Outcast Quest [Updated 10/10/18 - Turn 14]

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Razor One wrote:
dragoongfa wrote:A Marine’s Reasons
Canon +10, though don't expect me to be generous in future when you're clearly fishing for points. :P
If I was fishing for points I would have written 4 and would have had a one week hiatus for the fan fic :P

As for the story...

Let's hope that the Loroi males find the chocolate 'invigorating' because the 78 doesn't make a great export prospect :P

Also, someone give Pale the original Lord of the Rings trilogy because the remakes all sucked. :mrgreen:

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

I've been waiting for Razor to post the Christmas party so I could unleash my own second wave of Omake! I've had the ideas for a while, but I needed to know what all would be at the party so I would know which of my ideas were usable.

The last little snip is likely not canon (since not even our spookie friends are likely to know stuff even we haven't decided yet), but the idea was just too hilarious to pass up.

No need to pass out points for this Razor (unless you want to, I'm not gonna say no!), I just wanted to get in on the Christmas fun. ;)

'Tis the Season...

“Now you just cut here and here, sew the seams together, and you’re done,” explained Rachel, pinching the red fabric together to show how it would look when it was finished.

“I still can’t believe it. Lost between universes without any way of getting back, and what are we doing?” asked one of the gathered women with a laugh. “Making Santa hats out of old clothes and the insulation from our winter gear.”

“Well, what are we supposed to be doing with ourselves?” pointed out another woman, gesturing at her swollen belly. “It’s not as though we can drill for the militia or work the mines like this, and if I had to spend another week just sitting around I was going to go nuts.”

“Tell me about it. Six technical certifications, a Masters in Exo-Mining, and what do I get? Benched thanks to this little miracle here.”

“Less griping, more sewing! This seasonal cheer isn’t going to spread itself you know!”

“…I’m starting to think we’d have been better off in the militia.”


“Well, it’s not as though we could have brought the real thing along with us,” Lee said, pulling at the glowing metal on his workbench with a small pair of pliers.

“It’s not that, I just never knew you could do this sort of thing,” said Anna, the supervisor for their makeshift workshop. Rumor had it they’d be getting a real one pretty soon, but until then they made do with what they had.

“Oh yeah, metalwork’s always been one of my hobbies,” replied Lee, waving his torch over the object to heat it back up. “This would be a lot nicer if we had some real tools and some better materials to work with, but eh.”

“How are you getting the green?”

“The metal tints depending on how much you heat it. The folks over at the refinery were kind enough to hand over some of their scraps when I told them what I needed it for. Still probably won’t be able to get everything perfect, but hopefully it’ll be close enough.”

“Scrap-metal mistletow. Who’d have thought?”


“You’re sure the Captain approved this?”

“She said she wanted colored paper for wrapping presents. We’re not exactly drowning in paper, so dyed scraps is what she’s going to have to settle for.”

“Not that. I mean, what are all these chemicals even for?”

“Well, the one for red is from the new yeast plant, it’s supposed to… actually, on second thought it might be better if you didn’t know what all these are. You’ll sleep better.”

“Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate it.”


“The hats are done, and we’ve even got some Santa outfits to go with them. There are a few streamers, and the cooks are over the moon that they get to work with chocolate again. Bad news on the ice sculptures: Rudolf’s legs gave out an hour ago and our angel just lost a wing. They’re going to be a no-go for the party.”

“Acceptable casualties, I suppose. What else?”

“Cole says he’s scrounged up or found people to make everything on Izumi’s list, so looks like our guests will be getting their Christmas presents after all. He says he couldn’t find any coal to give to the rude one though.”

“Probably for the best. I doubt she’d get the joke. Still, it’s nice to be doing something fun for a change.”

“That it is, Captain. That it is.”


Spear was awoken by a horrified scream and rolled out of the bunk the Humans had provided in an instant, landing in a fighting crouch. She frantically scanned for an attacker, but the room was empty save for her diral, most of whom seemed just as startled as she was.

“What is it?” she demanded. “What has happened?”

“Satan Claws!” Pip screamed, pointing at something on the far side of the room. “Satan Claws has come to enslave us for his toy factories!”

Spear glanced at where the girl was indicating, and saw a single package sitting against the wall. It hadn’t been there when they’d returned from the Kreesmas party, she was almost certain of it. Like all the Humans’ gifts, it was wrapped with colorful paper, though this one had a blue bow on the top that almost looked like a flower.

“Stay back!” she warned, creeping closer to the mysterious gift.

“Don’t open it! It must be some kind of evil trick by the Satan Claws to capture us and turn us into his Kreesmas Elves!”

“But if we refuse his gift, he might become insulted and attack us with his laser-nosed cyborgs!” responded Emerald.

“We do not even know this is the Satan Claws’ doing,” Spear reminded. “I shall open the gift. Should anything happen, contact the Human guards immediately.”

“As if they-”

“Enough!” Spear took a deep breath, exhaled, and began undoing the wrapping as gingerly as a technician disarming a bomb. The paper fell away, revealing a simple digital display showing slowly decrementing Human numerals.

“What is it?” asked Pip nervously.

“I…do not know.” She picked up the device and examined it carefully, noticing that something had been carved above the glacial countdown:


“This is…” Spear exclaimed as she realized what had happened. “To have the technology to cross the very dimensions simply so he can mock us with this trinket? The Satan Claws is more vile than I had imagined!”
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Absalom »

joestej wrote: “Enough!” Spear took a deep breath, exhaled, and began undoing the wrapping as gingerly as a technician disarming a bomb. The paper fell away, revealing a simple digital display showing slowly decrementing Human numerals.

“What is it?” asked Pip nervously.

“I…do not know.” She picked up the device and examined it carefully, noticing that something had been carved above the glacial countdown:


“This is…” Spear exclaimed as she realized what had happened. “To have the technology to cross the very dimensions simply so he can mock us with this trinket? The Satan Claws is more vile than I had imagined!”
This should absolutely be cannon, it positively reeks of the ambiguity of the Blue Rose.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »

Satan Clawl
Definitely not canon.

Funny? Definitely.
dragoongfa wrote:snip
joestej wrote:snip
Nice stories.

We should probably make a list of everyone's names, or at least the 26 crew, so that we can have consistent names.

Also, the Hive mind declares the stories as spellchecked. Whether the words were the right ones will have to wait.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Onaiom »

Razor One wrote: ***
"So, let me understand," said Spear carefully, "there is a being on your world who knows all the children who are naughty and nice, breaks into their homes, and gives presents to them all in one night?"
"Yes, and he rides around in a sleigh pulled by magical flying reindeer!" exclaimed Lieutenant Izumi happily.
"Why then hasn't any child captured him and taken the presents for themselves? Or the secrets of his technology?" asked Spear.
"Ah, well, um, you see-"
"Wait, no, I see now. He knows they're all naughty or nice because he has an excellent surveillance system, and knows where the ambushes are laid. Truly he is a formidable opponent to plague your world for all these centuries despite your advances," she reasoned.
"Uhhh..." said Izumi, unsure of where this conversation was even going anymore.
"And to think he operates out of a single location using a massive slave labour workforce alongside cleverly disguised cybernetic animals. He is truly monstrous."
“This is…” Spear exclaimed as she realized what had happened. “To have the technology to cross the very dimensions simply so he can mock us with this trinket? The Satan Claws is more vile than I had imagined!”

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Glad everyone likes it!

I leave it to Razor to decide if the last snip is canonical or not, though if it is I suspect we will have to nail down a firm departure date for our Loroi trip or risk REALLY ticking them off.

Writing the Loroi kids' reactions to their gift from 'Satan Claws' was a blast though. I might do another one about them telling more Satan Claws ghost stories, just for the fun of it. The hardest part would be to keep to the 'alien cyber-spook' theme, since most of our Santa traditions are actually closer to what you'd do for an evil spirit (appeasing it with offerings of food/drink, begging it for small favors).
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

joestej wrote:'Tis the Season...
Enjoyable as all hell to read, but I can only give it semi-canon. I don't see you guys setting off in two or three turns unless you pretty much raced for Fuel Ref + Docks and then went with only a partially filled hold, though you always could surprise me. Also the Loroi were toying with your characters a bit. They might be kids but even my six year old nephew figured Santa was fake but played along to get more presents. :P

Also, if the Blue Rose were, allegedly, to allegedly enter the Loroi's alleged quarters while they were allegedly away on an alleged Christmas Party to allegedly search for anything allegedly suspicious and allegedly make copies of their alleged diaries for alleged future referencing and alleged intelligence alleged gathering, then allegedly it would allegedly may not have allegedly happened at allegedly all. Allegedly.

That said, it was fun approaching Christmas from an alien's point of view. Viewed objectively and without the 'fun', Santa is actually quite terrifying. Then again, the Loroi treating him as an enemy is technically canon:


And on the subject of pictures, I've managed to find some character art for Lieutenant Izumi that wasn't immediately offensive.


Full disclosure: Was trying to find a Lady Santa Clause cosplay that looked like Izumi that wasn't too sexy, the kind of costume you'd wear to a party and not to the bedroom, or had a pose befitting a military officer. I failed that mission. To put this into perspective, I was looking something like Beryl's costume and pose up there. Most of what I found was much more... raunchy.

January 2nd 2156

Turn 9

You are still recovering from your new years hangover. Volkova's Vodka was definitely a party hit alongside the Loroi in attendance... and you can't for the life of you remember what actually happened at the party. Drinking, certainly. It's as you're trying to sort through the alcohol laden fog that-





Your scientists have packed up all their gear and returned from Fenrir before they could finish their research. A dire situation has arisen making it completely unsafe to remain there.

Fenrir's silicon crust is thinning at an alarming rate. Seismic readings of the subsurface show an enormous membrane not entirely unlike a placenta, below which is a distinctly liquid interior filled with thousands upon thousands of unknown objects. They were unable to get an accurate count of their number or their size, but the scans clearly showed movement and an attraction to the scientific crews seismic equipment when they were in use.

At the rate Fenrir's silicon shell is thinning, they surmise that it will crack open and release whatever is inside by the end of next month (Turn 10), possibly sooner. They left what sensors they could spare on the surface for remote monitoring.

And it couldn't have come at a worse time. You have elections next month, you're not going to be able to evacuate the colony, not unless you want to kiss goodbye to all our hard work, and you don't fancy the chances that this won't end with an asteroid blowing up in your face.

The only good news is that the team is adamant that Niflheim itself is not some kind of enormous alien egg too. That would have been beyond embarassing. See the Fenrir Report for more information.

Regardless, emergency protocols are now in place. Say goodbye to your free time until its over.

Emergency Preparations: Choose One

[] Fallout Shelter: The depth of your mines will work to your advantage. An airtight shelter stockpiled with supplies can be built within the month, allowing your colonists to survive any surface impacts, and with mining equipment, will allow them to tunnel out if they get buried. It will put a crimp in your mining income though.

Cost: Reduced income, Mining income halved for this turn, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Fallout shelter built, Colonists able to evacuate there in case of emergency.

[] Evacuation: Refurbish the colony module, evacuate your colonists to the L'Amour, and ride out the disintegration of Fenrir from a safe distance. You can always return once things calm down again.

Cost: Military / Stewardship actions locked, Time: 1 Month, Chance of Success: 100%, Reward: Colonists safe and sound aboard your ship.

[] Write In: Dare you come up with a brilliant plan?

Cost: ???, Time: ???, Chance of Success: ???, Reward: ???

In either case, the attitude thrusters you built will attempt to point the colony in the safest position and the L'Amour will standby at a safe distance and attempt to pick off debris that may threaten Niflheim. Depending on your choices, further emergency options will unlock for the confrontation.

The Fenrir Report:
Fenrir's crust is thinning at an alarming rate. By sometime in February, it will shatter and release its contents. The fact that the whales are set to arrive at the same time is not believed to be a mere coincidence. Given all that we've been able to ascertain, it could be that this is part of their lifecycle and we had the pot luck to setup shop right here.

Regardless, there are several posited scenarios of what could occur.

Worst Case: Fenrir remains whole.

If Fenrir remains whole, the liquid interior will jet out of a few limited holes in the surface. If these holes are not evenly distributed, they will act as geysers, altering Fenrirs otherwise stable path into an unstable one. Collision with Niflheim will be devastating and unavoidable. Current consensus is that this very unlikely, as even the current thickness and projected tensile strength of Fenrir's silicate crust point to it cracking like an eggshell.

Middling Case: Fenrir shatters like an egg.

If Fenrir shatters like an eggshell, then the liquid and shell will disperse evenly into the surrounding environment. Gravity will for the most part cause these pieces to slam into Niflheim and its related moons at harmless points. Projections indicate that we can angle our colonial structures to a singular point so as to minimise the potential damage. It's believed that anywhere between a dozen or a hundred pieces may fall in the projected safe zone; the L'Amours laser system, while weakened due to the atmosphere, should be able to interdict the debris and protect vital structures.

Best Case: Eggshells are tasty.

Much of the behaviour of the whales, mantas and other life forms are completely unknown to us. It's possible that whatever dwells within Fenrir will have no qualms about consuming its former home before it can threaten our colony and just leaving. We just don't know.

Mixed Case: Any combination of the above.

Any scenario that mixes any combination of the above is likely to have all the drawbacks and none of the advantages, and speaking frankly, there's only so much we can simulate with so many unknowns.
GM Note:
Remember the note that said the Briar Patch may not have been as safe as you thought?

It wasn't as safe as you thought.

You Asteroids Now.

The usual actions for Turn 9 will be posted tomorrow, after you've had a chance to think over your actions and vote. Your colonists are not suspending elections, on the basis that they should be able to hold them without disrupting any of your plans to safeguard them.

<< Interlude - An Elven Christmas || Turn 9 Eggzacting Preparations >>
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Siber »

All we've got for weapons is what's listed in the Insider for the L'Amour class, right? One double point defense laser turret? Even so we probably could just lase that thing over the course of a month and cook it before it hatches. But personally I'm leaning towards fallout shelters, as it's a measure that might come in handy down the line too.
They might be kids but even my six year old nephew figured Santa was fake but played along to get more presents.
My niece, a similar age, admitted to the same thing this year. Considering her fervence about christmas stuff last year I have to wonder if there's some retconning going on there, but the fact remains that she's cracked the code.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Siber wrote:All we've got for weapons is what's listed in the Insider for the L'Amour class, right? One double point defense laser turret? Even so we probably could just lase that thing over the course of a month and cook it before it hatches. But personally I'm leaning towards fallout shelters, as it's a measure that might come in handy down the line too.
You'd probably burn out your laser system doing it. Fenrir is not small, and the sheer mass to cook it with your laser setup is not insignificant. It's like boiling the Earth's oceans to softboil an egg. Doable, but way outside your current resources.

Lasing smaller pieces so they veer off course due to outgassing or altered aerodynamics is much more feasible, relatively speaking.

You do have spare parts for the laser system, but without a drydock you can't mount it to the L'Amour. Depending on what emergency actions you take here, you may be able to rig a temporary mount. It'll be a part of the second set of emergency actions that will appear with the rest of Turn 9.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

I have the nasty suspicion that we could have used the Stabilization thrusters at this point...

Oh well...

I am going to go with the fallout shelter as well; paranoid asshole that I am even I find it improbable that not only will the Shell remain at one piece but that it will be solid enough to cause real damage to Niflheim.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

Having that would have halved the amount of debris you'd wind up having to lase or vape, but it wouldn't have gotten you in the clear. Those thrusters are good but you'll be slowboating things no matter what.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

Do we have any explosives BTW?

Not for blowing the asteroid apart but for weakening the Silicate crust as much as possible to ensure that Fenrir doesn't stay in one piece.

Also one of our asteroids has a layer of hydrocarbon, which mean that something is going to eat it.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Razor One wrote: Enjoyable as all hell to read, but I can only give it semi-canon. I don't see you guys setting off in two or three turns unless you pretty much raced for Fuel Ref + Docks and then went with only a partially filled hold, though you always could surprise me. Also the Loroi were toying with your characters a bit. They might be kids but even my six year old nephew figured Santa was fake but played along to get more presents. :P

Also, if the Blue Rose were, allegedly, to allegedly enter the Loroi's alleged quarters while they were allegedly away on an alleged Christmas Party to allegedly search for anything allegedly suspicious and allegedly make copies of their alleged diaries for alleged future referencing and alleged intelligence alleged gathering, then allegedly it would allegedly may not have allegedly happened at allegedly all. Allegedly.
Ha! Well, I figured as much. I tried to aim as high as reasonably possible for the numerical countdown (and nobody said whether each set of numbers stood for hours, days, or weeks, or if they were even using Human time measurements) since I couldn't be bothered to plot out what a real countdown to Turn 15 or 16 would look like, so I'm not surprised it's way off. There are some other canonical issues with the Loroi part and I didn't write it for the points anyway, so I'm more than happy to accept a verdict of 'semi-canon'.
Razor One wrote:You Asteroids Now.
OH SNAP! Damn it, I was worried about Fenrir being an egg. From the look of it (thousands and thousands of objects), we're probably looking at a manta swarm instead of a single huge whale. Then again, it could be a whale swarm and they just reproduce in small batches. Whichever, we've got trouble in River City.
dragoongfa wrote:Do we have any explosives BTW?

Not for blowing the asteroid apart but for weakening the Silicate crust as much as possible to ensure that Fenrir doesn't stay in one piece.
I second dragoongfa's question. Not looking for nukes, our ship explicitly wouldn't have those, but maybe mining charges or something to strategically weaken the crust?

Some other stuff I have questions about:
  • How much do we know about the local life? Probably not much since we didn't get to do Whalers of the Sky, but whatever we've got so far I'd like to know. I have a half-baked plan to use magnetic fields to guide the incoming whales so they do some of our interception for us, but I don't even know if that's remotely workable.
  • How much work might we be able to do on Fenrir before it cracks? Can we send teams to figure out what exactly is inside? Run tests on them to see if they would be interested in eating the crust like in the Best Case?
  • The embryonic creatures were attracted the seismic equipment (probably the infrasound it made). Can we use that to direct them, put extra stress on certain parts of Fenrir so we have more control over how it breaks?
  • On a metagame level, dragoongfa and I both have some bonus points now (15 each, I believe). Theoretically speaking, which rolls are we allowed to use those on? Can we boost the asteroid roll so it has a better chance of going Best Case, or would we be limited to stuff under our control like prep and interception rolls?
Regardless, my preliminary thoughts suggest that Fallout Shelter might be our best option. It will leave us our Stewardship and Martial actions for weakening the asteroid or whatever else we can come up with, and it protects our colonists. Odds of a Worst Case are slim, and if we lose Niflheim we're pretty screwed anyway so let's roll those dice!
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

So we will need both the fuel refinery and docks in order to leave?


Some change of plans is in order again but that's for later, I will see if we can build the docks and the refinery concurrently.

If we go the weakening the shell route then the explosives will have to be timed concurrently with when the eggshell is cracking. The explosions don't have to be strong but will have to go off on a lot of places simultaneously when the shell is under pressure in order to ensure the shattering. Shaped charges placed on the surface should be more than enough, no need to go all Bruce Willis on the place.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Onaiom »

Another image... I promise that will be the last one.

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Razor One »

joestej wrote:
dragoongfa wrote:Do we have any explosives BTW?

Not for blowing the asteroid apart but for weakening the Silicate crust as much as possible to ensure that Fenrir doesn't stay in one piece.
I second dragoongfa's question. Not looking for nukes, our ship explicitly wouldn't have those, but maybe mining charges or something to strategically weaken the crust?
You could probably swing that. Whoever winds up placing the charges will be nervous as all hell though.

How much do we know about the local life? Probably not much since we didn't get to do Whalers of the Sky, but whatever we've got so far I'd like to know. I have a half-baked plan to use magnetic fields to guide the incoming whales so they do some of our interception for us, but I don't even know if that's remotely workable.
You know that magnetic fields repulse them if they get too close, but that's about it. As for species:

Whales: Massive creatures that swim through the thick atmosphere and filter feed on hydrocarbons.
Mantas: Smaller, more agile carnivores. Tend to hunt isolated whales in packs.
Gargoyles: Batlike creatures of skin and bone. They appear to be omnivores. They cling to whales and are presumed to remove parasites or are parasites themselves. One of the smaller (presumably younger) mantas got too close and got swarmed by them. The larger mantas seem to have their own subspecies of gargoyle that fights it out with the whales subspecies, though whether this is an actual species divide or some kind of social divide is unknown.

How much work might we be able to do on Fenrir before it cracks? Can we send teams to figure out what exactly is inside? Run tests on them to see if they would be interested in eating the crust like in the Best Case?
You've got a month to work with. January is presumed to be reasonably safe, but February is right out for all but the most insane daredevils. Figuring out whats inside requires direct access, which will more or less precipitate a worst case scenario sooner rather than later.

The embryonic creatures were attracted the seismic equipment (probably the infrasound it made). Can we use that to direct them, put extra stress on certain parts of Fenrir so we have more control over how it breaks?
No. The creatures were simply attracted, they didn't seem to exert much if any internal pressure on the shell. They did emit their own infrasound pulses in response though. Presumably, they think their parents are right outside.

On a metagame level, dragoongfa and I both have some bonus points now (15 each, I believe). Theoretically speaking, which rolls are we allowed to use those on? Can we boost the asteroid roll so it has a better chance of going Best Case, or would we be limited to stuff under our control like prep and interception rolls?
Generally speaking, unless I say otherwise you can apply your bonus as you see fit. I'll reveal the rolls in advance of the results so you can apply them intelligently. That way you can choose to apply them in the case of a disaster, bank them if the rolls are alright, or use them anyway if they're good for maximum overcrits.
dragoongfa wrote:So we will need both the fuel refinery and docks in order to leave?


Some change of plans is in order again but that's for later, I will see if we can build the docks and the refinery concurrently.
Fuel Refinery and Docks at a minimum, Warehouse too unless you feel like bringing your irreplaceable stuff along for the ride.
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by Absalom »

dragoongfa wrote:If we go the weakening the shell route then the explosives will have to be timed concurrently with when the eggshell is cracking. The explosions don't have to be strong but will have to go off on a lot of places simultaneously when the shell is under pressure in order to ensure the shattering. Shaped charges placed on the surface should be more than enough, no need to go all Bruce Willis on the place.
Or it might be useful to intentionally produce a very focused blowout for the sake of causing Fenrir to jet off in a "safe" direction. Basically "worst case", but engineered into a best-ish case. Might not be possible, though, depending on the available engineers, accuracy of observations of Fenrir's rotational motion, accuracy of observations of Fenrir's state, etc.

Also, in addition to the bunker, someone should rig up a very big coil in case these things react to magnetics the same way that the whales do (I suspect the whales don't avoid them as reliably as thought, though).

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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by alpha »

Captain Murtagh wrote:Sanctum Maiori...
Well, this is a genuine charlie foxtrot.

I guess Over There and Over Here were more related than initially thought.

I vote for VaultTec Fallout shelters, while moving the L'Amour out of blast range if necessary.

Anyone got a good write in solution?
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by joestej »

Razor One wrote:
You know that magnetic fields repulse them if they get too close, but that's about it. As for species:

Whales: Massive creatures that swim through the thick atmosphere and filter feed on hydrocarbons.
Mantas: Smaller, more agile carnivores. Tend to hunt isolated whales in packs.
Gargoyles: Batlike creatures of skin and bone. They appear to be omnivores. They cling to whales and are presumed to remove parasites or are parasites themselves. One of the smaller (presumably younger) mantas got too close and got swarmed by them. The larger mantas seem to have their own subspecies of gargoyle that fights it out with the whales subspecies, though whether this is an actual species divide or some kind of social divide is unknown.
Interesting! The Gargoyles are news to me, so all this is quite interesting. Not so useful for guessing who or what is inside or formulating a plan to use them, but eh. It was worth a shot and maybe someone else has a better idea than I.

Did the Mantas or Gargoyles release their own infrasound pulses, or was that only the Whales?

The creatures were simply attracted, they didn't seem to exert much if any internal pressure on the shell. They did emit their own infrasound pulses in response though. Presumably, they think their parents are right outside.
Also good to note. Probably not going to be useful right now, but could be nice for later if we want to try domesticating them or drawing them to certain areas.

Generally speaking, unless I say otherwise you can apply your bonus as you see fit. I'll reveal the rolls in advance of the results so you can apply them intelligently. That way you can choose to apply them in the case of a disaster, bank them if the rolls are alright, or use them anyway if they're good for maximum overcrits.
WE GET TO APPLY THEM AFTER THE ROLL? :shock: I thought we were going to have to spend them beforehand! This is the best news I've had all day. Takes a lot of the stress off, knowing we've got a good chance of aborting any base-destroying Fumbles before they happen.
alpha wrote: I vote for VaultTec Fallout shelters, while moving the L'Amour out of blast range if necessary.

Anyone got a good write in solution?
From Razor's description, we're going to need the L'Amour to intercept the biggest bits of Fenrir if we want to limit the damage to the colony when it cracks. No running away this time, it seems.

As for the write in, we're working on it! Ideas are welcome!
Absalom wrote:Or it might be useful to intentionally produce a very focused blowout for the sake of causing Fenrir to jet off in a "safe" direction. Basically "worst case", but engineered into a best-ish case. Might not be possible, though, depending on the available engineers, accuracy of observations of Fenrir's rotational motion, accuracy of observations of Fenrir's state, etc.
I like this plan. If we strategically drill into the shell so the geysers appear where we want them (maybe rig up some attitude thrusters for Fenrir so we can control its movement, our own thrusters only took 1 turn to build), can we just fling it off into space instead of letting it go rogue and slam into us?
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Re: Outcast Quest

Post by dragoongfa »

The focused blowout is a VERY BAD idea, Fenrir will act exactly like an untied balloon with very unpredictable results.

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