[Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Zakharra »

dragoongfa wrote:World building is an interesting mental exercise but I agree that the most difficult part is putting things down on paper. The advise I can give you is how I managed to get somewhat disciplined in my writing, if your imagination is working overtime and you have ideas and the problem in putting them down is discipline.

I know that every writer is different but the method that has worked for me is to organize myself, both in practical and in mental terms. For a reason that becomes obvious later I noticed that I got 'better' in writing various stuff after I started organizing in practical terms. The first realization struck me when I started writing with pen and paper instead of directly on a computer, some people are the exact opposite but it works wonders for my output. In practical terms it takes longer to first write an initial manuscript (A raw draft) and then transfer that manuscript on a computer while correcting and doing some minor rewrites for clarity and consistency(The first draft), I have been told that it almost doubles my workload but the key is knowing that the raw draft is something that will never see the light of day and as such I have no problem writing stuff down as it comes out. Just letting things out without a care for typos, structural consistency and sometimes even proper order works wonders for me; thinking about making the my initial output consistent and presentable always overwhelmed when I wrote and I ended up writing very little. Writing with pen and paper also removes the siren of distraction that is called a computer. Cutting out the distractions is vital for me, I go to an other room I have prepared and I even use wax earplugs to cut out any noise.

As an accountant I also learned the value of keeping my writing organized by using a variety of office supplies. I found out that I cannot write without a proper writing surface; I use a faux leather clipboard that also acts as a folder, keeps the paper stable at all times and allows me to keep the unfinished manuscript safe from accidents (and they happen A LOT). After that I organize the produced manuscript in folders with a cataloging system of my own; using color coded folders, plastic slides to keep the paper from being damaged, library boxes for long term storage; you get the idea. I found out that being organized in the practical terms gives me a peace of mind in regards to what I write. Knowing how to find what I am looking for quickly saves not only time when looking for something but also gives me a perverse sense of accomplishment for some reason.

The final obstacle for getting things on paper is mental discipline. It takes some willpower to get my ass to the writing chair but when I am there I have to force myself to look at the paper in front of me, write down a header, numerate the page and then start writing. I found out that starting with a simple phrase usually gets me started, like a spark plug that starts a car.

In the end I always remind myself that if I have something on my head then I have no writer's block. As long as my imagination is working I can write it, provided that I am not too tired or something is distracting or bothering me.

Some simple advice that sometimes I fail to follow myself:

1) If something looks like it is writing itself then let it finish itself. Never stop a good streak when you are writing for any reason, spontaneous writing is not only quick but is also very rewarding in either quality or ideas.

2) Never slip up on writing. Write a minimal amount of words every day, personally my minimum limit is two pages of A4 paper. This is important in order to keep a writing discipline.

3) Vary what you are writing. Abandoning something for a day or two to work on something different allows to approach the initial project from a fresher perceptive which is important if you want to find something that you may have missed.

4) Never, never postpone something for later.

5) A persistent writer's block is cured by writing pornography, there is no need to be read by anyone else but writing something so base often clears the mind.

All of that is excellent advice. I have a small spiral notebook I take to work with me so I can write down notes and any ideas that occur to me (which happens fairly often). I do agree that making oneself write is key and I will get a page or two done tonight on my main story (gnomes, night elves and explosives WHEEE!). I am going to make myself write something every day. Even if it's not good, it will spark an idea and if need be, I can always rewrite it.

This made me laugh though: 5) A persistent writer's block is cured by writing pornography, there is no need to be read by anyone else but writing something so base often clears the mind. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I do write some porn (WoW based), and I think I'm ok at it. I like writing stories that have plot in them too.

It's all good advice though. And well taken.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Absalom »

Arioch wrote:This is where being able to make up your own rules helps. Somehow excluding orbital vehicles from ground combat (like through some kind of planetary bombardment shield) makes ground forces more important.
So, 40k void shields or equivalent? Sounds about right. "Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only impracticality."

Now that I think of it, I'm surprised that city-sized attack fortresses aren't an Epic 40k thing. Seems like absolutely a 40k sort of idea.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by dragoongfa »

Certain Titans could be classified as such, the problem for going that big is that they are problematic to fit on most tabletop battlefields.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Grayhome »

MOO2 has several flavors of planetary shields. Arioch has dropped hints as to some type of super-tech planetary shielding used on radiated worlds by the Soia so as to make planets hospitable enough for further terraforming. I think planetary shields sound like an awesome sci-fi technology!

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by JQBogus »

Grayhome wrote:MOO2 has several flavors of planetary shields. Arioch has dropped hints as to some type of super-tech planetary shielding used on radiated worlds by the Soia so as to make planets hospitable enough for further terraforming. I think planetary shields sound like an awesome sci-fi technology!
Basically an artificial magnetosphere... very cool. Someone else will have to figure out just how much power that would take to generate, though.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by dapple26 »

Well done, I enjoyed every entry.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Grayhome »

Someone else will have to figure out just how much power that would take to generate, though.
I know right? The power requirements for all of these ultra tech devices is so mindbogglingly great it makes my head spin. Even a weak planetary radiation shield would require stupendous amounts of energy. We are talking antimatter levels of power here, if not miniaturized black holes.

A bit off the original topic, I'm just a science layman but reviewing the proposed hypothesis of power derived from anti-matter or black holes makes me squee like a little boy getting a zebra cone at the zoo.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Absalom »

Power from anti-matter has a big, gaping problem: you need anti-matter first. Mostly it's a storage technology for those highly confident of their containment technologies.

Fusion and blackholes are where you look for initial power generation (though blackholes certainly have a horrible boot-strapping cost).

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Razor One »

Even then you're still dealing with energy storage after a fashion, just that the energy is locked up in matter and released via fusion, or locked up in a black hole and released via hawking radiation.

The "ideal" forms of energy are either vacuum energy, or by convincing matter that the strong nuclear force isn't so tough and that it isn't the boss of it anymore. Alternatively, you can just LOL at entropy and gain energy that way, though if you're at the point that you can use anentropy as an energy source, you're probably not worried about energy sources anymore.
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Mr Bojangles »


Enjoyed the story and I look forward to more.
Razor One wrote:Even then you're still dealing with energy storage after a fashion, just that the energy is locked up in matter and released via fusion, or locked up in a black hole and released via hawking radiation.

The "ideal" forms of energy are either vacuum energy, or by convincing matter that the strong nuclear force isn't so tough and that it isn't the boss of it anymore. Alternatively, you can just LOL at entropy and gain energy that way, though if you're at the point that you can use anentropy as an energy source, you're probably not worried about energy sources anymore.
Everything is dealing with energy storage and transfer when attempting to do work. The advantage of fusion over antimatter is that, despite all the difficulties, it won't be as difficult to make economical as antimatter. If you are able to create black holes, or just harness existing ones, and then use them as power generators I think you've achieved a level where acquisition of energy is no longer a driving concern for your civilization.

Those other energy sources are all pretty much god-level. Which I suppose would make them ideal, actually.

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Omake: Truth, Lies and Broken things.

Post by dragoongfa »

Truth, Lies and Broken things.

She took her time reading the report she was given right before she entered the spartan interrogation room, the Mizol Sanzet wasn’t going anywhere the way she was tied up on the interrogation chair and with the drugs having already taken effect. She smiled and nodded to the one way mirror when she finished reading and turned her attention to the prisoner.

“Reading all this I have to conclude that either your superiors are just idiots or that your caste sends the undesirables our way in order to teach them a lesson.” She said to the dazed Mizol who just groaned as she tried to keep herself focused.

“How did you even pass your trials if this is all it takes for you to lose focus?” She sent and the Mizol looked at her groggily with anger flaring at the back of her mind as she took that as a personal insult. “I take it then that you were the irredeemable weakling of the band? You are wearing your caste’s armor so that means that you did go through the trials somehow… So what did you do to redeem yourself to the others and your elders?” The Mizol remembered something painful at that point but pushed the sentiment back.

“On Deinar the band usually agrees to feed the irredeemable weakling to a wild miros pack if she doesn’t resign on her own; that was the choice I was given by my diral leader before I resigned.” She continued and smiled. “But they don’t have wild miros on Perrein, they have sori.” The Mizol tensed up at that and tried to lash out telepathically at her, she easily deflected the attack and chuckled at the implication.

“So they did try out the Sori approach. Was it just a poisonous one or they went the extra step to find out a pregnant one to inject you with its eggs?” She asked and the Mizol didn’t have to send the reply as the answer immediately flashed at the fore front of her mind.


“Where did it put them in? Your breasts or your ass?”
She asked again and the answer again came out on its own.


“Nasty…” She sent mockingly and smiled as she sensed the warrior’s inner conflict. “So that means that you had an emergency field mastectomy and the diral band being what it is you had the choice of a sharp rock or somehow getting the knife from your diral leader since she certainly wouldn’t willingly risk it with you. So which was it?”

Rock and Fire

“And since you are here, still alive and still incompetent it means that the rest of the band was impressed by your will to survive and called for help despite the possibility of the entire band being punished for that!” She couldn’t help but laugh at that. “It’s a real pity that your stubbornness and will to survive won’t help you now Mizol.”

“I won’t divulge anything so just kill me already...” The Mizol finally sent, somehow managing to find the mental resolve to accept death.

“Kill you? No, the paperwork alone isn’t worth your life and they really don’t like it when we kill fools like you. No, I am just going to stay here with you, keep you some company, have a chat; that kind of thing. Of course you can save everyone some time by just telling us what we want to know here and now.”

“Do you really think that I will say anything to you traitor even with the drugs you pumped into me?” The Mizol replied.

“Traitor? I wasn’t the one who did the betraying.” She replied calmly knowing where this was going.

“You are wearing an alien uniform and you serve alien masters!” The Mizol pointed out.

“And long before I chose to wear this uniform I was frog marched onto a transport to be exiled by your caste because I wanted something better for me and my friends. Acting while watching the spoils of war that we helped attain be distributed almost exclusively to aliens isn’t treason; disregarding our efforts is.”

“You civilians did nothing of worth!” The Mizol snapped back and received a downwards left straight to her right eye in response.

“Who do you think worked the mines and factories with barely any sleep between shifts? Who toiled in the fields to grow the food that were your rations? Who raised your young at the crèches? What did we get for all this effort that kept you fed, armed and reinforced? We only ended up abandoned when you failed to protect our colony worlds and further marginalized when you fools gave everything of worth to aliens!” The Mizol elected not to reply and closed her mind as best as she could but her anger and disgust were still easily felt. “Nothing to say? You warriors may have fought and died fighting when we broke our bodies and minds to supply everything that you needed so you fools could keep fighting a war that you would have lost if not for our template species!”

“The humans are animals!”
Another punch straight down to the Mizol’s nose which let out a gratifying crack as it broke.

“Piece of advice young fool: Keep that to yourself around us if you want to remain intact!” The tied up Mizol just stared back angrily at her as blood flowed freely from her now broken nose.

“Let me tell you how these ‘animals’ treated us when we ‘migrated’ to their new colony worlds” She begun after recollecting her thoughts. “There were plenty who didn’t want us there. You warriors attacking their freighters and transports for the actions of criminals made sure of that. Your actions were more than enough for them to be terrified of the telepathic monsters who knew only genocide and destruction. We were rightfully seen as threats and a forcibly implanted fifth column by the Union who regretted giving them the worlds they had just settled on. With such an outlook we expected that our lives would at best be eternal confinement and slave labor at the camps and at worse subjected to the rightful scorn and hatred from aliens that would hate us because of you.” She shook her head and smiled before continuing.

“But human males and ours have a lot of things in common; one of those common traits being their desire for females. Some of them were curious from the first day; they approached us on their own and tried to communicate with us despite the fact that most of us didn’t know how to speak even Trade! You can imagine how awkward those first meetings were with most of us unable to speak and them being tall alien males. The second day more of them came but those who came the first day brought various gifts; clothes and food mostly since we weren’t allowed to take much with us and the human government was unable to provide much for the large influx of exiles. The third day there were even more males who showed up on their own throughout the day and they had already started organizing themselves on their own to help us.” She let out an involuntary sigh at that memory. “Males organizing themselves to help us with what we needed and lacked… It was then that we learned firsthand how different the two kinds of males are with one another. We couldn’t believe at first and we had to repeatedly witness the fact that they are the warriors and the natural providers of their kind to believe it; they are the same as us in that regard but we are the direct copies of their females and we were in need of everything imaginable those days, they provided everything and more. It was infuriating and amazing in equal measure to witness dozens if not hundreds of their males to aid us as best as they could in the limited free time they had available. If we needed food and clothing we would get it almost immediately, they saw that we lived in tents and they started building communal houses for us, they knew that we couldn’t speak their language and they started teaching us how to communicate with them. Of course we protested them helping us when we did almost nothing, it took some convincing but in the end they reluctantly agreed to let us help them with the heavier work and they agreed solely because human males are almost unable to say no to an attractive female, in the exact same way that we are unable to say no to an attractive male.” She laughed at that and turned her attention back to the Mizol whose nose had already stopped bleeding.

“The irony of ironies was the fact that the vast majority of the males who helped us were the very same individuals who initially opposed us settling near them. My mate admitted later that he vehemently opposed to us being there. Like a fool I asked him why he and the others helped us so much then; he replied that he couldn’t just let us women be in those damn tents with barely any clothing and food. Human males are biologically hardwired to pursue, savor and protect females in much the same way we do males. We faced no meaningful hardship because these ‘animals’ who were afraid and terrified of us couldn’t bring themselves not to help us. Their females of course didn’t like this volunteering from their males, especially when we started partnering with them when they proposed it but who cares what their females think? Their inability to figure out and attract their own males is their own problem; a failure of theirs that is magnified by the fact that we cannot even bear their children and that their males have a Lotai; in the end the competition did them some good in finding out how to become even more alluring to their males but the fact is that we are still called the superior females!” She sensed that the Mizol still had her mental defenses up as she expected and she continued as planned.

“The most amusing thing of all is that we ended up having unlimited and exclusive access to our human mates when you warriors have again been reduced to the pre-war access scheme by this point. Of course there are the exceptions of the warriors that man the various embassies and consulates at this side of the Wasteland.” She didn’t need to sense the mental recoil from the Mizol, her physical reaction was proof enough on its own.

“Admit it, you all choose to sample the goods whenever the opportunity presents itself, especially Mizols who have learned how talkative human males are when mating with a proper female.” She sensed apprehension in her captive's mind and pressed on. “How many times have you laid with an animal, Mizol?” The Mizol tried to telepathically attack her again at that but she brushed it aside with a chuckle.

“How many times Mizol?”

“I WAS FOLLOWING ORDERS!” The Mizol shouted.

“Orders that had you mounting males! How many times?” She repeated while laughing.

“96 times.” The Mizol finally answered.

“With how many animals?”

“One.” The answer surprised her and she first took a look the notes she was holding and then looked at the one way mirror in disbelief before realizing that she could use this.

“One at a time? Or just one partner?”

“Just the one.”

“Let me guess, Evan Jacobs a mid tier defense and intelligence analyst for the department of defense and various think tanks.” The Mizol stiffened at that, both physically and mentally.

“We keep you Mizols under close watch from the moment you step in Confederation space; in fact we have been screening all you warriors from the moment we decided to protect these males from you.” The Mizol realized something at that moment and her mind seethed with anger.

“Yes, we were the ones who informed him that you had bugged his computers in order to leech information off of him. He didn’t take it lightly did he?” The Mizol didn’t reply but she stared back at her furiously. “It’s obvious from the report that he is very much like mine, a man that closely resembles our own in personality; someone who prefers mental and philosophical pursuits. The kind who wishes for you to be close to him at all times, to embrace you with a gentle intensity that makes you think that just the act of pushing him away is tantamount to torture for him. How was it lying to him while he whispered words of love and compassion to you? How did you feel when you felt his warmth after taking advantage of him?” The Mizol was still angry but she just stared at the floor in defeat.

“Is he an animal?”

“He is a lying alien with a Lotai.” The Mizol recited in a way that made it obvious that she didn’t wholeheartedly believe it.

“At least he is not an animal anymore…” She teased the hapless Mizol. “Now lets see if you can admit that you lied more to him than he did to you.”

“The Lotai is proof enough of their lies.”

“I usually hear that from Soroins not Mizols.” She joked before pressing forth.

“You lied to him from the beginning; you took advantage of his trust and placed him in a perilous position. Personally I am surprised that you didn’t fuck around like some others do and kept yourself focused and loyal to the single one.”

“I only did what my orders required.”

“And how did it feel to be the exclusive female with him?” The Mizol tried to close her mind as best as she could but her self-loathing and regret was easy to sense.

“Their monogamous tendencies are what make the truth obvious, only a fool is blind enough not to understand their love and commitment to their chosen mate. You realized it at some point, perhaps not at first but certainly when you were embracing each other. It was after this realization that you faced the choice between him and those who deny the truth and wish them harm.” The Mizol teared up at that, her mind becoming increasingly unstable. “And between the one who loved you and the ones who almost murdered you in the diral you chose the latter like the weak willed cowardly fool that you are. How does it feel choosing those who fed you to a Sori?” She smiled crookedly at the increased self loathing and apprehension she sensed.

“In the end you decided to act like a human and started lying to yourself in order to rid yourself of the uncomfortable truth ‘It’s just that my hormones are out of control, he is not a true male, I am becoming weak because of him’. I have heard all this and more from dozens of stupid warriors who deny the truth after realizing it but this tends to break you foolish warriors if you keep at it. That’s why they rotate you rather quickly from the embassies. You Mizols however have it far worse since you lying scum have the benefit of realizing the truth almost immediately yet most young fools like yourself still choose to perpetuate the lie and still seek out ways to harm them with the aim of exterminating them and what they represent to the Union.” She sensed the opportunity and immediately reached and put her palm to the Mizol’s forehead.

“DID…YOU…THINK…THAT…WE…WOULDN’T…BE…PREPARED…TO …PROTECT…THESE…MALES…FROM…LIARS…SUCH…AS…YOU?” She lashed out telepathically, the mental defenses of the hapless Mizol crumbling almost immediately.

“Did you think that we stood idle all these Tozons? That we didn’t prepare ourselves for when you scum would decide to act on your lies? Did you think that we forgot what it means to protect the males?” She ranted as the Mizol failed to offer any resistance. “Our mothers were weak and resigned, we were weak and resigned…” She sighed and recollected herself when the memory of her resignation from her Soroi Diral band came back to her.

“DID…YOU…THINK…THAT…WE…WOULDN’T…REFORGE…OURSELVES…TO…PROTECT…THESE…MALES?” The Mizol’s mind finally buckled and collapsed at that, she probed her mind and mentally reached out to call for the others.

“She is ready, extract what she knows, heal her and cut her hair off before dropping her off at the usual place.”

“Yes, Lieutenant.” She took off her amplifier and made to leave but hesitated for a moment and turned to face the broken Mizol.

“Had you resigned back then you would have no problem in accepting the truth and him.” She said, knowing that the Mizol was too disoriented to understand what she was saying now but perhaps she would remember later. “Who knows, perhaps you would have ended up choosing Alexandra for your spoken name as well.”
Last edited by Guest on Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by dragoongfa »

Something that I had written months ago and wanted to add to the fully edited PDF but since my lazy ass is taking too long I am posting it as penance now that six months have passed.

Hope you guys enjoy it.

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Mr Bojangles
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Mr Bojangles »

That was interesting. Reads kind of like a bridge between the stories you've posted.

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Re: Omake: Truth, Lies and Broken things.

Post by Krulle »

dragoongfa wrote: “Do you really thingthink that I will say anything to you traitor even with the drugs you pumped into me?” The Mizol replied.


“Their monogamous tendencies are what make the truth obvious, only a fool is blind enough not to understand their love and commitment to their chosen mate. You realized it at some point, perhaps not at first but certainly when you were embracing each other. It was after this realization that you faced the choice between him and those who deny the truth and wish them harm.” The Mizol teared up at that, her mind becoming increasingly unstable. “And between the one who loved you and the ones who almost murdered you in the diral you chose the laterlatter like the weak willed cowardly fool that you are. How does it feel choosing those who fed you to a Sori?” She smiled crookedly at the increased self loathing and apprehension she sensed.
Okay, I need to re-read the previous installments.

But, whoha. What an aggression shown here, just to "protect our males". Lovely.

Yes, racism is not a nice thing. On neither side.
The Ur-Quan Masters finally gets a continuation of the story! Late backing possible, more info soon.

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Re: Omake: Truth, Lies and Broken things.

Post by Durabys »

dragoongfa wrote:Their inability to figure out and attract their own males is their own problem; a failure of theirs that is magnified by the fact that we cannot even bear their children and that their males have a Lotai; in the end the competition did them some good in finding out how to become even more alluring to their males but the fact is that we are still called the superior females!” She sensed that the Mizol still had her mental defenses up as she expected and she continued as planned.

I just realized something extremely bad. A Fridge Horror kind of bad.

That part up there?

Rhetorical question time!

So? How does a Human Female becomes more attractive to a Human Male?

Simple. By playing even more on the age old preconceptions and necessities that are hard wired into the Human genome. The same things that are hardwired into the Loroi females towards Loroi males. Making herself behave like, appear or even truly be 'in need of protection'. Self-conscious, competent and high-spirited women (aka: nearly all of them could be categorized as such by the 22nd century when compared through the lens of ancient history) are now going to have a problem: They cannot compete with the natural beauty of the Eldar Witches who are like them in every way and more: self-conscious, competent and high-spirited. Ever. Not without serious genetic augmentation and tampering (which, myself am for and would advise them to do immediately, but because this is Traveler based setting, and not Transhuman Space or Eclipse Phase..this would be possible only millennia down the line).
Even with the best plastic therapies and fashion and what not..it's not going to cut it. They will need to go the extra mile and it doesn't matter that the Loroi Females cannot bear Human or Hybrid children. To Human Females, having a child with a Male, is as much about the chemical/hormonal fulfilling of urges and passions as it is about a psychological and mental connection to the Male in question. Very unlike the Loroi. What is happening is seriously straining this social fabric. The only solution now is to play on the natural instincts of Human Males to get their way.

AKA: The last three centuries of gender equality struggle just went down the drain..and ironically..and in a dark humorous way..it wasn't the males who initiated it as the Human Females and Feminism Advocates always feared. It was the females and their peer pressure and parental commands and teaching (especially from the mothers: who would explain in grant detail to their daughters what personal sacrifices have to be made and freedoms, that their predecessors fought so hard to get, to be put aside by them to get a man's attention nowadays thanks to the super-naturally beautiful Eldar Witches) of human women and girls.

Interesting facts and consequences of the above:

*Because Human Females would have to spend much more time training their social and appearance powers and exercising them on Human Males to be at least somewhat equal to the Loroi Females, who have been genetically engineered to be such by the Soia -- aka: Loroi females are naturally beautiful unlike their Human counterparts, they would have incredibly much less time in doing things like career's or hobbies.

*Tolerance of LGBT would be the second thing that goes down the drain. It would take perhaps half a millennium, though. Ironically, starting with Loroi Lesbians. Then followed by Human Gays. Then finally, Human Lesbians. The last two groups would be in the unwanted competition in the category "Who of us two is going to suffer more now."

Result: The Human Females just ended up like just a better version of Loroi Males. Victorian Era Britain gentlemen would be green with envy! :shock:

I do not think this is a universe I would love to live in.

Visit as some kind of a Multiverse Traveler myself? Sure. Why? Because: Harem Shenanigans worthy of some of the more misogynist QuestionableQuesting RP games could be had in such setting, involving mostly the now hyper-feminine (feminine in all the classical examples thereof) Human Females probably. Even I from time to time enjoy such backwards thinking and role-play. One of my many vices. But at least I am conscious of those.

But spend my life in such setting. Hell no! :o

Note: Loroi Males, thanks to the sexuality ratio scheme of the Soia, never had any tolerance for any of their Homosexuals at all. Why indeed? They always got all the women anyway so anybody who didn't like women was a freak and ostracized already.

Post-Note: Tolkien's work and Silmarion are about to become the most hated piece of fiction by every Human Female.
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by dragoongfa »


You are reading too much into it.

The need and want to have children is hardwired on the human male as well which is the reason as to why men pursue marriage with the female they are with. A marriage is a social contract with the intention of starting a family, a man who doesn't want children simply doesn't have any desire to marry.

So the women are safe in that regard.

What they are not safe with is nagging their men to death (read up how nagging is actually a detriment to a man's health) and divorcing them when 'something better' (i.e. a more handsome and/or richer man) shows interest.

So in short all a woman has to do in order to overcome Loroi competition is this:

Take care of herself and her body (Fat chicks get nothing)
Don't be a bitch to their men (That's probably the greatest draw of a Loroi permanent partner since I can't imagine a Loroi nagging a man)
Be loyal to their men.
Extra points if they can cook well.

And the women must have worked this out because the human population went from 25 billion to over 100 billion in the span of a century.

Of course there is also the possibility of Human/Loroi married couples hiring surrogates but the children of such couple should, at most, be a handful of billions over the span of a century.

There will of course be 'leftover' women but those will probably be the careerists who even today show little interest in family matters.
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Re: Omake: Truth, Lies and Broken things.

Post by Tamri »

Durabys wrote:

I just realized something extremely bad. A Fridge Horror kind of bad.

That part up there?

Rhetorical question time!

So? How does a Human Female becomes more attractive to a Human Male?

Simple. By playing even more on the age old preconceptions and necessities that are hard wired into the Human genome. The same things that are hardwired into the Loroi females towards Loroi males. Making herself behave like, appear or even truly be 'in need of protection'. Self-conscious, competent and high-spirited women (aka: nearly all of them could be categorized as such by the 22nd century when compared through the lens of ancient history) are now going to have a problem: They cannot compete with the natural beauty of the Eldar Witches who are like them in every way and more: self-conscious, competent and high-spirited. Ever. Not without serious genetic augmentation and tampering (which, myself am for and would advise them to do immediately, but because this is Traveler based setting, and not Transhuman Space or Eclipse Phase..this would be possible only millennia down the line).
Even with the best plastic therapies and fashion and what not..it's not going to cut it. They will need to go the extra mile and it doesn't matter that the Loroi Females cannot bear Human or Hybrid children. To Human Females, having a child with a Male, is as much about the chemical/hormonal fulfilling of urges and passions as it is about a psychological and mental connection to the Male in question. Very unlike the Loroi. What is happening is seriously straining this social fabric. The only solution now is to play on the natural instincts of Human Males to get their way.

AKA: The last three centuries of gender equality struggle just went down the drain..and ironically..and in a dark humorous way..it wasn't the males who initiated it as the Human Females and Feminism Advocates always feared. It was the females and their peer pressure and parental commands and teaching (especially from the mothers: who would explain in grant detail to their daughters what personal sacrifices have to be made and freedoms, that their predecessors fought so hard to get, to be put aside by them to get a man's attention nowadays thanks to the super-naturally beautiful Eldar Witches) of human women and girls.

Interesting facts and consequences of the above:

*Because Human Females would have to spend much more time training their social and appearance powers and exercising them on Human Males to be at least somewhat equal to the Loroi Females, who have been genetically engineered to be such by the Soia -- aka: Loroi females are naturally beautiful unlike their Human counterparts, they would have incredibly much less time in doing things like career's or hobbies.

*Tolerance of LGBT would be the second thing that goes down the drain. It would take perhaps half a millennium, though. Ironically, starting with Loroi Lesbians. Then followed by Human Gays. Then finally, Human Lesbians. The last two groups would be in the unwanted competition in the category "Who of us two is going to suffer more now."

Result: The Human Females just ended up like just a better version of Loroi Males. Victorian Era Britain gentlemen would be green with envy! :shock:

I do not think this is a universe I would love to live in.

Visit as some kind of a Multiverse Traveler myself? Sure. Why? Because: Harem Shenanigans worthy of some of the more misogynist QuestionableQuesting RP games could be had in such setting, involving mostly the now hyper-feminine (feminine in all the classical examples thereof) Human Females probably. Even I from time to time enjoy such backwards thinking and role-play. One of my many vices. But at least I am conscious of those.

But spend my life in such setting. Hell no! :o

Note: Loroi Males, thanks to the sexuality ratio scheme of the Soia, never had any tolerance for any of their Homosexuals at all. Why indeed? They always got all the women anyway so anybody who didn't like women was a freak and ostracized already.

Post-Note: Tolkien's work and Silmarion are about to become the most hated piece of fiction by every Human Female.
Actually, it's all correct. But, only if people don't be engage in self-improvement. Simple cleaning of the gene pool of the accumulated in it over the millennia trash and repairing the body design flaws caused by the same evolution, is able to give a result that looks at least as good. And, to be honest, I still hardly catch what to reproduce still need sex and pregnancy, at this level of technology development.

While at the expense of "the world in which I isn't like live" - is yes. In general, I have such a thought crept another moment with the cultivation of chauvinism (yeah, the reason was, and serious, but it is never an excuse).

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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by Durabys »

dragoongfa wrote:@Duradys

You are reading too much into it.

The need and want to have children is hardwired on the human male as well which is the reason as to why men pursue marriage with the female they are with. A marriage is a social contract with the intention of starting a family, a man who doesn't want children simply doesn't have any desire to marry.

So the women are safe in that regard.

What they are not safe with is nagging their men to death (read up how nagging is actually a detriment to a man's health) and divorcing them when 'something better' (i.e. a more handsome and/or richer man) shows interest.

So in short all a woman has to do in order to overcome Loroi competition is this:

Take care of herself and her body (Fat chicks get nothing)
Don't be a bitch to their men (That's probably the greatest draw of a Loroi permanent partner since I can't imagine a Loroi nagging a man)
Be loyal to their men.
Extra points if they can cook well.

And the women must have worked this out because the human population went from 25 billion to over 100 billion in the span of a century.

Of course there is also the possibility of Human/Loroi married couples hiring surrogates but the children of such couple should, at most, be a handful of billions over the span of a century.

There will of course be 'leftover' women but those will probably be the career who even today show little interest in family matters.
And that's different from my own post how?

Take care of herself and her body (Fat chicks get nothing)

Point is: Loroi cannot get fat like Humans. They cannot get fugly or even just ugly or non-beautiful. Thanks to the genetic tampering done by the Soia. All the while Human Females must throw absurd amounts of time and their own resources and money to change things that (things that Loroi Females won't be throwing resources at..coming on top economically as well), yes, were a hindrance before, and yes, required some attention and resources to handle, but were never such a monstrous problem to solve. Example: Modern fashion and beauty industry. The Loroi Females (and Males as well) have not only this for granted from the very beginning of their lives..they do not need to put any money or resources into this (they will be scratching heads about the things Human Females do to stay good looking)..their least sexy-version is as good as our top models. When the bottom 99% of the Female population just became below average in terms of 'good looks'..is going to cause in-correctable problem (without serious augmentation that is). Without genetic engineering you cannot solve this. Period.

Also..what the fuck are these here:
Don't be a bitch to their men (That's probably the greatest draw of a Loroi permanent partner since I can't imagine a Loroi nagging a man)
Be loyal to their men.
Extra points if they can cook well.

So basically the EXACT same thing I was saying above!? :?
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Re: [Fan Fiction] Looking forward to the Mirror (Completed)

Post by dragoongfa »

Here is how things are different:

Fat chicks get nothing:

In order to no be fat you simply must not overeat, that's all there is to it. Calories in must on average be the amount of calories out. What is the amount of effort required to simply put the damn fork down and count calories? I did it and lost 20 kilograms in an year without starving myself in order to get to a normal BMI. Also remember this: thin and fit is healthy and fertile.

Fashion and all that stuff: you are underestimating how efficient and able the human cosmetic industry will be in 2160. A century ago women were simply butt ugly when compared to today's women. I don't want to imagine how stuff will be in a century and a half.

As for what all these are:
Don't be a bitch to their men (That's probably the greatest draw of a Loroi permanent partner since I can't imagine a Loroi nagging a man)
Be loyal to their men.
Extra points if they can cook well.
They are exactly what men universally want from their women:

Men want their women to be pleasant to be around.
Men want the children they are supporting and raising to be theirs.
Men also want to eat a good meal once in a while.

None of the above comes anywhere near the social regression of gender equality and persecution of deviant sexual preferences.

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