[Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 07/26/2021)

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by dragoongfa »

Chapter 5, part 2

“I was under the impression that Loroi don’t drink.” Marine Lieutenant Garnet as he sat on the barstool next to hers, nodding at her half empty beer bottle.

“We don’t, alcohol makes it hard to maintain a stable frame of mind but I am wearing a suppressor and I am used to social drinking; I can allow myself to indulge myself a little.” Alexandra said as she glanced at the two empty cases of beer on the other end of the counter as well as the dwindling contents of the third and fourth cases that the marines were making short work of.

“Makes sense…” Lieutenant Garnet said as he took a sip from his bottle. “I am guessing that the reason for this treat has to do with the shaved, beaten up and half naked warrior earlier?”

“That’s right.”

“And would you mind telling me what happened? The warriors were… vague with everything.”

“It’s simple really, we set up a trap in case someone wanted to snoop around and get to the prisoners in our custody. A Mizol fell for it and was given her dues.” Alexandra replied matter of factly.

“And did you have to make a public spectacle of it?”

“Not really but it was good for the civilians to witness firsthand that the warrior castes hold no sway with us and it must have been an amusing sideshow for the rest of the warriors.” Alexandra replied as she took a sip.

“It was odd really…” He begun. “They were all clearly agitated for a couple of minutes, then they were confused for a minute and they were trying not to laugh in less than five.”

“First they realized that we beat and shaved off the head of a warrior, publicly ridiculing her in front of civilians in the process. Then they realized that the ‘victim’ was a Mizol who was wearing a suppressor and they started asking questions which led them to realize that the Mizol got; what’s the expression? Hoisted by her own petard?”

“Yeah…” The marine sighed at that. “And now all of them are going to want to even the score with you.”

“Not really; try to think of this like a warrior caste Loroi would.” Alexandra begun. “A member of the lying and conniving internal military police caste go beaten and humiliated by upstart civilians while trying to do some underhanded stuff that her caste usually dabbles on. It’s neither their circus, nor their monkeys.”

“That’s not how the expression goes.”

“You get my drift. The other warriors don’t really care enough for what the Mizol brought onto themselves and the Mizol took the message that they are not in friendly territory and that they will only end up humiliating themselves if they keep being stupid with everything.”

“And what happens when they start being smart and one of yours ends up beaten and shaved?” The marine pointed out.

“Beating up and shaving a civilian upstart? They would rather throw away their armors before admitting that we are warriors worthy of such retaliation; hell I would make sure to actually parade our ‘victim’ in front of the rest of the warriors thanking them for the recognition of her status and asking them for her new set of armor.”

“You Loroi are weird…”

“That we are…” Alexandra admitted at that.

“I also caught one of my men naked with a temperamental Listel.”

“Second time those two got caught by a Lieutenant…” Alexandra let out without thinking.

“You knew?”

“Caught them in a bathroom stall, I made sure that they were honest with each other and left them at it with a warning.”

“Corporal Sanders and… what’s her name? Copper?”

“They very two.” Alexandra confirmed.

“So that’s what sparked your comment the other day…” The marine begun. “I would have appreciated it if you had told me about the two instead.”

“He hadn’t ‘pressured’ her because of a ‘need’ and she hadn’t been put up to it by a Mizol. Two consenting adults sharing each other’s bodies and passions isn’t something worthy of a report.”

“I am still the officer in charge of them I wouldn’t like to be blindsided by an incident like the ones you warned me about.” He insisted.

“A fair point…” Alexandra agreed. “Have you done any other acclimation missions?”

“Just the one, just a squad of marines and a handful of warriors that time.” She nodded at that.

“The first mistake one makes in regards to the Loroi is to mistake them for women. The second one is to forget that they are females.” Alexandra recited.

“Yeah I know, what’s that supposed to mean?” He asked irritably.

“Just what it says. We Loroi all have wants and needs just like Humans have. Some of us may be taken advantaged of but others of us may be taking advantage of you. We are different but too much alike, we like the company of men and we enjoy having sex; it’s in our nature just like it is in your nature to pursue us. The only way for Humans and Loroi to coexist peacefully is for both of us to share of ourselves; for our minds and bodies to accept the truth of each other.” Alexandra replied as she glanced at her wedding ring.

“Very poetic…”

“I will tell the one who came up with it you said so.” She replied with a giggle. “Both our kinds are contentious lot but we can be truthful with each other, we just have to make sure that the ones who lie are punished for it.”

“So follow the spirit of the law and not the letter…” The marine commented. “That’s a tightrope.”

“If only life was that easy.” Alexandra said as she finished her beer.

Chapter 6, part 1: https://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vi ... 682#p39682
Last edited by dragoongfa on Mon May 03, 2021 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by dragoongfa »

Sorry for the hiatus, had RL stuff and venting about them come in the way of everything but hopefully I should be able to push myself back in form.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by Werra »

Less rioting, more riting.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by Dorfington »

Hope things are alright on your end Dragoon. Looking forward to reading the next installment. :D

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by dragoongfa »

Dorfington wrote:
Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:00 pm
Hope things are alright on your end Dragoon. Looking forward to reading the next installment. :D
I am having the mother, father and the whole ancentral line of writing blocks for quite a while now.

I have been thinking to try and braking it with the brute force approach by seeing it as work.

I will see if it works.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by Dorfington »

I am having the mother, father and the whole ancentral line of writing blocks for quite a while now.

I have been thinking to try and braking it with the brute force approach by seeing it as work.
It is true; "The most effective way to do is to do it".

That said, don't force yourself upon it. This was all written up (I assume) for both the reader's and the writer's pleasure. If you make it a chore, then it'll become a bore for you.

Perhaps just simply forgetting about this story and writing something short, and completely unrelated might help get you back into the swing of it? Don't even worry about writing it up on here. You could write about anything. Hell, write about your most recent trip to the shops.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by Krulle »

Best wishes for this year.

And remember, the work that takes longest is the one you never started...

Otherwise: remember you're doing this for personal pleasure, and maybe to entertain us.
If it doesn't happen, then it doesn't happen. Neither your or our lives depend on it, nor my appreciation for the work already on display.
I am neither entitled to more of your fantastic works, nor does your income depend on it.

So f. us, and if you feel inspired to give us something, thank you, otherwise we'll f. off.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 01/20/2019)

Post by Werra »

Sounds like you need a muse, dragoon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by dragoongfa »

Chapter 6, part 1

To an unknowing observer the sight of four Loroi prisoners being escorted one by one to the shuttle bay in order to wait for the shuttle that would take them down to Earth would seem like overkill. With their hands and feet bound in chains, their heads covered with a black hood and wearing full spectrum suppressors one would think that there was no way for them to be of any threat but Alexandra didn’t want to take any chances and had each of them being escorted by three of her Reforged while also having arranged for the corridors that they would go through to be free of any traffic and onlookers.

The Loroi Captain of the Lucky Dime, already discontent due to having to make a detour to Earth, didn’t like that but agreed to it, if only because she wasn’t in the mood to see the rumors about Enforcers running amuck on her ship be proven correct. The marines also played along with the farce and added some of their number as lookouts in key junctions. The Mizol had also backed off but they did so after having sent a few messages of their own to the Union embassy on Earth while receiving only a couple of responses. One had only to guess what those messages were really about but Alexandra was certain that the Union would throw a lot of its diplomatic weight to extradite the Enforcers and the Ganger back to them.

Alexandra could only hope that the intelligence officer receiving her own reports would catch on her heavy handed hints about the importance of the prisoners and the evidence she has secured; resulting in them pushing things high enough up the ladder for someone who sees the full picture to take notice and act accordingly.

Now she and Astarte stood alone in full armor at the shuttle bay, waiting for the shuttle from Earth’s immigration authorities to finish its approach. If all went well the two of them would hand off the prisoners to the immigration officers on the shuttle and then they would ride with the shuttle down to Earth to a debriefing where hopefully they will talk with an intelligence officer worth a damn.

Things however didn’t look like they would go well from the moment the shuttle touched down and the ‘immigration’ officers walked out. For one their armor and equipment didn’t bare any markings of being part of the Confederate Immigration Authority, the shuttle did but there was nothing on them to highlight them as immigration officers, in fact their full face helmets didn’t allow for any distinguishing facial feature to be shown.

“Lieutenant Alexandra Pierian?” The man who seemed to be in charged asked at that.

“Yes, and you are?” The man didn’t reply at that, just typed something on a small data pad he held and her H.U.D. flashed an order for her to obey his instructions without asking questions for the time being, Astarte mentally signaling her that she received the same instructions. “I understand.”

“Good, I see that you have isolated all of the prisoners in separate rooms, tied them up properly and ensured that no lookie loos are around.” He begun after reading something on his tablet. “I want you to instruct your girls to vacate the premises and to return to their normal duties. My men will handle the rest.”

Alexandra simply nodded for Astarte to give the necessary orders and observed in silence as the ‘immigration’ officers filled out and went to the nearby empty rooms where the ganger and the three enforcers were separately held.

“What’s this all about?” Astarte sent.

“I think that someone from really up high took notice of this mess.” Alexandra replied as the first trio of officers brought one of the prisoners up to the shuttle. The man in charge looked at her and his tablet flashed a quick message before nodding for her to be escorted aboard.

“Have you collected all the evidence and their belongings?” The man asked the two of them at that.

“Yes, the evidence we collected are in this box here.” Alexandra replied while pointing to a box right behind her. “Their belongings and assigned tablets are in the four boxes over there.”

“Did you do a full sweep of their cabins? Checked if they hid anything in any other part of the ship?” The man asked again.

“We did, we found nothing out of the ordinary.” Alexandra replied.

“Are you certain?” The man insisted.

“Nothing that comes to mind right now.” Alexandra replied again, the man nodding nonchalantly.

“Do you need to take anything else with you for the trip?”

“We have everything we need with us.” Alexandra replied while showing the two duffel bags she and Astarte carried.

“Good.” The man replied and proceeded to see to the other three prisoners in silence without letting out a single word.

“They look efficient.” Astarte commented as the last of the prisoners was marched inside, with the various boxes being carried inside soon after.

“That they do.”

“Follow me.” The man ordered dryly as he turned on the spot, both Alexandra and Astarte following into the shuttle and past the first compartment where three of the prisoners had been tied down onto secured chairs, with a pair of ‘immigration’ officers sitting at each of their sides.

The second compartment they passed by was a large storage room where a plethora of unusual equipment was stored in. The third compartment and the last before the cockpit was a simple passenger compartment, with several ‘immigration’ officers sitting at the back, still fully suited up and with one of the prisoners sitting at the top row next to a flaxen haired Loroi who wore the distinct navy blue uniform of the Confederate Navy as well as a full spectrum supressor.

“I trust that you have a package for me?” The Loroi asked in English as Alexandra and Astarte were brought up to her.

“Indeed.” Astarte replied as she took out the cryogenic lockbox from her duffel bag and offered it to her.

“Can you open it?” The Loroi asked and Astarte opened it in the way the ganger had taught her.

“Damn, they actually fucking did it...” The Loroi said as she took a vial out of the cold storage and looked at it before putting it back into the lockbox and closing it. “You two know what this means right?”

“That we never saw anything and we should never speak about it.” Alexandra replied as she and Astarte sat down next to the Loroi.

“We are way past that point; the Union may have been fooled for now but if a Mizol gets their hands on you they will come to know.” The Loroi said.

“I doubt that...” Astarte replied at that.

“Master Sergeant Astarte is it? A goddess of war, a fitting name in its own way for a Teidar wannabe with quick fists.” The Loroi replied. “I trust that Lieutenant Alexandra has a different opinion.”

“If a proper Mizol wants to know they will know, they may need to take their time but they will know.” Alexanda replied.

“Good to see an Alexandra that is smart for a change.” The Loroi commented. “Then again, you were a ganger so you were bound to know better. I wasn’t a ganger but I worked with enough gangs for the good of my Guild to know that the pact applied to me as well; fortunately for me they simply snapped almost the entirety of my Guild and shipped us all over the border. No questions asked and no accusations levied against any of us. Just an inconvenience that needed to go away, same as you two although I am certain that Master Sergeant Astarte had graduated to an annoyance if only because of her temper and telekinesis.” Astarte let out a chuckle at that.

“You do seem to know a lot about us but I don’t see anything about you on your uniform ma’am.” Alexandra commented as she glanced to the unmarked navy uniform that the flaxen Loroi wore.

“And you shouldn’t see because I am not really here, nor are the pilots and the men you have seen so far. This is an ordinary immigration authority shuttle, transferring some troublesome prisoners for processing; we shouldn’t be here at all and as far as the system is aware we aren’t.” The Loroi replied. “But I am here and I am Captain Maria Ambrosia of Confederate Naval Intelligence; and I have to say Lieutenant that I am actually impressed. Plenty of vain glorious Reforged with ‘warrior’ names would have found some way to make a mess out of things; you didn’t.”

“I simply acted as I thought appropriate.”

“Everyone says that; few actually come out without making some nasty mistakes on the way to the exit.” Captain Ambrosia replied. “Here you are, however; having fixed a mess that you didn’t know existed before you stumbled upon it. Making my life far easier than it had any right to be considering the stakes.”

“I am glad to hear that.”

“Good to know, although you won’t be as glad when you hear out how exactly I have planned to clean up the trail.”

Chapter 6, part 2: https://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vi ... 163#p40163
Last edited by dragoongfa on Mon May 03, 2021 1:26 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by dragoongfa »

And Reforged is back on the menu.

After a surprisingly uneventful side trip to Earth, Alexandra finally meets someone whose paygrade is high enough for the mess she found herself in.

The next part is something that I have been looking up to writing since the moment I first came up with the story itself.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by EdwardSteed »

I've been looking forward to a new Reforged chapter for a while. It's my favorite story here due to the interesting examination of cultural differences and how they might interact together.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by GeoModder »

Alex&Tarte are back in business! :D

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by Krulle »

Again, I enjoy your stories very much.
Thank you!

There is a paragraph, that looks unfinished, though...
"Alexandra commented as she"...
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by Snoofman »

Clean up the trail? :shock: Not sure if I like where this is going, but it sure is exciting. I wonder if we'll ever get to see Alex with her husband.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by dragoongfa »

Krulle wrote:
Wed Mar 31, 2021 1:23 pm
Again, I enjoy your stories very much.
Thank you!

There is a paragraph, that looks unfinished, though...
"Alexandra commented as she"...
Thanks, fixed it and some other errors I found.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by Dan Wyatt »

Excellent as always!!
Will wait for the next chapter!

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by Dan Wyatt »

dragoongfa wrote:
Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:26 pm
Krulle wrote:
Wed Mar 31, 2021 1:23 pm
Again, I enjoy your stories very much.
Thank you!

There is a paragraph, that looks unfinished, though...
"Alexandra commented as she"...
Thanks, fixed it and some other errors I found.
Some questions for the time being! :D
  • Will we have some Umiak-tier Bioexperimentation on some TOP SECRET Area-51?
  • Will we get Human Psykers and Navigator/farseer equivalent?
  • Does Humanity find any Soia-Liron Artefacts after the Great war? Do they put them to good use?
  • Will Daemons/Warp entities be involved?

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by dragoongfa »

Dan Wyatt wrote:
Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:47 pm
Some questions for the time being! :D
  • Will we have some Umiak-tier Bioexperimentation on some TOP SECRET Area-51?
  • Will we get Human Psykers and Navigator/farseer equivalent?
  • Does Humanity find any Soia-Liron Artefacts after the Great war? Do they put them to good use?
  • Will Daemons/Warp entities be involved?
Half a mind not to reply on this because of spoilers but since I had to scrap a lot of stuff due to a re-planning of how certain events would pan out I will answer the above in a spoiler format:

1) In a way, yes. The Confederacy does have an 'Area-51' where some experiments take place with the intent of getting their own Farseers. At the time of the story they have scrapped a project of altered clones as they didn't produce any tangible results in terms of enhanced telepathic or telekinetic potential. They have been far more successful in getting other forms of telepathic focus enhancers rolled out, one product of which has already been mentioned in the story. Anything more that this is a major plot spoiler.
2) We may see the results of an experiment, depending of how it fits in the story proper.
3) No, the area of human expansion has some evidence of previous infrastructure in place dating back in Soia and pre Soia eras but it is widely accepted that the overall area was an under developed backwater when the Soia collapsed despite the various 'Oasis' systems within the Wasteland and virgin areas beyond being rich in mineral riches and having unique biospheres; it is speculated that the Soia where interested only into areas where sapient species rose and lived in since the biospheres discovered had a distinct dearth of species that could be classed as pre-sapient. As thus no artifacts of the Soia were discovered other than some blown up/abandoned minor settlements/outposts whose only scientific insight was that they used concrete made up from locally procured materials for all the surviving ruins.
4) Nope.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 03/31/2021)

Post by dragoongfa »

Chapter 6, part 2

“Ambassador Shadewater, please remind your aide that this is a hearing, not a trial and that your presence here is due to the Confederation’s courtesy to the Union for the Loroi civilians involved and not due to any legal reasons. If the Union has any questions and comments you can voice them to me personally during a scheduled break so I may answer them or investigate further.” The chief investigator for the shuttle crash said to Mizol Torimor Shadewater after an other one of Mizol Parat Mistwatch’s pointed questions.

“My apologies Captain.” Torimor Shadewater replied and gave a pointed look at Parat Mistwatch who just nodded in understanding, although it was obvious that they had been coordinating the whole way till now; for what reason Alexandra couldn’t understand, the only reason she still lived was because she was sucked out into vacuum right after she got her left arm shot off by one of the enforcers. Not that this saved her from several days at the hospital and several rounds inside a regenerator.

“Now, Lieutenant Alexandra Pierian. We have now reviewed the messages you sent regarding the dangerous nature of three out of four of the prisoners involved. You described them as extremely dangerous individuals who should be under constant watch, monitoring, have limited access to anything that could be used as a weapon and that they should always be wearing telepathic suppressors. When you were asked as to why you described them so you replied that because you were certain that the three individuals were part of a gang called ‘Enforcers’, is this correct?” Captain Anders asked to bring the line of questioning back on track after the last of Mistwatch’s interruptions.

“That is correct, yes.”

“Could you please elaborate? Who are these ‘Enforcers’ and what makes them so dangerous?’” The Captain asked. “We understand that this may be a complex answer so take your time.”

“Of course captain.” Alexandra replied and gathered her thoughts, trying to push some of her bad memories aside in order to properly articulate her answer. “To understand the ‘Enforcers’ you have to understand the nature of the Loroi criminal underworld; Loroi telepathy doesn’t allow criminal thought to fester. It is very easy for everyone around a determined but inexperienced criminal to deduce the fact from their thoughts alone and the authorities are quick to apprehend anyone who breaks the law quickly due to this fact. As thus most crime is one of opportunity and usually victimless, petty thefts and shoplifting. There exists however a small but very organized criminal underworld where a variety of small specialized gangs operate. These gangs have through time developed several telepathic and mental techniques for their members to hide and mask their thoughts from those around them, presenting an image of outward innocence. The specialization of such gangs varies and the nature of telepathy precludes certain crimes but these gangs usually sell their services to those who request them and can afford them. These small gangs thus seek out clients while competing and cooperating with each other depending on the situation. Union authorities and the various nation states predating the Union itself were always on the look out for these criminal gangs as they were a threat to the status quo. Generations ago the gangs of Deinar and after the unification war the gangs on the rest of the sister worlds agreed to the unspoken and unwritten about Pact. This Pact is a mutual agreement for the preservation of this underworld, to maintain its secrecy and to protect all gangs by anyone who could harm said underworld. All gangs were to do everything in their power to maintain their secrecy, they wouldn’t cooperate or accept anyone unable to maintain said secrecy, they would solve any and all disputes through impartial mediation and all gang members should do anything and everything in their power to stop any ‘leaks’ to the authorities. The ‘Enforcers’ are those gangs who were tasked to Enforce the pact by any means necessary, before the pact their various gangs were highly sought out assassins; after the Pact it was agreed that they would be the ones to Enforce it as they were the ones who were fully capable of Enforcing it. They handle disputes and eliminate any potential leaks by any means necessary. If a ganger is being tracked by the authorities and hasn’t committed suicide by using a ‘last resort’ poison then the Enforcers would be tasked to track them down and eliminate them before they could divulge any information to said authorities. They would seek out and destroy any and all evidence, silence any and all witnesses and if a leak could not be contained then they would hunt down and eliminate all the gangs that would be endangered by said leak in order to contain the damage to the criminal underworld at large. The Enforcers are extremely dangerous killers, downright fanatical in the pursuit of their targets. If they want someone dead then said someone will die, usually in a convenient enough accident but if they have no other choice then they will do whatever it takes.”

“Interesting...” Captain Anders begun. “And do you believe that this was the reason as to why they acted in such a way?”

“Yes, they had to kill their target and eliminate all possible leaks, themselves included.” Alexandra replied.

“And you repeatedly communicated this with the Immigration officer in charge of the transfer?” Captain Anders asked, bringing forth the memory of her insisting that at least the Enforcers remain fully bound and hooded as she had prepared them.

“Yes, I did. I also made sure to record the exchange I had with him by using my armor’s systems.” Alexandra replied.

“You did indeed.” Captain Anders said at that and pointed at the holographic view-screen at the front of the auditorium. “Lieutenant Pierian’s armor recording is the only video recording of the flight that survived the crash. Everything else we know comes from the shuttle’s black box and the cockpit voice recorders which we have already examined. It is fortunate in its own way that Lieutenant Pierian elected to not follow protocol and wear her combat loadout which saved her life and provided us with the recording we are about to see. Lieutenant, we trust that you will recall and voice for us any telepathic conversations you had during the duration of this recording.”

“Of course sir.” She replied and the recording started a few moments later, showing her overseeing the transfer of the prisoners to the waiting areas she had prepared.

“We see that you elected an unorthodox way to move the four detainees, was this due to the concerns you had?” Captain Anders asked after reading something on his tablet.

“Yes, although I was also concerned for the possibility of a fourth Enforcer being present among the passengers as well. Having all of the prisoners bound, hooded and wearing the same garbs would confuse any possible onlookers about their identities. I also made sure that the corridors and compartments we would pass through would be clear of anyone due to my concerns.” The Captain nodded at that and looked at his tablet again.

“You are aware of course that such a treatment to the detainees was counter to the regulations pertaining their treatment?” Captain Anders asked.

“As I said my primary concern was the safety of everyone involved as the three Enforcers were a clear and present threat to everyone around them. If given a single opportunity they would seek to kill their target and then commit suicide as the Pact dictates of them.” Alexandra replied, the Captain nodding again before reading something on his tablet again and frowning before staring at someone in the audience, away from the Loroi delegation for once. “I guess that I have to repeat myself but this is not a trial. It’s a hearing pertaining a shuttle crash of which Lieutenant Pierian is a key witness. For anyone else that may be concerned about the humane treatment of detainees accused of a crime you can rest assured that a military prosecutor has already reviewed the recording and has concluded that no laws have been broken as the detainees proved themselves extremely dangerous both during their arrest and from their actions which led to the crash this hearing is all about. To bring an end to any further interruptions from people who forget this I will order the ejection of anyone who will attempt to make the Lieutenant incriminate herself of a crime!”

Everyone focused on the recording in silence after that, the Captain glancing at his tablet and writing something on it a couple of times before the recording reached the shuttle’s arrival.

“At this point I discussed with Master Sergeant Astarte Stone that I would explain the danger the detainees presented to the immigration officers that would be receiving them and that she should leave the talking to me. She agreed with some resentment.” Alexandra said as the shuttle touched down, the paper pushing moron that was Lieutenant Samuels walking out soon after with an annoyed expression that passed on his belief that his shit didn’t stink and all this was a waste of his time.

“Which one of you is Lieutenant Pierian?” He asked before Alexandra could say anything.

“I am, and you are?”

“Where are the detainees, why aren’t they here already?” He asked without even bothering to acknowledge the question he was asked.

“They are in nearby separate compartments under guard.” Alexandra replied, the memories of her annoyance flaring up at that.

“Have them brought here then!” Lieutenant Samuels said irritably at that, his annoyed expression taking on an obvious frown of irritation.

“Listen lieutenant, at my request for a transfer of prisoners I made it perfectly clear that all four of them are extremely dangerous individuals that should be kept under careful watch while always being heavily restrained. Are you aware of this?” Alexandra asked.

“Yes I have read your overblown report and now here I am to cover up the mess you brought this side of the border.”

“Excuse me?”

“If they are so dangerous as you claim shouldn’t have you read their minds and not allow them into the Confederation at the first place?” He pointed out accusingly.

“Telepathy doesn’t work like that and they are skilled enough to fool anyone who took a look at them both visually and mentally. I am telling you, three of them are hardened killers that are not to be trifled with. Have you taken measures for their transportation?” Alexandra asked.

“My men and I are perfectly able to ferry some migrants who just had a fight on this ship.” Lieutenant Samuel replied.

“They didn’t just have a fight, this was an assassination attempt by three extremely dangerous criminals; the victim is also a criminal who is both dangerous and under a clear and present threat.”

“Whatever you say.” He said dismissively at that.

“Are you listening at all, or did the immigration bureau decided to hire someone who is both deaf and too mentally handicapped to agree to have his ears fixed?” Astarte said at that.

“Excuse me?”

“Both then!” Astarte proclaimed, making Alexandra and half the audience of the hearing chuckle.

“How dare you!” Lieutenant Samuels said at that.

“Easily but since your hearing appears to be functioning now, I will put things in a way that you will understand.” Astarte begun but the Lieutenant cut her off.

“I won’t listen any m...” At that a sudden force pushed lieutenant Samuels back as if he was shoved.

“Listen here you moronic asshole, at least three of the prisoners have body counts that go higher than you can count and I assume that you are able to count up to at least three digits!” Astarte said over him but the telekinetic shove had the opposite effect that she had expected.

“You are telekinetic? I will have you up in charges for assault!” Lieutenant Samuels shouted as if Astarte hadn’t said anything.

“My mistake, you are obviously unable to count anywhere higher than ten without taking your pants off!” Astarte said at that, Alexandra taking that as a queue to join in and put a stop to things before Astarte took to herself to use her fist to beat some much needed intellect into the Lieutenant’s head.

“That’s enough Master Sergeant!” Alexandra said angrily before turning to Lieutenant Samuels. “And you better file charges on me as well Lieutenant and before you do that make sure to put it down on record that you will be putting the lives of everyone aboard the shuttle, including our own, in danger if you don’t handle the prisoners with the necessary vigilance.” Alexandra signaled to Captain Anders to pause the replay so she could relay what was conversed telepathically at the time.

“At this point in time Master Sergeant Astarte thanked me for covering her back after her outburst which took me completely by surprise. The Master Sergeant was someone who often acted and talked before thinking things through but in this occasion I had become convinced that there was no convincing Lieutenant Samuels about the dangerous nature of the four detainees that would be in his care. Perhaps a physical shock would have shaken him enough to heed my repeated warnings but he doubled down stubbornly instead. Knowing the potential legal quagmire that would follow after me and the Master Sergeant after this incident with Lieutenant Samuels I gave the order for the escorts I had left with each detainee to leave them alone in the secure compartments and vacate the premises because I was certain that the Lieutenant would attempt to file charges against everyone involved in the detainee exchange.”

“Thank you Lieutenant.” Captain Anders said and frowned as he looked at his tablet again before checking something with his aide. “We will now have a thirty minute recess, anyone present who may have any input, question or suggestion regarding the current hearing should contact me and my team.”

Chapter 6, Part 3: https://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vi ... 683#p41683
Last edited by dragoongfa on Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:07 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Reforged (Updated 05/03/2021)

Post by dragoongfa »

Someone could easily see why I had to scrap my initial plan on how to proceed forward from the previous entry.

An 'in media res' break combined with an 'investigation hearing' trope is a large leap but one that better serves what I have in mind in regards with the story. If I had this idea from the start perhaps I would have not writen the current first part of Chapter 6 but I don't see much of a reason to retcon it into oblivion as it doesn't spoiler anything major in regards with the rest of the story.

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