose Loroi would want human kids?

What? For the novelty of child rearing or motherhood that they cannot legally have with Loroi?

You think Loroi would kidnap just to be mom's?

Or something far more sinister (THAT line of work... the oldest profession... for kids).
Last edited by Bamax on Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Bamax »

Tamri wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 8:57 am
Somewhere like that.

I'm not sure if most of our food will suit Loroi better than their rations would suit Alex, especially considering how many fermented foods we eat. Milk and its products are definitely out of the list, because many humans have strained relations with lactose, let alone aliens, who don't consume it at all except in the very early childhood period.

In addition, the culinary tastes of the overwhelming number of Loroi are quite ascetic, so the variety of our cuisine will be appreciated only by people from Perrein, well, maybe from Maia, others hardly want to take it all in their mouths.

With animals, the situation is different, as far as I understand Jim, Loroi mostly find cute the same what the human womens, so all sorts of cats, cute dogs and other kawaii will surely please them, although the concept of pets will certainly cause a lot of confusion. At first. And there the idea of ​​a "ship cat" may be slowly exported to the Union, especially with the attitude of loroi to all sorts of talismans ...

Culture ... I also believe that not everyone will be interested in our art (not counting Listel and Mizol, these will eat everything and ask for more ...), but there will be some admirers, one way or another. I would say that the developed genre of competitive and strategic video games will find many admirers, as well as a number of genres of literature, but I would not count on serious cultural expansion.
Loroi do not keep pets? Why?

Oh I think I know why.... probably due to their telepathy.

What they cannot control they do not want perhaps? And what they CAN control via telepathy is a tool... not a pet?

Imagine a Loroi eating food and a fly flies by to annoy them and the Loroi telepathically suggests the fly land and sit still for her to swat it dead.

Loroi are uber enough to make species go extinct from telepathy assisted huntimg, although insects would be impervious due to high birthrates.

Also regarding Earth interaction, it's as good a benchmark for Loroi interaction as ANY other scifi planet.

In other words, if you know how a Loroi would act on Earth, you also know how they would act on a Barsam world, a Neredi world, and so on.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Tamri »

No, they simply do not have animals that could be analogous to our pets.

In fact, Loroi's main domesticated animal is myros, which looks like ... well ... a hybrid of a pig with something I don't remember. Of course, we have all sorts of domestic pigs, but let's be honest - this is exclusively a fad, and a modern one. The very concept of a pet was based on the benefits they provided. Dogs helped in protection, cattle breeding and hunting, cats caught rodents, birds gave eggs, feathers and meat, like rabbits, or at least they sang beautifully or looked exotic.

At a stretch, attempts to portray something like this could be on Perrein, with its rich and varied fauna ... But this is more likely to be kept at home by a poisonous snake, piranha or crocodile, than a cat or a dog ...

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Snoofman »

@Tamri and @ Bamax

You both make excellent points. I believe it has been established that many loroi warriors do not keep pets simply because it is too cumbersome and impractical. I think there are bound to be a few loroi that do though. Humans keep pets either to have as exotic items for show or as an alternative to companionship/company. Loroi, at least the warrior culture, maybe don't have the time to indulge in pets. Plus loroi seeking intimacy can do so with their telepathic peers. But there must be at least a minority of loroi that enjoy the presence of animals.

It could also be argued that, even if loroi did not like to keep pets for whatever reasons, the loroi perhaps have never had the chance or the need to domesticate numerous species of animals unlike humans. Or perhaps the warriors simply were not good at domesticating animals or just didn't have the patience for it. Someone on the forum once said that the loroi don't like to think too far ahead and want instant results. Humans domesticated animals because it was necessary for survival and because humans were committed to the act. And look fruitful results it brought. Maybe loroi typically have a shorter patience than humans.

I believe it has also been stated that on Deinar, for example, the loroi did not have many large animals to use for either transportation or farming fields. Work was done primarily by loroi labor.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Snoofman »

Bamax wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:00 am

I know in your fanfic the Loroi have a black market for human children.

Since I have not kept up tp date with it, why do you suppose Loroi would want human kids?

What? For the novelty of child rearing or motherhood that they cannot legally have with Loroi?

You think Loroi would kidnap just to be mom's?

Or something far more sinister (THAT line of work... the oldest profession... for kids).

Not to drift away from the topic of "loroi visiting Earth", but yes, I think you've pretty much nailed it. Granted that loroi do not have all the same needs or mannerisms of humans. Impracticalities aside, I'm sure there would be at least a minority of desperate loroi that would want a child. Even if it's human, the important thing is that it closely resembles a loroi. There are some loroi civilians that line up for encounters for the right price. But the loroi have to wait a long time with no guarantee that they will get a child of their own. Plus, once civilians start learning that humanity is the Loroi's template species, it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable to think that a few loroi would be lining up for a chance to adopt a human.

Even if the loroi may not be interested in being moms as humans do, the presence of humans might start to awaken some dormant behaviors within the loroi that they were not aware of before. Including the instincts and hereditary behaviors of parenthood.
Last edited by Snoofman on Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Tamri »

According to Jim, Loroi simply didn't have the opportunity for extensive animal husbandry and domestication. The fauna of Deinar isn't very rich and there are not so many useful animal species, on Taben the land fauna is also not very diverse, due to the small space, and the sea is either untaming, or is trying to actively eat you. The fauna on Perrein is rich, but it is all either poisonous and dangerous, or dangerous and trying to eat you. Or both at the same time.

Yes, it is much more exotic and beautiful than the utilitarian fauna of Deinar and mainly the marine fauna of Taben, but, again, keeping her specimens at home is more like keeping poisonous snakes at home, well, or Alien face-hunters, given the tendency of some Perrein species to lay eggs right in the living organisms...

Not to mention, not a single specimen of animals, what Loroi know, is cute. And there are almost no fur animals among them. And here they are half of the whole planet.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Snoofman »

Tamri wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:31 pm
According to Jim, Loroi simply didn't have the opportunity for extensive animal husbandry and domestication. The fauna of Deinar isn't very rich and there are not so many useful animal species, on Taben the land fauna is also not very diverse, due to the small space, and the sea is either untaming, or is trying to actively eat you. The fauna on Perrein is rich, but it is all either poisonous and dangerous, or dangerous and trying to eat you. Or both at the same time.

Yes, it is much more exotic and beautiful than the utilitarian fauna of Deinar and mainly the marine fauna of Taben, but, again, keeping her specimens at home is more like keeping poisonous snakes at home, well, or Alien face-hunters, given the tendency of some Perrein species to lay eggs right in the living organisms...

Not to mention, not a single specimen of animals, what Loroi know, is cute. And there are almost no fur animals among them. And here they are half of the whole planet.
:o Not even something remotely cute and fluffy?!

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Demarquis »

I need to bone up on Loroi culture to answer this question appropriately. Does anyone remember just how great a gap there is between the warrior classes and the civilians? What with the Loroi mating habits (which are so divergent from ours) and the warrior class ban on making profits, there just doesn't seem like that much in common. I have trouble imagining any of the cast being comfortable with a long stay on Earth, unless they really like exotic cultures. But maybe that's because of the restricted sample the protagonists represent. Would the Loroi civilians be better suited for a vacation on Earth?

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Snoofman »

Demarquis wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:34 pm
I need to bone up on Loroi culture to answer this question appropriately. Does anyone remember just how great a gap there is between the warrior classes and the civilians? What with the Loroi mating habits (which are so divergent from ours) and the warrior class ban on making profits, there just doesn't seem like that much in common. I have trouble imagining any of the cast being comfortable with a long stay on Earth, unless they really like exotic cultures. But maybe that's because of the restricted sample the protagonists represent. Would the Loroi civilians be better suited for a vacation on Earth?
Perhaps. But I'm sure even warriors need to see more than just the same interior environment of their starships or a chance to get some shore leave to explore a bit. The loroi may not likely go out of their way to go to Earth, but if they happen to get stationed at Earth, what's to stop them from satisfying their curiosity? Granted the warriors are hammered to place duty and Union first and personal desires second, but there are bound to be at least a few among the tens of billions of loroi warriors that need a change of scenery and the chance to experience something new.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Demarquis »

I hear ya'. I was thinking in terms of how a travel agency might approach it: "How likely are you to return to Earth for another trip? Would you like to sign up for our bonus point program?" Would your average Loroi come back for a second visit? Or seriously consider emigrating here?

On the one hand: chemically incompatible food, public indiscipline, non-telepathic, weak physical contact taboo.

On the other hand: Strange, interesting, exotic. So like us yet so different. And the males are, get this, pink!

For some, that might be the best part...

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by gaerzi »

Demarquis wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 4:36 pm
On the one hand: chemically incompatible food
We don't know about that part. We know that Alex couldn't handle most of the Loroi food. But this doesn't tell us about the other way around. Since the Loroi are genetically-engineered super-organisms, it's perfectly possible that, biologically if not culturally, they could handle human food without issue.

Yes, even when it contains lactose and traces of peanuts.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Demarquis »

I don't care how genetically engineered they are, some Texas barbecue will put them down!

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Cthulhu »

Demarquis wrote:
Thu Nov 04, 2021 12:11 am
I don't care how genetically engineered they are, some Texas barbecue will put them down!
Yeah, capsaicin is a deadly poison to them, so it will put them down, all right. How do I know this? It's classified. 8-)

Since the Soia created quite the number of bioengineered food species, the Loroi might not be as resilient concerning unknown foodstuffs.

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by gaerzi »

Cthulhu wrote:
Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:46 pm
Since the Soia created quite the number of bioengineered food species
including the Loroi!
Precursor empires wrote:Delrias humorists have noted that since most of the non-sentient Soia-Liron plant and animal species seem to be intended as food items, perhaps it can be inferred that the Loroi, Barsam and Neridi were also created to be eaten.
If you think about it, it might be more than a joke. The Loroi sex ratio makes perfect sense for a cattle species; look at the ratio of roosters to hens in a chicken coop, or of bulls to cows in a ranch...
We don't know what the motivation was for the Soia-Liron to create apparent clones of various alien species. But what if it turned out that it was merely gastronomy? Creating these races as a way to sample exotic galactic delicacies in a way compatible with their own biochemistry?
Oh man how upset the Loroi would be!

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Cthulhu »

gaerzi wrote:
Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:23 pm
If you think about it, it might be more than a joke. The Loroi sex ratio makes perfect sense for a cattle species; look at the ratio of roosters to hens in a chicken coop, or of bulls to cows in a ranch...
We don't know what the motivation was for the Soia-Liron to create apparent clones of various alien species. But what if it turned out that it was merely gastronomy? Creating these races as a way to sample exotic galactic delicacies in a way compatible with their own biochemistry?
Oh man how upset the Loroi would be!
This might explain the "vanilla candle" scent. :o

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Snoofman »

gaerzi wrote:
Fri Nov 05, 2021 9:23 pm
Cthulhu wrote:
Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:46 pm
Since the Soia created quite the number of bioengineered food species
including the Loroi!
Precursor empires wrote:Delrias humorists have noted that since most of the non-sentient Soia-Liron plant and animal species seem to be intended as food items, perhaps it can be inferred that the Loroi, Barsam and Neridi were also created to be eaten.
If you think about it, it might be more than a joke. The Loroi sex ratio makes perfect sense for a cattle species; look at the ratio of roosters to hens in a chicken coop, or of bulls to cows in a ranch...
We don't know what the motivation was for the Soia-Liron to create apparent clones of various alien species. But what if it turned out that it was merely gastronomy? Creating these races as a way to sample exotic galactic delicacies in a way compatible with their own biochemistry?
Oh man how upset the Loroi would be!
"How to serve Loroi." It's a cook book! :mrgreen: Duh duh neh neh! Duh duh neh neh!

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Re: What Loroi Would Like About Earth If They Visited

Post by Bamax »

Ya know... I do not think it has been mentioned, but first contact between Earth and Loroi offers a myriad of opportunities to prank the Loroi. Hard.

I would enjoy it.

Tell them... hey, this is one of our most popular desserts and have them try it:


The Loroi would be like, "Is this supposed to be dessert?
Tastes like dry bread."

If you have ever had pan dulce, you know it looks better than it tastes, and under all those colors they ALL virtually taste the same lol.

And I would say massages are a human tradition, like an extended greeting, just to freak out the Loroi more : )

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