[RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hālian »


Malidasaria raises an eyebrow at Torleif's comment, and speaks to him in fluent English.

“I am not hostile to you, Torleif Vättenman. My name is Mizol Losat Malidasaria, and I am a soldier in the Imperial Fleet of the Loroi Union. I and my sisters that have boarded this station do so in alliance with the crew of the human ship Cydonia against the forces that have taken this station.”
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

[Commander Ferox? I advise you to confirm this. I find myself not so easy to just drop my weapons because an unknown sends her greetings.]

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

At the end of the Northern row of crates to the far east of the shuttle bay Sonni confirms no hostiles in the area of her search... then hears the radio chatter across the Marine Comm-net.

Looking around Sonni senses Malidasaria covering her advance on the western side of the Shuttle Bay... and spots the SHI Mercenary she has discovered near the western end of the barricade, the middle station shuttle and thr second pilt of human bodies.

<< ["Commander Ferox, Stormrage here.. I have eyes on the station survivor.. please confirm we are on Humaniti's side.. to him. I don't want to damage him, he's armed with some bulk crude energy weapon and pointing in my Mizol's direction."] >>

She says this as she levels her hand and blaster pistol ready to use to support her crewsister...with weapon or worse if need be.

Sanzai to Malidasaria:
{"I see you sister and the SHI Mercenary is being covered..."}
...and Yellow sun Turns to aim her blaster rifle this new unknowns direction... not aiming at him directly but not so that she could not change that very quickly!

[ P64 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Beliskner »

[Commander Ferox? I advise you to confirm this. I find myself not so easy to just drop my weapons because an unknown sends her greetings.]

[Stand down Mr. Vättenman. They are... with us. IF you can move to us we will cover you if necessary.]


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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

[Standing down.

I've apparently been lying her on the floor for three days. So if they're with you it should be clear. Breaking cover, moving to the shuttle now.]

The walk would prove to be a small ordeal with a shattered ribcage. But the drugs still worked their magic.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Huffing slightly to herself, Nelopaio narrows her eyes, glancing over in Ferox's direction for a split instant as the repeated irritations register... Seemingly keeping to her 'distraction' of going over her weapons and armor yet again, she replies in sanzai... Those around ehr might notice a slight quickening to her movements, or that she slaps the power pack back into the rifle with a little more force than expected... Regardless, it's plain that this 'officer' knows her way around infantry hardware, casting some fog over her position as a warships executive commander by human standards... Who trains a naval officer to fight on the ground, anyways?

To Stormrage:
Even her muted undertones come through clear... She's irritated, and losing patience with the Commander rather fast right now, and in no mood for games...
{Alright, Sonni, give this fool a clear picture of what he's going up against. If he INSISTS on sending his flesh and blood warriors against what are effectively small armored vehicles, I want him to do so KNOWING full well that he's sending them into a bloodbath, and that we did everything we could to dissuade it. This gets to be his burden, if he wants it so badly. As of now, you have tactical command, and I'll be following your orders unless anything ened clarification. Fight well, sister... Deinar prevails.}
Thereafter, she trots up the ramp of the shuttle, taking her seat quickly, the rifle safed and held between ehr knees, muzzle up, all else secured to her person...

From Stormrage:
{"Parat, Torret... it seems the human Captain Blake has seen fit to put an Intell Officer... perhaps spy... or at least an agent of espionage on board... he may even be an assassin as well - an obvious potential target being me. I've still yet to determine his purpose here... but it is obviously not wholly to fight. He did not train with us and I have never seen him in the general crew. Has something occurred to change the Marine complement... if not... why this sudden inclusion of a unseen officer who never trained with us? I have no general directives concerning humans acquiring Technology or Intell on the Enemy. Do you have some directives you would like me to follow... other than the obvious one to watch him closely?"}
Considering this a moment as she takes her seat, Nelopaio sends a calmer reply as she straps into the shuttles passenger compartment with the others...

Between Stormrage and Twilightsaber:
{If their objective is to gather intel on the Umiak... That could be beneficial to us, actually... It will give them a clear idea of what they face without us. If such is the case, then I see no issue. IF he proves to be some sort of saboteur... Well, I think you know what to do. At worst, there are many places to lose oneself, or others, in the bowels of a station. Don't let them jeopardize the mission.}
As the time starts to pass aboard the shuttle, she's a bit surprised when Sonnidezi starts into her song... But smirks to herself, adding her own silken, melodious notes to it in harmony, the result almost mesmerizing to those listening... Odd that a secpies that considers speech to be aggressive would spawn such a vocalist... It continues until Ferox sends his request, at which point she allows her voice to trail off, rather than stop abruptly, the affect as pleasing as a caress to the ears around her...

Keying her comm in reply to Ferox, her tone is businesslike, devoid of any real emotional response in it's dulcet sophrano, "Understood, Commander." She asks no questions, and says nothing more. Strapped in and settled, there is little for Nelopaio to do thereafter save listen to the comm chatter, such as it is, and wait, occasionally glancing at her armor's HUD for minor updates on the ETA. Letting her mind fall free for a time, she takes the enforced idleness as an opportunity... Taking a few deep breaths, she lets her heart rate slow, and images to flow, one part of her quite focused on the world without, another lost in the private sanctuary within, leaving her quite silent for most of the trip, with little save her breathing audible...

Feeling the shuttle dock, her thoughts snap fully back to the present as she triggers the release on the straps, standing and scooping up her rifle in one fluid motion, shouldering the weapon, muzzle down, in preparation for the entry into the docking bay, eyes fixed on the ramp, for once, just another soldier in the line...

{"Make ready sisters. Yellow Sun, Cloudsong you will board behind me and immediately crouch and take positions to the left and right respectively to provide covering fire with your rifles. Ashe Eyes, you follow up behind me to add you blaster pistol to any offensive assault I make. Our objective it to secure this landing I'll press forward to scan the connecting corridores holding position at the exit from the shuttle bay. Keep it a clean landing watch for explosive devices set for our entry. There should not be any... but be warry! DEINAR PREVAILS!!!"}

The moment the ramp is down, she's out with the rest, moving fast and low, her weapon and eyes moving in concert from potential cover to possible threat, checking each one in sequence rapidly in her assigned quadrant of the formation... It matters little to her who is at her back, so long as at least one other of her crewsisters is there, instinct and past experience taking over as if no time had passed at all, following the hand gestures quickly memorized from their training exercises...

{"Sisters... are you sensing what I am sensing? It seems some kind of distortion... what in spirits name could be causing that? I can't get a clear lock on any minds?"}

Almost humored at the question, she Sanzai's in turn back towards Sonnidezi:
{color=#4080FF]{I would say 'yes'... But then, I would always say 'yes'...} she sends, probably referencing her own damaged Sanzai in jest, {You know what to do. Find the source. Remove it. We can't afford to be surprised.}[/color]

From her vantage, Nelopaio watches from among the other group, her rifle up and covering her crewsister as the human survivor makes contact, finger along the side of the trigger guard, rather than on it, even though the weapon is very much aimed center of mass as she waits, making certain nothing is afoot on the humans end...

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 42

Sonni apologized for doing her job, it might have annoyed other people but not Charlie. He was happy that she knew her job so well. To Charlie, it was not malicious thing, it was just a habit of command. Still, Charlie was summoned to the front of the stack by favorite Teidar Field Commander. He complied in silence, happy now be in the front.
{Hah, no longer in the rear with the gear.}
The plan seemed like a good one, especially the shield. The ability to shoot through, while effectively blocking opposing fire would make a fight one sided, if she could keep the shield up.

The Commander appeared out of thin air, Charlie normally would have felt the vibrations of an up armored person coming up behind him. He felt nothing. It was probably down to the Commander superior armor having supplementary soft soles to mask auditory and vibration back-noise.
He came to lean on the door, he dismissed Sonni`s presence.
"Get back sparky."
{Oh, thats not very nice.}
He looked to be scanning for signals leaking form the stations intranet. Equally mysterious was the appearance of Corporal Fiore, the shuttles designated pilot.

The Commander seemed to be successful considering the SHI Electronic Assistant miss identifying him as a one Mr. Grand. The Raw Data coming from the cameras didn`t paint the best of pictures. Shuttles were lined up, one of them had been crunched by heavy stacking crates. Bodies, obviously human, all obviously dead. Charlie already could see what must have happened.

The SHI Station had been breached, the security forces unable to repel them, were either destroyed or fell back here with tag along civilians. They tried to build a barricade to buy time for the shuttle. While it was being boarded or already leaving, it was knocked from the sky.

Charlie had no doubt what he was going to find in there bodies, lots of bodies. If they were coming here to run, then further in they was going to be more far more dead folks. Sonni for some reason didn`t look quite right, she looked shaken.
{Somethings up, I don`t think it was those bodies, she looks like she's else where.]

The touched down was smooth, little more than a shake.
"Okay... Calypso has landed. And I must add that its not a beautiful view, when I look outside..."
"Alright no movement inside. Alpha squad on me, we take middle, Beta take left, use shuttles as cover, Charlie move to containers on the right."
"Yes, sir."
The SHI Electronic Assistant reported an active com connection, the Commander swiftly halted everyone. He tried to raise the com links other end.

"Is anyone here on this frequency?"
It wasn`t long before the Command got a response.
"Ground control to Major Tom, go ahead."
{Hmm, must be Major Tom Grand. I think the SHI assistant must have reported his internet connection, I think he is dead however, judging by the state of things.}
"Unknown speaker on this channel identify yourself at once."

Sonni`s voice seemed to have a very hard edge, she was angry.
"Acknowledged, Commander Ferox."
What shw was angry at, Charlie didn`t know. Regardless, she cracked the airlock, she was going out. Her next statement explained a lot.
"...and Commander, its confirmed, the Enemy has a Loroi child captive... and they are hurting her... right now."
Sonni gave a simply hand gesture to Charlie, calling him forwards. He made sure to stand on her right. They be moving to take those stacking containers, so he'd watch her right.
The Airlock cycle completed, Charlie Squad had the first boots on deck. The shield grew wider, more than enough cover for a small squad to hide behind. Charlie Squad was moving towards the objective of the stacking containers. Sonni wasn`t running with the rest, she was half flying, almost skipping. It remained Charlie of his Low-grav training on Luna, it was very hard to run on the moon, the low gravity didn`t give traction and stopping was challenging. The method drilled there was skipping fast. Sonni was skipping, but she was infinitely more graceful, she was almost floating, but he feet touch deck every now and then. Charlie had his eyes peeled but nothing dared show itself on the way to cover near the creates.

The search of the the dockyard of creates was completed with military precision, everything was checked, nothing was missed. But nothing was found, nobody to opposed the landing so far. The bodies had been butchered for some reason, all had lost their heads.
{Helmets didn`t save those poor bastards.}
<< "Eastern crate/cannister stacks sweep and secured... holding position for a more detailed search when the rest of the bay is swept and secured." >>
The Mission being all over, Charlie waited for a new tasking by Commander Ferox, in the mean time he kept his sectors clear. Just because he didn`t see them didn`t mean they weren`t there.

<< "This is Torleif Vättenman, security detail on this station. And I take it you're definitely not Mr Grand, as he took an energyblast right in the chest.
A commanding tone... Officer from the TCA Cydonia. I skip everything so you won't ask unnecessary amount of questions; yes we've been boarded by roaches, I know only myself to be alive at the moment.
You guys just woke me up so I don't know the status of the station more than it all went to shit down here where we made our last stand trying to get the people of the station. Did you pick up the escaping shutt..." >>

{Bug scum, I'll get them for this. I don`t think anyone got away. You are either very lucky to be alive, or unlucky to be alone now.}
<< "This is Commander Ferox of Cydonia strike team, what is your status and location? We did not pick up any shuttles from this station." >>
<< "Wait. I got movement... Hopefully you are combat ready, because we have ourselves a skipping discoball outside your shuttle.">>
{DAMNIT! I can`t see them! Where are they coming from?}
Charlie scanned all around to find the Umiak, he couldn`t find them. Not seeing them spooked him more, he just wanted to be able to shoot at them.
<< "Heads up people! We got incoming possible hostiles.">>
<< "I can`t see them sir!" >>
<< "Can you give me intel on enemy forces? From what direction they are coming Vättenman?">>
<< "Get ready." >>
{I don`t see em! Shit... where are they!}
<< "Well. You got one hostile with what looks like a forcefield and electricity around what I believe to be a "her". I suspect anoter one have spotted my position. I recomend quick action and simultanious fire to take them both out at once. I got the taller one, waiting for your go." >>
{What the... how do bugs have sexes. How can he tell them apart? Now they have shields like us too, damn. Where are these bastards!}

One of the Loroi found the hidden SHI Security Contractor. Charlie could hear as much of coms.
<< "I am not hostile to you, Torleif Vättenman. My name is Mizol Losat Malidasaria, and I am a soldier in the Imperial Fleet of the Loroi Union. I and my sisters that have boarded this station do so in alliance with the crew of the human ship Cydonia against the forces that have taken this station." >>
{What? He means the Loroi? He's aiming at us?}
<< "Commander Ferox? I advise you to confirm this. I find myself not so easy to just drop my weapons because an unknown sends her greetings." >>
Charlie could see him now, much further up by the barricade. He had his weapon drawn, and dead center on Malidasaria.
<< "Commander Ferox, Stormrage here.. I have eyes on the station survivor.. please confirm we are on Humaniti's side.. to him. I don't want to damage him, he's armed with some bulk crude energy weapon and pointing in my Mizol's direction." >>
<< "I've got eyes on him now sir. He is over there, by the barricade on the far left." >>
<< "Stand down Mr. Vättenman. They are... with us. IF you can move to us we will cover you if necessary." >>
<< "Standing down. I've apparently been lying her on the floor for three days. So if they're with you it should be clear. Breaking cover, moving to the shuttle now." >>
<< "This is Sergeant Aldridge, take it nice and easy on the way here. Three days is a long time, a very long time. A knock to the head that puts you out that long is a going to be a concussion. Your body has been half shut down for three days. I bet that suit must have been pumping you full of drugs, fluids too, at any rate you'll be dehydrated. Hungry too, and depending on the quality of the gel padding in your suit you might be getting blood bruises. I think you are lucky to be alive, the air in your suit would run out soon, even while you were comatose, you were only using less O2. I am a trained Corpsman, I would suggest that you let give you a once over." >>

Charlie switched to a private command channel
<< "Commander, sir. I do believe he needs medical treatment, he might not say anything, but and blunt force trauma that puts someone into semi-coma for three days is a critically severe injury. I can`t do much here but stabilize him somewhat, he'll be walking wounded. You'll be able to question him too, he might know something. At the very least he will need Beta Blockers to stop sudden death, he's been on his back for three days, blood has been pooling and it can become stagnant in a way similar to crush syndrome. His blood can damage his heart. A mild stimulant to to keep his starved brain from crashing, a fairly strong analgesic, Beta Blockers, a fluid hydration pack, and something to get his blood sugar back up, I have pills for that too. I don`t think he can eat anything right now, wouldn`t have the fluids to digest it. >>
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

[Not just a knock on the head Sergeant. More a fullbody smackdown. And your assesment about medical aid is correct. What I can tell the ribcage been shattered and it is getting harder to breath.]

At that moment his legs gave up i the middle of the walk to the shuttle. Saving himself from crashing down on the floor once again was the buttstock on his cannon. Stabilizing on it he slowly heaved himself up and continued the way longer walk he had first thought.

It was not a pretty sight. He is of formidable size but the whole armor shows punishment many hven't seen before. It was a hard foe that has done this to him and everyone else here in the shuttlebay. He walked past his collegues that were now laying headless on the floor in their own dried pools of blood.

{Living to fight another day..}
He stoped at one perticular body as if recognizing who lay there.

{You fought well, kid. If I get the chance I'll tell your father how you gave 'em hell before you left.}
He stood there some time before rasing his head towards the shuttle. His
mind getting clearer now, he can see more of these new kind of "låråj" as well as TCA marines.

Just when he started to walk he fell down once more. He only did one thing when he fell. He said:
[Blacking out.]
And he fell down with a heavy thump.
Last edited by Hujedamig on Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Roeben »

De Ruyter stands near the back end of the group even now, more intent on making it out safely and not at all interested in the dying person. Though for Intelligence reasons he might be interesting enough, his state of, you know, sudden unconsciousness, makes it very hard to extract valuable information from him.

Besides, he was no medic.

Michael was soothed by the knowledge that he could infact do absolutely nothing about the situation, and let the grunts handle it and perform first aid. He, meanwhile, scanned the Shuttlebay, looking for traces of what happened here. Bodies that perhaps, maybe, did not look human. He slowly worked his way around the group to get a good view.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Sonnidezzi was watching as the SHI Mercenary stood uncertainly and lowered his weapon from aiming at Mizol Malidasaria. A glance from her to Yellow Sun .. and the Soroin went back to covering the crates and stack canisters...

Sonni continued to watch the injured soldier and watched as he paused at the pile of slain humans... she could not read his mind or detect his mental presence... but she needed none of those gifts to read the... obvious sorrow for a fallen comrade in his posture and reverent demeanor. Her attitude and suspicions faded.

When he fell... as he walked/stumbled to the shuttle... Sonnidezzi was in motion.

Perhaps it was the natural empathy of the Loroi to protect males.. or just a Officer's concern for a wounded soldier... it really didn't matter because all those present watched as Sonndezzi revealed a compassion and care that was ...'strangely human'.

A flash of Sanzai'ed orders to her team to follow Charlie's direction until her return and Sonni slapped Charlie on the shoulder with the quick comment, << ["You have command of the squad.. I'll be right back!"] >>

A simple gesture but one of poignant and meaningful trust in the Human Sergeant...

Stormrage took flight from her position soaring about 5'ft off the ground flying directly across the room toward the injured solider. Stretching out her will she arrested his second fall as she flew up to him holstering her heavy blaster.

Settling next to him she slipped nimbly under his arm, putting it over her shoulder to land on her feet taking his weight upon her shoulders.

Looking at him a slim petite ...woman{?} looked at him through her armored visor a pretty heart-shaped face with elfin like eyes... her expression tender and one of deep concern spoke to him in english, << ["Be at ease... warrior .. help is here for you.. rest your weight upon me. I will get you to safety...!"] >>

But it seemed to her the human was already unconscious as most of his weight was upon her already in her gentle telekinetic hold. Protectively her Electro/telekinetic screen wrapped lightly around her and the injured human solider, like gentle protective wings of energy - forming a sphere of defense as she moved him.

Gently as possible Sonni carried Torleif Vättenman onto the shuttle, past De Ruyter... the intelligence Officer{?}..who seemed not to care in the least at a fellow human's plight... something no Loroi would do.

She spared De Ruyter only a measuring gaze and slight frown as she helped the injured Torleif by him.

Settling him to the deck on his back... she revealed that the Loroi had extensive knowledge of human anatomy already as she administered first aid.

Skill: Medical [Emergency Response] = Lv1; 2d6 + 5 + 1 + 1 → [6,2,5,1,1] = (15)
* Modifications: Mind {5}, Skill Level 1 {+1}, Specialization: Emergency Response {+1}

Across the Marine Comm-net, << ["I am going to require a human medic to administer any of Sergeant Aldridge's proposed medicinal remedies to save this male's life... he may be going into systemic shock... but I can telekinetically reset his ribs to prevent any compound fracture additional injury to his internal organs."] >>

Stormrage's hand was arching little flashes of electricity that vanished the moment she settled her hand upon his chest... she probed his natural neural/nerve magnetic field of his body. Torleif, coming in and out of consciousness could 'feel' an excited tingle flow through him... as the electrokinetic found the positioning of his shattered ribs... and slowly... so slowly and gently telekinetically shifted/tweaked them back into proper place. Relieving some of the discomfort in his chest.

Vaguely Torleif could tell there was a lovely, petite woman in slate grey vacuum armor leaning over him her hand lightly resting upon his chest - her eyes closed in concentration... and the pain was lessening somewhat... breathing becoming easier but still painful.

An angel with an aura of shimmering light and electricity around her...

Activate Power -
Telekinesis [Deplete -3], Range {1 Base} = Lvl 1, 1kg, 10m, Flight 10m/turn {5pts}
+ w/Amplifier: Telekinesis = Adding 2 Levels <16 VPP> points assigned; 100kg
- Cost: 1EP

Environmental Influence: Electricity [Deplete -3], Area {3 Base} = Lvl 1, 1 Environment - Electricity; +Area/2 '5' [100m r] <+2>, Range/2 [100m] <+2> {3pts}
+ w/Amplifier: Environmental Influence = Adding 1 Level {Lvl 2}, +1 Environments {Magnetism} <2 VPP> points assigned
- Effect: {MRA Scan of bone structure and positioning}
- Cost: 1EP

Maintenance Cost {1min}: 4EP
Total Cost: 6EP / Current Energy: 55

[ P65 "Yay 'Snooty'... happy birthday!" ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

"...you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is Kill him."

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

Something was not right. Torleif wasnt conscious, but he still felt uneasy as his mind played tricks on him. He saw infront of him a doctor with his hands gripping some of his ribs, and then putting them in place. But there was no pain. He was lying there on the table with an open chest, ribs protruding in all directions, but there was no pain at all.

Trying to regain his senses he desperatly tries to "jumpstart" his conscious by telling himself to wake up.
It felt like it was to no avail. But then he caught glimpses.
There was no doctor, no table, no surgery lamps. The only thing he glimpsed was a small grey'ish frame over him.
{Ok. Get up. Get up. Get up. GET. UP! You can not just lie here with an unknown in arms reach.
Grab your rifle and STAND!}

He feels himself coming to his sensens, if just a little. The pain in the chest had subsided and it started to get easier to get air inside the lungs.

With a quick move he grabbed the arm of the person that sat next to him, startling her in the process. With a cold stare he looked into the womans eyes.
{What are you...?}
He thought, before losing conscious again. Letting go of the arm in the process.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 43

<< "Not just a knock on the head Sergeant. More a fullbody smackdown. And your assessment about medical aid is correct. What I can tell the ribcage been shattered and it is getting harder to breath." >>
{Hmm, thats not good. Breathing difficulties might stem from the broken ribs, however, it could be Pneumothorax. The leaking Air would be crushing his lungs. I'll really need to move fast to stabilize him.}

The SHI Contractor moved slowly he was obliviously injured and likely in a considerable amount of pain. He fell. His rifle wasn`t a rifle any more, it was a crutch, it arrested his fall. He was in bad shape, even worse that he was letting on.

He passed what must have been his friends, because he stopped at the pile of bodies.
{I guess we've found Major Tom Grand, rough way to find out though.}
He spent a moment scanning what was left of his friends, not a very happy sight, but after a time, he did start walking again.
He didn`t get far.
He fell again a scant metre, from the pile. He managed to get one radio trans out.
<< "Blacking out." >>
It was clear what had happened even without the conformation message, what he needed now was modern medicine. Luckily, a First Response Kit was on Charlie`s armor. Not a full Medical Inventory but more than enough for this, further more, there was a full kit on the shuttle. Still, the black out was a bad sign. Either he has Intracranial Hemorrhage putting excess pressure on his brain, or he passed out due to a combination of factors. Hopefully the later.

The fallen Soldier must have galvanized Sonni into action. Charlie felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He turned to what it was only to see Sonni.
<< ["You have command of the squad.. I'll be right back!"] >>
She was leaving to help Vättenman. She'd left her Loroi warriors under his command. Even though joint excises and training had been undertaken, the two forces were still separate. The TCA had overall command or the mission, because the Loroi had been willing to follow orders. It would have been impossible to force them on mission. The ironically named Charlie Squad was his, but couldn`t really get the Loroi to do anything they didn`t want to. It was as Charlie mused, endearing that she'd leave true, although temporary, command up to him. It showed a great deal of trust, however, it was far from the time to muse on inter species politics. Charlie had spent long enough standing in place thinking of useless things, he had things to do now, chief among them stabilize Mr. Vättenman.

Sonni was already half way there, she was fully flying.
{Hmm, kind of like a super hero, I guess.}
More useless musings.

Sonni had manged to lift Vättenman, in armor, off the deck up on to her shoulders. At this distance Charlie could see Vättenman was a big man. The initial encounter of the Loroi a handful of days ago had made it seem like they had disproportionate physical strength, it was only later found to be telekinesis.
Charlie picked up Sonni reassurances to the fall man. Her voice did not sound sterile or false, he genuinely cared if he was going to be ok.
<< "Be at ease... warrior .. help is here for you.. rest your weight upon me. I will get you to safety...!" >>
{No response, he's out of it.}
Sonni manipulated that shield to enclose them both, but there was no opposing fire, neither on the the way there nor back. She took him past everything towards the shuttle. Charlie choose that moment to act.
He changed channels to Charlie Squad Freq.
<< "Hold position for the moment. I am moving to assist Teidar Stormrage. >>
Charlie was already getting close to the shuttle, when he heard a general channel broadcast for Sonni.
<< "I am going to require a human medic to administer any of Sergeant Aldridge's proposed medicinal remedies to save this male's life... he may be going into systemic shock... but I can telekinetically reset his ribs to prevent any compound fracture additional injury to his internal organs." >>
{No, he is definitely in Shock. Luckily, I am a Corpsman and I can fix this, I hope.}
Still, Charlie answered the summons for a Medic, mainly to let her know someone was coming.
<< "Make a hole, Corpsman Front!" >>
There was nobody block Charlie, it was just something you'd say.

Charlie noticed Ensign De Ruyter, he looked as cold as ice, busy too, Whatever he was doing, Charlie didn`t have time to spy on him. It likely wasn`t anything good. There was never any love lost between Intel and Grunts. It was simply a problem for another time.

By the time he got into the shuttle, Charlie saw Sonni moving her hand towards Vättenman`s chest. There was a small arc of electric current. Between her hand and his armor. She'd said she was going to telekinetically set his ribs.
{Oh, that can`t feel great.}

Clearly it had an effect on Vättenman, his arm shot out and grabbed a hold of Sonni`s arm, maybe he was trying to protest or say anything for that matter. But he wasn`t able to, he fell back into oblivion.

It was time for Charlie to get to work. He moved close to the pair of them. First he turned to Sonni, Charlie was spoke softly."I left Yellow Sun and Ashe Eyes holding in cover were they were. Let me see what I can do for him.

Charlie noticed what seemed to be some sort of medical process control unit. It was labeled TCA-XBM-7889 Automated medical unit - Prototype. It probably saved Vättenman but putting him to sleep, it was Charlie`s best guess as to why he was still alive. Clearly it was smart armor, it was geared towards user survival. {Might be worth a shot to try and connect to.}
Skill:Computers = Level 4; 2d6 + 7 + 4 → [1,3,7,4] = (15)
*Modifications: Mind {+7}, Skill Level {+4}
The read out came up in his HUD.
<User access denied, non registered user.>

That wasn`t good, not that he was expecting anything else, the medical diagnostic unit would have been helpful. Charlie was just hoping because SHI made just about everything for the TCA that the protocols might be the same. The armor itself was expertly made, much better than what Charlie was wearing. It was probably made out of some kind of composite, Charlie wasn`t sure, the only he could identify was the automated medical unit, mainly because it was labeled. The logo was unsurprising; SHISF, Shenuda Heavy Industries Security Forces. As the TCA`s biggest producer of arms and armor it didn`t surprise Charlie that they kept the best for themselves. Still, the level of the armor is far above the current Marine load out.

Vättenman was already on his back for the "setting of bones" performed by Sonni. Charlie hoped it was successful, it would makes things a lot easier if he didn`t have to worry about Pneumothorax crushing the air out of his lungs. Something told him it was, he concentrate on what he could fix then.

Skill:Medical = Level 2; 2d6 + 7 + 2 + 2 → [4,3,7,2,2] = (18)
*Modifications: Mind {+7}, Skill Level {+2} Specialization: Emergency Medical Response {+2}

Charlie went to work on the man. He moved one of his arm so that it was above is head. Charlie turned to Sonni and spoke.
"Can you hold his arm here?"
Once his arm was held in place, Charlie prepared a perpetrator needle. It was a thin but tough, made to get into the soft parts of armor, parts like the armpit which luckily had veins.
A strong jab got it set in place.
"First, Beta Blockers to stop Acute Myocardial Infarction."
Charlie made sure to get the right syringe pumped in to the patient. He prepared and IV bag next.
"Next a short course of IV Fluids replacement."
Charlie let the IV doing it`s job by replacing lost fluids, all the while readying the next syringes. He took a moment to check Vättenman`s helmet.
{His helmet has taken a beating, I hope the padding stopped most of the damage.}
"IVs done, he'll need another one soon but his internals shouldn`t dry up for now. Next I'll stick with a cocktail of Paracetamol and Anti-inflammatory to reduce any swelling in his brain."
Charlie got the next syringe.
"A quick shot of Morphine to dull the pain when he wakes up."
Charlie got out another IV.
"Total Nutrient Admixture pack it'll replace lost; glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, dietary minerals and other goodies."
Charlie tabbed his radio.
<< "Commander, I'm going to give him a stimulant to wake him up. He is stable for now, he'll need a full work over back on the Cydonia, but he won`t drop dead. He'll be mobile, and should be cognitive." >>
Charlie turned back to Sonni.
"I'm going to give him a shot now, don`t let him get up if he wakes up too fast. He'll be put of it for a few seconds until he brains adjusts. Alright, here I go."
Charlie gave him a powerful stimulant, he withdrew the poker needle that he had been injecting through up until now. The good thing about it was that it left the armor uncompromised.
{Won`t be long now...}
Last edited by Charlie on Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

His eyes opened, adjusting. Now there was two at either side of him. But this one had a armor he recognized. {TCA. Must be the medic.}

[Sight for a sore eye, Doc.] The pain had subsided, but it was still there, gripping his chest and head.[Thanks.]

He looked over to his other side and saw the small, grey person looking him straight in the eyes. Well, one eye. The left one isn't so nice to look at.
[You have my thanks, also.]
{What are these women?..}

He slowly got his arm up to his right shoulder; the weapon sling still attached to the heavy weapon, giving him slight comfort to the unknown around him.
Now came the hard part. There was still work to be done. He had been patched enough, according to himself. Now he must report to Ferox about what took place. Alse see if there is anyone from Intel with them.
His time in this profession let him know that giving new info directly to the intel-boys that were on the ground, without middlehands or written reports garnered the best result. Even if some could get a bit energetic when they get something to put their well hidden teeths in.

But he was in no way "cured". This was just emergency "field dressing". Drugs and IVs don't replace the work needed on his broken body. But the situation demanded otherwise. There was bigger stakes than his life. Here the need, of possibly the race, outweighs the need for his well being. There would hopefully come a time for a complete checkup. But as long as he's awake, he is needed on his feet.
{You've endured pain before, TL. These two did a really good job. Make it quick before you drop like a brick once more.}

Trying to stand up.
Skill: Powerlifting Lvl 1; 2d6+7+1+1 → [3,6,7,1,1] = (18)
*Modifications: Body {+7}, {+1} Specialization: Inborn physical fitness {+1}

With some heavy breaths he staggered to his feet. Fingering on the weapon checking the safety and the powercell.
{One shot left. This thing packs a nasty punch. But they need to come up with a more efficient way to store the chemical compounds. More shots wouldn't hurt. But it's still a prototype. If it weren't for the sidearm I...- where is it? That thing saved my life. I am not leaving without it.}

He don't know if it was his luck still pouring out or fate. But the damn thing was laying just outside the shuttle, his HUD told him.
{I'll need to get it sooner or later.}

He turned to the two medics. Looked them up and down, taking in the gear and weapons.. [Human, male. TCA Marine. Female, physically human. But not human...]
[Where is the commander?]
Last edited by Hujedamig on Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Roeben »

De Ruyter pressed the button to his comm unit, his eyes still scanning the splatter as he turned around and made his way to the group.

"It seems we have stumbled upon a Headless Horsemen convention."

He let a small pauze creep by as he felt several glares go at him.

"No, I'm serious. It seems that all, or at least most of the human bodies have missing heads."

He looked the blonde Loroi straight in the eyes, when he felt her eyes settle on him as well, then started adressing her.

"I do not suppose you know of any such traditions in Umiak folklore?"

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by sunphoenix »

Leaning over the Human soldier as she finished gently moving his ribs back into place he woke suddenly...
Hujedamig wrote: With a quick move he grabbed the arm of the person that sat next to him, startling her in the process. With a cold stare he looked into the womans eyes.
The grip of the powered exoskelton startled her and she started at the powerful grip on her armored vaccsuit... but she quickly relaxed and smiled at him, Touching her helmet to his speaking though contact vibration, "Be at ease warrior.. I'm am an Ally!"

Her soft empathic female voice somewhat muffled through the contact and more real & human... but he had already slipped into unconsciousness again.

Hearing her beloved Charlie over the squad frequency she turned her gaze to the shuttle airlock door..
Charlie wrote: He changed channels to Charlie Squad Freq.
<< "Hold position for the moment. I am moving to assist Teidar Stormrage. >>

Still, Charlie answered the summons for a Medic, mainly to let her know someone was coming.
<< "Make a hole, Corpsman Front!" >>
There was nobody block Charlie, it was just something you'd say.
Stormrage shifted her force field and it instantly opened at Charlie's approach letting him within the protective field as he knelt at the soldiers side and reformed behind him covering him as well int he protective field.
Charlie wrote: It was time for Charlie to get to work. He moved close to the pair of them. First he turned to Sonni, Charlie was spoke softly."I left Yellow Sun and Ashe Eyes holding in cover were they were. Let me see what I can do for him."
Charlie got to work immediately... opening a kit of some sort from his vaccsuit and the medical compartments of the shuttle. Stormrage merely nodded in acceptance letting him work.
Charlie wrote: Charlie went to work on the man. He moved one of his arm so that it was above is head. Charlie turned to Sonni and spoke.
"Can you hold his arm here?"
Sonni gestured and telekineticly held the arm in place as the armored articulated joints revealed an actual port in the armpit seemingly specifically placed there just for the purpose of allowing medical injections. fortunate too as Sonni could see the suit's exterior was a heavy composite ceramic dura-plate. Crudely, effiecent... Loroi Bi-phase Carbide armor was just as touch for only a fraction of the weight.. but it was indeed a fact that humans were at least experimenting with cerametals...as fact she filed away in her mind for later report to Nelopaio and the Listel.

Charlie narrated what medicinal injections he was using but all of them meant little to her... how strange that though so very physically similar how VERY different Loroi and humans were biochemically!
Charlie wrote: Charlie tabbed his radio.
<< "Commander, I'm going to give him a stimulant to wake him up. He is stable for now, he'll need a full work over back on the Cydonia, but he won`t drop dead. He'll be mobile, and should be cognitive." >>
Charlie turned back to Sonni.
"I'm going to give him a shot now, don`t let him get up if he wakes up too fast. He'll be put of it for a few seconds until he brains adjusts. Alright, here I go."
Charlie gave him a powerful stimulant, he withdrew the poker needle that he had been injecting through up until now. The good thing about it was that it left the armor uncompromised.
"Ok Chaar-lee, this... armor appears to be a powered exoskeleton.. but I should be able to hold it still should he start on waking."

She turned her gaze upon the suited man and watched him closely...
Hujedamig wrote: His eyes opened, adjusting. Now there was two at either side of him. But this one had a armor he recognized.

[Sight for a sore eye, Doc.] The pain had subsided, but it was still there, gripping his chest and head.[Thanks.]

He looked over to his other side and saw the small, grey person looking him straight in the eyes. Well, one eye. The left one isn't so nice to look at.
[You have my thanks, also.]
The woman in the 'obviously' not-human-made armor smiled her pretty face beaming in delight at his recovery and an equal if not more admiration and... something more for the TCA Marine next to her.

"Well done Chaar-lee! You are most welcome warrior Tor-leef Vat-man, I am Teidar Sezon Sonnidezzi, you may call me Stormrage."

Turning to Charlie, "I might suggest, if its possible, to increase Tor-leef's vaccsuit's internal pressure by perhaps 2 to 5 % to act as a compression bandage upon his fractured ribs? I'm sorry but my psionic talents do not include psychic healing... or I could do more..."

Her voice was... almost musical, soft, strangely accented and very feminine. And she spoke in perfect english! As he stood he found himself much easier to get to his feet as if some 'force' was assisting him. The shimmering field around him shifted and retracted to cover the woman and the TCA Marine standing next to her. She was petite next to the two men.. Torlief's Powered Armor towering over both of them.
Hujedamig wrote: He turned to the two medics. Looked them up and down, taking in the gear and weapons.. [Human, male. TCA Marine. Female, physically human. But not human...]
[Where is the commander?]
Sonnidezzi spoke again, "Correct Tor-leef, I am Loroi by species, and a diplomatic representative of the Imperial Fleet of the Loroi Union. My crewsisters and I are on a mission of first-contact with humaniti to open diplomatic relations. We are currently assisting in this military operation to recover your station and destroy the Umiak forces that have seized it. Commander Ferox is field commander of this operation. He is manning the barricade with his squad - center room."

At that the voice of De Ruyter came from behind her with a question...
Roeben wrote: "I do not suppose you know of any such traditions in Umiak folklore?"
Turning she looked him in the eyes, "No. The Loroi do not usually engage 'The Enemy' in close combat.. we wipe them out with orbital strategic anti-matter bombardment."

Her matter-of-fact coldness in her voice delivered with no irony in her tone... is chilling. Loroi efficiency speaking volumes.

[ P66 ]
[IC] Deep Strike 'Lt' Kamielle Lynn
[IC] Cydonia Rising/Tempest Sonnidezi Stormrage
[IC] Incursion Maiannon Golden Hair
[IC] TdSmR Athen Rourke

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

sunphoenix wrote: "Correct Tor-leef, I am Loroi by species, and a diplomatic representative of the Imperial Fleet of the Loroi Union. My crewsisters and I are on a mission of first-contact with humaniti to open diplomatic relations. We are currently assisting in this military operation to recover your station and destroy the Umiak forces that have seized it. Commander Ferox is field commander of this operation. He is manning the barricade with his squad - center room."
"I see. Then that's where I must go."
His gaze focusing away, over the two that just fixed him up, and onto a smaller man that were approaching.

Roeben wrote: "I do not suppose you know of any such traditions in Umiak folklore?"
{Umiak. So that's what they're called.}

His eyes focusing more on the man.
{Small build, not much musclemass, inferior combat suit, personal computer of some sort. Speaks with distance about what happened here... Intelligence officer. Good.}
In the start of his military career he had the same dislike toward the intel-boys as any other soldier. But later on, as a member of SOG he worked more closely with the intelligence department and their work earned his most respect, as he probably would be dead if it weren't for them on many occasions.
But sometimes the intel could be off, which would lead to complicatons. But not this time.

He walked towards the newly arrived man and stoped infront of him.
"Intelligence officer? I will need to talk with you and commander Ferox. Kindly take me to him."

He looked back at the two that just saved his life and gave a slight nod in gratitude.

His big stature turned towards the shuttle ramp, gripping the hulky cannon that looks more like a stationary AT-weapon, and with heavy steps started walking to the ramp.

Once again stoped and looked back at the Intel officer.
Then gestured to the exit.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Roeben »

Michael's eyes glided over the man who had not too long ago been dying. Ofcourse, he was not from the ship. That meant that word his ill-begotten reputation hadn't spread to him yet. How very exploitable.

Yet somewhere in the back of his mind, a desperate little pang of humanity told him that this was a new start. Someone in his camp instead of the captain's. Not just that, he also was not an Alien, so that helped.

Poker face? Check.
Semi-serious sense of responsibility? Engaged.
Knee-shaking terror? Temporarily suspended.

He was ready to take the necessary steps for further guarantee of his own survival.

"He's over there. We need whatever you can tell us, right now. If your suit has made any recordings, audio, visual or both, I can display it on my Personal Computer."

Oh yeah, surely the captain would be proud of him now.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Charlie »

Post number: 44

Vättenman was starting to come to, a quick recovery considering the probable internal injuries. He'd get much better treatment on board the Cydonia that is for sure, asussmeing the Good Doctor wasn`t already self medicated. Still, it was very good progress for him to be coming round this quick, even with the stim, it was a good indicator that any cranial trauma wasn`t going to be fatal right away.

He still didn`t sound one hundred percent, but at this point Charlie had exhausted all of his options regarding treatment. With out being able to access that medical unit further diagnosis was impossible without cracking open that armor. Stil, it felt good to be able to help in any way at all. Human Nature was a phrase that came to mind, but why would Sonni, a Loroi, help a Human? Charlie mused that it was further proof of their inherent goodness.
"Sight for a sore eye, Doc."
{Heh, Doc. I am not actually a Corpsman, I lied. I did receive official medical training from two separate militarys, but I am technically a First Responder, not a full TCA Navy Corpsman. Hmm, maybe not the best time to say anything about that now. No matter, he's alive, mostly anyway.}
Vättenman sounded genuine enough, suspicions were creeping up though. What was going on here, on a station that should be the way it is. SHI Security Forces with very fancy toys guarding a station that didn`t seem to have anything of value. Charlie decided, that genuine or not, it would be best to watch this man. He wasn`t TCA, he was a SHI Contractman, his loyalties weren`t known and SHI, as of late, was seeming a bit shady to say the least.
Charlie could notice scarring and damage on his face and to his left eye, it wasn`t fresh, he'd had it before this fight anyway.
{SHI Security doesn`t mess around when getting new hires, eh? Well, he seems an ok sort, maybe. Hard to say.}
Vättenman turned to look at Sonni
"You have my thanks, also."
{Yeah, if those ribs got set right, which I think they did, it probably did you a world of good. Shots from a Doc are one thing, broken ribs are another. Although, I can`t imagine it felt great to have it done like that. Still, might've save you}

"Well done Chaar-lee! You are most welcome warrior Tor-leef Vat-man, I am Teidar Sezon Sonnidezzi, you may call me Stormrage."
It made Charlie feel positively aglow to hear words like that. Even though he felt that he did a small thing compared to non-invasive bone setting, he was immensely happy he'd be able to help. His smile was beaming, paradoxically he felt embarrassed for having such easily trigger emotions. There were already rumors, but there were always rumors about everything. But Sonni had a noticeable effect on Charlie and people picked it up too easily.
"I might suggest, if its possible, to increase Tor-leef's vaccsuit's internal pressure by perhaps 2 to 5 % to act as a compression bandage upon his fractured ribs? I'm sorry but my psionic talents do not include psychic healing... or I could do more..."

"Don`t be sorry, you did much more than I did. You saved him from something like Flail chest crushing the air out of him or a rogue bone from puncturing his lungs giving him a Pneumothorax. You assuredly did more for him. But on the question of a compression bandage. It is a good idea and I have thought of it already, but that meditech unit of his locked me out. I can`t access any suit diagnostics."
Charlie was honest about the differing contributions, one was life saving bone setting, the other was a simple course of prepared injections. If anything Charlie was reminded how nice it was to have someone like her on his team. But the statement about the medi unit was true enough, he had been locked out. It was defiantly a high tech version of a standard Marine Diagnostic Unit considering it had dispensed drugs on it`s own. Charlie had seen plenty of things like that in a hospital, but not miniaturized to the point of fitting on individual armor. SHI was holding back some really good toys. It was becoming more and more imperative to find out what was going on here, especially considering the level of arms and armor given the one of the station security contractors.

Vättenman rose unsteadily, Charlie wasn`t sure but he might've seen Sonni help to prop him up. He saw something happening with shield, it returned to both Sonni and himself, leaving Vättenman. Sonni could have easily done it anyway, so it was a moot point. Vättenman did not seem much bigger on the ground, but rising inexorably into the sky, Charlie felt dwarfed. The armor was big, the man inside, likely equally big. Charlie was by no means a small man, but Vättenman in that armor was simply much bigger.

Unsurprisingly he spoke.
"Human, male. TCA Marine. Female, physically human. But not human..."
"Where is the commander?"
Business like, a professional; these words came to mind the fastest. A cunningly obvious observation and statement, yet not at all out of place considering.
{He`s most likely got fractures all over his body even with that fancy armor, yet he'd straight to business as if it was just another Tuesday.}

Sonni addressed his observation and statement, her voice as always soft, melodic and pleasing to hear. At least to Charlie it was.
"Correct Tor-leef, I am Loroi by species, and a diplomatic representative of the Imperial Fleet of the Loroi Union. My crewsisters and I are on a mission of first-contact with Humaniti to open diplomatic relations. We are currently assisting in this military operation to recover your station and destroy the Umiak forces that have seized it. Commander Ferox is field commander of this operation. He is manning the barricade with his squad - center room."

Vättenman`s response was at this point decidedly expected. He had a job to do, and he did it. What the jobs was however was anyone`s guess. He wouldn`t last two seconds if he tried something foolish like assassinating the Commander, Charlie didn`t think that was the big mans mission, but for some reason he didn`t seem out of place as an assassin. A dark thought indeed considering nothing was known about the situation at the moment.
"I see. Then that's where I must go."

More surprising was the ghost that materialized out of thin air. He stared at Sonni before speaking, it still annoyed Charlie that he was even here.
"I do not suppose you know of any such traditions in Umiak folklore?"
{Oh great, the ONI Spook. ONI, the Office of Naval Intelligence. Or as every Grunt in Human space knows; the Office of No Intelligence. I wonder what he really wants.}
Charlie already had a bad taste in his mouth from Ensign De Ruyter`s perceived indiscretion with Sonni. With very few words he'd managed to make Charlie very jealous and annoyed with his presence. Intel guys in general spelled very bad news for Enlisted men like Charlie. All Intel were Officers, this only worsened relations. It was if anything, a mutual dislike for both groups.

Charlie was unsurprised by her answer, in truth, it would be his go to answer as well when dealing with ugly Bug Scum.
"No. The Loroi do not usually engage 'The Enemy' in close combat.. we wipe them out with orbital strategic anti-matter bombardment."
{Difficult to take heads when you've been made into high-energy gamma rays.}
At least Sonni called his buff, she looked him dead on in the eyes.

Vättenman moved towards the Ensign, as he drew closer the size diffrence appeared to be almost comical. His tone was professionally curt.
"Intelligence officer? I will need to talk with you and commander Ferox. Kindly take me to him."
Vättenman looked back to Charlie and Sonni and gave a appreciative nod.
{Looking a little less like an assassin now, sort of.}

His heavy steps took him out of the shuttle, he turned to the Ensign again.
He gestured towards the exit. Charlie had to suppress a chuckle, it must have looked dreadfully ominous to the much smaller Ensign. Charlie savored the rare possibility of one of the lofty officers being made small.

Annoyingly, he did not even sound afraid or even bothered at all when he spoke, he sounded normal as it was Tuesday for him to.
"He's over there. We need whatever you can tell us, right now. If your suit has made any recordings, audio, visual or both, I can display it on my Personal Computer."
Last edited by Charlie on Thu Jul 25, 2013 10:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
No sorcery lies beyond my grasp. - Rubick, the Grand Magus

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Hujedamig »

Roeben wrote: "He's over there. We need whatever you can tell us, right now. If your suit has made any recordings, audio, visual or both, I can display it on my Personal Computer."
Yes. He said cooly, no hint of emotion or anything in his voice.

Making way outside the shuttle the heavy thumps of his steps and servos adjusting garned attention from the people outside. One could think it was a dockloader moving about. But not this one.
A big, hulky, whitish combat armor standing three meters tall, a cannon mounted under the right arm. And something that looks like some sort of launcher folded down behind the shoulder.

But before he made his way to the commanders position he turned to the left towards the shuttles landing gear. There he picked up is lost sidearm.
{Good thing they didn't land on it.} He did a quick check and then holstered the gun on the designated mag-lock on his suit.
Now he started his walk towards the middle of the room. Using his HUD he adjusted to the IR, which replaced the normal vision with a more dark contrast on the enviroment. But the rest of the shuttles soldiers lit up.
He looked around on everyone, his intergrated radar pulsed, giving him a quick estimate on the numbers.
"More than a dozen..."
He noticed the tall woman also clad in grey. The one he was ready to end, given the order. A small nod, gesturing he no longer bore killing intent.
Still he were perplexed on how she spoke to him in english.

Switching back to normal vision as he was coming up to the said commanders position. The Intel officer then turned his hed and pointed to a man that not just stood in the middle, but also stood out.

There were the grey, slated ones; the låråj. The standard TCA combat armor; marine detachement of Cydonia. Non combat vaccsuit; the Intel officer.
But then there was the commander. His armor was nothing he had seen. Nothing SHI had showed him. SHI had more nimble, new combat suits. Prototypes, like his. But helluva lot smaller.

{Personal armor? Selfmade?} On the last bit of the walk he continued to analyze the commander.
{A capable man.} He smiled behind his helmet. The TCA have gotten their hands on good people, he thought while shooting glances around the room.

He was now infront of the field commander.
"Commander. Torleif Vättenman, SHISF."
He dwarfed the men next to the crates.

Torleif was big, even without his suit. But he was no neanderthal. He knew for the commander to get acces to the stations closed network he had to hack it somehow. Because how else was he able to have acces to the station commanders account.
"Hadrid Ferox. Not Jonah Grand... Ingenious work with the hacking." Vättenman is no peoples person. But he understands skill and knows when to appreciate it.

"This is not what I'm used to waking up to. But this is a joint operation with the låråj? And they have encountered these Umiak before. Do we have an officer from them who could join us?

Turning towards the intel officer again.

Getting his name he turned to face them both.
"Commander Ferox. I suspect you want to know what went down.
Mr De Ruyter. Get your computer ready for datastreaming."
Last edited by Hujedamig on Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [RP]Cydonia Rising [IC]

Post by Senanthes »

Moving closer to where the human officers are speaking, trusting on those present to watch the area, Nelopaio quietly stands near where Ferox and the survivor are, simply taking the man in impassively, her weapon cradled harmlessly in her arms in the manner of a rifleman at rest, the occasional side glance of those amethyst eyes attesting to her continued alertness, the slate grey armor shifting very subtly as her balance does beneath, ready yet relaxed...

After listening, she interjects briefly, "If you require an officer of the Union, that would encompass myself and Sonnidezzi." she says, indicating the 'Skipping Doscoball' as she speaks... Her melodious, silken soprano is likely a surprise to hear, even filtered through the helmet of her combat armor. Seemingly content to remain quiet otherwise, Nelopaio simply glances over the combat armor, looking unconcerned... Hardtroopers were something she was long inured to seeing, in many ways, and big armored suits seemed little different to her eyes.

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