[WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by orion1836 »

Originally posted here.
novius wrote:In his conscious mind, Alex understood the practicalities of the setup. If there's no issue with mixed crew, since the ships are staffed all-female, why bother with separated showers?

The possibility that the Tempest would host a male - alien or not - had never crossed the minds of her designers, then, he added to his thought, keenly aware of the gazes of the assembled Loroi resting on him, with expression ranging from mild interest to barely restrained hunger.

Though the former type of looks was far less numerous on the Loroi faces than the latter one. He felt reminded of his first trip to the mess hall, it had been about the same, though on a much lesser scale.

And, incidentally, it was again Brightshield to the rescue, regardless whether she intended that or not. She still had her arm around his shoulders, and her giving the others some pointed glances wouldn't require any sanzai to convey the meaning. This was a clear 'hands off' signal.

Or rather like 'he's mine, for now', Alex added, remembering the tidbits about Loroi male/female interactions.

While it stopped them from doing any overt action, if they had some in mind - Alex didn't dare to ask - they were still unabashedly looking at him. And not just in the eyes, but lower, and much lower, too.

Trying to fight down the awkwardness that came back tenfold, he opted for a bit of nonchalance, hoping that his voice wouldn't waver.

"Please, it isn't as if you hadn't seen that beforehand."

Wrong choice. Had he expected them to turn away and mind their own business, he was sorely mistaken. If anything, the looks got even more intense.

"Of course we had. But I must say, that recording doesn't do you justice. So that's what they all mean with 'larger'..."

Not being able to pinpoint the speaker, he turned to Brightshield with an askance look. "I pegged Loroi as prim and proper, minding their sense of propriety - are you always that outspoken?"

Brightshield smiled, looking him directly in the eyes. "This is one of the rare times we allow ourselves to relax. And you are quite a novelty, of course. A male in the rec areas of a ship is unheard of - were the Tempest a diplomatic vessel, the VIP quarters would have anemities to give the envoys some privacy on their travels. But most non-Loroi ambassadors do rather use their own ships than rely on us ferrying them around. Come, let's look for a good spot.", she ushered him to a nook in a steaming pool, right next to a waterspout.

Alex wasn't sure whether it was by chance or her intentional choice, but he realized that the steam and the churning water might make taking a peek at him more difficult.

But, she still didn't remove her arm from his shoulders. He got reminded of the Highland-7... was it really just days ago, when Beryl fell in his lap and simply stayed there?

Brightshield's choice in location was met with a few sour glances in her direction, one she met with mild aplomb.

Huh. Seems it's the same with these blue elves - no one likes spoilsports., Alex thought amusedly.

Lowering himself into the pleasantly warm, almost hot water reminded Alex of something different.

"Uh... wouldn't the water be too hot for you? You're running on a much lower body temperature than a human does, I noticed..."

Not immediately answering, she herself stepped into the water with a smile, never having fully let go of him. "It is very hot for us, true, but that is the point of it? It relaxes our muscles and allows us to wind down."

True, Alex thought, I have to hand it to her, she looks indeed relaxed and positively radiant with letting her wet hair down and with that serene smile on her face...

He tried to jerk his thoughts back on track on noticing that they drifted into - ha-hah! - dangerous waters.

Mindful of his surroundings, Alex tried to look anywhere but the beautiful woman right next to him, but his furtive glances were always met with another set of Loroi eyes. Thankfully, for Alex, they mostly stayed submerged in the water, its surface blurring whatever else he could have looked at, otherwise.

Still, there was lots of blue skin all around.

Brightshield, seeing Alex's growing trepidation, turns to him with a concerned look. "Is something the matter. Did I overstep some selan?"

"No... yes... It's more difficult than that. It's not a simple 'human' thing, but it varies wildly between cultures. Some would see the display of more bare skin than your armor shows and your uncovered hair as shocking while on the other hand there are groups where people would have no qualms mingling."

Brightshield's eyes went wide. "Humans are that diverse? And, what about you? Not humans. You."

"You have no idea. Especially when it comes to relations between genders. As for me... If someone would have told me that I'd better pack my swimming trunks when I boarded the Bellarmine, I'd have called him completely bonkers."

"Swimming trunks?"

"Garment especially made for bathing. Partly to protect the ... more sensitive parts of the anatomy when bathing in natural bodies of water, part to protect them from sight. Most humans are very self-conscious about them. Thus, wearing something to cover these parts while bathing in a public setting is the most common thing to do for humans."

Brightshield smiled broadly. "It isn't as if you have anything to hide... No, wrong choice of words, there'd be quite a lot to hide, but nothing you'd need to be ashamed of."

Damnit, walked right into that one, Alex thought, chagrined.

"But what about you? I thought Loroi wouldn't touch unless it is for rather intimate situations?"

"This is... and it isn't", Brightshield admitted. "I see you, right here, and you're completely blank to me. For all intents and purposes you could be a statue or a Historian personality construct in an android body, designed to look close, but not identical to us. Given that, I had been anxious to touch you since a long time", she said, unknowingly echoing Beryl's sentiment on the Highland-7.

"And...", there she smiled again, "...had I not done that, I'm sure these ladies here would have seen it as a buffet with you as the main course."

That makes sense, if only for your hand below the surface not being that close to the waistline..., Alex thought. Though, to give her credit, she didn't let her hand creep even further down... And Alex had no idea if he'd stop her or let it happen, if she actually decides to continue her 'exploration'...


For the past three hundred solons, Tempo got almost flooded by sanzai.

By the stars, what did he do now? She thought exasperated, but that question quickly got answered as the images became clearer. And wished they hadn't.

Captain Jardin is entirely too trusting, she added, from what she discerned from the snippets, Losat Brightshield invited him to the showers, deliberately omitting that these are a communal affair. As if the installation of the facilities didn't tell her that this activity seems to be a private one for humans.

Of course him showing up in the baths sent the Loroi already present there into overdrive. Quite a vivid imagination on these women, judging from the more and more raunchy pictures leaking from their minds.

And of course there's Brighshield, valiantly saving him from these women who hadn't seen a male since .... Tempo's mind faltered. When was the last time SG51 got into friendly territory and they had the chance to get one male encounter approved? Even the Gora Relay staff may have had more luck.

You minx! I know what you're up to. I might have already lost to Beryl and Fireblade, but the tilted field I'd allow you to seduce him and reduce my chance of winning one of these bets to zero!

And, it was a disheartening feeling, that he would choose Brightshield over her. Beryl, she could understand. As a diplomat he was ... less than ideal, but he has a keen mind that would instantly find its like with hers. Fireblade... that might have been unexpected, but perhaps it was her unwavering code of honor as a Teidar that called out to him. And, I have to give it to him, they are good for each other. I've never seen Fireblade that ... at ease.

How would Brightshield fit into the picture? Was it because of her stunt with these files that brought her into his good graces? Maybe I'll get to ask him when he gets out of the bath... and her clutches, she hoped, remembering the call she had placed on his tablet.

And the reason of the call.

Convincing Captain Jardin to stay onboard of SG51 might be a hard sell, but perhaps he could come to see the benefits.

After all, Beryl is here. And Fireblade. As well the salvage of the Bellarmine wreck.

And, in addition, of all the task forces, SG51 is still in the best position to actually make a foray towards Earth, if things go from bad to worse.


Alex had no idea whether Brightshield picked up on his thoughts or not. After all, it could be possible that his Lotai comes to regard her as part of his 'inner circle' as well and allows her access to his mind.

Might be him tensing up a bit or a furtive look, but Brightshield gently nudged him and subtly drew his attention to a remote and equally secluded part of the pool.

Sure enough, he saw two unfamiliar Loroi, and surprisingly, they didn't have their full attention on him.

He noticed that they were very close to each other, both almost fully submerged in the roiling water, up to their shoulders. The one on the right half-turned towards the other, with a look of intent on her face, and the other... having her eyes closed in with an expression of pure bliss on her face.

Hot color slammed into Alex's face on putting two and two together on what he just witnessed - or not, his mind interjected, it could be a Loroi Sanzai thing..., but that voice was quickly drowned out - and turned to Brightshield with an expression of shock.

Only to see that smile on her face, the wet hair artfully framing it, her shoulders and the top of her curves not submerged in the water. "It wouldn't be too uncommon", she said in a soft voice.

She's coming on to me, strongly. She wouldn't take any liberties but hell, she does try... Alex realized as he felt his resolve waver.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by orion1836 »

Originally posted here.
dragoongfa wrote:You have really got yourself into it this time Alexander Jardin, get out of it BEFORE you give Stillstorm more stuff to hurl at you. And do this without looking like a bigger tool in the process. Alex thought as he tried to come up with something, anything to say to defuse the situation before things went truly to hell. An year ago he would yell at him to just jump at the opportunity even in such a setting but now?

"I am intrigued..." He whispered and Brightshield's face lit up at that and she came just an inch closer to him.

God damn it Alex!

"But I truly just wanted to bathe and relax before seeing to my duties." Her expression wavered momentarily as she leaned backwards in defeat before her smile returned to her face.

"I understand, one's duty must be fulfilled." Brightshield replied but her eyes and demeanor passed on a very clear message of seductive desire that he almost couldn't resist.

God damn it woman! Brightshield's face betrayed momentary confusion as he thought of that before she spoke again.

"Would you like for me to help you wash your back at least?" She asked with the same seductive smile on her face.

"That would be..." He begun to say, wanting to just deny her before noticing that he would much rather have her look at his back rather than realizing that certain parts of his body weren't cooperating with his mind. "...great." Her face beamed up at that and for a moment he wondered if he just erred.

"I am glad." Brightshield replied as he turned his back at her.

Think of something else, think of something else, think of anything else but the fact that you are in a female communal bath filled to the brim with naked hot amazons who each haven't had a man for... God damn it Alex! He thought as Brightshield took a sponge and enthusiastically begun washing his back.

Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats... He chanted in his mind as he pictured what he thought to be one of the most ugly, unhygienic and rude women imaginable. A woman he had to associate with in family reunions and just couldn't leave him well alone because he 'is so cute I would like to eat him all by myself'.

Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats...

"Captain Jardin?"

Fat aunt Martha with her cats, Fat aunt Martha with her cats...

"Captain Jardin?" This time Brightshield prodded him gently with her left hand to bring him back to the here and now.

"Uh... I am sorry I was thinking of something... important." He replied as he turned to face her again, happy in the thought that his previously disobedient body part had relented.

"...I understand." Brightshield replied as he offered him the sponge she had washed him with. "Would you like to wash my back in turn?"

"You did wash mine so..." He replied without thinking and she didn't lose a moment to turn her back at him, her body language betraying a deep sense of satisfaction as he caught most of the other Loroi present looking at her with scornful looks that would undoubtedly be enough to pierce through solid steel plates.

Just give her this victory and get out of this mess Alex, you can do it. He thought as he begun scrubbing her back in turn, he felt the disobedience return in parts of his body but this time he was ready for it.

Fat aunt Martha with her cats!

* * *

Tempo let out a long sigh of relief because the exciting mental commotion and chatter that had reverberated from the baths had died out for several solons now and she didn't pick up any chatter of Brightshield actually accomplishing her goal. She could sense the Losat's mind beam with satisfaction even from this distance but they hadn't mated, they just washed each other's backs before leaving the baths without causing any further incident.

So human males do have limits...
Tempo thought as she finally recollected herself in preparation for her meeting with him as he slowly approached her cabin.

I don't know what Stillstorm is thinking with wanting to keep him in her staff. It's true that he came up with the plan that saved the crew of Gora Relay while also destroying several more Shell ships but that was only one thing, he could have been just lucky and all the advise he could offer from here on out would prove disastrous... Is Stillstorm actually desperate enough to want to risk that? Tempo frowned in thought at that. The situation is indeed dire, this offensive was comprised by a total of 30 divisions, 6 divisions at Sala 128, 4 divisions led by the Stray at Sala 101 and 20 divisions in a gatecrusher force at Leido. It would be a difficult defense even if we could detect their approach with farsense but now our fleets are out of position and the gatecrusher force is heading for Nezel and the reserve fleet base there. Beyond that is the interior and we will lose the war if the Shells wreck havoc behind our lines. Yes Stillstorm is desperate, she is only a Lashret but she will be the rallying beacon for the defense because no one else commands such respect among the raider groups. I wouldn't be surprised if the sector commander actually promotes her to a Soshret on her own accord just to boost morale by having a front line commander in charge of the defense instead one of the reserve commanders who haven't seen enough action in their entire lives to match a single tozon of Stillstorm's experience. I wouldn't be surprised if she is actually expecting for exactly that to happen.

Tempo shook her head at that.

Stillstorm in command of the defense of Tinza sector and the interior. The Emperor won't like it but she will have to agree because Stillstorm is the only one who may actually pull this off. She actually cost the Shells more than 2 divisions of ships in the battle of Leido, even if she wasn't one so celebrated and looked up to she would still be a serious contender to be put in overall command of the defense should the sector commander cower from the weight or if she somehow ends up dead.

After thinking about it some more Tempo realized that Stillstorm needed all the help she could get and if she wanted Captain Jardin in an advisor's position then Tempo should do her best to convince him to accept being such an advisor in the Union's time of needs despite the orders for him to be sent to Seren where the Emperor and the Imperial cabinet were at the moment.

Parat Tempo, I have brought Captain Jardin as you requested. Cloud announced.

He may enter. Tempo replied and Cloud opened the door to let him inside.

"Thanks." He said to the Paset who beamed with happiness at that before the door closed behind him.

"Stay put for the time being Cloud." Tempo sent to her assistant as Captain Jardin took in her cabin. Tempo knew that she wasn't as neat as Stillstorm nor as unkempt as Fireblade but she hoped that he would be impressed by the decorations that reminded her of Perrein.

"You wanted to see me Tempo?" He asked as he sat at the chair in front of her desk.

"Indeed Enzin. How was your day?" Tempo replied as she subconsciously tried to telepathically connect with him but the distance was still too great, she had thought of being more informal in their 'informal' meeting but the discussion they were about to have related directly with his duties even if she hadn't alluded to that in her message to him.

"It was... enlightening." He replied with a smile despite the stiffness that his body excluded.

"I am glad that the first day free of the constraints previously placed on top of you went well. I hope you enjoyed your new found freedom to its full extent." His smile widened at that, undoubtedly after picking the hidden meaning of her words. "Your time of rest however may have to come to an end."

"What do you mean?" He asked with a concerned expression.

"My message was clear that this meeting would be a casual and off duty one but it is the exact opposite, although higher authorities will remain ignorant of the fact." Tempo begun, noticing his expression shift from concern to curiosity as she went on. "The Commander has informed me that she has received orders from Tinza Sector command for you to travel to Seren where you will meet with the proper diplomatic authorities aboard the Imperial flagship 'Cry of the Wind' currently there." He nodded at that.

"That's good isn't it?"

"It is, once at Seren you will be able to directly converse with the highest echelons of the Union diplomatic core, perhaps even meet Emperor Greywind herself. However the Commander does not agree with these orders." Tempo replied.

"What? Why? What more do I have to do for her to accept that I am not a Shell agent?" Captain Jardin said angrily as he stood up.

"You misunderstand Enzin, despite her open dislike of you Commander Stillstorm wants you to remain on Tempest as part of her staff, at least for the duration of this emergency. She believes that you will be most useful as a military attache here aboard Tempest rather than being an inexperienced and naturally distrusted ambassador aboard the Imperial flagship. She is prepared to give you certain concessions towards you in order to secure your agreement." It took a few solons for him to absorb that before he sat back down onto his chair.

"Stillstorm actually wants me here? Doesn't she hate me?" He managed to say after a few solons.

"Stillstorm is an odd Commander, she dislikes many of her officers and she is disliked by many of her colleagues and superiors but she is able to push her feelings aside when duty demands it of her. She does dislike you but she believes that you will be of greater use here as a member of her staff." Tempo explained as best as she could, leaving him to stare at her with a dumbfounded expression before he burst into an uncontrolled and nervous laughter that he couldn't control even after several solons. "Enzin are you okay?" She asked as she stood up to get to him.

"I..." Captain Jardin tried to say as he laughed but he just couldn't control his laughter. "I..."

"Please calm down, I know this may be surreal but the Commander really believes that..." Tempo tried to calm him as she stood in front of him but he grabbed her hand and pulled her to his lap with unexpected strength as their minds connected once more.

Tempo's mind was flooded with memories that he sent to her as fast as he could. Memories of meeting Captain Hamilton, a commander that Enzin held the greatest respect for, how he interviewed him as a candidate for the contact mission and how he informed Enzin that the highest echelons of TCA naval command were attempting to secure him as a naval officer instead of risking losing him in the very dangerous contact mission. The memory of Captain Hamilton asking Enzin of who he would choose with what little knowledge they held and Enzin replying 'The Loroi' with no hesitation because of how the Hierarchy treated its allies as slaves. The memory of Enzin telling Captain Hamilton that he would go wherever he was needed and if Captain Hamilton believed that Enzin would best serve at the contact mission then that would be where he needed to be. Enzin's mind begun cascading after that, memories of his mistakes and ill discipline while under the command of Captain Hamilton stabbing his very being inflicting unimaginable pain; the memory of him not being on bridge duty because of such a mistake and the regrets he held because he could have done something to save them all if he was there.

He let go of her at that, Tempo jumping off him and pulling away out of reflex as she tried to reorient her mind from the torrent of sorrowful memories that raced through his mind as his laughter quickly turned into tearful cries of sorrow.

Tempo reached out to him again, patting his head while trying to connect with him once again in order to soothe his mind as best as she could. She sensed his struggling mind as he tried to control himself once more; the stress of the recent events slowly being pushed back by seer force of will until it settled at the back of his mind with a tension that Tempo couldn't believe could be borne by a male.

"I am sorry." Enzin apologized after a few moments, pushing her away the moment his mind could focus itself once again. "Do I have to give you my answer now?"

"No, you are free to consider your options for the rest of today. We can discuss this tomorrow in private again if you want but Tinza sector command will expect an answer in the next couple of day." Tempo replied.

"I will think about it." Enzin reassured her before continuing. "But tomorrow I want to talk with both you and Stillstorm about my final decision."

"I will convey your wishes to her." Tempo reassured him as she took a handkerchief and made to clean the drying up tears from his face, he just took it from her and cleaned himself before giving it back.

"Thanks." She just nodded at his understandable desire for mental privacy.

"I will escort you to your cabin so you may think of everything in peace." She said to him as she opened the door and dismissed Cloud. Enzin just nodding an following her in silence.

I am a fool, I keep concentrating on the fact that he is a male and not on the fact that he is a lone warrior carrying the weight of his dead comrades and the fate of his race! Tempo thought as she let out a mental visage of mild annoyance to anyone who was ogling Captain Jardin who was walking next to her. He is a warrior with the same duties, desires and needs as us. To forget this and only focus on his male attributes and the potential of mating with him is unforgivable.

* * *

Tempo led him to his cabin in complete silence, seemingly in her own thoughts while all the Loroi they passed seemed cowered enough not to stare at him for too long before hastening their own pace.

Congratulations Alexander Jardin, you just made a complete fool of yourself. He chastised himself as they approached his cabin.

"Tozet Beryl is inside and she is sleeping, I will wake her up and tell her you need some time alone." Tempo said a few moments later.

"No it's fine. Let her be." He replied as he walked up to the door of his tiny cabin and opened it. "Thanks." Tempo just nodded at that and turned to leave as he stepped inside.

Beryl was indeed there, face down on the bed, hugging the pillow with a serene expression on her face that made him chuckle.

All of you are going to be the death of me. He thought as he gently sat down next to her, her sleeping mind seeping into his as he pulled the console down to try and get some work done without waking her up.

"It was a long hard shift wasn't it? And I didn't let you get much sleep yesterday didn't I?" He sent without thinking, her sleeping mind just purring in affection as if in response.

Now let's start with something easy... He thought as he tried to look up a basic historical rundown of the war, this time the console giving him the result he had requested.

Alright, lets see what I can learn before deciding how to make more of a fool of myself tomorrow.

* * *

"You inspire a lot of loyalty from the warriors who know you Captain Jardin." Stillstorm begun as the alien stood in front of her desk with Tempo by his side.

"Thank you Commander." It replied.

"I am aware Parat Tempo has already informed you about the orders I received regarding you."

"She has and I made my decision long before I first awoke aboard Tempest, I will go wherever I need to be." It replied without taking its eyes off of hers.

"And where may that be?" Stillstorm asked.

"If you believe that I am best suited here aboard Tempest aiding you against the Hierarchy then this is exactly where I am needed to be." It replied, the answer taking her by complete surprise. She stared first at him then at Tempo who was just far enough away from him for her mind to be clearly discernible but the Mizol didn't betray a single thought as she too stared back at her in turn.

"And how come you came to the decision to trust my judgement in such an important decision about you and the entirety of your race as well?" Stillstorm pressed, the Mizol had completely blindsided her when she informed her that the alien wanted to talk with her about him remaining on Tempest. She had told her that it was her job as a Mizol to convince the alien to remain but apparently it wanted to talk directly with her about this.

"I have extensively reviewed the Battle at Leido and read up the few after actions reports of your battles that were available to me. You are a respected and accomplished commander who requested for my assistance in the Union's time of need. I am honored and humbled by your faith in me despite the limited amount of time I have been aboard your ship." Stillstorm just frowned at that and looked at it intently before replying.

"Is this its version of a joke?" She asked angrily.

"I am not joking commander."

"Then why is it lying?" Stillstorm demanded.

"I am not lying commander." The alien replied with a steady voice.

"You want to stay here on Tempest because I consider you necessary and not because your Listel and the other infatuated fools are here as well?" Stillstorm asked, her anger flaming up once more.

"I would be lying if I said that I don't care about their well being but I am not lying when I say that your request at this point in time is my sole motivator for wanting to remain here." It replied with a strained steady voice.

"And you trust the spoken word of a dishonest warrior? You who perfectly presented the value of deception in war trust the one who you called dishonest barely two days ago?" Stillstorm pointed out without hiding her anger towards him.

"My words were in error, I let my passions move me and say things that weren't the truth. I retract my maliciously placed comment about your honesty. Especially now that I am fully aware of the value that Loroi put on their naturally inherent honesty." Stillstorm could easily see that the alien barely contained its own anger as it said that and couldn't help but smile, part of her wanted to savor that anger of his but an other part just wanted to yell at him for backing down; hard earned experience however had taught her that both parts were wrong.

"I accept the fact that you said those words in anger after I called into question the honor of two warriors you hold in high esteem without evidence. I now consider the issue settled." Stillstorm replied.

"What do you mean Stillstorm?" Tempo asked at that.

"I mean, Parat ,that it holds you and Tozet Beryl to such a high esteem that it would rather insult me than allow me to belittle you in front of it unanswered." Stillstorm said and Tempo just turned and stared angrily at it who just stood rigidly without taking its eyes off of Stillstorm's. "I was prepared to demand a duel with it but I didn't consider it a warrior worthy of dueling at the time. It should take care not to repeat such an insult towards me without just cause because my opinion of it just changed."

"Thank you Commander, I will make sure that I voice my opinions when you deserve them." The Alien replied with a crooked smile.

"That's a price I will gladly accept if it continues to aid the Union against the Shells." Stillstorm replied with a smile of her own. "I had authorized Parat Tempo to give you some concessions in order to convince you but it seems that there was no need of such bribery. Still I want to know about what you require in order for you to cooperate with me and my staff to the best of your abilities."

"I would like to have a bigger cabin if one is currently available." The alien replied.

"That can be arranged although it has come to my attention that it likes to spend its nights and days with members of my crew, perhaps they would like to accommodate it in their cabins." Stillstorm teased him, enjoying the flash of angry embarrassment that the alien presented.

"I would also appreciate it if you stopped calling me an 'it'." She let a smile form in her face at that before replying.

"Perhaps it needs to do more for it to fully convince me that a male can be a proper warrior. Until that time I shall keep addressing it as I see fit." Stillstorm replied, the alien smiling crookedly when she finished. "Is there anything else that is within my power to grant?"

"I would like to procure an other set of clothes. The uniform I am wearing is a duty uniform, not a dress uniform fit for the functions that are expected of me."

"Have Tozet Beryl show you how you can procure a new uniform through the ship's 3D printers; although I will not authorize it to wear a uniform or armor that has the color scheme of a Loroi warrior caste." The alien nodded in understanding at that.

"One final request, I will probably require access to sensitive information in order to be better informed of the war effort and advise you properly." It was Stillstorm's turn to nod at that.

"A necessity if you are to be of use to me, I entrust Parat Tempo to provide you with the information cleared for a member of my staff. Is there anything else?"

"One last thing, although I don't believe that it is something within your power to grant. I would like for a courier ship to be sent to the waiting relay ship, to deliver a report about the loss of Bellarmine, the events that followed and perhaps to pickup and transport a proper diplomatic team to Seren and the Emperor." Stillstorm frowned in thought at that. She needed to offer some form of excuse to the admiralty for 'accepting' the alien's request to remain aboard Tempest as an advisor. If it was on record that the alien requested for a proper diplomatic team to be picked up and sent instead then it would serve as the excuse necessary for that.

"That's correct, we cannot simply send a ship ten jumps from Naam, not without an escort and the necessary logistics preparation." Stillstorm replied . "But I will see what I can manage should the opportunity arise."

"That's all I can ask of you Commander."

"Good, we are currently at Azimol heading directly for the Enedd jump point. I plan to deep jump the fleet there once we reach the jump point tomorrow and proceed according the enemy's disposition. I will forward you the strategic and tactical data available for you to study. I expect you to voice your comments, objections and concerns the moment you have them." Stillstorm said.

"You are still the Fleet commander?" The alien asked

"Yes, the Torrai Soshret in command of the fleet stationed on Azimol took the bulk of her forces to Sala-128 the moment the alert came out. The Torrai Tezites in overall command of the sector is at Nezel with the reserve fleet and they undoubtedly went to Sala-128 as well. Until I link up with them I remain in command of the fleet." Stillstorm explained.

"I understand, I think that we would best go to work then." The alien exclaimed before walking up to her and offering his right hand.

"Is this the touching ritual I heard about?" Stillstorm asked at she stared first at the Alien and then at Tempo.

"Yes it is my Lashret." Tempo sent before the alien could speak.

"The way I see it Commander we either trust each other to do our duty or we don't." The alien replied while keeping his hand in front of her. Stillstorm stared at him for a few moments before she stood up to grasp the alien's warm hand.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by orion1836 »

Originally posted here.
Werra wrote:Grasping the warm hand of the alien Stillstorm looked it straight into the eyes. She was unsure how long this hand grasping was supposed to last, but equally unwilling to show any uncertainty. So she answered its firm grasp with her own.

Stillstorm was happy, her gut instinct had been right to trust Tempo with neutralising orders from High Command. A boon was in order. It just needed to be something both would recognize as such and nobody else.

„Captain Jardin, for now you will work under Parat Tempo. She is in charge of intelligence and you will serve as a tactical analyst. Your analysis may be a viewpoint Loroi typically don't consider.“ The alien nodded at her, Stillstorm wondered if it had understood her intention. It didn't seem to mind being pawned off, maybe it even realised that this way, it would have access to nearly all tactical data. In any case and as an additional benefit, Tempo might decide to work more often from her quarters due to this.

„You will also be helping the staff officers in charge of supply and inventory stocks at a later date. I expect you to learn the basics as the most junior officer on my ship.“

Its answer came with only a split second of hesitation: „Yes, Commander. I did not expect anything else.“ No reason she couldn't make her staffs live easier by loading off menial tasks on the alien.

Its hand was getting really warm now. Still it showed no indication of stopping this ritual.

„And report to Teidar Razorthorn. Every warrior on a Loroi ship needs to be prepared for boarding actions and fire fighting. She will put you through the basic drills of soldiering.“

To its credit, the alien seemed to realise quickly what that meant. A lot of busy cycles with sore, aching muscles.

„Understood Commander, it helps being prepared for the eventuality.“

Finally the alien released her hand and Stillstorm was maybe too quick to follow. Just because she could and because she enjoyed seeing it squirm she added. „That will also help spend your stamina, so my crew can get some rest.“

Cutting off the expected reaction, she dismissed Tempo and Jardin both. Now that this matter was settled, she only needed to think of something to tell Seren. Stillstorm wasn't overly worried. Afterall, her chief Mizol was now complicit in evading that order. Jovially she pondered that Seren would perhabs be content with an extensive chronicle of that alien. She doubted that a simple written report would be enough however.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by orion1836 »

Originally posted here.
Werra wrote:Two hours later Alex head was swimming. Tempo had given him the tour of the bridge and introduced him to the computer systems he'd need to be familiar with. „Just the basics for now.“ she had said.

Loroi systems were something. Alex recognized most of the sensor data and there were programs and file systems with similar purposes. But the way it was all structured threw him off. Like their minds, it was all very orderly and measured, yet it was also byzantine and alien to him. Their cast system seemed to extent to their operating system as well.

The worst of all was that the Loroi used base 8 for their numbers and they were missing a zero.The creeping dread on his face must have been clearly visible to Tempo who reassured him that he wasn't expected to work with this system until the supply officers had work for him. As SG51 had just been resupplied that would take at least till after the next battle.

Now he sat across from Tempo in her office. The Parat worked on her console with quick strokes. From time to time she handed him a data pad to sign. His medical records, his instruction into Loroi rank structure, his instruction into his new responsibilities, that he had received a copy of the mess halls menu, he even had to sign off on his own name. It was strangely reassuring to know that no matter the military, paperwork was the true frontline.

„One last thing and we're done. Enzin. Here is your new timetable.“ said Tempo as she leaned over and pushed a few buttons on his data pad. What looked like a calendar appeared on the display.
„We will be working together, so we have the same shifts and same off-hours.“ Tempo was positively glowing at this, noticed Alex. He wondered if Stillstorm and she had been entirely honest to him.
Alex took a look. Between his shifts and the extra training sessions there wasn't much time left.

„Stillstorm seems to run a tight ship. That's quite the workday, Tempo.“

„SG51 is an elite unit and the Lashret expects you to function on the same level. Just imagine how exhausting it would be if you hadn't denied her encounter, Enzin.“

As she caught his eye, her laughter stopped.


It was several hours later when Alex made his way to his new cabin. After Tempo was done with him, Cloud had lead him to his first training session with Ragan Razorthorn. Not until he had seen the Teidar, had Alex worried. There were standard procedures on any starship and it would be good for him to learn. And, he had admitted to himself, he was curious how Loroi infantry fought.

Razorthorn was one of the Teidar that had first probed him, the purple haired one. Nothing in her opinion of him seemed changed. As soon as he saw her, he had an incline on what to expect. Tempo had promised him a couple weeks of this training.

Now he was exhausted and aching all over. He never knew that fire drills could be so thorough. All he could think of was his bed. Beryl caught up to him from behind, reaching for his hand.

„Enzin, how was your first day? I already heard the great news.“

„My head is spinning, Beryl. There was so much to learn.“

As he took her hand, he received her Sanzai. Well, maybe he could think of more than his bed. The satisfaction at his conclusion was plain to see on Beryls face.

They reached his cabin and entered. Alex was first to enter, still holding Beryls hand. He froze. On his bed sat Brightshield in her off-duty uniform.

„Hello Enzin, I have decided to take you up on your invitation from the mess hall.“

There was the slightest bit of upset on her face as she saw Beryl.

„There are some things open between us two.“ With the last word she had fixed Beryl. Alex felt trouble coming down her arm. This would get ugly.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by orion1836 »

Originally posted here.
novius wrote:"Enzin...? Could you explain me the meaning of this?", Beryl turned towards him, her tone of voice still carefully neutral, but reminding Alex of that single moment she caught him shaking hands with Talon.

Yup, she's definitely possessive, came Alex's thought.

Wordlessly, he sent a breakdown of what had transpired in the mess hall... and later in the baths. How she came on to him like a freight train... and how he tried to fend her off. 'Ew!', came Beryl's disgusted thought as she saw the picture of his specific sort of defense.

'I thought that you are serial monogamous?', Beryl inquired.

'Typically yes. There are exceptions, but I prided myself to not to have a woman on the side besides the one I'm currently with. Even if it was a on-and-off thing with Ellen I never cheated on her.'

It took a moment for Beryl to discern the meaning of 'cheating'. So having another woman on the side was regarded as a dishonorable thing amongst humans?

Alex nods, wondering why his morals had loosened up that much since....

'Wait. Can you look into my mind? I need something for you to see', guiding her towards that 'little extra' Tempo left in his brain.

Alex could feel her mental presence rifling through his mind. Stray thoughts popped up and were discarded as uninteresting, though one certain off duty time he spent together with Ellen caught her interest for a longer moment.

'Ah, there!', her jubilant thought came, 'this looks like Mizol handiwork, for sure. Let me trace the connections...'

Another series of thoughts popped up in his mind's eye, this time definitely with a rather lewd slant.

'I think I see it. Whatever she did, it lowered your inhibitions and your perception of your moral code. Especially when it comes to mating encounters. In essence, you'd be more prone to act against your convictions of staying 'faithful' to one woman.'

Alex paused for a moment. 'That ... explains much. That reminds me - Tempo did say that monogamy would be seen as poorest of taste, and even a male showing preference to a single female would face repercussions? Perhaps she saw our growing attraction and decided to ... do something to my brain to make me more palatable to Loroi sensibilities, and me being comfortable with it?'

Beryl blinked.... 'That ... makes sense, in a Mizol way of thinking. Perhaps... we should leave that in place, then?'

A wave of guilt washed over Beryl, coming from Alex. 'Only if you are comfortable with that. If you feel alright with me being intimate with other Loroi...?', he left this question unfinished.

'It is already fringe behavior that I returned to your quarters for several off duty shifts now. People already start to talk. And I see that every set of eyes rests upon you, and by extension the rest of us. A bit of ... unorthodox ... behavior might be expected now, but there are limits. It would be sharing you with others, or not seeing you at all', she sent with a soothing undertone, 'and given what we have, I do not want to miss it.'

'So best leave Tempo's 'present' here, then.', Alex concluded.

'Agreed. Especially since it may take another Mizol to remove it without risking your sanity. Speaking of which, this Mizol went a bit far...', Beryl added, 'and, she's already wondering what we're up to. Does she know about your sanzai?'

Alex stopped short. So far, she doesn't, but...

'I'm not sure. In the bath I got the feeling that she started to pick up on my thoughts. And so far she has been quite upfront with me, so I guess my Lotai might start to open up with her, too.'

A prickly thought came from Beryl. She liked it as it was, with Fireblade, Tempo, maybe Talon, but for some reason she'd like it less if Brightshield would include herself into their little circle. Not after what just happened.

Returning to the waking world, Beryl and Alex could see that Brightshield was regarding them with a measuring look, seemingly filing away that tidbit for a later date.

"...there are", Alex tried to deflect her suspicions, "But I just wasn't prepared to see either Beryl or you... or any other Loroi here, at the moment. Ragan Razorthorn really put me through the grinder.

Brightshield smiled. "Yet you still have enough stamina to invite Tozet Beryl to your quarters, again?"

Alex tried for a half smile. "Well, she is irresistible, after all."

'Enzin!', came Beryl's shocked thought, and the mental equivalent of her blushing, furiously.

"And I am not? I'm hurt.", Brightshield's voice dropped an octave, getting a decidedly seductive timbre again.

Alex tugged at his collar. "I'd... be lying if I'd say you wouldn't be... Each and every one of you warrior ladies are stunningly beautiful and alluring, every single one in her own uniqueness."

Brightshield blinked a moment, then the tips of her ears darkened several shades. Whatever she expected, it hadn't been this...

She turned towards Beryl, and with his hand still in hers, he was able to 'listen in' to the sanzai flowing back and forth, though it didn't help him much - the exchange of thoughts was too fast and too complex for his untrained mind to follow, especially from the proverbial backseat.

Then, as the exchange died down and a feeling of having an agreement settled in the mindscape, Alex returned to the waking world.

Only to face two pairs of Loroi eyes fixed on him.

Both sets glinting with the same look of unbridled desire.

"Uh... Ladies...?", Alex started, hestitantly, with a feeling of impending doom creeping up in him.

It was Brightshield who spoke. "I see now that I should have announced myself before barging in. Though we all could agree that it wouldn't look good for Beryl", here, Alex noted that Brightshield dropped her rank, "and you if she starts hogging you. But since you're already primed for an encounter with her, as I see it, it would be in poor taste of me if I'd tear you away from her."

Yep, that does sound ominous.

"So... perhaps to uphold her honor and to not to go overly against your sensibilities, would you agree to an encounter with these two irresistible ladies right here?"

Alex wasn't sure if it was Tempo's influence or this just being what is reputed to be the dream of every breathing straight male, but he was definitely leaning towards accepting... maybe as a one time thing and then making sure that Loroi might not into his cabin unannounced. Well, given some exceptions, he thought, glancing at the white-haired waifish Listel Tozet. His Beryl.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by orion1836 »

Originally posted here.
Werra wrote:Beryl gave him a reassuring look and prodded him on. With stuttering gears in his brain Alex managed to say: „If it's okay with you, Beryl, then I agree to that, Brightshield.“

The Mizol was delighted to hear that. She stood up and came straight in for a close body hug. He felt her body press against his. He had seen her fully naked already, but that tight uniform of hers she wore left just enough to the imagination.

As her lips found his, his brain gave out totally. He couldn't believe this was happening. Back in the academy the students had watched an ancient series about space exploration. Guessing when the next alien woman would fall for the dashing captain had turned into a drinking game. Alex wondered how drunk future students would get thanks to him.

Brightshield let go off him and Beryl took over. Alex felt weak in the knees and so they ended up on the bed together. He proped himself up with his elbows, Beryl lying on his chest. Her smile genuine and wide. Until she fell asleep.

Confused Alex looked up. Brightshield stood behind Beryl, her hands on her neck. She pulled the woman from him and placed her softly on the floor. Beryl peacefully snored.

As his brain screamed: „Mizol trick!“ at him, Brightshield had already slid up onto him. Her arms behind his back, her chest on his.

She was amused and very happy. „How positively devious of you, Captain Jardin. You played along excellently. You gave us the perfect cover.“

„I...what?“ Alex said.

„Don't you remember? You invited me to your cabin in the mess hall to cover this matter of first contact. You said you had thought of something?“

Alex did remember. The matter had completely passed from his mind. The clinicalness with which Brightshield had switched gears was astounding. „She is a Mizol“, said a part of his brain. „You just learned that the other Mizol manipulated your thoughts.“

„Uh,yes, I remembered some things. What did you do to Beryl?“ Right now Alex didn't care about anything that happened 400 years ago.

Brightshield assuaged him: „Nevermind about Beryl. She is just sleeping. She will wake up completely fine. What did you think of?“

Alex wanted to get out under Brightshield, but the Loroi was on top of him and had her legs interlocked with his. So he kept playing along.

„I remembered some crackpot theories that went around pre-starflight. About aliens that had visited earth before, buildings that were theorized to have been built by aliens and such things. Maybe you can show me some of the Soia-Liron architecture?“

Brightshield nodded and withdrew from him, seemingly oblivious to his distress. While she got out her data pad, she asked: „What are crackpot theories?“

„Crazy theories“ Alex explained.

„What an imaginative metaphor, Enzin.“

Then she handed him her data pad and laid down besides him so she could see the screen too.Alexwas conscious of her still touching him this way even through both their clothes.

There were a number of pictures on the display. Of houses, halls and buildings. Alex presumed this was Soia architecture. He flipped through the pictures but saw nothing that jumped out at him. No pyramids, no greek collums, no egyptian statues.

„No, this doesn't look like anything we have on earth. I never thought I would say this, but I wish I had paid closer attention to these crazy ramblings.“

Brightshield looked a bit disappointed. „A shame, Soia ruins are quite common on many worlds.“
Alex told her: „I'm not feeling good about you putting Beryl to sleep like that.“

Apologizing Brightshield answered: „I'm sorry about that. You have me here primarily in my function as Mizol. The matter of first contact is top secret, so I had to take firm measures. I assure you that Tozet Beryl will wake up unharmed.“

„So this was all just to talk to me in secrecy?“

„Of course not, Enzin. I meant every word of what I told you – about our flight from Gora and otherwise.“ She looked deeply into Alex eyes. „A shame that Beryl visited you for the third night in a row.“

Alex had to ignore the sparkle in her blue eyes. „Yes, that surprisingly changed the mood.“

„Are we still friends, Enzin?“ came Brightshields worried reply.

He had to take a breath and consider, but finally Alex decided. „Yes, I suppose so. I believe you really didn't mean any harm.“

„I'm happy to hear that.“ She tightly hugged him. Then: „I didn't know you could lower your Lotai.“

The remark hit him like a whip, so unexpected was it. „I didn't know either and it took time and training. It was more a surprise discovery than anything else. How do you...“

„Know? Enzin, I'm not blind. You and Beryl clearly had a discussion over Sanzai when you entered. Who else knows?“

„Fireblade and Tempo.“

She froze at that. „Enzin, I hope you know what you are doing. I am your friend and consider that in my duties. Please be careful.“

Alex gave the Mizol an incredulous look. „I consider Tempo a friend too. She has done me a few big favours already. But thank you for the warning nonetheless.“

„I'm happy to hear that. It's reassuring. You'll be fine.“ Then she leaned over and gave his cheek a kiss. „Good luck tomorrow on your first day.“

After she was gone, Alex remained on his bed. The past few minutes had been sobering. He hoped most of the details of his mission would be kept out of the history books.

A soft snore from the floor reminded him of Beryl. He had no idea how to explain any of this to her. Considering the trouble his lowered inhibitions had brought him, a stern talk with Tempo was also in order.

He carefully lifted Beryl back into bed. Then he placed his blanket over them both and put an arm around her. On the plus side, he'd be getting a full night of sleep thanks to Brightshield.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

Posted here: http://www.well-of-souls.com/forums/vie ... 324#p31324

He didn't expect explaining to Beryl what happened to be easy but he also didn't expect her to snap the way she did the instant he begun doing so.

"The damn Mizol put me to sleep so she could mate with you alone?" Beryl sent angrily.

"No she just wanted to brief me about something important."

"And she couldn't just say so instead of barging into your cabin and wait for you on your bed unannounced? Beryl replied, her anger flaring even further.

"She also entertained the possibility of mating with me afterwards.

"Then why did she put me to sleep if she wanted to mate as well?

"Because what she wanted to brief me about is classified and she thought it best that you wouldn't be made aware of it. He tried to explain while keeping the thoughts of the discussion he had with Brightshield hidden, Beryl shifted her anger to him as she realized that.

"I am a Listel Tozet assigned to the 51st Strike Group, I have intelligence stored in my mind that a Losat can't even dream to get proper clearance for and you are hiding it from me?" Beryl exploded at him.

"I am sorry Beryl but I promised I would keep the information to myself after she divulged it to me in good faith. The only other who may know of this aboard this ship is Tempo and I have yet to talk with her about this. He explained as best as he could before sensing her anger subside slightly to be overtaken by an overwhelming sense of curiosity.

"I will to talk with Tempo about this and if she doesn't know I will make Brightshield tell me everything." Beryl sent as she stood up and went for the cabin's console.

"Beryl wait..."

"I will also have her remove whatever she put in your mind. It has caused enough trouble for us already! Beryl snapped back at him as she typed something in the console, her anger about Brightshield putting her to sleep overriding the decision they had come to earlier.

"What is it Enzin?... Beryl?" He heard Tempo's voice after she picked the call.

"Yes, You must come to Enzin's cabin; all three of us have something important to discuss!" Beryl said angrily before cutting off the connection. Alex heard the console blip a couple of times but Beryl typed something to it before it stopped.

"Tempo will be here in a few solons." Beryl sent after a couple of minutes of silence.

"Beryl..." Alex tried to calm her down but she was having none of it.

"No, I am a Listel Tozet, the only Listels with higher security clearances than me are the archivists and the senior archivists of my Caste and they are aware of intelligence that is beyond anything a Losat can dream of!" Beryl ranted.

"Wait a moment, are you angry at Brightshield just because she is aware of classified material that you aren't?" Alex asked.

"Yes and because she is taking advantage of whatever Tempo put to your head! I wouldn't be surprised if the two Mizol actually conspired about this! Beryl ranted again.

"You females are going to be the death of me for sure." Alex commented dryly and checked at the time with his datapad, he still had about an hour of free time left before the scheduled morning drills with Razorthorn would begin.

"Your drills are with Ragan Razorthorn? This was her cabin in case you didn't know about it." Beryl sent as he thought of that.

"Damn, so that's why she still hates me..."

"That's the way she is with everyone, her spoken name is a very apt descriptor for her. The rest of the crew often joked that Fireblade would probably calm down if she mated but Razorthorn wouldn't." For some reason he couldn't help but chuckle at that before the door opened to let an obviously annoyed Tempo inside.

"What is it so important for us three to speak about Tozet Beryl?" Tempo asked vocally.

"I want to be briefed about the classified materials that Enzin and Losat Brightshield have been talking about." Beryl replied.

"Did you inform someone unauthorized about classified intelligence Enzin?" Tempo asked angrily.

"I didn't explain anything to her, I just told her that it was classified and couldn't tell her anything." Alex replied defensively.

"I am a Listel Tozet of the 51st Strike Group, I want to know what is so important that Losat Brightshield, you and Enzin know about while I don't!" Beryl cut in with her usual stubbornness.

"The issue is technically beyond both of our classifications Tozet Beryl, Losat Brightshield fulfilled the criteria of learning about it by mere coincidence and has informed both me and Enzin out of professional courtesy and there is currently no reason to involve a Listel of any classification clearance on the matter." Tempo replied sternly enough to make Beryl relent. "I would appreciate that neither of you discuss this issue any further, even passing the knowledge of the issue existing at the first place is a breach of confidentiality."

"I understand." Alex replied while sensing how angry Beryl was with everything even before she spoke.

"We also have to talk about whatever you implanted in his mind during his training with you." Beryl said.

"That's is a personal matter between me and him Tozet Beryl." Tempo replied, letting a tinge of anger show in her voice.

"It is not personal if it is affecting his behavior towards us." Beryl pointed out, catching Tempo by surprise.

"Enzin, do you honestly believe that I implanted something in your mind that would in any way affect your behavior?" Tempo asked him in turn.

"I honestly don't know, it has been bothering me ever since I realized that you sent something back to me at Gora Relay." Alex replied and Tempo just sighed before walking up to him and Beryl so they could connect via Sanzai.

"What I sent to Enzin was a personal and intimate message from me to him, I didn't even realize that I had sent it until after I did so but it is not something that would affect his behavior." Tempo explained truthfully but Beryl couldn't just accept it.

"What did you send him Mizol?" Beryl insisted, drawing a mental sigh out of Tempo who just turned her attention to Alex at that.

"Enzin will you allow us to see and analyze what I sent you back then so I may truly convince both of you that it wasn't in any way harmful to you?" Tempo asked and he agreed instantly without thinking.

"The first clue that the message isn't harmful is the fact that his subconscious still trusts me despite me sending it to him but if that isn't enough lets see exactly how his mind handled it." Tempo begun as the two of them each took one of his hands in their own in order to fully connect with him.

"Whatever you did it lowered his inhibitions and his perception of his moral code." Beryl explained accusingly as he sensed both of them peeking into a particular portion of his mind.

"No Listel, this particular thought about the lessening of his inhibitions and the perception of his moral code that you point out isn't a result of mental manipulation but simple mental erosion due to stress and his subconscious mental adoption to his new social environment. It's natural due to the sudden traumatic changes he has gone through in so little time." Tempo explained but Beryl was still not convinced.

"But how about the mental connections that link this to your implanted message?"

"I will show you exactly what I implanted for you to realize your Listel foolishness but first I would like for Enzin to confirm if he thought that my message affected him after he realized it."

"I did think of it that way." Alex confirmed.

"Were you in any way alerted with an instinctual sense of panic at the realization or did you assume that it must have been something I did that must have affected you in this?" Tempo asked him again.

"I assumed that it was something that you did."

"Now Listel, what is the first sign of detecting mental manipulation and suggestions?" Tempo asked.

"The subconscious reacts with a sense of panic when the conscious mind realizes it." Beryl replied automatically.

"His subconscious mind didn't react like this but the conscious mind assumed it was affected and made the mental connections with his stress and mental adoption changes because he couldn't make sense of them otherwise." Tempo explained.

"Can you explain that to me please?" Alex asked. "What do you mean by mental erosion due to stress and mental adoption?"

"Both the mind and body don't like to feel stressful. Mental erosion due to stress is the natural damage the mind suffers when under constant stress without a positive outlet to counter it. Mental adoption is the natural acclimation process of each individual when thrown in a new environment. It's easy to see how this mental erosion has affected you, you are surrounded exclusively by females that you find extremely attractive, you are under near constant stress and you lack a positive social outlet for lack of a better description. This culmination of stress is why you had your mental breakdown the other night." Tempo sent.

"Mental breakdown?" Beryl asked.

"When I told him about Stillstorm's desire to keep him on Tempest his stress triggered a mental breakdown due to a very important memory that was brought to the surface."

"And where was I? Why wasn't I informed?" Beryl asked in agitation.

"You were soundly sleeping in his cabin, I wanted to wake you up so he could recuperate alone but he insisted otherwise. I accepted his wishes because you are a good companion to him." Tempo replied.

"Thanks... so what did you send him."

"Nothing that a male interested in us would object too..." Tempo moved her attention to an other part of his mind and suddenly a really... carnal memory of hers came to him, a promise of blissful relief with her body and really precise... descriptions about what she would do with him the moment he would accept her as his mate.

"That's..." Beryl begun to think with obvious embarrassment.

"A sex letter? Really?" Alex asked while trying to fight back his arousal after his mind went through the entirety of Tempo's message.

"Yes... that's the closest analogy you have to relate with such a private sending." Tempo confirmed.

"That's not something you send to someone you work professionally with! Alex chastised her.

"I didn't send it consciously and I have already regretted sending it after realizing that you are not just an outlet for carnal desires, you are a warrior suffering under the stress of your duties. We have to treat you with the appropriate respect while also accepting your desires on how best to fulfill the needs you have. At first I wanted to mate with you because I thought of you as a male who would make me feel good while I would relieve your bodily wants, I didn't even think that I would also have to relieve your mind from its suffering. Beryl has been doing this even if she hasn't realized it yet and I still hope that I will be able to help you as well before too long." Tempo's mind was filled with an uncharacteristic pleasant warmth as she explained her newfound feelings towards him, she actually reminded him of how Fireblade felt towards him when...

"I see that Fireblade feels the same way as well..." Tempo thought as he subtly pushed the thought of Fireblade away from her perception.

"I appreciate your honest feelings Tempo." Alex sent to her.

"And I am convinced that you didn't do anything harmful to his mind." Beryl relented, with a hint of appreciation towards Tempo for describing her as important to him.

"Although I am surprised that this message of mine hadn't come to you soon after I sent it to you. A male's subconscious should have triggered it instantly. Tempo exclaimed.

"I was thinking of... other things at the time. Alex replied while suppressing the myriad of fantasies he had come up with about every single one of the passengers of Highland 7 while he was essentially under house arrest in the shuttle. Bot Tempo and Beryl must have picked some of it up because both of their minds let out some very embarrassed blushes at that, accompanied by their ears turning into a deeper shade of blue.

"Perhaps me sending this message was unnecessary in trying to steer your desires towards me and perhaps other Loroi." Tempo teased him as she took her hand and broke the mental connection the three of them shared.

"It will be a long day today and Tempest will be jumping into Enedd in the afternoon, get yourselves ready for it." Tempo told them before leaving the cabin.
Last edited by Guest on Mon Jul 16, 2018 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

Even without touching her, Alex could feel the turmoil in Beryl's mind.

'...are we still good...?', he sent softly, switching her mood swiftly to one of remorse, as she turned to him with a doleful look on her face.

'Of course we are... you silly, honorable male', she sent with a mock-chiding tone, 'I was angry that you withheld a piece of knowledge from me, not at you... but Brightshield said that you did so because it was classified information that normally would have been even above her and Tempo's 'pay grade'... that's the term, right?'

Alex chuckled. 'Spot on. Looks like you're good at picking up English colloqialisms', he tried with a subtext of lightheartedness.

'I'm a Listel, after all. It's what we're supposed to do.', she chimed in, with a sense of pride.

'I see. And about the other thing...', Alex trailed off.

'I see now what had happened. And, even if I have to share you with them I'd be elated if I could just keep a bit of you to myself. I promise you, I won't let you go, as long as you'll have me.', she sent with a tinge of conviction, and...

Loroi might have no word for it, and it might even be frowned upon in their culture, but no one could say that they cannot feel love., Alex thought to himself, not really minding if that thought would leak over to her or not.

Beryl seized that moment with closing in on Alex, her lips seeking his, placing soft, sweet kisses.

'Uh... Beryl... We have about less than three thousand solons before my shift starts...?', he sent hestitantly, but was quickly met with the soothing tones of her sanzai.

'Hush now. It might be not enough for a full mating - not for as long as you can go -', she allowed a lewd slant to creep into her thoughts, 'but let us just enjoy the time before you have to leave for duty.'

While Alex worldlessly met her kisses with his with renewed fervor, the more rational part of Beryl's mind made a note that she should talk to the others. Part to compare notes, part to make sure that they won't barge in onto each other... well if they didn't agree to, at least... but that part was quickly drowned out by the sensation of pure bliss that rose up in her.

She meant every word she had sent. She wouldn't mind sharing as it was dictated by everything she grew up with, as long as there is still part of Alex that was just for her.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

Tempo left Alex cabin and made her way to her office. Her shift would start soon, getting a bit of a headstart would be nice. As the fleet would soon jump to Enedd, enemy contact was imminent. Therefore Tempo had to make sure the intel on the enemy was up to speed.

A part of her attention still lingered on Beryls signature and it came as no surprise to see her vanish before her mind just moments after Tempo left the two of them. That was the third night in a row and Beryl showed no sign of stopping. Tempo was worried, she liked the Listel yet even she started to begrudge the woman her time with Enzin. The mood of the crew had to be carefully monitored to gauge how the rest of Tempest thought about this.

She told as much to Cloud, who had just come out of the mess hall as Tempo passed it.
„I also need the report of the Listel from the night shift.. And send me Losat Brightshield please.“

Enzin would not know about Loroi customs. Tempo feared that even if he knew, he wouldn't care in this case. There was little Tempo could do about it for now. An official reprimand for Beryl would harm her own chances with Enzin.

That Enzin was so quick to trust the Loroi turned out to be more of a problem than a boon.
Did he really ask for a Listel to sift through his mind? That such a smart man could miss the implications of an eidetic memory shocked Tempo. Perhabs it was for the best that Enzin had invited Brightshield to his room. Two Mizol contending with Enzin would be good and it was unlikely Enzin would mind.

Sitting at her chair she quickly made a few notes about her thoughts before Brightshield entered.
The woman made a shapely figure in her uniform. Enzins tastes seemed to cover more than just slim Beryl.

„You wanted to see me Parat?“

„Yes, please take a seat, Lozat Brightshield. I have heard that you made progress in the Deinar matter?“

„Not a lot, Parat. Captain Jardin signalled that he had thought of something. Apparently humanity has a history of theories about ancient alien cultures.“

Tempo was intrigued: „They do? Any similarities to what we know of the precursors?“

„No, Parat. The way he described them, these theorists are very low quality sources. He did compare Soia architecture to earth ones, but found no similarities.“

„I will put that both into the file anyway. Did you have trouble maintaining secrecy on this?“

The Lozat perked up: „No, Parat. Captain Jardin played along with a cover and invited me to his room. I waited there then, but Tozet Beryl came too. I was able to pull a Mizol on her and put her to sleep.“

„Good job, Lozat.“ Tempo closed the file and deliberately stowed away the datapad before returning her focus to the Lozat.

„Brightshield, did you two have an encounter afterwards?“

Acknowledging the lack of formality with a soft nod, Brightshield answered: „I would have, but putting Beryl to sleep stopped the mood.“

„What did you think of Beryls behaviour?“

„She didn't take much convincing to share, Tempo.“ As diplomatic as that answer was, the mere fact that some convincing had been needed was understood by both Loroi.

„Your decision to reveal the Deinar matter to Enzin might cost us. Even though Enzin is our best source of intel.“

„How so, Tempo?“

„Are you aware that Enzin asked Beryl to sift his brain for Mizol tricks?“

The woman was obviously surprised to hear that. „He asked a Listel to do that? Did she find anything?“

„Just a little prank we have all played on each other during training, just more private.“

„I see. Does she know about Deinar?“

„Not that I know of. We will have to keep an eye out on Beryls files. As you are in charge of the Deinar matter, you should do it.“

Tempo copied a few passwords on Brightshields datapad. She would now be able to read everything Beryl typed.

„Brightshield, that issue with Enzin and Beryl might make it necessary that we work closely together.“

Tempo had deliberately left it vague what issue she meant. Even so as a trained Mizol, Brightshield had understood her anyway. A smile formed on her face.
„I'm looking forward to working together with you as closely as opportune.“

A nod and a few keystrokes send Enzins timetable and his tracker to Brightshield. If her new alliance meant Enzin would be too busy to spill state secrets to Beryl and if Beryl would find no opening to sink her reputation further, Tempo was willing to risk getting her fingers wet.

Alex had managed to get to Razorthorn solons before the appointed time. The Teidar was in as foul a mood as yesterday. Not deigning to notice his short breath, she had just informed him that today they would work on first aid procedures. Starting with techniques to transport unconscious warriors. The training object, as Razorthorn pointed out, was a doll lying on the floor, in full combat gear.

An hour later he barely had the strength to return Berlys smile as he passed her on the bridge. Tempo was already here as was Stillstorm, who gave him one of her disparaging looks for his low stamina.

Tempo seemed deeply engrossed in her work. Only after he had cleared his throat did she look up surprised.

„Enzin? I hadn't noticed you.“

„Must be that Lotai of mine or you would have sensed me approaching.“

„True. Follow me. I've got a task for you.“

He followed her into her office where she sat him down in front of a stack of data pads.
„This is the current intel we have on enemy movements in the sector. The Commander wants you to familiarise yourself with it all before we jump to Enedd.“

Alex picked up a data pad at random. There was a lot on it. Tempo put a hand on his shoulder, lightly squeezing.

„I would love to stay, Enzin. But there's lots to do. I'll talk to you over dinner after our shifts.“

Shortly after Tempo had left, Cloud appeared and dropped yet another stack of pads on his table. She just smirked and shrugged her shoulders. Turning his attention to the massive pile he had to work through, Alex quickly forgot his sore muscles and the sounds of the ship around him.
From a simple report to troop movements to evaluations of tactical capabilities of possible shell commanders, it was all before him. He was engrossed in the data stream.

Enedd would be a hot jump.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

Alex had spent hours shifting through the various reports until he could finally be able to form a somewhat clear picture about the current situation, he had to make several assumptions as he absorbed everything but he was confident that he didn't miss something egregious as he once more went through the notes he had written on his personal datapad.

Enemy commander of the Leido force uncharacteristically conservative. Doctrinal change? Orders? Other?

One of the first realizations that he made was that the Hierarchy commander of the battle of Leido was uncharacteristically conservative while deploying his forces. In all the reports he managed to read the Umiak had always shown a characteristic aggression in all of their battles no matter the casualties that were sustained in the process. They also rarely withdrew from battles, even if the situation was hopeless; formations could be shattered and individual ships could run away but rarely did one of their fleets actually withdraw from battle after it was joined. This was part of the reason as to why the Hierarchy suffered a disproportionately high amount of casualties throughout the war.

This is what made the Umiak commander of Leido uncharacteristic. All others would have attacked all out from the start and absorb the casualties as they went but they didn't do so on Leido. He had three theories as to why. Either their engagement doctrine changed, they were under orders to conserve forces or there were other unknown parameters involved. Such a radical doctrinal change was unlikely so he ruled that out, he couldn't think of any 'out of the box' reason either which left standing orders as the most likely reason of such an uncharacteristic battle deployment.

This doesn't make sense though, the deep jump at Leido was extremely dangerous and undoubtedly cost them a large portion, maybe even half, of their deep jump contingent if they were ready to risk losing so many ships then they would still be aggressive... Could that actually be it, that they lost far more ships with that stunt than they expected? In such a case and if the plans of their campaign demand a set amount of ships available then yes the enemy commander would be forced to be conservative with their forces since they had already lost far more ships than they expected. If they were using deep jumps to cut off all the various outposts before Leido then we could be looking at monstrous loses due to continuous deep jumping attrition.

He looked the star map from Rallis vector at that.

Yeah, at least one more white dwarf on the way to Leido... This could be it. I am putting the uncharacteristic battle as being the result of standing orders from the overall commander of the offensive.

He moved to the next note he had written down.

Possible enemy objectives: Strategic breakthrough? Decisive Battle? Both? Other? He had originally thought that goal of this offensive was a 'march to the sea' scenario but he wasn't really convinced about that. If it was that then the enemy forces would be far more aggressive in their pursuit of breaking through to Enedd and then at Nezel. He assumed that the Shells hadn't attacked Nezel as fast as they could because of their commander's behavior at Enedd. Taking into account his previous assumption that the enemy was conservative because of previous loses he further assumed that they took too many loses to immediately attack Nezel while also having enough forces to both guard their supply contingent and engage in a decisive battle.

So where is the decisive battle taking place? Sala-128, all of the sector's forces are there, the main contingent of Azimol and the bulk of the reserve fleet from Nezel. The Shells attacked Sala-128 first with six divisions which resulted in a 'Code four' response. The sector's entire fleet should be there right now in order to engage the initial assault. Then an attack by four more divisions at Sala-101, this one commanded by the 'Stray' and having a fleet that leaned heavily in favor of heavy vessels. Last came Leido with a total of 20 divisions in a gatecrusher force, about two of those divisions got lost at the fighting there. 15 divisions from the remaining 18 jumped to Enedd while one more jumped in from Sala-101 after that system was undoubtedly secured. Of the 4 that remained at Leido at least one got destroyed when the Relay exploded and in the ensuing fighting. If this is a decisive battle objective then the Stray would take his three remaining divisions and engage the Loroi at Sala-128 while the forces at Enedd would split up, a large contingent would jump into Sala-128 from Enedd and help envelop the Loroi while cutting off their retreat towards Nezel while the remaining forces will wait in Enedd to cover the supply contingent. After the battle and the bulk of the Loroi fleet is destroyed then the Hierarchy will crush Nezel and the citadels there. With the gates open and no one left to fight the Hierarchy gets a war winning advantage since there is almost nothing beyond Nezel that can put up a fight.

There were a lot of assumptions in this line of thought but that was all he could come up with the intelligence he had available.

This also explains the ambush at Naam now that I think about it, with the Raider groups still active the supply chain from their territory to their penetration forces would be in jeopardy. With the bulk of the raiders out of commission there is no harassment force in place to deny those supplies from the Umiak.

Alex thought and leaned back on his chair to think more about this.

Alright, how to get out of this? If the Loroi fleet gets decimated then it is already over, without the threat of the fleet looming over them the Shells will run amuck in the interior but if they have a fleet to worry about they will remain concentrated. The first priority should be for the fleet to remain a tangible threat. What's after this? Ideally stopping the enemy at Nezel but to do that we need the fleet intact and the Umiak fleet disorganized and bled some more so... Secondary priority should be to force the enemy to waste expendable weaponry and fuel as a priority. Their supply lines are already stretched thin but if we trick them into being wasteful then their combat capacity dwindles exponentially the longer we go at it.

Unable to think of anything more with what he had at his disposal Alex finally begun writing his analysis.

To: Fleet Commander, Torrai Lashret Stillstorm.

From the data available to me it is my assumption that the enemy pursues two primary objectives at this point in time:

First is the destruction of the Tinza Sector fleet at Sala-128 by surrounding the assets that responded to the Code Four alert there. The enemy will attack from Sala-101 and Enedd while simultaneously ensuring that the route to Nezel Fleet base will be cut off.

Second is the destruction of Nezel fleet base which when combined with the destruction of the Tinza Sector fleet assets will mean the full collapse of the Tinza sector and the subsequent collapse of the Union by directly attacking Minzan sector.

Proposed counters to these objectives:

The survival of as many Tinza sector fleet assets should be an absolute priority in order to maintain a fighting force able to at the very least hinder Hierarchy operations until reinforcement from Seren sector arrive.

It is my assumption that the Hierarchy will not attack Nezel fleet base until after the destruction of the main Tinza sector fleet assets. The uncharacteristic conservatism exhibited at the battle of Leido by the enemy commander can only be explained by disproportionate loses due to jump attrition which affected the pre planned order of battle for this offensive operation. However even with the destruction of Nezel fleet base the Tinza sector fleet assets are the only force capable of harassing and containing the enemy forces should they penetrate into Union interior.

Tactical suggestions:

Due to the Hierarchy's stretched supply lines I propose constant harassment of Hierarchy fleet assets with mock attacks in order to expedite the consumption of their expendable weaponry, their fuel reserves and destroy minor fleet assets that cannot be easily replaced so far away from Hierarchy territory (gunboats and medium class vessels).

Captain Jardin
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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

It didn't take long after sending his note. He was about to lie back on his bed and let his thoughts roam when he felt a presence on the other side of the door. Not Beryl, though... but given his Lotai, the list of possible Loroi he'd sense was very short.

"Come in", he prompted audibly.

The door slid open, revealing Tempo, to his mild surprise, in her off-duty bodysuit, but still looking immaculately styled up, not a single strand out of place in her hairdo.

And, more noticeably, carrying a tray with filled plates and cutlery suitable for a dinner for two. Alex blinked.

With Beryl it was just experimenting what kind of food is palatable to me, well, it started out like this. But this looks different. Perhaps sharing food as a specific cultural connotation with Loroi, too?

"You were missed in the mess hall and I know that you haven't eaten for the better part of the cycle, now. And given that we're about to jump in short time, you should have at least something in your stomach?", she trailed off with a question.

"Oh. Right. Guess I was too engrossed in those...", Alex gestured to the pile of datapads.

Tempo frowned slightly. "I commend you for your dedication to the task at hand, but you shouldn't disregard your basic needs."

Why am I thinking that you don't solely refer to my need for sustenance?, Alex thought. Loudly he conceded: "Point. This looks appetizing. What is it?"

Her frown turned into a small, pleased smile. "Perrein tazim mushroom caps. Most think of these as an acquired taste, but Mazil-Toza Pabetpeio is convinced that these might be most palatable to your taste and digestive system."

Oh, right. Winterbloom. She did say she'd try to put up a dietary plan for me., Alex remembered, And since Tempo put much thought into this, even asking her, I'd better indulge her.

Tempo's gaze turned positively compelling, until he picked up the cutlery and tried a bite, nodding, then she picked up her knife and fork and started eating alongside him.

"This is good. Truly.", Alex admitted with a tone of surprise between bites, eliciting another pleased smile from Tempo.

Eventually Alex did clean the plate, indeed noticing that his stomach didn't decide to act up, but on noticing that Tempo still didn't make a move to leave he felt the need to ask: "Something tells me that you came here for another reason, too?"

"I did", Tempo admitted, extending her right hand in an askance gesture.

Alex hestitated. That 'prank' she played on him was in poor taste, and he was a bit wary about giving her the chance to pull that one over him again, but her thoughts did show genuine regret. Deciding to give her the benefit of doubt, he reached out to meet her right hand with his left one.

Thoughts about that dinner they just had filtered in from her, and yes, it seemed that it had been very important to her for him to accept her invitation to eat together. Why though, that matter seemed to be too complex and mired with taboos for her stray thoughts to convey.

Alex felt Tempo ordering her thoughts into a coherent sending.

'Torrai Lashret Dellasoni was a bit ... surprised and felt let down that your recommendation was that ... ordinary. Tactically sound, but nothing really groundbreaking. I don't know what she expected - perhaps another miracle stunt like you pulled with the Relay.'

'The reports I have here are extensive, I give it that, but these are military reports - troop composition, movements, modes of engagement, preferred tactics of select Shell commanders and divisions, that sort of thing. Sometimes it is the things not to be found in such reports which could make the most devastating difference.'

'What do you mean?', Tempo was intrigued.

'I've read about a specific engagement we fought on our world about 2100 years ago - wars were fought with large infantry troops on one side, armed with swords, short javelins and shields, and a horde of barbarians on the other side, fur-clad, with wooden shields and short swords. What said barbarians lacked in number they made up with ferocity, giving the larger, better-equipped Roman troops pause.'

'I see. Go on.', Tempo was puzzled. Where was he going to with that?

'This short javelin was of a specific make. A diamond-shaped head, suitable to pierce armor, on a slender metal shaft connecting it to a wooden handle, ready to be thrust or thrown. Now, said barbarians usually fought side by side, their shields extended forward and overlapping each other. That gave one of the Roman field marshalls the idea and instructed the smith to make the head out of hard iron, but the metal shaft out of soft iron. The result: When thrown, the head embedded itself into the shields, often enough the parts of two shields that overlapped, but the weight and momentum of the wooden shaft pulling the whole thing down, bending the soft metal part and affixing the shields together. Bereft of free movements, the barbarians had to drop the shields and to fight with bare upper chest, since they did wear very little.'

Tempo blinked. Now, that was unexpected. 'Ahhh... I get it. The field marshall turned their greatest strength into the biggest weakness just by changing one thing in their own setup.'

'If you ever get to read 'De Bello Gallico' I could show you that part.'

'I admit I'm intrigued.', Tempo demurred.

'I've got another example, out of a different story, a fictional one, this time. Say... the Umiak aren't by chance a low-gravity species?'

'Actually yes, they are. Please continue', Tempo sent with barely concealed interest.

'Said story had us be beset by an insectoid species which were incidentally accustomed to low to zero gravity. And, equally incidentally, their means of spaceship propulsion - fictional, mind you - was based on gravity waves. With the slight flaw that a direct hit on the engine would emit a large gravity wave, crushing the insectoids to pulp.'

'I see what you mean... Biological and societal peculiarities don't show up in troop reports, but they could be as equally important when trying to mount a defense or exploiting specific weaknesses. I commend you - that line of thinking would make for a good Mizol. Perhaps Beryl might dig up something like this you can use. And you say this was a fictional story? This sounds ... outlandish, but this is definitely a thought to keep in mind.'

Tempo noticed the shift in his thoughts after she sent that.

'I'm sure you had your hand in it with placing her and me on opposite shifts?'

As a first reaction, Tempo tried to hide her thoughts, but then sighed. 'Yes... we did. I have told you that having exclusive rights on a male would be something only Stillstorm might get away with it, but definitely not Beryl. Even her visiting you a second time could be regarded as in poor taste, but three times in a row was showing a worrisome trend. Not just because of her and your reputation, but her own mental health as well. The fixation she developed on you is .... distressing to behold.'

'I see....', Alex answered, dejectedly.

'We're not about to separate you permanently. Given her curiosity, that would be a difficult thing to do, and we noticed that her presence had a ... positive effect on you as well. Yet, you did profess interest in other Loroi, too, and we can't have Beryl hogging all your attention, right?', she tried to end with a rather lighthearted tone.

'You should know, even if a human man is pair bonded to his woman, he still continues to think about other women, usually in a sort of 'what-if' manner, not really intending to pursue that thought. So while you may pick up some fantasies about Cloud, or Reed from me I may still not act on them.'

'I see. But let me tell you. Some of us are quite forward, but rest assured that there are very few warriors who would not feel honored if you give them some consideration. I wouldn't even be all too surprised if Stillstorm comes around that way of thinking, too. She keeps calling you 'it', just because she consciously chooses to not to regard you as a male. Were she to start to refer to you as 'he' regularly, that's the moment you should be aware of.'

'Uh... let's think about it when it comes to that, right?', Alex sent, decidedly uncomfortable with the turn of their talk.

'Before it comes to that, there are already several Loroi anxiously waiting for a chance to spend time with you... Unless Stillstorm would pull rank. But let us get into jump positions....'

Before switching topics Alex did pick up Tempo's own interest in him - and, after all, she did pass him a rather raunchy message, including with a picture of herself, as seen in a mirror, completely unclad, reaching up to fix her hair, exposing her trim figure quite nicely....

That was a dirty trick you played, Tempo. You don't even need to resort to such measures; you're very, very attractive in your own regards.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

"Tempest, at quick for action!" Tenoin Mallas Forest announced 40 solons before the jump as she had her final pre-jump briefing with the wing leaders of the 51st, Lashret Waterblade and Mazeit Hotspring who lead the 24th and 36th Battle Groups she took overall command of at Leido.

"We will enter Enedd in combat formation while expecting immediate enemy contact, we will engage or withdraw depending on the immediate enemy disposition. Our objective is to attempt to link up with elements of the Tinza sector fleet and withdraw to Nezel to mount an effective defense. Any questions?" None of them answered and Stillstorm shut down on her station as the final countdown for the Jump begun

"Tempest, jump in 16 solons!" Forest announced as Stillstorm focused herself on what was about to happen. Enedd was a very common red dwarf star, with a small and shallow gravity well that made deep jumps relatively safer but this also meant that the distances between the various jump points was only marginally longer than Leido's with everything that meant in regards to travel times. They had to deep jump into Enedd to avoid going through the defensive gauntlet that the Shells would put up at the optimal jump vector but the Shell forces that jumped into Enedd were more than enough to properly cover the inbound vector should they so wish.

"Jump in 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Jumping!" The moment of the jump came and went, the twin lurches of entering and leaving hyperspace were clearly felt but Tempest had gone through the jump flawlessly as she immediately checked her fleet's status report.

No jump loses... The relief she felt was palatable right before her attention shifted to her tactical display and the division sized formation that was 5 light solons away from them.

"Alert, Fleet! Division sized enemy formation heading towards... Nezel vector. Range five light solons. Immediate execute: Turn, accelerate and engage!" Stillstorm ordered as soon as she realized it and as one the fleet turned like a flock of birds to ravage the hapless Shell formation who's initial vector had positioned them in the most disadvantageous position imaginable, showing the rear of the formation to the enemy.

"Luck is with you Stillstorm, lets make the best of it." Waterblade reported with a smirk, not showing any further sign of dissatisfaction for being under her command for the time being. She actually had to thank Tempo for intervening in the dispute they had about overall command in Leido; the Mizol had put her admiralty backed authority to good use for once and made sure that the most experienced commander would remain in charge of the combined division sized task force for the duration of the emergency or until relieved of command by a Soshret or by Tazites Duskcrown, the Tinza sector fleet commander.

The situation was indeed fortunate, the Shell formation was at cruising speed heading for Nezel while her fleet had maintained their jump velocity and could count on their acceleration to catch up and annihilate the Shells in quick order. They saw the Shells react 20 solons later, 10 solons more than she expected; the division commander undoubtedly being caught by complete surprise. The empty husk actually pivoted their formation and prepared to engage them instead of splitting their formation and try to stall her fleet's advance with their torpedoes and gunboats; that way they would probably save at least half of their force, the Stray had done that a couple of times when in an extremely unfavorable position but the fool in charge elected to fight both against her fleet and momentum.

"Attention, Fleet. Come within optimal Pulse Cannon range and maintain the distance relative to the enemy formation." Stillstorm ordered.

It may have stronger shields, armor, torpedoes and gunboats but I have better range, accuracy and mobility; it was over the moment they pivoted. Stillstorm thought.

"Alert, Fleet. Enemy is breaking. Enemy is launching torpedoes and gunboats." Torrai Torret Arclight reported.

"Attention, Fleet. Cease acceleration and cut velocity using retro thrusters." Stillstorm ordered as she pictured the next moves of the engagement. The 24th Battlegroup under Waterblade had the center of the formation, the 36th under hotspring had the right and her 51st had the left. The van squadrons of the three groups had already been combined under Arclight and now offered the combined defensive firepower of 9 light cruisers and 14 destroyers which should have no problem in screening the main formations from the torpedo volley of a single division. The core of her fleet's firepower were the 6 surviving battleships out of the 8 she got in the battle of Leido, 3 Greatswords and 3 Halberd class ships, she would have preferred if all of them were of the new Greatsword class with its Pulse Cannons and Superheavy blasters but she had to fight with what she had available while the torpedoes and numerous heavy blasters of the Halberd weren't exactly unwelcome.

Ten heavies, plus 40 mediums in their quincux formations plus 36 more mediums as screens... Where will they try to close in to attack?

Stillstorm thought as the solons from contact slowly passed.

Should I cut loose the interceptors? I got 64 of them and with the main Shell contingent trying to slow their momentum they shouldn't come near the mediums and the heavies.

"Attention, Fleet. Interceptors are to detach and engage the approaching torpedoes and gunboats, stay clear of Van's firing lines." Stillstorm ordered and the squadrons of interceptors darted ahead to cut down the numbers of the rapidly approaching gunboats and torpedoes, meeting them halfway between the two formations. The light interceptors were in their best element there, free to shoot down the torpedoes with their laser autocannons while using their short range AMM missile to pulverize the gunboats who couldn't hope to shoot them down with their short range plasma foci. Normally the main enemy contingent would be too close for this to work since the light interceptors could not hope to engage the light mediums screening the shell fleets, and sometimes even escorted the gunboats in their assaults, without suffering massive loses to the gimlet AMM point defense missiles they carried.

The interceptors made short work of the gunboats and most of the incoming mass of torpedoes and darted away from the incoming Shell division before they would come in range.

"Open fire!" Stillstorm ordered as the Shell division came within one light solon of distance, her entire fleet firing its Pulse Cannons and Superheavy blasters in unison, scoring numerous hits to the Shell ships that were still in their breaking maneuver while the Loroi fleet effectively kept the distance stable for several solons with the use of their retro thrusters. It didn't take long for several medium class ships to be destroyed with many more damaged while the electromagnetic screens of the heavies were already at their limit when the Shells managed to shed enough momentum to finally begin closing the distance.

"Alert, Fleet. The main body of the 51st will break formation and shear the enemy from their left. Van contigent, cover the 24th and the 36th." Stillstorm ordered as she entered the maneuvering orders that would take the 51st in a leftward parabolic source that would give them ideal firing lanes as the Shells would pass by them and hopefully put her formation in the ideal position for pursuing the enemy.

"Alert, 51. The enemy is altering course to intercept your formation!" Arclight reported.

So the Shells planed to hit me... Stillstorm thought as she came up with a counter maneuver for the now rapidly approaching but battered Shell division.

"Attention, 51. New maneuvering orders." Stillstorm ordered as she entered the new maneuvering solution that would put her formation at the edge of the Shell firing lanes as the 51st accelerated to pass by them but if the Shells kept at trying to catch her then the 24th and the 36th would get ideal firing lanes to ravage them.

The Shells maintained their course in their attempt to hit Stillstorm's formation and the 51st was within plasma focus range from half of the Shell division for 43 gut wrenching solons. She felt Tempest shudder from two hits while Tsunami and Sirocco reported hits via the 51st's command network. The Shell's however paid dearly for these handful of hits as they offered their sides and rear to the combined firepower of two battle groups and their battleships. Three of their heavies simply disintegrated from a single volley from the Superheavy blasters of the Greatsword battleships while 3 more were crippled by the combined firepower of the rest of the fleet.

"Alert, Fleet. The 24th and the 36th request permission to break formation in general pursuit." Waterblade requested.

"Permission granted." Stillstorm replied. "Attention, 51. Maintain formation and keep accelerating away from the enemy. Sirroco and Tsunami, report status."

"This is Tsunami." Moonglow begun her report. "Minimal damage, port side medium blaster turret temporary inoperable due to power conduit damage, estimated time of repairs 12.000 solons."

"This is Sirocco, minor armor damage. Ship fully combat capable." Sirocco's captain reported in turn.

That was close... Stillstorm thought as she checked Tempest status reports for damage, the screens took the brunt of two hits but they held, what really bothered her was the fact that most of the shots were aimed at Tempest even when other ships offered better shots to the Shells. They were aiming for me from the start. She thought as her console reported an incoming call from... the alien. She was about to deny the call before reprimanding it for bothering her in the midst of battle before realizing it that the battle was already finished now that the two battlegroups were running down the devastated Shell division.

"Congratulations are in order for your victory Commander. I found it odd that the Shell commander chose to fight under such a disadvantageous position but it seems like they sought to knock out the enemy commander." The alien begun.

"I noticed this." Stillstorm replied dryly as her anger begun to flare up against the alien for its belief that she hadn't noticed that simple fact.

"Of course Commander. What I wanted to talk with you about is the enemy disposition in the system that I and Parat Tempo have been analyzing since we jumped in system." The alien begun as a holographic map of Enedd popped up next to his window. "As you can see there were 11 enemy divisions in the system when we jumped, 10 now with your victory. We have identified the five divisions of the supply contingent to be here, near the jump point of Leido with one more division acting as close in defense while being resupplied. Then there one division guarding the Azimol's vector, one more guarding Nezel's plus two more guarding the jump point towards Sala-128. A total of eleven divisions which would leave four unaccounted before we realized that the division we engaged here was actually among the ones that were left as rear guard on Leido as the ships matched the profiles of our records from the battle there. Furthermore, the division screening the supply contingent has been positively identified as the one that had jumped in from Sala-101 while one of the two divisions guarding Sala-128 is the last remaining division from the rear guard of Leido. This leaves seven divisions unaccounted for from the force that jumped into Enedd. It is my assumption that these seven divisions jumped to Sala-128 to destroy the Tinza sector fleet currently engaged there." Stillstorm nodded as she took all this in.

"What if they jumped at Nezel?"

"Highly unlikely, there shouldn't be enough fleet assets at Nezel to be able to both defend against a fleet of seven divisions and simultaneously launch a counter attack at Enedd yet the Shells invested one of their divisions to guard Nezel's jump point while dispatching a second one after it was fully resupplied. If they were attacking Nezel there would be no need for a defensive force of any size at its jump point while the supply contingent would be positioned closer to the jump point there in order to support the offensive instead of remaining near Leido. The two divisions guarding Sala-128 indicate that they are expecting an attack from that direction, probably in case the Loroi fleet manages to make a break for the jump point towards Enedd in the mad hope that the route to Nezel would be viable. Such a move coincides with the strengthening of the guard at Nezel's jump point just in case the Tinza sector fleet either deep jumped or managed to break through the gauntlet at the jump point here." The alien explained.

"I can't find fault with this analysis."

"Thank you commander, my tactical suggestion for the time being is to attempt to lure the defenders of the jump point towards Sala-128 away from their position in order to jump a contingent of our fleet there to both reinforce and rally any surviving Tinza sector fleet assets towards the now viable route to Nezel via Enedd." The alien concluded.

"Do you have any suggestions on how to do that?"

"I suggest we feint an attack at the resupply contingent, although heavily guarded it is a primary asset of the enemy fleet. The enemy is bound to divert assets away from guarding the jump points to Azimol and Sala-128 if they think that their lone supply life line is in any kind of danger." Stillstorm felt somewhat let down from such a straightforward stratagem coming from the alien.

"This is not exactly ground breaking tactical advice."

"It's what comes after we manage to message the fleet at Sala-128 that is the really tricky part commander." The alien said after some thought.

"What does it mean?"

"The enemy here on Enedd has to be out of position and with exhausted expendable munitions when the fleet in Sala-128 makes its breakthrough. There is only one priority target capable of diverting their attention from their standing orders, provided of course that said target manages to further infuriate the enemy commander here." The alien said with a crooked smile.

"It does realize that it will remain aboard Tempest for the duration of the battle right?"

"I never imagined otherwise commander." The alien replied.

"Is there anything else?"

"Nothing at the time being commander." The alien replied and Stillstorm closed the channel at that and rubbed her head angrily as she made some mental planning before opening a channel to the entire fleet.

"Attention, Fleet. Stand down crews from battle stations and remain in alert status. I anticipate the next engagement to take place in about 30.000 solons."

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

Tempo sat next to Alex on his bed. The empty dishes long put aside. Both were working over Alex console which showed their prospected jump positions and as a result of their work several scenarios on enemy positions post jump.

Working hand in hand with the Parat proved fruitful, as the woman had full command of nearly all channels of information Alex could wish for. Whatever eventually he thought of, Tempo provided him quickly with all the data on it they had, while keeping up and giving her own insights.
He wondered what Gaul would have looked like if Caesar had his own Mizols.

A loud beep cut through their thougts. It sounded like a discreet firealarm. Puzzled Alex looked to Tempo.

„That's the alarm, we're jumping.“

In one smooth motion Tempo pressed him down on his bed and leaned across him pushing something on the wall.

„Is this the right time, Tempo?“ Alex said amused.

„All hands on station was given, Enzin.“ Tempo answered smiling with her hands over him. Then she pulled a belt out of the wall and across both of them. A soft click later and Tempo grabbed his hand.

„Have you ever deep jumped before?“

Alex wanted to answer no, but the disorienting force of the jump stopped him. As he felt nausea rise, his training kicked in and he started the breathing techniques they had learned. Even though he had been forewarned this time, the jump took him hard.

It took a moment for the blackness behind his eyes to clear. Guiltily he became aware of Tempos worried expression next to him. Right, she had held his hand during all of that.

„So that's what jump sickness feels like.“

„That was a bad one. Do the Loroi not feel jump sick?“

„No, Soia-Liron species don't feel any jump sickness. Let me help you.“ Tempo put her other hand softly on his forehead. The Lorois touch felt refreshingly cool. Alex felt her soft touch on his mind as well and a wave of calmness overcame him. Soon his stomach quieted.

„Wow, whatever you did, it worked.“

„A little trick fooling your body into believing everything is fine. To help you overcome it quicker.“

Alex felt grateful, but also wondered just how far Tempo could fool his body.

„Thank you, it really helped. Uh, was that a Mizol trick?“

Picking up on his worries via Sanzai Tempo answered: „Yes, it's a Mizol technique. But I did nothing more. My word of honor, Enzin.“

His relief turned around as Alex remembered that this phrase wasn't a Loroi one. Tempo managed to hold her pristine impression of herself for a long moment before she broke out in laughter both in Sanzai and audibly.

„Moio sagit, Enzin.“ she said as she unplugged the belt and stoved it away. „Let's get back to work.

The next minutes were spent watching the battle unfold. Tempo had used her security access on his console and so they received nearly all the intel in real time. Alex had once again admit repsect as he watched Stillstorm command the battle. His interest was piqued as he saw her deploy the interceptors in an aggressive manner.

„I thought Loroi interceptors are for point defense?“

Tempo explained: „Because of the losses they otherwise suffer, but they can still be a potent attacking force in the right circumstances. In the last war fighters have been our main offensive weapon.“

The rest of the battle unfolded very favourably for the Loroi. Alex was pleased to see a multitude of Umiak ships be destroyed. This deep jump had been fully succesful. As precise enemy positions came in, Alex formulated a message to Stillstorm. Some possibilities had opened and she did hire him as advisor.

After his call Tempo had already moved to lean agaisnt the wall. Her ears perked up for a bit and then she informed Alex: „That was the stand down order. We have 30.000 solon until the next engagement.“

In system travel time meant that engagements could usually be seen coming hours away, Alex knew. That made surprise difficult, but made it possible for the crew to relax in relative safety during the downtime.

„Come, Enzin. Now that you're in active combat, you need a proper uniform. I'll take you to the Gallen Lopeiladi on my way to the bridge.“

The Lopeiladi was called Hailcatcher and refreshingly professional as she took his measurements. Her white hair was an interesting contrast to her dark blue skin. Alex had the impression that he had seen her before, but he couldn't remember. Then again he had passed a lot of Loroi on the corridors in the last days.

She had already prepared a few pictures for Alex. The Loroi didn't salvage any uniforms, but they picked up the remains of some of his crewmates. Alex did his best to ignore that fact as he explained the Loroi how human uniforms looked like whole.

A bit of work from Hailcatcher and they had worked out a basic pattern. Using the colours on his orange jumpsuit as a baseline, Alex had worked around Loroi cast colours and settled on dark blue as a base and orange as a secondary colour. Beige was left for the highlights. He also left her the badge from his jumpsuit, so she could copy it onto his new uniform.

Hailcatcher assured him that his new uniform would soon be ready and delivered to his cabin in dublicate. As he turned to leave, she mentioned to him winking that after a battle many Loroi liked to take baths. With a slight blush Alex remembered the baths, Brightshield and what she had showed him.

The corridors of Tempest were abuzz with Loroi. The success in the recent battle had done much to lift spirits. Alex heard laughter around him as he walked along. It was a shame that Beryl was still on duty or he would have shared his own good mood with her.

A voice called out to him.


He turned, Talon had called to him. She sat in a group of four Loroi. One of which was Spiral and the other two he did not recognize. They all wore Tenoin uniforms, a bottle and glasses in front of them. Their hair unkempt and wild.

„Enzin, come here. We're celebrating our last sortie.“ said Talon indicating an empty chair at their table.

„I watched that. The one where you attacked?“ said Alex as he took the offered seat.

„Yes, it felt good to finally do that to the shells.“
„With zero losses as well.“ expanded Spiral, obviously content with that. She also poured him a glass of whatever they were drinking.

„Glad to hear it.“

Talon continued: „These are Tenoin Narrat Westwind and Sandraker. The newest additions to our wing.“ Both of the indicated Loroi had short hair, one brown, the other a bright orange. Each one watching him intently. By now Alex had become used to that and these two would get over his unfamiliarity.

„Nice to meet you. I'm Ensign Jardin.“ Alex took the offered glass and sniffed it. „What is this?“

„Something to wash down the taste of the liquid breathing medium.“ said Talon. „Try it, it's good.“

Alex did. At first he was careful, since Loroi food was still a minefield to him. As promised it did taste good, like wine but with something exotic he couldn't place. It left a pleasant prickling in his mouth.

As he sat and listened to the pilots talking about their exploits, one glass quickly turned into two, then three, helping along the mood even further.

Finally Spiral stood up and stretched. „I am still sticky from that breathing liquid. Let's go bath.“

That idea caught on and as Alex also felt sticky from his night, training and shift, he didn't mind being brought along.

Alex didn't even notice the looks the Loroi in the bath gave him as he followed the Tenoin into one of the pools.

The warm water relaxed him perfectly and soon he was drifting with his thoughts. From the corner of his eyes he watched Spiral and the two young Loroi have what looked to be a breath holding competition. The Loroi seemed to be a competitive bunch.

Talons head rose out of the water next to him. „Having a good time, Enzin?“

„Very, I wish human ships had such baths. You Loroi do know how to relax here.“

„We know that everywhere. It is you who spends his time with high ranking officers. You should mingle with the ranks as well.“

Talon was right, Alex supposed. He had almost zero contact with the rest of the crew. He should change that as representative of humanity.

„Now that you mention it, Spiral and you always seemed less formal, more natural than Tempo, Beryl and Fireblade.“

„High ranks, high opinions of themselfes, Enzin.“ Talon bumped into him while floating.

„Do you remember the last time we talked? Before Stillstorm barged in?“

„Sure I do, Talon. You surprised me. Don't you Loroi ever knock?“

„Knock? We have Sanzai for that. You seemed happy to see me anyway.“

„True.“ Remembering Tempos reaction to Talons arrival he continued. „I hope you didn't get punished for that by Tempo.“

She made a dismissive wave with her hand. „A stern talking to. High opinions...the usual. And it's not like Tempo could do much afterwards as Stillstorm has given me approval for an enocunter.“

Sober, Alex might have reacted differently, but today he said: „That political move of hers helped you too then.“

„That depends on you, Enzin.“

Alex turned to Talon who now was very close.

„We still have some time. Enzin, I want to call in that encounter now.“

Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the hot water, but as Talon touched him, he could feel her anxiety and anticipation battling.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

Alex watched the play of emotions on Talon's face, but shortly after the moment he was leaning towards agreeing, she quickly settled on a look of determination, accompanied with a wordless, fierce feeling of seeing things through.

That was his only warning before Talon's lips crashed into his, she pulling her own floating body on to his.

"Uh... right here...?", Alex managed to gasp out once the separated again to catch their breaths.

"Does it matter...?", she breathed out huskily, "Every Loroi near us would know what we're up to, thanks to sanzai...."

Good point, the part of his mind that tried to keep a grip on his sanity butted in, there really seems to be no privacy for Loroi living close quarters..., his thoughts trailed off, that part of his mind quickly drowned out by his raging hormones, the sensation of her skin on his, slightly tingling, and whatever intoxicant he imbibed. Alcohol? Maybe. Something completely different? Possible.

Rational thoughts were quickly torn to pieces. Should he feel guilty about going behind Beryl's back? His human side said yes. But Tempo did advise him, almost urged him to look for other Loroi, too.

And if the grueling training he now endured himself was the reason that he was surrounded by such pleasant sights, he would not complain.

The last thing he noticed before his thoughts were washed away by a sensation of pure pleasure, coming from Talon, were that he was lucky that Spiral and... Westwind? Sandraker? Whatever... were still watching intently, but kept their distance. Because between the four of them, he wasn't sure he'd survive.


Stillstorm hated to admit it, but declaring that alien to be 'free for all', might actually turn out a boon, in retrospect, even if she had never intended something like this.

When the first blurred sanzai made its rounds - a rather vivid picture of parts of its anatomy - she noticed the influence of some intoxicant on whoever sent that one. It must be strong stuff - that picture is seriously wrong. Male parts cannot be that large, Stillstorm scoffed. Trying to pinpoint the sender, she located her to be in the baths. Of course. The hotshot fighter pilots celebrating.

She prided herself on running a tight ship, but even she quickly learned the wisdom of turning a blind eye towards the circulation of recreational substances amongst the rank and file. She had to, because the last commander who ever attempted to crack down on that with searches and seizures was faced with a ship on the brink of mutiny and herself being shunted off on to a Relay in the furthest, most desolate regions of the Union, and now served as an object lesson on the attempt on going too far when enforcing discipline.

As I said to it - I will permit the actions, as long as they don't impair crew performance.

Grudgingly she had to give it to that, if anything, it actually improved crew performance. Most notably with Fireblade who turned from 'mentally troubled, almost unfit for duty' to 'while troublesome, but in a better mental health'.

Only thing to complain would be this stupid smile Tozet Eilis now has on her lips. And now Parat Sedel. And for the latter one, she knew that she didn't mate with it. Yet.

Its suggestions, while being a bit unimaginative, were definitely sound. They made it out of this engagement with minor damages and no casualties which is definitely something to be said, given the extent of The Enemy's forces.

I have no idea what should vex me more about humans. Their Lotai, that a single officer, who seems as wet behind the ears as a warrior just passing her initiation could already give seasoned officers sound tactical advice, or that, if it tried, it could have the whole ship at its beck and call, even more so than any of our own males would be able to, she sighed.

I have given it too little credit. Put its honor and truthfulness into question. Rightly so, because it could have been a shell trick, after all. Yet, it chose to stand by us and not because of base instincts, because it said it was 'the right thing to do'. Captain Alexander Jardin, I grossly underestimated you.

She hoped that the humans as a whole would show as much moral fiber as he displayed, because if they would ever attempt to subjugate the human population, that could turn out to be much more difficult than anticipated, in addition to being a hard sell to the Loroi populace.

Focusing back on the lower decks she noticed that Tenoin Arrir Nesin must have 'gone dark', but three other Loroi did drunkenly confirm that she is indeed having a go at this alien.

Stillstorm frowned at this. Though... they were already inebriated from the very start, and if that additional activity helps to get the intoxicants out their system and return to their posts with a clear mind...


I might need to dress these, Alex thought, a set of four parallel scratches on his right shoulder blade stinging in the water.

Holding Talon's relaxed body in his arms he looked down at her face resting on his shoulder. She did fully expend herself... three times... and just now she started stirring again that very moment.

"Oh... did I hurt you?" She asked with a concerned look, but then she blinked, straightened herself and looked Alex right in his eyes.

'You... you didn't say that out loud, did you?', she sent, hestitantly and with a sensation of wonder.

Alex nodded slightly. 'I didn't', he admitted after a pause.

Talon's eyes went wide. 'HOW? When? Why? Who knows?' came her rapid-fire questions.

'Easy there... It's new for me, too. I noticed something on our way to the Relay, when Beryl started her 'experiment'. But it was not her I sensed, rather it was Fireblade. But, it was a slow going. As to the how and why... We think that my Lotai is a truly subconscious thing, and it lowers itself towards those Loroi I know and trust. And even extend itself around those I feel the need to protect.'

'You said we.' She prompted.

'Beryl, Tempo and Fireblade, I can send to. To Beryl, even without touching. Losat Brightshield found out, too. I think I might send to her, but we never tried.'

'And why me too, all of a sudden?', she asked, but it quickly dawned on her when Alex replayed bits of what happened since they entered the baths to her. 'Oh...'

'This is big', she concluded. 'Perhaps you should inform Stillstorm about these things with your Lotai before she figures it out herself', Talon sent with a worried note.

'Both Tempo and Brightshield told me to be careful about it....'

'Those two are Mizol, operating on a need-to-know base is what they do. But perhaps you're right and you should talk to them before you decide to broach the subject to Stillstorm or not'

'Geez, that'd be something to look forward to....', he sent, with a subtext denoting it as sarcasm.

'Especially if it turns out that a mating encounter could be a fast-track to open access to your mind. In that case, Stillstorm may practically pull rank and demand her turn from you, on the grounds of the security of this ship. Though I cannot fathom how that would go since you don't see eye to eye.'

Alex grinned sardonically.

'Let me tell you about the concept of angry sex...'

'Hmmmh', she purred in her sanzai, '...that sounds interesting, but let us just stay here for a moment. I can't believe it, but you wore me out, and your body heat is so relaxing....'

Well, Alex had no problem with having one satisfied sleepy deep blue space elf in his arms, half submerged in the water, even if the scratches on his back continued to sting.


'Is everything alright with you, Tozet Eilis?', came a worried sanzai from her subordinate.

'Alright... yes... now it is. Let me just gather my thoughts....', Beryl quickly answered.

I'm not sure if it is alright that I just picked up everything what they did in the baths. And his and Talon's emotions, even. I even felt him getting his back scratched by her fingernails. And... oh... here it is again....

Beryl shook her head, trying to clear her mind again, sighing. Tempo should do something, and soon. Either continuing his training so that he keeps his sanzai in check... or putting us back on same shifts.


'That was ... educational', Spiral sent with mild aplomb to Westwind and Sandraker.

'I'd never have thought that she could bend herself back that much', Westwind answered with a giggle.

Sandraker chimed in. 'Good that he moved beyond Tozet Eilis. No idea how a male could stay with a single female, it must be boring, right? Say,' she turned to Spiral, 'you were on board of that shuttle, too? Tell us everything!'

'Well, it started with Tozet Eilis actually falling into his lap when Arrir Nesin accelerated too much for the inertial dampers to compensate...'

As Spiral related her tale, Westwind's and Sandraker's gazes switched between her and Alex and Talon, still embracing each other, the latter one having a content smile on her lips. Ideas started to form in their heads.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

It had been some time since he last had a hangover, it had also been some time since the last time he had drunk alcohol too, but this time he was certain that the headache he was having was due to him drinking and not to any other external reason. The insistent buzzing coming from his tablet and the door didn't help with his head either but at least it got him to stand up and open the door, which revealed a seemingly annoyed Tempo the moment he opened it.

"Did I oversleep?" He asked without thinking as Tempo walked inside, barely noticing the small duffel-bag she was carrying.

"No, the next engagement will occur in about 5000 solons but the commander has called for a briefing. Her staff and the fleet's commanding officers are to attend." Tempo replied as he eyed him from top to bottom. "How was your sleep?" Tempo asked after glancing to his now empty bed.

"It was great..."

"I am glad that Arrir Talon didn't over exert you." Tempo replied with an obviously fake smile.

Damn... Talon was right that everyone would know...

"I also heard that she injured you in her intoxicated zeal."

"Injured? No, she didn't hit me." Alex replied in an instant.

"How about the scratches that she did on your shoulder blade. The scratches that she and her friends tried to cover up after they saw them?" Tempo pressed in.

"They are just scratches, they aren't an injury!"

"Her zeal while under the influence hurt a male during an encounter, that's a court martial offense." Tempo replied dryly.


"You got to understand Enzin that our society does not tolerate such recklessness when it results in even a superficial injury to a male." She insisted.

"I can't believe this..." Alex said to himself while rubbing his forehead.

"That's the way things work for us Enzin..." Tempo begun before he grabbed her hand to connect with her via Sanzai.

"And you have to understand that I will not sit idle if Talon comes in any short of trouble for something this petty!"
He sent angrily before noticing that it was all an act from her part.

"I knew that would be the way you saw things Enzin which is why I refused to press charges when several warriors who saw the scratches on your back reported them to me. Take this as a lesson that we Loroi can sometimes be over protective of our males, in the same way I have gleamed that you humans can be over protective of your females."
Tempo sent in turn.

"I am sorry... you had me there..."
He begun to reply before noticing a hint of irritation at the back of her mind. "I guess that Fireblade doubled her winnings in the end..." He teased her and Tempos mind immediately flared up with annoyance.

"But she had already mated... She hadn't?"
Tempo managed to reply flabbergasted.

"No we hadn't..."
Alex replied, realizing his mistake a little too late.

"Then what did you do with her?"

"I would rather not say."
He replied, managing to hide the fact of the training session they had.

"I guess you resolved the personal animosity issues you had with each other then."
Tempo sent and he managed to keep his mind from bringing any thought about his time with Fireblade at the forefront. Tempo eyed him inquisitively for a few moments before pulling her hand away to break the connection.

"Be that as it may, you have to get dressed for the briefing." She told him while giving him the small duffel bag she had brought with her. "Your new bodysuits and armor. I already approved them as not having resemblance with any warrior caste pattern."

"Thanks..." Alex replied as he opened the bag and took everything out, arranging them on his bed as he did so. "Now to put this thing on..." He said out loud as he took one of the tailor made bodysuits. Thankfully the design was nearly identical with standard Loroi bodysuit which he already had some experience with so he didn't have any trouble putting it on. He had expected it to feel tight and restrictive but it actually felt snug and breathing, almost like a second skin, in fact his underwear felt more restrictive than the body suit that covered him from the neck down. Then he looked at the armor pieces and just froze in place. "Can you help me with these?" Tempo just chuckled at that but decided to help him.

"It is customary to begin wearing the chest piece. You open the armor from the side here and here and then wear it now that it is open." She showed him and he immediately followed her instructions, actually surprised with how easy it was to put on. "After putting it on you tighten it at the same spots until it is firmly locked and set. The crotch piece comes next and I see that it has been somewhat enlarged at the front for your use." Tempo continued with a mischievous smile until he was fully set up.

"How do I look?"

"You do look like a warrior now..." Tempo replied approvingly. "I don't understand the meaning of the shape for the three plate pieces that cover your stomach though. I can see the reason for the flat breasts but not these three plates."

"Hailcatcher told me that each caste has different design schemes for esoteric caste reasons, especially for the area covering the stomach. We historically never really had such concepts with our armors, the torso was universally covered from top to bottom on all armors but Hailcatcher told me that a single piece would restrict my casual movements so I remembered the decorations from ancient armors I saw where the design was designed to highlight the ideal male body. The three sets of the abdominal muscles were always highlighted on those so I figured that they would be neat to have." He replied as he remembered the discussion he had with Talon yesterday.

"I see..."

"I wanted to ask you something now that I remembered it."

"Of course."

"Does Stillstorm know about our ability to communicate via sanzai when touching and you disappear from sensing?" She raised her eyebrows in surprise at that.

"Of course she knows, all three of us reported our findings to her as it was required of us." Tempo replied. "She didn't fully accept it at first but she had to acknowledge our findings."

"Ah... I thought that it would remain a closed guarded secret for the time being." Alex replied dejectedly.

"It has remained a closed guarded secret but Stillstorm is our commanding officer and we are bound by regulations to report our findings to her." Tempo replied. "Which reminds me, did you connect with Sanzai with Talon yesterday when you... were together?"


"Damn, I will have to brief her not to divulge this to anyone else as quickly as possible." Tempo replied as she went to his cabin's console.

"Wait, what did you guys say to Stillstorm about me and what you sensed?"

"Nothing personal, we described the practical details of our connections and the fact that you are indeed a telepath beneath the Lotai. This shocked her the most because it has been a long standing dream of ours to meet an other telepathic race, especially among the warriors of the prewar generations. I believe that she actually lamented the fact that our first contact with your race happened amidst such a dark time for our race." Tempo replied and he nodded before realizing that she had omitted some of the truth.

"What else does she know?" He insisted and Tempo sighed before continuing.

"Fireblade was able to confirm that everything you told us about your kind was indeed the truth as you know it, that you pose no threat to us and that you fully believe that we Loroi are the only sensible choice for your kind to ally with in this conflict. It was this report from her that convinced Stillstorm about your honesty and she confided in me that if Fireblade hadn't vouched for you then she wouldn't have even considered the possibility of you remaining aboard Tempest." Tempo replied.

"I... am glad to hear this..." Alex said while thinking about it. "Did Fireblade relay anything else?"

"Not as far as I know. Stillstorm made it clear that Fireblade wouldn't agree to reveal any personal thoughts and memories that you had; she is proud and stubborn like that which is why I thought that you had actually mated with her."

Thanks Fireblade, for keeping both mine and Beryl's dignity intact...
He thought while nodding.

"Do you have any idea why my Lotai accepted Talon as well yesterday?"

"I am certain that you opened up to all three of us because you were stressed and extremely lonely after everything that happened; you are still stressed while you knew that Talon and Spiral were the pilots that rescued you and brought you to Tempest. I was certain that you would have opened to the both of them if you had spent as much time with them as you did with the three of us in the shuttle." Tempo replied after some thinking.

"Makes sense..."

"Although, now that I think about it; Talon did go dark after you two begun mating, it could be related." Tempo replied as she begun typing in his console.

God damn it Alex! He thought at Talon replied with a sleepy looking expression to Tempo's call.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

Tempest's conference room was directly adjacent to the bridge, in fact its secondary exit led to the small balcony which directly oversaw the bridge; an arrangement which made Alex think that maybe the ship's class was designed to be a fleet flagship, meant to carry a fleet admiral and the extensive staff that would be required for strategic planning and coordination, not a front line warship that also served as a flagship like he thought at first. He made a mental thought to inquire about this later as he took in the quite large conference room that Tempo had lead him to.

Stillstorm was sitting at the head of the large table that denoted the middle of the room. Next to her and to the left sat Mallas Rune-Laurel, Tempest's executive officer and Stillstorm's right hand, or left hand for the Loroi, in everything that had to do with the Ship itself. Beryl sat on the seat on Stillstorm's right, she smiled at him as they entered but a quick scornful look from Rune-Laurel made her take a professional demeanor towards him. The only other one physically present in the room was Cerulean, who by the looks of things was promoted to be a Soroin Torret but from her demeanor she was still showing deference to Rune-Laurel who was sitting right next to her.

Five small holographic windows floated in front of Stillstorm, he couldn't exactly make out details from the angle he was looking at but he was fairly certain that all five of the officers depicted on them were of the Torrai caste, the leadership caste Stillstorm belonged to. Alex could swear that they were in the middle of a discussion right before they entered, a discussion that must have came to an abrupt halt right before he and Tempo arrived. All the Loroi looked at him as if they were appraising him, Rune-Laurel couldn't exactly hide her dissatisfaction about him while Stillstorm's expression betrayed nothing as their gaze's met for a passing moment. The only one who seemed pleased to see him, bar Beryl who was momentarily cowed into a sense of professionalism was Cerulean who he hadn't seen for several days already.

Without talking Tempo gestured for him to sit at a chair near the head of the long table, at the side Beryl sat but a seat away. He sat where he was instructed and Tempo sat between him and Beryl who obviously struggled not to look dissatisfied with the arrangement.

"So, won't you show us the 51st's new good luck charm Stillstorm?" An unfamiliar voice was heard and Stillstorm looked at Beryl for a moment before Beryl nodded and inputted a command to the console in front of her. A moment later a pair of holographic windows opened up in front of him. "Yes... the alien male who came up with the deception of Gora Relay. He does look like a warrior." The same voice that spoke earlier came from the window to the left; she was a Torrai Lashret with, dark blue skin, long cyan hair and emerald green eyes. The other window showed a Torrai Mazeit with straight red hair, nearly pale white skin and yellow eyes much like Talon's.

"Captain Jardin allow me to introduce you the commanders of the 24th and 36th Battlegroups: Torrai Lashret Memanol of the 24th whose name means Water blade and Torrai Mazeit Doionimii of the 36th whose name means Hot spring." Tempo announced.

"Pleased to meet you, I am Captain Alexander Jardin, ambassador and military attache of the Terran Colonial Authority to the Loroi Union. I have currently assigned myself as a member of Lashret Stillstorm's command staff for the duration of this emergency." He replied with the most professional looking demeanor he could master, he even caught Stillstorm looking at him approvingly at that.

"It seems like Stillstorm is finally looking to secure a promotion, either that or she wants your luck and masculine wiles all for herself." Lashret Waterblade replied with a mischievous if not borderline malicious grin. "After all she was the first to request and approve for a personal encounter with you." He caught Stillstorm fight back an extremely annoyed look after that jab at her.

"My relationship with Lashret Stillstorm has been strictly professional, certainly strained at times due to personal and cultural differences but always professional. I owe her and her subordinates my life and I have sworn to aid her in all manners I am professionally able to." Waterblade was obviously taken aback at that and was at a loss for words when he finished.

“Now to continue with the briefing…” Stillstorm begun to say but Mazeit Hotspring interjected.

“One moment if you will, Commander. I have been anxious to talk with Captain Jardin about his stratagem at Gora Relay; I have read the reports from the officers who executed it but I haven’t read or heard his own thoughts about how he came up with it and I believe that we have plenty of time before the next engagement so he can lay it out for us.” Stillstorm seemed momentarily annoyed at that but she was certainly overcome by her curiosity in the end, like everyone else in the room.

“An interesting request, if you will be kind Captain Jardin.”

“Of course, Commander.” Alex replied as he gathered his thoughts and recalled the events from Gora Relay.

“It may sound weird, if not cowardly, but my primary objective was for me and everyone aboard Gora Relay to survive. Physics being what they are it was obvious that there was no way for anyone to escape without their shuttles being run down by the Shell fleet after the station was destroyed. Surrender was of course out of the question and simply running away with all the speed the shuttles could manage was impossible. I then tried to picture what the enemy commander wanted and how best their objectives could be fulfilled, simply abandoning the station for them to capture was not a valid solution, even if the station’s crew were able to agree to such a course of action at the first place, the enemy could easily dispatch even a handful of medium vessels to intercept and destroy the fleeing shuttles while steering clear from such an obvious ruse. What needed to happen was to somehow switch the enemy commander’s objective from an offensive to a defensive one by tricking them into believing that Commander Stillstorm would certainly aim to attack something even under the most unfavorable circumstances; Commander Stillstorm’s fleet was after all a primary threat and target for the enemy but she wouldn’t engage them under such impossible conditions.” Alex explained.

“So the bait for the enemy to act as you wanted wasn’t the station itself but the whole fleet?” Lashret Waterblade exclaimed in surprise.

“Of course, in the mind of the enemy commander merely capturing the station intact was a welcome bonus but not critical enough to concentrate the entirety of the force around it and let an easy and possibly valuable target like the shuttles run away. They needed to believe that Commander Stillstorm would take every ship available to her and rush to destroy the station no matter the cost. If they believed that, they would concentrate the entirety of their fleet around the station in order not to defend but to actually batter if not outright destroy the fleet and the commander that had caused them so much trouble.”

“So the whole charade was to convince the Shells that Stillstorm would risk everything in a mad attack to destroy the station?” Waterblade continued.


“You must have realized by now that you had actually convinced everyone on the fleet that everything we saw was real?” Hotspring asked.

“I believed that the Commander herself wouldn’t be fooled into believing that Loroi warriors would break faith even at the direst of circumstances. I understood later that inherent Loroi honesty actually convinced even her in this regard, especially since we took such measures to present the image of a successful mutiny, a defenseless station ready for capture and a plea to the Commander’s honor to atone for the transgressions of her subordinates. Parat Tempo had voiced concerns about this possibility and had even advised on somehow warning Commander Stillstorm about the nature of the trick but I disagreed, the enemy needed to be fully convinced that what they were witnessing was what we wanted them to believe to be real and even the interception of a small unrelated message before or even during our little show could instill doubts about everything putting the operation at risk.” Alex explained.

“The whole plan was extremely risky…” Waterblade begun. “What if the enemy had managed to deactivate the station’s self-destruct sequence or had sent even a single medium vessel to intercept you?”

“It was a calculated risk. The station’s engineers swore that they had put so many hidden redundancies in the self-destruct system that even they wouldn’t be able to deactivate it once triggered and I believed that the enemy commander wouldn’t send anything after us, not only because they wanted the entirety of their force available against the Commander’s assault but also because they knew that the shuttles had no place to run to after that point. No ship to pick us up anywhere nearby and no place to hide; they could take their time in sending a pursuit and perhaps they could even convince the mutineers to actually surrender once all hope was gone.” Alex replied.

“Are all human stratagems rife with such deception?” Hotspring asked.

“One of the oldest human military maxims about the art of war is that all war is deception. To deceive the enemy about your true abilities and intent weakens them and strengthens you; to deduce the enemy’s intent and abilities weakens them and strengthens you; to accomplish both is to ensure victory before the fight has even started. There are many humans who find the concept distasteful in favor of an honest upstanding fight but human history would be vastly different if even half of the warriors who sought to fight and win fairly were actually victorious.” Alex explained before realizing that everyone bar Stillstorm and Tempo was looking at him with an incredulous expression; Tempo seemed to be actually proud while Stillstorm seemed to be satisfied about something.

“That’s an interesting way of approach to warfare Captain Jardin.” Tempo said after a few moments. “But I believe that we have delayed the briefing more than enough already.”

“Indeed.” Stillstorm said as the two windows for Waterblade and Hotspring in front of him closed while a holographic overlay of the tactical map appeared over the table. “I have already discussed this matter with Lashret Waterblade and Mazeit Hotspring, my intent is to punch the 24th and the 36th Battle groups into Sala-128 both to reinforce the Tinza fleet and to inform them that the route back to Nezel is viable. To do this I have set the fleet into an intercept course with the Shell resupply contingent in order to see if the Shells would pull out one or even both of the divisions that guard the Sala-128 jump point in order to protect it. So far the Shell commander has diverted the division guarding the Azimol jump point as well as one of the divisions from Sala-128.” The icons of the seemingly stationary supply contingent and the two divisions that vectored towards it were highlighted at that.

“I intend to avoid fully engaging the lone division screening the Shell supplies by diverting our approach and accelerating away after the enemy launches their torpedoes; instead we will turn towards the division rushing in from Nezel. The unified Van formation will be covering the fleet from torpedoes and gunboats as it maneuvers to avoid them and we will pivot our formation for a single Pulse cannon volley if the main formation of Shells gets within range before we open up the range with our superior acceleration.” The tactical map depicted an accelerated simulation of the engagement as Stillstorm spoke.

“About 6.000 solons later we should be coming in range of the division rushing in from Sala-128. We will break the formation in its three distinct groups and change our vectors about 100 solons before the Shells launch their torpedo barrage. The 24th will aim to go below and to the left of the Shell formation, the 36th will aim for a parabolic course to the right of the Shell division as if aiming to rake the sides and rear of the formation. The 51st will aim to rise above the formation. Our intent is to pass through them without engaging but the Shells will aim their entire division at one of our formations, most probably the 51st as they have done so already to their own detriment. If the Shells aim for the 51st the 24th and the 36th are to engage with long range pulse and blaster fire with minimum alterations to their vectors while the 51st will nullify the torpedoes by having them follow us in a stern chase and shooting them down as they get close. If the Shells seek to engage either the 24th or the 36th then the 51st will close the distance and attempt to break the assault with a close range Blister barrage while the 24th and the 36th support each other and the 51st with pulse and blaster crossfire.” The tactical display stopped at that and immediately altered itself to a new simulation.

“I fully expect that the enemy will aim for the 51st in this pass; in which case the fleet will remain split in squadrons after we pass through them as we all accelerate towards the final division that guards the jump point to Sala-128. This time the 51st will rush ahead and attempt to engage the Shell division in earnest from above their formation’s plane. If they remain stationary or pursue one of the battle groups then all three of our formations are to pummel them with everything we have in the crossfire, if they elect to accelerate towards and engage the 51st then the 24th and the 36th are to enter the jump vector and jump towards Sala-128 immediately.” Stillstorm concluded.

“That’s a lot of assumptions in place commander.” Alex commented. “I know that the Shells have placed your strike group as a priority target and rightfully so but the division guarding the jump point towards Sala-128 will surely be under orders to remain on station and defend the jump point at all costs. Furthermore, they can easily have the two battle groups abort the jump by splitting their formation and have them engage all three groups at the same time while a pursuit force closes in.”

“The Shells may be a lot of things Captain Jardin but they are not fools unable to understand physics, a stationary division against our guns is a destroyed division. We have the speed and the long range firepower advantage and I fully intend to attack said formation from multiple sides at the same time if their commander insists on keeping them stationary and leashed to the jump point. This isn’t like their supposed defense of the Gora Relay where they knew that our objective was to destroy the station and their ships were only secondary targets to that; they were waiting for us and they would move to intercept us the moment we could no longer alter our approach. This time they will know that we fully intend to destroy that formation because it offers an ideal target while slaved to the jump point. Ideally they would split that formation and engage all three of our groups at the same time but I have only ever seen one Shell commander do that and that one was the Stray. The Shells have maintained the division as the standard maneuvering battle formation for the duration of the war, I used to think of this doctrine as foolish because the way they use their divisions is unwieldy and clumsy but it offers unparalleled offensive and defensive capabilities when used correctly. The Shells will move to engage our formations as one, that’s what they have always done to a fault, they won’t sit idly to die in vain; they will attack us relentlessly and they will destroy us if we make a single mistake in our maneuvering solutions.” Stillstorm explained with palatable annoyance.

“I understand that your analysis is one born from experience commander but I have to remind you that we won’t be given a second chance to reinforce Sala-128 once the enemy realizes that this was our objective.” Alex replied.

“If you have any suggestion on how to improve our odds then this is the time to voice it.” Stillstorm replied dryly.

“I cannot really find any feasible way to improve on your chosen course of action commander.” Alex replied while the image of a bullfight came to his head. “Perhaps if we could somehow anger the enemy commander, to enrage them to the point of them making mistakes in their pursuit of destroying this fleet.”

“We have destroyed 4 of their divisions the past few days, if they aren’t angry enough already then nothing will ever anger them.” A familiar voice was heard from one of the five holographic windows in front of Stillstorm. “It’s not like we can make them hear Mazeit Rolori’s constant whining about everything being the result of luck.”

“In the case of Torret Bilolenara everything is the result of extensive cheating.” Another familiar voice replied. “But things have been looking well for all of us ever since Tempest picked up her new lucky charm.”

Stillstorm scowled at the small holographic windows in front of her and as if in queue the two Torrai officers stopped their seemingly friendly banter.

“It is true that Commander Stillstorm has deeply embarrassed the enemy commander both in Leido and in Enedd; Shells being what they are the commander is certainly stressed and angry at her, they are universally humble to a fault but they are extremely proud of the Hierarchy and their Fleets. Perhaps a message from Stillstorm herself bemoaning the inability of the famed Khalkha divisions to put up a fight like the Stray had promised her will further anger the Shells.” Tempo added at that.

“Perhaps such an insult will get across to the Shells.” Stillstorm commented.

“Is there a possibility of the enemy commander actually replying to such a message?” Alex asked.

“No, the Stray sometimes likes to taunt us and trick us by communicating with us but other Shells rarely do so.” Tempo replied.

“Unfortunate, I had noticed a diagram of a ship behind the Stray during his transmission back on Naam; if the Shell commander here in Enedd replied we could perhaps identify what ship they are on, if not from the source of the message then from whatever we could infer from the message itself.” Alex said after some thought.

“Clues like that are what I look for during engagements Captain Jardin, identifying the enemy flagship has always been a priority.” Tempo replied.

“Of course but perhaps they will do a mistake if they get angry, identifying which formation the enemy commander is in would be a boon in and onto itself. They have made Commander Stillstorm and Tempest a priority after all, it would be great if we could return the favor.”

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

„That will be your task then, Captain Jardin.“ Stillstorm cut in. „Work out a message which we will send to the shell commander. Tozet Beryl and Lozat Brightshield will assist you in that.“

Neither Beryl or Tempo were particularly happy about that, Alex saw. Tempo was more taken back, while Beryl looked very upset. Something that Stillstorm ignored.

„Shouldn't I give my expertise on Ikkukhak, Commander?“ a surprised Tempo asked.

„No, I need you to make sure communications and intel of SG51 is pristine before we engage in direct communication., Parat. Beryl and Brightshield have cooperated quite well in the past, I have heard.“

Having said that, Stillstorm adressed the whole room inclusively the three Loroi that were still on call. „Is everything clear?“

After she had received the acknowledgment, Stillstorm unceremoniously stood up and left the room. Leaving behind Beryl, Tempo and Alex.

Tempo made to leave as well: „I better get started. Brightshield will be here soon.“

As soon as her back was turned to them, Beryls head snapped around straight towards Alex. A big, captivating smile spread on her face. The glint in her eyes reminding Alex painfully how long they hadn't seen each other. To Alex great relief, she didn't seem at all angry about Talon.

Alex couldn't find any words and so reached out with his hand for hers. Before their fingers could touch however, a voice tore through his fixation.

„Tozet Beryl, introduce us to this alien already.“

Another voice: „We are very curious to meet it after the chatter it has caused.“

Their staring once more broken up, Beryl returned to her console and punched in a few commands. Three small windows appeared in front of Alex, each window showed a Torrai. He remembered that he had seen these Loroi already in the battle in Naam. These were the sub commanders of SG51, each one had a wing under them Alex knew.
All three mustered him with intense curiosity. Alex recognized the one with blue hair and braids as a Torrai Mazeit. The other two were both Torrets, one with white hair, the other with a wild, pink mane.

The Mazeit spoke first: „Torrai Mazeit Moonglow, left wing.“ Her expression made Alex wonder what she had expected. He couldn't quite decide whether she was disappointed or amused.

The white haired one introduced herself: „Torrai Torret Ashrain, right wing.“ with the most curiosity of the three.

The last woman said with stern professionalism: „Torrai Torret Arclight, van squadron.“

„I am pleased to meet you all, I am Captain Alexander Jardin from the Terran Colonial Authority. I have already read of the impressive service record of SG51 and their Torrets.“ replied Alex cordially.

„It doesn't look like in the videos.“ came Moonglows abrupt judgement.

„From Tozet Beryls face, he looks exactly like in the videos, comrade.“ bickered back Ashrain.

Alex could only hope that they were talking about some official video and not what had circulated from his time on Gora Relay. Luckily, Arclight saved him from finding out with her next question.

„Captain, what has made you choose SG51 instead of a position as ambassador?“

Grateful to pass the awkward moment, Alex launched into an explanation.
„Captains, it is true, my mission is to make diplomatic contact. But it is also to make the best possible impression. Since Loroi are the natural choice for allies compared to the Umiak, helping in whatever small capacity I can in your war effort seemed the prudent choice. To be frank, my talents make me more suited for a tactitian than an ambassador anyway.“

„So we all heard, Captain. You have made the right choice staying with SG51 if you want to prove yourself.“ This time it was Ashrain that answered. He didn't like what her intonation implied of what she had heard of him as an ambassador.

„I am looking forward to work with you all in the future, Captains.“

It was Moonglows turn to speak: „I invite you to a drink on our success in battle the next time we are in port, Captain.“

Ashrain cut in: „If it's success in battle he'll be drinking to, he will have to do that with me.“

„If your luck holds, Black Razor.“

„My luck might not, but my skills will, Tsunami.“

Alex saw a silent understanding pass between the two Torrais. This new bet had squashed his hopes for an official video. The last thing Alex saw as Beryl cut the link was Arclight rolling her eyes in annoyance. Hadn't Beryl told him that Sanzai didn't work between ships? Now everybody in the fleet seemed to know about him being drunk.

Alex decided that these troubles could wait until SG51 actually was in port. He would have to find some way to get out of this representative function of his. Now that they were alone, Beryl was more important.

„Beryl...I've missed you.“ said Alex as he leaned in closer.

„I've missed you too, Enzin.“

„Uh, you aren't angry with me about Talon?“

She looked a bit surprised: „Angry, Enzin? No. You just made me jealous by sending it all directly to me. You tease!“

He had sent direclty to Beryl while busy with Talon? The implication made him halt, his lips inches from hers.His conscience filled with guilt. While he was still thinking of something to say, he heard the door open. A sound that made both of them jerk upright again.

„I see you have already put your head together and started on the most pressing issue.“ Brightshield stood in the doorframe. She wore her uniform this time, but the light flooding in behind her still accentuated her form quite nicely. He was painfully aware of the poisoned stare Beryl gave the other Loroi. For her part Brightshield seemed rather upbeat as she strolled into the room.

„Lozat Brightshield, I am pleased to see you on duty this time.“

„As I am pleased to see you well rested and full of energy, Tozet Beryl.“

With a voice as clear as ice Beryl said: „If there are no diversions, the agreed upon task should be a quick matter, Lozat Brightshield.“

„It is not my intention to take up all of Enzins valuable time, Tozet Beryl. Let us start.“

After this rocky start, the three of them managed to work out a decent message pretty quickly. Brightshield proved to be a veritable expert on Umiak psychology and the examples of communication Beryl pulled out of the archives proved equally invaluable. Still their duel they lead with barbed remarks wore Alex out. As they had finished a message, both Brightshield and Beryl nearly immediately split. With a quick reminder to eat something before the battle started, Beryl excused herself and returned to her usual duties. Alex grapped his data pad and left to find Stillstorm.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by novius »

Alex would never openly admit it, but he was relieved to get away from the two Loroi.

Gods, he fell for Beryl, hard and fast, but if anyone said that Loroi wouldn't feel jealousy would be in for a rude wake up call. Culturally, they might frown on one woman hogging a single man - or one man reserving himself for a single woman, but whoever thinks they'd take polygyny in stride if they have the choice, might be sorely mistaken.

And Loroi females can be as vengeful and petty as a human woman, he added.

Sure, both Beryl and Brightshield kept themselves to the task at hand - formulating a message that has a high probability to be heard by the Shells, but would be infuriating enough to goad them into actions they wouldn't consider with a clear mind - but even he noticed the tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife.

And the constant sniping. They never crossed the line to outright insulting, but while sociologists would find the interaction between the two Loroi intersting, Alex was quickly worn out.

Note to self - keep them separate for the time being.

Feeling a pang of guilt for putting Beryl into that place, he tried sending to her.

'I'm sorry.'

He thought he felt surprise coming from her, but then a reassuring thought.

'Don't be. I have no idea why Tempo hoisted that...', here Alex missed the word, but he got the idea that it was not a nice one, 'on to us. I know I agreed to sharing, after all, this is expected of us, but...', she trailed off.

'I understand what you mean.'

Mollified, Beryl sent him an image of her and Alex in a close embrace, kissing, causing Alex to respond.

'Uh.... let's stop here before we get carried away...? We're expected on duty, after all.', he interjected.

He felt her wistful sigh, before she gathered her thoughts and then the fleeting impression of a promise, before she turned away, leaving Alex alone in his mind again.

Now... let's see what Stillstorm has to say to this message...

Just on a hunch, he tried it with a query on his tablet, and surprisingly, it didn't brush him off but dutifully reported Stillstorm to be in the ready room, as well as the shortest path to said room.

Huh. Perhaps she thought it best rather than me bugging the whole bridge crew about her whereabouts.

Alex felt a bit self-conscious on making his way to the ready room alone. The Loroi he passed gave him a few pointed glances and some raised eyebrows, but no one commented aloud.


Arriving at the door, he hestitated. Does she know what a knock means? Better than barging in unannounced...

Given that Loroi could sense most alien minds, even if not talk to them, the concept of a door chime didn't even take hold after they encountered other species, Alex thought with a chagrined expression and gave the door two sharp raps with his knuckle.

He heard something stirring, then a clear "Enter!" in Stillstorm's voice.

Blanking the display of her console, she stood up and gave Alex a measured glance. "It seems we need to get used to some procedures. This sound you produced on the door - I had to ask Parat Sedel what it could mean."

That's quite an admission, coming from her.

"Without sanzai ... or the practical use of it...", Alex quickly amended after seeing Stillstorm's glare, "we had to go for different means to communicate and convey intents. Like entering the semi-private space of a superior officer."

"True. We will address this later."

What the hell does that mean? Alex's mind interjected.

"But for now, let's see to that message you thought up?", with that, she reached back to the console, typed in a few commands and brought the message on screen - both in Ikkukhak and its translation in Trade.

Their script looks vaguely like Cuneiform... Babylonian or Mesopotamian... Early influences? Not sure of I should tell Tempo or Stillstorm about it. Beryl, maybe...

"I see what you did there...", Stillstorm mused, "It is less an insult to personal honor, and as they derive their self-worth from their place in the Hierarchy, this is geared to place doubt on being the commander of an invading force being the rightful place for them. 'Just worthy enough for waste disposal', do I read that right?"

Stillstorm went over the rest, then nodded, with ... a slight smile on her lips.

"I admit, I am impressed. You and Losat Lomileilar do seem to have a good grasp on how to rile up the shells. I presume the more ... colourful ... additions in this missive came from you?"

"Uh... yes... Pardon me for saying this, but this needed a touch to play on their emotions, rather their intellect. You are a passionate people, that much I learned", here Stillstorm gave him quite a sharp glance telling him that she has a good idea how he learned that bit, "but in your communications you tend to remain factual and collected, to emulate the inherent truthfulness of sanzai. Here, we needed a different tack."

"I see what you mean. After all, I did ask for your participation especially to get an outsider's .... and alien view on things. I see you omitted the incident around the Gora Relay. Why?"

"For now, The Enemy might not have realized that this 'mutiny' was just staged. They still might think that it was the real deal, not a deception. While we might not pull the same trick again, we have a better chance of pulling something similar on them a second time rather than laying out the ruse to them just for the sake of gloating."

"Understandable. Is deception really that big of a part in human warfare?"

"Depends on who you ask. There are human cultures who have an approach to it much like your Teidar - meet The Enemy with superior force - and others do have a more Mizol-like approach. As in, why use a hammer when a dagger does the same job? Me, I have a rather simple maxim."

"As in?", Stillstorm was genuinely interested.

"Simple. Hit them where it hurts most. Then hit them again. And again while they still try to find out what the frak is going on. If they adapt, change tactics and hit them again. Keep them unbalanced. Death by a thousand cuts."

Stillstorm furrowed her eyebrows. "Crude language aside, that really worked?"

Alex grinned. "Well enough to earn me a reprimand from an officer in charge for my 'unorthodox' approach, but ... we won."

It took a while for Stillstorm to process his words, but then she broke out in laughter.

"Point well made", she answered, after regaining her calm, "So, by your estimate, when would be best to send this piece of work?"

"We may need to decide on the spot. Too early, and the shells may regain their composure before deciding on how to proceed. Too late, and they may feel themselves committed to their actual course and won't change it for whatever reason."

"Then it falls upon you, Losat Lomileilar and Parat Sedel to know the right moment."


Stillstorm hestitated, and Alex got the feeling that there might be something else on her mind, but it may need some prompting. "Am I dismissed?"

"There is ... another matter I wish to discuss. I have already confirmation from several sources that you actually managed to lower your Lotai for select Loroi?"

Uh oh..., Alex thought with a feeling of impending doom.

"Yes. But it is a subconscious thing. It happened with those who I inherently trust.... or ... well.... maybe had an encounter with."

"I presume this includes all those Loroi who 'went dark' to our senses on occasion?", she asked, with a hint of distaste in her voice.

"Yes, that's correct", he sighed.

"I want that as well." Stillstorm flat-out stated.

Wait, WHAT?, Alex thought flabbergasted.

"Do not act that surprised. Even you must see the advantages of having a direct connection via sanzai, and if The Enemy manages to hide from our Farseers, it is safe to assume that they may detect us as well. Even if your Lotai can hide just one other person, that is more than we ever achieved."

"Uh... you know that this requires a lot of trust and we didn't see eye to eye from the very start...?", he interjected hestitantly.

"I know well enough, but you named yourself the other possible method of including me in that selected group and your Lotai. As far as I remember, the official grant for a mating encounter I signed is still valid, and you actually agreed to it. You wouldn't go back on your word, would you?"

And I joked with Talon about angry sex. Someone, somewhere in this universe must have been listening and is currently having a big laugh at my expense.

Though..., another part of his mind butted in, I did tell Fireblade, she isn't unattractive.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by Werra »

Desperate for some way to give his brain time to adjust to Stillstorms sudden change in demeanour, Alex stalled.

„The advantages are ...plain to see, Commander.“ he tried while concentrating on not staring.

Stillstorm mustered him with a sidelong glance from head to toe, making Alex feel like a cut of meat on display.

„They are. I was right then to assume from your choice of uniform for one, that you prefer blue.“

Thinking of his uniform made him think of the TCA. Alex could only imagine what kind of legal nightmare this whole situation would be under human regulations. Once again he prayed that the finer details of first contact between Loroi and humans would be kept out of the history books. But that line of thinking at least offered him a possible way out.

„Uh, I am pleased that you like my new uniform, Commander, but I need to inform you that the colours are derived from human uniforms which I did not design.“

„Was your choice of bath partner also derived from humanity customs?“ she said, showing a sly smile.

„Well, Arrir Talon asked very nicely, Commander and I was uh...tipsy at the time.“

„Tipsy, Captain?“ Stillstorm asked round eyed.

„Slightly drunk, Commander.“ explained Alex, glad that the immediate topic had drifed away from mating. He was puzzled as he saw Stillstorm lean back in her chair, her usual harsh expression having returned.

„Then you admit to having drunk in a contested system, Captain. That's all I needed to hear.“

Alex thinking once again ground to a halt at this. The Loroi before him looked very pleased with herself and entered a few things on a console.

„This whole talk about mating was just to make me fess up to drinking?“

„I take discipline very seriously, Captain. You have seen my cabin. Enemy contact is imminent.“

„I understand, Commander. I know that this wasn't my proudest moment. It will not happen again.“ said Alex with conviction.

„I know, Captain.“ answered Stillstorm.

After a few seconds of silence, a reliefed Alex spoke again. „I must say Commander, you really had me there. I thought Loroi to be always direct and truthful. Your trick caught me totally by surprise.“

Stillstorm barked out a sharp laugh as an answer. Then she fixed Alex up with a stare.

„That was payback for making me belief it really wanted an ecnounter with me after Gora Relay. So I gave it some ideas of my own to consider, too. A simple matter since the advantages of Sanzai with perfect Lotai are apparent.“

Stillstorm had just admitted to having such thoughts about him, realised Alex. Thoughts, she knew, he'd also now have and couldn't act upon without looking like an ass. Strange how this Loroi time and again managed to make him feel played.

Without waiting for Alex, she continued: „After the conclusion of the next battle it will report to Gallen Bastobar Wavecrest. She is responsible for Tempests water filtration and informed me that somebody introduced foreign contaminants into the system. It can consider that its reprimand for drinking.“

That sounded fair to Alex. Had he been sober, he would have taken Talon to his cabin. Getting a stern talking to from a Gallen didn't sound so bad for what amounted to a serious breach of conduct. A human commander wouldn't have been so lenient. Which made Alex suspect he was being played again.

„Yes, Commander. Is there anything else?“ replied Alex.

„Just one thing, Captain. I pride myself on running an excellent ship. I can rely on my officers because they all fulfill the high bar set out for them. If you want there to be trust between us, show me that you do too. Even if you are humanity.“

No trickery there, judged Alex. This was Stillstorm laying out things between them very plainly. Just prove to one of the most distinguished Commanders that humans can measure up to some of the highest standards in the Loroi fleet. No pressure, Alex.

„I will not disappoint you, Commander.“ said Alex.

„Good, then find Parat Tempo now. She should be done and will need to know about this message.“
Last edited by Werra on Sun Jul 22, 2018 8:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [WP] Beacons (Story Thread Only)

Post by dragoongfa »

It wasn't hard for Alex to find Tempo, who was still busy running tests on the ship's security system with some of her assistants, nor was it hard to have her agree on the general gist of the taunting message and the fact that it had to be sent at the right time for maximum effect. The engagement with the Shell division wasn't hard either, having gone exactly as Stillstorm had predicted; with the Loroi fleet avoiding coming into range after the enemy division wasted a volley of torpedoes and even lost a dozen or so gunboats and a couple of medium vessels when they got within Pulse cannon range.

No, the really hard part was dealing with Gallen Bastobar Wavecrest who was beyond furious, she immediately sat him down in front of a workbench and shoved about a dozen or so industrial sized water filters in front of him; each and every last one of them being covered with a hairy, putrid and nasty smelling black goo that had even fully solidified itself on some of the filters. That's when the rant started.

"Not only do I have to constantly refurbish the water filters and the recyclers because they have stopped producing the parts to simply replace them, I also have to constantly remind the idiotic mob that is the crew of Tempest to properly pre-bathe, use the proper shampoos and soaps that don't clog up the piping, yell at them that the drains are not supposed to be filled with their stupid hair and also remind them where the proper shitter is but no, that wasn't enough of a workload for me; I now have to contend with an idiotic alien male who doesn't know that he has to release himself INSIDE a female; not outside in the water where it would trigger a dozen unknown biological contamination alarms which was the reason why the system automatically cutoff the drinking water supply for 1000 solons because it thought that foreign bacteria had somehow contaminated the entire water supply!" Wavecrest yelled angrily at him as she showed him how to scrape off the fresh goo from the filters and how to break off the solidified parts to reveal the true horror that was within the fist sized filters themselves.

"Of all the people on this ship only Stillstorm understands how to keep herself clean while not leaving a dirty mess behind her! I haven't had to clean the plumbing of her personal shower for 5 tozons and it is still as pristine as if it was new!" She ranted as the two of them cleaned up the mess that were the filters.

"This can't be all my fault." Alex protested without thinking after a while and regretted it immediately.

"Of course not you retarded oversized male! Tempest now has a crew of over 800, if you were the only one messing things up I would be out of a job! No, you are just the latest in the unending line of morons who only look at the surface of everything and not how it is actually maintained!" He shut up after that as the obviously overworked technician kept ranting while working. It must have taken them about one and a half hours to clean the filters to a state that satisfied the angry technician before they both went to the inner passages of the ship to install them; to his horror Alex realized that they hadn't cleaned even a quarter of ship's filters as Wavecrest had just picked the water junctions whose filters needed to be replaced and they had just cleaned a few of the extra filters she had available so she could do that.

Despite everything Wavecrest seemed saddened when they were done, he wondered if this was because of her ranting at him to such an unending degree or because she wouldn't be getting any further assistance for the day; in the end he erred in the side of politeness in his farewell. Telling her that he would take care in the baths from now on; she just scoffed and replied irritably that she had already corrected the system and that his seed wouldn't be triggering any further alarms because males were always going to be males no matter the circumstances.

The next engagement happened soon after he cleaned his hands from the work he had just done; once again it went exactly like Stillstorm had planned. The whole division trying to intercept the 51st while taking long range fire from the two battle groups; the Shells once again losing a handful of medium vessels in the process. He was about to check an idea he had about identifying the formation that contained the enemy flagship when his personal datapad alerted him of Ragan Razorthorn's scheduled daily training regime that was about to begin.

The Teidar was giddy when he reached her and he soon realized that this was because they would be having a hand to hand self defense class with several other warriors. Thankfully he had paid close attention to the academy's self defense classes; he wasn't a master by any standard but he was fairly certain that he wasn't going to embarrass himself until he realized that Loroi were just a strong as men the first time he tried to hold back and ended with his back on the sparring mat. He didn't repeat that mistake twice and thankfully he ended the mock fights standing far more often than not, earning a begrudging nod of approval from Razorthorn when the class was over.

The fleet was fast approaching the Sala-128 jump point when he finally returned to the bridge, he turned to find Beryl so he could run the idea he had through her but she wasn't on bridge duty anymore, in her stead was an other orange haired Listel Tozet he had last seen in Naam while Fireblade was sitting at the station next to hers. He nodded at Fireblade and walked up to the Listel.

"Excuse me, I would like to run a few things through you regarding the enemy fleet's disposition." Alex said to draw her attention and after a quick introduction they went to work with what he had in mind. He realized quickly that Tozet Antimony didn't have Beryl's cheerful outlook and seemed professionally aloof but she quickly caught on what he had in his mind.

Something in the Shell fleet's movements had bothered him from when the fleet jumped in, especially the movements of the division that was guarding the Azimol jump point. As the closest formation to the Loroi fleet that division should have reacted the earliest to the sudden arrival and the one sided destruction of the lone division that had found itself at the wrong place at the wrong time but they didn't react until well after the fact. What he needed to do was to triangulate the positions of the various divisions throughout the system and account for the light time lag in order to deduce when the enemy commander gave the orders to move and most importantly where they were at the time. This could easily be done by taking the time required for the light of the fleet's arrival to reach the other enemy divisions in the system and then deduce the time it would take for orders sent from each of these divisions to reach the more distant formations.

In the end there were only two formations that were in the right distances that matched with the actions of the division that guarded Azimol and those were the two divisions that guarded the Sala-128 jump point and since one of those two divisions had been left behind as a rear guard in Leido that left the other one as the most likely flagship formation since the overall commander of the force would always remain with the core of their unit, they wouldn't remain as a rear guard nor would they jump off to Sala-128.

“Did you find something interesting Captain Jardin?” Tempo asked as he and Antimony finally realized that the lone division they were heading too probably contained the enemy flagship. “The flag division?”

“Yes, it is the only possible explanation when we take the movements of the division stationed at Azimol and the light speed time lag for detection and communications.” Alex replied.
“Yes, your deduction matches the time frames perfectly.” Tempo said as she and Antimony exchanged glances, undoubtedly communicating via sanzai. A moment later Antimony’s console begun replaying the battle of Leido in quick motion and after a few moments Antimony highlighted a division from among the eight that had jumped first into the system. “Yes, it’s the same division that immediately moved towards Enedd on its own and was later diverted towards the Sala Relay.”

“The commander put their formation in a front line assault instead of keeping themselves in reserve?” Alex asked without thinking.

“Shell commanders are very aggressive and many prefer to join the assault themselves out of a sense of duty towards their subordinates. Look at this, the same division was also part of the final assault on Tizaba Citabel before they jumped to Enedd.” Tempo replied.

“Don’t be afraid to do yourself what you send others to do for you.” Alex said out loud. “An old human saying. I don’t even remember who said it first.”

“Yes, even we Loroi begrudgingly respect Shell commanders who fight in the front line with their fleets.” Tempo replied.

“Now how can we use this?” Alex asked while nodding.

“I believe that it is time for the commander to send the message you had prepared.” Tempo replied as she led him back to Tempest’s ready room where Stillstorm was busy managing the ship’s red tape with the help of Rune-Laurel.

It didn’t take long for Tempo to explain everything to her and after making more than a few alterations to the script Stillstorm steeled herself for the broadcast.

“You Shells know who I am; you have constantly been trying to kill me for the past few days and yet here I am. The Stray, you know it as Kikitik-27, told me about the Khalka divisions that were en-route and how they would bring an end to the war thanks to the new tricks your kind has come up with. I am disappointed, all I have seen your fleets do is flounder time and time again; the crews just empty husks dying in droves, either jumping into suns or dying like fools who are led by someone who isn’t even worthy of cleaning the excrement of a Kikkut. The traitors whose executions I ordered were worth more than you and your entire fleet and now I am coming to correct the mistake that is your wretched existence. My only lament is that the Stray will undoubtedly thank me for ridding the wretched Hierarchy of incompetent husks such as all of you.” Stillstorm said with enough disdain and vitriol in her voice that surprised even Rune-Laurel and Tempo if Alex was to be a judge by their reaction.

“You think that this will be enough for them to make a mistake?” Alex asked when Stillstorm was done.

“We shall see in a few solons Captain Jardin.” Stillstorm replied as she and Rune-Laurel made their way towards the bridge, with Tempo and him following suit. They had barely made it there when the division guarding the Sala-128 jump point left its orbit and begun accelerating towards the 51st.

“Come Captain.” Tempo whispered to him as she sat to her station. “We will study the Shell formation as it accelerated.” She explained as she brought up the record from before the Shell division begun accelerating towards them and replayed it in quick motion; he didn’t catch it at first but three quincunx formations each centered around a dedicated gunboat tender changed their positions in the formation amidst the maneuver.

“There, these three quincunx formations.” Alex pointed out.

“Indeed.” Tempo replied as she tagged them. “The enemy commander doesn’t know if we identified their flagship or not, they have learned to take great care in concealing their command vessels; both in appearance and in concealing them inside their command networks. See how this formation took position in the center of the formation and behind their core of heavies?”

“Yes, as if they want to protect that particular ship by making them harder to reach. But what about the other two though?” Alex asked.

“An attempt to misdirect us. Three formations changed positions but which one is the one we are looking for?” Tempo replied.

“Can you show the recording from the previous battles at Leido, especially the assault on Sala relay and the Tizaba Citadel?” Tempo did as he asked and two extra windows popped up in front of them. “Can you find where these three subformations were during these attacks?”

“I see…” Tempo replied as she tagged only two of the three formations in their second assault at Sala relay but all three formations were part of the division on their assault on Tizaba. “This formation was a later addition, probably a remnant from their failed assaults on Sala relay.” Tempo said as she eliminated one of the three formations from the initial display, the same one that was now hidden at the center of the formation.

“Are the enemy commanders also captains of their ships while in command or are they full flag officers?” Alex asked as he studied the replays from Leido.

“They are flag officers, even the Shells aren’t maniacal enough to manage an entire fleet while also being captains of their own vessels.” Tempo replied.

“See this formation here, how it changed its positions between the two assaults so it could be as far away from the enemy while still being within the core of their division?” Alex pointed out. “I would bet that the captain of the flagship wanted to keep the flag officer alive.”

“I won’t take the bet. The other formation remained at the same position in both assaults, their position on their assault on Tizaba bringing them right in the center of the heaviest fighting which cost the formation a medium escort.” Tempo replied.

“So this is the flagship then?” Alex said as he looked at the quincunx formation that currently was second from the right side of the enemy formation.

“Indeed.” Tempo replied as she passed their findings to Stillstorm’s console. “I suggest that you go and sit at the observer’s seats Captain, you have done all you could for now and we will engage the enemy in about 600 solons.”

“Of course.” Alex replied as he did so, Tempo had briefed him about the proper procedures amidst a battle. He was nominally attached to Tempest’s crew but he was still a foreign agent; the mere fact that he was allowed at the bridge at all was a huge concession towards him and one that would be revoked if he did anything stupid and untoward while there.

He sat down and observed just like he did during the battle of Naam but this time he wasn’t flanked by either Beryl or Fireblade. He just observed as Stillstorm briefed all three of the wing commanders and was startled when someone actually sat down next to him.

“I am sorry Captain Jardin.” Cerulean said with a low voice. “Mallas Rune-Laurel has instructed me to observe this battle, as part of my training.”

“Training? And haven’t you been promoted to a Torret?” Alex asked.

“Yes, Commander Stillstorm fully intends to back my ascension to the Torrai caste following the impression I gave her at Gora. She has already promoted me to a Soroin Torret but there are plenty of things that I need to learn before I can ascend to be a proper Torrai Torret.” Cerulean explained.

“I see and Mallas Rune-Laurel is teaching you?”

“Yes, she and Commander Stillstorm have been together for a long time; she would have ascended to be a Torrai a long time ago if not for her loyalty to the Commander. She is teaching me the intricacies of running a warship and has instructed me to observe the Commander alongside her whenever I can learn something from observing her.” Cerulean replied.

“So you are being groomed for command, congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

“Tempest! At quick for action!” Tenoin Seinen Forest bellowed, drawing their attention back to the battle.

“Damn… Can you discern what the plan is?” Alex asked.

“Of course, the Commander plans to destroy the enemy flagship but she doesn’t want to risk a full engagement, because of the depleted numbers of the Van squadron. She intends to fully accelerate for a dodge up and to the right of the enemy formation but… yes they are charging the Wave Loom device and she has given instructions for a blister barrage to break the wedge that will be aimed on Tempest.” Cerulean explained.

“Wave Loom device?”

“The ship’s main gun, which is housed at the ship’s prow. It’s a very dangerous weapon with certain limitations due to its high energy demands and heat dissipation issues but the commander has ordered it to be prepared and for it to hold 6 charges.” Cerulean replied.

“6 charges?”

“I don’t know its exact function but the more charges the weapon fires the deadlier it is; you should ask a Listel for any details, provided that they are allowed to divulge them to you.”

“Of course.”

“Enemy torpedo launch detected.” Arclight reported as if in queue and half a minute later a huge beam of light flashed forward from Tempest’s prow, tearing through everything in its path as it struck the center ship of the quincunx formation he and Tempo had identified as the flagship subformation; the beam disintegrating not only the target ship but also all four of the ships that were escorting it.

A moment later the entire strike group altered its vector and instead of a head on pass they all turned upwards and to the right of the enemy division that was too slow to properly react to this change of vector, fully half of the division kept going as they were, with the rest forming a crude wedge that was clearly aimed were Tempest would be if the ship kept its course and Tempest did keep the course as the rest if the 51st ballooned their formation just like they did in Naam, pivoting in place to face the enemy with momentum carrying them forward as they barraged the hodgepodge wedge with pulse cannons and particle blasters.

The Van squadron didn’t have trouble dealing with the torpedoes and gunboats as they came piecemeal in range but the wedge kept coming towards Tempest despite the beating the Shells took. Then all the cruisers and capital ships of the 51st fired 36 of their Blister torpedoes in a unified barrage. The enemy fired their plasma weapons both at the group's ship and the incoming Blisters, scoring some hits and even shot down some of the blisters only for everyone to witness the impromptu charge simply collapse once the Blisters deployed their submunitions which homed on the onrushing ships without fault.

He didn’t need to sense the telepathic cheers that must have reverberated throughout the bridge as more than 20 ships simply disappeared in massive explosions while several more were left crippled and drifting forward from momentum alone, the rest breaking their course as the 51st fired one last volley with their weapons before accelerating forward while far below the 24th and the 36th Battle groups had entered the jump vector for Sala-128.

He heard Stillstorm receive damage reports from the various ships, two destroyers had received serious damage but were still able to keep up with the group while a cruiser had lost power to its port side screen emitters.

“We must have gotten the enemy commanding officer with the Wave Loom.” Cerulean commented as the stand down order was given by Forest.

“Attention, 51! We are about to jump to Sala-128, don’t go away without us.” Lashret Waterblade reported.

“Don’t take too long.” Stillstorm replied with a nearly happy expression just as Alex and Cerulean walked up to her and Rune-Laurel.

“Congratulations on a well fought engagement Commander.” Alex said as Stillstorm turned her attention towards them.

“Thank you captain, although I don’t think it would have gone as well as it did without your suggestions and input.” Stillstorm replied with a smile, making him wonder if he had ever seen her smile before that point. It was as if he was looking at a completely different person which he found somewhat disconcerting.

“It was a team effort Commander.”

“He seems to be a team player Commander.” Rune-Laurel commented at that.

“Indeed he is.” Stillstorm replied as both she and Rune-Laurel smiled at him.

Of all the things, now she has a wing man on this. Alex thought as he desperately tried to come up with an exit strategy.

“Thank you for your continued faith in me Commander but I am sure that you are all busy with the aftermath of this engagement so I will take my leave.” He replied at that, hoping that Stillstorm wouldn’t take things any further.

“Of course Captain, although I do want to continue the discussion we had earlier when our time permits.” Stillstorm said as she dismissed him.

God Damn It. Alex thought as he turned to leave, hoping that Tempo who still sat at her station would understand his ‘I will explain later’ expression he gave her the brief moment their eyes met.

He was about to actually exit the bridge when the doors opened to let in a small group of warriors that were led by Ragan Razorthorn who barely gave him any attention as she walked up to Fireblade who just stood up and left Razorthorn take her place after a short Sanzai discussion.

“Hey Fireblade, is your shift over?” Alex asked her as he fell in besides her and Fireblade just nodded in response. “Great, can you do me a favor?” She just stopped at that and raised her eyebrows towards him as passing by warriors glanced at them. In the end she sighed, took him to a small side room and offered him her left hand like the last time they had connected.

He sensed her fiery presence as they touched, her tension and fatigue were easily palatable and her desire to just go to sleep was at the forefront of her mind but she was ready to continue his training if that was what he wanted.

“No, no, I am too tired as well for that; I have realized the last couple of days that there is no chance for me to grab something to eat or even bathe without causing a huge commotion, especially after yesterday when I and Talon… were at the baths together.” He explained and Fireblade’s mind lit up in amusement at that.

“I have yet to cash in my winnings with Tempo about that…”
She teased him. “Perhaps I will wait for you to mate with someone else before I start tormenting her about it.”

“Not that bet again…”

“You should have accepted a piece of the winnings, Tempo always pays her debts and she was fairly confident on her victory, she bet a talent if Beryl beat her to you and two if any other Loroi also beat her to you.” Fireblade replied.

“How much is a talent worth?”

“I make about 1 talent per standard month as a Teidar Pallan. Don’t know how this translates to your monetary values.”
Fireblade replied.

“She bet 2 times your monthly wage?”
Alex asked incredulously. “That’s not right!”

“She should be earning more than me but don’t worry about it, I don’t plan on calling in the debt until the time is right.”

“That still doesn’t make it right to bet so much, especially on my love life.”
Alex snapped back.

“Alright, Alright, I will call the bet off; just let me torment the Mizol a little for all the trouble she causes.”
Fireblade replied.

“Fine just do that.”
Alex relented.

“So you want me to ‘escort’ you as you eat and bathe so the others won’t bother you?”

“Yes, if it isn’t a problem with you.”

“You do know that it is a taboo for a warrior to be around a male when he eats right?”
Fireblade asked, amused that no one had told him this.

“What? Really?”

“Yes, really.”
Fireblade insisted, passing along the numerous instances that this had been hammered into her during her training.

“But eating together is the most common social time for humans! I can’t just… You know what, fine you don’t have to eat with me. I will just grab something to eat in my cabin, no wonder Tempo and the others weren’t comfortable eating in front with me.”
He sent dejectedly at that.

“Wait, you are a recognized warrior so it shouldn’t be an issue and… do human males and females really eat together when they are close friends and… lovers?”
Fireblade asked.

“Yes, although professional partners and even acquaintances can also eat together without having to be friends. Eating together is generally not a taboo for humans, in fact it is extremely rude to elect to eat alone when there are friends and family around.”
Alex explained as best as he could.

“Alright, I will keep you company while you eat and we will bathe together as well. I doubt that anyone will bother you if I am with you.”
Fireblade replied, her mind betraying the fact that she wanted something in return.

“What is it?”

“I have never really relaxed in the baths before, would you mind if we touched while in a pool to cut the noise off?” Fireblade asked, certain that he would accept.

“I don’t mind but that's all we will do, right?”

“I have a bad reputation already so it wouldn’t make any difference if I made a public spectacle of myself like you and Talon did yesterday.”
Fireblade replied teasingly as images of his time with Talon flashed in her mind.

“I should have taken her to my cabin…”
He commented in defeat at that.

“Don’t worry about this; I believe that I understand how you work with your lovers. If we both want it then it will happen, if not then it won’t.”
Fireblade reassured him as she took her hand away, gesturing for him to follow her towards the nearest mess hall where she grabbed some sort of a bun and sat with him as he ate the same kind of mushrooms Tempo had brought him yesterday. It almost felt like a date the way they had come in and sat down, with the other warriors keeping a respectful distance from both of them as they ate.

The true challenge laid with the baths, especially after his escapades with Talon the previous night, which led to him spending his time cleaning the putrid water filtration systems. Fortunately his current company really seemed to work like a repellent, especially after she scowled intently at a couple of warriors that stared too much at him. The trouble however was with Fireblade herself and how… amazing she looked.

The first thought he had when he gawked at the sight of her naked body after they pre-washed themselves was that she looked like the perfect mix of a Greek goddess and a model whose pictures had been doctored to delete any and all blemishes. The words fit, athletic and callipygian were just a few of those words that he would describe her naked body with, as he simply stared at her beauty in stupefied disbelief. Such was his reaction on seeing her that she had to touch him to make him snap out of it.

“Are you alright?”
She asked before realizing what caused that reaction on him. Her ears turning a darker shade of blue as she let out a satisfied smile form on her lips. “Come, I know a somewhat secluded spot that Beryl swore is great to relax in.” She sent before letting him go, gesturing for him to follow her as she made her way to the main baths.

Thankfully certain lower parts of his body didn’t react, probably out of disbelief, until after they reached and sat down at the small, somewhat secluded pool she had told him about.

“I often came here, trying to relax, preferably at times when there weren’t many others around. I always wanted to just close my eyes and just let myself go like most others do but I always sensed them and their irritation due to my mental signature.”
Fireblade sent the moment she tied her left hand to his right after they sat next to each other. “Now there is no one else here but you…” She leaned her head over his shoulder at that, her steady breathing somehow matching the tension that left her mind as she let herself free next to him.

Her mind didn’t burn, he sensed the fire but it was pleasantly warm, like a warm summer breeze on a beach but with the tense undertones of a raging volcano held prisoner within. It was so… fragile in its balance that for a moment he was scared of even letting her go.

“I am not fragile…” She complained softly as she realized that.

“No you are not…”
He replied as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to relax. The tension that had built up in his mind and body lessening with each passing breath they shared until all of it was gone.

“Just two warriors relaxing…”
Fireblade thought as she dozed off with her head resting on his shoulder, leaving him to stay idle in his thoughts, unsure if he even wanted to disturb the pleasant warmth that was her psyche in this rare moment of peace.

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