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Page 100

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 9:30 pm
by Wintermute
Congratulations on page 100 Arioch, and well done. This comic has now officially doubled in length since I first started reading.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:41 pm
by J Thomas
A new page! Wonderful!

Re: Page 100

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:53 pm
by Count Casimir
"The little white-haired one"

Alex knows adorable when he sees it. :D

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:06 am
by man_of_foul_tofu
as should we all ah - such wonderful white haired youthful blue skin ... praise be to Hemocyanins!

Also it's lovely to see the set backgrounds being so full of detail and perspective.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 12:08 am
by ed_montague
Always the charmer, that lad. I expect him to go far.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:34 am
by Hālian
man_of_foul_tofu wrote:praise be to Hemocyanins!
The truth has been spoken! *organ chord*

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:07 am
YAAAAAA page 100 :mrgreen:

another great page Arioch and once again your teasing us ( :cry: no more beryl :cry: )

but why is most of the loroi on pages 99 and 100 have back packs ? Is their going to be a transfer of personnel ?

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:16 am
by Skaro
Nice, a new page.

But does this mean that we won't be seeing Fireblade and Beryl for a while?

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:46 am
by Count Casimir
Skaro wrote:Nice, a new page.

But does this mean that we won't be seeing Fireblade and Beryl for a while?
They're both pretty important to the ship's functions, but it does almost seem as if Beryl's packing up to go with him. Studying the alien more important than memorizing border skirmishes, perhaps?

Also, there's a whole 'nother thing that could happen, but I don't know about that.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:19 am
by fredgiblet
ed_montague wrote:Always the charmer, that lad. I expect him to go far.
Indeed, right out the airlock
NOMAD wrote:but why is most of the loroi on pages 99 and 100 have back packs ? Is their going to be a transfer of personnel ?
That's kinda the point of the last two pages.
Skaro wrote:But does this mean that we won't be seeing Fireblade and Beryl for a while?
If Fireblade wasn't going along she probably wouldn't be armored up. Beryl is going to be going along as well because she's the one with the most extensive experience dealing with him so far. The big question for me is Tempo, it would kind of make sense for her to go along but I can see it being seen as unnecessary as well.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:52 am
by javcs
Fireblade's probably going with - he cannot be read, he has unknown capabilities, and looks almost exactly like a Loroi; she is one of the most powerful kinetics around, so if he tries any funny business, she can bounce him off a few more bulkheads or just plain, old-fashioned kill him. Although, even if she weren't actually being transferred to accompany him back to important areas, she'd probably be armored up to guard him during the custody transfer to his new guards on whichever ship he's being transferred to anyways.
That said ... I'm on the side that she probably will accompany him and Beryl back to Loroi space.

Beryl is also probably going with, for reasons already stated.
While I can see the logic behind Tempo going, I don't think she will. As soon as they reach Loroi space, he's going to be the problem of someone way over Tempo's pay grade.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:45 am
by Random Person
Most likely they will be getting replacements upon resupply or sending people that can be replaced out of what they have with Alex.

So, assuming that Beryl, Fireblade, and the two Marines I can't be bothered to remember the names of are being sent with him, I find the amount of stuff they have packed telling. They only have a small backpack on them. They have either already loaded their stuff on the transport, or they packed extremely light. If you look at modern soldiers being deployed, they have big duffle bags in addition to large backpacks. Looking at the size of that folded uniform, you could fit one, maybe two if you pack little else in that backpack. They wouldn't be able to fit much else in them. Fireblade doesn't even have one. They don't appear to have much in the way of personal belongings based on this.

This could all be bunk though. They could already have loaded their belongings, or they could simply be leaving them on board the Tempest in anticipation of later return or retrieval.

Also, here to waiting another year while Arioch makes more set models. :D

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:00 am
by javcs
Random Person wrote:Most likely they will be getting replacements upon resupply or sending people that can be replaced out of what they have with Alex.

So, assuming that Beryl, Fireblade, and the two Marines I can't be bothered to remember the names of are being sent with him, I find the amount of stuff they have packed telling. They only have a small backpack on them. They have either already loaded their stuff on the transport, or they packed extremely light. If you look at modern soldiers being deployed, they have big duffle bags in addition to large backpacks. Looking at the size of that folded uniform, you could fit one, maybe two if you pack little else in that backpack. They wouldn't be able to fit much else in them. Fireblade doesn't even have one. They don't appear to have much in the way of personal belongings based on this.

This could all be bunk though. They could already have loaded their belongings, or they could simply be leaving them on board the Tempest in anticipation of later return or retrieval.

Also, here to waiting another year while Arioch makes more set models. :D
Well, he can probably reuse the hallways, and, let's be honest here, until we get back to Loroi Space, there probably won't be any new large sets after the hangar/shuttle bays; though I suppose there might be a cargo bay with debris from the Bellarmine along the way.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:38 am
by Absalom
My thought? At the very least Fireblade, and possibly the two others, will ride on the shuttle to the courier ship that he's taking to Seren. Beryl will go to the courier to convey the knowledge that she's already memorized (remember, it's part of her caste's duties), and (like e.g. Fireblade) might afterwards return to Tempest. Who, if anyone, that he's already met will travel with him, I don't have a clue.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:52 am
by TrashMan
Alex my got one helluva mouth.

"What's wrong with that one?"
"The little white-haired one?"


I speculate something bad will happen to the 51'st and Beryl and Fireblade will be stuck with Alex. Oh joy!


you know what we need? A image of Axled chilling in a chair with scantly-clad Loroi girls all over him...with a caption "Still Pimpin'".. or "PLAYA"

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:15 pm
by Aygar
Skaro wrote:Nice, a new page.

But does this mean that we won't be seeing Fireblade and Beryl for a while?
Absalom wrote:My thought? At the very least Fireblade, and possibly the two others, will ride on the shuttle to the courier ship that he's taking to Seren. Beryl will go to the courier to convey the knowledge that she's already memorized (remember, it's part of her caste's duties), and (like e.g. Fireblade) might afterwards return to Tempest. Who, if anyone, that he's already met will travel with him, I don't have a clue.
Keeping Alex's interface and security team as stable as possible seems like a good idea to me. Minimizes the chances for miss communications and maximizes their chances to get to know each other. So permanently attaching Beryl and Fireblade to Alex would seem like a good idea.

The Loroi leadership may also be happy to have a good reason to put Fireblade in a non-combat position for a while.

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:42 pm
by Count Casimir
TrashMan wrote:...with a caption "Still Pimpin'".. or "PLAYA"
With that cheezy animated "bling" font, too

Re: Page 100

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 9:34 pm
by Karst45
Well there will be Talon (she the pilot afterward, and we had hint of her being chatty)

Beryl will sure be there for a while, she have not learned English yet. Unless it happened off screen, but i doubt it since he said he had a few visit except for the guard that feed him

Fireblade unsure, she will stay as beryl body guard, and maybe because Still storm don't want to leave tempo "pupil" alone with him,

Cloud/shegirl. Who else will serve them tea?

Re: Page 100

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:10 am
by discord
bloody hell....should have seen it before, some pencil pushing higher ups have decided that humanity is a secret best kept dead, not for any military reason but to protect the loroi manifest destiny....the existence of humans itself is an affront to them....and that is the reason for a CQB that just has to happen....

Re: Page 100

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:20 am
by GeoModder
That would imply that both non-Loroi envoys on Prophet's Reason should have had an "unfortunate" accident as well...